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FloTHERM XT 訓練課程 


 Lecture 1:FloTHERM XT 簡介(含範例練習一)

 Lecture 2:如何產生幾何模型(含範例練習二)

 Lecture 3:如何建構晶片模型及網格生成(含範例練習三)

 Lecture 4:PCB 建模及 EDA 資料匯入(含範例練習四)

 Lecture 5:整合模型(含範例練習五)

 問題與討論


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FloTHERM ® XT V1 Introductory

Lecture 1 - Introduction to

Philosophy of Mechanical Analysis

 To put CFD analysis software in the hands of Design Engineers

 FloTHERM XT – Concept through verification electronics cooling

simulation. By bringing the EDA and the MCAD design flows
closer, FloTHERM XT enables engineers to use the same design
data throughout the design flow assuring the latest and most
consistent data is always at the center of the design process.
 FloTHERM ® – CFD market leader in the electronics
vertical market (IC Packages, PCBs, Systems).
 FloVENT® – Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software that
predicts 3D airflow, heat transfer, contamination distribution and
comfort indices in and around buildings of all types and sizes.

Philosophy of Mechanical Analysis

 FloEFD ® – General Computational fluid dynamics analysis tool that is
truly embedded into major MCAD systems.
 Flowmaster ® – General purpose 1D Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) solution for modeling and analysis of fluid mechanics and pipe
flow in complex systems early in the development process.

T3Ster and DynTIM

 T3Ster
 Transient Thermal Tester (3T).
 Characterize internal structure of components DynTIM.
 Characterize Thermal Interface Material
 The best accuracy on the market for characterization of TIM’s.
 The best repeatability of measurements of TIM’s on the market.
 It is possible to have large differences between measured TIM’s and
published values in the datasheet. The DynTIM characterisation of TIM’s
will enable better heat transfer calculations and as a result, more
accurate component temperature prediction’s.

What is CFD?

 “Computational Fluid Dynamics or CFD is the analysis of systems

involving fluid flow, heat transfer and associated phenomena such as
chemical reactions by means of computer-based simulation.”

Versteeg & Malalasekera, “An introduction to Computational Fluid

Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method”

FloTHERM XT is not

 FloTHERM XT is not the equivalent of FloTHERM and has a

completely different approach to meshing and solving. Both solutions
retain strong advantages for the applications they are intended for.
This training will provide a review of the advantages and power of

 FloTHERM is an effective and powerful solution for the design and

optimisation of electronics equipment, with a clear focus on the needs
of the dedicated thermal designer, whereas …


 …FloTHERM XT has been designed as a solution

 Address requirements associated with angled
geometry or more complex shapes,
 Address the needs and focus of more MCAD
orientated users as well as thermal designers with
an interest in working with MCAD geometry and
 Significantly enhance the integration of MCAD and
EDA data in electronics thermal analysis and as a
result shorten the thermal design process.

Manufacturing Trend

 New manufacturing methods allow creating very

advanced cooling equipment.

 Advantages of FloTHERM XT is to mesh and

calculate easily and accurately any type of shape
and any number of surfaces.

Technology Trend - Integrated Circuits

Increasing in Heat Dissipation
 Increasing IC power dissipation
driven by speed and density
 Boards exceeding 300W
 Systems exceeding 1000’sW
 Smaller form factors driving heat density

Alcatel-Lucent >300W per blade

Source: Intel

Technology Trend - Integrated Circuits

Increasing in Heat Dissipation
Board Density increase by a level *7



* Data based on Mentor Graphics Technology Leadership Awards (TLA) entry averages


 So, as electronics equipment has become much more complex and dense, it
is clear that for software analysis solutions, one size does not fit all. To
address the market changes, a solution is required that:
 Shortens the EDA integration process by supporting direct EDA data import with the
minimum of manual effort to get the data in a form that can be used for a thermal
 Shortens the MCAD integration process by supporting direct MCAD import from all
the major vendors, as well as neutral file formats and supports the direct creation
and manipulation of CAD geometry if required,
 Utilises a meshing and solver approach that can function quickly, efficiently and
accurately for any geometric shape and complexity.
 The following training course will show how FloTHERM XT supports these
requirements and helps users to deliver better electronics products to the
market more quickly.

Typical Industries & Applications Using


Telecom - Router
Industrial Automation – Digital Potentiometer

Computing – Graphics Card

Consumer – Smart Phone

Many more applications in medical,

Automotive – Pump Controller aerospace and other industries…

FloTHERM XT – What does it do?

 Solves airflow and heat transfer problems in the built
 Airflow is the movement of air caused by natural
(buoyancy) or mechanical (fans) forces
 Heat transfer is the transfer of thermal energy because
of a temperature difference
 Three modes exist…

FloTHERM XT – What does it do?

1. Conduction through a solid or a stationary fluid

Q = kA(DT/Dx)
T1 > T2

T1 T2

Heat Flow

FloTHERM XT – What does it do?

2. Convection from a surface to a moving fluid

Q = hADT
T1 > T2
Moving Fluid T2

Heat Flow

Surface T1

FloTHERM XT – What does it do?

3. Radiation heat exchange between two surfaces

T1 > T2
Surface T1

Q = sAT4

Surface T2

Graphical User Interface

 Graphical User Interface

FloTHERM XT Feature tree.

FeatureManager Design tree.

FloTHERM XT SmartParts Library.

Graphical User Interface

Components is the main node on the feature

tree and provides user access to all data
associated with Assemblies and SmartParts and
their properties.

This provide for user access to the project

Attributes that can be attached to parts or

Results tab:
- Grey icon if no results are available,
- Right click to load results for solved model.

Graphical User Interface

 Graphical display area showing geometry only for pre processing

 Showing
with results
for Post

Viewing model

 View Model through different angles with mouse action


Viewing model

 Use the equivalent shortcuts on keyboard to move from one view to

another one:
 CTRL+1 : Front View
 CTRL+2 : Back View
 CTRL+3 : Left View
 CTRL+4 : Right View
 CTRL+5: Top View
 CTRL+6: Bottom View
 CTRL+7: Isometric View

Load an existing project

 [File/Open] to open the file with

format « .sldasm » containing
the FloTHERM XT project.
 All .sldasm files contain the
solidworks assemblies.
 Generally, the sldasm with the FloTHERM XT icon plus a
frame: the sldasm contains
bigger size contains the geometry and FloTHERM XT
FloTHERM XT project project

 A FloTHERM XT icon appears

on the sldasm file(s) containing
No FloTHERM XT icon:
FloTHERM project. contains only geometry

Load an existing project

 Set the Mode to « Resolved »

Bakup model

 How to backup of models ?

 Backup the model without result:
 Create a zip file of the asm and part files and save it on a server
 Backup the model with results:
 Use the Feature [Thermal Analysis/Pack Project and Results]

Mesh and solver results

Model complete without results

(ready to solve)

Save and Save As

 “Save” allows saving all changes done and continue on

the same model.

 “Save As” allows duplicating the geometry. It’s

important to:
 « Save as copy »
 Click on « References »
 Then …

Save As

 Select « Virtual Components »

Select the new folder
 Click browse to define the location to copy the file
in this folder
location of the new folder.

 Tick on « Save all as copy ».



 From Start/All Programs/Mentor Graphics

Mechanical Analysis/FloTHERM XT 1.1

 Via desktop icon

 From Windows « Quick launch », there is

a FloTHERM XT icon (if set at the


 For ALL tutorials, After Rebuild and save, select « Save ALL » and
« Save internally (inside the assembly) »

You can tick these boxes on, to validate the action for all saving.


 Go to [Tools/Options] or click on icon “Options”.

 Tick off the “Move components by dragging”

 This is to avoid moving parts with mouse action.

Tutorial 1

 Tutorial 1 : Load « Tutorial 1 »:

 Check how the model is built
 Use shortcut to see models from different view

FloTHERM XT V1 Introductory Training

Tutorial 1
View the Model to be created

Open project

 [File/Open]
Show the Preview pane
 Go to the directory

 Set the mode to « Resolved ».

 Double click on the

“CommandBox.sldasm” in the
 Notice that the FloTHERM XT icon
means that the sldasm file includes a
FloTHERM XT project

View FloTHERM XT tree

FloTHERM XT tree

1. Expand “+” to view children elements

of the assemblies

2. Select each part to see how the model

is composed

View FloTHERM XT tree

Cuboid SmartParts
PCB and components

Enclosure SmartParts
Cylinder SmartParts
PCB link with mechanical structure

Icon for parts created with Solidworks feature


View FloTHERM XT tree

Icons appear for EDA


PCB created from the EDA


View FloTHERM XT tree

Boundary conditions
Pressure at inlet and outlet

View FloTHERM XT tree

Review model environment:

Overall Domain
Model data
Initialization Values

View FloTHERM XT tree

2. Load Results

1. Results icon is greyed when there is no

results opened.
By default, FloTHERM XT opens the geometry and the
project (no result opened by default)

Notice: FloTHERM XT is on « Model » tab to review FloTHERM XT tree


View FloTHERM XT tree

FloTHERM XT indicates messages

on Thermal Analysis tab

View FloTHERM XT tree

1. Switch to Goals tab to see simulation

- Goals are values chosen by user to follow the
behaviour of the equipment
- View results only at goals convergence
(stable horizontal lines)
2. Switch to model to view the results

View FloTHERM XT tree

2. Click on “show” to see plot results

1. Select Surface plot or Plane plot

FloTHERM ® XT V1 Introductory

Lecture 2 – Create Geometry


Tutorial 2 overview

 Create a FloTHERM XT project (steps of the Wizard).

 Create geometry with FloTHERM XT SmartParts
 Cuboid
 Enclosure
 Cylinder
 Non Geometric SmartParts
 Attached material FloTHERM XT Parts Library.

Create FloTHERM XT project

 Thermal Analysis/XT New Project/New project

 If geometry is present, you can use icon to run the wizard.


Create FloTHERM XT project

 Choose a location which defines

the project directory
 Ex: C:\MentorGraphics\Solutions
 Specify a name
 Ex: Mechanical Analysis

 As soon as the wizard is ended,

this will create a file “Mechanical
Analysis” in a directory named
“Mechanical Analysis”

Create FloTHERM XT project

 The software does support saving of parts and assemblies in

separate folders using references. For further information on this,
please refer to the Save As with References section in the
Geometry Help.

 For easy backups of the project directory (one zip file), put all
files in the same directory.
 Ex: \Mechanical Analysis
 All new files need to be saved in this Directory \Mechanical Analysis
 This allows backup directory easily (one zip file)

Create FloTHERM XT project

 Keep Units as « Current Units », or

change length to “mm” rather than

 To create personal units,

 Right click on « Current unit » and
 Right click on « rename » to rename
the units:
 Ex: Units_Mechanical Analysis
 Click on « Set As Current Units » to
make it Default for project creation.

Create FloTHERM XT project

 Choose setting for the

 Analysis type
 Internal Type
 Internal and External (with size
of the domain)
 Solution type
 Global Ambient
 Orientation of the domain
 Gravity
 Thermal Radiation

Create FloTHERM XT project

 Analysis Type
Internal Only simulation

Internal And External simulation

- Environment is not modelled explicitly but
- Environment is explicitly taken
is represented by boundary conditions
into account.
defined on the edge of the domain.
- Results are provided inside and
- Need to create watertight model so that
outside the equipment being
49 the solver knows the edge of the domain

Create FloTHERM XT project

 Choose the fluid as « Air ».

 Note: The default fluid is « Air »,

appropriate for most electronics
situations, but a library of other
fluids is directly available if

Create FloTHERM XT project

 Aluminium 5052 is the default

setting and will be applied at the
root level in the project hierarchy.
This will be inherited by all
assemblies and parts in the
project, unless explicitly defined
as being different.

 “Project wizard summary”

 Blue link allows coming back to
previous setting page.
 Eg: click on blue link “Analysis
Type” to change values in this

Create FloTHERM XT project

 Eg: click on blue link “Analysis Type”

to change values in this “Analysis
Type” tab.

 Click on “Last” to come back to the

latest “Project wizard summary”

 Click on « Finish » to create the

FloTHERM XT project

Project Properties

 The Project Wizard has created the Default project

 Details of the project can be reviewed under:
 Overall Domain
 Model Data
 Initialization Values

 The material attribute defined during the project wizard phase

is now attached to the root feature tree node, named

Project Properties

 Overall Domain:
 Analysis type:
 Internal or External
 Internal : Automatic position of the domain on the edge of
the watertight geometry.
 External: Define the size of the domain.

 Set location and size of the domain

 Fluid

 Default Ambient conditions


Project Properties

 Note: click “Edit In View” to resize domain in

 Drag arrow of the domain to resize it in the
GDA. This is quick and accurate.

Set accurate value

Project Properties

 Model Data: Settings for calculation

 Flow and heat transfer
 Fluid only
 For pressure loss calculation (e.g. analysis of pressure drop in
cold plates)
 Solid Conduction Only
 Possible to calculate with thermal radiation.
 For more conservatives calculations.
 For electronics applications in space.

 Specify gravity orientation

 This can be axis aligned or angled.

Project Properties

 Initialization values: used as initial values at the

outset of the iterative solution process.
 Untick « Use Default » values to see the default settings.

Untick to see
default values


 FloTHERM XT includes a SmartParts library to easily

create electronic parts as efficiently as possible in all
stages of the design process.
 SmartParts can be used to represent simple and
more complex electronic components by parametric
definition of the key features and attributes.
 This empowers non-experts to quickly and easily
create good thermal models of electronics systems.
 Geometric SmartParts:
 Contains geometry definition and associated attributes
 Non-Geometric SmartParts:
 Attribute definition only and requires geometry to be available.


 Tutorial 2 considers these basic SmartParts:

 Cuboid
 Cylinder
 Enclosure
 The intention is to model the equipment from a
conceptual point of view:
 Very little information is available at this stage in
the design process.
 Only geometric positioning of components is
known. The IC package data is not available at
this time.
 Power dissipations are approximated.


 In FloTHERM XT, it is not necessary to use prisms

to create non, axis-aligned geometry. Any
geometric part can be rotated to an arbitrary angle.
 The prism SmartPart is available for compatibility
with models imported from FloTHERM.

Create a Cuboid

 In Feature Manager Design

tree, right click on main
 Choose tree Display
 « Show Component
Descriptions »
 This step enables a useful
view of the description for
parts and assemblies in the
FloTHERM XT Feature Tree.

Create a Cuboid

 Create a Cuboid
 Select Component nodes and
double click on Cuboid

Create a Cuboid

 Right click on the Cuboid

 Click on « Edit Description » to change the
Description name
 Click on « Properties » to set dimension and
 Use Fix to “Fix” the cuboid in the space, so that no
other geometric operation on the project data will
re-locate the cuboid.

Create a Cuboid

 Properties page
 Define Size
 Attach material:
 From library or from previously created material
within the project
 Attach power:
 From library or from previously created thermal
attribute within the project.
 Resistance
 To convert the cuboid shape to a flow resistance.
 From library or from previously created resistance
attribute within the project.

