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Paper Code

(0999DJA110318016) )0999DJA110318016)
(Academic Session : 2018 - 2019)


TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019
Test Type : MAJOR Test Pattern : JEE-Advanced
TEST # 06 TEST DATE : 03 - 03 - 2019
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 180
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY / Ïi;k bu funsZ'kksa dks /;ku ls i<+sa
GENERAL / lkekU; %

DO NOT BREAK THE SEALS WITHOUT BEING INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY THE INVIGILATOR / fujh{kd ds vuqn s'kks a ds fcuk eqg js a u rksM+ s
1. This sealed booklet is your Question Paper. Do not break the seal till you are told to do so.
;g eksgjcU/k iqfLrdk vkidk iz'ui= gSA bldh eqgj rc rd u rksM+s tc rd bldk funsZ'k u fn;k tk;sA
2. Use the Optical Response sheet (ORS) provided separately for answering the questions.
iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsus ds fy, vyx ls nh x;h vkWfIVdy fjLikal 'khV (vks- vkj- ,l-) (ORS) dk mi;ksx djsaA
3. Blank spaces are provided within this booklet for rough work.
dPps dk;Z ds fy, bl iqfLrdk esa [kkyh LFkku fn;s x;s gSaA
4. Write your name, form number and sign in the space provided on the back cover of this booklet.
bl iqfLrdk ds fiNys i`"B ij fn, x, LFkku esa viuk uke o QkWeZ uEcj fyf[k, ,oa gLrk{kj cukb;sA
5. After breaking the seal of the booklet, verify that the booklet contains 46 pages and that all the 18
questions in each subject and along with the options are legible. If not, contact the invigilator for
replacement of the booklet.
bl iqfLrdk dh eqgj rksM+us ds ckn Ïi;k tk¡p ysa fd blesa 46 i`"B gSa vkSj izR;sd fo"k; ds lHkh 18 iz'u vkSj muds mÙkj fodYi Bhd
ls i<+s tk ldrs gSaA ;fn ugha] rks iz'ui= dks cnyus ds fy, fujh{kd ls lEidZ djsaA
6. You are allowed to take away the Question Paper at the end of the examination.
ijh{kkFkhZ iz'ui= dks ijh{kk dh lekIrh ij ys tk ldrs gSaA
OPTICAL RESPONSE SHEET / vkW fIVdy fjLika l 'khV (vks - vkj-,l-) %
7. The ORS will be collected by the invigilator at the end of the examination.
vks- vkj- ,l- dks ijh{kk ds lekiu ij fujh{kd ds }kjk ,d= dj fy;k tk,xkA
8. Do not tamper with or mutilate the ORS. Do not use the ORS for rough work.
vks- vkj- ,l- esa gsj&Qsj@foÏfr u djsaA vks - vkj-,l- dk dPps dke ds fy, iz ;ks x u djs a A
9. Write your name, form number and sign with pen in the space provided for this purpose on the ORS.
Do not write any of these details anywhere else on the ORS. Darken the appropriate bubble
under each digit of your form number.
viuk uke vkSj QkWeZ uEcj vks-vkj-,l- esa fn, x, [kkuksa esa dye ls fy[ksa vkSj vius gLrk{kj djsaA buesa ls dksbZ Hkh fooj.k
vks - vkj-,l- es a dgha vkSj u fy[ks a A QkWeZ uEcj ds gj vad ds uhps vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
DARKENING THE BUBBLES ON THE ORS / vks- vkj-,l- ij cqy cqy ksa dks dkyk djus dh fof/k %
10. Use a BLACK BALL POINT PEN to darken the bubbles on the ORS.
vks-vkj-,l- ds cqycqyksa dks dkys ckW y ikW b UV dye ls dkyk djsaA
11. Darken the bubble COMPLETELY. / cqycqys dks iw. k± :i ls dkyk djsaA
12. The correct way of darkening a bubble is as : / cqycqys dks dkyk djus dk mi;qDr rjhdk gS :
13. The ORS is machine-gradable. Ensure that the bubbles are darkened in the correct way.
vks-vkj-,l- e'khu tk¡P; gSA lqfuf'pr djsa dh cqycqys lgh fof/k ls dkys fd, x;sa gSaA
14. Darken the bubbles ONLY IF you are sure of the answer. There is NO WAY to erase or
"un-darken" a darkened bubble.
cqycqys dks rHkh dkyk djsa tc vki mÙkj ds ckjs esa fuf'pr gksA dkys fd, gq, cqycqys dks feVkus vFkok lkQ djus dk dksbZ rjhdk ugha gSA
15. Take g = 10 m/s2 unless otherwise stated. / g = 10 m/s2 iz;qDr djsa] tc rd fd vU; dksbZ eku ugha fn;k x;k
QUESTION PAPER FORMAT AND MARKING SCHEME / iz ' ui= dk iz k :i vkSj va d u ;ks tuk %
16. The question paper has three parts : Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
bl iz'ui= esa rhu Hkkx gaS % HkkSfrd foKku] jlk;u foKku ,oa xf.krA
17. Each part has two sections as detailed in table page 46.
izR;sd Hkkx esa nks [k.M gSa ftudk fooj.k i`"B 46 ij rkfydk esa fn;k x;k gAS
Please see the page 46 of this booklet for rest of the instructions / Ïi;k 'ks " k funs Z ' kksa ds fy, bl iq f Lrdk ds i` " B 46 dks i<+ sa A
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019


Atomic No. : H = 1, B = 5, C = 6, N = 7, O = 8, F = 9, Al = 13, P = 15, S = 16,
Cl = 17, Br = 35, Xe = 54, Ce = 58
Atomic masses : H = 1, Li = 7, B = 11, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16, F = 19, Na = 23, Mg = 24,
Al = 27, P = 31, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, Ca=40, Fe = 56, Br = 80, I = 127,
Xe = 131, Ba=137, Ce = 140

· Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 × 10–23 JK–1

· Coulomb's law constant = 9 ×10 9
4 pe0
· Universal gravitational constant G = 6.67259 × 10–11 N–m 2 kg–2
· Speed of light in vacuum c = 3 × 108 ms–1
· Stefan–Boltzmann constant s = 5.67 × 10–8 Wm–2 –K–4
· Wien's displacement law constant b = 2.89 × 10–3 m–K
· Permeability of vacuum µ0 = 4p × 10–7 NA–2
· Permittivity of vacuum Î0 =
m0 c2
· Planck constant h = 6.63 × 10–34 J–s

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

Note : In case of any correction in the test paper, please mail to within 2 days along with Paper Code
& Your Form No.
(uks V % ;fn bl iz'u i= esa dksbZ Correction gks rks Ïi;k Paper Code ,oa vkids Form No. ,oa iw.kZ Test Details ds lkFk 2 fnu ds vUnj ij mail djsaA)

LTS-2/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
Hkkx-1 : HkkSfrd foKku
SECTION–I(i) : (Maximum Marks : 24)
[k.M –I(i) : (vf/kdre vad : 24)
˜ This section contains SIX questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of
these four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
˜ For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen,
both of which are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen
and it is a correct option.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
˜ For Example : If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with
second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result
in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options),
without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks.
Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option), without
selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting
any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct
option(s) will result in –2 marks.
˜ bl [kaM esa N% iz'u gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds lgh mÙkj (mÙkjks)a ds fy, pkj fodYi fn, x, gAaS bl pkj fodYiksa esa ls ,d ;k ,d ls vfèkd
fodYi lgh gS(gSa)A
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy,] iz'u dk (ds) mÙkj nsus gsrq lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pqusA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn dsoy (lkjs ) lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gSA
vkaf'kd vad : +3 ;fn pkjksa fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy rhu fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gSA
vkaf'kd vad : +2 ;fn rhu ;k rhu ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy nks fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gS vkjS
pqus gq, nksuksa fodYi lgh fodYi gSaA
vkaf'kd vad : +1 ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy ,d fodYi dks pquk x;k gS vkSj
pquk gqvk fodYi lgh fodYi gSaA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh fodYi dks ugha pquk x;k gS (vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr g)S A
½.k vad : –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
˜ mnkgj.k Lo:i % ;fn fdlh iz'u ds fy, dsoy igyk] rhljk ,oa pkSFkk lgh fodYi gaS vkjS nwljk fodYi xyr
gS_ rks ds oy lHkh rhu lgh fodYiks a dk p;u djus ij gh +4 va d feys axs aA fcuk dks bZ xyr fodYi pq us
(bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi) rhu lgh fodYiksa esa ls flQZ nks dks pquus ij ( igyk rFkk pkFS kk fodYi)
+2 vad feysaxsA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus (bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi)] rhu lgh fodYiksa esas ls flQZ ,d
dks pquus ij (igyk ;k rhljk ;k pkFS kk fodYi) +1 vad feysaxsA dksbZ Hkh xyr fodYi pquus ij (bl mnkgj.k
esa nwljk fodYi ), –2 vad feysa xs] pkgs lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gks ;k u pquk x;k gksA

0999DJA110318016 LTS-3/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
1. Two men A and B of equal mass 7 kg are holding the free ends of a massless rope which
passes over a light frictionless pulley. Man A climbs up the rope with acceleration 10 m/s2
relative to the rope while man B hangs on without climbing. Find the acceleration of the man
B relative to ground :-
leku æO;eku 7 kg okys nks O;fDr;ksa A o B us ,d gYdh ?k"kZ.kjfgr f?kjuh ij ls gksdj xqtj jgh æO;ekughu jLlh ds
eqä fljksa dks idM+ j[kk gAS O;fDr A jLlh ds lkis{k 10 m/s2 Roj.k ls jLlh ij Åij dh vksj p<+rk gS tcfd O;fDr
B fcuk jLlh ij p<+s jLlh ls yVdk jgrk gAS /kjkry ds lkis{k O;fDr B dk Roj.k gksxk :-
(A) 5 m/s2 (B) 15 m/s2 (C) 10 m/s2 (D) zero
2. The graph shows the force-extension curve for a steel wire that is stretched by a tensile
force. In the graph, PQ and QR are two idealized straight line sections. The unextended
length of the wire is 2.00 m. Assume that Q is proportionality limit and R is yield point.
(A) The strain in the wire at R is 0.025
(B) The work done in stretching the wire from Q to R is equal to 50 J
(C) If release the wire at point Q, it won't have any permanent set
(D) The work done in stretching the wire from Q to R is equal to 55 J

