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İngilis dilinin qrammatikası (English Grammar)

Book · January 2019

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1 author:

Mahir Hashimov
University of Debrecen


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İngilis dilinin qrammatikası

Bakı, 2019
Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyinin təsdiq etdiyi proqram və dərsliklər əsasında
hazırlanmışdır. Bu vəsait DİM-in (TQDK) keçirdiyi qəbul imtahanlarında iştirak etmək istəyən
abituriyent və bakalavrlar, habelə orta məktəb şagirdləri və ingilis dilini fərdi şəkildə öyrənmək
istəyənlər üçün nəzərdə tutulmuşdur.
Hər mövzuda istifadə edilən nümunələr DİM-nin müxtəlif illərdə keçiridyi test
imtahanlarının əsasında hazırlanmışdır. Bu da imtahan verəcək namizədlərə daha effektli öyrənmə
və testlərlə işləmə bacarığı üçün zəmin yaradır.
Ümidvarıq ki, bu vəsait ingilis dilinə dərindən yiyələnmək istəyən hər bir kəsə köməklik
Əziz oxucular!
Sizə təhsilinizdə və qarşıdan gələn qəbul imtahanlarında uğurlar arzulayır və ən yüksək
nəticə əldə etməyinizi diləyirik.


1. NOUN .................................................................................................................. 4
2. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS ................................................................................ 8
3. PRONOUN .......................................................................................................... 9
4. ADJECTIVE ....................................................................................................... 16
5. ADVERB ............................................................................................................. 19
6. PREPOSITIONS ................................................................................................. 21
7. COMPLEX OBJECT ......................................................................................... 26
8. VERB .................................................................................................................... 27
9. IRREGULAR VERBS ........................................................................................ 28
10. VERB EXPRESSIONS ....................................................................................... 30
11. MODAL VERBS ................................................................................................. 31
12. PRESENT TENSE FORM ................................................................................. 35
13. PAST TENSE FORM ......................................................................................... 38
14. FUTURE TENSE FORM ................................................................................... 40
15. PASSIVE VOICE ................................................................................................ 42
16. INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES .................................................................... 43
17. CONJUNCTION ................................................................................................. 46
18. CAUSATIVE FORM OF VERB ....................................................................... 47
19. VOCABULARY WORDS .................................................................................. 48
20. SYNONYMS ........................................................................................................ 52
21. ANTONYMS ........................................................................................................ 53
M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


• Simple: car, bed, father, room, map

• İstisna:
• Derivative: teacher, activity, discussion,
A piano – pianos a video – videos
improvement, happiness, permission
A kilo – kilos a photo – photos
• Compound: armchair, bedroom,
A radio – radios a zoo – zoos
newspaper, schoolboy, toothbrush
3. f/fe→ v + es
➢ Noun-forming suffixes a shelf – shelves a wife – wives
a loaf – loaves a wolf - wolves
-ess actress, waitress, princess
a knife – knives a leaf – leaves
-ance, -ence attendance, preference
-th strength, width, length
-ee employee, refugee, referee • İstisna:
-ist idealist, humanist, chemist A roof – roofs a chief – chiefs
-ism humanism, idealism A cliff – cliffs a belief – beliefs
-or, -er director, teacher, waiter
-ship friendship, scholarship 4. Samit+y→ i + es
-hood childhood, neighborhood A city – cities a country – countries
-dom kingdom, freedom, wisdom A baby – babies an army – armies
-ness kindness, happiness
-age passage, marriage 5. Sait + y→ s
-(a)tion education, information a boy – boys a toy – toys
-ment movement, agreement a day -days a ray – rays
-ty safety, cruelty, anxiety
6. Kökündən dəyişən sözlər:
o Common: country, name, sea, month
Man – men
o Proper: France, Tom, Caspian, April
Woman – women
Foot – feet
❖ Singular and Plural Nouns Tooth – teeth
Goose – geese
1. Əksər isimlər sonuna +s artırılmaqla Mouse – mice
cəmlənir: Ox – oxen
Person – people
A book – books a bird – birds Child – children
A chair – chairs an apple – apples Louse – lice
2. s/ss/tch/ch/sh/o/x +es 7. Ancaq cəmdə işlənən sözlər:
7.1 İki eyni hissədən ibarət olan sözlər
a box – boxes a bench – benches Trousers shoes
a bus – buses a bush – bushes Socks gloves
a glass- glasses a tomato – tomatoes Tights scales
a potato – potatoes a fox – foxes Glasses scissors
Spectacles shorts

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

A pair of + ... – bir cüt ... a car an honest man

an apple a useful book
A pair of shoes
a unit, a uniform, an hour, a university, an
Two pairs of trousers
Some pairs of socks
- Cəm şəkilçisi qəbul edirlər
Cəm isimlərdən sonra xəbər həmişə cəmdə
olur: A computer – computers
A phone – phones
There is/ are trousers in the wardrobe.
My teeth is / are white. Qeyd: Yiyəlik əvəzliyindən sonra heç vaxt artikl
7.2 Topluluq bildirən isimlər
Goods people My a book his a books your a bag
Stairs police
Clothes staff 2. Uncountable nouns
Poultry government - Sayılmırlar
Gentry family - Heç vaxt artikl ilə işlədilmir
Cattle team A bread, an advice, a furniture
- Heç vaxt cəmlənmirlər
Qeyd: Police sözü həmişə cəmdə işlənir. breads informations
five advice three water
Police is/are asking you.
Sayılmayan isimləri saymaq üçün
A policeman – policemen
numerativ sözlərdən istifadə edilir.
A policewoman – policewomen
Numerativ sözlər sayılan isim
A police officer – police officers
olduqları üçün cəmlənə də bilirlər:
8. Həm tək, həm cəmdə işlənə sözlər:
sheep craft A glass of water
swine species / means A cup of coffee
fish deer A box of sugar
A bar of chocolate
A deer – two deer; A fish – some fish A piece of meat
There is /are a swine in the yard. Two bottles of milk
There is/are many sheep in the garden. Some pieces of advice
Four cups of juice
❖ Countable and Uncountable Nouns A sack of flour
A spoon of salt
1. Countable nouns
There is/ are two slices of lemon on
- Sayılırlar
the table
- Təkdə işləndikdə qarşısında mütləq
a/an artikl işlənir
There is /are a glass of water on
Qeyd: Əgər söz saitlə tələffüz olunarsa an, the table
samitlə tələffüz olunarsa a artikl işlədilir.
Cəmdə və sayılmayan isimlərin qarşısında heç
vaxt a/an artikl işlədilmir:

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

2. Tom’s book
Careful! Mike’s car
Aşağıdakı isimlər sayılan Farid’s phone
Impression – təəssürat 3. Soyadın önünə the artiklı artırılanda
Cloud – bulud isim cəmlənir və ailə bildirir:
Storm – qasırğa
Idea – ideya The Browns’ home
The Smiths’ car
Qeyd: Bəzən isim təyin funksiyasında çıxış
edir: 4. – gilə/gildə mənasında işlənir:
I go to Tom’s
furniture I am at my uncle’s
a furniture shop
an expensive furniture shop 5. Farid and Gunay’s book(s)
expensive furniture shops Vasif ’s and Zaur’s fathers
expensive furniture
6. Today’s newspaper
Self-Study Evening’s lesson
Moon’s light
_ useful advice _ honest man Sun’s rays
_ advice _ useful books
_ useful book _ clever children Yesterday’s magazine
_ blue pen _ boring films Tomorrow’s meeting
_ huge building _ pretty girl
7. A month’s vacation
❖ Possessive (Genitive) Case Two days’ holiday
A week’s journey
1. + ‘s və ya + s‘ s’s 3 days’ trip

Singular Plural 8. At/to the baker’s

At/to the butcher’s
Girl’s doll Girls’ doll(s) At/to the chemist’s
At/to the grocery’s
Boy’s car Boys’ car(s) At/to the dentist’s

Cat’s tail Cats’ tails I went to the butcher’s to buy a piece of meat.
Yesterday I was at the chemist’s.
Man’s house Men’s houses

Woman’s hat Women’s hats

My son’s book My sons’ books

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

9. Cansız isimlərin yiyəlik halını Self-Study

düzəltmək üçün of sözündən istifadə
olunur: 1. Choose the uncountable nouns.
a. apple d. flower
Legs of the table b. time e. fruit
door of the room c. rice f. pepper
streets of the city
name of the book 2. Choose the correct possessive
a. Two week’s holiday
Yiyəlik hal ancaq isim/əvəzlik ilə isim arasında b. The Ahmadovs’ home
olur. Isimlə fel arasında yiyəlik hal ola bilməz: c. Toms’ grandmother
d. Farid’s running so fast
Tom’s going to school is
3. Choose the nouns in the plural.
Martin’s got an expensive car has a. news b. goods c. childs
Let’s go to cinema d. economics e. teeth
f. stairs g. mice h. fruit
Richard’s gone to park has

4. Choose the nouns.

Compare: a. twenty b. jam c. beautiful
Alan’s walking slowly is d. wall e. friendly f. food
Alan’s walking is slow
Alan’s speaking quickly is
Alan’s speaking is so fluent
Fuad’s walking made me angry
Vasif’s writing is unreadable
Vasif’s writing so quickly is

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


Water – su Food - ərzaq Youth – gənclik

Tea – çay Furniture – mebel
Coffee – kofe Traffic – nəqliyyat Mathematics – riyaziyyat
Milk – süd Baggage – yük Physics - fizika
Fruit juice – meyvə şirəsi Luggage – yük Art – incəsənət
Beer – pivə Mail – poçt History – tarix
Wine – şərab Jewelry – zinət/daş-qaş Chemistry – kimya
Oil – yağ/benzin Garbage – zibil Economics – iqtisadiyyat
Petrol – benzin Music – musiqi
Fuel – yanacaq Charity - xeyirxahlıq Education – təhsil
Blood – qan Improvement – inkişaf Politics – siyasət
Glue – kley Poverty – kasıb təbəqə Grammar – qrammatika
Ink – mürəkkəb Research – araşdırma Science – elm
Air – hava Wealth – sərvət, var-dövlət Literature - ədəbiyyat
Smoke – tüstü Wisdom – müdriklik Medicine – tibb/dərman
Steam – buxar Advertising – reklam
Advice – məsləhət Law – hüquq/qanun
Bread – çörək Freedom – azadlıq
Butter – yağ Friendship – dostluq Basketball – basketbol
Cheese – pendir Help – kömək Football – futbol
Meat - ət Honesty – vicdan Tennis – tenis
Fruit – meyvə Information – məlumat Chess – şahmat
Ice – buz Knowledge – bilik Draughts - şaşki/dama
Gold – qızıl Luck – uğur Cards – kart oyunu
Silver – gümüş News – xəbərlər Athletics – atletika
Iron – dəmir Peace – sülh Gymnastics – gimnastika
Coal – kömür Power – güc Billiards – bilyard
Glass – şüşə Progress – inkişaf
Wood – taxta Time – vaxt Energy – enerji
Paper – kağız Work – iş Light – işıq
Wool – yun Truth – həqiqət Electricity – elektrik
Cotton – pambıq Darkness – qaranlıq
Silk – ipək Anger - əsəb Weather – hava
Dirt – çirk Calm – sakitlik Fire – alov/od
Mud – palçıq Disappointment – məyusluq Lightning – ildırım
Happiness – xoşbəxtlik Snow – qar
Sugar – qənd Kindness – mehribanlıq Frost – şaxta
Salt – duz Love – sevgi Heat – istilik/hərarət
Pepper – istiot Patience – səbr Rain – yağış
Corn – qarğıdalı Sadness – qəmqinlik Money – pul
Wheat – taxıl Pride – fəxr Development – inkişaf
Rice – düyü Trust – inam Soap – sabun
Hatred – nifrət Fruit – meyvə
Flour – un Wind – külək
Sand – qum Health – sağlamlıq Business – biznes
Dust – toz Sleep – yuxu Honey – bal
Chalk – təbaşir Stress – stress Hope – ümid
Hair – saç Childhood – uşaqlıq dövrü Permission – icazə

