Communication Industry

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Communications in India

India's telecommunication network is the second largest in the world based on the total
number of telephone users (both fixed and mobile phone). It has one of the lowest call
tariffs in the world enabled by the mega telephone networks and hyper-competition
among them. It has the world's third-largest Internet user-base with over 137 million as of
June 2012. Major sectors of the Indian telecommunication industry are telephony,
internet and television broadcasting.
Telephone Industry in the country which is in an ongoing process of transforming into
next generation network, employs an extensive system of modern network elements such
as digital telephone exchanges, mobile switching centers, media gateways and signaling
gateways at the core, interconnected by a wide variety of transmission systems using
fiber-optics or Microwave radio relay networks. The access network, which connects
the subscriber to the core, is highly diversified with different copper-pair, optic-fiber
and wireless technologies. DTH, a relatively new broadcasting technology has attained
significant popularity in the Television segment. The introduction of private FM has
given a fillip to the radio broadcasting in
India. Telecommunication in India has greatly been supported by the INSAT system of
the country, one of the largest domestic satellite systems in the world. India possesses a
diversified communications system, which links all parts of the country by telephone,
Internet, radio, television and satellite.
Indian telecom industry underwent a high pace of market liberalization and growth since
1990s and now has become the world's most competitive and one of the fastest growing
telecom markets. The Industry has grown over twenty times in just ten years, from under
37 million subscribers in the year 2001 to over 846 million subscribers in the year 2011.
India has the world's second-largest mobile phone user base with over 929.37 million users
as of May 2012.It has the world's third-largest Internet user-base with over 137 million as
of June 2012. The total revenue of the Indian telecom sector grew by 7% to 283207 crore
(US$45 billion) for 2010–11 financial year, while revenues from telecom equipment
segment stood at 117039 crore (US$19 billion).
Telecommunication has supported the socioeconomic development of India and has
played a significant role to narrow down the rural-urban digital divide to some extent. It
also has helped to increase the transparency of governance with the introduction of e-
governance in India. The government has pragmatically used modern telecommunication
facilities to deliver mass education programmers for the rural folk of India.

The history of Indian telecom can be started with the introduction of telegraph. The
Indian postal and telecom sectors are one of the world’s oldest. In 1850, the first
experimental electric telegraph line was started between Calcutta and Diamond
Harbour. In 1851, it was opened for the use of the British East India Company. The Posts
and Telegraphs department occupied a small corner of the Public Works Department, at
that time. Subsequently, the construction of 4,000 miles (6,400 km) of telegraph lines
connecting Kolkata (then Calcutta) and Peshawar in the north along with Agra, Mumbai
(then Bombay) through Sindwa Ghats, and Chennai (then Madras) in the south, as well as
Ootacamund and Bangalore was started in November 1853. William O'Shaughnessy, who
pioneered the telegraph and telephone in India, belonged to the Public Works
Department, and worked towards the development of telecom throughout this period.
A separate department was opened in 1854 when telegraph facilities were opened to the
public. In 1890, two telephone companies namely The Oriental Telephone Company Ltd.
and The Anglo-Indian Telephone Company Ltd. approached the Government of India to
establish telephone exchanges in India. The permission was refused on the grounds that
the establishment of telephones was a Government monopoly and that the Government
itself would undertake the work. In 1891, the Government later reversed its earlier
decision and a license was granted to the Oriental Telephone Company Limited of
England for opening telephone exchanges at Calcutta, Bombay, Madras and Ahmadabad
and the first formal telephone service was established in the country. On 28 January
1882, Major E. Baring, Member of the Governor General of India's Council declared open
the Telephone Exchanges in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras. The exchange in Calcutta
named the "Central Exchange" had a total of 93 subscribers in its early stage. Later that
year, Bombay also witnessed the opening of a telephone exchange.

A microwave tower for short

Distance (~50 km) communication More than half of the mobile phones sold in India in
2012 were smart phones

Further developments and milestones
Pre-1902 – Cable telegraph
1902 – First wireless telegraph station established between Sagar Island and Sandhead.
1907 – First Central Battery of telephones introduced in Kanpur.
1913–1914 – First Automatic Exchange installed in Shimla.
1927 – Radio-telegraph system between the UK and India, with Imperial Wireless Chain
beam stations at Khadki and Daund. Inaugurated by Lord Irwin on 23 July by exchanging
greetings with King George V.
1933 – Radiotelephone system inaugurated between the UK and India.
1953 – 12 channel carrier system introduced.
1960 – First subscriber trunk dialing route commissioned between Lucknow and Kanpur.
1975 – First PCM system commissioned between Mumbai City and Andheri telephone
1976 – First digital microwave junction.
1979 – First optical fibre system for local junction commissioned at Pune.

1980 – First satellite earth station for domestic communications established at

Sikandarabad, U.P.
1983 – First analogue Stored Programme Control exchange for trunk lines commissioned
at Mumbai.
1984 – C-DOT established for indigenous development and production of digital
1995 – First mobile telephone service started on non-commercial basis on 15 August 1995
in Delhi.
1995 – Internet Introduced in India starting with Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai and
Pune on 15 August

Development of Broadcasting: Radio broadcasting was initiated in 1927 but became state
responsibility only in 1930. In 1937 it was given the name All India Radio and since 1957 it
has been called Akashvani. Limited duration of television programming began in 1959, and
complete broadcasting followed in 1965. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
owned and maintained the audio-visual apparatus—including the television channel
Doordarshan—in the country prior to the economic reforms of 1991. In 1997, an
autonomous body was established in the name of Prasar Bharti to take care of the
public service broadcasting under the Prasar Bharti Act. All India Radio and
Doordarshan, which earlier were working as media units under the Ministry of I&B
became constituents of the body.

Pre-liberalization statistics: While all the major cities and towns in the country were
linked with telephones during the British period, the total number of telephones in 1948
numbered only around 80,000. Post independence, growth remained slow because the
telephone was seen more as a status symbol rather than being an instrument of utility.
The number of telephones grew leisurely to 980,000 in 1971, 2.15 million in 1981 and 5.07
million in 1991, the year economic reforms were initiated in the country.


