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Preliminary Examination
Higher 2


H2 Physics 9646/2
Paper 2 21 September 2010

1 hour 45 mins

Class Reg Number

Candidate Name _____________________________

This booklet contains 7 questions.

Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.

Answer all questions.

Write your answers on this question booklet in the blanks provided.

Examiner’s Use

Section A
Q1 /15
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end
of each question or part question. Marks will be Q2 /8
deducted if units are not stated where necessary or if
answers are not quoted to the appropriate number of Q3 /8
significant figures.
Q4 /6
All working for numerical answers must be shown. You
are reminded of the need for good English and clear Q5 /8
presentation of your answers.
Q6 /15

Section B

Q7 /12


Total /72

This document consists of 21 printed pages

[Turn Over
Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010


speed of light in free space c = 3.00 x 108 m s-1

permeability of free space µo = 4π x 10-7 H m-1

permittivity of free space ε0 = 8.85 x 10-12 F m-1
= (1/(36π)) x 10-9 F m-1
elementary charge e = 1.60 x 10-19 C
the Planck constant h = 6.63 x 10-34 J s
unified atomic mass constant u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg
rest mass of electron me = 9.11 x 10-31 kg
rest mass of proton mp = 1.67 x 10-27 kg
molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K-1 mol-1
the Avogadro constant NA = 6.02 x 1023 mol-1
the Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 x 10-23 J K-1
gravitational constant G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2
acceleration of free fall g = 9.81 m s-2

uniformly accelerated motion 1
s = ut + at2
v2 = u2 + 2as
work done on/by a gas W = p∆ V
hydrostatic pressure p = ρgh
gravitational potential φ = -Gm/r
displacement of particle in s.h.m. x = xo sin ωt
velocity of particle in s.h.m. v = vo cos ωt

= ± ω xo 2 - x 2
resistors in series R = R1 + R2 + …

resistors in parallel 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + …

electric potential V = Q/4πεor
alternating current/voltage x = xo sin ωt
transmission coefficient T = exp(-2kd)

8π m(U − E )

where k = 2
radioactive decay x = xo exp(-λt )
decay constant 0.693
λ = t1

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

1 (a) State the Principle of Superposition.




.................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Two sinusoidal transverse waves W1 and W2, of the same type, are incident
simultaneously on a point P. The amplitude of W2 is the same as the amplitude of W1.
The frequency of W2 is half the frequency of W1.

At a certain instant (time t = 0) at P, both waves have zero displacement and then both
displacements increase in the same direction.

Fig. 1.1 is a graph of displacement at P against time for wave W1.

(wave W 1)

time Fig. 1.1

(wave W 2)

time Fig. 1.2


time Fig. 1.3

(i) On Fig. 1.2, sketch a graph of displacement against time for wave W2. [3]

(ii) On Fig. 1.3, sketch a graph to show the resultant wave produced by the
superposition at P of waves W1 and W2. [3]

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

(iii) The frequency of wave W1 is 4.2 x 1015 Hz. Determine the frequency of the
resultant wave produced by the superposition of waves W1 and W2.

frequency = ………………. Hz [2]

(iv) Explain why it is incorrect to say that waves W1 and W2 are coherent.


.......................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Blue light of wavelength 485.6 nm from a star is incident normally on a diffraction
grating. The light is diffracted into a number of beams as shown in Fig. 1.4.

second order

first order

zero order

first order

second order
Fig. 1.4

The angular separation of the two second order beams is 45.7o. Calculate the
number of lines per millimeter on the grating.

Lines per millimetre = ………………. [4]

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

2 (a) Air near the Earth conducts electricity to a small extent. Because there is an electric field
directed towards the Earth’s surface, a small electric current exists in the atmosphere.
Measurements of the electric field near the Earth’s surface give an average of about
1.0 x 102 V m-1.

(i) Estimate the potential difference between the head and feet of an average adult.

potential difference = ………………. V [1]

(ii) The electric field near the Earth’s surface is as large as 1.0 x 102 V m-1, explain
why you do not experience an electric shock when you stand upright.





……………………………………………………………………………..............… [2]

(b) A photomultiplier tube is a device which has a common electrode (the photocathode) and
a number of other electrodes (the dynodes), which must be maintained at definite
potentials relative to the common electrode. A potential divider circuit may be used to
supply these potentials.

