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Exercise 5


Magnets have the power of attracting objects made of steel, iron and
other metals.
The discoveries of the magnet and the many things that have been
made out of it have brought about many discoveries and useful things. The
magnet makes possible the compass that was used and still being used by
travellers- pilots, sailors, boy scouts, soldiers, engineers and others. The
magnet which makes use of electricity has made all types of electric and
industrial motors.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Magnets can attract almost all things made of
a. plastic b. metals c. wood
2. The discovery of the magnet led to many
a. inventions b. revolutions c. problems
3. Magnets made possible the inventions of the
a. compass b. computer c. camera
4. Pilots, sailors, boy scouts, soldiers and engineers depend much on a.
compass b. electricity c. motors
5. Magnets also make use of
a. electricity b. gas c. water power
6. Electric and industrial motor became possible after the discovery of
a. electricity b. magnets c. water power
Compass is most useful to
a. farmers b. teachers c. travellers
8. Motors make use of a. magnets b. plastic c. wood
9. These days, magnets a. are no longer used
b. are still being used c. has been replaced
10. Compass, too a. are no longer being used b. are still being used
c. has been replaced.
Exercise 6
We cook our food for three reasons—to make food look more
appetizing, to soften hard and tough foods and to kill any microbe that
may happen to be in the food.
There are many ways of preparing food. Food can be fried, boiled,
broiled, roasted, baked, steamed, stewed or sautéed. They can be well
cooked or half cooked.
It is easier to digest food that is well cooked. But there are foods that
are easier to digest when half cooked than when well cooked. Meat and
liver for example, are easier to digest when half cooked. But certainly they
taste better when well cooked.
Many vegetables are also easier to digest when well- cooked but
some are eaten raw. Lettuce is an example of a vegetable which is eaten
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. We cook our food a. for no reason at all b. for one main reason
c. for three good reasons
2. Hard food when cooked becomes
a. harder b. soft c. indigestible
3. By cooking, the microbes in food
a. multiply b. are killed c. disappear
4. Cooked food looks a. appetizing b. frozen c. rotten
5. Generally, cooked foods are more
a. digestible b. indigestible c. nutritious
6. Meat and liver are easier to digest when
a. not cooked b. half cooked c. thoroughly cooked
7. Meat and pork certainly taste better when
a. raw b. well-cooked c. overdone
8. Vegetables are usually easier to digest when
a. raw b. half cooked c. well cooked
9. Frying, boiling, broiling, roasting, baking, steaming, sauntering, and
stewing are ways of
a. preparing food b. buying food c. eating
10. Lettuce is a vegetable that is eaten
a. raw b. well-cooked c. ripe

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