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


1. Personal Pronouns On + possessive pronoun + own = təkbaşına

I am a student We live on our own

You are a student He lives on his own
He/she/it I live on my own
We are students
You are students 3.2 İsimsiz yiyəlik əvəzlikləri
They are students Özündən sonra heçvaxt isim işlənmir

• Natalia studies at university. She is a student. Mine This is my phone. This phone is mine
• Rashid works at hospital. He is a doctor. Yours It is not your umbrella. Yours is broken
• I have a dog. It is so big. His/hers/its His pen is blue but mine is red
• There are many cats in the street. They are Ours
hungry. Yours My friend = a friend of mine
Theirs Our book = a book of us
2. Object Pronouns
4. Reflexive Pronouns
Me Give me a book.
Myself I can do it myself
You They see you
Yourself I myself can do it
Him/her/it I saw him yesterday.
Himself He usually talks to himself
Us Jim understands us.
You I cannot hear you. Herself
Itself by + reflexive pronoun =təkbaşına
Them I don’t know them.
Yourselves He lives by himself
Sözönu + Object Pronoun
Themselves They live by themselves
I bought a gift for her Sözönü – preposition
He went with us With – ilə, la2 Itself öz-özlüyündə mənasını da verir.
Take it from them To – ya2 • Film itself was interesting but I didn’t
Tom listens to me From – dan2 like its music.
I waited for him so long For - üçün
• Hotel itself is comfortable but its fee is so
3. Possessive Pronouns
3.1 İsimli yiyəlik əvəzlikləri 5. Demonstrative Pronouns
Özündən sonra mütləq isim tələb edir.
Öz mənasında işlədilir: This – these bu – bunlar
My book That – those o – onlar
Your car I wear my coat So/such elə/belə
His/her/its behaviour He washes his hands The same eyni
Our school She brushes her hair
Your phones This tree is very old
Their ideas This is my picture These trees are very young
It is not your bag That house over there is mine
Those houses over there are not ours

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

Such + noun so + adverb/ adjective 7. Other / another

such a book so quick • Another – başqa bir

such books so hard Another+tək sayılan isim
such advice so slowly
Another student
such + adjective+ noun another students
another information
such a beautiful girl I have read this book, give me another one
such beautiful girls
such useful advice • Other – başqa, digər
such a useful book Other+sayılmayan/cəm isim
such an honest boy other book
such honest boys other books
such useful books other information
I don’t know other questions
6. Reciprocal pronouns
what +other some + other
Each other Bir-birinə Söhbət iki şəxs və no+other any + other
Bir birini ya əşyadan gedərsə What other books would you like to read?
We don’t know each
Haqqında danışılan isim müəyyəndirsə the other/
the others işlədilir.

Each other’s They wear each • The others – digərləri, başqaları

(Each other’s + Bir-birinin other’s shoes The others + noun
One another Bir-birinə Söhbət ikidən artıq There are 5 workers in our department. two of
Bir birini şəxs və ya əşyadan them are from France, the others are from
gedərsə Turkey.

Students help one 8. Some/ any

another in the class
• Some –bir neçə, bir qədər, bəzi

One another’s Children use one Some+cəm/sayılmayan isim

(one another’s+ Bir-birinin another’s pens
noun) some book
some books
some information
Təsdiq cümlələrində işlədilir:
I watched some films yesterday
Təklif/xahiş mənalarında sual cümləsində
Would you like some coffee?
Could you give me some coffee?

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

the … Bu əvəzliklərdən sonra fel həmişə təkdə işlənir.

Some of + these/those …
possessive pr. …+ Xəbər cəm You can go anywhere
us, you, them There is no anything on the table
Did anybody call me?
Some of the books are interesting
Some of them are here Qeyd:
Some of these films are boring
Any+longer - daha İnkar və sual cümləsində
Some of my students are lazy
Any +more - daha Inkar və sual cümləsində
No + longer - daha yalnız təsdiq cümləsində
• Any – heç bir, hər hansı bir
At + all - ümumiyyətlə Inkar və sual cümləsində
mənalarında yalnız sual və inkar
cümlələrində işlədilir: I don’t love you any more
I don’t love you any longer
Any+cəm/sayılmayan I love you no longer
I don’t love you at all
Any book
9. Quantifiers
Any books
Any information
9.1 much/many – çoxlu
I didn’t buy any books. much + sayılmayan isim
Do you have any questions? many +cəm isim

• Any – istənilən mənalarında təsdiq much time much information

cümlələrində işlədilir: many books many people
Any+cəm/sayılmayan/tək sayılan
Daha çox inkar və təsdiq cümlələrində işlədilir.
Any book
There is no much water in the bottle.
Any books
Any information
So + many so + much
Such + many such + much
You can take any book
Very many very much
Too many too much
Somebody – kimsə
Someone – kimsə
9.2 a lot of / lots of / plenty of - çoxlu
Something – nəsə
Somewhere – harasa, hardasa
a lot of +sayılmayan/cəm isim
Bu əvəzliklərdən sonra fel həmişə təkdə işlənir. a lot of information a lot of books
Someone is singing lots of impressions plenty of time
Something goes wrong
Təsdiq cümlələrində işlədilir.
Sual və inkar təsdiq
Anybody – heç kim istənilən kəs I have a lot of time.
Anyone – heçkim istənilən kəs There are lots of teachers at university.
Anything – heç nə istənilən bir şey
Anywhere – heç yer(də) hara olsa Such + a lot of so + a lot of

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

9.3 little/few – az The boy whom/that you met is my friend

• Canlı/cansiz isim + whose +isim

little+ sayılmayan isim
few +cəm isim The teacher whose book you read is my uncle
little time few books • Cansız isim +which/that
little money few apples
The book which/that lays on the table is mine
very + little very + few
The phone which/that I bought last year was
so+ little so + few broken
too +little too + few
only a few= few only a little= little Preposition+whom
Who + preposition
9.4 a little/ a few – bir az
The boy to whom you were talking is my friend
-Can you give me some money? The boy who you were talking to is my friend
- I’m sorry, I have little money.
-Can you give me some money? ***
- Yes, I have a little money. The café where we met is being broken now
The café in which we met is being broken now
9.5 a number of / the number of
Do you know the reason why he hasn’t come to
A number of + cəm isim = çoxlu the lesson
A number of …. + xəbər cəm I don’t know what happened yesterday
There are/were a number of people in the street 11. All / the whole

The number of + cəm isim = sayı, miqdarı All +sayılan (tək/cəm) / sayılmayan isim
The number of …. + xəbər tək All the book
All my life
The number of people is/was nearly 100. All these books
All the furniture
10. Relative Pronouns
the …
Who → that kim ki all of + these/those … + Xəbər cəm
Whom → that kimə ki/ kimi ki possessive pr. …
Whose kimin ki us, you, them
Which → that hansı ki All of the books are interesting
All of us were there
• Canlı isim +who/that + xəbər
The whole + tək sayılan isim
The boy who/that stands there is my friend
The guys who/that stand there are my friends The whole book the whole time
My whole life the whole books
• Canlı isim + whom/that+ mübtəda +xəbər

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

We all = all of us Either of these girls was pretty

They all = all of them
Either ... or ... – ya ... ya da ...
Most of all – hamıdan çox
Bu bağlayıcıdan sonra xəbər or sözündən sonra
First of all – hər şeydən əvvəl
gələn sözlə uzlaşır:
At + all – qətiyyən İnkar və sual cümləsində
Either the boy or girl is here
12. Both Either the boy or girls are here

both – hər ikisi 14. Neither

Neither – heç biri

Neither+tək sayılan isim
both (the) books
both book
Neither book neither information
both information
Neither books neither time
the …
these/those … + Xəbər cəm
There are two books here. You can take neither
both of
possessive pr. … book.
us, you, them the …
these/those …
Both of the girls are beautiful neither of + Xəbər tək
possessive pr. …
Both of those books are dull +
us, you, them

We both=both of us Neither of those films is interesting

You both=both of you
Neither ... nor ... – nə ... nə də ...
Both ... and ... – həm ... həm də ...
Bu bağlayıcıdan sonra xəbər nor sözündən sonra
gələn sözlə uzlaşır:
Bu bağlayıcıdan sonra xəbər həmişə cəmdə olur:
Both Tom and Martin were there Neither the boy nor girl is here
Both girls and boys are ready Neither the boy nor girls are here
15. Each / every
13. Either

Either – ikisindən biri Each→ hər/ hər biri (ayrı-ayrılıqda)

Either+tək sayılan isim Every→ hər/ hər biri (bütünlükdə)

Either book either information Each + tək sayılan isim

Either books either time Every+ tək sayılan isim
There are two books here. You can take either
Each book each books each time
Every book every books every time
the …
these/those … + Xəbər tək Bu əvəzliklərdən sonra xəbər təkdə olur
either of
possessive pr. …
+ I bought two books. Each book was interesting
us, you, them
I read every book in the library
Either of the books is interesting

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

the …
these/those … • None (heç biri/ yox)
each of + + Xəbər tək
possessive pr. …
us, you, them None əvəzliyindən sonra isim işlənmir.
İs there any milk? – No, there is none.
Each of the books was interesting
Each of my friends lives abroad the …
these/those …
none of + + Xəbər tək
possessive pr. …
the … us, you, them
these/those …
Every one of + Xəbər tək
possessive pr. … None of the books is exciting
us, you, them
None of these students has read this text
None of us wants to go
Every one of us is a student
Every one of these computers is expensive Nobody – heç kəs
No one – heç kəs
Everybody – hər kəs Nothing – heç nə
Everyone – hər kəs Nowhere – heç yer(də)
Everything – hər şey
Everywhere – hər yer(də) Bu əvəzliklərədən sonra xəbər həmişə təkdə
Bu əvəzliklərdən sonra xəbər həmişə təkdə olur:
No one is ready for the lesson
Everybody wants to go to the museum Nothing is good
Everybody was here
Everything is good No + longer - daha yalnız təsdiq cümləsində

16. Negative Pronouns I love you no longer

Inkar əvəzlikləri həmişə təsdiq və sual

cümlələrində işlədilir. İnkar cümlələrində 17. Interrogative Pronouns
Who - kim
• No ( xeyr, yox, deyil ) Whom - kimi/kimə
No əvəzliyindən sonra heçvaxt artikl işlənmir. Whose – kimin
There is no book There is no a book What – nə/hansı
Which – hansı
Where – hara/harada
• Not (deyil)
How – necə
Not + a (tək sayılan isim)
Who, whom, whose əvəzlikləri əsasən canlılara
There is not a book There is not book aid olur.
Not + any ( sayılmaya/cəm) Who are you?
There is not any water Who is he standing there?
There are not any books

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

Who cümlədə mübtəda olarsa ondan sonra heç What kind of … – hansı, necə
bir köməkçi fel gəlmir, xəbər birbaşa işlıdilir:
What kind of films do you love?
Who wants to go there? What kind of music do you listen to?
Who went to the shop?
Where do you live?
Who əgər cümlədə tamamlıq kimi çıxış edərsə Where are you from?
ondan sonra mütləq köməkçi fel gələcək:
How are you? – I am well
Who did you see yesterday? How is your father? – He is not bad
Who do you look at?
Whom tamamlıq vəzifəsində çıxış etdiyi üçün
ondan sonra mütləq köməkçi fel işlədilir:
Whom do you think we should call? 1. Choose the correct variants.
Compare: … the girls were absent.
a. Both b. Each of c. All d. Every of
Who do you see? Who did you see? e. Some of
Who sees you Who saw you? 2. Choose the corect pronouns.
To whom are you speaking? The police are looking for the rubber.
Who are you speaking to? A) He, him
B) They, them
For whom are you waiting? C) They, his
Who are you waiting for you? D) They, him
Whose əvəzliyindən sonra mütləq isim işlədilir: E) He, his
3. Choose the corect pronoun.
Whose book is this? No ... student in our group is as
Whose photo is better?
intellegent as David.
Whose home is over there?
A) Other B) Another C) The others
What əsasən cansızlara aid olur: D) Others E) The other
4. Choose the corect pronouns.
What is your name?
... was enjoying the party, ... were joking,
What is there on the shelf?
... were talking.
What canlılara aid edilərsə peşə/vəzifə A) All, some, the others
soruşulur. B) Everyone, some, others
What are you? – I am a carpenter. C) Every, they, the others
What is your father? – He is an engineer. D) Everybody, some, another
E) All, some, others
What do you do? – I am a doctor. 5. Choose the correct variant.
What is your sister? – She is a student. ... a tall modern building, ... architecture
What hansı sualına da cavab verir. is so orginal.
A) Its, its B) It’s, it’s C) It’s, its
What color do you love? D) Its, it is E) Its, it
What country would you like to travel?
Which color do you love? – blue or green?
Which day of the week do you like most?

