Chapter I

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The Problem

Background of the Study

Marketing is usually concerned with the introduction and promotion of products

and services to potential customers. It has many roles and a distinguished part in an

organization as everything from sales to success depends on it. Through marketing, a

well-known business can get a chance to be recognized and discovered by a large

group of consumers and influence them to patronize its products and services.

However, what actually drives consumers to choose a particular product over others is a

question which is often overlooked by business owners.

In 2004, the American Marketing Association redefined Marketing as an

organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and

delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that

benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Marketing involves different ideas and

techniques for a company to achieve its goal. Marketing strategies came to the picture

to serve its purpose. According to David Mills, Marketing strategy is an over-riding

directional concept that sets out the planned path (2001).

The concept of marketing strategy guides business firms to concentrate its

limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a

sustainable competitive advantage. A marketing strategy focuses on the key concept

that customer satisfaction is the main goal. Marketing strategy is a combination of

product development, promotion, distribution, pricing, relationship management and

other elements; identifies the firm goals, and explains how they will be achieved, ideally

within a stated time frame. A company’s marketing strategy has a lot of components

depending on its goal to sustain the business operation. Part of the company’s

marketing strategy is marketing mix. Marketing mix is a mixture of marketing tools that

are used to please customers and company objectives (Lake, 2017). It is usually refer to

as the four Ps -Product, Price, Place and Promotion, describing the strategic position of

a product in the marketplace. Promotion as one of the components of marketing mix

represents all of the communications that a merchandiser may use in the marketplace.

Promotion itself has several types but the study focuses only on personal selling,

particularly Retail selling. Personal selling involves a one-on-one conversation between

buyers and sellers. It may be face-to-face, through phone calls or through online chat

support. Personal selling is a form of communication in which a seller assists and

persuades prospective buyers to purchase the company’s product or service (Chand,

2015). This interaction gives the seller communication flexibility. The seller can see or

hear potential buyer’s reaction and modify the message accordingly. Personal selling

also involves more immediate and precise feedback because the outcome of the sales

presentation can be assessed from the customer’s reaction. If the feedback is

unfavourable, the salesperson can modify the message (Belch & Belch, 2003). Personal

selling has many types included are retail selling, business-to-business selling and

telemarketing. Through personal selling a seller will be able to elaborate the

specification of the product. In retail selling, the salesperson’s job is to approach a

customer politely, assist and answer questions about the good or service and at the

same time persuading for purchase in a patient way. The study focuses on women

promodisers and they are one of the many who serves the purpose of retail selling.

Women throughout the years have engaged more in marketing. Women make up

at least 40% of the workforce in more than 80 countries, according to Pew Research

Center analysis of labour force statistics from 114 nations with data from 2010 to 2016.

Across all of these countries, the median female share of the workforce is 45.4%.

(Fetterolf, 2017) Philippine Statistics also released a Labor Force Survey on October

2008 translating an employment rate of 93.5 percent for women, higher than the

employment rate of 93 percent for men. Zamboanga Peninsula with an employment rate

of 96.6 percent is among the two regions in the country that has a high employment rate

for women. Based on the said survey, the laborers and unskilled workers comprise the

largest group among women, making up 36.8 percent of the total employed women in

October 2008. Officials of the government and special interest organizations, corporate

executives, managers, managing proprietors, and supervisors and service workers and

shop and market sales workers came next with the most number of employed women.

Women in modern world are becoming more empowered and independent. They

are gaining a spot almost in all aspects of work and continue to compete with men. This

study does not discriminate men instead putting an emphasis on the abilities of women.

The study focuses on women involvement in marketing industry particularly those

whose line of work is in retail selling. Women possess distinct and unique qualities and

predilections that result in them being equally, if not more, capable than male sales

representatives. Women have a genetic predisposition for improved listening

capabilities, in fact. Heschl’s gyrus, the portion of the brain that is associated with

listening, is more voluminous in women, as compared to men. Research conducted by

the Korn Ferry Hay Group speaks to gender differences in terms of Emotional

Intelligence. The Group found that women outperform men in 11 of 12 emotional

intelligence competencies. Multiple studies have also found that women prefer to work

in teams, while men prefer to work alone. What’s more, research has found that women

opt for team-based compensation more frequently than men do. A strong bias towards

collaboration primes women to garner success in sales (Fatemi, 2018). In every

workplace, there are a lot of women who derive a sense of self-actualization and

happiness from aiming towards and achieving professional goals. Within an enterprise,

the most influential factor in regards to a woman employee’s professional happiness is

her ability to balance her work and her personal life, and to achieve a balance between

her various roles. The most modern women employees place an equal emphasis on

their personal lives and careers in the hope that they will be able to not only attain

professional goals, but also obtain a sense of happiness in their everyday lives (Sun

Juntao, 2014). These qualities are considered as assets in sales. This should be the

time that businesses should recognize women’s abilities when it comes to selling.

