Pricing Strategy

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Allie Decker defined Pricing Strategy as a model or method used

to establish the best prices for a product or service. Pricing Strategies help you
choose prices that maximize profits and shareholder value while considering
consumer and market demand. However, pricing is not as simple as its definition
because there’s a lot that goes into the process.


The factors affecting pricing decisions are varied and multiple.

Basically, the prices of products and services are determined by the interplay of
five factors such as, (1) demand and supply conditions, (2) production and
associated costs, (3) competition, (4) buyer’s bargaining power and the perceived



Pricing objectives may be as stated earlier – profit objectives (return

on sales investment and maximisation of profits), sales objectives (increasing sales
volume and increasing market share) and maintenance objectives (price
stabilisation and matching the competition). Various pricing objectives have
important implications for a firm’s competitive strategy. Pricing objectives must
not be in conflict with the marketing objectives of the firm.


Price of a product or service is highly influenced by other elements of

marketing mix. The product life cycle through which the product is passing
through, or the kind of sale (lease versus overnight purchase, or liberal returms
policy may be followed). In the introductory product lfe cycle or liberal returns
policy, the price is likely to high. If the product requires services and those services
re to be provided free, naturally the product will be highly priced.

The channels of Distribution, location of warehousing and the

transportation involved also influence the price determination. Direct to the
customer may enable the manufacturer to charge a lower price, but selling
through many intermediaries mean the final price is to be very high to
compensate the efforts of intermediaries.

Promotion efforts reflect into final price. The amount of money spent
by, Coke and Pepsi, HUL or Proctor & Gamble reflect in the prices to be charged. If
the intermediaries are to undertake promotion work, they will be charged a lower
price and vice versa.


Cost of a product is the single most important factor to influence the

final price. Six steps need to be identified while evaluating cost-price structure:

i. Define the existing price structure;

ii. Identify the prices of competing products for each item in the product line;

iii. Decide which product items need attention;

iv. Calculate the profitability of the current product/service mix;

v. Identify products and services for price changes; and

vi. Define the new price structure in the company.


All the marketers are to make profit. Profit is a function of costs,

demand, and revenue. Hence their relationship must be understood by pricing
managers. The costs may be fixed costs and variable costs. Break-even analysis is
one unique technique to understand relationship between cost and price.



Market must also be understood whether there is monopoly, perfect

competition, oligopoly, monopolistic competition or duopoly.

To understand demand, the supplier or marketer prepares demand

curves for the product at different prices. The marketer prepares separate curves
for normal products and prestige goods. In addition to understanding price and
quantity relationship, the marketer must determine the price elasticity of demand
to understand price sensitivity of customers.


There might be pure competition (Many buyers and Sellers Who Have
Little Effect on the Price), Monopolistic Competition (Many Buyers and Sellers
Who Trade over a Range of Prices), Oligopolistic Competition (Few Sellers Who
Are Sensitive to Each Other’s Pricing/ Marketing Strategies), or Pure Monopoly
(Single Seller) and in each situation price determination will be different.
The competition may arise from different sources: Directly similar
products like Coke and Pepsi, available substitutes speed post versus couriers, or
unrelated products seeking the same rupee cricket match versus cinema, coke
versus juice, New Year dinner versus vacation for three days, etc.

Though many customers have poor price knowledge, yet retailers can’t
charge more than the competitors. Retailers often give price guarantees either by
way of price-matching policies (prices will not be higher than the prices charged
by other retailers) or best price policies (protecting customers against future
discounts). Four strategic options are available to a firm: Build (price lower than
the competition), Hold (reduce price if competitor reduces), Harvest (much
greater resistance to match price cuts for the products that are being harvested),
and Responsive (repositioning to force change in price).



Economic Conditions, Reseller Needs, Government Actions, Social

Concerns do play an important role in price fixation.