Create a Cuboid

 Sign
 “->()” means that this property is inherit from
parent assembly.
 Eg: ->(Aluminum 5052)
 This material is inherit from parent assembly or
default project value.
 is the “null” value. It means nothing is attach
to the part or assembly.

Create a Cuboid

 Properties page
 Create Goals:
 Convergence Control: to follow and continue solution
until the goal has reached a steady-state.
 Monitoring: tracks the temperature goal only without a
dependency on solution progress to a steady-state.
 Allows for fast analyses and data comparison at
the end of the solution. Data can be exported via
CSV to Excel.
 Enables accurate goal comparison between
project variations.


 Material properties:
 Read Only for Material from Library


Excel sheet
 Material properties:
 Editable for user Material Temperature
1. Double click on curve
to create a point
[ °C ] [ W/(m K) ]

0 0

0 0

0.0348 0.125

0.0921 0.1866

0.1994 0.241

2. Move point by

Create a Cuboid

 Assign Local Mesh settings for this part.

 We will discuss mesh settings later in the lecture.

Create Cylinder

 Cylinder SmartParts:
 SmartParts that creates a cylinder based on a
given radius and height
 Full properties storage
 Material attribute
 Thermal attribute
 Resistance
 Goals
 Local Mesh

Create Enclosure

 Enclosure SmartParts allows for the creation of a

simple electronics box – with or without holes (see
Tutorial 2)
 External Size
 Wall Thickness
 Material

 It also allows for the inclusion of a range of hole

types on any face:

Locate Geometry

 How to locate geometry in FloTHERM XT?

 First rule: To place an assembly/part, always Edit Parent Assembly,
then choose one of those functions according to requirements:
 [Insert/Mate…]

 [Move with Triad]

 [Move]
 Choose one of those functions according to the needs:
 “Mate” add some constraints between one assembly/part in relation to another part
in the same assembly.
 “Move” is a one-off geometric operation for distance/orientation on the selected
assembly or part.


 Select parts to be constrained:

 Use Standard mates to constraint parts
 Historic of Mates can be found in the
Feature Manager Design Tree. Edit Mates
is possible from this location.
 Note: Use of mates is an effective way to
study the impact of parametric variations
on geometry in the analysis.
 At least, one body need to be fixed in
Edit Mate


 If you mate 2 objects that are free in space, then select first the
referenced object and in second the object to be moved:
 First selected object won’t move
 Second selected object will move according to the options

Reference of object
(Object can be fixed or free in space)

Reference of the object to move in

space according to the Mate.
(This object need to be free in


 “Move” means that you can move or

rotate the part.
 Free Drag allows part to be moved
quickly to an approximate position.
 For more information read [XT
Help/Geometry help]

 Note: there is no “Move” history so

“Move” cannot be used for
parametric adjustment equivalent to
the use of Mates.

Move With triad

Select an arrow to move in one direction

 Move with Triad:
 Select an arrow to move in one direction
 A ruler appears to indicate the value of the move
 Increase Zoom on object to get thinner graduation on
ruler (to locate more accurately)

Move With triad

 Move with Triad

 Select the purple quarter of cylinder to
move in both direction in the plan

Move the purple colour ¼

cylinder to move in the 2

Move With Triad

 To type specific coordinates or distances, right-

click the center sphere and select from the
 Show Translate XYZ Box. Moves the
component to a specific XYZ coordinate.
 Show Translate Delta XYZ Box. Moves the
component by a specific amount.
 Click in the graphics area to turn off the triad

 For more information read [XT Help/Geometry


Center sphere


 [Tools/Measure…]:
 Measures distance, angle,
radius, and size of and
between lines, points,
surfaces, and planes in
sketches, 3D models,
assemblies, or drawings.
 Callouts appear in the
graphics area. New
measurements update
dynamically when you
change selections.


 When the Measure tool is not active,

commonly-used measurements for
selected entities appear in the status
Select edges
 [View/Status Bar] need to be

Distances appears in the Status bar


Check Geometry

 Check geometry is a tool to check the model

before starting the mesher:.
 It is good practise to run the check geometry to
check for potential errors before starting the
 Make sure any errors listed are corrected either
manually or automatically by FloTHERM XT
 For an internal simulation, its is imperative to
make sure that the fluid volume is not identified
as zero. If this is the result, then the model
needs to be adjusted to ensure there are no
geometry failures or small openings on the
solution domain boundary, without a specified
boundary condition.

Check Geometry

 Check Geometry
 Components: show the list of parts in the
Components node
 Parts tick on : Activated parts
 Parts tick off : Deactivated parts.
 Components in the tree can be activated and deactivated,
using the check boxes, to isolate geometry problems
when checking the geometry.

 Click on Check

 A list of messages indicate the error.

 Resolved indicates the solver is able to capture the
geometry. Run the calculation.
 An Invalid, non-resolved contact means that the geometry
needs to be adjusted in some way to correct the issue.

Invalid Contact

 FloTHERM XT will resolve only real physical

contact in 3-D space:
 Surface contact: OK
 Volume contact: OK
 Avoid edge or point contacts:
Contact to avoid
 FloTHERM XT will attempt to automatically correct these,
but it is good practice to review the geometry to avoid these
contacts if possible.
 Note:
 A real physical contact between objects is never on
an edge or a point. There is always some kind of
surface contact, all be it small in some cases.
 The mesher can only recognize geometry location
and size with valid physical contacts.

Check Geometry

 Create Volume:
 Create Fluid Volume
 Use to help identify issues. Creates a temporary
part representing the volume that will be taken up by
the Fluid regions. This can be used to check that the
correct fluid regions are being resolved by the
 Create Solid Volume
 Use to help identify issues. This is similar to the
Create Fluid Volume option but creates the
equivalent Solid Regions as a single multi body

Check Geometry

 “Create Fluid Volume” and use Section View

 Move the Plane to look for invalid contacts or
thin 2D objects.
 This is a method to find small fluid gaps.

Section View Section View

on selected activated

Resolved Invalid Contact

 Scale to enlarge from touching bodies into

overlapping bodies. (no invalid contacts
 Open the part or edit the part in the
assembly and choose from Insert ->
Features the feature „Scale“.
 Set the value to e.g. 1.001 so it will only
slightly bigger but not influence the results.
 Example:
 The contact between the green cylinder
and the black LID is linear
 “Scale” the black LID to make it bigger
and then create a surface contact

Check Geometry

 For Internal analysis, the Fluid volume need to

be above 0m3.
 Null Volume indicates:
 At least one part of the geometry is not solid (3D).
 Use « Import Diagnostic » on imported parts to check for
Invalid Faces.
 Invalid contacts remain
 Review all invalid contacts
 Small gap between Parts
 Need to constraints geometry using “Mates” to avoid small
 Zoom on all interface between parts to look for small gaps.

FloTHERM XT V1 Introductory Training

Tutorial 2 – Create Geometry

Enclosure with simple thermal
representation of PCBs and electronic

Description of operations

 Create FloTHERM XT project

 Create the Enclosure
 Create PCBs with thermal attributes
 Create support of PCB
 Create components with thermal attributes
 Component at 45 °
 One component to pattern removing one copy
 Solve
 Check the model
 Mesh and Solve
 Analyse results

Create FloTHERM XT project

 Thermal Analysis/XT
New Project/New

Create FloTHERM XT project

 Specify a location:
 C:\MentorGraphics\Solutions
 Specify the name :
 Click on next
 All new assemblies and parts need
to be created in this same folder for
the ease of distribution and backup.

 Select « Current Units »

 Change length to mm
 Click on next

Create FloTHERM XT project

 Choose the settings:

 Analysis type
 Internal Only
 Solution Type
 Flow and Heat Transfer
 Global Ambient
 Heat transfer coefficient = 10 W/(m².K)
 Temperature = 35 °C
 Gravity in negative Z direction

 Choose the fluid as « Air » which is


Create FloTHERM XT project

 Choose the main material

in the model:
 Aluminium 5052

 Check the initial condition

for the solver.

 Click on “Finish”

Configure GUI

 Click on icon FloTHERM XT SmartParts Library

 Click on « Auto Show » to keep this window opened.


Create Enclosure

 Double click on Enclosure SmartParts (simple without holes). PCB will

later appears on front plane automatically. So, I will create the Enclosure the same way to simplify
the mates

 Edit the name as « ElectronicBox »

 It will appear as ElectronicBox (no appended number) unless you have

already created a part call ElectronicBox then it will be appended by -1.

Create Enclosure

 Right Click Enclosure and properties to edit the

enclosure parameters (Alternalively, double click
on object in the XT tree to get property sheet)
 Size
 X: 202 mm
 Y: 160 mm
 Z: 35 mm
 Thickness = 2 mm
 Attachments: choose the Nylon-66 material from
the default material library (FloTHERM XT Parts
Library/Attributs/Materials/Polymers) and validate
 Rebuild and Save

Create Enclosure

 Select the Electronic Board SmartPart

in the Tree
 Click on “Zoom To selection”

 The Enclosure is now centered in the

graphical user interface

 Click on keys « CTRL »+ »1 » to see

geometry perpendicular to Front View.

Create Enclosure

 Notice that the origin of the axis is at the bottom left

of the Enclosure (blue dot on bottom left)


Create Enclosure

 In the FeatureManager Design Tree, right click

on ElectronicBox and select « Move »
 Choose the move « By delta »
 Dx= -101 mm
 Dy= - 80mm
 Click « Apply » button
 Then click on green tick (ok)
 The enclosure is now centered on axis in the
XY plane.

Create Enclosure

 Click on FloTHERM XT feature tree and select « ElectronicBox » Enclosure.

 Click on « zoom to selection » icon to center the Enclosure in the graphical

Enclosure is
centered on
the graphical

Create Enclosure

 From the FloTHERM XT Feature Tree, it’s

possible to split the View into two parts:
 FloTHERM XT Feature Tree
 FeatureManager Design Tree
 This allow to easily switch from the two
arborescence. The tree is split in
2 trees:
« FeatureManage
r Design Tree »
and FloTHERM
XT Feature Tree

Create Enclosure

 Select the Enclosure and Fix it. A small “f” indicates that the Enclosure is
fixed in space.

 Rebuild and save

 The Enclosure is now your reference to locate the other components.


Create PSU

 Right click on main assembly in the

FeatureManager Design Tree:
 Select « Show Component Descriptions »
 Remove « Show Component Names » and « Show
Component Configuration names »

 Right click on Components node and «Insert

New Sub-assembly »

 Right click on this sub assembly and « Edit

Description « PSU »

Create PSU

 Create the Power Supply Unit PCB (PSU PCB)

 Select PSU node
 Double click on the cuboid in the FloTHERM XT
SmartParts library
 Name it PSU board

Create PSU

 Right click on the PSU board and

select Properties
 Change the size
 192 mm
 35 mm
 1.6 mm
 Leave the default material
 « ->(Aluminium 5052) » means that the
material is inherited from system or
parent assembly
 Note: the board is locate at (0,0,0)
according to the shift of the origin
(middle of the Enclosure)

Create PSU

 Select PSU board and double click

on PCB non geometric SmartPart

 To set the material properties of

the PSU board (check layer

 Click OK to attach the

properties to the board

Create PSU

 How to locate the Board with distance from the Enclosure?

 We want the constraints with inner faces of enclosure and the board to be:

3 mm from X-
low inner
face of
enclosure 2 mm from bottom inner face
in Z direction

2.5 mm from
Y-low inner
face of

 Then, follow the steps on next pages to create the constraints.

Create PSU

 Use [Insert/Mate…]

 This Mate feature links geometry with some


 Use the Distance Mates to constrain the

board at a set distance from the Enclosure

Create PSU

 Set the distance between Y face of the board and Y

face of the Enclosure
 Rotate the geometry to easily select the faces.

Create PSU

 Right click on Y face of Enclosure

 Select inner face of the Enclosure
 « Select Other » feature:
 You can right-click an object and
choose Select Other to step through all
the items under the pointer. When you
choose a face, the face is hidden so you
can see inside the model.
 Advantage is to select face without
hidding any object. This action save lots
of time and effort to select faces not
directly accessible with the mouse.

Create PSU

 Set distance to 2.5 mm

 Check that the board is inside

the Enclosure (if not, use Flip
 Then validate Distance 1

Create PSU

 After the validation, notice that the

Mate box is still open in order to
create other mates.
 The name of the Sheet as
changed from « Distance 1 » to
« Mate »
 Mate Selections box is cleared
 Select board and inner face of
Enclosure so that the board is at 3
mm from X low face
 Validate « Distance 2 »

Create PSU

 Locate the board 2 mm

above the bottom inner face
of Enclosure
 Tick Flip Dimension to locate
the board above the
 Validate « Distance 3 »

 Click on the red cross to

close the sheet

Create PSU

 PSU board is now located in space.

3 mm from X-
low inner
face of
2 mm from bottom inner face
in Z direction

2.5 mm from
Y-low inner
face of

Create PSU components

 Place processor on PSU board (20mm*20mm at

45°) in the middle of the PCB.
 Select PSU sub assembly

 Create a Cuboid and name it « Processor »

 Size (20mm*20mm*5mm)
 Typical FC CBGA from library FloTHERM XT Parts
Library/Attributs/Materials/IC Packages
 Select the Convergence Control Goals « Average
temperature »

Create PSU components

 Edit PSU PCB (in order to mate the processor on board)


Create PSU components

 Mate top PCB face with component PCB face

 Standard mates: coincident

 Select the edge of the component and the face

of the PSU board
 Standard mates: Distance = 96 mm (tick on Flip

Create PSU components

 Standard mates: Rotate = 315°

 Standard mates: Distance = 17.5 mm


Create PSU components

 Processor is now centered on the PSU board

 Stop editing the mate

 Stop Editing the assembly

Create PSU components

 Create 4 Components with pattern option

 Select PSU sub assembly

 Double click on the SmartPart Cuboid from the

library and call it “Plastic Component”
 15*15*2.5 mm
 Typical Plastic Package from library FloTHERM XT Parts
Library/Attributs/Materials/IC Packages
 Select the Convergence control goal « Average
Temperature »

Create PSU components

 Edit PSU sub assembly

 Use Mates to locate component at:

 19.5 mm from board in X direction
 10 mm from board in Y direction 19.5mm

 Notice: tick on/off Flip Dimension

when appropriate 10 mm

Create PSU components

 Use Mates to make the faces“coïcident” :

 Top face of PCB
 Bottom face of the component
 Exit « Edit » mode
 Rebuild and save

Create PSU components

 Edit PSU and select the plastic component

from the Feature Manager Design Tree
 [Insert/Component Pattern/Linear pattern]
 Select the edge of the PCB to choose the
“pattern direction” (select the edge on Y
direction, this creates an arrow in X
direction). Set
 34.5mm
 5
 Skip Instance (3,1) to avoid the middle
component to be on the processor.
 Valid and Exit « Edit » mode
 Rebuild and save

Create PSU components

 Note that All patterned parts have same properties as the original part:
 Material is the Typical Plastic Package.
 Thermal attribute (not defined yet)

Source Patterned
Component Component
(s) (p)

Create PSU components

 Define thermal attributes on PSU

 Add 2 thermal Attributes named
 Processor PSU (with Total Power of 2W)
 Plastic Component PSU (with Total Power of 0.5W)

 To attach the thermal attribute to the

processor, drag and drop the Attribute
« Processor» onto the « Processor » part.
 Notice that the « Processor » attribute has a
child which references the part on which it’s

Create PSU components

 To attach the « Plastic Component PSU » attribute,

just drag and drop this attribute on the source Plastic
Component part (sv) Plastic Component
 The attribute is applied to each of the patterned
components (each component dissipate 0.5W)

 Notice the parts attached to the thermal library

 Rebuild and save


Create PSU support

 Create Support for the Board

 Select PSU sub assembly node
 Double click on cylinder from the SmartPart Library
 Rename PCB support
 Cylinder size:
 Radius is 2mm
 Height is 2 mm (distance from enclosure to PCB)
 Attachment:
 Aluminium 5052 from library FloTHERM XT Parts

Create PSU support

 Edit PSU assembly node

 In Feature Manager Design tree, right click on « PCB
Support » cuboid and select Move with Triad
 Select arrow in X direction and move to around 4 mm
 Select arrow in Y direction and move to around 4 mm
 There is often no need to place the geometry accurately
when you work on initial designs. You only want a
quick placement to get the correct thermal impact. So,
move with triad is a good feature to work quickly.