1500 R
Force (N) Q

0 P
O 10 50
Extension (mm)

fp= esa ,d LVhy ds rkj ds fy, cy&foLrkj oØ n'kkZ;k x;k gAS bl rkj dks ruu cy }kjk foLrkfjr fd;k x;k gAS
vkjs[k esa PQ rFkk QR nks vkn'kZ lh/ks js[kk[k.M gaSA rkj dh vfoLrkfjr yEckbZ 2.00 m gAS ekuk Q vkuqikfrd lhek rFkk
R ijkHko fcUnq gS %&
(A) rkj esa R ij fod`fr dk eku 0.025 gAS
(B) rkj dks Q ls R rd [khapus esa fd;k x;k dk;Z 50 J ds cjkcj gAS
(C) ;fn rkj dks fcUnq Q ij NksM+ fn;k tk;s rks ;g iqu% vius ewy Lo:i dks izkIr dj ysxkA
(D) rkj dks Q ls R rd [khapus esa fd;k x;k dk;Z 55 J ds cjkcj gAS

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-4/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
3. A particle of mass 'm' is connected with a massless rod of length 'l'. Velocity of 3gl is given
to the particle when it is at lower most point. Particle moves around point O in circular path.
Select the CORRECT statement(s) :-
(A) Maximum height reached by the particle is from initial lowest position.
(B) Maximum height reached by the particle is from initial lowest position.
(C) Acceleration of particle at heighest point is m/s2.
(D) Acceleration of particle at heighest point is m / s2 .


v = 3gl

æO;eku 'm' dk ,d d.k yEckbZ 'l' dh ,d æO;ekughu NM+ ls tksM+k x;k gAS tc ;g fuEure fcUnq ij gksrk gS rks d.k
dks 3gl osx fn;k x;k gAS d.k fcUnq O ds pkjksa vksj o`Ùkkdkj iFk esa xfr djrk gAS lgh dFku@dFkuksa dks pqfu;s%&
(A) d.k }kjk bldh izkjfEHkd U;wure fLFkfr ls izkIr vf/kdre Å¡pkbZ gksxhA
(B) d.k }kjk bldh izkjfEHkd U;wure fLFkfr ls izkIr vf/kdre Å¡pkbZ gksxhA
(C) mPpre fcUnq ij d.k dk Roj.k m/s2 gksxkA
(D) mPpre fcUnq ij d.k dk Roj.k m / s2 gksxkA
4. Let [Î0] denote the dimensional formula of the permittivity of the vaccum and [m0] that of the
permeability of the vacuum . If M = mass, L = length, T = time and I = electric current then
ekukfd [Î0] fuokZr dh fo|qr'khyrk dk foeh; lw= rFkk [m0] fuokZr dh pqEcdu'khyrk dks O;ä djrs gaSA ;fn
M = æO;eku, L = yEckbZ, T = le; rFkk I = fo|qr /kkjk gS rks %&
(A) [Î0] = M-1 L-3 T2 I (B) [Î0] = M-1 L-3 T4 I2
(C) [m0] = MLT-2 I-2 (D) [m0] = ML2 T-1 I
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-5/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
5. Rod AB, BC, CD & DA form a square loop having current i, mass and length of each rod is m
and l respectively, is situated in a uniform magnetic field B as shown in the figure and it can
rotate about axis P1P2, then :-

3 Bi
(A) Angular acceleration of the square loop at t = 0, is

(B) Angular velocity when square loop rotated by 30°, is

(C) Torque on the loop when it rotated by 60°, is
(D)Angular acceleration of the square loop when it is rotated from starting to 90°, decreases

(m,l) B (m,l)
i i
(m,l) i i (m,l)


fp= esa iznf'kZr NM+sa AB, BC, CD o DA ,d oxkZdkj ywi cukrh gS] ftlesa i /kkjk izokfgr gks jgh gAS izR;sd NM+ dk
æO;eku m rFkk yEckbZ l gAS ;g ywi fp=kuqlkj le:i pqEcdh; {ks= B esa j[kk gqvk gS rFkk v{k P1P2 ds lkis{k ?kw.kZu
dj ldrk gAS
3 Bi
(A) t = 0 ij oxkZdkj ywi dk; Roj.k gAS
(B) tc oxkZdkj ywi dks 30° ?kqek;k tkrk gS rks; osx gksrk gAS
(C) tc ywi dks 60° ?kqek;k tkrk gS rks bl ij cyk?kw.kZ gAS
(D) ywi dks izkjEHk ls 90° rd ?kqekus ij oxkZdkj ywi dk; Roj.k ?kVrk tkrk gSA
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-6/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019

6. A siphon has a uniform circular base of diameter cm with its crest A, 1.8 m above the
level of water in tank (g = 10 m/s2, P0 = 105 N/m 2)
(A) Velocity of efflux through the pipe is 6 2m / s .
(B) Discharge rate of flow through pipe is 96 2 ´ 10 -4 m3/s
(C) Pressure of fluid at point A is 0.46 × 105 N/m2.
(D) Water will not rise in the tube.
1.8 m

3.6 m

Water C

fp= esa iznf'kZr uyh (siphon) ds ,dleku o`Ùkkdkj vk/kkj dk O;kl cm gS rFkk bldk 'kh"kZ A, VaSd esa ty ds Lrj
ls 1.8 m Å¡pkbZ ij gS %&(g = 10 m/s2, P0 = 105 N/m2)
(A) ikbi ls cfg%L=ko dk osx 6 2m / s gAS
(B) ikbi ls izokg ds foltZu dh nj 96 2 ´ 10 -4 m3/s gAS
(C) fcUnq A ij rjy dk nkc 0.46 × 105 N/m2 gAS
(D) uyh esa ty Åij ugha p<+sxkA

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-7/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
SECTION–I(ii) : (Maximum Marks : 12)
[k.M –I(ii) : (vf/kdre vad : 12)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has matching lists. The codes for the lists have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz 'u gSa
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa lqey
s u lwpha gSA lwfp;ksa ds fy, dksM ds fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkSj (D) gaS ftuesa ls dso y ,d
lgh gSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,ax s %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq : i cq y cq ys dks dkyk fd;k gSA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gSA
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
7. A block of mass m = 1kg, is placed on a wedge. The wedge can be accelerated with acceleration
(a = g) in four manners as shown. The normal reaction between block and incline is N.
nzO;eku m = 1 kg dk ,d CykWd ,d ost ij j[kk gqvk gAS ;g ost a =g Roj.k ls fp=kuqlkj pkj izdkj ls Rofjr gksrk
gAS CykWd rFkk ur&ry ds e/; vfHkyEc izfrfØ;k N gAS
List-I List-II
(Normal reaction and acceleration
of block w.r.t. incline)
lw p h& I lwph&II (ur&ry ds lkis { k
vfHkyEc izfrfØ;k rFkk CykWd dk Roj.k )

(P) (1)

(Q) (2)

(R) (3)

(S) (4) 0

(A) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 4; S ® 5 (B) P ® 1; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 4
(C) P ® 2; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 4 (D) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 5; S ® 2

LTS-8/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
8. Dotted surfaces are Gaussian surfaces and solid surfaces are material bodies. All the surfaces
are spherical.
List-I List-II
(P) Electric field at point A is zero. (1) A dipole is placed as shown
1 2

(Q) Electric field at point B is zero. (2) A point charge kept at centre
of neutral conducting shell as shown

2 1 +q A

(R) Flux through surface 1 is zero (3) A dipole kept at centre

of neutral conducting shell as shown

(S) Flux through surface 2 is zero (4) A point charge kept outside of
neutral conducting shell as shown

2 1 A

(5) Non-conducting shell carrying
non-uniformly distributed +ve charge.

