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CIVL 3121 Trusses - Method of Joints 1/5

Method of Joints Method of Joints

 If a truss is in equilibrium, then each of its joints  Recall, that the line of action of a force acting on
must be in equilibrium. a joint is determined by the geometry of the truss
 The method of joints consists of satisfying the
equilibrium equations for forces acting on each  The line of action is formed by connecting the
joint. two ends of each member with a straight line.

F F
 Since direction of the force is known, the
x 0 y 0 remaining unknown is the magnitude of the

Method of Joints Method of Joints

Upper chord members

Joint A Joint B

Tension Force

Joint A Joint B Diagonals Lower chord members

Compression Force

Method of Joints Method of Joints

gusset plate Upper chord in compression


Idealized joint –
members connected by Lower chord in tension
a frictionless pin
This is a Pratt truss
CIVL 3121 Trusses - Method of Joints 2/5

Method of Joints Method of Joints

Upper chord in compression Procedure for analysis - the following is a

procedure for analyzing a truss using the method
of joints:

1. If possible, determine the support reactions

2. Draw the free body diagram for each joint. In

general, assume all the force member reactions are
tension (this is not a rule, however, it is helpful in
keeping track of tension and compression
Lower chord in tension

This is a Howe truss

Method of Joints Method of Joints

Procedure for analysis - the following is a Procedure for analysis - the following is a
procedure for analyzing a truss using the method procedure for analyzing a truss using the method
of joints: of joints:

3. Write the equations of equilibrium for each joint, 4. If possible, begin solving the equilibrium equations
at a joint where only two unknown reactions exist.
Work your way from joint to joint, selecting the new
F x 0 F y 0 joint using the criterion of two unknown reactions.

5. Solve the joint equations of equilibrium

simultaneously, typically using a computer or an
advanced calculator.

Method of Joints Method of Joints

Example - Consider the following truss Example - Consider the following truss
First, determine the support reactions for the truss First, determine the support reactions for the truss

500 lb. 500 lb.  M A  0  500 lb.(10 ft.)  Cy (10 ft.)

500 lb. 500 lb.
Cy = 500 lb.
10 ft. 10 ft.

Ax F y  0  Ay  Cy Ay = -500 lb. Ax

10 ft.
Ay Cy F x  0  Ax  500 lb.
10 ft.
Ax = -500 lb. Ay Cy
CIVL 3121 Trusses - Method of Joints 3/5

Method of Joints Method of Joints

The equations of equilibrium for Joint A The equations of equilibrium for Joint B

500 lb.
FAB x  0  FBC cos 45  500 lb.

500 lb. FAC

x  0  FAC  500 lb. FAC = 500 lb. FAB
FBC FBC = -707.2 lb.

The forces in the truss can be summarized as:

500 lb. F y  0  FAB  500 lb. FAB = 500 lb.
FAB = 500 lb. (T) FBC = 707.2 lb. (C)

FAC = 500 lb. (T)

Method of Joints Method of Joints

Problem – Determine the force in each member of the truss Problem – Determine the force in each member of the truss
shown below shown below

B 4 ft. C

A 60 60 D

4 ft. 4 ft.

800 lb.

Method of Joints Zero Force Members

Problem – Determine the force in each member of the truss  Truss analysis may be simplified by determining
shown below members with no loading or zero-force.

 These members may provide stability or be useful if the

loading changes.

 Zero-force members may be determined by inspection

of the joints
CIVL 3121 Trusses - Method of Joints 4/5

Zero Force Members Zero Force Members

Case 1: If two members are connected at a joint and there is Case 2: If three members are connected at a joint and there
no external force applied to the joint is no external force applied to the joint and two of the
members are colinear
F1 F y  0  F1 sin  F1 = 0

F x  0  F1 cos   F2 F2 = 0

F3 F2
 F2

F y  0  F1 sin  F1 = 0

Zero Force Members Zero Force Members

Determine the force in each member of the truss shown Determine the force in each member of the truss shown
below: below:

800 lb. 800 lb. Using Case 1 FEF and FCF

Using Case 2 FBG and FDF Using Case 1 FAG and FCG are zero-force members
are zero-force members C are zero-force members C




8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft.

Zero Force Members Method of Joints

Determine the force in each member of the truss shown The equations of equilibrium for Joint C
below: 800 lb.

4 4
x  0   FBC  FCD FBC = FCD
The remaining non-zero 800 lb. 5 5
4 4
forces can be found using 3 3
the method of joints C
3 3
FBC FCD y  0   FBC  FCD  800 lb.
5 5
B D FBC = -666.7 lb.

A FBC = 666.7 lb. (C)

8 ft. 8 ft.
CIVL 3121 Trusses - Method of Joints 5/5

End of Trusses - Part 2

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