Inflation in economy is an important factor in pricing. In India during

the last two years the inflation has been a great burden on the common man and
even the government has failed to do anything. During recessionary conditions,
the price level also drops, to maintain the same level of turnover. Presently due to
increased interest rate by Reserve Bank of India, the manufacturers have to pay a
higher cost of capital which will be reflected in the price to be charged.
Resellers’ needs are important in price determination. If you remember,
petrol pump dealers went on strike a number of times and finally the oil
marketing companies had to agree the margin for the resellers. It will naturally
reflect in the final price to be charged to the consumers. In some cases, like butter,
the retailers have to manage facilities like deep freezers which have both a capital
cost and operating cost; the manufacturer will have to provide a larger margin to

Government’s concerns about pricing are reflected in laws and

regulations. Government regulations include price controls, import duties, quotas
and taxes. Recent decline of rupee value vis-a-vis dollar also affects the prices of
imported products or products using imported spares. The volatility in
international markets also affects the prices at home.


Knowledge of consumers’ reservation price (“the price at which a

consumer is indifferent between buying and not buying the product”) or
willingness to pay (“reservation price at which the consumer’s utility begins to
exceed the utility of the most preferred item”) is central to any pricing decision.
Willingness to pay is important not only for pricing but equally important for new
product development, value audits and competitive strategy.

Knowledge of consumers’ reservation prices also allows marketer to

understand three demand effects due to change in price – the customer switching
effect, the cannibalisation effect (when consumers derive more surplus from a
new product offering than from the existing products, and the market expansion
effect (non-category buyers now derive more positive surplus from the new


For vertically differentiated product lines, companies are able to charge

higher prices. Companies often add a high price product into the line to increase
the demand for a product with middle-level price. For products in a horizontally
differentiated product line tend to be uniform. Retailers charge the same for
different flavours of yogurts, same price for clothes of different sizes. All the car
manufacturers have different prices to cater to different market segments, namely
economy cars, family saloons, executive cars, and so on.


Positioning strategy involves the choice of target market and the

creation of a differential advantage. Price can be used to convey this differential
advantage and to appeal to a certain market segment. Price is a powerful
positioning tool for many people as an indicator of quality, especially in products
like drinks, perfume, and services where quality can’t be assessed before


While launching new products, price should be carefully aligned with

promotional strategy. High price and high promotion is called a rapid skimming
strategy. One company that uses skimming strategy effectively is Bosch. Its
skimming Price Policy is supported by a large number of patents, to its launch of
fuel injection and anti-lock brake systems. High price (skimming) and low price
(penetration) may be appropriate in different situations.


Price is a strong element of marketing strategy of any company. Price

has direct impact on the customer, customer buying behavior, business and on the
overall economy. To customers the price is a major indicator of good quality
product and also important factor in making decision about its purchase. Price
strategy is therefore, most vital and critical area of marketing strategy. In deciding
the price the business management and marketer must consider, the kind of
competition in the market, elasticity of demand of that particular product and the
cost of production.

Many Companies usually adjust their basic prices keeping in view

various customer differences and market changing situations. If a company adopt
effective pricing strategies, company become able to secure better market shares.

Types of Pricing Adjustment Strategies

1. Discount and Allowance Pricing

Most companies adjust their basic price for rewarding their customers due to
customer quick responses. Such as early payment of bills by customers, bulk
purchases, and off-season buying etc, so in these cases companies offer certain
amount of discount or allowance to their customers. Such price adjustments
called discounts and allowances pricing strategies. Discount is a straight reduction
in price by company on purchase while allowance is promotional money paid by
company to retailer in respect of an agreement to feature the company’s product
in some way.

2. Segmented Pricing

In segmented pricing strategy, the company sells a product or service at two or

more prices, and difference in prices not based on cost. There are several forms of
segmented pricing like under customer-segment pricing, under product-form
pricing and more. Museums are sample example of this as they charge a lower
admission from students and senior citizens. Variation of theater or cinema seat
prices is also an example of segmented pricing. Companies also charge different
prices in different region for same products.

3. Psychological Pricing

Psychological pricing strategy approach considers the psychology of different

customers in respect of their products. Price actually says something about the
product features and characteristics. For example, many customers use price to
judge the quality of the product and services. For example a person wants to
purchase perfume, he asks the price from shopkeeper and he told different prices
of two bottles as 1000 for one and 400 for other. Now customer will be willing to
pay 1000 because this higher price indicates something special.