Liberalization of Indian telecommunication industry started in 1981 when Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi signed contracts with Alcatel CIT of Franceto merge with the state
owned Telecom Company (ITI), in an effort to set up 5,000,000 lines per year. But soon
the policy was let down because of political opposition. Attempts to liberalise the
telecommunication industry were continued by the following government under the
primeminister- ship of Rajiv Gandhi. He invited Sam Pitroda, a US-based Non-resident
Indian NRI and a former Rockwell International executive to set up a Centre for
Development of Telematics(C-DOT) which manufactured electronic telephone
exchanges in India for the first time.[17] Sam Pitroda had a significant role as a
consultant and adviser in the development of telecommunication in India.In 1985, the
Department of Telecom (DoT) was separated from Indian Post & Telecommunication
Department. DoT was responsible for telecom services in entire country until 1986 when
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) and Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
(VSNL) were carved out of DoT to run the telecom services of metro cities (Delhi and
Mumbai) and international long distance operations respectively.
The demand for telephones was ever increasing and in 1990s Indian government was
under increasing pressure to open up the telecom sector for private investment as a part
of Liberalisation-Privatisation-Globalisation policies that the government had to accept
to overcome the severe fiscal crisis and resultant balance of payments issue in 1991.
Consequently, private investment in the sector of Value Added Services (VAS) was
allowed and cellular telecom sector were opened up for competition from private
investments. It was during this period that the Narsimha Rao-led government introduced
the National Telecommunications policy (NTP) in 1994 which brought changes in the
following areas: ownership, service and regulation of telecommunications infrastructure.
The policy introduced the concept of telecommunication for all and its vision was to
expand the telecommunication facilities to all the villages in India.Liberalisation in the
basic telecom sector was also envisaged in this policy. They were also successful in
establishing joint ventures between state owned telecom companies and international

players. Foreign firms were eligible to 49% of the total stake. The multi-nationals were
just involved in technology transfer, and not policy making.
During this period, the World Bank and ITU had advised the Indian Government to
liberalise long distance services to release the monopoly of the state owned DoT and
VSNL and to enable competition in the long distance carrier business which would help
reduce tariff's and better the economy of the country. The Rao run government instead
liberalised the local services, taking the opposite political parties into confidence and
assuring foreign involvement in the long distance business after 5 years. The country was
divided into 20 telecommunication circles for basic telephony and 18 circles for mobile
services. These circles were divided into category A, B and C depending on the value of
the revenue in each circle. The government threw open the bids to one private company
per circle along with government owned DoT per circle. For cellular service two service
providers were allowed per circle and a 15 years licence was given to each provider.
During all these improvements, the government did face oppositions from ITI, DoT,
MTNL, VSNL and other labour unions, but they managed to keep away from all the
In 1997, the government set up TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) which
reduced the interference of Government in deciding tariffs and policy making. The
political powers changed in 1999 and the new government under the leadership of Atal
Bihari Vajpayee was more pro-reforms and introduced better liberalisation policies. In
2000, the Vajpayee government constituted the Telecom Disputes Settlement and
Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) through an amendment of the TRAI Act, 1997.The primary
objective of TDSAT's establishment was to release TRAI from adjudicatory and dispute
settlement functions in order to strengthen the regulatory framework. Any dispute
involving parties like licensor, licensee, service provider and consumers are resolved by
TDSAT. Moreover, any direction, order or decision of TRAI can be challenged by
appealing in TDSAT. The government corporatized the operations wing of DoT on 1
October 2000 and named it as Department of Telecommunication Services (DTS) which
was later named as Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). The proposal of raising the
stake of foreign investors from 49% to 74% was rejected by the opposite political parties
and leftist thinkers. Domestic business groups wanted the government to privatize
VSNL. Finally in April 2002, the government decided to cut its stake of 53% to 26% in
VSNL and to throw it open for sale to private enterprises. TATA finally took 25% stake
in VSNL. This was a gateway to many foreign investors to get entry into the Indian
Telecom Markets. After March 2000, the government became more liberal in making
policies and issuing licenses to private operators. The government further reduced
license fees for cellular service providers and increased the allowable stake to 74% for
foreign companies. Because of all these factors, the service fees finally reduced and the
call costs were cut greatly enabling every common middle-class family in India to afford a
cell phone. Nearly 32 million handsets were sold in India.
The data reveals the real potential for growth of the Indian mobile market. Many private
operators, such as Reliance Communications, Tata Indicom, Vodafone, Loop Mobile,
Airtel, Idea etc., successfully entered the high potential Indian telecom market.

In March 2008 the total GSM and CDMA mobile subscriber base in the country was 375
million, which represented a nearly 50% growth when compared with previous year. As
the unbranded Chinese cell phones which do not have International Mobile Equipment
Identity (IMEI) numbers pose a serious security risk to the country, Mobile network
operators therefore suspended the usage of around 30 million mobile phones (about 8%
of all mobiles in the country) by 30 April. Phones without valid IMEI cannot be
connected to cellular operators. 5–6 years the average monthly subscribers additions
were around 0.05 to 0.1 million only and the total mobile subscribers base in December
2002 stood at 10.5 millions. However, after a number of proactive initiatives taken by
regulators and licensors, the total number of mobile subscribers has increased rapidly to
over 929 million subscribers as of May 2012.
India has opted for the use of both the GSM (global system for mobile communications)
and CDMA (code-division multiple access) technologies in the mobile sector. In addition
to landline and mobile phones, some of the companies also provide the WLL service. The
mobile tariffs in India have also become lowest in the world. A new mobile connexion can
be activated with a monthly commitment of US$0.15 only. In 2005 alone additions
increased to around 2 million per month in 2003–04 and 2004–05.

National Telecom Policy 1994

The National Telecom Policy 1994 drafted by the Department of Telecommunication
(DOT), Government of India, resulted from the fast change in the overall scenario of
the Indian telecommunication industry. Further, the National Telecom Policy 1994 of
India made a number of amendments to the preceding telecommunication policy of India.
This was affected to compliment the stupendous growth of the Indian
telecommunication industry. The 'Telecom Regulatory Authority of India' (TRAI) and
'Department of Telecommunication' (DOT) are the two main governing bodies of the
Indian telecommunication industry.
The highlights of the National Telecom Policy 1994 of India are as follows -
 To facilitate telecommunication for all
 Ensuring quick availability of telephone connectivity through efficient service
 Achieve universal service access at reasonable cost, connecting all Indian villages
 Providing world class telecommunication services
 Solving consumer complaints, resolve disputes, and special attention to be given to
public interface
 To provide the widest possible range of products and services at affordable price,
to all Indians
 To emerges as a major manufacturing industry and major exporter of
telecommunication equipment
 To protect the defense and security interests of India

Some notable points of the Indian National Telecommunication Policy 1994 are as follows
 Creating world class telecommunication infrastructure to meet the
communication requirements of IT, ITES, media and other IT based industry
 Easy and affordable access to basic telecommunication services across all the
states of India
 Affordable and efficient basic telephony facility to each and every applicant
 Provision for world class service to all uncovered and rural areas of India
 Establishment of modern and efficient telecommunication infrastructure to meet
the requirements of modern India
 Continual up gradation of the Indian telecommunication sector and provide an
equal opportunity for all the telecommunication service providers doing business
in India
 Strengthening R&D on telecommunication hardware and software
 Efficient and unbiased spectrum management
 Facilitating protection of the Indian defense and security systems
 Facilitating the Indian telecommunication companies to reach global standards
 Facilitate world class products and services at affordable prices
 Institutionalize the Department Of Telecommunication (DOT), Government of
India and help it function as a corporate body
 To make telephone available within 48 hours of such demand
 To reach tele-density of 9.91 by the end of 31st March 2007 (which has been
 Facilitate reliable communication relay media to all telephone exchanges
 Provide high-speed data and multimedia connections using technologies like ISDN
across all towns, having population strength of two lakh or more