2 1 B A

(A) P ® 3; Q ® 4,5; R ® 1,3,5; S ® 4 (B) P ® 1,3; Q ® 4; R ® 2,4,5; S ® 1,4

(C) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 1,3,4,5; S ® 4 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 4; R ® 3,4; S ® 1,3,5
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-9/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
;gka fcUnqor~ lrgsa] xkmfl;u lrgsa gaS rFkk Bksl lrgsa /kkfRod fi.M gaSA lHkh lrgsa xksykdkj gaSA
lw p h& I lw p h& II
(P) fcUnq A ij fo|q r {ks= 'kwU; gAS (1) ,d f}/kqzo fp=kuqlkj j[kk gqvk gSA
1 2

(Q) fcUnq B ij fo|q r {ks= 'kwU; gAS (2) ,d fcUnq vkos'k fp=kuqlkj ,d mnklhu pkyd
dks'k ds dsUnz ij j[kk gqvk gAS

2 1 +q A

(R) lrg 1 ls fuxZr ¶yDl 'kw U; gAS (3) ,d f}/kqzo fp=kuqlkj ,d mnklhu pkyd dks'k ds
ds dsUnz ij j[kk gqvk gAS

(S) lrg 2 ls fuxZr ¶yDl 'kw U; gAS (4) ,d fcUnq vkos'k fp=kuqlkj ,d mnklhu
pkyd dks'k ds ckgj j[kk gqvk gAS

2 1 A

(5) ,d vpkyd dks'k ij /kukRed vkos'k
vleku :i ls forfjr gSA

2 1 B A

(A) P ® 3; Q ® 4,5; R ® 1,3,5; S ® 4 (B) P ® 1,3; Q ® 4; R ® 2,4,5; S ® 1,4

(C) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 1,3,4,5; S ® 4 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 4; R ® 3,4; S ® 1,3,5
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-10/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
9. Six coherent light sources of wavelength l can be fixed at x and y axis as shown in the figure.
Origin O is point of observation, where intensity due to each independent source is I. Four
options regarding intensity of sources are given in List-I. The resultant intensity at O is
given in list-II. [Initial phase difference between any two source is zero.]
rjaxn/S ;Z l okys N% dyklaxr izdk'k L=ksrksa dks x o y v{k ij fp=kuqlkj fLFkj fd;k tk ldrk gAS ewyfcUnq O iz{s k.k
fcUnq g]S tgk¡ izR;sd Lora= L=ksr ds dkj.k rhozrk I gAS L=ksrksa dh rhozrk ds lanHkZ esa pkj fodYi lwph&I esa fn;s x;s gaSA
O ij ifj.kkeh rhozrk dks lwph&II esa n'kkZ;k x;k gAS [fdUgha Hkh nks L=ksrksa ds e/; izkjfEHkd dykUrj 'kwU; g]S
S2 (0, l)

S3 S6 S5 S1
(–l,0) 2l O l ,0
– (l,0)
– — ,0 3

S4 (0, –l)

List-I/ lw p h –I List-II/ lw p h –II

(P) Only S1, S2, S3, S4 are present (1) I
dsoy S1, S2, S3, S4 fo|eku gAS
(Q) Only S1, S2, S5 are present (2) 16 I
dsoy S1, S2, S5 fo|eku gAS
(R) Only S2, S4 are present (3) 3I
dsoy S2, S4 fo|eku gAS
(S) Only S1, S3, S5 are present (4) 4I
dsoy S1, S3, S5 fo|eku gAS
(A) P ® 1; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 4 (B) P ® 2; Q ® 3; R ® 4; S ® 3
(C) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 4 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 4; R ® 2; S ® 1
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-11/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
10. Ravana-modified : Consider a two dimensional network of uniform wire (non-zero
resistivity). Point B, D, E and centers of all the ‘heads’ are collinear and so are A,C, F and the
centre ‘head’. ‘Heads touch each other symmetrically. Assume dc source unless stated


List – I List – II
(P) Magnetic field at the centre of the central (1) Zero
‘head’ when battery is connected between
A and B
(Q) Magnetic field at the centre of the central (2) Non-zero
‘head’ when battery is connected between
D and E
(R) Magnetic field at the centre of the central (3) Zero or non-zero behaviour of average
‘head’ when battery is connected between field over a long period is same when a.c.
A and C source is used
(S) Magnetic field at the centre of the central (4) Can't be defined if the points are short
‘head’ when battery is connected between circuited using ideal wire of shortest
C and E length.
(5) Non-zero if the points are short
circuited using ideal wire of shortest
(A) P ® 3,5; Q ® 1,2; R ® 1,4,5; S ® 1,5
(B) P ® 1,3,5; Q ® 2,3,5; R ® 3,4; S ® 2,4
(C) P ® 1,2,3,5; Q ® 1,3,4,5; R ® 1,2; S ® 1,5
(D) P ® 1,3,5; Q ® 1,3,4; R ® 1,3,4; S ® 2,5
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-12/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019

Ravana-modified : ,dleku rkj (v'kwU; izfrjks/kdrk) ds f}foeh; tky ij fopkj dhft,A fcUnq B, D, E rFkk lHkh
fljksa (heads) ds dsUnz laj[s kh; gaS rFkk A,C, F o dsUnzh; flj Hkh laj[s kh; gAS lHkh flj ,d nwljs dks lefer :i ls Li'kZ
djrs gaAS fn"V /kkjk lzkrs ekfu;sA


lwph– I lwp h– II
(P) tc A rFkk B ds e/; cSVjh dks tksM+k tkrk gS rks (1) 'kwU; gksrk gAS
dsUæh; flj ds dsUnz ij pqEcdh ; {ks=
(Q) tc D rFkk E ds e/; cSVjh dks tksM+k tkrk gS rks (2) v'kwU; gksrk gSA
dsUæh; flj ds dsUnz ij pqEcdh ; {ks=
(R) tc A rFkk C ds e/; cSVjh dks tksM+k tkrk gS rks (3) tc izR;korhZ /kkjk lzkrs dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS rks
dsUæh; flj ds dsUnz ij pqEcdh ; {ks= yEcs le;kUrjky esa vkl S r {ks= dk 'kwU; vFkok
v'kwU; O;ogkj leku jgrk gAS
(S) tc C rFkk E ds e/; cSVjh dks tksM+k tkrk gS rks (4) ;fn fcUnqvksa dks U;wure yEckbZ ds vkn'kZ rkj
dsUæh; flj ds dsUnz ij pqEcdh ; {ks= dk mi;ksx djrs gq, y?kqifFkr fd;k tk;s rks
ge ifjHkkf"kr ugha dj ldrsA
(5) ;fn fcUnqvksa dks U;wure yEckbZ ds vkn'kZ rkj
dk mi;ksx djrs gq, y?kqifFkr fd;k tk;s rks
;g v'kwU; gksxkA
(A) P ® 3,5; Q ® 1,2; R ® 1,4,5; S ® 1,5
(B) P ® 1,3,5; Q ® 2,3,5; R ® 3,4; S ® 2,4
(C) P ® 1,2,3,5; Q ® 1,3,4,5; R ® 1,2; S ® 1,5
(D) P ® 1,3,5; Q ® 1,3,4; R ® 1,3,4; S ® 2,5
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-13/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
SECTION-II : (Maximum Marks: 24)
[ka M -II : (vf/kdre vad : 24)
˜ This section contains EIGHT questions.
˜ The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
˜ For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-
off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, –0.33, –.30, 30.27, –127.30, if answer is
11.36777..... then both 11.36 and 11.37 will be correct) by darken the corresponding bubbles
in the ORS.
For Example : If answer is –77.25, 5.2 then fill the bubbles as follows.
+ – + –
0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0
1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1
2 2 2 2 • 2 2 2 2 2 2 • 2 2
3 3 3 3 • 3 3 3 3 3 3 • 3 3
4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4
5 5 5 5 • 5 5 5 5 5 5 • 5 5
6 6 6 6 • 6 6 6 6 6 6 • 6 6
7 7 7 7 • 7 7 7 7 7 7 • 7 7
8 8 8 8 • 8 8 8 8 8 8 • 8 8
9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 9

˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
˜ bl [kaM esa vkB iz'u gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj ,d la[;kRed eku (NUMERICAL VALUE) gSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj ds lgh la[;kRed eku (n'keyo vadu esa] n'keyo ds f}rh; LFkku rd :f.Mr@fudfVr_
mnkgj.k 6.25, 7.00, –0.33, –.30, 30.27, –127.30, ;fn mÙkj 11.36777..... g]S rks 11.36 vkjS 11.37 nksuksa lgh
gksxas ) dks izf o"B djus ds fy , vks-vkj-,l- esa vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
mnkgj.k ds fy , : ;fn mÙkj –77.25, 5.2 gS] rks cqycqyksa dks fuEu izdkj ls dkyk djsaA
+ – + –
0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0
1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1
2 2 2 2 • 2 2 2 2 2 2 • 2 2
3 3 3 3 • 3 3 3 3 3 3 • 3 3
4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4
5 5 5 5 • 5 5 5 5 5 5 • 5 5
6 6 6 6 • 6 6 6 6 6 6 • 6 6
7 7 7 7 • 7 7 7 7 7 7 • 7 7
8 8 8 8 • 8 8 8 8 8 8 • 8 8
9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 9

˜ izR ;sd iz' u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk %&
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh la[;kRed eku (Numerical value) gh mÙkj Lo:i ntZ fd;k x;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-14/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
1. A car is travelling with a speed of 90 m/s due east. An observer is present at 5 m south of the
line of motion. Find the angular velocity (in rad/sec) of car relative to the observer when car
is located north east of him.
,d dkj 90 m/s dh pky ls iwoZ fn'kk esa xfr'khy gSA ,d izs{kd xfr dh fn'kk ds 5m nf{k.k esa [kM+k gAS tc dkj bl
izs{kd ds mÙkj iwoZ esa gksrh gS rc izs{kd ds lkis{k dkj dk; osx (rad/sec esa) Kkr dhft;sA
2. A uniform sphere is given a velocity v0 = 10 m/s on a rough horizontal surface (µ = 1/7).
The time (in sec) after which it starts performing rolling motion is.
,d le:i xksys dks (µ = 1/7) okyh [kqjnjh {kfS rt lrg ij v0 = 10 m/s osx fn;k tkrk gAS ;g fdrus le;
(lsd.M esa) i'pkr~ ykVS uh xfr izkjEHk dj nsrk g\
3. A unidirectional force F = ( 2a x - 3 x 2 ) iˆ is acting on a block which is initially at rest on a
smooth surface at position x = 0. The maximum kinetic energy is found to be 4 units. Find the
positive numerical value of constant a.
,d CykWd ij ,d fn'kh; cy F = ( 2a x - 3 x 2 ) iˆ dk;Zjr gS tks fd izkjaHk esa ,d fpduh lrg ij fLFkfr x = 0 ij
fojke esa gAS vf/kdre xfrt ÅtkZ 4 bdkbZ izkIr gksrh gAS fu;rkad a /kukRed la[;kRed eku Kkr dhft;sA
4. The L-shaped conductor as shown in figure moves at a speed of 10 m/s across a stationary
L-shaped conductor in a 0.10 T magnetic field. The two vertices overlap so that the enclosed
area is zero at t = 0. The conductor has resistance of 0.010 ohms per meter. What is current
(in Amp.) at t = 0.10 sec.
,d L-vkd` fr dk pkyd fp=kuqlkj ,d fLFkj L vkd` fr ds pkyd ij 10 m/s pky ls 0.10 T ds pqEcdh; {ks=
esa xfr djrk gSA nksuksa NM+s (vertices) bl izdkj vkPNkfnr gksrh gS fd t = 0 ij budk ifjc¼ {ks=Qy 'kwU; gSA
pkyd dk izfrjks/k 0.010 vkse iz fr ehVj gSA t = 0.10 lsd.M ij /kkjk (,Eih;j esa ) D;k gksxh\