4. Promotional pricing

Promotional pricing strategy promotes or introduces a particular product or

service. This is the temporary price companies charged for their products or
services and this price may be below then list price and sometimes even below
then incurred cost. Some supermarkets and departmental stores offer lower
prices to attract customers. Promotional pricing may also have adverse effects for
example constantly reduced prices can deliver a message to customer about lower
brand’s quality in the mind of customers.

5. Geographical Pricing

Geographical Pricing is adopted by many companies now a day. In this pricing

strategy companies decide to price its products or service for different customers
on the base of geographical location in different parts of the country or world.
This is actually relates to buying power of customers. Companies charge high
prices in elite class areas and low prices in backward areas.

6. International Pricing

Many companies nowadays launch their products internationally. Such companies

need to decide what prices to they will charge in the different countries in which
they operate. Some companies may also set a uniform worldwide price.
International pricing strategy depends on many factors of a specific country like
economic conditions, laws and regulations of that country, competitive situations
in that country, and development of the wholesaling and retailing system in a
particular country.



After goods have been produce, price is determined on the basis of its
cost and taking reasonable profit. The price so determined may also need
changes. Due to external and internal environmental effects, prices may need
changes. Two main strategies can be adopted in leadership pricing as follows:

1. Initiating price cut

Every business firm wishes to increase its sale quantity. Changes in price may be
needed to achieve such objective. So, the producer should cut down necessary
amount of leadership price of the products. Sometimes companies’ products can
enter in more markets segments only after cutting down prices. This strategy
should be adopted in order to face strong competition. Otherwise, there may
appear a situation either to quit the market segment or abandon the production.
On the other side, there may be a compulsion to cut down prices of products to
control the target market segments.

2. Initiating price increase

Sometimes a strategy to increase in price may be adopted not affecting sale

quantity. Price may need some changes due to cost inflation. Price may need
changes due to government’s policy to control price or to increase revenue. On
the other hand, demand for products may grow suddenly. In such situation, one
needs price change. In the situation, one needs price change. In the situation
when all continuations are suitable, price may be increased according to the time.
However, such increase should be very low percent. Price should not be increased
at the rate which may spoil the image and competition of the company.

While changing price of any products, many reactions may come from
concerned sides. At first reaction may come from consumers. Such reactions may
be positive when price is cut down and negative when it is increased. The
company should carefully as well as logically answer both reactions. In the same
way, competitors’ reactions may also come. The company should give satisfactory
answer to them with all reasons such as cost, market study, transport expenses,
administrative expenses, etc. The following strategies should be adopted to face
reactions of competitors and distributors.

1. Maintaining Price

The producers should try their best to maintain price at the same rate. Producers
may cut down some percent of profit. The existing market segments can be
maintained with such strategy. Along with this, opportunity can be found to enter
new market segments. In this way, sale quantity may increase.

2. Increasing price and quality

Producer may increase in existing quality and price. Production companies may
bring in markets the new products or adding new features to the products
challenging their competitors. Little more prices of such products do affect
competitors so much. However, such analysis cannot last long. Other competitors
also may adopt such strategy. This may be only a periodical means to stop
competitors’ reactions. After sometime, the company should seek other
3. Reducing price

Most of the customers become conscious about price. So, the producer should cut
down the price of the products after certain time. Competitors of similar products
also may adopt this strategy. The producers who cannot adopt such policy may get
compelled to quit main market segments among many segments. Such markets
once quitted need very hard labor to supply products to there again. Policy of
taking low percent of profit should be adopted. Even decreasing price, quality,
features and services should be maintained same. Only then, products can control

 AnalysisProject (2014). “Initiating and Responding to Price.” Retrieved from
 Studylecture. “Pricing Adjustment Strategies in Market.” Retrieved on
 Marketing Principles. “Factors that Affect Pricing.” Retrieved from

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