Select and drag the

arrow to make the ruler

Create PSU support

 [Insert/Component Pattern/linear pattern]

 Select Edge of the board to set the direction
 Indicate 2 instances in each direction X and Y
 Use up/down button (see image) to locate a support at each corner of the
PCB (to locate them precisely, set 184 mm in X and 27 mm in Y)
Edge <2> @Electronics…

Edge <1> @Electronics…

 Validate the pattern option

Create PSU support

 Change view CTRL + ”3”

 Select PCB support and its local pattern
 Right click and select move

 By Delta
 DZ = - 2 mm

 Supports are now located between

Enclosure and PCB

Create PSU support

 Exit the « Edit » mode.

 Rebuild and save

Create Wall

 Select Components node

 Double click on Cuboid Smartparts within the FloTHERM
XT SmartParts Library Create a Wall to separate PSU
area and Command Area
 Size of wall
 X = 198 mm
 Y = 1 mm (thickness)
 Z = 31 mm
 Material Attachment
 Select Aluminium 6061 from FloTHERM XT Parts

 From Feature Manager Design tree, right click on Wall

and select Move to « XYZ Position » Wall
 X = -99mm
 Y = -38mm
 Z = 2mm

Create Command board

 Edit « Components » node

 Click on “Insert new sub assembly”
 Description: Command

 Select the Command node

 Double click on Cuboid SmartParts from the FloTERM XT
SmartParts Library
 Right click on the cuboid and select « Edit Description »
 Name it « Command Board »

Create Command board

 Edit property and define:

 Size:
 X = 192 mm
 Y = 110 mm
 Z = 1.6mm
 Leave material as default value:
 ->(Aluminium 5052)
 Click OK to validate and leave the property sheet

 Rebuild and save

 Select the “Wall” and select “Fix” to fix it in space.

Create Command board

 Use Mate to locate the board

 3 mm from left inner side of enclosure
 2.5 mm from wall side
3 mm

2.5 mm

PSU board

Create Command board

 Command board is 2 mm above the bottom board
inner face of the Enclosure
2 MM

 Rebuild and save WALL

PSU board

Create Command board

 Select Command board and double click on PCB non geometric SmartParts
within the FloTHERM XT SmartParts Library
 Validate data

Create components on Command

 Before to create the components on board, create the Thermal
 U1 at 3W
 U24 at 1.10 W
 U22 at 0.98 W
 U34 at 0.37 W
 U16 at 0.15 W
 U12 at 0.6W

Create components on Command

 Select the Command node. Under this nodes, and following the details of
page 53/54, creates component on the Command Board using:
 Use Cuboid SmartParts to create components (Size, Material, Attachments)
 Edit Command node (in order to mate the processor on board)
 Use “Move”, “Move with Triad” and [Insert/Component Pattern/Linear Pattern]
 Notice, move with triad is a quick method to place component at this stage because the board is at the
conceptual design (with perhaps no accurate data as you search the correct design)

 Create (following data on page 54):

 U1
 U24 Patterned components
 U22
 U34 U22
U16 Patterned components
 And patterned components
 U12
 And patterned components
U1 U24
 U16 U34 Patterned components
 And patterned components
All cotation from point A

Create components on Command

 Example U1: Select Command board and create a cuboid, then,
Location of
component U1 at
page 55.
1. Edit

1.6 mm is to put the

component on the
top side of board.

Component U1 on Board
2. Right
click and
« Move »

Create components on Command

 Components details (Position from point A. See page 52)
Size Position Material
Cuboid Power X Y Z X Y Z Packages
U1 3.00 36.83 36.83 2.5 104.8 6.5 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
U12 0.60 9.91 20.32 2 9.86 67.3 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
(p)U12 0.60 Pattern1 Pattern1 Pattern1 Pattern1 Pattern1 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
(p)U12 0.60 Pattern1 Pattern1 Pattern1 Pattern1 Pattern1 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
(p)U12 0.60 Pattern1 Pattern1 Pattern1 Pattern1 Pattern1 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
U16 0.15 6.6 12.7 2 31.83 49.7 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
(p)U16 0.15 Pattern2 Pattern2 Pattern2 Pattern2 Pattern2 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
(p)U16 0.15 Pattern2 Pattern2 Pattern2 Pattern2 Pattern2 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
(p)U16 0.15 Pattern2 Pattern2 Pattern2 Pattern2 Pattern2 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
U22 0.98 16.6 16.6 3.86 172 55 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
U24 1.10 33 33 2.5 147.6 6.5 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
U34 0.37 11.94 29.21 2 11.87 2 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
(p)U34 0.37 Pattern3 Pattern3 Pattern3 Pattern3 Pattern3 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
(p)U34 0.37 Pattern3 Pattern3 Pattern3 Pattern3 Pattern3 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package
(p)U34 0.37 Pattern3 Pattern3 Pattern3 Pattern3 Pattern3 Top side on board Typical Plastic Package

Spacing Number of Instances
Pattern1 in longest direction of the board 18.75 4
Pattern2 in longest direction of the board 15.5 4
Pattern3 in longest direction of the board 25.4 4

Create board support

 Select Command node and create a cylinder by

double clicking on Cylinder SmartPart from the
FloTHERM XT SmartParts library
 Name it « Support »
 Edit property:
 Radius = 2 mm
 Height = 2 mm
 Aluminium 5052

Create board support

 Edit parent node to move Cylinder 4 mm from

edge of PCB
 Move with triad to locate the cylinder at
4 mm from bottom left corner of the
Command PCB
 4 mm in X direction
 4 mm in Y direction

Zoom on
 ZOOM on cylinder gives a more cylinder for
a more
accurate measuring stick with decimal accurate
graduations measuring

Create board support

 Use linear pattern to duplicate the

cylinder at the other corners of the PCB
(locate them approximately near the
corner. There is no need for accurate

 Cylinders are not located yet:

 Select the cylinder and patterned cylinders
and use move by delta to put cylinder
between the enclosure and board (move
by -2 mm in Z direction)
 Stop Editing

 Rebuild and save


Check geometry before solving

 Use check geometry [Thermal Analysis/Check geometry] to check the

volume and potential geometry errors.
List of element considered as Solid ( ) or
fluid ( ). In this case, only solid components
are stored

Click on

List of error(s)

 Check geometry gives no error in this model.

Calculation goals

 Add “Average Temperature” goals for these components

 Add some convergence goals on components U1, U22, U12, U16
 You can multi select the components U1, U22, U12 and U16 and create a goal for all these
components in one action (see image below)

 The goals are displaying during the calculation allowing you to get a quick
status of your model before it has finished solving. This gives a convenient
sanity check of your design.

U1 property


 Specify the number of cores that the solver will use:

Set the number of cores to the maximum

cores of the PC
 Run the calculation


 Calculation finished. Check the Messages tab to see the duration of the

Green tick indicates

converged goals


 Close results tab

 The results are loaded by

default as specified in Results

Post Processing

 Use default plane « X Plane plot » to check results in the Enclosure


Post Processing

 Edit X plane plot property and tick on “Show manipulator”.

 In graphical user interface, select the manipulator to look at results
along X axis.
 Check temperature of air in the box. The internal temperature of
components are not true temperatures as the internal structure of the
components are not specified.

Post Processing

 Show or hide mesh by selecting on/off

« Show Mesh »

Post Processing

 View geometry according to

gravity using Roll View
 Right Click on Graphical
Display Area
 Select Roll View
 Roll the view to the view of
interest by moving the mouse.
Zoom for a more accurate
 Click escape to go out of the

Post Processing

 Right click on the GDA and choose « View


 Select Add View

 Name it gravity X

Post Processing

 You can now select the view gravity X from the

View Orientation icon

FloTHERM XT V1 Introductory Training

Lecture 3 – Component Modeling

Thermal component representation

Thermal component model

 What is a thermal representation of the component ?

 Multiple thermal representation models
 Compact Model as Network Assembly
 2 Resistors (2R)
 Multi Resistor (MR)
 Detailed Model
 FloTHERM Pack : Generator of thermal model of
 Meshing rules

Thermal component model

 The complex electronic structure

inside components makes it very
difficult to perform a complete and
detailed thermal characterisation.
 As a result, there is a need to
create equivalent thermal models
for quick and efficient simulation of
these devices at a PCB or system

Thermal component model

 IC packages are the main source of heat

inside electronic systems. If not managed
correctly the heat dissipation can result in
thermo-mechanical stress issues and
resultant device failure.
 Generally, manufacturers will specify a
safe operating temperature range and
simulation can provide guidance to
 Maintain the device temperature
within the operating range
 If maintained close to the operating
maximum, this can reduce the cost of the cooling
 if maintained much lower, it is possible to
achieve better performance for the device.

Temperature in Electronics Reliability

 Environmental effects

Environmental causes of failure in defense-related

electronic systems (Source: US Air Force)

 Excess temperature can cause system breakdown

 Absolute temperature may accelerate diffusion
following an exponential function, electromigration,
voiding as well as degradation of polymer and
organic materials
 Temperature changes and gradients may cause
thermal expansion mismatches

Thermal component model

 In order to have the most efficient solution time possible, there is a
need to create equivalent thermal behavioural models for IC
 These can be detailed or compact models (2R and MR).

Compact models

161 2 Resistors (2R) Detailed model

Multi resistors (MR)

Detailed Model

 Detailed models represent package details explicitly, such

as solder balls, thermal vias, and metal layers in organic

Ex:Detailed BGA with all solder balls


Compact Model

 Why use a Compact model to represent a component?

 A Compact Model seeks to capture the thermal behavior of the

package accurately at pre-determined (critical) points (junction,
case, etc.), using a reduced set of parameters to represent the
 These parameters need not be geometric
 The most popular approaches use some sort of thermal
resistance network representation (Network Assembly)

 Saves grid while giving accurate answers at critical points

 Two types: 2 resistor and multi-resistor (DELPHI) networks


 The leading-edge standard1 for compact model

 Allows component manufacturers to supply
validated compact thermal models to end-users
 No proprietary design data disclosed
 Properly derived DELPHI compact models provide
a much lower error as compared to test-based
two-resistor models

 1

2-Resistor Compact Model

 A significant improvement over single-resistor

 Simple topology
 Can be used in System/Board-level/EDA tools T
(via IDF 3.0) θjc
 Can be derived experimentally or
 Typical accuracy for most cases is < 20%
 Model not boundary condition independent B
 The Jedec standard for 2-R model is described in

Generating 2-Resistor Compact Models

 Current (JEDEC) Experimental Approach
 θjc by Top Cold Plate Test
 θjb by Ring Cold Plate Test
 FloTHERM PACK Computational Approach
 Mimics experimental approach
 Advantages;
 Consistent with JEDEC standards
 One-to-one correspondence with experiment
 Intuitive; easily understood by users
 FloTHERM PACK generates a 2-R compact model as a
Network Assembly
 Geometry .pdml file

Component Modeling
More accurate

Model of component Expected Results Comments FloTHERM XT Object

Level 1 – Heated cuboid Estimate temperatures of air and PCB temperature Average IC package Cuboid
material library is
available in FloTHERM
Level 2 - 2 resistances Temperature of air and PCB is more accurate than using 2R model Network assembly
(2R) cuboid. Junction and case temperature (up to 20% of error JEDEC Standard
on junction temperature).
NB : provide models

Level 3 - Multi resistances Good estimation of junction and case temperature. NB : MR model Network assembly
(MR) provide models and error range on JEDEC Standard
network creation

Level 4 – Detailed model Very accurate junction and case temperature. Create your Assembly including sub
component on (in few clicks) assemblies with Cuboids

2 Resistors Detailed
Multi resistors



 FloTHERM® Pack is a SaaS product-line

available at:
 FloTHERM® PACK is a unique product
from Mentor Graphics designed for the
generation and download of accurate
thermal libraries of IC packages,
standard test harnesses, and other
associated parts.

Compact Model in FloTHERM PACK

 FloTHERM PACK ( can be
used to generate either detailed or compact models
of IC packages.
 If compact, either 2 resistor or multi-resistor is available
(users choice)
 Exported as Geometry .pdml file
 If no internal package details are known, it is
possible to accept all defaults with only the power
needing to be specified.
 Users will either:
 Generate their own compact models using FloTHERM
PACK, or
 Use compact models generated by a component supplier

 Standard JEDEC outlines are
supported for many package styles
via a wizard set-up:
 Package models can be
generated with a minimum
amount of data

 Package parameters if known can

also be set in an associated Design


 Step 1: Define a name (and package type if required)


 Step 2: Choose the appropriate JEDEC outlines

for this package and enter the heat dissipation
 The defined power setting is editable later in FloTHERM XT


 Step 3: Do you know all or most of the internal

construction details of your package?


 Step 4 : Do you know the die size?



 Step 5: is your package substrate 2-layer or 4-layer?


 Step 6: Definition of thermal vias



 Step 7: Is a Thermal Slug present?


 Step 8: Choose to see design sheet



 Design Sheet is a series of

pictures and input boxes
 VRML Preview
 FloTHERM PACK generates
a model for use in
FloTHERM XT as a
geometry .pdml file.


 Choose modeling level to download your components

 Click on “Detailed Model” to download a pdml file.

 Or, click on “Compact Model” to generate the compact model.


