Jurnal The Effect of Salesperson Ethical Behavior Versi Indonesia

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121 Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen & Bisnis - Vol 10 No 2 September 2019


Putu Bagus Wedatama1, I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja2
Magister Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia 1
Magister Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia 2

Abstract. The number of industrial equipment brands on the market has resulted in customers needing the role of
sales force to get clear product information and good after-sales service. Sales who can behave ethically will be
more trusted and can establish long-term relationships with customers. This study aims to explain the relationship
between salesperson ethical behavior towards satisfaction and trust and its effect on customer loyalty levels at PT
Kawan Lama Sejahtera at Bali. The population in this study were PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera customers who had
made transactions at least 2 times within a period of 1 year. The size of the sampling was determined based on the
non probability sampling method, namely purposive sampling with a total sample of 100 respondents.
Questionnaire data that are collected from respondents, are analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with
AMOS programs. The results of this study indicate that salesperson ethical behavior has a positive and significant
effect on customer satisfaction and trust which are a dimension of the quality of the relationship. Customer
satisfaction and trust also have a positive and significant influence on customer loyalty. The relationship between
salesperson ethical behavior and customer trust is mediated by customer satisfaction, where the effect is
significant. The managerial implications of the results of this study can be a consideration in the process of strategic
policy making at PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera improve company’s performance in the future. Salesperson need to
behave ethically in marketing their products in order to increase customer’s satisfaction and trust, and also establish
long-term relationships with customers.

Keyword: indonesia, salesperson ethical behavior, satisfaction, trust, customer loyality

Correspondence. putubagusw2016@gmail.com1, sukaatmadja@yahoo.co.id2

History of article. Received: April 2019, Revision: Juli 2019, Published: September 2019

1. INTRODUCTION interacting with salesperson who behave

The salesperson is the spearhead of the ethically, can affect customer purchasing
company in marketing its products and decisions. Unethical behavior of the salesperson
interacting with customers both through face-to- can cause problems such as reduced customer
face meetings and through telephone, social satisfaction and trust. The results of research
media and email. The existence of a commission conducted by Hansen and Riggle (2009) state that
system will encourage salesperson to work the salesperson who behave ethically, have a
harder in marketing products and increasing strong influence in building long-term
sales volumes, which in turn can improve relationships with customers.
company performance. However, this can Many industrial equipment is needed for
encourage salesperson to behave unethically to construction projects, company operations, as
achieve sales targets and get short-term profits. well as educational tools in schools and
The drive to reach the sales target can cause universities. Many brands of industrial
salesperson to lose focus on what the customer equipment on the market with features,
really needs (Strout, 2002). According to Kurland functions, and prices that are not much different
(1991), the commission system creates a conflict have provided difficulties for customers to be
of interest for salesperson so they tend to able to choose the best product. Customers rely
sacrifice the interests of the customer to get on salesperson to provide accurate information
commissions, achieve good performance, and (Chen and Mau, 2009; Roman and Ruiz, 2005).
bring profits to the company. Erroneous information from salesperson can
Research conducted by Madhani (2014) disappoint the customer and reduce his trust,
shows that customer’s experience after which can result in lower interest in
Putu Bagus Wedatama1, I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja2
The effect of salesperson ethical behavior on satisfaction, trust and customer loyalty