The main contributing factors for the tremendous success of the Indian National
Telecom Policy 1994 are as follows -
 Investor friendly TRAI telecommunication policies
 Low operational cost of telecommunication industry in the domestic market
 Access to world class infrastructure at cheap cost
 Availability of huge English speaking workforce
 Availability of strong technical education amongst the majority of Indians
 Access to huge number of science and engineering graduates
 Assurance of high quality output
 Access to highly skilled workforce
 Use of innovative technologies
 High entrepreneurship skills
 Good relationship with client and expansion of existing relationships
 Huge success in overseas markets and easy creation of global brands
 Huge untapped market, across all industries especially, in IT and ITES industries
 Ever growing domestic market, especially the market in rural India offers
tremendous scope
 Increased manufacturing of electronics and hardware components in India
 Aggressive of R&D in telecommunication domain
 Increased penetration of computers across all sections of Indian society
 Increased utilization of Internet
 Steady growth of the domestic software market
 Development of local language software, especially for the use of rural mass of
 Increased use of Information Technology to increase productivity
 Increased use of Information Technology as a means of generating employment
 Increased number and quality of training facilities across India
Policy Framework of Telecom Policy 1999
The policy framework of Telecom Policy 1999, as promulgated by the Department of
Telecommunication (DOT), Government of India, was the result of stupendous
development in the overall growth of the Indian telecommunication industry. The
'Telecom Regulatory Authority of India' (TRAI) and 'Department of Telecommunication'
(DOT) are the two main governing bodies of the Indian telecommunication industry and
the policy framework of Telecom Policy 1999 was drafted by them in accordance with
the provisions of the Indian Telecommunication Acts and Rules. The process of
revamping of the Indian telecommunication policy of 1994 was effected, to
accommodate the rapid growth of the Indian telecommunication sector during the
aforesaid period.
The policy framework of Telecom Policy 1999 was drafted as an intermediate plan
covering the Ninth Plan of Indian Telecommunication Industry. Further, to compliment
the stupendous growth of the Indian telecommunication industry, the policy framework
of Telecom Policy 1999 were made more coherent and in tandem with the growing
demands of the Indian telecommunication industry.

The highlights of the policy framework of Telecom Policy 1999 of India are as follows -
 To facilitate affordable and effective telecommunication to every citizen of India
 Ensuring quick availability of telephone connections
 Achieve universal service access at affordable and reasonable price
 Provision for world class service to all uncovered and rural areas of India
 Encourage the development of telecommunication facilities in remote, hilly and
tribal areas of India
 Convert Public Call Offices into Public Teleinfo centers and it should offer
multimedia services like government and business
 information systems, Integrated Service Digital Network services, remote database
access, etc
 Providing world class telecommunication services to each and every applicant
 Attending to customer's complaints, resolve disputes, and increased public
 Provide the widest possible range of products and services at affordable price, to
all Indians
 Emerge as a major manufacturing country and major exporter of
telecommunication equipment
 To protect the defense and security interests of India
 Create world class telecommunication infrastructure to meet the communication
requirements of IT, ITES, media and other IT based industry, and integrate them
to become an IT super power
 Easy, efficient and affordable access to basic telecommunication services across
all the states of India
 Facilitate reliable communication relay media to all telephone exchanges
 Establishment of modern and efficient telecommunication infrastructure to meet
the industrial demand of modern India
 Continual modernization of the Indian telecommunication sector and provide an
equal level playing field for all the telecommunication service providers
 Strengthening R&D on telecommunication and create a world class industry at par
with international standards
 Efficient and unbiased spectrum allocation and management
 Provide protection of the Indian defense and security systems
 Helping the Indian telecommunication companies to reach global standards
 Facilitate world class products and services at affordable prices
 Institutionalize the Department Of Telecommunication (DOT), to help them
function as independent corporate bodies
Policy Initiatives by Govt. of India in the Telecommunication Sector
Policy Initiatives by Govt. of India in the Telecommunication Sector have been one of
the largest causes for the success of the telecom market in India. The national parties
before the administrative unit have lifted private telecom units based on license-fee.
The government of India has adopted a new economic policy for the telecommunication
market in India. This policy has been effective from 1994 and the Govt. of India with the
aim to accelerate India's growth in export production and international market
formulated it. The national telecom policy as has been designed by the government of
India also ensures foreign direct investment and exhilarating domestic investiture. This
national economic policy of telecom department demands superior quality
telecommunication services and therefore the development of telecom services are to
be given the utmost importance to attain the peak of success. The national telecom
policy covers the following objectives:
 Telephone should be made available every where which will be in need of it
 All the villages should be entitled to universal telecom services, that is, all the
people should be able to enjoy the telecom services at low-priced range
 The telecom services should be of global standard and all the grievances from
consumers, disputations and public interface should be taken care of at the
earliest possible time
 India being one of the biggest country should encompass a major manufacturing
unit as well as exporter of the telecom products across the globe
 The telecom department is also responsible for the security issues of the country
At present, about 0.8 percent of Indians possess telephones as compare to around 10
percent of telephone owners per hundred persons. The statistics is also quite less than
many developing countries of Asia such as, China which has 1.7 percent of persons
possessing telephones, Pakistan with 2 percent, and Malaysia has 13 percent of the same.
The government of India has planned up for a revision of the VII Telecom plan for 1997
and set some new targets for it. The targets for the revised telecom plan demands the
availability of telephone as per the requirement, by 1997 all the villages should be availed
the telecom facilities, a PCO should be set up within the range of every 500 persons in
urban areas. The globally organized value added services in the telecom department
should also be introduced in India to make its standard at par with the global market.

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Special Features of the National Telecom Policy 2012

The NTP 2012 looks to provide telecom services that are safe, trustworthy and offers
commendable quality and are available anywhere anytime. Its main purpose is to help
make India’s socio-economic development more inclusive.