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. Anna is very beautiful

The film was too boring
1. Adjective-forming suffixes This phone is so expensive
The Laptop I bought last month was rather cheap
-ful helpful, harmful
-less hopeless, helpless Enough (kifayət qədər)
-ous dangerous, various
-able/-ible possible, countable * Enough+isim
-ish childish, babyish
-ent/-ant different, important I have enough money to buy it
-al cultural, special
-y sunny, cloudy * Sifət/zərf +enough
-ive effective, attractive
-ly friendly, lovely He is clever enough
Tom runs fast enough
2.2 The Comparative degree (Müqayisə
2. Degrees of Adjective (Sifətin dərəcələri)
2.1 The Positive degree (Adi dərəcə)
a blue pen, green trees, a tall man, a clever
student, an orange bag * Təkhecalı və ya sonu y ilə bitən ikihecalı
sifətlərin sonuna -er artırmaqla düzəlir.
Cheap-cheaper long-longer
* Şəxs və əşyaların eyni keyfiyyətə malik olub- Cold-colder tall-taller
olmadığını göstərmək üçün Easy-easier early-earlier
Happy-happier funny-funnier
as … as (kimi) Safe-safer nice-nicer
Big-bigger hot-hotter
Jack is as lazy as his brother
Your sister is as beautiful as Monica *Çoxhecalı sifətlərin müqayisə dərəcəsi more
so … as vasitəsilə düzəlir.
Expensive-more expensive
This student is not so intelligent as Togrul Dangerous-more dangerous
*Təkrarın qarşısını alamq üçün one sözündən Necessary-more neecssary
istifadə edilir İşlədilməsi
This shop is as expensive as that shop * Şəxs və əşyaları müqayisə etmək üçün than
This shop is as expensive as that one bağlayıcısından istifadə edilir

* very Albert is more hardworking than Fred

too This meal is more delicious than that one
so + adi dərəcə This is a more beautiful girl than Clara
rather These are more interesting books than you
quite bought

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

* Əlaməti daha da zəiflətmək vəya gücləndirmək * üstünlük dərəcəsi + the perfect tense form
üçün aşağıdakı sözlərdən istifadə edilir
It is the most amazing game I have ever played
Much Alex is the laziest student I have ever seen
This is a much more interesting book than yours
* üstünlük dərəcəsi + among
A lot
This song is a lot louder than that one Sam is the most diligent teacher among the
A bit groups
Thomas is a bit more diligent than you
A little
I am a little lazier than your brother Irregular Adjectives
Slightly Positive
Comparative Superlative
Physics is slightly more boring than Chemistry
bad worse the worst

2.3 The Superlative degree (Üstünlük dərəcəsi) far farther/further the farthest/furthest
good better the best
late later, latter the latest, last
* Təkhecalı və ya sonu y ilə bitən ikihecalı
sifətlərin üstünlük dərəcəsi the ***est vasitəsilə little less the least
düzəlir. many more the most
Long-the longest cold-the coldest much more the most
Happy-the happiest big-the biggest
old older/elder the oldest/eldest
Easy-the easiest early-the earliest
Cheap-the cheapest safe-the safest
It is the worst film I have ever watched
*Çoxhecalı sifətlərin üstünlük dərəcəsi the most This topic is better than that one
vasitəsilə düzəlir. Noun is the best chapter in the book
I need more time for this work
Expensive-the morst expensive Tom is a better cat than Bob
Dangerous-the most dangerous
Necessary-the most neecssary
* Older/elder
Older və oldest qoca, yaşlı və qədim
* üstünlük dərəcəsi + in +yer/məkan/qrup/təşkilat
mənalarında işlədilir.
Baku is the biggest city in Azerbaijan
* The Maiden Tower is one of the oldest building
She is the most beautiful girl in the world
in Baku
Alan is the laziest student in the class
* John is 3 years older than me
Nick is the most diligent worker in the company
Elder və eldest ailə içində danışıldıqda işlədilir.
* üstünlük dərəcəsi + vaxt müddəti
My elder brother lives abroad
July is the hottest month of the year I am the eldest in the family
It was the best day in my life

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

* further (əlavə, sonrakı) Self-Study

Please tell me if you know any further 1. Choose the line of adjectives.
information A) Actress, activity
* latest/last (son) B) Careless, attentive
C) Sunny, usually
The poet’s latest poem was successful D) Teach, pleasure
Hajibayov’s last opera was „Firuza” E) Occupation, dust

Aşağıdakı feillərdən sonra sifət işlədilir: 2. Samuel is a .... player than his
Be Be careful! A) Good
Get My friend got angry B) Better
Become I became older C) The best
Seem This book seems boring D) As good
Look He looks tired
E) Best
Feel I felt excited yesterday
Sound That music sounds awesome
3. Choose the line of adjective
Taste The dish tasted delicious
Smell Flowers smell nice forming suffixes.
A) -y, -er, -ity
B) -less, -able, -y
C) -ty, -ful, -teen
Adjective-forming prefixes D) -ing, -tion, -th
un-unhappy bədbəxt E) -ment, -ous, -ness
il-illegal qeyri-qanuni
ir-irregular qaydasız 4. My ... brother is two years ... than
im-impossible qeyri-mümkün me.
in-inattentive diqqətsiz A) Old, older
B) Elder, older
C) Elder, younger
D) Older, elder
E) Eldest, elder

5. Nigar is ... of all the children in

her class.
A) More active
B) As active
C) The most active
D) Most active
E) Not so active

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, *Aşağıdakı sözlər zərfdir.
adjective, another adverb.
Here-bura, burada There-ora, orada
Sifətlərin sonuna -ly artıqmaqla düzəlir. Above-yuxarıda Below-aşağıda
Always-həmişə Usually-adətən
Quick-quickly quiet-quietly Often-tez-tez Generally-ümumiyyətlə
Slow-slowly nice-nicely Sometimes-bəzən Regularly-müntəzəm
Easy-easily kind-kindly Seldom-hərdən Never-heçvaxt
Hardly-çətin ki Ever-nə vaxtsa
Jack is a nice boy ADJ Lately-son zamanlarda yet-hələ
Jack plays nicely ADV Hardly ever-demək olar ki heçvaxt

It is a bad game ADJ Yet-inkarda, cümlənin sonunda işlənir

He writes badly ADV Lately-cümlənin sonunda işlənir
Never-təsdiqdə, köməkçi feldən sonra işlənir
* Aşağıdakı sözlər eyni zamanda həm sifət, həm Always, Usually köməkçi feldən sonra işlənir
də zərf kimi işlədilir.

Hard İt is a fast train * Good / well (yaxşı)

Fast Train goes fast
Early Good sifət, well isə zərfdir.
Late Marry is a good tutor
Long This is a hard task Marry teaches Maths well
Little He works hard

Hardly isə zərfdir və yalnız təsdiqdə işlənərək Degrees of Adverbs (Zərfin dərəcələri)
cümləyə inkarlıq verir. İşlədilmə xüsusiyyətləri sifətdə olduğu kimidir.
Tom is lazy, he is hardly working -Tom tənbəldir, Təkhecalı zərflərin müqayisə dərəcəsi -er,
güclə işləyir. üstünlük dərəcəsi -est şəkilçisi əlavə etməklə
* Aşağıdakı sözlər zərfə oxşasa da sifətdir.
Lively canlı Early-earlier-earliest
Lovely sevimli Fast-faster-fastest
Ugly eybəcər
Lonely tənha Train 1 reached earlier than Train 2
Silly axmaq Lucas runs fastest in the class
My cousin works as hard as his boss
He is a lovely student
He plays lovely

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

-ly ilə düzəlmiş zərflərin müqayisə dərəcəsi

more, üstünlük dərəcəsi isə most vasitəsilə
1. Choose the correct variant.
It was getting ... and it was ... cold.
Attentively-more attentively-most attentively A) Dark, terribly
Slowly-more slowly-most slowly B) Darkly, terribly
C) Dark, teerible
He ran most slowly among the students D) Darker, teerible
Farid listens more attentively than you E) Darkest, terribly

2. We arrived in Baku …him.

A) The latest
B) Lately than
Irregular Adverbs C) So lately as
Comparative Superlative D) More later
E) Later than
badly worse worst
far farther/further farthest/furthest 3. My collegue studies ... than the other
well better best
A) More hard
late later, latter latest, last B) Hard
C) Harder
little less least
D) Hardly
many more most E) More hardlier
much more most
4. Nicky always listens to everybody rather
He knows better than Tom ...
Julia sang worst in the competition A) More carefully
B) Carefully
* Zərf həm sifəti, həm də özünü təyin edir. C) Most carefully
D) Much more carefully
E) The most carefully
It was terribly cold yesterday 5. The film we watched yesterday wasn’t ...
Fuad learns English incredibly quickly A) Interesting enough
B) As well
C) So badly
D) Well enough
E) As good


M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


1. Vaxt bildirən in/on/at at the age of 15

1.1 at+günün hissələri at dawn
at the speed of 180
at 5 o`clock
at the temperature of 100
at dinner time
at lunchtime
1.5 Aşağıdakı hallarda in/on/at işlədilmir:
at sunset
İstisna: last week next week this week
in the morning on Friday morning every week last month next year
in the evening on Sunday evening next morning this afternoon every year
in the afternoon on Tuesday afternoon 1.6 in (ərzində,sonra)

1.2 on+gün (bütün gün/ayın tarixi) Gələcək zaman cümlələrində işlədilir:

on Monday on 11 May İ shall come back here in three years

on Tuesday on 12 June 2005 He will finish his lessons in two hours
on Wednesday on Christmas day Fuad will come in a day.
on Thursday on a rainy day
on Friday on a sunny day 1.7 on time/ in time (vaxtında)
on Saturday on his birthday
on Sunday on (the) weekend on time – vaxtında (dəqiqliklə)
in time - vaxtında (təxminən)
1.3 in+uzun dövrlər
İ shall be there in time
in January in spring Train left the station on time
in February in summer
in March in autumn/fall 1.8 at the end of ... /at the beginning of …
in April in winter
at the end of … - … sonunda
in May in the XXI century
in June in the XV century at the beginning of … - … əvvəlində
in July in 1993 at the end of the month
in August in 1890
at the beginning of June
in September in the Past
at the end of the year
in October in the Present
in November in the Future at the end of the week
in December 1.9 in the end/at first
1.4 Aşağıdakı ifadələrlə də at işlədilir:
in the end – nəhayət ki/ sonda/axırda
at night at midnight at first – ilkin olaraq/birincisi
at the moment at the present
at Christmas at Novruz At first I didn’t know where to go. In the end I
at the same time at Ramadan decided to go to the park
at (the) weekend at noon