Women possess unique dispositions that are invaluable in sales and every company

must be aware of these qualities. Hiring more women ensures that a company’s work

force is well represented, women who are confident and with sufficient training on

effective selling strategies. Women worldwide influence up to 80% of the purchase

decisions, women can work better for environment - they can relate through empathy

and appreciation for others since they are typically more focused on individuals and

their needs. Their greater willingness to communicate and receive feedback contributes

to solving disputes. Women reduced staff turnover and long term relations, that is, in

contrast to men; the majority of women can multi-task and multi-focus. Strengthening

team dynamics: women frequently possess the skill to unite people and draw together

opinions and proposals. This competition favours the creation of teams, furthers

participation and optimizes the decision-making process (McKinsey, 2015).

Women in sales are mediums for customers’ awareness of which brand offers

the lowest price with great quality and service. They are an advantage in sales because

of their characteristics like empathy and friendliness. According to founder

and Facebook COO and Sheryl Sandberg, women are considered more trustworthy

than men counterparts in sales. There are also some advantages women possess when

it comes to selling profession. Women have a strong tendency to be stronger when it

comes to paying attention to details than do men. This attention to detail not only gives

women an advantage over less attentive men when it comes to customer face-to-face

time but also when learning about trends in a particular industry. Someone who is

attentive to trend-details may be better equipped to provide more timely solutions to

customers as well as to be aware of potential industry contractions. Many sales trainers,

coaches and experts will agree that "telling is not selling." This means that it is more

important to listen than it is to talk. Much like being more attentive, several studies

suggest that women listen better and more closely than do men. Writer Carolyn Cohn

has suggested that women in sales spend as much as 80% of their "sales time"

listening to others and only 20% of their time talking. This factor alone could be the

reason why many women are successful in sales (2018). The study does not

discriminate men in marketing aspect. It will also serve to empower women to withstand

and develop their self-esteem. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize on the

qualities and abilities of women that could make a difference in the world of marketing.

In the Philippines, being a promodiser is one of the specializations in sales.

Promodisers are tasked with both responsibilities of a sales promoter and a

merchandiser. Sales Promoters are responsible for attracting new customers and

helping the company to reach revenue targets (Mishra, 2018). A promoter shows how

the product works, takes questions and attempts to persuade consumers or clients to

buy the product. Merchandisers, on the other hand, are responsible for everything that

happens to a product from the moment it is delivered to the store to the moment a

shopper picks it up off the shelf. Depending on the retailer, that may include: performing

stockouts, organizing the shelf, setting up displays, and setting up price and promotional

signs (Jackson, 2018). Promodisers are both a Promoter and Merchandiser depending

on extent of the job description designated by the management. It will be disclosed to

the potential applicant through the hiring process. Usually, promodisers are the ones

who promote and introduce certain products in the market while giving enough

knowledge about how their products work for the customer. They are responsible for

attracting new customers and helping the company reach the target revenue, help raise

brand awareness and increase sales. Typical activities listed for promodisers include

approaching potential customers, making product presentations, answering to

questions, and understanding customer needs and worries.

In Zamboanga City, malls, department stores and supermarkets are well-known

retail establishments offering a wide range of consumer goods in different product

categories. They serve as the basic provider for consumer’s needs and wants including

clothing, furniture, home appliances, cosmetics, housewares, hardware and etc. Based

on Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population, Zamboanga City has a


population of 3.63 million with annual population growth rate of 1.21%. The place with

its growing population is a ground for competitive market among business entities.

Currently, Zamboanga City has five (5) malls, a few department stores and

supermarkets that offer a wide range of products and services catering the needs of its

people. Soon additional establishments will rise offering the same purpose. In a

competitive market, companies must possess a unique and dynamic strategy that will

gain more customers and maintain their loyal ones. It has been already proven that

promodisers are one of the means in reaching out for the customers and effective for

increasing sales. Companies are already hiring women as promodisers, since the effect

of their presence could possibly increase sales profitability up to 15% (Rand, 2018).

Women promodisers may have sell products in small quantities on a daily basis, but it

can still make a difference since a lot of competitors are in the market.