repurchasing. This research will focus on the positive response to complaints or customer
influence of salesperson ethical behavior on needs will make customers feel more satisfied
customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty at PT (Kotler and Keller, 2012). Hoyer et al. (2013)
Kawan Lama Sejahtera, which is one of the showed a positive salesperson behavior and a
industrial equipment retail companies. quick response in responding to customer
complaints in after-sales service will reduce
Research Literature and Hypothesis customer dissatisfaction and keep customers
Development loyal and repeat purchases at the company.
Salesperson ethical behavior According to Demirgunes (2015),
Salesperson ethical behavior indicates salesperson ethical behavior has a positive
that the salesperson delivers a valid and accurate influence on customer trust, both on company
message in communication with the customer, and sales staff. Trust in the salesperson is
only sells goods or services that can provide positively influenced by salesperson ethical
benefits to the customer, promises only to behavior, which is honest, fair, sincere, and
something that can be delivered, and can consistent (Roman and Ruiz, 2005). Salesperson
maintain the confidentiality of customer private ethical behaviour, that is honest and responsible
data (Jalali et al. , 2016; Madhani, 2014). will have a positive effect on customer trust
Salesperson ethical behavior will increase if the (Chen and Mau, 2009).
salesperson can behave based on a standard set Madhani (2014) argues that salesperson
of generally accepted norms in society, such as ethical behavior, which is being honest, applying
respecting customers (Cadogan and Lee, 2009; sales techniques with low pressure (low pressure
Bendixen and Abratt, 2007). selling technique), and a fair and responsible
Hurst (2008) argues that excessive attitude will positively influence and increase
marketing efforts towards customers need to be customer trust. Pezhman et al. (2013) show
avoided because the customer's good intentions salesperson ethical behaviour can increase
need to be treated as limited resources. Ethical customer satisfaction and trust. When the
salesperson need to behave honestly by salesperson is perceived as behaving well and
conveying information according to the facts honestly by the customer, it will increase
(Roman, 2007). Customers rely on the integrity of customer trust (Alrubaiee, 2012).
salesperson in getting advice on product H1: Salesperson ethical behavior has a positive
recommendations in the future. The salesperson and significant effect on customer
must protect the confidentiality and security of satisfaction.
the customer's personal data (Roman, 2007; H2: Salesperson ethical behavior has a positive
Bendixen and Abratt, 2007). Respect for and significant effect on customer trust.
customers can improve the perception of
salesperson ethical behavior (Bendixen and Customer satisfaction and trust
Abratt, 2007; Hurst, 2008). According to Sangadji and Sopiah (2013),
Ethical behavior and a trustworthy satisfaction or dissatisfaction is a feeling of
attitude from the salesperson will have a positive pleasure or disappointment experienced by
effect on generating customer satisfaction and individuals that comes from a comparison
trust (Hansen and Riggle, 2009; Ou et al., 2015; between perceptions or impressions of actual
Roman and Ruiz, 2005; Hazrati et al., 2012). product performance with expected product
According to Lin and Wu (2012), salesperson performance. Hoyer et al. (2013) stated
ethical behaviour will reduce transaction costs so satisfaction as a feeling that arises when a
that it has a positive effect on customer customer makes a positive evaluation or feels
satisfaction. salesperson behavior that provides happy with his decision.
product information accurately will give Kotler and Keller (2012) argue that
satisfaction to customers (Pezhman et al., 2013). satisfaction is the extent to which product
The salesperson who behave ethically by giving a performance is actually perceived against
123 Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen & Bisnis - Vol 10 No 2 September 2019

customer expectations. When product buy back or subscribe to desired products

performance is below customer’s expectations, consistently in the future (Jamal and
the customer will feel disappointed. Conversely, Anastasiadou, 2009; Ou et al., 2015). Loyal
when product performance matches or even customers can be less sensitive to prices and
exceeds customer’s expectations, the customer reduce the risk of switching to other products
will feel higher level of satisfaction. Customer due to promotional activities from competitors
expectations or expectations are formed from (Stank et al., 2003).
past purchasing experience, suggestions from Kotler and Keller (2012) argue that
friends or family, and product information and customer satisfaction at a higher level will lead
offers from the salesperson. and have a positive effect on the level of greater
Trust in salesperson can be defined as customer loyalty. Very satisfied customers are
customer trust in integrity and reliability from the customers who get more than needed or in other
salesperson so that customers are willing to words the company's performance exceeds
establish long-term relationships with customer expectations. Highly satisfied
salesperson (Madhani, 2014). Hazrati et al. customers will be more willing to establish long-
(2012) argue that trust in salesperson is the belief term relationship commitments and spread good
felt by the customer that the salesperson is able experiences to others (word of mouth). Satisfied
to provide long-term relationships that benefit customers are the basis for loyalty, where
the customer. Customers who believe in satisfaction will encourage customers to make
salesperson ethical behavior will benefit from repeated purchases (Sangadji and Sopiah, 2013).
reducing costs related to information seeking, According to Lin and Wu (2012),
negotiation and supervision (Jalali et al., 2016). customers who are fully satisfied will positively
Customers have limited knowledge of the influence and increase customer loyalty and be
products offered so customers rely on the resistant to persuasion or influence from other
information provided by the salesperson. parties. Customers who are fully satisfied will be
Trust is one of the consequences of more loyal than customers whose only needs are
satisfaction, or in other words satisfaction has a met. Consuegra (2007) states that customers
positive effect on trust (Hess and Story, 2005). who are satisfied and accept prices offered by
Salesperson's performance in the past that can airlines will have a positive effect on customer
satisfy customers consistently will have a positive loyalty in the airline industry. Research by Jalali et
effect on customer trust (Madhani, 2014; Chen al. (2016) revealed that customers who have high
and Mau, 2009). Customer trust represents satisfaction with service from salesperson will
satisfaction with the quality and reliability of the also have a high level of loyalty.
product or service offered. When customers feel Trust is an important element for
satisfied, it will have a positive effect and building customer loyalty and strong retention or
increase customer trust (Pezhman et al., 2013; in other words trust has a positive influence on
Ou et al., 2015). loyalty (Guenzi and Georges, 2010; 2010; Ou et
H3: Customer satisfaction has a positive and al., 2015). According to Chen and Mau (2009),
significant effect on customer trust. trust is the foundation of long-term relationships
Customer loyalty and is the main determinant of relationship
Based on previous research by Kim and commitment and has a positive effect on building
Yoon (2004), customer loyalty is defined as the customer loyalty.
willingness of customers to maintain Customers who believe in salesperson
relationships with certain companies or services ethical behavior will have a positive influence in
or products. Barnett and McIlroy (2000) argue shaping commitment or loyalty (Jalali et al.,
that customer loyalty can be explained as a 2016). Customers with high levels of satisfaction
commitment of customers to transact with and trust will be more committed and loyal to the
certain companies, buy products and services, brand or company and will make repeated
and recommend it to others. In other studies, purchases (Kotler and Keller, 2012).Trust in
customer loyalty is defined as a commitment to salesperson can cause customers to feel
Putu Bagus Wedatama1, I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja2
The effect of salesperson ethical behavior on satisfaction, trust and customer loyalty