The policy focuses on creating a multiplier effect and making sure that the telecom
services play a crucial role in the national economic development. The other major areas
of focus can be enumerated as below:
1. Upping the teledensity in the rural areas. At present it is 39 percent. The NTP 2012
looks to take it to 70% in the next 5 years and 100% in the coming 8 years
2. Simplifying the licensing procedures and rules – making sure licenses and spectrum
are not linked and real time processing and submission is possible on the internet
3. Making the cell phone a critical instrument in overall empowerment
4. Doing away with roaming and achieving complete mobile number portability across
the nation.
5. Broadband connection, at the download speed of at least 2 Mbps
6. Reselling services
7. Making India a global manufacturing center
8. Voice over internet protocol
9. Integrating network, devices, and services
10. Cloud computing and next generation network that will be inclusive of IPV6
11. Liberalizing spectrum so that services are not bound by technological constraints

Major sectors of telecommunication industry in India are telephony, internet, Data
centers and broadcasting.
The telephony segment is dominated by private-sector and two state-run businesses.
Most companies were
formed by a recent revolution and restructuring launched within a decade, directed by
Ministry of Communications and IT, Department of Telecommunications and Minister
of Finance. Since then, most companies gained 2G, 3G and 4G licences and engaged
fixed-line, mobile and internet business in India. On landlines, intra-circle calls are
considered local calls while inter-circle are considered long distance calls. Foreign Direct
Investment policy which increased the foreign ownership cap from 49% to 74%. Currently

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Government is working to integrate the whole country in one telecom circle. For long
distance calls, the area code prefixed with a zero is dialled first which is then followed
by the number (i.e. To call Delhi, 011 would be dialled first followed by the phone
number). For international calls, "00" must be dialled first followed by the country code,
area code and local phone number. The country code for India is 91. Several
international fibre-optic links include those to Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Russia,
and Germany. Some major telecom operators in India include Airtel, Vodafone, Idea,
Aircel, BSNL, MTNL, Reliance Communications, TATA Teleservices, Infotel, MTS,
Uninor, TATA DoCoMo, Videocon, Augere, Tikona Digital.

Fixed Telephony
Until the New Telecom Policy was announced in 1999, only the Government-owned BSNL
and MTNL were allowed to provide land-line phone services through copper wire in
India with MTNL operating in Delhi and Mumbai and BSNL servicing all other areas of
the country. Due to the rapid growth of the cellular phone industry in India, landlines
are facing stiff competition from cellular operators. This has forced land-line service
providers to become more efficient and improve their quality of service. Land-line
connexions are now also available on demand, even in high density urban areas. India has
over 31 million main line customers.

Cellular phone tower atop the roof of a building

In August 1995, Chief Minister of West Bengal, Shri Jyoti Basu ushered in the cellphone
revolution in India by making the first call to Union Telecom Minister Sukhram.Sixteen
years later 4th generation services were launched in Kolkata.

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With a subscriber base of more than 929 million, the Mobile telecommunications system
in India is the second largest in the world and it was thrown open to private players in
the 1990s. GSM was comfortably maintaining its position as the dominant mobile
technology with 80% of the mobile subscriber market, but CDMA seemed to have
stabilised its market share at 20% for the time being. By May 2012 the country had 929
million mobile subscribers, up from 350 million just 40 months earlier. The mobile market
was continuing to expand at an annual rate in excess of 40% coming into 2010.
According to data provided by Minister of State for Communications and IT Milind
Deora, as of 30 November 2012, India has 7, 36,654 base transceiver stations (2G GSM &
CDMA, and 3G). Of those, 96,212 base transceiver stations provide 3G mobile and data
services. Out of India's 640 districts, 610 districts are covered by 3G services as of 30
November 2012.
The country is divided into multiple zones, called circles (roughly along state boundaries).
Government and several private players run local and long distance telephone services.
Competition has caused prices to drop and calls across India are one of the cheapest in
the world. The rates are supposed to go down further with new measures to be taken by
the Information Ministry.In September 2004, the number of mobile phone
connexions crossed the number of fixed-line connexions and presently dwarfs the
wireline segment by a ratio of around 20:1. The mobile subscriber base has grown by a
factor of over a hundred and thirty, from 5 million subscribers in 2001 to over 929 million
subscribers as of May 2012. India primarily follows the GSM mobile system, in the 900
MHz band. Recent operators also operate in the 1800 MHz band. The dominant players
are Airtel, Reliance Infocomm, Vodafone, Idea cellular and BSNL/MTNL. There are
many smaller players, with operations in only a few states. International roaming
agreements exist between most operators and many foreign carriers. The government
allowed Mobile number portability (MNP) which enables mobile telephone users to retain
their mobile telephone numbers when changing from one mobile network operator to
another.India is divided into 22 telecom circles:

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AIR Radio Tower

Typical signboards of STD booths

Internet in India
The history of the Internet in India started with launch of services by VSNL on 15
August 1995. They were able to add about 10,000 Internet users within 6 months.]
However, for the next 10 years the Internet experience in the country remained less
attractive with narrow-band connections having speeds less than 56 kbit/s (dial-up). In
2004, the government formulated its broadband policy which defined broadband as "an
always-on Internet connection with download speed of 256 kbit/s or above." From 2005
onward the growth of the broadband sector in the country accelerated, but remained
below the growth estimates of the government and related agencies due to resource
issues in last-mile access which were predominantly wired-line technologies. This
bottleneck was removed in 2010 when the government auctioned 3G spectrum followed
by an equally high profile auction of 4G spectrum that set the scene for a competitive
and invigorated wireless broadband market. Now Internet access in India is provided by
both public and private companies using a variety of technologies and media including
dial-up (PSTN), xDSL, coaxial cable, Ethernet, FTTH, ISDN, HSDPA (3G), WiFi, WiMAX,
etc. at a wide range of speeds and costs. The country has the world's third largest
number of Internet users with over 121 million users (59% of who only access the Internet
via mobile devices) in December 2011.
As of December 2011, total Internet connections stood at 22.39 million, with estimated
users exceeding 121 million. The number of broadband subscribers at the end of May
2013 was 15.13 million. Cumulative Annual Growth rate (CAGR) of broadband during the
five-year period between 2005 and 2010 was about 117 per cent. DSL, while holding
slightly more than 75% of the local broadband market, was steadily losing market share to
other non-DSL broadband platforms, especially to wireless broadband.

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There were 161 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offering broadband services in India as
of 31 May 2013. The top five ISPs in terms subscriber base were BSNL (9.96 million),
Bharti Airtel (1.40 million), MTNL (1.09 million), Hathway (0.36 million) and You
Broadband (0.31 million). Cyber cafes remain the major source of Internet access. In
2009, about 37 per cent of the users access the Internet from cyber cafes, 30 per cent
from an office, and 23 per cent from home. However, the number of mobile Internet
users increased rapidly from 2009 on and there were about 274 million mobile users at the
end of September 2010, with a majority using 2G mobile networks. Mobile Internet
subscriptions as reported by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in March
2011 increased to 381 million.
One of the major issues facing the Internet segment in India is the lower average
bandwidth of broadband connections compared to that of developed countries.
According to 2007 statistics, the average download speed in India hovered at about 40
KB per second (256 kbit/s), the minimum speed set by TRAI.
Wireless Internet
2nd Generation Internet is the most prevalent in India. Wireless ISPs in India use both
CDMA and Edge technologies for 2G.
India's wireless Internet Frequencies are
 2G : GSM 900 MHz, GSM 1800 MHz
 3G : UMTS 2100 MHz
 4G : LTE 2300 MHz
Data centres
 CtrlS Datacenters Ltd
 Tata Communications Limited
 Netmagic Solutions
 Reliance Datacenter
 Web Werks IDC
 Net4 Datacenter
 RackBank Datacenter

Main articles: Media of India, Television in India, and List of Indian television stations
INSAT-1B satellite: Broadcasting sector in India is highly dependent on INSAT system.