Women promodisers play a vital role for business entities wherein they will

promote and intensify selling of products to increase targeted revenue. They are tasked

to prioritize the responsibilities more of a promoter than a merchandiser but not limited

to its indication. As an employee with just compensation, an individual can also put an

extra mile to their jobs as multi-tasking. That is why promodisers can be a sales

promoter then at the same time a merchandiser. They are also hired based from the

specification and preferences of the employer for the purpose that the promodiser can

best represent their brand and promote their products. Furthermore, upon hiring,

Women promodisers are subjected to orientation and training regarding product

information and the company’s authentic selling strategies. Women promodisers must

have the qualities to produce sales and they should always look presentable, clean and

polished, confidently feminine and look credible in selling the brand. Women

promodisers must be trained on how to approach customers without intimidating and

annoying them. They must be aware of their target prospects and find out how to

convince them in buying their products. They even have customized spiels on how to

interact with customers to catch their attention.

Some customers may be very keen and meticulous when it comes to choosing

the right product. Some customers are brand and price conscious; some will go after the

quality versus quantity and quality versus price, and a few does not bother at all.

Customers do not just decide instantly what they are going to purchase unless they

were instructed by someone to buy a specific item or items. Customers usually follow

five stages of decision making when buying a product and it is known as the consumer

buying decision making process or simply the buyer decision making process. The

stages of buyer decision making process were first introduced by John Dewey.

Women promodisers are of great advantage be it selling to a male or female

customer. They possess the qualities that can persuade a buyer to purchase a certain

product. This study will provide adequate information to companies regarding the

importance and benefits of women in marketing. Women and their distinct qualities can

increase sales profitability and increase brand awareness. The main objective of the

paper seeks to study the influence of women promodisers to customers’ buying

decisions. Through this paper, the researchers will be able to evaluate that Women

promodisers are can increase sales and profitability. This study will also create

awareness for companies to hire women for their distinct selling capabilities and

furthermore this will create empowerment and employment to improve the society.

Conceptual Framework

Today, attracting new customers has become so important in the marketing

world. Firms have to know well the relationship between attitude and behaviour of their

consumers since all businesses need to communicate to consumers of what they have

to offer (Familmaleki, 2015). Every business owners and the sales force must

understand this concept and establish a good connection since products and services

are utilized by customers. While the market is busy with its growing competition,

business firms must find some new ideas to formulate a unique and effective marketing

strategy. Companies may be missing the part in hiring women for they seemed to be

unnoticed during hiring process and this paper will serve as a medium for awareness for

companies to hire women in sales.

Women Promodisers Customers’ buying Decisions

 Pleasing personality  Purchase the product
 Knowledgeable with the  Look for an alternative product
product’s benefits and usage
 Take some time to review
 Ability to sell product through regarding product specifications
Sales promotion before buying

1.A Conceptual Model of the Study on Women Promodisers and their Influence on
Customers’ Buying Decisions

The concept above describes the relationship between the independent and

dependent variables. In this concept, women promodisers is the independent variable

and customers’ buying decisions is the dependent variable. Women promodisers, with

their pleasing personality are set with a goal to sell products and services to customers.

Women promodisers must possess the personality qualified to attract buyers. Women

promodisers must be neat, presentable, and appealing to the customers. Women

promodisers approach their customers in a courteous and accommodating manner.

Aside from these, women promodisers are of great advantage in sales because of their

qualities in selling. They listen to their customers’ needs, present the products to

customers with adequate knowledge regarding its benefits and demonstrate its uses.

Among the selling strategies used by women are selecting the right target customers,

giving your customers the inside scoop on what is new and what product offers sales

and discounts. Women promodisers always put perseverance in selling; they even

handle objections as challenges. Through these qualities women in sales usually close

more deals. The customers’ buying decisions involve three different types. Nominal

decision is wherein customers instantly buy the product without researching about it

because they usually purchase the product and brand loyalty has already been

established. Limited decision is a buying decision where customers look for an

alternative product to purchase for a limited time only and the purpose of trying a

different variant. Extended decision are applied with high cost products. A deep decision

making process will be necessary wherein the customers will have to research about

the product’s specifications, reviews from other customers, and price versus quality

comparison with other brands. Purchasing the product may involve risk so it will take

some time for the customer to purchase the product.

The type of theory that is related to the study is Behavioral Equation Theory. This

theory was proposed in 1969 by J. A. Howard and J.N. Sheth using a stimulus response

model and using large number of findings from behavioural research. This theory

explains buying behaviour in terms of purchasing decision process, viewed as a phase


of the learning process, four essential elements of learning processes included in the

stimulus response model are drive, cues, response and reinforcement. Behavioral

Equation Theory emphasizes the buyer’s decision process but also takes the sales-

person’s influence process into account.