confident when making purchasing decisions and years, 71 percent have an undergraduate
have a positive effect on increasing their loyalty education, and 58 percent have employment as
(Gao et al., 2005). private employees.
The statement on the questionnaire was
H4: Customer satisfaction has a positive and designed to measure the construct based on the
significant effect on customer loyalty. research literature. The construct of salesperson
H5: Customer trust has a positive and ethical behavior is measured by 9 indicators
significant effect on customer loyalty. adopted from the research conducted by Ou et
al. (2015). The construct of satisfaction is
H4 measured by 4 indicators adopted from the
Satisfaction research conducted by Ou et al. (2015).
Salesperson Constructs of trust are measured by 4 indicators
Ethical H32 Loyalatydopted from research conducted by Alrubaiee
Behaviour (2012) and Ou et al. (2015). The construct of
customer loyalty is measured by 3 indicators
H2 Trust H5
adopted from research conducted by Alrubaiee
(2012) and Ou et al. (2015). The scale on the
questionnaire is based on a 5-point Likert scale
with a score of 1 to 5, where the score is 1 for the
Figure 1. Research Model Strongly Disagree (STS) answer, score 2 for the
Disagree (TS) answer, score 3 for the answer
Source : Pezhman et al., 2013 Neutral (N), score 4 for Agree (S) answer, and
score 5 for Strongly Agree (SS) answers.
2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This study was analyzed using the
This study was designed to explain the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method
influence of salesperson ethical behavior on aided by the AMOS program. SEM method is used
satisfaction, trust, and customer loyalty. The to analyze the influence of exogenous and
survey was conducted on PT Kawan Lama endogenous constructs simultaneously
Sejahtera customers in Bali regarding their (Sugiyono, 2015). Testing assumptions in SEM
experiences after interacting and transacting analysis using normality and multicollinearity
with the salesperson. Potential respondents tests. The test results of these assumptions
were approached to be asked for their indicate that the construct has normal
willingness to fill out the research questionnaire. distribution and does not have multicollinearity.
Respondents were given information that this
study was conducted by Udayana University 3. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
students, where the answers to the Testing validity and construct reliability
questionnaires are only used for research indicates satisfactory results. The results of the
purposes and will be guaranteed confidentiality. study in Table 1 show the value of loading factors
The sample of respondents as many as 100 and AVE greater than 0.5 which indicate
people was taken using the non probability convergent validity, while the value of square
sampling method, namely purposive sampling. root AVE is greater than the value of the
The sample of respondents that have been correlation coefficient of each construct that
collected has characteristics that are 72 percent shows discriminant validity (Hair et al., 2010).
male, 69 percent are in the age group of 29 to 39 Composite Reliability (CR) values which is greater
than 0.7 also show good construct reliability.