10 m/s
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-15/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
5. A parallel plate capacitor with plates of length l is included in a circuit as shown in figure.
Given are the emf of the current source e, its internal resistance r and the distance d between
the plates. An electron with a velocity V0 flies into the capacitor, parallel to the plates. The
resistance R should be connected in parallel with the capacitor so that the electron flies out
of the capacitor at an angle of 37° to the plates is given as a W . Fill in OMR sheet (Assume
that circuit is in steady state).
(Take : l = 91 cm, e = 3V, r = 2W, d = mm , v 0 = 4 × 10 7 m/s, e = 1.6 × 10 –19 C,
mass of electron = 9.1 × 10–31 kg)

fp= esa iznf'kZr ifjiFk esa ,d lekUrj iê la/kkfj= yxk gqvk gS ftldh IysVksa dh yEckbZ l gAS fp= esa /kkjk L=ksr dk fo|qr
okgd cy e] bldk vkarfjd izfrjks/k r o IysVksa ds e/; nwjh d n'kkZ;h xbZ gSA ,d bysDVªkWu V0 osx ls bl la/kkfj= ds
vUnj IysVksa ds lekUrj izo's k djrk gAS ;g bysDVªkWu la/kkfj= ls IysVksa ls 37° dks.k ij ckgj fudys blds fy, la/kkfj= ds
lekUrj Øe esa tksM+s tkus okys izfrjks/k R dk eku aW gksxkA Kkr djsa (ifjiFk dks LFkk;h voLFkk esa ekusa)A
( fn;k gS : l = 91 cm, e = 3V, r = 2W, d = mm , v 0 = 4 × 10 7 m/s, e = 1.6 × 10 –19 C ,
bysDVªkWu dk æO;eku = 9.1 × 10–31 kg)

a +
d r +
R e
– –

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-16/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
6. The coil of a calorimeter C has a resistance of R1 = 60 W. The coil R1 is connected to the circuit
as shown in figure. What will be the change in temperature of water (in °C) if 240 gram water
is present in container and reading of ammeter is 3A after 7 minute. The resistance R2 = 30 W.
Disregard the resistances of the battery and the ammeter, and the heat losses and heat capacity
of the calorimeter and the resistor.
,d dy S ksjhekih C dh dq.Myh dk izfrjks/k R1 = 60 W gAS dq.Myh R1 fp= esa n'kkZ;s vuqlkj ifjiFk ls tqM+h gAS ;fn
ik= esa 240 xzke ty fo|eku gks rFkk vehVj dk ikB~;kad 3A gks rks 7 feuV i'pkr~ ty ds rkieku esa fdruk ifjorZu
(°C) gksxk\ izfrjks/k R2 = 30 W gAS cSVjh o vehVj ds izfrjks/k rFkk dy
S ksjhekih o izfrjksèkd ds m"ek âkl o m"ek èkkfjrk
dks ux.; ekfu;sA


R1 C

7. A bomb moving in certain direction suddenly explodes into three identical pieces which fly
off with equal speed. Two of the three pieces go in the same direction while the third one
goes perpendicular to the other two. If Kf and Ki are final and initial kinetic energies of the
5K f
system, than fill K in the OMR sheet.

,d ce fdlh fo'ks"k fn'kk esa xfr djrs gq , vpkud rhu ,dtlS s VqdM+kas esa foLQksfVr gks tkrk gS rFkk ;s VqdM+s leku
pky ls mM+us yxrs gSaA buesa ls nks VqdM+s leku fn'kk esa tcfd rhljk vU; nks dh yEcor~ fn'kk esa tkrk gaSA ;fn
5K f
Kf o Ki fudk; dh vfUre o izkjfEHkd xfrt Åtk,sa gks rks Ki dk eku Kkr djsaA

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-17/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
8. A tuning fork generates sound waves with a frequency of 196 Hz. The waves travel in opposite
directions along a closed passage, are reflected by walls, and return. The passage is
42.0 m in length, and the tuning fork is located 14.0 m from one end. What is the path difference
between the reflected waves when they meet at the tuning fork ? The speed of sound in
air is 343 m/s. If path difference is nl, fill 'n' in the OMR sheet.
,d Lofj= 196 Hz vko`fr dh /ofu rjax mRiUu djrk gAS ,d cUn gkWy esa nhokjksa ls ijkofrZr gksus ds i'pkr~ /ofu rjaxas
gkWy ds vuqfn'k foifjr fn'kk eas xfr djrh gaS rFkk iqu% okil ykSV tkrh gSA gkWy dh yEckbZ 42.0 m gS rFkk Lofj= ,d
fljs ls 14.0 m nwjh ij fLFkr gAS tc ijkofrZr rjaxsa Lofj= ij feyrh gS rks buds e/; iFkkUrj D;k gksxk\ ok;q esa /ofu
dh pky 343 m/s gAS ;fn iFkkUrj nl gS rks n dk eku Kkr dhft;sA


Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-18/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
Hkkx-2 : jlk;u foKku
SECTION–I(i) : (Maximum Marks : 24)
[k.M –I(i) : (vf/kdre vad : 24)
˜ This section contains SIX questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of
these four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
˜ For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen,
both of which are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen
and it is a correct option.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
˜ For Example : If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with
second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result
in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options),
without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks.
Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option), without
selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting
any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct
option(s) will result in –2 marks.
˜ bl [kaM esa N% iz'u gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds lgh mÙkj (mÙkjks)a ds fy, pkj fodYi fn, x, gAaS bl pkj fodYiksa esa ls ,d ;k ,d ls vfèkd
fodYi lgh gS(gSa)A
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy,] iz'u dk (ds) mÙkj nsus gsrq lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pqusA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn dsoy (lkjs) lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gSA
vkaf'kd vad : +3 ;fn pkjksa fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy rhu fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gSA
vkaf'kd vad : +2 ;fn rhu ;k rhu ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy nks fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gS vkjS
pqus gq, nksuksa fodYi lgh fodYi gSaA
vkaf'kd vad : +1 ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy ,d fodYi dks pquk x;k gS vkSj
pquk gqvk fodYi lgh fodYi gSaA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh fodYi dks ugha pquk x;k gS (vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr g)S A
½.k vad : –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
˜ mnkgj.k Lo:i % ;fn fdlh iz'u ds fy, dsoy igyk] rhljk ,oa pkSFkk lgh fodYi gaS vkjS nwljk fodYi xyr
gS_ rks ds oy lHkh rhu lgh fodYiks a dk p;u djus ij gh +4 va d feys axs aA fcuk dks bZ xyr fodYi pq us
(bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi) rhu lgh fodYiksa esa ls flQZ nks dks pquus ij ( igyk rFkk pkFS kk fodYi)
+2 vad feysaxsA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus (bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi)] rhu lgh fodYiksa esas ls flQZ ,d
dks pquus ij (igyk ;k rhljk ;k pkFS kk fodYi) +1 vad feysaxsA dksbZ Hkh xyr fodYi pquus ij (bl mnkgj.k
esa nwljk fodYi), –2 vad feysa xs] pkgs lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gks ;k u pquk x;k gksA

0999DJA110318016 LTS-19/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
1. 2X (g) + Y(g) + 3Z (g) ® Products
The rate equation of above reaction is given by
Rate = K [X]1 [Y]0 [Z]2
Choose the correct statements
(A) If 75% of X undergoes reaction in 20 sec, 50% of X will react in 10 sec if [z] >> [x]
(B) Rate of reaction decreases by reducing the concentration of Y to half of the original value
(C) The half life of Z increases by increasing its concentration if [x] >> [z]
(D) On incresing the concentration of X,Y & Z double, rate of reaction becomes 8 times

2X (g) + Y(g) + 3Z (g) ® mRikn

mijksDr vfHkfØ;k dh nj lehdj.k bl izdkj nh x;h gSA
nj = K [X]1 [Y]0 [Z]2
lgh dFkuksa dk p;u dhft;s&
(A) ;fn 20 lSd.M esa X dh 75% vfHkfØ;k gksrh gS rks 10 lSd.M esa X 50% fØ;k djsxk ;fn [z] >> [x]
(B) Y dh lkUnzr k blds iz k jfEHkd eku vk/kh djus ij vfHkfØ;k dh nj ?kVrh gS
(C) Z dh v¼Z vk;q ] bldh lkUnz rk esa o` f¼ djus ij c<rh gS ;fn [x] >> [z]
(D) X,Y ,oa Z rhuksa dh lkUnzrk,sa nqx quh fd;s tkus ij vfHkfØ;k dh nj 8 xq uk gks tkrh gS
2. NH3 is heated at 15 atm from 27ºC to 347ºC assuming the volume constant. The new pressure
ˆˆ† N + 3H . Calculate % of moles
becomes 50 atm at equilibrium for the reaction 2NH3 ‡ˆˆ 2 2

actually decomposed

NH3 dks 15 atm ij 27ºC ls 347ºC rd xeZ fd;k x;kA eku fyft, vk;ru fu;r gSA
ˆˆ† N + 3H ds fy, lkE; ij u;k nkc 50 atm gks tkrk gAS okLrfodrk esa fo;ksftr gq, eksyksa
vfHkfØ;k 2NH3 ‡ˆˆ 2 2

dk % g&S
(A) 59% (B) 71% (C) 61.3% (D) 80.5 %

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-20/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
3. Which of the following statement is/are INCORRECT :

(A) In extraction of Cu, Cu2S is seperated from CuFeS2 by roasting

(B) In exctraction of Zn, Carbon reduction method is completed in blast furnace.

