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21st Century Literature in the Philippines and the World

Grade- 11 Rizal

I. Lesson’s Objectives:

1. determine students’ expectation about the lesson

2. describe and discuss how the Filipino writers of contemporary literature write in English.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Introduction to Philippine Literature in the 21st Century
B. Reference: 21st Century Literature from the Philippine and the World
C. Materials: book, manila paper, pentil pen

III. Process:
A. Activity:
Preliminary Activities:
a. checking of attendance
b. form the groupings

Brainstorm the students about their expectation on the lessons ,particularly the knowledge
and information they are about to learn. (process students answers)

Lesson proper:
Discussion and description on how the Filipino writers of contemporary literature write in

B. Analysis:

1. What is the importance of knowing literature?

2. How far the Philippine literature of today reaches compare to the old one?
3. What usually are the subjects of today’s Philippine literature?
4. In terms of language used , how unique ( literature) is it? Are there some twists happened
in the use of English language?

C. Abstraction:

1.What is literature?

D. Application:

By group, using the Venn diagram compare and contrast today’s literature to the old one in
terms of the followings: issues and language used.

IV. Evaluation:

Explain what is literature and why is it important to learn.

V. Assignment :

What is the importance of literature for the facebook generation?

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