 Click on “Compact Model”

 Click on “Two-Resistor” or
“DELPHI” button to
generate the compact
model online
 As soon as the models are
created, click on a network
to download


 Check network values

 Download as Network
Assembly (pdml file)

FloTHERM XT Import

 From FloTHERM XT interface, right click on

Components node and select “Import Geometry
Detailed model

Compact model

FloTHERM XT Import

 FloTHERM XT Feature tree

Detailed model Compact model

Node/Resistance Table

 The detailed model is physically represented by the geometry whereas the

compact component is represented by a nodal network (Network Assembly)

Import PDML file

 Import pdml assembly into FloTHERM XT

 Limitation in log file to import data
 By default, there is a limit of 500 geometric objects that can be converted at any one time
by the PDML converter.
 Either simplify the model or break it down into a project and individual assembly
 Change the limit is set by key importLimitForPDML in file

 Rules to import PDML/pack files:

 Search in Help menu “Using FloTHERM PACK PDML Files”
 Import the Geometry PDML file into FloTHERM XT.
 Change radiation treatment because it’s not the same in FloTHERM XT
 See PDF document in SupportNet

Transfer component in library

 To transfer a component into library

 Make component Virtual
 (v) indicate that a part or assembly is virtual
 Make sure all assemblies and parts are virtual (v).
 Edit Parent assembly and select « Make virtual » on child (right
click on child in the Feature manager tree and select “Make Virtual”
 Voir Technote MG581666: How to make [Make Virtual] the desired
assembly before to send this assembly into Library?

 In order that you can use the assembly with the FloEDA
Bridge library swapping functionality its orientation must
match that of the Expedition component.
 This many require rotation
 You can Drag and drop Assembly containing the
components details to the library.

FloTHERM XT V1 Introductory Training

Lecture 3 – Mesh
Thermal component representation


 Why meshing with Cartesian grid ?

 Experiences on mesh
 Accuracy of Cartesian mesh
 How to mesh in FloTHERM XT
 Mesh the domain : Global mesh
 Local mesh: adapt mesh to geometry recognition and local mesh
where gradients are high
 Mesh parameter setting rules in the geometry tree hierarchy

Which Meshes for Thermal Analysis?

 Introduction:
- The current Mesh algorithm has been developed and improved
over the past 20 years.
- When discretizing the Navier-Stokes equations the choice of mesh
is critical.

 Considerations for Mesh Choice

- Which mesh provides the best accuracy?
- Which mesh is the most efficient in terms of performance,
robustness and easy of creation?

Quality of approximation of the mass conservation law is significantly worse on

non-Cartesian meshes
■ For the coarse mesh: Accuracy
on a Cartesian mesh is
approximately 10 times higher then
on other meshes

■ For the fine mesh: Accuracy on a

Cartesian mesh is approximately 10
times higher then on structured
curvilinear and triangular meshes,
rising to 100 times higher compared
to unstructured triangular mesh.

■ Mesh convergence rate, n, is of

the order 2 for Cartesian and
structured curvilinear and structured
triangular meshes.
Fig. 7 L1 norm of local truncation error in density for
sequence of refined meshes (see * and **)
* M. J. Aftosmis, M.J. Berger. Multilevel Error Estimation and Adaptive h-Refinement for Cartesian Meshes with Embedded
Boundaries. AIAA 2002-0863. 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences. Meeting and Exhibit. 14-17 January 2002 / Reno NV
** Mentor Graphics Corp., 2011. Advanced Immersed Boundary Cartesian Meshing Technology in FloEFDTM

Cartesian grid

 Cartesian grids give less numerical inaccuracies

 However, how well is complex geometry modelled using
Cartesian Grids?
 Traditional Cut cell method
 FloTHERM XT Cut cell method + CAD Edge points

History of Cells Geometry in Mechanical
Division : Experience
Cut cells

2010 Real geometry (resolved cut cells)


Cut Cell Technology : previous

Let’s consider CAD model’s corner inside cell. Current technology
connects only points on edges of cell A1 to B1, A2 to B2, A1 to A2, B1 to
B2 to build one face A1-B1-B2-A2 that shares information about two
Here is our cut cell.
With Cut cell, the
solver would

Real Geometry Technology : FloTHERM

Real geometry technology takes also points on real CAD edge – points C1 and
C2 to build two faces A1-C1-C2-A2 and B1-C1-C2-B2 that correspond to two
CAD faces.
Here is our real geometry cell.
With Real Geometry,
the solver

So, corners of geometry are represented without simplification with no need to

refine mesh at corners.

Difference between technologies

Cut Cells
CAD Model Real Geometry
(CAD face points )
(+CAD edge points)

Need to refine mesh on

Geometry recognition
corners to get geometry
with coarse mesh
close to real CAD
- Less user actions to
mesh a model.
- Time to mesh
- Reduced time to
- More mesh needed
mesh a model


 FloTHERM XT creates a Global mesh with constraints and

parameters based on the model and user settings.

 Grid constraints can be set locally on Assemblies or Parts to adapt

the mesh to the local geometry and to concentrate the mesh in areas
of importance.

Meshing Data

 Global Mesh Settings

 Global Mesh data is set through Mesh
Control and through the Mesh
parameters on the Root Assembly
(i.e. the Components node in the
FloTHERM XT Feature Tree).
 Mesh settings are always active on the
main “components” node.
 The Mesh Control is used to set the
“Mesh Level” as:
 “Standard Resolution” (Default),
 “Enhanced Resolution”
 “Advanced Resolution”,

 The Global Mesh Settings are used to

set the Base Mesh and general
refinement of all solids which are not
defined by any local mesh setting.

Meshing Data

 Local Mesh Settings

 To give some control over the Global
Mesh locally.

 Local Mesh can be set for a particular

SmartPart or node:
 For example, a user may want a denser
Mesh between the Fins. A Local Mesh
applied to the Heatsink can do this.

 Alternatively, specifying a Local Mesh

can also be used to reduce the Mesh in
the region of a selected Component.

Meshing Data - Notes

 It is important to note that the setting of Local Mesh parameters would

generally make the mesh denser in the region of the component
geometry; however settings can occasionally appear to have no affect when
the local mesh is already satisfied and can even remove the refinement
defined in global mesh settings when local mesh has less refinement than
the global setting.
 The actual affect may not be obvious because of the complex interaction of
the various mesh settings as well as the location and size of the various
geometric features.
 Often the mesh will be refined around geometry, but if the meshing system
has decided that sufficient cells have been created to adequately represent
the geometry numerically, then no additional cells will be added however
much the user tries to reduce the mesh parameters.

Component Level Data Set

 Minimum Feature Size

 This value is calculated automatically (based on geometry size) or
defined manually.
 An option “multiplication factor” (Feature Size Scaling Factor) is then
used to multiply the automatically calculated Minimum Feature Size.
 This increases the mesh size
 Notes:
 The smaller this size the more mesh that is likely to be created, hence it is
important that this only represents the feature size that is important.
 If necessary the Feature Size Scaling Factor can be used to increase this size
and hence likely to reduce the number of mesh
 Minimum Feature Size only affects solid cell refinement, except for Flow
Resistances where it affects fluid cells.
 Changes in the feature size may have little or no effect on the mesh if the
geometry is already fully resolved by the mesh”.

Minimum Feature Size - Notes

 The FloTHERM XT solver does not require that all small geometric
features are resolved explicitly by the mesh.
 This is particularly true for cases involving multiple solids of different
material in objects which are axis aligned, e.g. detailed PCB or
component models.
 This means that the required mesh to ensure accuracy can be set at
a coarser level by utilising the Feature Size Scaling Factor as
described above.
 As a rule of thumb, PCB’s should have a minimum feature size set to
the board thickness and detailed component models should have the
Feature Size Scaling Factor set to values in the order of 2-5.
 Finer mesh settings will be required for any important geometry that is
of a more complex shape.

Component Level Data Set

 Minimum Gap Size

 This value can be calculated automatically (gap between
geometry are calculated automatically) or set by the user
 An option “multiplication factor” is used to multiply the
automatically calculated Minimum Gap Size

 Notes:
 This is used to represent the fluid gaps between solid geometry that
is important to represent by the mesh.
 Smaller value of Minimum Gap Size tend increasing number of mesh

Component Level Data Set

 Narrow Channel.
 This will ensure narrow channels between solid geometry are
represented by a fine enough mesh to resolve the detail of the flow
within the channels.

 Notes:
 This should only be used if the channels are considered vital and require
detailed flow modelling.
 In cases where Narrow Channel is not used, fewer cells will be created between
the gaps or even modelled completely within single cells.
 In these circumstances, the solver will use a proprietary immersed boundary
layer treatment to improve the accuracy of the modelling. This treatment can
often be sufficient for modelling of large systems, particularly where detailed
modelling of the flow in all gaps is not necessary.

Calculation of Automatic Values

 The automatic values for the Minimum Feature Size and the Minimum
Gap Size that are displayed in the Property Pages on the
Components are calculated on entry to the Property Page.
 These values are displayed when the Mesh Parameters are activated
(Note: always activated for the Root Assembly named “components”
 The values are only calculated on entry to the Property Page and
when required for the mesh so will not be updated dynamically if
changes are made in the Property Page.
 These values are calculated according to the logic in the following

Calculation of Automatic Values -

 FloTHERM XT mesher, will search
children of “Components” node and
calculate the two Mesh Parameters
“Minimum Feature Size” and the
“Minimum Gap Size” as the minimum
values of all children, excluding children
that have their own Local Mesh
Parameters activated.

 This shows an example project where

Local Mesh settings are activated for
the following components:

Calculation of Automatic Values -

 “Components” (i.e. Root Assembly) – when
calculating the parameters from the Root
Assembly, only “Fan-1” from “Sub-Assembly
1” and all Components from “Sub-Assembly
3” are included in the automatic parameter
 Also, any non-geometric SmartParts will be
included in the parameters calculation; in this
case “Radiation Surfaces 1” and “Fixed
Flow 1”, but not “Pressure 1”.
 Note: all relevant faces are included in the
calculation here even if the surfaces are from
objects that have their own Local Mesh
settings, for example, “Radiation Surfaces 1”
may include surfaces from “Part 1”, but will
still include this surface in the calculation for
the “Root Assembly” and not “Part 1”.
 The calculated values are then applied to the
Global Mesh Settings for the project, if set to
use automatic values.

Calculation of Automatic Values -

 Cuboid named “Part 1”-
Calculates the mesh
parameters from its geometry
and any attached non-
geometric SmartParts, i.e.
“Pressure 1”.
 If set to use automatic values
the calculated parameters are
then applied a Local Mesh
parameters to geometric solid
bodies of “Part 1”.

Calculation of Automatic Values -

 “Sub-Assembly 2” – Uses “Part
2” and “Part 3” to calculate the
Mesh parameters
 “Sub-Assembly 2” excludes
“Heat Sink – Plate Fin-1” to
calculate the Mesh parameters
 If set to use automatic values,
the parameters are set as Local
Mesh parameters for all
geometric solid bodies in “Part
2” and “Part 3”.

Calculation of Automatic Values -

 “Heat Sink – Plate Fin-1” –
Calculates the Parameters based
on its own geometry and rules for
that type of SmartPart and applied
as described for “Part 1”.

General Geometry Rules

General geometry is defined as any geometric components that are

not treated as SmartParts that have defined rules, e.g. imported
geometry, non SmartPart geometry, Cuboids, and any SmartPart
types not identified in later slides.
The parameters are calculated as follows:
 Minimum Feature Size – Calculated as the minimum dimension of
height, width and length of the “bounding box”* of the part based on
the part coordinate system. This means that rotating a part within an
assembly will not affect the Feature Size.
 Minimum Gap Size – Calculated from any attached Non-Geometric

 * Bounding box: square box passing through all boundary edges of the parts
Cylinder Bounding Box Cylinder


 Minimum Feature Size – Calculated from the X and Y dimensions of

the Bounding Box of the first fin (plate fin Heatsinks) or the pin (Pin
Fin Heatsinks) attached to the base, i.e. normally the Maximum Plate
thickness or the Pin maximum diameter.
 Minimum Gap Size – Calculated from the Pitch of the first Fin/Pin
pattern minus the Feature Size, i.e. Normally the Gap between the
Fins/Pins. Note: Gap Size is not modified to take into account the
differences created by staggered pins in a Pin Fin Heatsink.


 Minimum Feature Size – This is calculated from the

Hub diameter.
 Minimum Gap Size – This is calculated from the
width between the Hub and the outer Diameter, i.e.
the width of the flow region.


 Minimum Feature Size – This is calculated from the

minimum overall dimension of the Enclosure.
 Minimum Gap Size – This is calculated from the
minimum dimension of the internal overall dimension
of the Enclosure and from any attached Non-
geometric SmartParts (See below). Note: Holes are
not used to calculate Gap Size as it is expected holes
with lids will contribute to the Gap Size calculation
from attached Non-geometric SmartParts.


 Minimum Feature Size – Z-Direction thickness.

 Minimum Gap Size – minimum of the other two

Non Geometric PCB (Boards only)

 Minimum Feature Size – Calculated as with and

hence would normally be the board thickness. Note:
It is assumed that the different layers of a board can
be separate bodies within a Part but not separate
Parts with an Assembly.
 Minimum Gap Size – Calculated from the minimum of
the Board width or Length and any attached Non-
Geometric SmartParts (eg: Radiation surface).

Flow Resistances

 Minimum Feature Size – The feature size is

calculated as General Geometry, i.e. the Minimum of
the bounding box dimensions.
 Note: Feature Size affects the Fluid mesh
 Minimum Gap Size – we use the average of all three

Non-Geometric SmartParts

 Selected Non-Geometric SmartParts attached to Components are

used in the calculation of the Gap Size. The minimum of the Square
root of the area of all faces of all attached Non-Geometric SmartParts
is use to calculate the Gap Size. The following SmartParts are

Maximum Cell Sizes

 Some SmartPart guaranty the maximum cell size:

 Network Assembly Non-geometry SmartParts.

 PCB Non-geometric SmartPart.

 Regions.

Network Assembly Non-geometric

 For Network Assemblies a surface based Local Mesh
is automatically generated for all faces attached to
nodes when the Local Mesh toggle is activated.
 Scaling Factor – The Scaling Factor scales the
default automatic value for the maximum cell size by
the defined value.
 The automatic value of maximum cell size is
calculated from the square root of the smallest face
attached to the nodes of the Network Assembly.

PCB Non-geometric SmartPart

 For PCBs a surface based Local Mesh is

automatically applied to the top and bottom faces of
the board geometry when the Local Mesh toggle is
 Maximum Cell Size – A user set value is used for the
maximum cell size.