(C) In exctraction of Pb, CaO is added to prevent the formation of CaSiO3

(D) In Hall Heroult cell CO & CO 2 are produce as cathode.

fuEu esa ls dkuS lk dFku xyr gS@gaS\

(A) Cu ds fu"d"kZ.k esa, Cu2S dks CuFeS2 ls HktZu }kjk i`Fkd fd;k tkrk gS
(B) Zn ds fu"d"kZ.k esa, dkcZu vip;u fof/k okR;k Hkêh esa iw.kZ gksrh gS
(C) Pb ds fu"d"kZ.k esa, CaSiO3 dk fuekZ.k jksdus ds fy, CaO feyk;k tkrk gS
(D) gkWy gSjkYV lsy esa CO rFkk CO2 dSFkksM ij fufeZr gksrs gaS
4. Which among the following order of radius of given species is (are) INCORRECT :-

nh xbZ Lih'kht dh f=T;k dk] fuEu esa ls dkuS lk Øe xyr gS ?

(A) N3– > P3– (B) S2– > O2– (C) Mg2+ > Na+ (D) Ca2+ > Sr2+
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-21/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019


NBS Aq.KOH Conc.

5. (A) (B) C

Which statement is correct regarding C

(A) C decolorised Br2 water
(B) C on reaction with HBr & HBr + H2O2 giving same product
(C) C is also formed when A undergoes reaction with alcoholic KOH
(D) C when reacts with H3O+, B is formed

NBS Aq.KOH Conc.

(A) (B) C

C ds lanHkZ es dkuS lk dFku lgh gS

(A) C, Br2 ty dks jaxghu djrk gAS
(B) C, HBr rFkk HBr + H2O2 ds lkFk vfHkfØ;k djkus ij leku mRikn nsrs gAS
(C) tc A ,sYdks KOH ds lkFk fØ;k djrk gS rks C Hkh curk gAS
(D) C tc H3O+ ds lkFk fØ;k djrk gS rks B curk gAS
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-22/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
6. Reaction-I DMF


Reaction-II 25ºC



The correct mechanism for the major product formed for above reaction -
(A) Reaction-I ® SN2 (B) Reaction-II ® SN1
(C) Reaction-III ® E1 (D) Reaction-IV ® E2

vfHkfØ;k -I DMF


vfHkfØ;k -II 25ºC

vfHkfØ;k -III 200ºC

vfHkfØ;k -IV

mijksDr vfHkfØ;k ds fy;s fufeZr eq[; mRikn dh lgh fØ;kfof/k gS\

(A) vfHkfØ;k-I ® SN2 (B) vfHkfØ;k-II ® SN1
(C) vfHkfØ;k-III ® E1 (D) vfHkfØ;k-IV ® E2

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-23/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
SECTION–I(ii) : (Maximum Marks : 12)
[k.M –I(ii) : (vf/kdre vad : 12)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has matching lists. The codes for the lists have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz 'u gSa
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa lqey
s u lwpha gSA lwfp;ksa ds fy, dksM ds fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkSj (D) gaS ftuesa ls dso y ,d
lgh gSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,ax s %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq : i cq y cq ys dks dkyk fd;k gSA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gSA
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
7. ˆˆ† H O(g) (100ºC, 1atm)
For process H2O(l) (100ºC, 1 atm) ‡ˆˆ 2

(P) DU (1) 0
(Q) DS (system + surrounding) (2) DH
(R) Work (3) Positive
(S) Heat involved (4) Negative

ˆˆ† H O(g) (100ºC, 1atm) ds fy,

izØe H2O(l) (100ºC, 1 atm) ‡ˆˆ 2

lw p h -I lw p h -II
(P) DU (1) 0
(Q) DS (ra= + ifjos'k) (2) DH
(R) dk;Z (3) /kukRed
(S) lfEEkfyr Å"ek (4) ½.kkRed
The correct option is
lgh fodYi gS
(A) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 2 (B) P ® 1; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 4
(C) P ® 2; Q ® 1; R ® 3; S ® 2 (D) P ® 4; Q ® 3; R ® 2; S ® 1
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-24/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
8. List-I List-II
(P) CoCl3. 6NH3 (1) Show facial and meridional isomerism
(Q) CoCl3. 5NH3 (2) Only one of Cl1 ion satisfy secondary valency
(R) CoCl3. 4NH3 (3) 1 : 3 type elelctrolyte
(S) CoCl3. 3NH3 (4) Show minimum conductance except zero

lw p h -I lw p h -II
(P) CoCl3. 6NH3 (1) Qydh; rFkk js[kkaf'kd (meridional) leko;ork
iznf'kZr djrk gS
(Q) CoCl3. 5NH3 (2) dsoy ,d Cl1 vk;u f}rh;d la;kstdrk dks larq"V
djrk gS
(R) CoCl3. 4NH3 (3) 1 : 3 izdkj dk o|S qr vi?kV~;
(S) CoCl3. 3NH3 (4) 'kwU; ds vfrfjDr U;wure pkydrk iznf'kZr djrk gS
The correct option is

lgh fodYi gS
(A) P ® 3 ; Q ®2 ; R ®4; S ® 1 (B) P ® 3 ; Q ®4 ; R ®1 ; S ® 2
(C) P ® 4 ; Q ®1 ; R ®3 ; S ® 2 (D) P ® 1 ; Q ®2 ; R ®3 ; S ® 4

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-25/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
9. Match the following :-
List (I) (Oxyacid) List (II) Characteristics (X = P,S,Cl-atoms)
(P) H4P2O6 (1) +7 oxidation number of X
(Q) H2S2O3 (2) –O–O–bond
(R) HClO4 (3) X=X bond
(S) H2S2O8 (4) X–X bond
fuEu dk feyku dhft, :-
lwph (I) (vkW D lhvEy ) lwp h (II) vfHky{k.k (X = P,S,Cl-ijek.kq)
(P) H4P2O6 (1) X dh vkWDlhdj.k la[;k +7
(Q) H2S2O3 (2) –O–O–cU/k
(R) HClO4 (3) X=X cU/k
(S) H2S2O8 (4) X–X cU/k
The correct option is
lgh fodYi gS
(A) P ® 4; Q ®1; R ®2; S ®3 (B) P ® 2; Q ®3; R ®4; S ®1
(C) P ® 3; Q ®1; R ®4; S ®2 (D) P ® 4; Q ®3; R ®1; S ®2
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-26/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
10. Match the list
List-I List-II
(P) (1) Reacts with NaHCO3

(Q) (2) Soluble in NaOH

(R) (3) Reacts with HBr to give product

containing chiral centre

(S) CH2 = CH–CH–CO 2H (4) Decolorise Br2 solution.

(5) Exhibits stereo isomerism.

lwph dk feyku djsa

lw p h -I lw p h -II
(P) (1) NaHCO3 ds lkFk fØ;k djrk gAS

(Q) (2) NaOH es foys;

(R) (3) HBr ds lkFk fØ;k djds fdjy

S dsUæ;qDr mRikn nsrk gAS

(S) CH2 = CH–CH–CO 2H (4) Br2 foy;u dks jaxghu djrk gAS
(5) f=foe leko;ork iznf'kZr djrk gAS
Select CORRECT code for your answer :
lgh dksM dk p;u dhft, :
(A) P® 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Q ® 2,3,4, 5; R ® 4; S ® 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(B) P® 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Q ® 2,3,4, 5; R ® 4; S ® 1, 2, 3, 4
(C) P® 1, 2, 3, 4, ; Q ® 2,3,4, 5; R ® 4; S ® 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(D) P® 1, 2, 4, 5; Q ® 2,3,4, 5; R ® 4; S ® 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-27/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
SECTION-II : (Maximum Marks: 24)
[ka M -II : (vf/kdre vad : 24)
˜ This section contains EIGHT questions.
˜ The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
˜ For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-
off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, –0.33, –.30, 30.27, –127.30, if answer is
11.36777..... then both 11.36 and 11.37 will be correct) by darken the corresponding bubbles
in the ORS.
For Example : If answer is –77.25, 5.2 then fill the bubbles as follows.