Fig. 2.1 illustrates a photomultiplier tube with a photocathode and six dynodes,
numbered 1 to 6. A potential divider of six resistors, each of resistance R, using a supply
voltage of 1050 V, is connected to the electrodes in the tube.

photomultiplier tube

1 2 3 4 5 6
photocathode dynodes


potential divider

1050 V

Fig. 2.1

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

(i) For the situation where there is no electron current inside the photomultiplier tube,
determine the potential difference between dynode 4 and the photocathode.

p.d. between dynode 4 and the photocathode = …………………V [2]

(ii) A fault develops inside the photomultiplier tube causing a short circuit between
dynodes 3 and 5. Determine the new potential difference between dynode 4 and
the photocathode. Explain your reasoning.

new p.d. between dynode 4 and the photocathode = …………….. V

Explanation: …………..……………………………………………………………………



……………………………………………………………………………………....... [3]

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

3 From the power station, the voltage is stepped up to about 230 kV along the high voltage
cables before a series of step down transformers near homes are used to reduce the voltage
to 240 V at our homes. Fig. 3.1 shows the last iron-cored step down transformer before our
homes with the actual turns ratio indicated. The home 240 V output has a frequency of 50 Hz
is connected to a 58 Ω resistor of a home appliance.


58 Ω

primary coil secondary coil

Fig. 3.1

(a) Determine the number of similar turns-ratio transformers required to step down from the
high voltage (230 kV) cables to the 240 V output used at homes. State one assumption

Number of transformers = ..................

Assumption: ........................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................... [4]

(b) Explain the purpose of the iron core in the transformer.



.................................................................................................................................... [1]

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

(c) Determine the average power dissipated in the 58 Ω resistor of a home appliance.

Average power = …………….. W [2]

(d) Suggest a typical household appliance with such power rating.

Appliance is ……………..…………….. [1]

4 A p-n junction is formed between slices of p-type and n-type semiconductor material as shown
in Fig. 4.1

p-type n-type

Fig. 4.1

(a) On Fig. 4.1, draw an arrow indicating the direction of movement of holes when the two
slices are brought into contact. [1]

(b) Boron is used as a dopant in one of the semiconductor slices. State and explain whether
the addition of Boron creates a p-type or a n-type semiconductor.







……………………………………………………………………………………................. [3]

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

(c) State and explain what will happen to the depletion region when a battery is connected in
as shown in Fig. 4.2.

Fig. 4.2





……………………………………………………………………………………................. [2]

5 (a) Explain what is meant by binding energy.



……………………………………………………………………………………................. [1]

(b) Calculate the binding energy of a thorium nucleus 90 Th.
Given that
rest mass of 226
90 Th = 226.0249 u
rest mass of proton = 1.0073 u
rest mass of neutron = 1.0087 u

Binding energy = ……………… MeV [2]

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

226 222
(c) A thorium nucleus 90 Th originally at rest decays and forms a radium nucleus 88 Ra* and
an alpha particle as shown below. The radium nucleus 88 Ra* is in an excited state.

226 222
90 Th  88 Ra* + 42 He
Given that
rest mass of 90 Th = 226.0249 u
rest mass of 88 Ra = 222.0154 u
rest mass of 2 He = 4.0026 u

(i) Calculate the kinetic energy of the radium nucleus if the alpha particle is emitted
with a kinetic energy of 2.38 MeV.

Kinetic energy of Ra = …………… MeV [3]

(ii) The excited radium nucleus, 222

Ra* further undergoes a gamma decay as shown below:

88 Ra + γ
88 Ra*  222

Calculate the energy of the gamma ray.

Energy of the gamma ray = ……………… MeV [2]

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

6 Most Singapore buildings are built using a framework of concrete beams, slabs and columns.
The concrete columns need to carry both the ultimate vertical load, N and the ultimate bending
moment, M induced from the attached beam/s as shown in the 3-D pictorial diagram of
Fig. 6.1. In practice, the concrete columns are reinforced with steel bars.



Fig. 6.1

To design for the steel bars in such columns, design charts are available from the British
Standard Structural Use of Concrete, BS8110.

