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Grade Level: KG1 MST Name: Ms.


For each Tools used to monitor the Explain why you used that tool and reflect on how successful
lesson learning (rubric, notes, it was
taught chart…)

1 Think, pair and share. I used that tools because I can monitor their learning by let
the students to share their knowledge and help the students
Lesson 1
to be collaborative with each other in classroom by ask
them about any thing with triangle shape

2 Students present their I used that way to monitor the students because its help me
work as a teacher to make sure that each student understood the
Lesson 2
concept of the lesson. This way encourages the students to
be more active and be able to share their knowledge and
work to each other by showing the activity they do for other
groups such us the square with 4 triangles.

Monitoring by two I let each two students in classroom to set together and let
them ask each other questions about healthy and un heathy
Lesson 3 students
food and what they’re understand of this lesson. And then
they do their own plate of food.

4 Questioning students In the beginning of the class I used to start my lesson with
during classroom ask the students questions to monitor the students also in
Lesson 4
the middle and the end of the lesson. This method was help
me to find out what learners are learnt during the lesson. I
keep asking question to the students its gave me immediate
a feedback on students understanding, which its help me
can to modify the teaching.

5 Worksheets this lesson was about number bonds, I wanted to make sure
that they know the steps and how to solve the questions, so
Lesson 5
I used the worksheets for each students to assess their full
understanding of the topic. The students were working, and
I walked among them to make sure they were independent
by themselves. After that, I correct the worksheets.

6 counting I used this strategy with the students when they taught
number 3 to make them remember the number well, I made
Lesson 6
them count three fingers in their hand.

7 Positive language and I used that because it can encourage the learners to do
take notes. better next time and it develop their skills. Also, I saw the
Lesson 7
students were excited with the notes that I wrote it for

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