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

Self-Study on the field on the page

on the right on the left
I shall go to school _ two weeks on the river on the road
_ the Past there was no such a thing on the coast on the way
on television on the radio
Water boils _ 100oC
on the phone go on a diet
He was born _ May 10 go on strike be on fire
I usually go there _ Sunday morning on the ground floor on the first floor
on a hot day on the stage
I visited to my uncle’s _ last week
2. Məkan bildirən in/on/at
2.1 at (hardasa olmaq, yanında, gildə) in at
in the shop at the shop
at the bus stop at the table in the building at the building
at the station at the window in on
at the airport at the door in the bottle on the bottle
at work at school in the can on the can
at a party at a concert at on
at a meeting at a lecture at the door on the door
at a match at Tom’s at the table on the table
at the baker’s at university
at the top of page at the bottom of page 2.4 in/at/on the front of … (qarşısında)
at the end of street o in the front of a car - behind the car
o at the front of the house – at the back of
2.2 İn (İçində, içərisində) house
o on the front of the book – on the back of
in the room in my bag
the photo
in the city in the town
in the country in Baku
in the village in the street 2.5 in/on/at the corner of …
in France in the office
in the corner of the room – otağın küncündə
in a line in the sky
in a row in the world at/on the corner of the street – küçənin tinində
in a queue in bed
in a picture in the rain 2.6 Nəqliyyat vasitələrində işlənməsi
in the sun in the shade
in a taxi in his car in their boat
in the sunset in bad weather
on our bus on a ship on a train
in pencil in History
on a plane on a bicycle on foot
in ink in grammar
by train by plane by car
in cash in Maths
2.3 on ( üstündə) Qeyd: Artikl və yiyəlik əvəzlikləri in/on
sözönlərindən sonra işləndiyi halda by
on the table on the wall sözönündn sonra işlənmir.
on the map on a menu
on the list on the farm
on an island on the chair

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

2.7 Aşağıdakı ifadələrlə də on işlədilir: 3.4 Into (içəri, içərisinə, içində)

on holiday on leave on a trip Put your books into your bag.

on business on a tour on a cruise He came into the room.
on a voyage on vacation on a excursion He didn`t get into the class.
Get into=enter (daxil olmaq)
on the whole=in general (ümumiyyətlə)
on purpose= on intentionally (qəsdən) Enter felindən sonra to sözönü işlədilmir:
enter the room enter the class
3. İstiqamət bildirən sözönləri enter the university enter the house
3.1 to (-ya2, -a2)
3.5 out of
My friend will go to London.
into sözönünün antonimidir. Bir şeyin içindən
When did you return to Baku?
kənara, bayıra mənasını verir.
Please come to us tomorrow.
He went out of the room.
Bir yerdə olduğumuzu bildirmək üçün been to
She got out of the car.
Please take the books out of the bag.
İ have been to İtaly several times.
3.6 by
Have you ever been to Turkey?
Qeyd: İstiqamət bildirən fellərlə home sözünün 3.6.1 by – ilə (nəqliyyat vasitələri)
qarşısında to sözönü işlədilmir. İ go to work by car.
go home come home He goes to school by bus.
get home on the way home
3.6.2 by – tərəfindən
3.2 get to/arrive (çatmaq) Passive cümlələrdə işlədilir.
This poem was written by Nizami
He got to London at 3.
When did you get home? 3.6.3 by – yanında
We got to party early.
We sat by the fire.
He wants to stand by me.
Arrive in + country/city/town/…
by=next to=beside=near
We will arrive in Istanbul in two hours.
Tom arrived in the village yesterday. 3.6.4 by – qədər, kimi
Arrive at + meeting/party/airport/… Bitmiş (perfect) zaman formalarında işlədilir.
Samuel always arrives at work late İ had done my HW by 2 o’clock yesterday.
Did you arrive at school on time? I shall have cleaned the room by tomorrow.
3.3 from (-dan2) 3.6.5 by – ilə ( ödəmə mənasında)

from Rome from the country o by cheque

from the shelf from you o by credit card
from my friend from Hungary
Can I pay by cheque?
He came from Moscow. He paid by credit card.
Take the books from bookshelf. I shall pay in cash.

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

4. Other prepositions 4.12 Across

4.1 above
We swam across the river together.
The plane was flying above the clouds. I saw him going across the street.
Here is so hot. It’s above 40 C.
4.13 During
4.2 below
We had a good time during the party.
Birds were flying below the clouds.
Here is so cold. It’s below 5 C. 4.14 about
4.3 over
I don’t know anything about it.
Tom jumped over the fence.
This bridge is over the river. 4.15 towards

4.4 through The car was going towards the building.

Water flows through the pipe. 5. No preposition

We went to the village through the forest.
To tell – him
4.5 with To meet – my friend
To visit – Baku
I want to go there with him.
A visit to Baku
Tom was with me yesterday.
To answer – the question
4.6 without An answer to question
To enter – university
Don’t go out without a coat. To miss – the plane
He went without saying anything. To catch – the plane
To reach – the station
4.7 between
To watch – the films
There is a problem between Tom and Jim. To go – abroad
To approach – the airport
4.8 among To advise – her
To show – them
We were sitting among the trees. To ask – him
4.9 along To join – the groups

We walked along the river. 6. Beside/besides &except/expect

4.10 round/around Besides=except

The Earth moves around the Sun. All boys besides Tom sat beside us.
Expect=wait for
4.11 under

There is a cat under the table. I expected you a lot

He waited for me so long

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

7. Verb/adjective + preposition Famous Məşhur olmaq

Responsible Məsuliyyətli
Angry about əsəbi olmaq Wait Gözləmək
Annoyed (nəyəsə) hirsli olmaq Search Axtarmaq
Angry with əsəbi olmaq Leave for Tərk etmək
Annoyed (kiməsə) hirsli olmaq Thank Təşəkkür etmək
Forgive Bağışlamaq
Excited Həyəcanlı olmaq Late Gecikmək
Exchange Dəyişmək
Worried Narahat olmaq Rent Kirayə
Apologise Üzr istəmək
Think about Düşünmək
Look Axtarmaq
Talk Söhbət etmək
Speak Danışmaq Listen Qulaq asmaq
Sorry about/for Üzgün olmaq Write Yazmaq
Apologise Üzr istəmək
Delighted məmnun olmaq
Happen Baş vermək
Pleased məmnun olmaq
Prefer Üstün tutmaq
Happy xoşbəxt olmaq
Speak to Danışmaq
Disappointment with məyus olmaq Talk Söhbət etmək
Fed up Bezmək Married Evlənmək
Bored darıxmaq Grateful Minnətdar olmaq
Afraid Qorxmaq Similar Bənzəmək
Scared Qorxutmaq Explain Izah etmək
Fond Sevmək
Proud Fəxr etmək
Jealous Qısqanmaq 8. Other uses
Aware Xəbərdar olmaq
Full of Dolmaq Go for walk
Take care Qayğısına
qalmaq Go to bed
Accuse Günahlandırmaq Go in for sports
Consist Ibarət olmaq On the 1st of September
Tired Yorulmaq
Question after question
Sure əmin olmaq
Far from Baku
good Yaxşı olmaq
bad Pis olmaq Turn on the radio/ turn off the radio
look Baxmaq Away from Baku
stare Gözünü zilləmək For 3 years
laugh at Gülmək Get in the car/ get out of the car
point Işarə etmək
shoot Atəş açmaq Get on the bus/ get off the bus
aim Məqsədi olmaq Read in the original
shout Qışqırmaq
Different Fərqli olmaq 9. Look
Suffer from Əzab çəkmək
Protect qorumaq
Look at - baxmaq
Interested Marqlanmaq
succeed in Müvəffəq olmaq
Look for – axtarmaq
believe Inanmaq Look after – qayğısına qalmaq
Depend Asılı olmaq Look through – nəzərdən keçirmək
Rely Etibar etmək Look up – lüğətdə söz axtarmaq
Insist Təkid etmək Look forward to –səbrsizliklə gözləmək
Spend on Xərcləmək
Look out! – Diqqətli ol!
Concentrate Konsentra olmaq
Congratulate Təbrik etmək Look like – bənzəmək
Look around – ətrafa baxmaq

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


o Offer-offered-offered
I want to go home.
o Know-knew-known
Mən evə getmək istəyirəm.
o Recommend-recommended
o Order-ordered-ordered
I want him to go home.
Mən onun evə getməyini istəyirəm. o Tell-told-told

Isim/obyekt əvəzlik+məsdər=mürəkkəb tamamlıq He asked me to learn about this problem.

Mübtəda+xəbər+M.T+digər üzvlər I expected Laura to come in time.

I want my friend to go home. 3.3 Bu fellərdən sonra məsdər ya -ing ilə ya

I want Tom to go home. da to hissəciksiz işlənəcək.
Mürəkkəb tamamlığın aşağıdakı xüsusiyyətləri
var: o See-saw-seen
o Hear-heard-heard
1. Məsdər Şəxsə görə dəyişmir. o Feel-felt-felt
o Notice-noticed-noticed
Tom wants him to goes home. o Watch-watched-watched
Tom wants him to go home. o Observe-observed-observed

2. Məsdər Zamana görə dəyişmir. I felt him knocking/knock the door

I saw Tom coming/come towards us
I wanted him to went home.
I wanted him to go home.
Tom saw her come and sit by the table
3. Məsdər əsas cümlənin xəbərindən asılı
I don’t want you to let him go out.
olaraq 3 formada dəyişə bilər.
Passive cümlələrdə made/let fellərindən sonra
3.1 Bu fellərdən sonra məsdər to hissəciksiz mütləq to hissəciyi işlədilir.
İ was made to study my lessons.
o Let – let – let I was let to go to the park.
o Make - made – made
Jeyhun let his brother play game.
İ made Tom study his lessons. Tom felt him … and … the door. (to
3.2 Bu fellərdən sonra məsdər to hissəciyi Her mother always made her … the dishes. (to
ilə işlənəcək. wash)
I want you … the university. (to enter)
o Want-wanted-wanted He was made … home. (to leave)
o Ask-asked-asked I feel you … the game. (to play)
o Expect-expected-expected
o Allow-allowed-allowed

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

o Auxiliary Verbs
1. Present Simple
o Main Verbs
2. Present Continuous
o Modal Verbs
3. Present Perfect
4. Present Perfect Continuous
Auxiliary Verbs – müstəqil leksik mənaya
malik olmur. 1. Past Simple
2. Past Continuous
am, is, are, was, were, shall be, will be, do, does, 3. Past Perfect
have, has 4. Past Perfect Continuous
He is going to school now.
Do you want to go to school? 1. Future Simple
Have you read this book? 2. Future Continuous
He has finished his lessons. 3. Future Perfect
Does he visit his grandpa? 4. Future Perfect Continuous
We were watching TV at that night.
as a main verb:
I want to be a pilot. Present
I have a son and two daughters.
I work/go.
I do exercise every morning.
I am working/going.
He has a new car.
I have worked/gone.
What does he do?
I have been working/going.

Main Verbs – müstəqil leksik mənaya malik

play, go, swim, decide, sleep, meet, buy I worked/went.
I was working/going.
I had worked/gone.
Modal Verbs – hərəkətə münasibət bildirir və I had been working/going.
özündən sonra mütləq əsas fel tələb edir.
can, could, to be able to, may, might, must, have Future
to, should, ought to, need
I shall work/go.
I can swim in the pool.
I shall be working/going.
I think you should speak to them.
I shall have worked/gone.
You musn’t smoke here.
I shall have been working/going.
Could you open the door?