Television broadcasting began in India in 1959 by Doordarshan, a state run medium of

communication, and had slow expansion for more than two decades.The policy reforms
of the government in 1990s attracted private initiatives in this sector, and since then,
satellite television has increasingly shaped popular culture and Indian society. However,

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still, only the government owned Doordarshan has the licence for terrestrial television
broadcast. Private companies reach the public using satellite channels; both cable
television as well as DTH has obtained a wide subscriber base in India. In 2012, India had
about 148 million TV homes of which 126 million has access to cable and satellite services.

Following the economic reforms in 1990s, satellite television channels from around the
world—BBC, CNN, CNBC, and other private television channels gained a foothold in
the country.There are no regulations to control the ownership of satellite dish antennas
and also for operating cable television systems in India, which in turn has helped for an
impressive growth in the viewership. The growth in the number of satellite channels was
triggered by corporate business houses such as Star TV group and Zee TV. Initially
restricted to music and entertainment channels, viewership grew, giving rise to several
channels in regional languages, especially Hindi. The main news channels available were
CNN and BBC World. In the late 1990s, many current affairs and news channels
sprouted, becoming immensely popular because of the alternative viewpoint they offered
compared to Doordarshan. Some of the notable ones are Aaj Tak (run by the India
Today group) and STAR News, CNN-IBN, Times Now, initially run by the NDTV group
and their lead anchor, Prannoy Roy (NDTV now has its own channels, NDTV 24x7,
NDTV Profit and NDTV India). Over the years, Doordarshan services also have grown
from a single national channel to six national and eleven regional channels. Nonetheless,
it has lost the leadership in market, though it underwent many phases of modernization
in order to contain tough competition from private channels.

Today, television is the most penetrative media in India with industry estimates
indicating that there are over 554 million TV consumers, 462 million with satellite
connexions, compared to other forms of mass media such as radio or
internet.Government of India has used the popularity of TV and radio among rural
people for the implementation of many social-programmes including that of mass-
education. On 16 November 2006, the Government of India released the community radio
policy which allowed agricultural centres, educational institutions and civil society
organisations to apply for community based FM broadcasting licence. Community Radio
is allowed 100 Watt Effective Radiated Power (ERP) with a maximum tower height of 30
metres. The licence is valid for five years and one organisation can only get one licence,
which is non-transferable and to be used for community development purposes.

Next-generation networks (NGN)

Historically, the role of telecommunication has evolved from that of plain information
exchange to a multi-service field, with Value Added Services (VAS) integrated with
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various discrete networks like PSTN, PLMN, Internet Backbone etc. However, with
decreasing ARPU and increasing demand for VAS has become a compelling reason for
the service providers to think of the convergence of these parallel networks into a single
core network with service layers separated from network layer.Next-generation
networking is such a convergence concept which according to ITU-T is
A next-generation network (NGN) is a packet-based network which can provide services
including Telecommunication Services and able to make use of multiple broadband,
quality of Service-enabled transport technologies and in which service-related functions
are independent from underlying transport-related technologies. It offers unrestricted
access by users to different service providers. It supports generalized mobility which will
allow consistent and ubiquitous provision of services to users.

Access network: The user can connect to the IP-core of NGN in various ways, most of
which use the standard Internet Protocol (IP). User terminals such as mobile phones,
personal digital assistants (PDAs) and computers can register directly on NGN-core,
even when they are roaming in another network or country. The only requirement is that
they can use IP and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Fixed access (e.g., Digital
Subscriber Line (DSL), cable modems, Ethernet), mobile access (e.g. W-CDMA,
CDMA2000, GSM, GPRS) and wireless access (e.g.WLAN, WiMAX) are all supported.
Other phone systems like plain old telephone service and non-compatible VoIP systems,
are supported through gateways. With the deployment of the NGN, users may subscribe
to many simultaneous access-providers providing telephony, internet or entertainment
services. This may provide end-users with virtually unlimited options to choose between
service providers for these services in NGN environment.

The hyper-competition in telecom market, which was effectively caused by the

introduction of Universal Access Service (UAS) licence in 2003 became much tougher
after 3G and 4G competitive auction. About 670,000 route-kilometer (419,000 mile) of
optical fibres has been laid in India by the major operators, including in the financially
nonviable rural areas and the process continues.[citation needed] Keeping in mind the viability
of providing services in rural areas, the government of India also took a proactive role to
promote the NGN implementation in the country; an expert committee called NGN eCO
was constituted in order to deliberate on the licensing, interconnection and Quality of
Service (QoS) issues related to NGN and it submitted its report on 24 August 2007.
Telecom operators found the NGN model advantageous, but huge investment
requirements have prompted them to adopt a multi-phase migration and they have
already started the migration process to NGN with the implementation of IP-based core-

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Recent government policies and growth targets
This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this
section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be
challenged and removed. (June 2013)

 All villages shall receive telecom facilities by the end of 2002.

 A Communication Convergence Bill introduced in the Parliament on 31 August
2001 is presently before the Standing Committee of Parliament on Telecom and IT.
 National Long Distance Service (NLD) is opened for unrestricted entry
 The International Long Distance Services (ILDS) have been opened to
 The basic services are open to competition
 In addition to the existing three, a fourth cellular operator, one each in four
metros and thirteen circles, has been permitted. Cellular operators have been
permitted to provide all types of mobile services including voice and non-voice
messages, data services and PCOs utilising any type of network equipment,
including circuit and/or package switches that meet certain required standards.
 Policies allowing private participation have been announced as per the New
Telecom Policy (NTP), 1999 in several new services, which include Global Mobile
Personal Communication by Satellite (GMPCS) Service, digital Public Mobile Radio
Trunked Service (PMRTS) and Voice Mail/ Audiotex/ Unified Messaging Services.
 Wireless Local Loop (WLL) has been introduced to provide telephone connexions
in urban, semi-urban and rural areas promptly.
 Two telecom PSUs, VSNL and HTL have been disinvested.
 Steps are being taken to fulfill Universal Service Obligation (USO), funding, and
 A decision to permit Community Phone Service has been announced.
 Multiple Fixed Service Providers (FSPs) licensing guidelines were announced.
 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have been allowed to set up International
Internet Gateways, both Satellite and Landing stations for submarine optical fibre
 Two categories of infrastructure providers have been allowed to provide end-to-
end bandwidth and dark fibre, right of way, towers, duct space etc.
 Guidelines have been issued by the Government to open up Internet telephony (IP).
 National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN), a project aimed to ensure broadband
connectivity to over two lakh (200,000) gram panchayats of India by 2016.

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Regulatory environment

LIRNEasia's Telecommunications Regulatory Environment (TRE) index, which

summarises stakeholders' perception on certain TRE dimensions, provides insight into
how conducive the environment is for further development and progress. The most
recent survey was conducted in July 2008 in eight Asian countries, including Bangladesh,
India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan, Thailand, and the Philippines. The tool
measured seven dimensions: i) market entry; ii) access to scarce resources; iii)
interconnection; iv) tariff regulation; v) anti-competitive practices; and vi) universal
services; vii) quality of service, for the fixed, mobile and broadband sectors.