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

In order to choose the correct design chart, the values of the following must match the design

fcu = Ultimate crushing pressure limit of concrete

fy = Ultimate characteristic strength of steel bar
where d is the distance from the edge of the column to the centre of the steel bar that is
furthest from that edge and h is the larger dimension of the column

The cross section of a column is shown in Fig. 6.2: b = 200mm

h = 450 mm

h = 450 mm

Height of
32 mm cover= 40 mm
diameter steel

b = 200 mm

Fig. 6.2 Fig. 6.3

Dimensions of the column are:

h = 450 mm (larger dimension of the column)
b = 200 mm
d = distance from the edge of the column to the centre of the steel bar that is furthest from that

(a) The chosen design details for the column above are:

fcu = 50 N mm-2
fy = 460 N mm-2
cover = 40 mm (from edge of column to edge of steel bar)

Assuming that 4 numbers of 32 mm diameter steel bars are to be used. Determine the
value of and hence explain why Chart No. 49 is appropriate to be used.

= ………………
h [1]


..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

(b) The coordinates of the chart derived from the values of and can be used to
bh bh2
establish the corresponding value of such that ASC (the total required
cross-sectional area of steel bars) can be calculated. It is necessary to provide enough
steel bars, with a total area more than ASC.

An example of reading off the value is:

Value of = 32.5 N mm-2
Value of 2
= 3.20 N mm-2

From Chart No. 49, the corresponding coordinate is marked with a cross and labelled
100 ASC
‘A’. This coordinate corresponds to a value of 4 < < 5 . More specifically, the
value of is 4.5. Using this value, ASC can then be calculated.

Based on the same design details in (a), the loads carried by the column in Fig 6.2 are:
M = Ultimate bending moment = 91.2 kN m
N = Ultimate vertical load = 2460 kN

(i) Determine the values of and for the column in Fig 6.2.
bh bh2

= ……………… N mm-2
= ……………… N mm-2 [2]
bh 2

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

(ii) Using Chart No. 49, determine whether 4 steel bars of diameter 32 mm with a
total area of 3220 mm2 is sufficient. [4]

(c) A young engineer designed the same column except that he used a different concrete
with an ultimate crushing pressure limit, fcu of 25 N mm -2. Compare your calculated value
of in (b)(i) with this value of fcu = 25 N mm-2. Comment what would happen to the



.................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) The height of the column designed is 3.8 m. Suggest one possible problem with another
12.0 m height column of similar size subjected to a similar vertical load and bending


.................................................................................................................................... [1]

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

100 ASC M
(e) The design of another column has the values of = 2.0 and = 2.0 .
bh bh 2
Using Charts No. 39 and 49, determine the percentage decrease in ultimate vertical
load, N if fcu = 50 N mm-2 changes to fcu = 40 N mm-2.

Percentage decrease of N = .....................................% [4]

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010
Section B

It is recommended that you spend about 30 minutes on this question

7 The piezoelectric effect describes an effect that converts a mechanical effect to an electrical
signal or vice versa. For example, piezoelectric sensors such as quartz, silicon, manmade
crystals or even flexible polymer sheets can produce electricity when squeezed, moved or
bent. On the other hand, piezoelectric transducers, such as those used in speakers, rapidly
change shape when subjected to an electrical current.

Many modern devices, like the Nintendo Wii remote as well as smartphones such as the Apple
iPhone have tiny inbuilt piezoelectric accelerometers to help sense motion and other actions.

Compressive force

Electrical signal developed across

Piezoelectric here when piezoelectric material is
sample compressed

Although called an accelerometer, it is actually the inertial force on a known mass that is
measured by the piezoelectric material when the device is moved, which is then converted into
an electrical signal and interpreted accordingly.

Design an experiment using a sample of piezoelectric material to find how the strength of the
electrical signal depends on how much force it is subjected to.

The equipment available includes the following, besides common apparatus found in the

• An A4 size flexible sheet of piezoelectric material (you may assume that the surfaces are
• Digital Multimeters
• 10 slotted masses

You should draw diagrams to show the arrangement of your apparatus. In your account you
should pay particular attention to
a) The equipment you would use for the investigation,
b) The procedure to be followed,
c) The control of variables,
d) Any safety precautions,
e) Any precautions that you would take to improve the accuracy of the experiment

Preliminary Examination Meridian Junior College 21 September 2010
JC2 H2 Physics 2010

Please make use of this page and next two pages to write your answers to Q7:













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JC2 H2 Physics 2010






















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JC2 H2 Physics 2010





















End of Paper


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