 Regions can be used to control the mesh distribution for

solid and fluid regions within the volume of the Region.
 Maximum Cell Size – A user set value of maximum cell
size will be used to control cell refinement within the
Region volume:
 Refine Fluid Cells – all fluid cells are refined to the specified maximum
 Refine Solid Cells – all solid cells are refined to the specified maximum
 Refine Partial Cells – all cells containing both Fluid and Solid are refined
to the specified maximum value.
 Any solid geometry can be converted to a region (except
for SmartParts)

Post Processing

 Legend: Double click on legend to change settings or select

corresponding legend “temperature” under Scalars feature

Min/max in the domain

Min/max in the Plane Plot

- Choose Total Range to display

min/max on Domain
- Choose Auto range to display
min/max on the Plane Plot

Post Processing

 Change legend Color map

Post Processing

 Change the height of the legend


Post Processing

 Look temperature in the domain using the plane

Plot: From the plane plot properties, it’s possible
to set:
 Temperature (solid and fluid)
 Fluid temperature (only)
 Solid temperature (only)
 It’s quickest to see min/max values on solid only
or min/max values in fluid only

FloTHERM XT V1 Introductory Training

Tutorial 3 – Component Modeling and


Description of operations

 Copy FloTHERM XT model

 Library Usage
 Make the Model Virtual
 Import/Export with Library
 How to backup Library?

 Change model of Component on PSU Board

 Visualisation of Results.

 Add texture on boards.

Copy file

 Go to the C:\Mentorgraphics\Solutions

 Copy/paste the directory « CommandBox_Tutorial2 » and name the

copy as « CommandBox_Tutorial3 »

Open project

 [File/Open] and select

 Select “CommandBox.sldasm”
 A preview appears with geometry
and results
 Check that you open the model in
mode « Resolved »
 It means that all components are
fully loaded in FloTHERM XT

Processor: Detailed model

 Replace processor with a

component from the Library
 Select PSU node and double
click on the component in Parts
Library « wb_XT_training »
 Rename it « Processor »

Processor: Detailed model

 Hide « ElectronicBox » Enclosure

 Right click and select « Hide »

 Edit « PSU node »

 Use [Insert/Mate] to place the detailed
component on top of the PSU board
 Use Coindident

Processor: Detailed model

 Click on the green tick to save

and close the « Mate » feature Valid to
close the
mate Box

 In FeatureManager Design
Tree, right click on Processor-
2 and select « Move »

Processor: Detailed model

 Choose « Rotate »; « by delta XYZ »

 45°
 Click on Apply
 Valid or click cancel on keyboard

 Oriente the model to see it in Front View

(using View orientation)
 Zoom out to see the detailed component
named « Processor » and the cuboid
named « Processor »

Processor: Detailed model

 Right click on the Detailed component

 Select Free drag
 Drag the component and center it on
the cuboid « processor ».
 It’s possible to zoom on the processor
and then reuse Free Drag. The Move
tab is still open when you zoom in.

 Click Ok
 Stop editing the PSU node

Processor: Detailed model

 Right click on cuboid

« processor » and Supress it

 Rebuild and save


Processor: Detailed model

 Look at the structure of the detailed

 It’s composed of Assemblies of
geometrical parts
 A Die Source is applied

 Check the attribute of the DieSource

 Right click on DieHeat
 This should indicate 2W

U1: 2R model

 Under the Command node, select cuboid

« U1 » and double click on Network
Assembly from the Non geometric
SmartParts Library

 This creates a Sub assembly with cuboid

« U1 » and its « Network Assembly »
 Network Assembly settings will overwrite
any attributes set previously on Cuboid
« U1 »

U1: 2R model

 Select U1 on Command Board

and edit properties

 Remove the Thermal Attachment

by selecting « non defined ».

U1: 2R model

 Right click on the network Assembly

 Select property to edit the network
 Edit « Node/Resistance Table » by
selecting the arrows
 Enter names for nodes:
 Junction
 Board
 Case
 This set the 3 needed nodes
 Enter values for nodes as set in the
picture Network
 Junction : 3W
 Board: 65 K/W (0 W)
 Case: 12 K/W (0 W)

U1: 2R model

 Set a Convergence Goal onto the Junction node.

U1: 2R model

 Click on OK
 The Node List is updated
 Link the External nodes “Board” and
“case” to the CFD calculation Node list

U1: 2R model

 Select “Case” node in the

“Node List”
 and select the top
surface of U1 cuboid in
the graphical display
 Select “Board” node in
the “Node List”
 And select the bottom
face of the component
U1 (right click and
Select other) in the
graphical display area
 Click on OK

U1: 2R model

 The network Assembly is

Defined and is connected to the
CFD mesh on the Case face and
Board face.
 All other surfaces are considered
Adiabatic faces. No heat leave Lateral faces are adiabatic
the component on lateral faces.
U1 is fully defined by the 2R
 All heat leave the 2R Network network Assembly
Assembly by the case and board
 Rebuild and save
Heat leaves U1 by the case and
Board faces

U22: Detailed model

 Replace Cuboid U22 by a detailed

 Select Command node and double click
on PLCC44_detailed from FloTHERM
XT Parts Library
 Expand PLCC44 node. The components
is composed of
 Assemblies and Cuboids
 A heat source

U22: MR model

 Check the Dieheat attached to the

source (the value is set to 1W)
 Change the total Power to be 0.98 W

U22: MR model

 Edit « Command » node

 [Insert/Mate] and make top face
of command board and bottom
face of U22 coincident

 U22 is locate on top face.

 Click on OK

U22: MR model

 « CTRL +1 » to view the front

 From FeatureManager Design
Tree, right click on PLCC44 and
select Move with Triad

Select the quarter

cylindre to move in 2

U22: MR model

 Move and center the PLCC44 on the

existing cuboid U22.
 No need to center accurately the MR

 Right click on cuboid U22

 Select Suppress

U22: MR model

 Close the edition of assembly

 Rebuild and save (Save internally)
 Select the Electronic box enclosure
and click on icon « Show »

 Electronic box contains component as

cuboids and : Detailed Detailed
 1 2R component
 2 detailed component

Global Mesh

 Mesh Control
 Keep Standard Resolution

 Click on ”Generate Mesh”

Global mesh only

 How much cells with Global mesh only ?

 301 070 cells

 67564 fluid cells
 74 054 solid cells
 159 452 partial cells
 About 7 minutes to mesh

Global mesh only

 Click on “Solve”
 About 25 minutes to converge

About 25 minutes

Local mesh

 Close FloTHERM XT
 The calculation is long, but there is a possibility to reduce this number
of mesh by adding local mesh.
 Go to the C:\Mentorgraphics\Solutions

 Copy/paste directory « CommandBox_Tutorial3 » and name the copy as

« CommandBox_Tutorial3b »

Local mesh

 Add Local mesh data on some components

Set the smallest size to the size
of the board : 1.6 mm

Local mesh

 Add Local mesh data on some components


Local mesh

 FloTHERM XT uses an adapted local mesh

 How much mesh with Global and Local Settings

 54 010 cells
 14 588 fluid cells
 11 321 solid cells
 28 101 partial cells
 About 2 minutes to mesh

Local mesh

 Global mesh and local mesh

 About 8 minutes to converge
 Solver time reduce by 3 !
 Results are very similar with coarser

Post Processing

 At any moment, it’s possible to reopen message window or goal plots

To see messages and

goals from the calculation

Post Processing

 Legend: Double click on legend to change settings or select

corresponding legend “temperature” under Scalars feature

Min/max in the domain

Min/max in the Plane Plot

- Choose Total Range to display

min/max on Domain
- Choose Auto range to display
min/max on the Plane Plot

Post Processing

 Change the height of the legend

Post Processing

 Look temperature in the domain using the plane

Plot. From the plane plot properties, it’s possible
to set:
 Temperature (solid and fluid)
 Fluid temperature (only)
 Solid temperature (only)
 It’s quickest to see min/max values on solid or
min/max values in fluid

FloTHERM XT V1 Introductory Training

Lecture 4 – PCB Modeling

& EDA Interface to Exchange Data with
EDA interface

Description of operations

 Import EDA Data with FloEDA Bridge

 Locate Board in the system
 Add a connector
 Update Board through FloEDA Bridge

 Add Thermal Radiation

 Post processing:
 Generate report on PCB
 Advanced Plane Plot option

PCB modeling

 PCB’s provide an environment for the supply of electrical current to

packages and to enable electrical isolation between wires to ensure
their correct operation.

 From a thermal point of view, we need to understand how to model

the PCB in order to allow for the correct spread of heat from the
packages or generated within the board itself by the current flowing
through the copper.


 PCB is a stack-up of copper layers and dielectric layers with electrical

vias to transfer information from one layer to another, or thermal vias
to enhance the heat transfer from packages to the board volume.

 Copper helps to spread heat from packages to the board, which then
acts as a heat sink. For that reason, it is important to choose the
correct modeling strategy to represent the board.

PCB – orthotropic cuboid

 It’s rare, in the first step of the design, to know the details of the
board. So, let’s consider that the board is a sandwich of FR4 and
Copper planes (where copper planes are not fully copper)

 The goals is to replace this sandwich by a simple Cuboid, with

orthotropic conductivity (Kn: normal to plane; Kp: in plane). ). It is
possible to manually calculate this conductivity using serial and
parallel resistances… resistance in

resistance in

PCB – orthotropic cuboid

 Create your own orthotropic material

 Right click on « Add material Attributes »

 And specify the conductivity in the 3 directions


PCB – orthotropic cuboid

 Bi Axial values:
 It’s simply an alternative method for
applying conductivity in three directions.
 Local z-axis for the axial component
 x & y Local Axis for in plane components
 Display Local Axis:
 Select « View Origins »
 You get the small blue arrows at the
components origin, one short (x), one
longer (y) and the third direction is
implied (z)

PCB – orthotropic cuboid

 Use existing “Non-isotropic” Materials for PCB


PCB – orthotropic cuboid

 Alternatively, FloTHERM XT calculate and apply

orthotropic conductivities automatically using the “PCB
Non-Geometric SmartPart” (Used in Tutorial 2 with
default values)
 Select a cuboid, then double click on “PCB Non-
Geometric SmartPart”
Double click on “PCB
Select the cuboid SmartPart”

PCB – orthotropic cuboid

 PCB SmartPart (used in tutorial 2) is used to create a compact model of the

PCB (orthotropic conductivities) based on a specified “Layer Definition”.

PCB – orthotropic cuboid

 By Default, the compact PCB

is set for four copper layers.
 To modify this for any other
layer configurations, right click
on the layer icon and choose
« Delete Selected layers » or
Insert Metallic layer » or
« Insert Dielectric layer ».

PCB – Detailed mode

 Physical representation of each

 PCB Non Geometric SmartParts
can also be used to represent each
layer in detail as set in « Layer
Definition »
 Create a part with as many extrusion equal to
number of layers in the « Layer Definition »
 Then for each Layer, link the layer one to the
corresponding extrusion
 This allows for a more accurate
representation of heat spread on the

PCB – Detailed mode

 Create one part with child

extrusions to represent the
dielectric and conductor layers.
 Create as much extrusions to
represent all layers
 Do not merge layers

Do not merge layers

PCB – Detailed mode

 Select the cuboid

representing the PCB
“Detailed PCB”
 Double click on the PCB Non-
Geometric SmartPart.
 PCB SmartPart is attached to
the Cuboid.

PCB – Detailed mode

 Use Detailed
modeling level
 Define the layers

Dielectric 1

Layer 1

Dielectric 2
Layer 2

Layer 3
Dielectric 3
Layer 4

PCB – Detailed mode

 Layer by layer, attach the

extruded block to the
selected layers
 In this example: “layer 1” is
attached to Boss-Extrude6


 Get the complete detailed of the PCBs from EDA with very few user
 FloTHERM XT V1.1 allows import from Expedition only
 Export the complete detailed PCB through CCE format.


 FloTHERM XT supports a powerful

EDA import capability to get data
quickly from EDA software to
 From any node, click on the icon (or
right click) “Import EDA Data”.


 A FloEDA Bridge opens

 Click on Import Expedition
(only EDA tool supported
in V1.1)
 Import the .cce file

 A default component
height can be set for those
devices defined only by
their footprint.


 FloEDA Bridge is composed

 Graphical representation of
board and components.
 Feature Tree to present the
structure of the board and
 A property sheet to view or
edit the details of board
and components. Graphical

Property sheet

Viewing the Design

 Zoom in and out with the

zoom slider bar.
 When zoomed in, the middle
mouse button is used to pan
the view.

Information on Component

 Hover the mouse over any component

to see a tool tip with relevant
information about that component.

 Click that component to highlight it. It

will be selected in the node tree, and
it’s property sheet will appear.


 FloEDA Bridges Capabilities:

 EDA Import
 Import EDA data
 Import power list
 Import power list through CSV file.
 Library swap
 Swap component with other component
models in libraries
 Filtering option
 Filter components that have no real
thermal or physical impact on results to
save time
 PCB modeling
 Adapt PCB modeling level for more
accurate thermal calculation


 Import Expedition:
 Enables the import of complete board details for
thermal calculation
 PCB details with copper layers and dielectric layers
 Component size and location with component references
 Supports the update of the board in FloEDA Bridge
with a new design coming from Expedition:
 Update retains:
 Board Modeling Level, Layer Materials, Component
Model Height, Component Power, Component Model
Type, Component Material (if Simple), Component
maxT Junction, Component max Tcase, Component
Resistance JB (if 2R), Component Resistance JC (if
2R), Component library item association.
 “Update” changes:
 Board and Component geometry: (Component Outline,
Location, Orientation, Side of Board), Copper
Distribution Graphics, Layer % Coverage, Layer
Thicknesses and Board Outline.


 Power lists can be imported into the

model in FloEDA Bridge at any time in
the process in order to change the power
dissipation of the components in
 Power lists are comma-separated values
(CSV) files, each line in the file
conforming to the format:
 <reference_designator>,<power>


 Component Library
 Select the component or components to be
changed in the GUI or feature tree.
 Select Component Library icon
 Select library of component to check
 Specify how to swap components:
- Match: Package and Part Number
- Swap In: All Types (component modeling level)
-On Conflict: specify which modeling level to use

 Click the ‘Swap for Selected Only’ button or

Swap all components on board
 The Message window will report which
library items have been swapped in, and
the component property sheets will reflect
the new model types.


 Filtering Options
 To avoid long calculation times, its is
good practice to only retain the
necessary thermally relevant
components on the board.
 The filtering functionality, allows for
this with the following options:
 Select appropriate options to filter


 Transfer to FloTHERM XT:

 Transfer all changes into FloTHERM


 Structure of the complete board

transferred in FloTHERM XT Feature Tree
 Assembly with EDA icon contains:
 Board defined by a part with its PCB non
geometric SmartParts attached
 All the components in sub assemblies containing
the appropriate model of the component:
 Cuboid
 Cuboid with its Network Assembly for nodal
representation (2R or MR)
 Detailed components


 Edit existing PCB created by FloEDA

 FloTHERM XT will replace the existing
board assembly from FloTHERM XT
 « Any modifications that have been made
outside FloEDA Bridge will not be kept ».
 This makes FloEDA bridge the manager
of the board data.
 Beauty of the solution:
 FloEDA Bridge will replace the new board
at the same position as the old board
 Few clicks required to update the board
from the EDA tool to FloTHERM XT.

IDF and PADS import

 The product also offers support for IDF and PADS data via
 Import IDF
 Import PADS
 To find help on « Circuitworks », click on [XT Help/Geometry Help].