+ – + –
0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0
1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1
2 2 2 2 • 2 2 2 2 2 2 • 2 2
3 3 3 3 • 3 3 3 3 3 3 • 3 3
4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4
5 5 5 5 • 5 5 5 5 5 5 • 5 5
6 6 6 6 • 6 6 6 6 6 6 • 6 6
7 7 7 7 • 7 7 7 7 7 7 • 7 7
8 8 8 8 • 8 8 8 8 8 8 • 8 8
9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 9

˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
˜ bl [kaM esa vkB iz'u gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj ,d la[;kRed eku (NUMERICAL VALUE) gSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj ds lgh la[;kRed eku (n'keyo vadu esa] n'keyo ds f}rh; LFkku rd :f.Mr@fudfVr_
mnkgj.k 6.25, 7.00, –0.33, –.30, 30.27, –127.30, ;fn mÙkj 11.36777..... g]S rks 11.36 vkjS 11.37 nksuksa lgh
gksxas ) dks izf o"B djus ds fy, vks-vkj-,l- esa vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
mnkgj.k ds fy, : ;fn mÙkj –77.25, 5.2 gS] rks cqycqyksa dks fuEu izdkj ls dkyk djsaA

+ – + –
0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0
1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1
2 2 2 2 • 2 2 2 2 2 2 • 2 2
3 3 3 3 • 3 3 3 3 3 3 • 3 3
4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4
5 5 5 5 • 5 5 5 5 5 5 • 5 5
6 6 6 6 • 6 6 6 6 6 6 • 6 6
7 7 7 7 • 7 7 7 7 7 7 • 7 7
8 8 8 8 • 8 8 8 8 8 8 • 8 8
9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 9

˜ izR ;sd iz' u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk%&
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh la[;kRed eku (Numerical value) gh mÙkj Lo:i ntZ fd;k x;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA

LTS-28/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
1. Calculate the concentration of CH3COO– in 0.1M CH3COOH(aq.) solution when mixed with
equal volume of 1M HCl (Ka = 10–5)
If your answer is x × 10y then fill ‘y’ in OMR. Where ‘x’ is single digit number.
0.1M CH3COOH(aq.) foy;u dks tc leku vk;ru ds 1M HCl (Ka = 10–5) ds lkFk fefJr fd;k tkrk gS
rks CH3COO – dh lkUnzrk dh x.kuk dhft;sA
;fn vkidk mÙkj x × 10y gS rks OMR 'khV es a ‘y’ Hkfj;sA tgk¡ 'x' bdkbZ vad gSA
2. At 298 K the standard free energy of formation of H2O (l) is – 256.5 kJ/mol. While that of its
ionisation to hydrogen & hydroxy ion is 80 kJ/mol. What will be reversible emf at 298 K of the
H2(g, 1 bar) / H+ (1 M) || OH– (1 M) / O2 (g, 1 bar)
298 K ij H2O (l) ds fuekZ.k dh ekud eqDr ÅtkZ – 256.5 kJ/mol gaS tcfd blds gkbMªkt
s u rFkk gkbMªksDlh vk;u
esa vk;uu ÅtkZ 80 kJ/mol gaSA 298 K lsy dk mÙØ; emf D;k gksxk\
H2(g, 1 bar) / H+ (1 M) || OH– (1 M) / O2 (g, 1 bar)

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-29/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
3. How many grams of sucrose (mol.wt. = 342) should be dissolved in 100 gm water in order to
produce a solution with 105°C difference between the freezing point & boiling point
temperature at 1 atm?
(Unit: Kf = 2 mol–1 ; kb = 0.5 mol–1 )

1 atm rki ij fgekad fcUnq rFkk DoFkukad ds e/; 105°C dk vUrj j[kus okys foy;u dks cukus ds fy;s 100gm
ty esa fdrus xzke lqØkst (vkf.od Hkkj= 342) foys; fd;s tkus pkfg;s ?

(bdkbZ : Kf = 2 mol–1 ; kb = 0.5 mol–1 )

4. Among the following total number of planar molecules/ions is.
H3O+ , I3Å , NO21 , ClF3 , XeF2 , ICl41 , OCl2
fuEu esa ls leryh; v.kqvksa@vk;uksa dh dqy la[;k crkbZ;sA
H3O+ , I3Å , NO21 , ClF3 , XeF2 , ICl41 , OCl2
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-30/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
5. Find the total number of ore which contain two types of metals in their formula?
Ruby Copper, Chromite ore, Ilmenite, Tincal, Malachite, Copper pyrite, Chalcocite, Azurite,
fuEu esa ls ,sls v;Ldksa dh dqy la[;k crkbZ;s tks muds lw= esa nks izdkj dh /kkrq,as j[krs gaS\
:ch dkWij, ØksekbV v;Ld, bYesukbV, fVady (Tincal), ey
S d
s kbV, dkWij ikbjkbV, psYdkslkbV, ,sT;qjkbV, MksyksekbV
6. Number of a-hydrogen atom in major alkene obtained in reaction.
vfHkfØ;k esa izkIr eq[; ,sYdhu esa a-gkbMªkt
s u ijek.kq dh la[;k fdruh gAS


7. How many isomers having molecular formula C5H10 can show geometrical isomerism
v.kq lw= C5H10 j[kus okys fdrus leko;oh T;kfefr; leko;ork iz nf'kZr dj ldrs gSA
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-31/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019

8. (a) (b) CH3–C (c) (d)

(e) HCl (f) (g) (h)

For the above compound identify the number a = x – y

x = Number of compounds which release CO2 on reaction with NaHCO3
y = Number of compounds which are aromatic

(a) (b) CH3–C (c) (d)

(e) HCl (f) (g) (h)

mijksDr ;kfS xd ds fy, a = x – y dh la[;k Kkr dhft,

x= ,sls ;kSfxdksa dh la[;k tks NaHCO3 ds lkFk vfHkfØ;k djkus ij CO2 xl
S mRlftZr djrs gS
y= ,sls ;kfS xd dh la[;k tks ,sjksefS Vd gS
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-32/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
Hkkx-3 :
SECTION–I(i) : (Maximum Marks : 24)
[k.M –I(i) : (vf/kdre vad : 24)
˜ This section contains SIX questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of
these four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
˜ For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen,
both of which are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen
and it is a correct option.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
˜ For Example : If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with
second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result
in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options),
without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks.
Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option), without
selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting
any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct
option(s) will result in –2 marks.
˜ bl [kaM esa N% iz'u gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds lgh mÙkj (mÙkjksa) ds fy, pkj fodYi fn, x, gAaS bl pkj fodYiksa esa ls ,d ;k ,d ls vfèkd
fodYi lgh gS(gSa)A
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy,] iz'u dk (ds) mÙkj nsus gsrq lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pqusA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn dsoy (lkjs) lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gSA
vkaf'kd vad : +3 ;fn pkjksa fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy rhu fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gSA
vkaf'kd vad : +2 ;fn rhu ;k rhu ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy nks fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gS vkjS
pqus gq , nksuksa fodYi lgh fodYi gSaA
vkaf'kd vad : +1 ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy ,d fodYi dks pquk x;k gS vkSj
pquk gqvk fodYi lgh fodYi gSaA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh fodYi dks ugha pquk x;k gS (vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr g)S A
½.k vad : –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
˜ mnkgj.k Lo:i % ;fn fdlh iz'u ds fy, dsoy igyk] rhljk ,oa pkSFkk lgh fodYi gaS vkjS nwljk fodYi xyr
gS_ rks ds oy lHkh rhu lgh fodYiks a dk p;u djus ij gh +4 va d feys axs aA fcuk dks bZ xyr fodYi pq us
(bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi) rhu lgh fodYiksa esa ls flQZ nks dks pquus ij ( igyk rFkk pkFS kk fodYi)
+2 vad feysaxsA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus (bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi)] rhu lgh fodYiksa esas ls flQZ ,d
dks pquus ij (igyk ;k rhljk ;k pkFS kk fodYi) +1 vad feysaxsA dksbZ Hkh xyr fodYi pquus ij (bl mnkgj.k
esa nwljk fodYi), –2 vad feysa xs] pkgs lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gks ;k u pquk x;k gksA

0999DJA110318016 LTS-33/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
r r
1. If the non zero vectors a & b are perpendicular to each other, then the solution of the equation,
r r r
r ´ a = b is (where x is a scaler) -
r r
;fn v'kwU; lfn'k ar rFkk b ,d nwljs ds yEcor~ g]S rks lehdj.k rr ´ ar = b dk gy gksax]s (tgk¡ x vfn'k g)S -
r r 1 r r r r r r
(A) r = x a + r r a ´ b
) 1
(B) r = x b - r r a ´ b
r r
(r )
(C) r = x a ´ b (D) none of these/ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
2. Consider two curves C1 : y = x2 & C2 : y = lnx, then identify the correct statement(s) ?
(A) C1 & C2 intersect at exactly one point
(B) C1 & C2 do not intersect
(C) number of common normal to C1 & C2 is one
(D) number of common normal to C1 & C2 is 3.
ekuk nks oØ C1 : y = x2 rFkk C2 : y = lnx, g]S rks lgh dFku@dFkuksa dk p;u dhft,&
(A) C1 rFkk C2 Bhd ,d fcUnq ij izfrPNsn djrs gAS (B) C1 rFkk C2 izfrPNsn ugha djrs gAS
(C) C1 rFkk C2 ds mHk;fu"B vfHkyEcksa dh la[;k ,d gSA (D) C1 rFkk C2 ds mHk;fu"B vfHkyEcksa dh la[;k 3 gAS
3. The families of curves defined by the equations y = bx and x2 + y2 = a2 are orthogonal if -
lehdj.kksa y = bx rFkk x2 + y2 = a2 }kjk ifjHkkf"kr oØksa dk fudk;; gksxk] ;fn -
(A) a = 2, b = 4 (B) a = –3, b = 5 (C) a = –2, b = 3 (D) a = 5, b = 2
4. If coefficient of x in (1 + x) + (1 + x) + (1 + x) +.....+ (1 + x) is nCr, then possible value of
7 6 7 8 19