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


Simple Form Past Past participle

1. beat beat beaten

2. become became become
3. begin began begun
4. bend bent bent
5. bet bet bet
6. bite bit bitten
7. bleed bled bled
8. blow blew blown
9 break broke broken
10. bring brought brought
11. build built built
12. buy bought bought
13. catch caught caught
14. choose chose chosen
15. come came come
16. cost cost cost
17. cut cut cut
18. dig dug dug
19. do did done
20. draw drew drawn
21. drink drank drunk
22. drive drove driven
23. eat ate eaten
24. fall fell fallen
25. feed fed fed
26. feel felt felt
27. fight fought fought
28. find found found
29. fly flew flown
30. forget forgot forgotten
31. forgive forgave forgiven
32 freeze froze frozen
33 get got gotten
34 give gave given
35 go went gone
36 hang (up) hung hung
37 have had had
38 hear heard heard
39. hide hid hidden
40. hit hit hit
41. hold held held
42. hurt hurt hurt
43. keep kept kept
44. know knew known
45. lay laid laid

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

simple form past past participle

46. lead led led

47. leave left left
48. lend lent lent
49. let let let
50. lie (down) lay lain
51. light lit lit
52. lose lost lost
53. make made made
54. mean meant meant
55. meet met met
56. pay paid paid
57. put put put
58. quit quit quit
59. read read read
60. ride rode ridden
61. ring rang rung
62. rise rose risen
63. run ran run
64. say said said
65. see saw seen
66. sell sold sold
67. send sent sent
68. set set set
69. shake shook shaken
70 shine shone shone
71. shoot shot shot
72. shut shut shut
73. sing sang sung
74. sink sank sunk
75. sit sat sat
76. sleep slept slept
77. speak spoke spoken
78. spend spent spent
79. stand stood stood
80. steal stole stolen
81. sweep swept swept
82. swim swam swum
83. take took taken
84. teach taught taught
85. tell told told
86. think thought thought
87. throw threw thrown
88. understand understood understood
89. wake woke woken
90. wear wore worn
91. win won won
92. write wrote written

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

10. VERB

Expressions with MAKE Expressions with HAVE

Expressions with DO
• a cake • breakfast
• a course • a call • lunch
• a crossword • a change
• supper
• a dance • a choice
• a favor • a comment • dinner
• a job • a cup of coffee / tea • tea
• a painting • a decision • coffee
• a project • a difference • a drink
• a service • a discovery • a meal
• an assignment • a fortune • a bath
• anything • a friend • a wash
• business • a joke

• a shower
damage • a list
• everything • a mistake • a rest
• exercises • a noise • a sleep
• good • a plan • a good time
• laundry • a profit • a bad day
• nothing • a promise • a nice evening
• research • a sandwich • a holiday
• the housework • a suggestion • a good journey
• the ironing • an appointment

• a flight
the dishes • an effort
• the rest • an impression • a trip
• the shopping • an observation • a talk a chat
• the washing • an offer • a word with
• well • arrangements somebody
• work • breakfast • a walk
• your best • dinner • a swim
• your hair • lunch • a ride a dance
• your homework • progress
• your job • money
• your nails • sense
• your work • someone smile
• sure
• your bed
• your mind up

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


2. To be able to - bacarmaq, bilmək
1. Can - bacarmaq, bilmək
o Şəxsə görə dəyişir
o Şəxsə görə dəyişmir o Sual və inkarı to be felinin formaları
o Sual və inkarı özü ilə düzəlir əsasında düzəlir
o Zamana görə dəyişir: present, past o Zamana görə dəyişir: present, past,
future, present perfect, past perfect
The Present - CAN
Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual
The Present – am/is/are able to
İ can swim can’t swim Can I
swim? Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual
You can swim can’t swim Can you İ am able to am not able Am I able
swim? swim to swim to swim?
He,she,it can swim can’t swim Can he You are able to aren’t able Are you
swim? swim to swim able to
We can swim can’t swim Can we swim?
swim? He,she,it is able to isn’t able to Is he able
You can swim can’t swim Can you swim swim to swim?
swim? We are able to aren’t able Are we
They can swim can’t swim Can they swim to swim able to
swim? swim?
You are able to aren’t able Are you
The Past - COULD swim to swim able to
Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual
They are able to aren’t able Are they
İ could couldn’t Could I
swim to swim able to
swim swim swim?
You could couldn’t Could
swim swim you
swim? The Past – was/were able to
He,she,it could couldn’t Could he
Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual
swim swim swim?
İ was able was not able Was I able
We could couldn’t Could we
to swim to swim to swim?
swim swim swim?
You were able weren’t able Were you
You could couldn’t Could
to swim to swim able to
swim swim you
He,she,it was able was not able Was he
They could couldn’t Could
to swim to swim able to
swim swim they
We were able weren’t able Were we
to swim to swim able to
You were able weren’t able Were you
to swim to swim able to
They were able weren’t able Were they
to swim to swim able to

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

The Future – shall be/will be able to The Past Perfect – had been able to
Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual
İ shall be shall not be Shall I be İ had been had not been Had I been
able to able to swim able to able to able to swim able to
swim swim? swim swim?
You had been had not been Had you
You will be won’t be Will you able to able to swim been able
able to able to swim be able to swim to swim?
swim swim? He,she,it had been had not been Had he
He,she,it will be won’t be Will he able to able to swim been able
able to able to swim be able to swim to swim?
swim swim? We had been had not been Had we
We shall be shall not be Shall we able to able to swim been able
able to able to swim be able to swim to swim?
swim swim? You had been had not been Had you
You will be won’t be Will you able to able to swim been able
able to able to swim be able to swim to swim?
swim swim? They had been had not been Had they
They will be won’t be Will they able to able to swim been able
able to able to swim be able to swim to swim?
swim swim?
3. May - bilmək,olar
The Present Perfect – have been/has been
o Şəxsə görə dəyişmir
able to o Sual və inkarı özü ilə düzəlir
Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual o Zamana görə dəyişir: present, past
İ have been have not Have I
able to been able to been able
swim swim to swim? The Present - MAY
You have been have not Have you Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual
able to been able to been able İ may swim may not May I
swim swim to swim? swim swim?
He,she,it has been has not been Has he You may swim may not May you
able to able to swim been able swim swim?
swim to swim? He,she,it may swim may not May he
We have been have not Have we swim swim?
able to been able to been able We may swim may not May we
swim swim to swim? swim swim?
You have been have not Have you You may swim may not May you
able to been able to been able swim swim?
swim swim to swim? They may swim may not May they
They have been have not Have swim swim?
able to been able to they been
swim swim able to

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

The Pasf - MIGHT 5. Have to - malı2

Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual o Şəxsə görə dəyişir
İ might might not Might I
o Sual və inkarı to do feli ilə düzəlir
swim swim swim?
You might might not Might o Zamana görə dəyişir: present, past,
swim swim you future
He,she,it might might not Might he The Present – have to/has to
swim swim swim? Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual
We might might not Might we İ have to don’t have Do I have
swim swim swim? swim to swim to swim?
You have to don’t have Do you
You might might not Might swim to swim have to
swim swim you swim?
swim? He,she,it has to doesn’t have Does he
They might might not Might swim to not swim have to
swim swim they swim?
swim? We have to don’t have Do we
swim to swim have to
4. Must - -malı2 You have to don’t have Do you
swim to swim have to
o Şəxsə görə dəyişmir swim?
o Sual və inkarı özü ilə düzəlir They have to don’t have Do they
o Zamana görə dəyişmir: swim to swim have to
Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual
İ must must not Must I
swim swim swim? The Past – had to
You must must not Must you Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual
swim swim swim? İ had to didn’t have Did I have
He,she,it must must not Must he swim to swim to swim?
swim swim swim? You had to didn’t have Did you
We must must not Must we swim to swim have to
swim swim swim? swim?
You must must not Must you He,she,it had to didn’t have Did he
swim swim swim? swim to swim have to
They must must not Must swim?
swim swim they We had to didn’t have Did we
swim? swim to swim have to
You had to didn’t have Did you
swim to swim have to
They had to didn’t have Did they
swim to swim have to

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

The Future – shall/will have to 7. Ought to - malı2 (gərək ki)

Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual o Şəxsə görə dəyişmir
İ shall have shall not Shall I
o Sual və inkarı özü ilə düzəlir
to swim have to have to
swim swim? o Zamana görə dəyişmir:
You will have will not Will you Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual
to swim have to have to İ ought to ought not to Ought I to
swim swim? swim swim swim?
He,she,it will have will not Will he You ought to ought not to Ought you
to swim have to have to swim swim to swim?
swim swim? He,she,it ought to ought not to Ought he
We shall have shall not Shall we swim swim to swim?
to swim have to have to We ought to ought not to Ought we
swim swim? swim swim to swim?
You will have will not Will you You ought to ought not to Ought you
to swim have to have to swim swim to swim?
swim swim? They ought to ought not to Ought they
They will have will not Will they swim swim to swim?
to swim have to have to
swim swim?
8. Need – ehtiyacı olmaq
o İkili xüsusiyyət daşıyır: həm modal fel,
6. Should - malı2 (gərək ki)
həm də əsas fel kimi işlədilə bilər
o Şəxsə görə dəyişmir o Modal fel kimi ancaq İnkar və sual
o Sual və inkarı özü ilə düzəlir cümlələrində işlədilir.
o Zamana görə dəyişmir: o Şəxsə görə dəyişmir
o Zamana görə dəyişmir:

Şəxs Təsdiq Inkar Sual Compare:

İ should should not Should I
swim swim swim? As a modal verb As a main verb
You should should not Should İ need not do it İ don’t need to do it
swim swim you You need not do it You don’t need to do it
swim? He need not do it He doesn’t need to do it
He,she,it should should not Should We need not do it We don’t need to do it
swim swim he swim? You need not do it You don’t need to do it
We should should not Should They need not do it They don’t need to do it
swim swim we
You should should not Should Modal fellərin məchul növdə
swim swim you işlədilməsi
They should should not Should Modal fel+be+Past Participle
swim swim they
swim? Active: You must check this document.
Passive: This document must be checked.
Active: You should clean the window.
Passive: The window should be cleaned.

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


Generally - ümumiyyətlə
1. THE PRESENT SIMPLE Rarely - nadir hallarda
Düzəldilməsi: Regularly - müntəzəm olaraq
Daily - gündəlik
o Məsdərin to hissəciyi atılır Occasionally – bəzən
o III şəxsin təkində fel –s/-es şəkilçisi qəbul
edir Every- We play football every day.
o Sual və inkarı do/does (not) köməkçi feli ilə Once a day- gündə bir dəfə
düzəlir Twice a day-gündə iki dəfə
Şəxs Təsdiq İnkar Sual Three times a year-ildə üç dəfə
İ go don’t go Do I go? Four times a month-ayda dörd dəfə
You go don’t go Do you
go? Bu zaman zərflərinə adətən How often və ya
He/She/it goes doesn’t go Does he How many times sual sözləri ilə sual verilir.
We go don’t go Do we How many times do you go to school?
go? I go to school five times a week.
You go don’t go Do you
How often do you go to school?
I go to school five times a week.
They go don’t go Do they
1. Adi danışıq zamanı davam etməyən o Am/is/are +verb+ing
hərəkət və prosesləri göstərmək üçün işlədilir. o Sual və inkarı am/is/are (not) köməkçi
I go to school. feli ilə düzəlir
2.Bu zaman forması sadə faktları, adət, vərdiş Şəxs Təsdiq inkar Sual
halını almış tez-tez təkrarlanan hərəkətləri I am going am not Am İ
göstərmək üçün işlədilir. going going?
You are going aren’t Are
We usually play football in the street. going you
My father goes to work twice a week. going?
3.Təbiət reallıqlarını, faktları göstərdikdə He/She/it is going isn’t going İs he
işlənir. going?
We are going aren’t Are
The Earth moves around the Sun. going we
Water boils at 1000 C degree. going?
Zaman zərfləri: You are going aren’t Are
Always- The Sun always rises in the East. going you
Often- Samir often plays football. going?
Sometimes- Sometimes I go to school with They are going aren’t Are
him going they
Seldom- I seldom call my friends. going?