Table 1. Loading Factor from each construct

Construct Loading
(CR ; AVE) Factor
125 Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen & Bisnis - Vol 10 No 2 September 2019

The salesperson respecting the customer's rights (X1) 0,698

The salesperson offering products according to customer’s needs (X2) 0,695
The salesperson are not forcing customer to buy products (X3) 0,704
The salesperson behaviour give a feeling of security to the customer
Salesperson when transacting (X4)
Ethical The salesperson can maintain the security of customer’s personal data
Behaviour (X5)
(X) The salesperson can maintain the confidentiality of customer’s personal
(0,91 ; 0,53) data (X6)
The salesperson give product information honestly (X7) 0,818
The salesperson give product information in accordance with reality (X8) 0,764
The salesperson give information on product advantages and
disadvantages (X9)
The salesperson provide good service (Y11) 0,847
The salesperson provide satisfying service (Y12) 0,818
The salesperson behaviour have meet customer’s expectations (Y13) 0,844
(0,90 ; 0,68)
The salesperson offering products with good quality (Y14) 0,794
The salesperson can be trusted (Y21) 0,743
The salesperson give accurate product information (Y22) 0,738
Trust (Y2)
The salesperson give reliable service (Y23) 0,734
(0,84 ; 0,57)
The salesperson ensure customer get benefits from the products that
offered to them (Y24)
The customer are willing to establish long-term relationships with PT
Customer 0,841
Lama Sejahtera (Y31)
Loyalty (Y3)
PT Lama Sejahtera will be the customer’s first choice (Y32) 0,836
(0,89 ; 0,73) The customer are willing to give recommendations to others (Y )
33 0,889
Source : Data processed, 2018

Goodness of fit in the structural model was The results of this study support the
evaluated using a combination of absolute fit previous research conducted by Pezhman et al.
index (chi-square (χ2), CMIN / df, RMSEA and (2013), Ou et al. (2015), Jalali et al. (2016), and
SRMR) and incremental fit index (CFI and TLI). Tolba et al. (2015) that salesperson who behave
The results of the study in Table 1 show the chi- ethically have positive influence on customer
square statistical index (χ2), CMIN / df, RMSEA, satisfaction. Salesperson’s service with ethical
SRMR, CFI, and TLI have met the cut-off value behavior will have a positive effect on increasing
criteria (Hair et al., 2010). The results of this study customer satisfaction. Kotler and Keller (2012)
indicate that the SEM model can be used to reveal the behavior of salesperson who listen to
explain the relationship between exogenous and and provide responses or solutions to customer’s
endogenous constructs according to the basis of needs will be able to increase customer
the theory that has been built. satisfaction and trust.

Effect of salesperson ethical behavior on Effect of salesperson ethical behavior on

customer satisfaction customer trust
Based on the results of testing the Based on the results of testing the
hypothesis in Table 2, it was found that the hypothesis in Table 2, it was found that the
salesperson ethical behavior (X) had a positive salesperson ethical behavior (X) had a positive
and significant influence on customer satisfaction and significant influence on customer trust (Y2).
(Y1). This means that the better ethical behavior This means that the better ethical behavior of the
of the salesperson, the higher the level of salesperson will increase customer confidence in
customer satisfaction. the salesperson.
Putu Bagus Wedatama1, I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja2
The effect of salesperson ethical behavior on satisfaction, trust and customer loyalty

The results of this study support the

previous research conducted by Pezhman et al. Effect of customer satisfaction on customer
(2013), Ou et al. (2015) and Alrubaiee (2012) that loyalty
ethical behavior of salesperson has a positive Based on the results of testing the
influence on customer trust. The salesperson hypothesis in Table 2, it is found that customer
need to behave ethically to build customer satisfaction (Y1) has a significant positive effect
expectations that are in accordance with the on customer loyalty (Y3). This means that along
reality. One of them, by providing information with the increasing satisfaction experienced by
about the advantages and disadvantages of the customers, the level of customer loyalty is also
product and how to use them correctly. increasing.
Customers will feel satisfied if the products and The results of this study support the
services offered by the salesperson can meet or previous research conducted by Pezhman et al.
even exceed their expectations. Unethical (2013), Ou et al. (2015) and Lin and Wu (2012)
behavior, such as lying to customers, will only that customer satisfaction has a positive
disappoint the customer and have an impact on influence on customer loyalty. Customer loyalty
the reputation of the salesperson and company. is influenced by the level of customer
satisfaction. Customers will feel more loyal when
Effect of satisfaction on customer trust the salesperson's service and the performance of
Based on the results of testing the the product’s received exceed their expectations
hypothesis in Table 2, it is found that customer (Hawkins and Mothersbaugh, 2010). Customer
satisfaction (Y1) has a significant positive effect with higher level of satisfaction will reduce the
on customer trust (Y2). This means that the more presence of regret after purchase (reduce post
satisfied the customer, the level of customer purchase dissonance) so that it will increase
trust is also increasing. customer loyalty and make customers more
The results of this study support the willing to give a commitment to establish long-
previous research conducted by Ou et al. (2015) term relationships. Kotler and Keller (2012)
and Pezhman et al. (2013) that higher level of revealed that customers with higher level of
customer satisfaction have positive influence on satisfaction will have high emotional ties and
customer trust. Satisfaction and trust are one loyalty with brands or company so that customer
determinant of the quality of relationships (Vieira are more willing to provide recommendations to
et al., 2008; Farooqi, 2014). Kotler and Keller others and have resistance toward marketing
(2012) reveal that customers with higher levels of efforts from competitors.
satisfaction will be more trusting to the brand or
company so it is not easy to switch to