Board Modeling Review

More accurate

Model of component Comments FloTHERM XT Object

Level 1 – Compact The “Compact model” option is useful for making architecture choices at early, conceptual - Cuboid with orthotropic
stages of the design. conductivity
This is sufficient to understand the global heat transfer mechanisms on a board, but may - PCB Non Geometric
not be accurate enough for later stages in the design as it evolves. SmartPart

Level 2 – Detailed The “Detailed model” option allows for more accuracy in the calculation of heat spreading - PCB Non Geometric
in the layers, and particularly for the first layer on packaging side. SmartPart

Level 3 – EDA Import The most accurate representation for the dielectric and conductor materials for each layer. - Import EDA Data feature
Use this modeling level with the best possible components representation (2R; MR;
Detailed; T3Ster Imported packages)

Non geometric SmartPart EDA Interface for V1

FloTHERM v9 Cours
de Base
Compact model Detailed Model EDA Import – Data of each layer is more

Library Update

 Put components in Library to create a user library

 To enter any components in the library for an automatic swapping, follow
rules in the Help:
 Search: “Library File Specifications”

Thermal Radiation

 Thermal radiation has been

ignored for the previous set of

 What about the difference with and

without thermal radiation in natural

 Looking at the thermal radiation

equation, emissivity needs to be
defined in order to calculate the
radiative heat transfer in

Thermal radiation

 Hypothesis on thermal radiation model used:

 Grey body
 a body that emits radiation in constant proportion to the
corresponding black-body radiation
 Emissivity equal to absorptivity and is a constant

 Diffuse reflexion:
 The thermal radiation is reflected in all directions the same way.
 So, no specular radiation (rays leave surface in one direction with an

 Surface to Surface
 No influence of fluid on thermal radiation exchanges (neutral fluid)
 Possible to calculate in vacuum (no fluid needed)

Thermal radiation

 Activate Thermal radiation in Overall

Domain for the whole Domain
 Tick on Thermal radiation
 Set an External Radiant Temperature
 Set a Default radiation Surface emissivity
 Note:
 Set the default emissivity to a single
value for the board and components.
This means that only one setting is
required for all parts on the board.

Thermal radiation

 Specify emissivity for parts with values

different from the default.
 Double click on Radiation Surface
 Select surfaces with same emissivity
 Define the Emissivity
 Click OK

Thermal radiation

 Radiation Surfaces from FloEDA Bridge

 Radiation Surface non-geometric SmartParts are
attached to component tops, and board top and
bottom surfaces. All other surfaces of the imported
design are handled by the default radiation
 The emissivity values are dependent on the
materials, see Table 5-1

 Note that radiation surfaces are always created

with the transfer from FloEDA Bridge to
FloTHERM XT, however, they are only active in
FloTHERM XT when the Thermal Radiation switch
is set in the Model Data property sheet.

Generate report

 “Load Results”
 Click on icon “Generate Report”, or select “Generate
Report” in Thermal Analysis menu
 This enables the creation of an advanced Automatic
 To Backup data
 For comparison purpose

Generate report

 Give a Report name and Type

 Select a template to save more or
less data:
 Full project report
 Summary report
 Goals Report

Generate report

 Report Customization with Company Logo

 Screen Shots of Graphical User Interface
 Results
 Select PCB

Generate report

 Generation
 Location of the report on hard drive disk
 Define the « Document Type »
 Select “Open after generation”
 Click on “Finish”

Generate report

 The Report reference the

Component input data
 Model type
 Location
 Size
 Power
 Maximum temperature
 The report shows the
 Simple model type:
Component Temperature
 2R/MR model type:
Tjunction; Tcase; Tboard
(more for MR model)
 Detailed model: Junction

Plot Probe

 The Plot probe feature allows the mouse to be used to

identify scalar value on plots:
 Plot Probe on an Interpolated Temperature Plot
 Indicated value varies according to mouse position and colour selected
on the plot
 Plot Probe on an Non-Interpolated Temperature Plot
 Indicated value is Fixed all over the cell


 It’s possible to editor colour and texture on any part

using the Appearance feature
 See [XT Help/Geometry Help] Menu for advanced

FloTHERM XT V1 Introductory Training

Tutorial 4 – EDA Integration


Description of operations

 Import EDA Data with FloEDA Bridge

 Locate Board in the system
 Add a connector
 Update Board through FloEDA Bridge

 Add Thermal Radiation

 Post processing:
 Generate report on PCB
 Advanced Plane Plot option
 Appearance

Copy file

 Go to the C:\Mentorgraphics\Solutions

 Copy/paste the directory « CommandBox_Tutorial3b » and name the

copy as « CommandBox_Tutorial4 »


 In tutorial 2, we represented PCBs

as compact models with 4 copper

Check Template

 Click on ”Options”

 In Default Template option,

select the default template for
the « Parts » field.

Select default

EDA interface

 The Project has evolved and

the EDA team has created the
board in EDA software with
details. It’s time to import data
from EDA tools

 Backup previous Command

 Create New Folder in FloTHERM
XT Parts library and rename it
“Command Board” by right click
on this Folder and select
 Drag and drop Command node to
this « Command Board folder

Prepare EDA Integration

 Delete the content of the Command node

and leave Support cylinders
 Select first part and last part from the
Command node
 Keep control key on keyboard and
unselect cylinders named « Support »
 Right click and « delete Selected Nodes»
 Click « Yes to all »
 Keep the « Command » node.
 This keeps the origin of the Assembly.
 This is for an easy location of the new
detailed board.

Prepare EDA Integration

 A message indicates an
error. The FeatureManager
Design Tree indicates that
the local pattern is no more
 Delete the Local Pattern

Keep one cylinder

Prepare EDA Integration

 Hide the cylinder


Starting FloEDA Bridge

 Select Command node

 Click on « Import EDA data » icon in
the top bar
Import EDA Data

Importing a Design

 Click on Import Expedition

 Navigate to
g\Tutorial_4_Files\CCE-Files directory
 Select « DxTopLevel.cce » file
 Click « Open »

Importing a Design

 The Import Options dialog appears.

 For Component Outline, select
 For Default Component Height,
enter 1.5 mm
 Do not check ‘Use Assumed Cover’.
This means that the copper
distribution in the Expedition design
will be used to calculate the
percentage coverage for each layer.
 Click OK to proceed.

Viewing the Design

 The import process begins

with a progress bar on the
bottom of the window.
When finished, the
message indicates the
import is complete and
default component and hole
filters applied.
 These default filters are set
in Options\Preferences

Viewing the Design

 Display the copper

distribution on various layers
by selecting individual layers
in the node tree.
 Note the property sheet will
display information about
the selected layer.
 Zoom in and out with the
zoom slider bar
 When zoomed in, the middle Property sheet
mouse button is used to pan
the view.

Information on Component

 Hover the mouse over any component

to see a tool tip with relevant
information about that component

 Click that component to highlight it. It

will be selected in the node tree, and
it’s property sheet will appear.

Component Properties

 Use the property sheet for

U24 to set:
 Model Type = Simple
 Power = 1600 mW
 Start by select mW, then set the
value to 1600.
 Material = Typical
 Use the property sheet for U1
to set:
 Model Type = 2Resistor
 Resistance J/B = 65 K/W
 Resistance J/C = 12 K/W

Using Multi-Select

 In the node tree, multi-select

 Set the material for all these
components to ‘Typical

Add power

 Click the Import Power List

button, and then select the
provided power-list.csv file
 C:\MentorGraphics\Solutions\DataForTrainin

 Move the mouse over any

components to see the power
 For notice: At any moment, it’s
possible to click on Import
Power list to update power in
the model.
 Note: U24 power is now set to
1100 mW as described in
Excel file. Manual values has
been overwritten.

Component filtering

 To reduce the number of

components to be included in
the FloTHERM XT analysis,
click the Filtering Options

Component Filtering

 Change the various filtering options and observe the effects on the
model. Any component that is filtered is removed from the display,
and the Model Type set to filtered in the property sheet.
 Set the filters to match the screen capture below and close the filter
options dialog by clicking the filter button again.

Transfer to FloTHERM XT

 Click the Transfer to XT

button to create the model
and load it into FloTHERM
 A Model Summary dialog
appears with relevant
information about the board
model to be created, and
the process begins.
 No warning or error are

Locate Board

 The imported PCB is called “DxToplevel”

 Validate the name by clicking anywhere on the
 Rebuild and save
 Save All
 Save Internally (inside the assembly)

Local mesh

 Set a local mesh on “U1” with all

default values

Locate Board

 The complete board

“DxToplevel” is located at
the origin of the Command

Origin of the Command node

Locate Board

 « CTRL+1 » to see the Front

 Choose « Move » to rotate the
“Command” Assembly

Locate Board

 Rotate
 By Delta XYZ
 180°C
 Apply
 Validate or Esc to go out from
the “Rotate component” menu

Locate Board

 Before to translate the Command

Board, measure the distance
between command board and
 [Tools/Measure…]
 Select the edge of the PCB and
the edge of the wall as
 Note the measured value in Y
direction 35.25mm

Locate Board

 Right click on Command

assembly and select Move…

Locate Board

 Move by delta in Y direction

 Value is 37.75 mm (35.25 for calculated
distance plus 2.5 from the wall)
 Validate
 Rebuild and save

Locate Board

 Save all internally

Locate Board

 Note: the origin of the

Command Assembly is in the
top right corner

Board Structure created by EDA bridge

 Explore the FloTHERM XT

objects and attributes that
were created:
 PCB SmartPart
 Planar sources for filtered
 Radiation Surfaces
 Simple component geometry,
material and thermal
attributes, and maximum
temperature convergence
 2Resistor component
geometry, Network
Assembly, and convergence
goal for Junction temperature

Fix assembly

 Fix the Command assembly.



 In order to add a
connector, measure the
PCB connection area with
 Size X: 119.9 mm
 Size Y: 7.1 mm


 Select the Command node and

create a cuboid and name it
« Connector »
 Size:
 X= 125 mm
 Y= 10 mm
 Z= 8 mm
 Choose Typical connector from
IC package material library


 Edit Command node

 In FeatureManager Design tree,

right click on Connector and select
Move with settings:
 Move
 Free Drag


 In X direction, center the connector (Free Drag).

 In Y direction, move connector at the edge of the board

Edge of board


 CTRL+3 to change the

 Move BY Delta XYZ
 Move by a delta of -2mm
in Z direction
 Click OK


 Right click on Connector and « Fix »

 Stop editing the assembly

PCB Support

 Show the support Cylinder

 Hide connector

 CTRL+2 to view board from bottom

PCB Support

 Edit Command Board

 Move the cylinder at the
opposite from the

 Pattern the cylinder as

defined at 2 corners of the
PCB (opposite from
connector side)

 Note: there is no need for

support on the connector

PCB Support

 Stop editing
 Rebuild and save
 The 2 supports are now defined.

PSU board

 Review of power of PSU board

 Change the Total Power of the
Processor to be 2.5 W
 Product cycle evolves in time. The
design team review power

 Save and Run the model



 Temperature is quite high on the board.

 Product cycle indicate that, anyway, we need to review the design of
the board… let see temperature level after !

Generate report

 Click on icon “Generate Report”, or select “Generate

Report” in Thermal Analysis menu

Generate report

 Report name and Type. Keep default entries >

Click Next
 Report Customization > click Next
 Screen Shots > click Next down to the Results
 Results
 Select PCB

Generate report

 Generation
 Define the save location of the report on hard drive disk
 Select Open after generation
 Click on « Finish »

Generate report

 Scrowl down to
non filtered
pages (Model
type show
Simple or Two-

PCB update with EDA Bridge

 EDA team is forced to make some changes

on board.
 How to update the board ?

 Let see how FloEDA bridge allows to make

updates easily…

Copy file

 Go to the C:\Mentorgraphics\Solutions

 Copy/paste this « CommandBox_Tutorial4 » directory and name the

copy as « CommandBox_Tutorial4b »

Update EDA Data

 How to update EDA data Edit EDA Data

coming from EDA team?
 Select « DxTopLevel-1 »
assembly with green icon.
 Select « Edit EDA Data »
 A message indicates that the
board will be replace and all
changes outside FloEDA
bridge will be lost
 Click yes to confirm that you
want to replace the existing

Update EDA Data

 FloEDA Bridge starts and

loads the existing board

Update EDA Data

 Select the 4 components

below by CTRL-clicking
them in the display area
 Click the Component
Library button to open the
Library Swapping dialog

Update EDA Data

 In the Component Library pane, check

the box next to the Component Library
folder. Note that all sub-folders are Click and
automatically selected. Wait
 Specify:
- Match: Package and Part Number
- Swap In: All Types
- On Conflict: Use Best modeling level
 Click the ‘Swap for Selected Only’ button
 The Message window will report which
library items have been swapped in, and
the component property sheets will
reflect the new model types.

Update EDA Data

 Use the Import Expedition button to import the provided

DxTopLevel_eco.cce design in the directory:
 C:\MentorGraphics\Solutions\DataForTraining\Tutorial_4_Files\CCE-Files directory

 When prompted, specify that this is an Update

 Note the layout changes for U22 and U23 after import.
 Use the component property sheets to observe the model type,
power, etc values are not affected by this update.

Update EDA Data

 Select the DxTopLevel node and use the property

sheet to set the Model Level to Detailed.
 This setting will create a solid body and material for
each layer in the board.
 Now, re-Transfer to FloTHERM XT

Update EDA Data

 Board updated with:

 Detailed board (all conductor
layers represented)
 Component rotated and
swapped by component from
 Board is placed at the exact
same position than previous
 Update is very simple to avoid
generation of manual errors.

Update EDA Data

 Rerun model

Update EDA Data

 Generate Report for the updated EDA board

 Use same settings than previous report (with name Tutorial4b)

 Select PCB

Update EDA Data

 Results for cuboid

(Simple model
type), 2R model
and detailed Model
 U22 is now a
detailed model

Update EDA Data

 Processor results

Thermal radiation

 At this stage, no thermal radiation is activated in the model.

FloTHERM XT has calculated convection and conduction.

 What is the impact of the thermal radiation on the results?

 How to set Thermal Radiation ?

 Activate Thermal radiation for the whole model
 Set appropriate emissivity on each surface that radiates.

Copy file

 Go to the C:\Mentorgraphics\Solutions

 Copy/paste this « CommandBox_Tutorial4b » directory and name the

copy as « CommandBox_Tutorial4c »

Thermal radiation

 Activate Thermal radiation in Model Data

 Tick on Thermal radiation
 Set an External Radiant Temperature
 Set a Default radiation Surface emissivity

 Note:
 Set the default emissivity as the
emissivity of the board and component.
Even with hundred of component, it
means you only apply it once.