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

İşlədilməsi: Zaman zərfləri:

1.Adi danışıq zamanı davam edən hərəkət və Just- İ have just done my lessons.
prosesləri göstərmək üçün işlədilir.
Already- İ have already done my lessons.
I am going to school now. Never (yalnız təsdiq cümlələrində işlənir)-He
has never gone to the library.
2.Bu zaman forması əmr cümlələrindən sonra
işlənərək hərəkətin danışılan anda icrasını Ever(sual və təsdiq cümlələrində işlənir)- Have
göstərir you ever been to Baku?
Look! İt is snowing. Yet/so far(yalnız inkar cümlələrində işlənir)- İ
Quiet! Baby is sleeping. have not gone home yet.
3.Dialoq zamanı. Recently/lately/in the last few days(yaxın
-Where is your father doing?
günlərdə, son zamanlarda)- Have you seen him
-He is watching TV. recently?

Zaman zərfləri: *For + vaxt müddəti

Now- He is playing football now. For two days- iki gündür ki

For a long time- üzun müddətdir ki
At the moment/at the present- What are you doing
For an hour- bir saatdır ki
at the moment?
I have known you for two years.
Still- He is still working at our school.
İ have not seen him for a long time
Mən uzun müddətdir ki, onu görmürəm.
*Since + vaxt
Since October- oktyabrdan bəri
Düzəldilməsi: Since this month- bu aydan bəri
o Have/has + Past participle Since last Saturday- keçən Şənbədən bəri
o Sual və inkarı have/has (not) köməkçi
İ have known him since 2007.
feli ilə düzəlir.
Mən onu 2007-ci ildən bəri tanıyıram.
Şəxs Təsdiq İnkar Sual
I have haven’t have I gone? *Since + Past Simple
gone gone
You have haven’t have you İ have worked in this company since he came to
gone gone gone? Baku.
He/she/ has hasn’t gone has he gone? O, Bakıya gələndən bəri, mən bu şirkətdə
it gone çalışıram.
We have haven’t have we gone?
gone gone
You have haven’t have you
gone gone gone?
They have haven’t have they
gone gone gone?

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

4. THE PRESENT PERFECT *Since + Past Simple

CONTINUOUS İ have been working in this company since he
came to Baku.
Düzəldilməsi: O, Bakıya gələndən bəri, mən bu şirkətdə
o Have/has been+ verb+ ing
o Sual və inkarı have/has been(not)
köməkçi feli ilə düzəlir.

Şəxs Təsdiq İnkar Sual

I Have been haven’t have I been
working been working?
You Have been haven’t have you
working been been
working working?
He/she/ has been hasn’t has he been
it working been working?
We Have been haven’t have we
working been been
working working?
You Have been haven’t have you
working been been
working working?
They Have been haven’t have they
working been been
working working?
*For + vaxt müddəti

For two days- iki gündür ki

For a long time- üzun müddətdir ki
For an hour- bir saatdır ki

I have been working here for two years.

Mən iki ildir ki burda işləyirəm

*Since + vaxt
Since October- oktyabrdan bəri
Since last month- bu aydan bəri
Since last Saturday- keçən Şənbədən bəri

İ have been reading this book since last year

Mən bu kitabı keçən ildən bəri oxuyuram

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019



Keçmişdə baş verən, lakin indi davam
o Qaydalı və qaydasız fellərlə düzəlir etməyən hərəkətləri göstərmək üçün istifadə
o Qaydalı fellərin sonuna –ed artırılır edilir.
o Sual və inkarı did (not) köməkçi feli ilə
düzəlir Şəxs Təsdiq İnkar Sual
Şəxs Təsdiq İnkar Sual İ used to didn’t use Did I use to
İ went didn’t Did I go? go to go go?
go You used to didn’t use Did you use
You went didn’t Did you go? go to go to go?
go He/She/it used to didn’t use Did he use to
He/She/it went didn’t Did he go? go to go go?
go We used to didn’t use Did we use
We went didn’t Did we go? go to go to go?
go You used to didn’t use Did you use
You went didn’t Did you go? go to go to go?
go They used to didn’t use Did they use
They went didn’t Did they go? go to go to go?

1.Keçmişdə bir-birinin ardınca, ardıcıl baş 2. THE PAST CONTINUOUS
verən hərəkətləri göstərmək üçün işlənir.
I got up, washed, dressed, had my breakfast and Düzəldilməsi:
went to school.
o Was/were+verb+ing
Zaman zərfləri: o Sual və inkarı was/were (not) köməkçi
Yesterday- Where did you go yesterday? felləri ilə düzəlir
The day before yesterday- I saw her the day
before yesterday. Şəxs Təsdiq inkar Sual
Last week/month/year/ morning- He played I was going wasn’t Was İ going?
football last week. going
You were going weren’t Were you
Ago going going?
Two years ago- iki il əvvəl He/She/it was going wasn’t Was he
Four months ago- dörd ay əvvəl going going?
Once upon a time - bir zamanlar, bir vaxtlar, We were going weren’t Were we
biri var idi,biri yox idi going going?
You were going weren’t Were you
in+1995/2005- 1995-ci ildə/ 2005-ci ildə going going?
in my childhood-mənim uşaqlığımda They were going weren’t Were they
going going?

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

İşlədilməsi: Zaman zərfləri:

1.Keçmişdə dəqiq vaxtda və ya müəyyən vaxt By 2 o’clock yesterday- dünən saat ikiyə qədər
müddətində hərəkətləri göstərmək üçün By the end of October- oktyabrın sonuna kimi
Mürəkkəb cümlələrdə:
I was learning my lessons at five o’clock
When+Past simple
When he came, I had done my homework.
Zaman zərfləri:
O gələndə mən dərslərimi etmişdim.
From morning till evening- I went to work
from morning till evening. 4. THE PAST PERFECT
At five o’clock yesterday- (dünən saat beşdə)
At that time yesterday- (dünən o vaxtı)
At the same time- (eyni vaxtda) Düzəldilməsi:
All day- (bütün günü) o Had been+verb+ing
Mürəkkəb cümlələrdə: o Sual və inkarı had (not) been köməkçi
feli ilə düzəlir.
While+Past Continuous
Şəxs Təsdiq İnkar Sual
While we were having dinner, he was watching I had hadn’t Had I been
TV. been been going?
going going
When+Past Simple
You had hadn’t Had you been
When he called us, we were having dinner been been going?
O bizə zəng edəndə, biz nahar edirdik going going
He/she/it had hadn’t Had he been
been been going?
3. THE PAST PERFECT going going
Düzəldilməsi: We had hadn’t Had we been
been been going?
o Had + Past participle going going
o Qaydalı fellərin sonuna –ed artırılır You had hadn’t Had you been
o Sual və inkarı had (not) köməkçi feli ilə been been going?
düzəlir. going going
They had hadn’t Had they been
Şəxs Təsdiq İnkar Sual been been going?
I had gone Hadn’t Had I gone? going going
You had gone Hadn’t Had you gone?
gone İşlədilməsi:
He/she/it had gone Hadn’t Had he gone?
gone I had been working here for 3 years when he
We had gone Hadn’t Had we gone? came to Baku
You had gone Hadn’t Had you gone? I had been working here since last year when he
gone came to Baku
They had gone Hadn’t Had they gone?

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

14. FUTURE TENSE FORM When/as soon as/as long

as/if/unless/till/after/before/until + PAST
SIMPLE , ikinci tərəf FURUTE SIMPLE in
1. THE FUTURE SIMPLE past (should/would)
if = as long as (əgər)
o shall/will+verb As long as If he came we should go.
o Sual və inkarı shall/will (not) köməkçi felləri till=until (qədər)
ilə düzəlir Until he came you would go.
Unless (əgər olmasa)
Şəxs Təsdiq İnkar Sual Unless I studied well, I should fail the exam.
İ shall go shall not go Shall I
You will go won’t go Will you 2. THE FUTURE
He/She/it will go won’t go Will he
We shall go shall not go Shall we Düzəldilməsi:
You will go won’t go Will you o Shall/Will be+verb+ing
go? o Sual və inkarı shall be/will (not) be
They will go won’t go Will they köməkçi felləri ilə düzəlir
Şəxs Təsdiq inkar Sual
Zaman zərfləri: I shall be shall not be Shall İ be
going going going?
Tomorrow- I shall go to work tomorrow. You will be won’t be Will you be
The day after tomorrow - He won’t come here going going going?
the day after tomorrow.
He/She/it will be won’t be Will he be
Soon- He will come back to Baku soon.
going going going?
Next day/week/month….- I shall see him next
We shall be shall not be Shall we be
going going going?
In a week/two days….- We shall read the whole
You will be won’t be Will you be
article in two days.
going going going?
They will be won’t be Will they
Mürəkkəb cümlələrdə:
going going be going?
When/as soon as/as long
Zaman zərfləri:
as/if/unless/till/after/before/until + PRESENT
At 5 o’clock tomorrow- He will be going to
work at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
when (-anda) At this time tomorrow- (sabah bu vaxtı)
When he comes we shall go. All day tomorrow- (sabah bütün günü)
as soon as (kimi)
As soon as we come we will go. He will be working all day tomorrow
He will be making his report at this time

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

TO BE GOİNG TO We were were not Were we

going to going to going to
The Present buy a car buy a car buy a car?
You were were not Were you
going to going to going to
o am/is/are+going to+verb
buy a car buy a car buy a car?
Şəxs Təsdiq inkar Sual They were were not Were they
I am am not Am I going to going to going to
going to going to going to buy a car buy a car buy a car?
buy a buy a buy a
car car car?
You are are not Are you 3. THE FUTURE PERFECT
going to going to going to
buy a buy a buy a Düzəldilməsi:
car car car?
He/She/it is going Is not Is he o Shall have/will have+ Past participle
to buy a going to going to
o Qaydalı fellərin sonuna –ed artırılır
car buy a buy a
car car? o Sual və inkarı shall (not) have/will
We are are not Are we (not) have köməkçi felləri ilə düzəlir.
going to going to going to
buy a buy a buy a Şəxs Təsdiq İnkar Sual
car car car? I shall have shall not Shall I have
gone have gone gone?
You Are are not Are you
You will have will not Will you have
going to going to going to gone have gone gone?
buy a buy a buy a He/she/it will have will not Will he have
car car car? gone have gone gone?
They Are are not Are you We shall have shall not Shall we have
going to going to going to gone have gone gone?
buy a buy a buy a You will have will not Will you have
car car car? gone have gone gone?
They will have will not Will they have
gone have gone gone?

The Past
Zaman zərfləri:
o Was/were+going to+verb
By 2 o’clock tomorrow- sabah saat ikiyə qədər
Şəxs Təsdiq inkar Sual
By Monday next week- növbəti həftənin bazar
I was was not Was I
ertəsinə kimi
going to going to going to
buy a car buy a car buy a car?
I shall have written the article by Monday next
You were were not Were you week.
going to going to going to Mən növbəti həftənin bazar ertəsinə kimi
buy a car buy a car buy a car? məqaləni yazmış olacağam.

He/She/it was was not Was he

going to going to going to
buy a car buy a car buy a car?

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


Simple Continuous Perfect

Present İ open the door. İ am opening the door. İ have opened the
The door is The door is being door.
opened. opened. The door has been

Am/is/are+P.P Am/is/are+being+P.P Has/have+been+P.P

Past İ opened the door. I was opening the I had opened the
The door was door. door.
opened. The door was being The door had been
opened. opened.

Was/were+P.P Was/were+being+P.P Had+been+P.P

Future I shall open the I shall be opening the I shall have opened
door. door. the door.
The door will be The door will have
opened. been opened.

Shall/will+be+P.P Will/shall+have

Aktiv cümlədə Obyekt əvəzliyi Passive formaya çevrilərkən Şəxs əvəzliyi olur.

Alex invited her to the party.

She was invited to the party.

Passive formada hərəkətin icrasını göstərmək üçün by istifadə olunur.

She cleans my room.

My room is cleaned by her.

