Feeling Happy Everyday

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7 pathways of feeling Deere Very few believe this, however. Most are convinced that emotions are a natural and instinctive reaction to a fickle environment - one in which they only have a very limited control over. So if something bad happens, then they can’t help but feel bad because that’s how people are hardwired. Consequently, if something good happens, then it’s only natural that they feel good. This is the way of the world and of people, surely? Well, yes and no. | Without getting too technical, neuroscience tells us otherwise. This is the | scientific study of the brain and the nervous system, and how such relates to the body, cognitive functions, and behavior. According to neuroscientists, there really is such a thing as a happy brain. | It turns out that our brains are dynamic things and remain so till the end of our lives. In other words, it can be physically changed in much the | same way that we can change our bodies through exercise - a process known as neuroplasticity. Put another way, your brain is a muscle. With the right exercises, you can change its physical structure in such a way that happiness becomes your default. This doesn’t mean that you can stay in a happy-happy-joy-joy state on a 24-7 basis - only that you can change your brain in such a way S that happiness becomes your predominant state of mind. So that explains both the “yes” and the “no.” “Yes,” you can learn to be happy by physically rewiring your brain - such that happiness becomes your default state of mind. “No,” because it doesn’t mean you'll never know unhappiness, sorrow, or pain - you will; except that you'll bounce back a lot faster into your default state. The following exercises are a distillation of the habits of happy people with happy brains as proven by fMRI scans. Ble @ Upon Waking Don't open your eyes right away. Accept that you're awake, and while keeping your eyelids closed, look up as if trying to look at the back of your forehead You may feel a slight tension in your head. If so, then you're doing it right. Imagine a ball of light building in the epicenter of your brain - growing brighter and brighter. Let this light fill your head and spread out to the rest of your body. Let it move out toward your limbs, all the way to the tips of your fingers and toes. Once energized, tell yourself what a fantastic day it is and how it'll stay that way. Ignore the voice of reason that says otherwise. Smile and feel grateful that you're awake and a new day has begun. Stretch as you wiggle your fingers and toes before slowly opening your eyes. Upon Standing Spread your feet a little apart and stretch your arms on either side of you. Smile and feel grateful that you're awake and a new day has begun. Stretch as you wiggle your fingers and toes. Ble ® Keep your mouth closed as you inhale with your nose - imagining the breath pooling in the center of your chest as a light that grows brighter the more you breathe in. Open your mouth and exhale as you mentally say, “Today, lam grateful.” Close your mouth then inhale through your nose. As you exhale, mentally say, “Today, | become.” Close your mouth then inhale through your nose. As you exhale, mentally say, “Today, | am.” Now live your day. Ble @ The “Boss” Posture Sit or stand up comfortably straight. Arch your back a little so the weight of your shoulders rests in the space between and below your shoulder blades. Roll your shoulders back a bit and face straight forward because you're the boss - so act accordingly. Look straight ahead. Others must avert their gaze, not you. Proper Breath Relax your shoulders and chest - let them sag comfortably, as if you've lost control over them. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose - taking the breath directly into your stomach so that it bloats like a balloon. Exhale by pulling your stomach in. Repeat. Afternoon Sun (when you feel mentally blocked) Imagine a bright, yellow, sun resting in the space between your eyebrows above your eyes. Ble ® Keeping your mouth shut, inhale through your nose and feel the breath go directly up to your sun. As it does, imagine that sun glowing brighter and brighter. Exhale by pulling your stomach in and imagine that sun becoming a little dull. Repeat Morning Sun (when you feel lethargic) Place that sun in the middle of your chest - an inch or so above your solar plexus. Inhale through your nose and feel the breath go directly into your sun. As it does, imagine that sun glowing brighter and brighter. Exhale by pulling your stomach in. Each time you inhale, let that light grow brighter till it fills your entire body, all the way to your limbs. Repeat TH BG @ Suspend Disbelief You can return to reality later. Allow yourself to faith. Understand that since dreams come true for others, then for you, it you can't possibly be any different Be Specific WHO or WHAT do you want? What color or shape, is it? What does it smell and feel like? How many do you want? WHEN and WHERE do you want it? WHY do you want it? The universe doesn't listen to words, but to thoughts, images, and feelings, so use all your senses to imagine it. Accept It NOW! Imagine having it here and now. How do you feel, now that you have it? What are you doing, now that you have it? What, if anything, has changed now that you have it? Ble ® Be grateful and express it sincerely. Scream, shout, say “Thank you!” until you actually believe you have it. Forget About It For your visualization to take root and manifest, you have to let the thought go - like pressing the “send” button on your email. Do something else and think about something else, but maintain a sense of anticipation and excitement because it's on the way. Set aside specific times for your visualization, working yourself up to a fever pitch... then forget about it. Smile in happy expectation and be grateful that things always go your way because you're the boss. Now sit up straight and breathe properly into your stomach. 