The results for India, point out to the fact that the stakeholders perceive the TRE to
be most conducive for the mobile sector followed by fixed and then broadband. Other
than for Access to Scarce Resources the fixed sector lags behind the mobile sector.
The fixed and mobile sectors have the highest scores for Tariff Regulation. Market
entry also scores well for the mobile sector as competition is well entrenched with most
of the circles with 4–5 mobile service providers. The broadband sector has the lowest
score in the aggregate. The low penetration of broadband of mere 3.87 against the policy
objective of 9 million at then end of 2007 clearly indicates that the regulatory
environment is not very conducive.

With the coming in of several new players the level of competition has increased,
tremendously in the telecom industry in India. Currently the industry is witnessing as
many as 15 players. According to the latest data by Telecom Regulatory Authority of
India of September 30, 2010, it is Bharti Airtel that is leading the communication sector
in India with 20.8 per cent market share, followed by Reliance Communication which
holds 17.1 per cent market share, Vodafone with 16.8 per cent market share, BSNL with
11.4 per cent market share, Tata with11.5 per cent, Idea with 10.8 per cent and Aircel
holding 6.8 per cent. The remaining market share is held by the other small players that
are relatively new in the industry.

Revenue and Profit of Top Company for year 2012

Company Revenue Profit
Bharti Airtel $9.290 billion $2.079 billion
Reliance $ 45.25 billion $ 99 million
BSNL 32,045 crore 78.06 crores
Tata Communications 11,025.56 crore 538.80 crore

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Major Mobile Phone Service Provider Companies in India
The Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, country’s largest cellular service operator was set up
in the year 2000. It is a state owned telecom company with its headquarters located in
New Delhi. BSNL is also the largest land line telephone establishment in India. As of
April, 2011 87.1 million users have been reported to be BSNL users.

Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) was set up in the year 1985, to run telecom
operations in the major metro cities of India, Mumbai and Delhi. Its headquarters are
based in Mumbai. MTNL was the first company in India to initiate 3G services in India,
having the brand name of “MTNL 3G Jadoo Services” which provided options as Video
call, Mobile TV, Mobile Broadband etc to the customers.
Also known as Bharti Airtel Limited was started in July 1995, with its head office based
in New Delhi. Airtel runs its operations in as many as 19 countries across the world and is
also ranked fifth as telecom service provider globally. As of April 2011, figures show that
Airtel has over 164.61 million users which make it the biggest mobile service operator in
India. Its service includes both 2G and 3G facilities.
Reliance Communications
Also known as RCOM was set up in 2004, with its head office in Navi Mumbai. Reliance
Communications as of now has more than 128 million users all across the world.
Aircel was founded in 1999, with its head office in New Delhi. It is a joint enterprise
between Maxis Communications and the Apollo Hospitals.
Vodafone Essar
Vodafone Essar was founded in 1994 with its head office at Mumbai. Vodafone provides
services to 23 telecom circles across India.
Tata Indicom
The Tata Teleservices was founded in 1996, with its headquarters in Navi Mumbai.
Idea Cellular
Idea Cellular was started in 1995, with its head office in Mumbai. It also provides 3G
services to its subscribers.

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Virgin Mobile- Virgin Mobile started its services in India in 2008, March. It is a U.K.
based company. Uninor This Company is a joint venture between Telenor Group and
Unitech Group and was started in 2009.

 Nine satellite earth stations – 8 Intelsat (Indian Ocean) and 1 Inmarsat (Indian
Ocean region).Microwave
 Nine gateway exchanges operating from Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai,
Jalandhar, Kanpur, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad and Ernakulam.
Submarine cables
 LOCOM linking Chennai to Penang, Malaysia
 India-UAEcable linking Mumbai to Al Fujayrah, UAE.
 SEA-ME-WE 2 (South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 2)
 SEA-ME-WE 3 (South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 3) – Landing sites at
Cochin and Mumbai. Capacity of 960 Gbit/s.
 SEA-ME-WE 4 (South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 4) – Landing sites at
Mumbai and Chennai. Capacity of 1.28 Tbit/s.
 Fibre-Optic Link Around the Globe (FLAG-FEA) with a landing site at Mumbai
(2000). Initial design capacity 10 Gbit/s, upgraded in 2002 to 80 Gbit/s, upgraded to
over 1 Tbit/s (2005).
 TIISCS (Tata Indicom India-Singapore Cable System), also known as TIC (Tata
Indicom Cable), Chennai to Singapore. Capacity of 5.12 Tbit/s.
 i2i – Chennai to Singapore. Capacity of 8.4 Tbit/s.
 SEACOM From Mumbai to the Mediterranean, via South Africa. It currently joins
with SEA-ME-WE 4 off the west coast of Spain to carry traffic onward to London
(2009). Capacity of 1.28 Tbit/s.
 I-ME-WE (India-Middle East-Western Europe) with two landing sites at Mumbai
(2009). Capacity of 3.84 Tbit/s.
 EIG (Europe-India Gateway), landing at Mumbai (due Q2 2010).
 MENA (Middle East North Africa).
 TGN-Eurasia (Announced) Landing at Mumbai (due 2010?), Capacity of 1.28 Tbit/s
 TGN-Gulf (Announced) Landing at Mumbai (due 2011?), Capacity Unknown.

Mobile and Land line Telephone Manufacturing Companies in India

Nokia one of the leaders in the mobile industry and other communication devices is
headquartered at Finland. Nokia manufactures mobiles, mobile computers, is into
networking facilities and provides internet facilities through the Ovi brand etc. Nokia is
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also into research and development in the communication segment. Nokia runs its
operations through 9 manufacturing units across the globe. The manufacturing unit of
Nokia in India is located at Chennai.
Samsung Electronics is one of the major players in the communication industry, with its
head office at Seoul, South Korea. Samsung is spread globally across 65 countries with
several manufacturing units and sales offices. Samsung manufactures mobile phones,
appliances for household use etc. Samsung is also equally giving importance to research
and development in the communication field through the Company’s research and
development centers. Samsung Electronics India Software Operations (SISO) is one
such research and development units of Samsung Electronics Company Ltd. The
electronics and communication giant has over eleven research and development units
across the world
Sony Ericsson
Sony Erricson is a collaborative venture between electronic giants Sony and
telecommunication major Erricson. Sony Ericsson produces variety of communication
devices as Messaging phones, radio phones, Xperia phones, Bluetooth hands free,
Bluetooth watches, USB mobile modems etc.
BPL India
British Physical Laboratories (BPL India) started its operations in the country in 1963.
The head office is located at Mumbai, India. BPL India is one of the major electronics
companies of India producing many devices for household purposes, landline telephones.
Cordless telephones etc.
Beetel Teletech Limited:
Beetel Teletech Limited an enterprise of the Bharti Group was founded in 1976. The
brand is mostly into providing solutions for connectivity and other issues of Information
Technology. Beetel manufactures communication devices as fixed line telephones,
mobile phones, IT components etc.
Fax Machine Manufacturers in India

Canon India Pvt. Ltd. started its operation in India in the year 1997. Canon India is a
part of the Canon Singapore Pte. Ltd. Canon India has offices all across India. Canon
India manufactures devices like fax machines, scanners, inkjet and laser printers.
Panasonic Corporation is one of the major electronic companies in the world, with its
head office based in Japan. Panasonic manufactures household appliances, digital
appliances, communication devices as telephones, fax machines, PBX telephones etc.
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The Company was founded in 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard with its head
quarters at California, USA. The Company manufactures right from desktops,
notebooks to communication device as fax machines, printers which also provide other
facilities for scanning, copying, fax sending options etc.

