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Character’s Perspective: Proserpina

Type of Story: Sequel

Exposition: Proserpina is going through the "orientation" process of becoming one of King Pluto's maids.
Her duties would include numerous activities that were not very feasible like washing the dishes after
each meal, washing up to forty pounds of clothes daily and hanging them up on the washing line, and
scrubbing the floors of the majestic palace. King Pluto was afraid of Proserpina escaping so he ordered
his guards to survey her movements through the castle at all times. Proserpina would start her day off at
6 a.m, she would then begin preparing the King's morning brunch which menu would consist of: white
bread, eggs, and grape wine. Proserpina had to make sure she was ultra-careful, if she failed to
accurately complete her tasks, she could suffer some horrible consequences. A few days after completing
her training, Proserpina is struggling to keep up with the demands of her job. She had to work more than
half of the day and only get about five hours of sleep. She began to reflect on her life before her
kidnapping, she remembered walking through the forest and picking her favorite flower and placing it her
hair, without any fear or harsh restrictions. “If only I followed what Mom told me, I wouldn’t be here for
sure!” she said.

Rising Action: King Pluto starts to notice that Prosperina is having a hard time dealing with the
requirements of her duties. One day while she was cleaning the King’s Suite, he told her,

“Don't worry my dear Prosperina, remember I promised you gardens filled with diamonds and rubies, it’s
only a matter of time before you’ll have a garden solely belonging to you!”.

“This job requires too much from me, it requires the hands of a man to do all of this stuff,” said Proserpina

“You’ll get used to it, you’re a very strong woman” King Pluto quickly replied

King Pluto also promises to Prosperina that she will have her golden chariot which could transport her
around the community. Pluto goes on to tell Prosperina that “Once you’ve been my lucky little maid for
some time, the more exquisite you will live!”.

Climax: Proserpina is now working as a maid for a few weeks. King Pluto who trusts her a lot more, lifts
the intense supervision he imposed on her before her orientation as a maid. The overworked Proserpina
takes the opportunity to secretly plan an escape from the castle. For several days, Prosperina plotted how
she was going to escape. She took a quill and paper from King Puto’s office and jotted down her plans.
She made sure to hide these plans in a drawer belonging to King Pluto in hopes no one will find it before
she initiates her escape.

One morning after finishing her morning duties, Posperina tells one of the guards in the kitchen to tell
Pluto that she will be out in the garden picking some flowers to decorate the guest rooms of the castle.
The castle is awaiting guests for an events schedule for the 9 a.m. Just before 8:30 a.m, King Pluto asked
about Proserpina’s whereabouts to which one of the guards tells him that she’s in the garden. Shortly
after he remembers that he has to dress in one of his exquisite outfits for the occasion. While searching
for the outfit, he opened her drawer and found the note that Proserpina left it. He then read the note and
found out all about her plans. He then orders his guards to find her immediately.

Falling Action: Unbeknown of King Pluto’s knowledge of her plan, Prosperina began executing her plans.
While exiting the castle she was stopped by one of Pluto’s guards.
“Where do you think you’re going” inquired the guard.

“I’m going to the garden for some produce and stuff for this morning’s brunch” answered Proserpina.

“Ok, please be back soon, Pluto won't be too happy if you make a tardy appearance” replied the guard.

Proserpina quickly One of the first problems she’d to face is the beastly looking dog that guards the gate
of the castle. She remembers King Pluto saying “He only hurts people who try to get away without me
telling them to.” Prosperina had to find a way to distract the dogs so it doesn't hurt her. She had carried a
piece of raw steak from the kitchen and to distract the dog, she threw it to him. The dog ran to the piece
of steak and Prosperina used the opportunity to run as fast as she could. She ran across the large
drawbridge that separates the castle from the forest, running faster than the speed of light.

Resolution: After ten minutes of rapid running, Prosperina stopped to catch her breath. She then walked
for a bit and is unexpectedly greeted by a man on a horse who she asks to guide her out of Pluto’s evil
region. At the castle, King Pluto sends out guards to search the outskirts of his castle for Prosperina.
Proserpina directs the man into the same path she took when she was kidnapped. After some time, the
man brought Prosperina home. Proserpina knocked on the door and her mother opens it. Ceres is very
happy to see her daughter because she thought she’d be dead by now. Ceres was angry that her
daughter disobeyed her but she was overjoyed knowing that she had found her way home.

Back at the castle, the guards return to Pluto to tell him that their search for Proserpina was unsuccessful.
Discontented with the news, he relieves them of their duties for the entire week. King Pluto is now left
negotiating with himself an effective way to get the maid of his dream

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