1H Ble @ Waking up Feeling Grateful Be thankful for a new day. Be thankful to have a bed to wake up in. Be thankful that a new day means a new start, so feel hopeful. If you can't feel grateful and hopeful, fake it. Appreciating the Simple Things Be thankful for coffee (or tea). Be thankful for the breakfast you're eating. Focus on the things, however minor, and be thankful. Actively find things to be grateful for. The more you practice this, the more the universe will find things to make you thankful for. Keeping a Gratitude Journal At day’s end, write down at least three things you're thankful for. Be sure to include the small things, such as people opening a door for you or simply giving you a polite smile. TH sé ® Compile a list of people you should have thanked for something — even if whatever they did happened a long time ago. The more you maintain the habit of a gratitude journal, the easier it'll become to find things that make your day. Going Overboard Be sure to thank that customer service representative. If possible, ask to speak to their manager so you can give them a commendation. Develop the habit of writing handwritten “thank you” notes whenever someone does something nice for you Consider giving these notes to people you probably take for granted - the bus driver, garbage collector, toll booth operator, traffic warden, etc. Host a thank you party for friends, family, and coworkers. Invite the postmen if, if possible. Thanking Yourself Thank your body for functioning properly. Thank your mind for how it serves you in work, school, etc. Thank yourself for simply being TH sé ® Exercise There's no need to be a vegan gym bunny, unless you want to. Thirty minutes every day is enough, which includes walking, dancing, or simply mowing the lawn. Instead of sitting before a desk, elevate your book or computer so you have to stand. Simply standing still burns calories and helps your leg and back muscles. Don't use a remote - get up and change the channel. Diet Save money by learning to cook a few simple and healthy recipes. Are you really hungry? Could it be that you're just thirsty? Are you really hungry or could you just be bored or upset? Mindfulness Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings Before you open that can of soda or bag of chips, ask yourself - would water or a carrot do? Studies have shown that people who eat while watching TV (or Youtube videos) tend to eat more. Ble ® They also get hungry soon after. Next time you eat, switch your TV or computer off - your food will taste better! Mindfulness in Action What's your posture like? Are you slouched or sitting up straight? How does your body feel? Notice any itchiness or discomfort somewhere? Before you scratch or move, pay attention to the sensation. What does it feel as you move, what body parts are involved? How do you feel when you walk, bike, or drive somewhere? When was the last time you paid attention to the individual sensations? To things, sounds, and sights going on around you? rr Ble @ Those We Associate With Influence Our Lives Do you have unhealthy habits? Do you drink too much or smoke? Trying to quit, but can’t? The people you hang out with, do they have the same habits? If so, are they good for you? Do they try to make you quit or cut down? If so, stick to them like glue. Sometimes, the best way to start making a change for the better is by choosing who you call friends more wisely. Start by being honest with yourself about what your associates are really like. Choosing the Right Sort It’s not always easy breaking away from others, so start by meeting new people. Find groups or go to meetings where others can help - exercise groups, job seeker’s associations, money management seminars, etc. Online chatrooms are helpful, but not as helpful as going to public gatherings where you can meet others face-to-face and find safety in numbers. Ble @ Challenge Yourself Even if your friends are the very best, it never hurts to meet new people who can introduce you to new things. Step out of your comfort zone and learn new things by making new friends and taking up new hobbies. Be humble and respectful, but brave, when meeting new people. a Fc ® aS iti Vocabulary & having fun Wolke Sar MeM sto (ag eX-telUnat ee M go AUN ae (ot navigate our way through it. We use words to cot and with ourselves. Even when alone, we use wo! Eon tama ale ia o\MU To ATA AWN rr Ble @ Pay Attention to Your Thoughts How do you feel about things and how do you express those feelings? Are most of your thoughts positive or negative? How easily do others’ words move you? Is it easy or hard to change your mind because of what others say? Pay Attention to Your Words Your words shape your reality. Consider the following; ‘I can't afford it.” Though a sad thought, it lets you off the hook, so it provides some relief. Or: “I hate myself” and “I can’t do it.” What words do you use? Change Your Dialogue Change Your World Anything learned can be unlearned, so begin by changing your words. Replace negative thoughts like: | can not afford, | will not be able, | hate myself in positive affirmations like: | can, I will, | love or | will improve myself. The How, is not important, it is al about giving attention to the right/positive things. Ble ® Or “I have self-esteem issues | need to work on” and “I wonder if it's possible to...” Again, nothing changes save your automatic resistance and negativity. The Power of Words As you think, so you speak, as you speak, so you do, and as you do, so others react. So start with thought. Before speaking, consider your thoughts and feelings. Are you about to say something positive and empowering or negative and disempowering? Choose your words carefully. Once spoken, they cannot be taken back. The more thoughtful your words, the better you can shape the world around you. Remember - ha a state of mind. While you may not be able to control your environment or your ites Tol Re TaRe lace MACT RCC MTT Regt sielceMtse aac} what's happening around you. And it all begins in the mind What you understand as your mind is the sum total of your thoughts, oie eRe Rents Recon Ara Tew lente Rveia Telit eM vee Regen vette telah ea R NAN Riel g Pavel Mean acd t Mall Se R ae sR TIN Tage TaN Pnaria eee Rie eens v Naan vi To your inner peace, Jason. Check out my live sessions on Think BIG > BIG

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