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Examination Paper


Session : May 2013

Programme : Diploma in Mechanical Engineering


Date of Examination : July 25, 2013

Time : 8.00 am – 10.10 am Reading Time : 10 Minutes

Duration : 2 Hours 10 Minutes

Special Instructions :

Instructions : This paper consists of SIX (6) questions. Answer any FOUR (4) questions in the
answer booklet provided. All questions carry equal marks.

Materials permitted :

Non-Programmable Calculator

Materials provided :

Examiner(s) : Mr. Tony Ow Koon Seong

Moderator : Dr Chuah Keng Hoo

This paper consists of 5 printed pages, including the cover page.

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Instructions: This paper consists of SIX (6) questions. Answer any FOUR (4) questions in the
answer booklet provided. All questions carry equal marks.

Question 1

(a) A pump delivers water from a tank A (water surface elevation = 110 m) to tank B (water
surface elevation = 170 m) as shown in Figure Q1(a). The suction pipe is 45 m long (4f =
0.024) and 35 cm in diameter. The delivery pipe is 950 m long (4f = 0.022) and 25 cm in
diameter. The head discharge relationship for the pump is given by Hp = (90 – 8000 Q2),
where Hp is in meters and Q in m3/s. Neglecting all minor losses. Calculate :

(i) the discharge in the pipeline, and

(ii) the power delivered by the pump.

Figure Q1(a)
(13 marks)

(b) Describe the water hammer phenomena.

(5 marks)

(c) In a rigid pipe of 600 mm diameter and 3000 m length, provided with a valve at its end,
having a discharge of 0.585 m3/s. The density of water is 1000 kg/ m3. Find:

(i) the rise in pressure if the valve is closed in 20s, assuming the velocity of pressure
wave, C = 1500 m/s.

(ii) The original pipe is extended and the rise in pressure is measured to be 1.055 MPa
when the valve is closed in 2 seconds and the oscillation period of the pressure
wave is taken to be 3.53 s. Find the extension of the pipe, Δl.
(7 marks)
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Question 2

(a) Prove that the diameter of the nozzle, d is (D5/(8fL))0.25 when the power transmitted
through nozzle is maximum where D is the diameter of the pipe, f is the coefficient of
friction and L is the length of the pipe.
( 5 marks)

(b) Find the maximum power transmitted by a jet of water discharging freely out of the
nozzle fitted to a 400 m long pipe with a 120 mm diameter and co-efficient of friction as
0.008. The available head at the nozzle is 85 m. Neglecting minor losses.
(10 marks)

(c) A 2500m long pipeline is used for transmission of power. 120kW power is to be
transmitted through the pipe in which water having a pressure of 4000 kN/m2 at inlet is
flowing. If the pressure drop over the length of pipe is 800 kN/m2 and f =0.006, find:
(i) the diameter of the pipe, and
(ii) the efficiency of power transmission
(10 marks)

Question 3

(a) The rectangular channel will be most economical when the depth of flow, y is equal to
half the base width, b and the hydraulic radius, m is equal to half the depth of flow, y.
Prove it.
(8 marks)

(b) A trapezoidal channel having a cross-sectional area A1, wetted perimeter P1, Manning’s
co-efficient N, and laid to a slope, i carries a discharge Q, at a depth of flow equal to y. To
increase the discharge, the base width of the channel is widened by x. Keeping all other
parameters same, prove that

( ) ( ) ( )
(17 marks)

Question 4

(a) A gas with a velocity of 300 m/s is flowing through the upstream of a pipe where the
pressure is 78 kN/m2 absolute and temperature 40C. The pipe changes in diameter and
slopes down at 10° in the flow direction at this section. At the downstream, the gas is
flowing at 97 m/s. The length of the pipe is 500 m. Find the pressure of the gas at the
downstream if the flow of the gas is adiabatic. Take R = 287 J/kg K and  = 1.4.
Neglecting all losses.
(12 marks)

(b) Explain how shock wave occurs.

(3 marks)
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(c) A normal shock wave occurs in a diverging section when air is flowing at a velocity of
350 m/s, pressure of 100 kPa and temperature of 10°C. Determine :

(i) the Mach number before and after the shock,

(ii) the pressure rise, and
(iii) the velocity and temperature after the shock.
(10 marks)

Question 5

(a) Hydraulic turbines can be classified into impulse turbine and reaction turbine. What are
the differences between these two turbines?
(6 marks)

(b) A Pelton wheel nozzle, for which Cv = 0.97, is 350 m below the water surface of a lake.
The jet diameter is 90 mm, the pipe diameter is 0.6 m, its length is 4 km and friction
factor of 0.008. The buckets deflect the jet through 165o and they run at 0.48 times the jet
speed, bucket friction reducing the relative velocity at outlet by 15% of the relative
velocity at inlet. Mechanical efficiency = 88 %. Determine:

(i) the flow rate,

(ii) the shaft power developed by the turbine.
(19 marks)

Question 6

(a) List out the names and functions of the four main components of a centrifugal pump.
(12 marks)

(b) A centrifugal pump delivers water against a net head of 14.5 m and a design speed of
1000 r.p.m.. The vanes are curved back to an angle of 30° with the periphery. The
impeller diameter is 300 mm and outlet width 50 mm. Determine the discharge of the
pump if manometric efficiency is 95%.
(13 marks)

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Shock Wave

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