Statement of the Problem

The primary purpose of this paper is to study the influence of women

promodisers on customers’ buying decisions. The selected barangays for this study are

Barangay Canelar, Barangay Tetuan, Barangay Putik and Barangay Zone II. The reason

for these barangays is that they are near malls, department stores and supermarkets in

Zamboanga City. These malls are KCC Mall, Citymall, Yubenco Starmall, OK

Department Store, Southway Square Mall and Shoppers Center Gateway. The

respondents are residents of the selected barangays. Based on the total number of

population per barangay, the number of sample for qualified customers will be done by

using stratified sampling method. They are customers purchasing products for personal

consumption and resell. Furthermore, it will also seek to explore possible answers to the

following questions:

1. Do women promodisers physical qualities and attitude affect customers’ final

buying decision?
2. Do women promodisers provide useful information to customers regarding

products’ benefits and usage?

3. Do women promodisers, employed or consigned in selected malls, department

stores and supermarkets use product sale and discounts to persuade customers in

buying their products?

4. Do customers buy products when sold by women promodisers?

Statement of the Hypothesis


For the study’s foregoing problems and objectives, the possible answers to the

problem are posted:

1. Women promodisers physical qualities and attitude affect customers’ final buying

2. Women promodisers provide useful information to customers regarding products’

benefits and usage.

3. Women promodisers who are employed or consigned in selected malls,

department stores and supermarkets use product sale and discounts to persuade

customers in buying their products.

4. Customers usually buy products when sold by women promodisers.
Objectives of the Study

This study has the general objective of the women promodisers and their

influence on customers’ buying decisions; other objectives are stated as follows:

1. To know if women promodisers physical qualities and attitude affect customers’

final buying decision.

2. To know if women promodisers provide useful information to customers regarding

products’ benefits and usage.

3. To know if women promodisers who are employed or consigned in selected malls,

department stores and supermarkets use product sale and discounts to persuade

customers in buying their products.

4. To know if customers usually buy products when sold by women promodisers.

Significance of the Study

This study is focused particularly on the response of selected customers in

selected barangays near malls, department stores and supermarkets in Zamboanga

City. The barangays were selected for the reason that they are near the vicinity of malls,

department stores and supermarkets in Zamboanga City. These are KCC Mall, Citymall,

Yubenco Starmall, OK Department Store, Southway Square Mall and Shoppers Center

Gateway. The selected barangays are Barangay Canelar, Barangay Tetuan, Barangay

Putik and Barangay Zone II. For the purpose of knowing whether the presence of the

women promodisers employed or consigned in their different malls, department stores

and supermarkets in Zamboanga City influences customers buying decisions.

For malls, department stores and supermarkets, they will be able to know if the

presence of the women promodisers employed or consigned in their establishment can

influence customers’ buying decisions. The positive effect is that customers will

purchase the products sold by women promodisers thus increasing sales and

profitability gradually. The study also opts to be beneficial for the establishments to

evaluate the performance of women promodisers and their selling strategies.

For the women, they will be empowered and be aware of their qualities. The

study will create a sense of personal development that they can utilize in their career.

Women will not hesitate and doubt their own self to penetrate the world of marketing.

Instead they will be challenged to the competition and will embrace improvements.

For women promodisers, the study will help enhance their personality and

improve their abilities on how to deal with customers. Given that they are already

capable of selling does not mean they will not make room for improvemnts. It will help

them to be more aware of their duties and responsibilities. To consider the field of their

work as dynamic, they will be able to make improvements for effective selling.

For customers, they will see women promodisers as medium for product

information, uses and benefits. Customers will be aware of the presence and purpose of

women promodisers. Through this study they will appreciate women promodisers for

helping them with wise buying decisions and other customer’s assistance.

Scope and Limitation

The study will gather data from respondents who are selected customers residing

in selected barangays near malls, department stores and supermarkets in Zamboanga

City. Among the selected barangays are Barangay Canelar, Barangay Tetuan, Barangay

Putik and Barangay Zone II. The coverage of the study is the influence of women

promodisers to customers’ buying decisions. The study is limited only to customers who

are aware of women promodisers working malls department stores and supermarkets,

customers who usually buy products for personal consumption and resell and those

customers who spent most of the time in malls, department stores and supermarkets.

The study will include students, person with small scale businesses, and household

consumers as respondents.

Definition of Terms

Buying decision is the final selection of goods or services for purchase made by

customers. It is usually refer to as the Buying Decision Making Process wherein It

includes steps in finding the appropriate product according to needs and wants.

Customers are the ones who buy goods and services being sold in malls,

department stores, supermarkets and establishments for personal use or resell.

Women Promodisers are female salesperson or representatives who are

employed or consigned in different areas in malls, department stores, supermarkets and

business establishments providing adequate and beneficial product information and

promoting the product itself using selling strategies for the purpose of sale.

Personal Selling is a type of promotion wherein the seller is face-to-face with a

customer or thru a phone call for the purpose of product information and sale.

Promotion is a way of communicating with customers with a purpose of

introducing a product, its benefits and uses, at the same time persuading the customer

to buy the goods or services.

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