Thermal Radiation

 Set emissivity of the

“Enclosure” and the inside
“Wall” to 0.7
 Double click on Radiation
 Set the emissivity value to 0.7
 Select Enclosure and Wall in
the tree (this action selects all
faces of these 2 parts)
 Click on OK

Thermal Radiation

 Thermal radiation attribute is

already set on each element
coming from the FloEDA Bridge
 Emissivity of board and simple
cuboid is set to 0.9
 Emissivity of network assembly
U1 is set to 1
 Emissivity on component from
library are defined by the
creator of the library

Thermal Radiation

 Radiation on PSU Board

 Radiation on top face of Encapsulant
is set to 0.8 (already set in library)
 The other non defined surfaces will
radiates with emissivity of 0.9 (value
of the Default Radiation Surface
Emissivity in the Model Data property
 Rebuild and save

Thermal Radiation

 Solve the model

 Generate Report for « PCB » (save

report with name « Tutorial4c »)

Thermal Radiation

 Temperature
are lower due to
 Do not forget to
activate thermal
radiation when
radiated heat
transfer is not

Thermal Radiation

 Processor results

Thermal Radiation

 With thermal radiation, temperature reduce by about 38 °C on U1 and

about 17 °C for the U22 and 23°C for the Processor.

 Note: It’s important to check if thermal radiation as an impact. If no

impact, it’s possible to remove it to reduce calculation time. Generally,
use Thermal radiation in natural convection or forced convection
model when an area is not ventilated.


 Plane Plot : Location

 Hide the Encapsulant of U22
 Change orientation mode to « Selection » within
the “Z Plane Plot”
 Then select the Die of the U22
 Create an offset of -0.2mm for example (Die thickness is
0.45 mm). Click in another field to see change in the GDA


 Plane plot: Scalar

 Interpolate:
 Show results with interpolation of colour on the plane,
 Untick the interpolation to see the values calculated by the solver
 For fine mesh, the two field should display about the same.
Click on Z axis to Display the view with normal Z
Interpolation of colour on
the plane in order to smooth
1 scalar per cell
gradient display


 Plane plot: Scalar

 CAD Geometry:
 Display results on CAD shape to avoid seeing facets (see in ulterior
tutorial with curved shape).
 Display a scalar field inside the Network Assembly (nodal network
not calculated by the CFD solver)


 Click on Plot Probe icon and move

the mouse on the Plane plot
 Note the value of U22 and check
that it corresponds to the
temperature written in the
generated report
 Click on Plot Probe icon to close
the feature


 Change “Appearances” of
 Select PSU part in the
FeatureManager Design
 Select Appearance
 Set the color:
 Set RGB color
 Red: 0
 Green: 127
 Blue: 0

It’s possible to set color

from this tab


 Texture:
 Any photo can be used to apply a texture on the PCB.
 Click on Browse to select a texture.
 An example is texture.p2m Select texture.p2m to apply the texture


 Junction Temperature above limit

 U1, U22 and processor are still over their maximum junction
 The Enclosure and its electronic will be integrate inside an equipment.
So, let see later to see cooling solution for these components.

Introductory Training

Lecture 5 – Combine CommandBox and

Helmet into Single Assembly

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Start with existing CommandBox assembly model

 Include the Helmet into the existing assembly
 Insert part as an outside source item from another vendor or user

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Understand the file structure of

the model directory with parts,
subassemblies and assemblies
 New part or parts to be added
are supplied from an outside
source or created in a separate
and unique CAD session
 Ensure that the new parts are
placed or copied into the same
model folder to help maintain
organized assembly structure

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Use the tabs of the Command Manager to access the “Assembly”

 Create “Mates” (or constraints) to position the new part correctly
within the existing assembly
 Understand the meaning of the symbols “(-)” or “(f)” that appear
next to the part item name in the Feature Manager Tree

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Create slots in enclosure box

 Use Sketch tool to create a 2-D representation of the slot
 Use the Pattern tool to duplicate the sketch into multiple instances
 Use the “Extrude Cut” feature to create the actual slots through the
walls of the box

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Insert Fan component items into the duct of Helmet

 Use the FloTHERM XT Parts Library to select the Fan components

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Create Inlet and Outlet Boundary Conditions at entrance and exit to duct system
 Need to make sure proper lids or caps are created so that model assembly is completely
watertight and passes all checks for internal type analysis

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Simplify the model by replacing the Processor part with a less-detailed version
 Save meshing, calculation time and computer resources needed to run analysis

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Create user-defined Design Goals to determine Engineering Intent

 Combine existing goals and Boundary Condition values to define Difference Goals
to determine values such as pressure drop or temperature change

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Adjust Domain Settings
 Adjust Solver Settings
 Mesh Control/Mesh Level of Resolution
 Number of CPU’s to utilize
 Stopping conditions for solver
 Goal Calculation Type
 Solve Calculation
 Post-processing
 Loading Results
 Parameter Selection
 Cut-plots, Surface Plots, Graphs
 View Settings

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Fan SmartPart
 Fan is a complex equipment to
produce airflow speed in the
 Instead of calculating rotation of the
fan’s blades, FloTHERM XT
includes a Fan SmartPart to deliver
equivalent airflow speed in the Model

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Fan SmartPart
 Fan SmartPart uses equivalent airflow
passage to produce the correct speed. Airflow
 Fan SmartPart integrates the “Pressure passage
equivalent to
vs Volume Flow rate” curve to find the real model
correct operating point according to
system pressure loss.
 Fan SmartPart rotate the air based on
Motor speed (Swirl)

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Fan SmartPart

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Fan SmartPart Fan Type

- Fan is fully inside the
domain with grid cells on both
sides at inlet and outlet side
of the Fan.

External Inlet Fan:

- Fan at the edge of the
domain blowing inside the
- Specifies an ambient
attribute that defines the
incoming fluid temperature,
pressure and so on.
External Outlet Fan:
- Fan at the edge of the
domain blowing toward the
outside of the domain:

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Fan SmartPart
 “Pressure vs Volume Flow rate”
curve Operating point need to
be kept on the shaded
 One goal of the simulation is to area between these 2
check that the operating point is points
located in the shaded area

After simulation, check

operating point location
Safety Area
Operating Point for the fan

If the operating point is not on the correct

location, change the Fan model (new geometry
and/or new fan curve)

FloTHERM XT Training – Lecture 5

 Import CAD data
 It’s possible to import CAD from various CAD
 Search “General Import Options” in [XT
Help/Geometry Help] for more information
on import format.

 Check imported geometry with “Import

Diagnostics” tool.
 Search “Import Diagnostics Overview” in
[XT Help/Geometry Help]

Introductory Training

Tutorial 5 – Combine Enclosure Model and

Helmet Model into Single Assembly and
Solve as New Analysis

Description of operations
 Continue CommandBox FLOTHERM XT Enclosure Model
 Combine FLOTHERM XT Models
 Insert Helmet Model Sub-Assembly into Enclosure Assembly Model
 Position the Helmet in CommandBox main assembly
 Create vents in Enclosure model
 Using pattern to create copy of original vent slot
 Insert Components for Fan items
 Specify fan item from Engineering Database
 Position fan items within Helmet model
 Apply Inlet Pressure Attribute
 Create Outlet and Apply Attribute
 Simplify Model for Analysis
 Create Design Goals, Adjust Domain Settings and Solver Settings
 Solve
 Check the model
 Mesh and Solve
 Analyze results

Copy file

 Go to the C:\Mentorgraphics\Solutions

 Copy/paste the directory « CommandBox_Tutorial4c » and name the

copy as « CommandBox_Tutorial5 »

Copy file

 Go to the C:\Mentorgraphics\Solutions\DataForTraining\Tutorial_5_Files
 Copy the Electronic Enclosure^HelmetD.sldprt and
XT_Helmet.Sldasm files

 Paste these files in the directory


Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Continue the project using the

existing analysis model for the
CommandBox enclosure assembly.

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Click on the “Open” icon

 Make sure browser window is
opened at the current project
directory folder
 Select the Helmet model item
named “XT_Helmet.SLDASM”
and then click “Open” at bottom

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 The active window will now show

the Helmet model assembly

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Click on the “Window” command at the top menu toolbar

 Select “CommandBox” from the pull-down menu to activate

the Enclosure

Combine FloTHERM XT models


 Click on “Insert” at the top menu toolbar [1]

 Select “Component” from the pull-down menu [2]

 Select “Existing Part/Assembly” from the expanded

menu that appears [3]

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 The “Insert Component” manager window will appear in the left-side window pane
 The “Open documents” window will show the available opened files which, in this case,
shows the Helmet model as “XT_Helmet”

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Click on the “XT_Helmet” item in the

selection box for “Open documents”
 The selection will update with a blue

 Click OK (the green checkmark) to

accept the part to be inserted

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 The Helmet model will be placed into

its default position with respect to the
Global Coordinate System

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Click on the “Section View” tool icon to
initiate a section cut display of the assembly

 Click on the “Right”

plane icon in the
Section View
manager window to
cut along the right
datum plane
 Click OK to accept
the section

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Rotate the assembly so that the back of the

enclosure is viewable as well as the top of the
helmet model.

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Activate the Feature Manager Design tab to

view the assembly parts tree in the left-side
window pane

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Carefully view the design tree name for the
Helmet part “XT_Helmet<1>” to see if a
condition exists listed as “(f)” before the name
 If the (f) exists it means that the Helmet is
“fixed” and we must allow it to “float” in order to
position it correctly within the assembly

 Right-click on the
Helmet part name
and select “Float”
from the new
selection menu

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Zoom into the Enclosure part and place the
cursor over an area that will allow the
selection of the back surface of the box
 Right-click and select the icon for “Select
Other” in the menu that appears

 In the new window that appears select

the “LowZ@ElectronicsBox<1>” item to
select the back surface of the box

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Keeping the back
surface of the box
selected zoom out
and use the Ctrl key
to add the second
selection of the inside
top surface of the
Helmet region where
the Enclosure will be
placed (both surfaces
should be highlighted
in blue)

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 In the Command Manager Toolbar select the “Assembly” tab to make it

active and allow the icons for the assembly tools to appear
 Click on the “Mate” icon (paperclip) to insert a Mate (or constraint)

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 The Helmet part will
automatically align
itself with the
Enclosure part
 Click OK to accept
the current mate
 The mate tool is still
active so a second
mate needs to be
applied to further
position the helmet

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Rotate the assembly so that
the Helmet is being viewed
from the back and the
Enclosure part is also visible

 Select the exposed outside face

of the Enclosure as the first part
of the new mate

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Select the exposed face of the
interior part of the fill portion of
the Helmet (select the planar
cresecent-shaped face) as the
second item in the mate
(beneath the outer transparent
cover part)

 The Helmet part will again automatically align itself with the Enclosure
part so that the 2 mated surfaces become coincident
 Click OK twice to accept the mate and exit the tool

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Click the Rebuild button to allow the
assembly to update according to the new
position and current section view display

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Right-click in the graphics

window and select “Section
View Properties” from the
menu that appears

 In the Section View manager

window select the “Top
Plane” button to change the
current section cut view for
the assembly

 Click OK to accept the

new section view item

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 View the model from

the right side so that
the interior portion of
the assembly is visible
 Zoom into the front
portion of the Helmet
part in order to make
the next selection

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Select the inside rectangular perimeter face of the inlet duct opening
 The selected face will appear with a blue highlight

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Rotate the model in order to view the front panel of the
Enclosure box
 Hold Ctrl and then select the LowX@EnclosureBox<1>
surface – this may require using the ‘Select Other’ menu
option (right-click as mouse hovers above surface)

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Activate the ‘Assembly’ tab in
the Command Manager
 Click on the “Mate” item
 The 2 pre-selected surfaces
should automatically appear in
the selection prompt box
 The Helmet part will adjust itself
automatically to make the two
surfaces coincident
 In the Mate Selection manager
window click on the “Distance”
button to activate the feature
and entry box

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Enter a value of 75.0 mm into the prompt box
 Click the OK button to accept the new value
 The Helmet part should adjust according to the new distance
 Click the OK button again to close the Mate feature.

Combine FloTHERM XT models

 Click the “Section

View” button to
set the model display
back to full view
 “Rebuild” the
assembly and also
“Save” the model
(select the option to
“Save internally”
when prompted)

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 The cooling vent slots for the
electronics box will be created on
the part itself but the work to edit
the part will be performed at the
Assembly level of the model

 Hide the Helmet sub-assembly in

order to allow for easier viewing
and editing of the ElectronicBox
by using a right-click on the
“XT_Helmet<1>” part item in the
Feature Manager tree and then
selecting the icon representing
“Hide Components”

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 The Electronics Box is

now the only visible
part in the graphics
 Rotate the model in
order to view the
High-X side of the box

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Right-click on the “ElectronicBox<1>” item in the
Feature Manager tree and select the icon for
“Edit Part” in the menu that appears

 The “Edit Component” part

is now active and is
designated by the part item
name being displayed with
a blue color in the Feature
Manager tree
 Other visible components in
the model assembly are
now displayed in the
graphics window as
transparent to designate
being in “Edit” mode

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Select the outside end

face of the Electronics
Box (High-X side)

 Activate sketch mode by clicking on

the “Sketch” icon in the Command
Manager toolbar (make sure that the
“Sketch” tab is currently selected)

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Select the ‘Normal To’
view icon from the menu
that appears in the View
Orientation selection in
the graphics screen

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Click on the icon in the Sketch tool

bar menu for ‘Straight Slot’
 Start drawing the slot at the bottom
left corner of the end face for the
sketch using 3 clicks
 First – Create the starting point by
clicking once towards the left side of
the sketch surface
 Second – Drag the cursor to the right
and click to drop the next point
 Third – Drag the cursor again slightly
to create the width of the slot and
click to finalize the sketch

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 In the property manager window for the Slot item

adjust the parameters by entering the following
values (try entering the values from the bottom up so
that the X and Y Center dimension values adjust
properly to the manual settings of Length and Width):
 Slot Length = 22.00 mm
 Slot Width = 6.00 mm
 Center Y Coordinate = 8.00 mm
 Center X Coordinate = -17.00 mm

 Click OK to accept the new slot sketch item and

close the property manager window

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Click on the “Linear Sketch Pattern”
button in the Sketch manager toolbar
to open the Linear Pattern manager
 Click on the slot sketch itself within
the graphics window to enter it into
the prompt box at the bottom of the
property manager (if it is already not
selected and entered in the box)
 Enter the following values for the X
and Y Direction parameters:
 Number of instances in X = 1
 Number of instances in Y = 4
 Spacing in Y = 9.00 mm
 Click OK to accept the new pattern

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Click on the ‘Feature’ tab in the

Command Manager toolbar to activate
the feature items
 Click on the icon near the center of the
toolbar for ‘Extruded Cut’
 Rotate the model to orient the view
perpendicular to the extrusion preview
 Grab the arrowhead on the extrusion
preview feature and drag it past the
opposite end plane of the box
 Click OK to accept the extruded cut

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Rotate the model assembly to view
the newly added vent slots
 Click on the “Rebuild” button to
update the model assembly
 If the Electronics Box part becomes
opaque (the transparency is
removed) click on the button
“Assembly Transparency” in the
Command Manager toolbar located
within the “Sketch” tab and then
select “Force Transparency” from the
drop-down menu that appears