n + r can be -
;fn (1 + x)6 + (1 + x)7 + (1 + x)8 +.....+ (1 + x)19 esa x7 dk xq.kkad nCr gks] rks n + r ds laHko eku gks ldrs gS -
(A) 27 (B) 26 (C) 28 (D) 32
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-34/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
5. If the circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 cuts each of the circles x2 + y2 = 4, x2 + y2 – 6x – 8y + 10 = 0
and x2 + y2 + 2x – 4y – 2 = 0 at the extremities of a diameter, then -
;fn o`Ùk x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 izR;sd o`Ùk x2 + y2 = 4, x2 + y2 – 6x – 8y + 10 = 0 rFkk
x2 + y2 + 2x – 4y – 2 = 0 dks O;klksa ds fljksa ij dkVrk g]S rks -
(A) c = –4 (B) g + ƒ – c = –1 (C) g2 + ƒ 2 – c = 17 (D) gƒ = 6
6. If z1 = 5y2 – 19 + 2ix and z2 = 4y2 + 6i + 6 where z1 = z2 , then z = x + iy is equal to -
;fn z1 = 5y2 – 19 + 2ix rFkk z2 = 4y2 + 6i + 6 gks] tgk¡ z1 = z 2 g]S rks z = x + iy dk eku gksxk&
(A) –3 + 5i (B) 3 + 5i (C) –3 – 5i (D) 3 – 5i
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-35/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
SECTION–I(ii) : (Maximum Marks : 12)
[k.M –I(ii) : (vf/kdre vad : 12)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has matching lists. The codes for the lists have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz 'u gSa
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa lqey
s u lwpha gSA lwfp;ksa ds fy, dksM ds fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkSj (D) gaS ftuesa ls dso y ,d
lgh gSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,ax s %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq : i cq y cq ys dks dkyk fd;k gSA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gSA
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
7. India and Australia play a series of ‘n’ one day matches and probability that India wins a
match against Australia is .
Hkkjr rFkk vkLVªsfy;k ‘n’ ,d fnolh; ep
S ksa dh ,d Ük`a[kyk [ksyrs gSa rFkk Hkkjr ds ,d ep
S vkLVªfs y;k ds fo#¼ thrus dh
izkf;drk gS
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the list.
lwp h-I dks lwph -II ls lqesfyr dhft, rFkk lwfp;ksa ds uhps fn, u, dksM dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu;s %
List-I/ lw p h -I List-II/lw p h -II
(P) If ‘n’ is not fixed and series ends when any one of the team (1)
completes its 4 win then probability that India wins the series is
;fn ‘n’ fLFkj ugha gS tc dksbZ Hkh Vhe vius 4 ep
S thrrh gS rc Ük`a[kyk lekIr gks tkrh
g]S rks Hkkjr ds Ja`[kyk thrus dh izkf;drk gksxhA
(Q) If n = 7 then probability that India wins atleast three (2)
consecutive matches is
;fn n = 7 g]S rc Hkkjr ds yxkrkj de ls de vius rhu ep
S ksa dks
thrus dh izkf;drk gAS
(R) For n = 7; probability that India wins series through (3)
consecutive wins is
;fn n = 7 g]S rc Hkkjr ds yxkrkj thr ds vk/kkj ij Ja[kyk thrus dh izkf;drk gAS
(S) For n = 7; probability that India doesn’t win two consecutive (4)
matches is
;fn n = 7 g]S rks Hkkjr ds yxkrkj nks ep
S ugha thrus dh izkf;drk gAS
(A) P ® 4; Q ® 2; R ® 1; S ® 3 (B) P ® 1; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 4
(C) P ® 4; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 2 (D) P ® 3; Q ® 2; R ® 1; S ® 4
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-36/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
8. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the list.
List-I List-II
2x 7 + 3x 2 ax 3 + bx 8
(P) If ò x10 – 2x 5 +1 dx =
x10 – 2x 5 +1
+c (1) 133
(where c is constant of integration), then (a + b) is equal to

(Q) Given f(z) = the real part of a complex number z. (2) 1

For example f (3 - 4i) = 3 . If n Î N, then the

value of

å log 2
f (1 + i 3 )
) is equal to
n =1

(R) It is given that complex numbers z1 and z2 satisfy |z1 |= 2 (3) 0

and |z2 |= 3 . If the included angle of their corresponding
z1 + z2 N
vectors is 60° then z - z can be expressed as
1 2 7
where N is natural number then N equals
(S) If the equation z4 + a1z3 + a2z2 + a3z + a4 = 0 , where a1 ,a 2 ,a 3 ,a 4 (4) 17
are non-zero real coefficients has a pure imaginary root then the
a3 aa
expression + 1 4 has the value equal to:
a1a2 a 2a3
(A) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 1; S ® 2 (B) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 2; S ® 1
(C) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 4 (D) P ® 3; Q ® 2; R ® 1; S ® 4
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-37/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
lwp h-I dks lwph -II ls lqefs yr dhft, rFkk lwfp;ksa ds uhps fn, u, dksM dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu;s %
lw p h -I lw p h -II
2x 7 + 3x 2 ax 3 + bx 8
(P) ;fn ò 10 dx = 10 +c (1) 133
x - 2x 5 +1 x - 2x 5 +1
(tgk¡ c lekdyu vpj gS), rc (a + b) gksxk
(Q) fn;k x;k gS fd f(z) = lfEeJ la[;k z dk okLrfod Hkkx gSA (2) 1

mnkgj.kkFkZ f (3 - 4i) = 3 ;fn n Î N, rc


å log 2
f (1 + i 3 )
n =1

dk eku cjkcj g)S

(R) ;fn ;g fn;k x;k gS fd lfEeJ la[;ka;s z1 rFkk z2 , |z1 |= 2 rFkk |z2 |= 3 (3) 0
dks larq"V djrh gaS ;fn muds laxr lfn'kksa ds lHkh dks.kksa dk eku 60° gS rc
z1 + z2 N
z1 - z2 dks }kjk O;ä fd;k tkrk gS tgka N izkÏr la[;k gS rc N cjkcj gS
4 3 2
(S) ;fn lehdj.k z + a1z + a2z + a3z + a4 = 0 (tgka a1 ,a 2 ,a 3 ,a 4 v'kwU; (4) 17
a3 aa
okLrfod xq.kkad g)S ds 'kq¼ dkYifud ewy gaS rc O;atd + 1 4 dk
a1a2 a 2a3
eku cjkcj gS
(A) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 1; S ® 2 (B) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 2; S ® 1
(C) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 4 (D) P ® 3; Q ® 2; R ® 1; S ® 4
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-38/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
9. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the list.
lwp h-I dks lwph -II ls lqesfyr dhft, rFkk lwfp;ksa ds uhps fn, u, dksM dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu;s %
List -I/lw p h -I List- II/lw p h -II

(P) x ®0
( (
lim ê min y2 + 2 y + 8
x úû
sin x ù
(1) 2
is equal to, where [ . ] denotes G.I.F.
( (
lim ê min y2 + 2 y + 8
x ®0
ë x úû
sin x ù

tgk¡ [ . ] egRre iw.kk±d Qyu gSA

1 æ 2x ö (2) 4
lim .sin -1 ç 2 ÷
x ®0 x è1 + x ø
(R) The number of points in the domain of the (3) 6
function f ( x ) = is discontinuous are
ln x - 4
Qyu f ( x ) = ds izkUr esa mu fcUnqvksa
ln x - 4
dh la[;k] tks vlarr g]S gksxh
(S) Number of points of local maxima of (4) 0
f(x) = min (tan x, cot x), in x Î [ -p ,p ] , is

Qyu f(x) = min (tan x, cot x), in x Î [ -p ,p ] , ds

Økafrd fcUnqvksa dh la[;k
(A) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 4 (B) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 2
(C) P ® 2; Q ® 4; R ® 3; S ® 3 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 4; R ® 1; S ® 3

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-39/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
10. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the list.
lwp h-I dks lwph -II ls lqesfyr dhft, rFkk lwfp;ksa ds uhps fn, u, dksM dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu;s %
List-I/ lw p h -I List-II/lw p h -II
(P) If for a derivable function ƒ defined for all real (1) 0
numbers, ƒ(x + y), ƒ(x).ƒ(y) and ƒ(x – y) are in
A.P. " x,y Î R and ƒ(0) ¹ 0, then value of
ƒ'(2) + ƒ'(–2) is
;fn vodyuh; Qyu ƒ lHkh okLrfod la[;kvksa ds fy;s ifjHkkf"kr gSA
ƒ(x + y), ƒ(x).ƒ(y) rFkk ƒ(x – y) " x,y Î R lekUrj esa gS rFkk
ƒ(0) ¹ 0 gks] rks ƒ'(2) + ƒ'(–2) dk eku gksxk
dx p
(Q) Value of ò is , where k is (2) 3
0 ( 2
x +1 x +1 5
) k

dx p
ò dk eku g]S tgk¡ k gksxk
0 (x 2
+1 x +1 5
) k

(R) Number of solutions of the equation sin4x + cos 7x = 1 (3) 4

in (–p,p) is
vUrjky (–p,p) esa lehdj.k sin4x + cos7x = 1 ds gyksa dh la[;k gksxh
(S) If 3 + i = ( a + ib )( c + id ) , (where a, b, c, d > 0 and ac > bd) (4) 6

-1 æ a ö -1 æ c ö 5p
then tan ç ÷ + tan ç ÷ is equal to , where k is (where i = -1 )
è bø èdø k

;fn 3 + i = ( a + ib )( c + id ) , (tgk¡ a, b, c, d > 0 rFkk ac > bd)

æaö æ c ö 5p
gks] rks tan-1 ç ÷ + tan-1 ç ÷ =
, tgk¡ k gksxk (tgk¡ i = -1 )
è ø b è ø k d
(A) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 4; S ® 2 (B) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 3; S ® 4
(C) P ® 2; Q ® 4; R ® 4; S ® 3 (D) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 2; S ® 4
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-40/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
SECTION-II : (Maximum Marks: 24)
[ka M -II : (vf/kdre vad : 24)
˜ This section contains EIGHT questions.
˜ The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
˜ For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-
off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, –0.33, –.30, 30.27, –127.30, if answer is
11.36777..... then both 11.36 and 11.37 will be correct) by darken the corresponding bubbles
in the ORS.
For Example : If answer is –77.25, 5.2 then fill the bubbles as follows.