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


Sual cümlələrinin 4 növü var: 2.Special questions-xüsusi suallar

1.General questions- ümumi suallar
Cümlənin hər bir üzvünə ayri-ayrılıqda sual
Cümləyə ümumən sual verilir.Ümumi sualları verilir. Sual sözləri ilə başlayır.
düzəltmək üçün köməkçi feilləri(to be/to do/to
have) və modal feilləri (to have to-istisna) Sual sözü+ümumi sual forması
cümlənin əvvəlinə keçirmək lazımdır. Fuad came yesterday.
When did Fuad come? When Fuad come?
Azərbaycan dilində bu tip sual cümlələri yalnız
intonasiya ilə düzəlir. Who/What sual sözləri mübtəda vəzifəsində çıxış
edir.Heç vaxt Do/does/did işlənmir.
You are a student.- Are you student?
They go to school.-Do they go to school?
Xəbər 3. Şəxs təkdə işlənir.
She has just come.-Has she just come?
*Cümlənin xəbərində iki və daha artıq köməkçi We go to school.- Who goes to school?
fel olarsa, yalnız 1. Köməkçi feil əvvələ keçir. Who go to school?
Who does go to school?
They will have been waiting for 2 years. We are student.- Who is a student?
Will they have been waiting for 2 years? Who are student?
Will have been they waiting for 2 years?
Ümumi suallara qısa cavab verilir. Cavablar 2 Tamamlıq vəzifəsində çıxış etdikdə do/does/did
yerə bölünür.Yes/No işlənir.
Fuad goes to work 3 times in a week.
Does Fuad go to work 3 times in a week? Mübtəda Tamamlıq
Təsdiq: Yes,he does. Inkar: No,he doesn’t Who saw Farid? Who did Farid see?
Fəridi kim gördü? Fərid kimi gördü?
Fuad can play the piano.
Can Fuad play the piano?
Who/What/Which/Where ilə düzələn sual
Təsdiq:Yes,he can Inkar:No,he can’t
cümlələrində sözönləri adətən cümlənin sonuna
Don’t you know me? keçir.
Təsdiq:No,I don’t Inkar:Yes,I do
İ want you speak to Gunel.- Who do you want to
Həmcins qısa cavablar nəqli cümlələrdə ifadə speak to?
edilən fikirə razılıq bildirir.Təsdiq cümlələri so, I am from Azerbaijan.- Where are you from?
inkar cümlələri neither ilə düzəlir. What/Which isimlə yanaşı işlənərək mürəkkəb
İ am working today-So am I sual sözləri formalaşdırır.
I am not working-Neither am I What+noun
I go to school every day-So do I What colour....?
I do not go to school every day-Neither do I What size....?
I can play football-So can I What time....?
I can’t play football-Neither can I What kind of....?
He went to school yesterday-So did I
He didn’t go to school yesterday-Neither did I

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

What size are your shoes? Mürəkkəb sual cümlələri 2 və daha artıq sual
What day is it today? cümlələrinin birləşməsi nəticəsində yaranır.
What else....? sual sözündən sonra isim işlənmir. Lakin nəzərə almaq lazımdır ki, bu cümlələrdən
What else do you want? yalnız biri sual strukturuna malik olur,digər
cümlələrin söz sırası isə adi nəqli cümlələrdə
Which+noun olduğu kimi olur.
Which doctor did you see?
Which train did you catch? Xüsusi sual+Ümumi sual

How sifət və zərflə yanaşı işlənərək mürəkkəb 1.Do you know?+Who is he?=Do you know
sual sözləri formalaşdırır. who he is?
Do you know,who is he?
How+adj/adv 2.Can you tell me?+How old is your sister?=
How tall....? Can you tell me how old your sister is?
How big....? Can you tell me, how old is your sister?
How old....?
How far....? Ümumi sual+Ümumi sual
How often....?
How long....? 2 və daha artıq ümumi sual cümlələrinin
birləşməsindən əməmlə gələn mürəkkəb ümumi
How much....?(sayılmayan isimlər) sual cümlələrində isə cümlələr arasında
How many....?(sayilan-cəm isimlərlə) if/whether bağlayıcıları işlənir və tərcümə
How tall are you? I am 1.70 edilmir.

How long does it take....? 1.Do you know?+Is Fuad at home?=Do you know
....nə qədər vaxta basa gələr?/....nə qədər vaxt if Fuad is at home?
aparar? 2.Do you know?+Has Fuad got a car?=Do you
know whether Fuad has got a car?
1.How long does it take to go there by car?
Maşınla ora getmək nə qədər vaxta başa gələr? 3. Tag questions
2.It takes about 10 minutes to go there by car.
Maşınla ora getmək təxminən 10 dəqiqəyə başa Ayırıcı suallarda cümlə 2 hissədən ibarət olur.1.
gələr. hissə nəqli cümlə formasında, 2. hissə umumi
3.How long will it take to learn English for me? sual formasında olur.Əgər 1. hissə təsdiqdə
Ingilis dilini öyrənmək mənə nə qədər vaxta başa olarsa, 2. hissə inkarda olur və ya əksinə.
4.It will take 6 month to learn English. 1.You live in Baku, don’t you?
Ingilis dilini öyrənmək 6 aya başa gələcək. Sən bakıda yaşayırsan,elə deyilmi?
5.How long did it take Fuad to learn English? You live in Baku,do you?
Ingilis dilini öyrənmək Fuada nə qədər vaxta başa 2.You are not a student, are you ?
gəldi? Sən tələbə deyilsən, elə deyilmi?
6.It took Fuad 6 month to learn English. You are not a student,are not you ?
Fuad ingilis dilini öyrətmək 6 aya başa gəldi. 3.You can do it, can’t you?
4.We have to go, don’t we?
Mürəkkəb sual cümlələri:
*Ayırıcı suallarda aşağıdakı əvəzliklərin
dəyişilmələrinə diqqət yetirmək lazımdır.

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

This is a book,isn’t it?
These are books,aren’t they?

Everybody took the test, didn’t they?

Everything is OK, isn’t it?

4.Birinci şəxsin təkində am formasinin yerinə

adətən are yazilir.
İ am a pupil, aren’t I?

4.Alternative questions

2 fikirdən birini,dəqiqləşdirmək məqsədi ilə

işlədilən suallara alternativ suallar deyilir.
Alternativ suallar or bağlayıcısı ilə bir-birinə
bağlanan 2 və daha artıq ümumi suallardan ibarət

Do you in the village or in the city?

Sən şəhərdə yaşayırsan yoxsa kənddə?


Positive Negative
I go I don’t go
So does he Neither does he
He does too He doesn’t either
But he doesn’t But he does

He is a student He isn’t a student

So am I NeitheR am I
I am too I amn’t either
But I amn’t But I am

You have to go You don’t have to go

So do we Neither do we
We do too We don’t either
But we don’t But we do

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


1. although,though-baxmayaraq ki
Too bağlayıcısı həmçinin,-da2 mənasında həmişə
Baxmayaraq ki, yağış yağırdı, biz çölə çıxdıq.
təsdiq cümlələrində, sonda işlənir.
Although it was rain we went out.
I want to go there too.
İn spite of, despite of-baxmayaraq
İn spite of,despite of+isim/əvəzlik/gerund
Either bağlayıcısı həmçinin,-da2 mənasında
həmişə inkar cümlələrində, sonda işlənir.
Yağış yağmasına baxmayaraq, biz çölə çıxdıq.
I don’t want to go there either.
İn spite of rain, we went out.
Also bağlayıcısı həmçinin,-da2 mənasında
cümlənin ortasında işlənir
İ also want to go there
Mən qardaşım kimi tənbələm.
5.hardly-demək olarki,çətinliklə
I am lazy like my brother.
Təsdiq cümlələrində işlənir və mənaca inkarlıq
Like=for example/such as bildirir.
İ love some sports like tennis. She hardly helped me.

As(kimi)+mübtəda+xəbər Bəzi bağlayıcılar:

As if/as though guya/elə bil ki
O, bunu mənim dediyim kimi etdi. Even hətta
He did it as İ said. As soon as kimi
O, müəllim işləyir. After/Then sonra
He works as a teacher. Before əvvəl
O, gələn kimi mən getdim. Whenever nəvaxt olur olsun
I went as he came. Whichever hərhansı
Whoever hər kim
3.during/while-ərzində,-arkən2 However bununla belə
Not only….but also nəinki....hətta
During+isim So belə ki/ona görə
O, film ərzində yatdi. So that ona görə ki
He slept during the film. Anyway hərhalda
By the way yeri gəlmişkən
While+mübtəda+xəbər By the time o vaxta kimi
O, filmə baxan müddətdə yatdi. For üçün/görə
He slept while he was watching film. But amma/ancaq/lakin
And və/bəs
That ki
Since bəri/-dan2
Till/until qədər

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019



Causative verbs express the idea of get somebody to do something

somebody causing something to happen or get + object + infinitive with to
causing another person to do something. somebody requires or inspires another
(İcbar növ feillərdə iş və hərəkəti danışan (ya person to do something
da haqqında danışılan) şəxs yox, başqası icra
• Let’s get mother to bake a cake on
make somebody do something • I couldn’t get my sister to wash my dirty
make + object + infinitive without to overalls.
somebody requires another person to do • The tap is leaking, get a plumber to fix
something it.
• She always gets me to help with her
• The barking dog made the postman run homework.
• The rain has made the tourists stay in the
hotel this morning. EXAMPLES:
• I don’t think she can make her husband
buy that expensive ring. ➢ He had his jacket cleaned.
(He didn't clean it himself.)
• Sad movies always make me cry.
➢ Did you have your camera fixed?
have something done
have + object + 3rd form of the verb ➢ Peter had his phone stolen last night.
somebody wants something to be done ➢ She's getting her hair done again.
for them ➢ 'John had his car repaired.' is very
different to 'John had repaired his car.'
• Did you have the car washed yesterday? In the first sentence John arranged for
• I have my hair cut once in 2-3 months. someone else to repair his car. In the
• We’ve had the lawn mowed by the second sentence he did it himself.
neighbour’s son. ➢ He should have his car repaired.
• Jane will have the curtains cleaned at the ➢ It's worth having his car repaired.
dry cleaner’s tomorrow. ➢ I had the electrician look at my broken
Note: get is often used instead of have in ➢ The doctor will have the nurse call the
informal speech: patients.
➢ The teacher had the students write the
• Did you get your hair cut before the answers on the whiteboard.
• We must get the house decorated for the

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

Often – tez-tez

Never – heç vaxt
Seldom – hərdən
Second – saniyə
Rarely – nadir hallarda
Minute – dəqiqə
Sometimes – bəzən
Hour – saat
Usually – adətən
Day – gün
Generally – ümumiyyətlə
Week – həftə
Yet – hələ
Fortnight – yarım ay ( iki həftə)
Still – hələ də
Month – ay
Night – axşam
Year – il
Midnight- gecə yarı
Century - əsr
Noon – günorta
Era – era
Dawn – sübh tezdən
Seasons of the year
Spring – yaz
Black – qara
Summer – yay
White – ağ
Autumn / fall – payız
Pink – çəhrayı
Winter – qış
Green – yaşıl
Blue – mavi
Days of the week
Yellow – sarı
Purple - bənövşəyi
Brown – qəhvəyi
Grey – boz
Red – qırmızı
Orange – narıncı
Silver – gümüşü
Gold – qızılı
Violet – bənöşəyi
Adverbs of time
The day before yesterday - srağagün
Circle – dairə
Yesterday – dünən
Triangle – üçbucaq
Today – bugün
Cube – kub
Tomorrow – sabah
Square – kvadrat
The day after tomorrow – birigün
Prism – prizma
Morning – səhər
Pyramid – piramida
Afternoon – günorta
Cone – konus
Evening – axşam
Rectangular – düzbucaqlı
Before - əvvəl
Sphere – sfera
Now – indi
Cylinder – silindr
After – sonra
Trapeze – trapesiya
All day – bütün gün