India as an emerging Value-Added Services Market

As per a research conducted by KPMG, the Indian mobile value-added services (MVAS)
reached US$ 2.45 billion in FY December 2010. Value-Added Services account for almost
10 percent of the total revenues earned by the wireless industry. Furthermore the
revenues earned by VAS are going to increase by almost 12-13 per cent by the end of 2011.
To benefit from the emerging MVAS market in India, Reliance Communications and
Bharti Airtel Limited are all set to introduce online cellular phone applications in Indian
retail stores.

India as an emerging telecom equipment manufacturing Market

The manufacturing of Cellular phone in India is predicted to expand at an annual rate of
28.3% till the FY 2011. The production would automatically generate profits and is
predicted to increase at an annual rate of 26.6% till 2011, reaching the target of USD13.7

Chief Investments in the Communication Industry in India

Over the past one decade, the flourishing Indian Communication industry has been
successful in drawing the attention of conglomerates that have invested and are willing
to invest more in the sector. With the influx of new telecom giants in Indian market, the
investments are likely to gain immense momentum:

 As per data published by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion

(DIPP), the communications industry in India received foreign direct investment
(FDI) of about US$ 1.33 billion in January 2011. The total foreign direct investment
received by the sector from April 2010 to January 2011 is around US$ 10.26 billion.

 Investment of USD 6 bn by Vodafone Essar for the next 3 fiscal years in order to
expand its list of cellular phone subscribers to 100 million against the existing 40

 Telenor, Norway based telecom giant has purchased 7% of shares in Unitech

Wireless and now possesses 67.25% by bringing in an investment of USD 431.70

 Indian government owned telecom player, BSNL will invest USD1.17 billion in its
WiMax scheme.

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 A proposal of foreign direct investment worth USD 660.1 million by Federal
Agency for State Property Management of the Russian Federation has been
recently approved by the Indian government. The Agency would be acquiring 20%
stake in Sistema-Shyam after bringing in the investment.

 A USD 1 billion investment will be brought in by Tata Teleservices in its newly

introduced GSM facility Tata DoCoMo.


FDI in Indian Telecommunications Industry is likely to face a hike from the current 49
percent to 74 percent as has been announced by the Union cabinet on 2005. For that,
the Union Cabinet will take into account the concerns of security agencies and the left
This rise in the foreign direct investment in the telecommunication market in India will
enable companies like Bharti Tele-Ventures and Hutchison Essar to modulate the foreign
stakes in their companies that have already acquired a range between 67-69 percent of
their assets. Considering the unnerving growth in the telecom industry in India which
accounted for around 30 percent every year, the Union Cabinet decided for the hike in
foreign direct investment as it will facilitate the capital inflows in the industry. The
mobile segment acquires the largest share in the Indian telecom market as it has been
estimated to witness a double rise in the past 2 years.

Finance Minister of India, Mr. P. Chidambaram has proclaimed that the decision about
increasing the foreign direct investiture in the Indian telecom market have been decided
with the aim to draw more and more capital investments in the telecom sector which is
estimated to be the capital intensive telecom sector. This step has also been planned to
make the entire system in the telecom market lucid and methodical. It has also been
notified that 2 companies in the telecom sector in India have already experienced more
than 49 percent of foreign direct investment. FDI in Indian Telecommunications Industry
also demands the majority directors on the board that comprise of the chairman, the
managing director and the chief executive officer to be non-migratory Indian citizens.

The 74 shares occupied by the Indian telecommunication industry would involve all the
foreign direct investments that have mainly come from the non-residential Indians,
foreign currency convertible bonds, foreign institutional investors, convertible
preference shares, and depository receipts on an direct and indirect basis. The
companies that are receiving or will receive the foreign direct investment in the years to
come are prohibited from transferring any sort of information or data apropos foreign
direct investments or things related to that to the contributors or any destinations
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outside India. The step taken for the increase in the FDI in Indian telecom industry will
boost up the country's economic condition. Foreign direct investment is one of the major
contributors in the accretion of India's economy and thereby it has been highly needed
by each sector in Indian telecommunication industry. By 2007, the telecom sector will be
requiring 1, 60,000 crore for development purposes among which 30,000 will come from
the local markets.

FDI in Indian Telecommunications Industry is one of the most crucial parts that have
caused such a hike in the telecom market so far. India, in the past 15 years have received
10,000 crore of foreign direct investment and 26 percent of the sum have been invested
on the cellular segment. Besides the cellular and long distance sectors, the experts have
estimated a majority of foreign investment in the sectors such as V-Sat, Public Mobile
Radio Trunked Services and Global Mobile Personal Communications Services. These
segments have till now witnessed an FDI cap of about 49 percent in totality.

Graphic Communications Industry

The Graphic Communications Industry in India is on the rise. The future of the Indian
Graphic Communications Industry is very promising. The increasing need for the graphic
communication in the modern day commercial activity is the main factor behind the
rapid growth of the Indian Graphic Communications Industry. India for past few years
has experienced remarkable growth in the information technology sector. The graphic
communication is required by several industrial sector such as printing, advertising, film,
information technology enabled services, manufacturing sector, television sector, and
many other industries.