+ – + –
0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0
1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1
2 2 2 2 • 2 2 2 2 2 2 • 2 2
3 3 3 3 • 3 3 3 3 3 3 • 3 3
4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4
5 5 5 5 • 5 5 5 5 5 5 • 5 5
6 6 6 6 • 6 6 6 6 6 6 • 6 6
7 7 7 7 • 7 7 7 7 7 7 • 7 7
8 8 8 8 • 8 8 8 8 8 8 • 8 8
9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 9

˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
˜ bl [kaM esa vkB iz'u gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj ,d la[;kRed eku (NUMERICAL VALUE) gSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj ds lgh la[;kRed eku (n'keyo vadu esa] n'keyo ds f}rh; LFkku rd :f.Mr@fudfVr_
mnkgj.k 6.25, 7.00, –0.33, –.30, 30.27, –127.30, ;fn mÙkj 11.36777..... g]S rks 11.36 vkjS 11.37 nksuksa lgh
gksxas ) dks izf o"B djus ds fy, vks-vkj-,l- esa vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
mnkgj.k ds fy, : ;fn mÙkj –77.25, 5.2 gS] rks cqycqyksa dks fuEu izdkj ls dkyk djsaA

+ – + –
0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0
1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1
2 2 2 2 • 2 2 2 2 2 2 • 2 2
3 3 3 3 • 3 3 3 3 3 3 • 3 3
4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4
5 5 5 5 • 5 5 5 5 5 5 • 5 5
6 6 6 6 • 6 6 6 6 6 6 • 6 6
7 7 7 7 • 7 7 7 7 7 7 • 7 7
8 8 8 8 • 8 8 8 8 8 8 • 8 8
9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 9

˜ izR ;sd iz' u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk%&
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh la[;kRed eku (Numerical value) gh mÙkj Lo:i ntZ fd;k x;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA

0999DJA110318016 LTS-41/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019
1. The perpendicular distance of a corner of a unit cube from a diagonal of cube not passing
through it is equal to -
bdkbZ ?ku ds ,d dksus ls ?ku ds fod.kZ dh yEcor~ nwjh tks bl dksus ls ugha xqtjrk gks] gksxh &
r r rr
2. If r = xiˆ + yjˆ + 3kˆ and a = 4yiˆ - xjˆ - kˆ x, y Î I such that r.a = 27, then number of possible ordered
pairs of (x, y) are-
r ˆ ˆ ˆ r rr
;fn r = xi + yj + 3k rFkk a = 4yiˆ - xjˆ - kˆ x, y Î I rkfd r.a = 27, rks laHko Øfer ;qXeksa (x, y) dh la[;k gksxh :-
3. Eccentricity of the curve (x – 4)(y – 6) = 25 is equal to -
oØ (x – 4)(y – 6) = 25 dh mRdsUnzrk gksxh&
4. The tangent at P(1, 2) to the parabola y2 = 4x meets the tangent at vertex at H. If S be the
focus of the parabola & A be the area of the circle circumscribing DSHP, then [A] is (where [.]
is greatest integer function) -
ijoy; y2 = 4x ds fcUnq P(1, 2) ij Li'kZ js[kk rFkk 'kh"kZ ij Li'kZ js[kk H ij feyrh gSA ;fn ijoy; dh ukfHk S rFkk DSHP ds
ifjxr o`Ùk dk {ks=Qy A g]S rks [A] gksxk (tgk¡ [.] egÙke iw.kk±d Qyu gS ) -
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-42/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
5. If |x| £ 2 and sin –1 ( x 2 + 4x + 4 ) + sec –1 ( x2 + 4x + 4) = 2 , then the value of
æ xö
sec–1 (2x) + sin–1 ç ÷ is equal -
è 2ø
;fn |x| £ 2 rFkk sin–1 ( x2 + 4x + 4) + sec–1 ( x2 + 4x + 4) = g]S rks sec–1(2x) + sin–1 æçè x ö÷ø dk eku gksxk&
2 2
é1 2 ù 4
If Ai ( i = 1, 2, 3, 4) represents all possible matrices satisfying A i = ê ú , then å det(A ) i is
ë0 4 û i =1

equal to -
é1 2 ù 4
;fn Ai ( i = 1, 2, 3, 4) lHkh laHko vkO;wgksa dks n'kkZrk g]S tks 2
Ai = ê ú dks larq"V djrs gks] rks å det(A i ) dk eku gksxk -
ë0 4 û i =1

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-43/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019

7. A point P lies inside a triangle formed by A(3, 0), B(4, - 3), C(5, 0) such that
{min.(PA, PB, PC)} £ 1, then the area of the region where P can lie is -
,d fcUnq P, fcUnq A(3, 0), B(4, - 3), C(5, 0) }kjk cuk;s x;s f=Hkq t ds vUnj dh vks j bl izd kj fLFkr gS fd
{U;wure (PA, PB, PC)} £ 1 g]S rks ml {ks= dk {ks=Qy tgk¡ P fLFkr g]S gksxk&
8. Consider the differential equation of a curve which passes through origin as
x2dy + 2xydx = 3x2dx + dy. If curve passes through (2,a) then 3a is equal to-

ekuk oØ ftldh vody lehdj.k x2dy + 2xydx = 3x2dx + dy gS ewy fcUnq ls xqT+kjrh gAS ;fn oØ fcUnq (2, a) ls xqT+kjs rks
3a dk eku gksxk -
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-44/46 0999DJA110318016
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/03-03-2019
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318016 LTS-45/46
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/03-03-2019

Que. No. Category-wise Marks for Each Question / oxkZuqlkj izR;sd iz'u ds vad Maximum
Section Type of Full Marks Partial Marks Zero Marks Negative Marks of the
Que. iw.kZ vad vkaf'kd vad 'kwU; vad Marks section
[k.M iz'u dk iz'uksa ½.k vad [k.M esa
izdkj dh vf/kdÙke vad
+4 +1 0 –2
One or more If only the bubble(s) For darkening a bubble If none In all
correct corresponding corresponding to each of the other
option(s) to all the correct correct option, provided bubbles is cases
,dy ;k ,d ls option(s) is(are) NO incorrect option darkened vU; lHkh
I(i) 6 24
vf/kd lgh darkened darkened ;fn fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa
fodYi ;fn flQZ lkjs lgh fodYi izR;sd lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks esa
(fodYiksa) ds vuq:Ik cqycqys dks dkyk djus ij] dkyk ugha
cqycqys (cqycqyksa) dks ;fn dksbZ xyr fodYi dkyk fd;k gS
dkyk fd;k x;k gS ugha fd;k gS
Matching +3 0 –1
Lists Type If only the bubble If none In all
(Single corresponding to of the other
correct option) the correct option bubbles is cases
I(ii) lqpha lqey
s u 4 is darkened — darkened vU; lHkh 12
izdkj ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds ;fn fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa
(,dy lgh vuq:Ik cqycqys dks cqycqys dks dkyk esa
fodYi) dkyk fd;k gS ugha fd;k gS
+3 0
Numerical If only the bubble In all
Value Type corresponding other
(Up to second to correct answer cases
decimal place) is darkened vU; lHkh
II la[;kRed eku 8 ;fn flQZ lgh mÙkj ds — ifjfLFkfr;ksa — 24
izdkj vuq:Ik cqycqys dks esa
(n'keyo ds nks dkyk fd;k gS
LFkku rd)

NAME OF THE CANDIDATE / ijh{kkFkhZ dk uke .............................................................................

FORM NO. / QkW eZ uEcj .............................................

I have read all the instructions I have verified the identity, name and Form
and shall abide by them. number of the candidate, and that question
eSa us lHkh funs Z'kksa dks i<+ fy;k gS vkSj eS mudk paper and ORS codes are the same.
vo'; ikyu d:¡xk@d:¡xhA eSa us ijh{kkFkhZ dk ifjp;] uke vkSj QkWeZ uEcj dks iw jh rjg tk¡p
fy;k gS ,oa iz'u i= vkSj vks - vkj- ,l- dks M nks uks a leku gSaA
____________________________ ____________________________
Signature of the Candidate / ijh{kkFkhZ ds gLrk{kj Signature of the Invigilator / fujh{kd ds gLrk{kj

Corporate Office : ALLEN CAREER INSTITUTE, “SANKALP”, CP-6, Indra Vihar, Kota (Rajasthan) INDIA 324005

LTS-46/46 Your Target is to secure Good Rank in JEE 2019 0999DJA110318016

Distance Learning Programmes


Dear Student,
We request you to provide feedback for the test series till you have appeared. Kindly answer the questions
provided on the reverse of paper with honesty and sincerely.
Although our test series questions are extremely well designed and are able to improve speed, accuracy &
developing examination temperament, yet we are always open to improvements.
If you have not prepared well for today's test and if you are not feeling good today, then do not blame test
series for it.
We strive to prepare you for all kinds of situations and facing variations in paper, as this can also happen in
Main exam. It is important for you to concentrate on your rank.
Go through the feedback form thoroughly and answer with complete loyalty. Darken your response (2, 1, 0) in
OMR sheet corresponding to :

1. How convenient it was for you to enroll in our Distance Learning Course through online mode?
[2] Very Convenient [1] Average [0] Difficult
2. How do you find Location of test center?
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3. The level of test paper [meet all the requirement of competitive examination]
[2] Good standard [1] Average [0] Below average
4. Do you feel our test series is able to improve speed, accuracy & developing examination temperament?
[2] Yes [1] partly [0] Not at all
5. Number of mistakes in test papers.
[2] Negligible [1] Are very less [0] Too High
6. Announcement of result is on Time.
[2] Yes always [1] Some time delayed [0] Always delay
7. Are you satisfied with result analysis on D-SAT?
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8. Are you satisfied with overall facilities provided at test center
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9. Response Form ALLEN on email/telephonically.
[2] Always good and prompt [1] some time delay [0] Not satisfactory
10. Do you think your purpose (Overall) of SELF EVALUTION is fulfilled?
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