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

Fruit Vegetables

Apple – alma
Apricot - ərik Aubergine – badımcan
Avocado – avocado Basil –reyhan
Banana – banan Beans – lobya
Blackcurrant – qaraqarağat Beetroot – çuğundur
Blackberry – böyürtkən Cabbage – kələm
Blueberry – göyəm Carrot – kök
Cherry – gilas Celery – kərəviz
Coconut – hind qozu Coriander – keşniş
Cornel - zoğal Corn - qarğıdalı
Date – xurma Cucumber –xiyar
Fig - əncir
Eggplant – badımcan
Grapefruit – qreypfrut
Fennel – şüyüd
Grapes – üzüm
Kiwi – kivi Garlic – sarımsaq
Lemon – limon Mushroom – göbələk
Lime – limon Onion – soğqan
Mango – manqo Peas – noxud
Melon – yemiş Pepper – istiot
Mulberry – tut Potato – kartof
Olive – zeytun Pumpkin – balqabaq
Orange – portağal Radish – turp
Peach – şaftalı
Squash – kudu
Pear – armud
Tomato – pomidor
Persimmon -- korolyok
Pineapple – ananas
Plum – gavalı
Pomegranate – nar
Quince – heyva
Raspberry – moruq
Strawberry – çiyələk
Tangerine – narıngi
Watermelon – qarpız

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

Animals & birds

Ant – qarışqa Jaguar – yaquar

Antelope – antilop Kangaroo – kenquru
Bat – yarasa Lion – şir
Bear – ayı Lizard – kərtənkələ
Beaver – qunduz Lobster – xərçəng
Bee –arı Monkey – meymun
Boar – qaban Mosquito – ağcaqanad
Buffalo – camış Mouse – siçan
Butterfly – kəpənək Ostrich – dəvəquşu
Camel – dəvə Owl - bayquş
Cat – pişik Ox – öküz
Coot – qaşqaldaq Oyster – ilbiz
Chicken – cücə Parrot – tutuquşu
Cow – inək
Peacock – tovuzquşu
Crab – yengəc
Pelican – qutan
Crane – durna
Penguin – pinqvin
Crow – qarğa
Pig – donuz
Deer – maral
Pigeon – göyərçin
Dog – it
Quail – bildirçin
Dolphin – delfin
Rabbit – dovşan
Donkey – uzunqulaq
Raccoon – yenot
Dove – göyərçin
Rat – siçovul
Dragon - əjdəha
Scorpion - əqrəb
Duck – ördək
Seal – suiti
Eagle – qartal
Shark – akula
Elephant – fil
Sheep – qoyun
Elk – sığır
Snail – ilbiz
Falcon – şahin Snake – ilan
Fly – milçək Sparrow – sərçə
Fox – tülkü Spider – hörümçək
Frog – qurbağa Squirrel – dələ
Giraffe – zürafə Stoat – sincab
Goat – keçi Swallow – qaranquş
Goose – qaz Swan – qu quşu
Grouse - kəklik Swine – donuz
Gull – qağayı Tiger – pələng
Hamster – dağ siçanı Turkey – hindquşu
Hare – dovşan Turtle – tısbağa
Hedgehog – kirpi Wolf – canavar
Hen – toyuq Whale – balina
Hippo – bergamot Zebra – zebr
Horse – at

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019

The words describing CLOTHES 22. Explorer – tədqiqatçı

23. Electrician - elektrik
1. Apron - önlük
24. Florist – gül satan
2. Boot – çəkmə
25. Fisherman - balıqçı
3. Belt – kəmər
26. Fishmonger – balıq satan
4. Blouse - kofta
27. Guide – bələdçi
5. Coat - palto
28. Guard – gözətçi
6. Cap - papaq
29. Interpreter – tərcüməçi
7. Hat - şlyapa
30. Instructor – təlimatçı
8. Raincoat - plaş
31. Journalist - jurnalist
9. Shorts - şortik
32. Judge - hakim
10. Socks - corab
33. Jeweler – zərgər
11. Scarf - şarf
34. Lawyer – hüquqşünas
12. Shirt – köynək
35. Librarian - kitabxanaçı
13. Shoes - ayaqqabı
36. Manager - müdir
14. Skirt - yubka
37. Musician - musiqiçi
15. Suit - kostyum
38. Master - usta
16. T-shirt - mayka
39. Nurse – dayə
17. Tie - qalstuk
40. Pilot - pilot
18. Tights – uzun corab
41. Plumber – su kəmər işçisi
19. Trousers – şalvar
42. Porter - hambal
The words describing PROFESSİONS 43. Postman - poçtalyon
44. Potter - dulusçu
1. Actor - aktyor 45. Poet - şair
2. Actress - aktrisa 46. Painter – rəssam
3. Accountant - mühasib 47. Sailor – dənizçi
4. Architect - memar 48. Servant – qulluqçu
5. Artist - rəssam 49. Shoemaker – pinəçi
6. Author – müəllif 50. Sportsman - idmançı
7. Barber- dəllək 51. Singer – müğənni
8. Baker – çörəkçi 52. Scientist - alim
9. Captain - kapitan 53. Salesman - satıcı
10. Cahier - kassir 54. Secretary – katib(ə)
11. Cook - aşpaz 55. Surgeon – cərrah
12. Customer – müştəri 56. Trainer – məşqçi
13. Composer – bəstəkar 57. Teacher – müəllim
14. Carpenter – dülgər, xarrat 58. Tutor – müəllim
15. Driver - sürücü 59. Translator – tərcüməçi
16. Dancer – rəqqas 60. Tailor – dərzi
17. Doctor – həkim 61. Volunteer - könüllü
18. Dentist – diş həkimi 62. Worker – fəhlə, işçi
19. Director – director, rejissor 63. Waiter – ofisiant oğlan
20. Engineer – mühəndis 64. Writer – yazıçı
21. Economist - iqtisadçı 65. Waitress – ofisiant qız

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


1. Accept-admit-recieve-qəbul etmək 42. High-tall-uca

2. Allow-permit-let-icazə vermək 43. Handsome-smart-yaraşıqlı
3. Amusing-funny-əyləncəli 44. Incorrect-wrong-səhv
4. Angry-nervous-furious-qəzəbli 45. İll-sick-xəstə
5. Answer-reply-cavab vermək 46. İntilligent-clever-ağıllı
6. Area-region-sahə, ərazi 47. Laugh-smile-gülmək
7. Arrive-reach-get to-çatmaq 48. Journey-trip-səyahət
8. At once-immediately-dərhal 49. Learn-study-öyrənmək
9. At last-finally-nəhayət 50. Look after-take care-qayğısına qalmaq
10. Attractive-charming-cəzbedici 51. Lose-miss-itirmək, qaçırmaq
11. Ache-pain-ağrı 52. Mend-repair-təmir etmək
12. Attentive-careful-diqqətli 53. Own-personal-şəxsi
13. Ancient-old-qədim, köhnə 54. Offer-suggest-propose-təklif etmək
14. Foolish-mind-stupid-axmaq 55. Path-way-yol
15. Awful-terrible-başıboş 56. Strong-powerful-güclü
16. Big-large-huge-enormous-böyük 57. Post-send-göndərmək
17. Boring-dull-dreary-darıxdırıcı 58. Put on-wear-geyinmək
18. Bank-shore-coast-sahil 59. Rich-wealthy-varlı
19. Desire-wish-arzulamaq 60. Right-true-düzgün, doğru
20. Be situated-be located-yerləşmək 61. Relax-rest-istirahət etmək
21. Beautiful-nice-pretty-qəşəng 62. Serious-strict-ciddi
22. Begin-start-başlamaq 63. Tasty-delicious-dadlı
23. Buy-get-almaq 64. Type-sort-kind-növ
24. Calm-quiet-sakit 65. Necessary-imporant-vacib
25. Carpet-rug-xalça 66. Wide-broad-geniş
26. Castle-tower-qala 67. Warm-hot-isti
27. Cheerful-merry-şən 68. Cold-cool-soyuq
28. Clean-tidy-təmiz 69. Wood-forest-meşə
29. Clever-wise-ağıllı 70. Work-job-iş
30. Comfortable-convenient-cozy-rahat 71. Stout-fat-plump-şişman, kök
31. Cruel-rude-qəddar, kobud 72. Sad-gloomy-qəmgin
32. Different-various-müxtəlif
33. Diligent-hardworking-çalışqan
34. Difficult-hard-çətin
35. Export-sell-satmaq
36. Famous-popular-well-known-məşhur
37. Fast-quick-rapid-cəld
38. Gather-collect-toplamaq, yığmaq
39. Gift-present-hədiyə
40. Hate-dislike-nifrət etmək
41. Hop-jump-tullanmaq

M.Həşimov, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, 2019


1. Accept-object-etiraz etmək 42. Laugh-cry-ağlamaq

2. Allow-forbid-qadağan etmək 43. Lock-open-açmaq
3. Always-never-heçvaxt 44. Long-short-qısa
4. Advantage-disadvantage-çatışmazlıq 45. Married-single-subay
5. Amusing-boring-darıxdırıcı 46. Miss-catch-tutmaq, çatmaq
6. Arrive-leave for-tərk etmək 47. National-foreign-xarici
7. Alive-dead-ölü 48. Neat-untidy-səliqəsiz
8. Back-front-ön 49. Near-far-uzaq
9. Borrow-lend-borc vermək 50. Narrow-wide-geniş
10. Build-knock down-sökmək 51. Old-young-cavan
11. Before-after-sonra 52. Old-modern-müasir
12. Busy-free-bekar 53. Open-shut-bağlamaq
13. Break-mend-təmir etmək 54. Poor-rich-zəngin
14. Begin-finish-over-bitmək 55. Thin-thick-qalın
15. Big-small-kiçik 56. Powerful-weak-zəif
16. Blunt-sharp-iti 57. Pretty-ugly-eybəcər
17. Buy-sell-satmaq 58. Same-different-müxtəlif
18. Calm-nervous-əsəbi 59. Sad-glad-şad
19. Cool-warm-isti 60. Sweet-bitter-acı
20. Cruel-kind-mehriban 61. Simple-complex-mürəkkəb, çətin
21. Clean-dirty-çirkli 62. Top-bottom-aşağı
22. Cry-laugh-gülmək 63. True-wrong-səhv
23. Dangerous-safe-təhlükəsiz 64. Vacant-full-dolu
24. Delight-sad-qəmgin 65. Weak-strong-güclü
25. Difficult-easy-asan 66. Win-lose-itirmək, uduzmaq
26. Diligent-lazy-tənbəl 67. Wet-dry-quru
27. Deep-shallow-dayaz
28. Dull-interesting-maraqlı
29. Full-empty-boş
30. Friend-enemy-düşmən
31. Earn-spend-xərcləmək
32. Fast-slow-asta. yavaş
33. Entrance-exit-çıxış
34. Forget-remember-xatırlamaq
35. Harmful-useful-faydalı
36. Hard-soft-yüngül
37. High-low-alçaq, yastı
38. Hate-love-sevmək
39. Health-illness-xəstəlik
40. Heavy-light-yüngül
41. İnnocent-guilty-günahkar

1. İ.Rəhimov, T.Hidayətzadə, S.Cəfərova, İngilis dilinin praktik qrammatikası, Azərnəşr, 2003
2. B.Əzimov, Q.Quliyeva, İngilis dili, Hədəf nəşriyyatı, 2014
3. O.Musayev, İngilis dilinin qrammatikası, Maarif nəşriyyatı, 1979
4. N.Adıgözəlova, E.Axundov, İ.Sadıqova, İngilis dili, Hədəf nəşriyyatı, 2009
5. R. Murphy, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2004
6. S.Redman, English Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2011
7. English Test Toplusu 1994-2014, TQDK-Abituriyent, 2015
8. İngilis dili Test Bankı, Araz yayınları, 2013

Mahir Həşimov Mail oğlu

İngilis dilinin qrammatikası


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