Top institutes catering the Indian Graphic Communications Industry:-

 IDC, IIT Bombay for Visual Communication, located at Mumbai

 Sristi for Visual Communication, located at Bangalore
 Pearl Academy for Communication Design located Delhi
 Dept. of Designing, IIT Guwahati for Communication Design, located at Assam
 NID for Communication Design, located at Ahmedabad
 Manipal Institute of Technology for Communication Design located at Manipal in
 Institute of Design for Graphic Design, located at Pune
 IIT Kanpur for Visual Communication Design, located at Kanpur
 Creative-i College of Arts for Applied Arts and Digital Arts, located at Pune
 Loyola College for Visual Communication, located at Chennai
 Wigan & Leigh for Advertising and Visual Communication, located at Delhi
 D J Academy of Design for Visual Communication, located at Coimbatore
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 Apeejay for Graphic Design located at Delhi
 IILM School of Design for Communication Design, located at Gurgaon
 Symbiosis for Communication Design locate at Pune
 Raffles Design Mumbai International Visual Communication

Indian Graphic Communications Industry-major players:-

Eastern India
 WYSIWYG, Kolkata
 Wired Valley, Kolkata
Northern India
 Design Worldwide, Delhi Gopika Chowfla, Delhi
 Fish Eye , Delhi 5th Quadrant, Delhi
 Autumn Design, Delhi Chaos India, Gurgaon
 Bounce Design, Gurgaon Desmania, Delhi
 Grafiosi, Delhi Idiom, N Delhi
 Holistic Design, Delhi In Solid Action, Delhi
 Itu Chaudhuri Design, Delhi Liquid Design, Delhi
 Lopez Design, Delhi Melange Design, Delhi
 Nexus Design, Delhi Satish Sud Graphics, Delhi
 Zorb Designs, Delhi White Ink, Delhi

Western India
 Aside, Mumbai
 Fractal Ink, Mumbai
 Creaa Design, Mumbai
 Bulls Eye Design, Mumbai
 Grandmotherindia, Mumbai
 Awchat Olsen, Mumbai
 Eureka Moment, Mumbai
 Design Temple, Mumbai
 Iternia, Pune
 GDO, Mumbai
South India
 Metamorph, Cochin, Kerala
 Altered Black, Bangalore
 Design Difference, Cochin
 Diorama Design, Bangalore

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 Dream & Magic, Bangalore
 SSC, Bangalore
 Design Core, Bangalore
 Forest Creative, Kerala
 Ixmod, Bangalore
 Tessaract, Bangalore
 3 Head Design, Bangalore
Indian Graphic Communications Industry-services:-
Video Production
 Business Communication
 Television Commercials
 Television Software
 Web Solutions services
 Content management
 Website design and development
 Development of Web application
 Web commercials
 Development and designing portal
 Web based tutorials
 Online games
 Web site and portal maintenance
 Web site re-design

E-Learning and project development stages

 Client briefing
 Needs analysis
 Planning of project
 Development of prototype
 Development
 Testing
 Feedback of client
 Final screening
 Delivery
 Final feedback

 3D Modeling
 3D Animation
 Special Effects
 2D Animation
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 Mobile Game Development
 Web Game Development
 Mobile Games & Application Porting
 Logo Design
 Print
 Illustration


Indian Communication Industry has a flourishing future in its value-added services

market. The pre-set target of the 11th plan from FY 2007 - 12 is to provide 600 million
cellular phone connectivity aided by an investment of USD 74 billion.

Moreover, it is estimated that by the FY 2012 the profits generated by Indian

Communication Industry will touch USD 55 billion against the current USD 31 billion.
Communications Industry Analysis
The Communications Industry Analysis of India suggests that the industry has registered
phenomenal growth since, the 1990s. The Government of India came out of its old
monopoly-market concept to open-market policy regime. This resulted economic
renaissance in India and different Indian industries grew to record heights in record
time. The success of India telecommunication industry is also mention worthy and its
contribution towards the overall health of Indian economy is substantially high.

The Indian Communications Industry Analysis indicates that although, this industry has
matured tremendously over the last fifteen years but huge scope of growth still waits to
be explored. The urban India is more or less well connected with basic telephone
services but the semi-rural area needs immediate attention. The most important and
unexplored area is the rural- India and huge scope of growth is lying still untapped. The
Government of India is now more focused on faster development of rural-telephony in
rural parts of India. The latest telecommunication policy offers host of fiscal incentives
and tax rebates to attract investors, both domestic and foreign investors. Telecom
Regulatory Authority of India or the TRAI regulates the telecommunication industry of
India. It has earned good reputation for transparency and competence. Three types of
operators function in this industry. With 110.01 million connections, the Indian
telecommunication industry is the fifth largest and fastest growing telecommunication
industry in the world. The subscriber base of the Indian telecommunication industry has
grown by 40% in the year 2005 and is projected to touch 250 million by the end of the
financial year 2007. In the last 3 years, two out of every three new telephone connections
were wireless and today it accounts for about 55% of the total telephone subscription in
India, as compared to only 40% in 2003. The wireless subscriber growth in India is
28 | P a g e
expected to add 2.5 million new subscribers in every month of the financial year 2007-
2008. The wireless subscriber base in India, rose from 33.69 million subscription in 2004 to
62.57 million subscription in the financial year 2004 -2005. The wireless technologies those
are currently operating in the Indian telecommunication industry are Global System for
Mobile Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). The Indian
telecommunication industry now has 9 GSM and 5 CDMA service providers serving in 19
circles and 4 metro cities and connecting more than 2000 towns across the length and
breadth of India.

The main service providers in the Indian telecommunication service are as follows -

 State owned companies like - VSNL, BSNL and MTNL.

 Private Indian companies like - Reliance Infocomm and Tata Teleservices.
 Foreign companies like - Hutchison-Essar, Bharti Tele-Ventures, Escotel, Idea
Cellular, BPL Mobile, and Spice Communications.
Further, the Indian Communications Industry Analysis suggests that the products and
services offered by this industry is not confined to basic land line connections but it also
includes facilities like Internet, broadband (both wireless and fixed), cable TV, SMS,
Internet Protocol TV (IPTV), soft switches etc.

The analysis of the tenth plan of the Indian communication industry is as follows -

 Creating world class telecommunication infrastructure to meet the requirements

of IT, ITES, media and other IT based industry.
 Easy and affordable access to basic telecommunication services across India.
 Affordable and effective basic telecommunication facilities to each and every
 Facilitation of world class service to all uncovered and rural areas of India
 Establishing a modern and efficient telecommunication infrastructure to meet the
requirements of modern industrial nation
 Continual modernization of the Indian telecommunication industry and provide an
equal opportunity for all the telecommunication
 service providers operating in India
 Strengthening R&D in telecommunication
 Efficient and transparent spectrum management
 Enabling efficient protection of the defense and security systems of the country
 Facilitating the Indian telecommunication companies to be at par with other global

29 | P a g e

One of the biggest challenges faced by Indian Internet industry was the lack of
vernacular content that saturated the user access to only English speaking Indians. For
the industry to add another 50 million users, turning vernacular was the best alternative.
At present matrimonial dotcoms like Jeevansaathi, popular search engine like Google and
Yahoo!, etc. have launched a vernacular version of the websites.
After bravely emerging from the language hindrance, internet is yet to witness its
transformation from knowledge seeking trade to an out and out commercial business. At
present internet mainly provides product services. So downloading ringtones or videos
from a website generally differs in quality and not in price, hence, making Internet
synonymous with low-priced information. To overcome this issue, users themselves have
to take the initiative of accessing the internet for the finest content and willingly pay
for it. Indian internet business has merged competently with the conventional financial
system and has become a part of our everyday life. The internet industry is bound to
change our lives in the coming years the way Industrial Revolution did.

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