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 The ElectronicBox<1> part is
still in ‘Edit’ mode as
indicated by the activated
button for “Edit Component”
located in the Command
Manager toolbar as well as
the indication of the blue
color text listed for the part in
the Feature Manager tree

 The next feature to be added

will be a second set of vents
in the electronics box so the
item will remain in ‘Edit’
mode for now

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Click on the “Sketch” button to
begin a new sketch

 Select the same outer face of

the electronics box as in the
previous sketch for creating
the new vents (High X side)

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Select the ‘Normal To’ view icon
from the the View Orientation
menu to situate the assembly
view to be normal to the sketch
plane or end plane of the box

 Click on the icon in the Sketch

toolbar menu for ‘Straight Slot’

 Start drawing the slot at the left

side of the surface just above the
partition wall for the sketch using
3 clicks (similar to the process
used in the previous sketch for the
vent slot)

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 In the property manager window for the Slot item

adjust the parameters by entering the following
values (try entering the values from the bottom up so
that the X and Y Center dimensions adjust properly
to the manual settings of Length and Width):
 Slot Length = 22.00 mm
 Slot Width = 6.00 mm
 Center Y Coordinate = 50.00 mm
 Center X Coordinate = -17.00 mm

 Click OK to accept the new slot sketch item and

close the property manager window

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Click on the “Linear Sketch Pattern”
button in the Sketch manager toolbar
to open the Linear Pattern manager
 Click on the slot sketch item within the
graphics window to enter it into the
prompt box at the bottom of the
property manager (if it is not already
 Enter the following values for the X and
Y Direction parameters:
 Number of instances in X = 1
 Number of instances in Y = 7
 Spacing in Y = 9.00 mm
 Click OK to accept the new pattern

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Click on the ‘Feature’ tab in the

Command Manager toolbar to activate
the feature items
 Click on the icon near the center of
the toolbar for ‘Extruded Cut’
 Rotate the model to orient the view
perpendicular to the extrusion preview
 Grab the arrowhead on the extrusion
preview feature and drag it past the
opposite end plane of the box
 Click OK to accept the extruded cut

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Rotate the model assembly to
view the newly added vent slots
 Click on the “Rebuild” button
to update the model assembly
 If the Electronics Box part
becomes opaque (the
transparency is removed) click
on the button “Assembly
Transparency” in the Command
Manager toolbar located within
the “Sketch” tab and then select
“Force Transparency” from the
drop-down menu that appears

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Click on the ‘Edit Component’

button in the Command
Manager to quit the edit mode

 Save the updated Electronics

Box assembly

 Select ‘Save All’ in the dialog

box that appears

Create Vents in Electronics Box

 Right-click on the ‘XT_Helmet<1>’

part in the Feature Manager tree
and select ‘Show Component’ from
the menu to make the Helmet part
visible again in the assembly

Insert Components for Fan Items

 Select the ‘Section View’ tool and use
the ‘Top’ plane to place the assembly
into section mode

Insert Components for Fan Items

 Click on the ‘FloTHERM XT Parts

Library’ icon on the right-side list
of tabs to expand the library window
 Use the “Search” tool in the top
menu bar to find “Papst 412 F”
 Or within the Library items expand
the following:
 Geometry
 Fans
 Axial
 Papst
 Within the Papst items find the fan
component labeled ‘Papst 412 F’

Insert Components for Fan Items

 After locating the component left-click, hold and

drag the item through the graphics window and
drop it into the FloTHERM XT Feature Tree below
the ‘Components’ item

Insert Components for Fan Items

 Right-click in the graphics window and select “Section

View Properties” from the menu
 Use the arrows in the center of the cut plane
designation to slide the section cut until the new Fan
component item is visible in the graphics window
 Click OK to accept the new cut plane

Insert Components for Fan Items

 Zoom into the view to allow the selection of the back edge of the fan item
 The edge will turn orange when the cursor is hovering in the correct
position above it
 Click on the back edge to highlight the edge item
 The edge will turn blue when selected

Insert Components for Fan Items

 Keeping the edge selected pan the view so that the inlet duct opening is visible
 Use the ‘Ctrl’ key and click the (middle) Scroll button on mouse to pan
 Release both to stop pan mode
 Now using the ‘Ctrl’ key and left-mouse button select the back edge of the inlet opening
which represents the location that will be used to mate or move the fan item by forcing the
two selected edges to be coincident

Insert Components for Fan Items

 Activate the “Assembly” tab in the Command Manager toolbar

 Click on the ‘Mate’ (paperclip) item in the Command Manager
 The fan item will automatically be positioned according to the coincident edges
 Click OK to accept the mate

Insert Components for Fan Items

 While the ‘Mate’ tool is still active another mate item will be added
 Zoom into the view and select the back, bottom edge of the inlet duct opening as
the first edge [1]
 Rotate the view and using the ‘Ctrl’ key at the same time select the back, bottom
edge of the fan item [2]
 The fan item now adjusts positions again
 Click OK to accept the mate and then click OK again to quit the mate tool

Insert Components for Fan Items

 Add a 2nd Fan component

 Click on the ‘FloTHERM XT Parts
Library’ icon on the right-side list
of tabs to expand the library window
 Use the “Search” tool in the top menu
toolbar to find “Papst 412 F”
 Or within the Library items expand
the following:
 Geometry
 Fans
 Axial
 Papst
 Within the Papst items find the fan component
labeled ‘Papst 412 F’
 Drag the item to the Components tree

Insert Components for Fan Items

 Select the back edge of the new fan item first [1]
 Use the ‘Ctrl’ key and left-mouse button to select the back edge of the existing fan [2]
 Activate the ‘Assembly’ tab in the Command Manager toolbar
 Click on the ‘Mate’ item to position the edges in a coincident location

Insert Components for Fan Items

 The initial position of the adjusted fan item may appear as inverted or anti-aligned
 Click on the ‘Mate alignment’ button for ‘Aligned’ located in the Property Manager
window for the Coincident mate feature

Insert Components for Fan Items


 The new alignment places the fan item in the correct orientation [1]
 Click OK to accept the current mate feature
 Rotate the model to allow the selection of the top 2 edges of each fan which can
be used to create another coincident mate [2]
 Click OK to accept the mate and then click OK again to quit the mate tool

Insert Components for Fan Items

 The 2 new Fan component items have been placed into the
assembly model and positioned successfully
 The Fans are also now listed within the Components tree

Apply Inlet Pressure Condition

 Save the model assembly

 Rotate the model view and use the “Section View” feature to create a
section cut using the “Top” plane at the model centerline. Click OK.
 Zoom into the region of the inlet duct so that the inside surfaces are
readily visible and available for selection

Apply Inlet Pressure Condition

3 Drag and drop within the
“Components” items list

 Click on the “FloTHERM XT SmartParts Library” tab in the vertical list of

tabs on the right-hand side of the graphics window [1]
 The SmartParts Library window will expand to show the available items
 Click, hold and drag [2] the “Pressure” item (under “Non-Geometric”)
into the “Components” item of the FloTHERM XT tree on the left side [3]

Apply Inlet Pressure Condition

Select this inside
face of inlet duct

 The Property Manager for the Pressure attribute will open in the left-side window
pane and prompt the user for a face to apply the condition
 Select the viewable (half) face of the inside surface of the solid part which makes
up the entrance area of the inlet duct region
 Under “Attachments” of the Property Manager select “Default Ambient” from within
the pull-down menu items
 Click OK to accept the Pressure item

Apply Inlet Pressure Condition

 The new Pressure component item is now included within the “Components” list of
the FloTHERM XT Feature Tree
 Remove the model from Section view (click “Section View” icon to deactivate)
 Save the model assembly

Create Outlet and Apply Condition

 Now we need to create the Outlet Lid (or cover) as a new part
 From the top menu toolbar select ‘Insert > Component > New part…’
 The user must now select a planar surface that will be used to create
the sketch associated with the new part to be inserted

Create Outlet and Apply Condition

 Zoom into the back of the Helmet specifically at the outlet duct location
 Select the planar perimeter surface of the outlet opening
 The surface will highlight orange when the mouse hovers above it
 The sketch tool is now activated in the Command Manager

Create Outlet and Apply Condition

 Use the ‘View Orientation’ to view the assembly normal to the sketch plane selected
 Zoom into the sketch plane surface
 Using the ‘Corner Rectangle’ sketch tool to draw a rectangle on the sketch plane using
the existing outlet opening duct corners as reference
 Click on the top left corner first [1], drag the mouse to the opposite bottom corner [2] and then
click again to create the rectangle. Click OK to close the dialog.

Create Outlet and Apply Condition


 Activate the ‘Features’ tab on the Command Manager toolbar [1]

 Click on ‘Extruded Boss/Base’ in the Command Manager [2]
 Enter a value of 2 mm (or 0.10 in.) for the ‘Depth’ [3]
 Click OK to accept the new feature

Create Outlet and Apply Condition

 Click on the ‘Edit Component’ button to quit the edit mode

 The new part has been successfully added to the Feature Manager
 Save the model assembly
 Select ‘Save All’ if prompted
 Select ‘Save internally’ if second window prompt appears

Create Outlet and Apply Condition

 Place the model into a section cut by using the ‘Section View’ icon and Top plane
 The direction button in the Section View property manager can be used to ‘Reverse
Section Direction’ to view the opposite portion of the sectioned model
 Click OK to accept the section cut display.

Create Outlet and Apply Condition

 Rotate the model to allow the inside face of the Outlet cover to be viewable
 Expand the tab on the right for the ‘FloTHERM XT SmartParts Library’
 Click, hold and drag the ‘Pressure’ item from the expanded menu to the ‘Components’
item in the FloTHERM XT Feature Tree

Create Outlet and Apply Condition

Select the inside
face of outlet lid

 In the graphics window select the inside face of the Outlet lid in order to place the surface
into the selection box of the pressure condition property manager [1]
 Select ‘Default Ambient’ from the drop-down menu selections of the ‘Attachments’ [2]
 Click OK to accept the pressure condition

Create Outlet and Apply Condition

 The new Pressure component item is now included within the “Components” list of the
FloTHERM XT Feature Tree directly below the previous Pressure item
 Save the model assembly

Simplify Model for Analysis

Selected item
highlighted in blue

 In the FloTHERM XT Feature Manager tree expand the “PSU” item to display the
included component sub-items
 Right-click on the sub-item “Processor” and select “Suppress” from the menu

Simplify Model for Analysis

Selected item
removed from model

 The selected part is now “greyed” out in the Feature Manager list and has been
removed as an active component from within the model assembly
 The suppressed component item will help to simplify the model since the initial
purpose of this analysis is to conduct fan performance tests while designing an
optimal cooling system for the helmet assembly

Simplify Model for Analysis

 Locate the “greyed” out item in the Component list named “Processor”
 Right-click on the item and select “Unsuppress” from the menu

Simplify Model for Analysis

Simplified component

 The Processor part is now an active part in the Component item list
 The simplified version of the processor item will be part of this analysis in order to help
speed up the solution process and allow for the computer resources to be more
concentrated on the design simulation process for the cooling system
 Save the current model assembly

Create Design Goals

 Right-click on “Surface Goals” and select “Add Surface Goal” from the
menu that appears

Create Design Goals

 Select the inlet side (annulus) face of each of the two Fan Component items to be
placed into the prompt box of the New Surface Goal
 Activate the checkbox next to the parameters for “Volume Flow” and “Average
Pressure” below the “Convergence Control Goals”
 Click OK to accept the new Surface Goal

Create Design Goals

 Right-click on “Difference Goals” and select “Add Difference Goal” from

the menu that appears

Create Design Goals

 Hover the cursor above the

area of the inside face of the
inlet, right-click the mouse
and use the “Select Other”
option to view the list of
available faces
 Move through the list until the
inside (inlet) face is
highlighted and then left click
to make it appear in the blue
prompt box

Create Design Goals

 Click on the second prompt box in the left pane window to activate it (blue highlight
appears) which will allow the selection of the second face
 Zoom into the area of the outlet duct region of the model

Create Design Goals

 Select the inside face of the outlet lid part to include the surface in the prompt box
 Activate the checkbox next to “Solid Temperature Drop” and “Pressure Drop” under
“Convergence Control Goals” to add these as difference goals
 Click OK to accept the new goals

Adjust Domain Settings

 Under the “Model” item right-click on the item “Overall Domain” in the feature tree of
FloTHERM XT and select “Properties” from the menu that appears
 Make sure the “Analysis Type” is listed as “Internal Only”
 Activate the checkbox next to “Exclude Cavity Without Boundary Condition”
 Make sure that the Fluid item is selected as “Air” and that the Ambient condition is
selected as “Default Ambient”
 Click OK to accept the Domain Settings

Adjust Solver Settings

 Right-click on the “Mesh Control” item within the “Solver

Settings” title of the feature tree and select “Properties”
 In the “Mesh Control” window make sure the “Mesh Level”
item is selected as “Standard Resolution”
 Click OK to accept

Adjust Solver Settings

 Right-click on the “Solution Control” item within the “Solver

Settings” title of the feature tree and select “Properties”
 Enter the number of CPU’s to be used for the analysis
 Under the “Solver Stop Conditions” check the box to activate
the “Goal Satisfied” condition and make sure the “Goal
Calculation Type” is set to “Automatic Value”
 Click OK to accept

Adjust Solver Settings

 Under the “Model” item right-click on the “Model Data” item

and then select “Properties” to activate the control window
 Deactivate the checkbox for “Thermal Radiation”
 Click OK to accept


 Save the model

 From the top menu select “Thermal Analysis > XT Solver > Solver”
to start the model analysis

Post Processing
 If Results are not loaded by default then right-click on the “Results”
item in the tree and select “Load Results”
 Right-click on the “Plane Plots” item and select “Create Plane Plot”

Post Processing

 In the Plane Plot window select the Z axis as the Orientation Axis
 Move the slider to dynamically select a valid cut plane location in the model (the
actual Z-location numerical value will update in the entry box above the slider)
 The Plane Plot will dynamically update in the graphics screen with the slider

Post Processing

 Select the Temperature parameter from the Scalar pull-down menu

 Use the “Show Mesh” checkbox to display the representative mesh topology on the
plane plot in addition to the loaded parameter
 Hit OK

Post Processing

 The view settings for the loaded parameter can be accessed by performing a
double-click on the color bar in the graphics screen
 The left side pane includes the General and Legend controls for the current plot
 Select “User Defined Range” for the “Range Type”
 The “Current Maximum” and “Current Minimum” values for the loaded parameter can
be controlled via the slider bar or by manual entry with a specific value

Post Processing
 The “expand” button at the bottom-right corner of the screen will allow the Goals
plots to be displayed in the bottom portion of the graphics screen
 Make sure that the “Goals” tab is the active tab in the bottom-left corner

Post Processing
 Selection of the specific goal in the center panel labeled “List of Goals” will display
that goal in the right panel under “Selected Goals”
 Right-click in the graph region of the right panel window to display the menu item
“Export CSV file” to output an external file for the selected goal

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