Table 2. The Result of Hypotesis Test

Path Coef. P-value Result
Salesperson Ethical Behaviour  Satisfaction H1 (+) 0,707 *** Accepted
Salesperson Ethical Behaviour  Trust H2 (+) 0,351 *** Accepted
Satisfaction  Trust H3 (+) 0,663 *** Accepted

Satisfaction  Customer Loyalty H4 (+) 0,494 *** Accepted

Trust  Customer Loyalty H5 (+) 0,561 *** Accepted

Note: *** significant at p < 0,001
Source: Data processed, 2018
127 Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen & Bisnis - Vol 10 No 2 September 2019

Effect of customer trust on customer loyalty salesperson towards their customers are tends to
Based on the results of testing the be followed by the higher level of customer’s
hypothesis in Table 2, it was found that customer trust of PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera in Bali.
trust (Y2) had a significant positive effect on Third conclusion that customer
customer loyalty (Y3). This means that the satisfaction has a positive and significant
greater the level of customer trust, the higher the influence on customer trust. This means that the
level of customer loyalty. greater satisfaction level obtained by customers
The results of this study support the of PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera in Bali, the level of
previous research conducted by Pezhman et al. trust will also increase.
(2013), Ou et al. (2015), and Alrubaiee (2012) The fourth conclusion that customer
that customer trust has a positive influence on satisfaction has a positive and significant
customer loyalty. Customers who have a higher influence on customer loyalty. This means that
level of trust will be more loyal and willing to the higher the level of customer satisfaction are
establish long-term relationships (Hawkins and tends to be followed by the higher level of
Mothersbaugh, 2010). Distrust or regret that customer’s loyalty to PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera in
arises after purchase (post purchase dissonance) Bali.
can be reduced by providing information on The fifth conclusion that customer trust
product warranty and how to use the product has a positive and significant influence on
correctly, providing alternatives to exchange old customer loyalty. This means that the higher the
products with new ones at special prices, as well level of customer trust are tends to be followed
as by offering product’s demonstration so by the higher level of customer’s loyalty to PT
customers can feel and experience using the Kawan Lama Sejahtera in Bali.
product. Some suggestions from the author that
the management of PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera
Research limitations needs to provide guidance or training for
This study has several limitations, which salespeople, especially new employees, to be
are only aimed at customers in one company, able to behave ethically and establish long-term
namely PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera in the Bali relationships with customers. The concept of I
region and using non probability sampling AM ELITE (Innovative, Accountable, Mastery,
method, namely purposive sampling, so that the Excellence, Leadership, Integrity, Teamwork, and
results of the study are less widely generalized. Enthusiasm) needs to be accompanied by
Future research should be able to involve a larger theoretical and practical training in product
sample of respondents and using the probability knowledge in order to provide product and
sampling method to obtain better research service information to customer correctly. The
results. salesperson need to be trained to build customer
expectations according to the reality of product’s
4. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS quality and salesperson’s capability to deliver the
The first conclusions from this study that product in timely manner. The management of
the ethical behavior of salesperson has a positive PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera also needs to clearly
and significant influence on customer communicate the responsibilities, limits of
satisfaction. This means that the more ethical authority, and sales strategies to salespeople in
behavior of salesperson toward their customers order to provide better service to customers,
are tends to be followed by the higher level of especially in terms of price negotiations and the
customer’s satisfaction of PT Kawan Lama accuracy of the delivery and installation of
Sejahtera in Bali. customer property..
The second conclusion that the ethical
behavior of salesperson has a positive and Referensi
significant influence on customer trust. This Alrubaiee, L. 2012. Exploring the relationship
means that the more ethical behavior of between ethical sales behaviour,
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