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INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM MECHANICS CHALMERS W. SHERWIN HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON + NEW YORK Cony © 1959 ty Hoh, Rehr and Winston, Libary of Congres Cogn Card Number 9-710 PREFACE | grneraon he pase ice the thoy of wave mechan, oF quantum chance, was mle, and Bas Been alot two geeraton since it esane appcet thatthe aomie wood ix cherie By 2 tp of i ‘ootimous behavior not known othe sconce wr 10 which OO smn ave mow det acs. Ding most of hs tne the thor ofthe mechanics sf smile yom has Ben the concer of the rsach siti, ws) faphycead chemistry, nit as een twp te speoprialy,in rade stock As wth rest bars, howe, quanta mecha ha oestanly nce is domain of appiston, and today, fr thon interest in une sting bse senco—even on the advice nerds level the pin Sines of the theory have tacos 4 wie nessa. Fathermors, wth the ‘rplsve growth of atomic and nicer techno, the nal for & working Sool of guatam mechani has bee xen Lo may aes in engine Inga applied sence. A gine st any of the moder undergraduate textbooks of atoms ani solid ste ys wit tow that quantum mechs Has “nate” hem. For example, the ms «tine wen cours in atomic pcs were scaly serpin, fom the experimental point of view, of energy Hes, pst is, and set ues. Tsay i lost ips to tak f thee mates witout using the only theory that adeqnely organizes and interes the “periments No ones tse Wit the relive spe meds of eeraton aus Relig thi, ay author of texan in modern pis wndetke the Heclean wast of teaching the eset of quantum thor, aswell as of ancriing wide rage of expecinents ‘The station lear, Quantum Methane shold tke is pace eae in the pty cucu and shouldbe consider £9 be a bse 10 Iter Study a cosa mashanos and len. When shi i done, eden yiafomie, als, and so tate —can be taught more eft. Jn clas mechani, one doesnot worry abut the presen 0 the perige f satelite or the ntation ofa grescope ual ope has mastered Newtons Laws forthe more simple xe. So in gut mesh, one mat be cones nally withthe simple applications. Unfortunately, sme of the rest ineeingappbctionsimvae the mote advan theory, and there {ong emplation, for expe to rein quatum mechani teriaoogy ‘ith "L- coupling” when the en as only vague Men of what 2 wane fansion stn contrat, te textbook emphasis simple rblens, een the expense of neping some favonito—and important—coneps, Sine 8 large pt ofthe complet of quantur theory is de spy poetry, ne concentrate on enedimensona! sytem, which cet cil» supisgy lag ton of he Ky ie ad rovltonary ene, Tan fit cure is moch more important 10 apply ett theory Io simple ess than to apy approximate theory to comple ae, ‘Te hora approach to 4 subject, although of great importance in eomstating how thai re sully desloge aio be very onasing Today, for ample, one doesnot belsbor the ernsaus iene of Newtons sd Gale's predecsos. One a ae: “Here hry that works ‘sient pets ean be teste ily aly Lat lan oa i" Late, ‘heserioustedent wiley he vgn of th es ore deta, ‘Thus in his took, xe for a bre chapter on some o he Key expec: set fndings tnt led to the unto thor, we are content merely 0 proach here one excelent rgumentit i fin, A pois where our inte mastery ofthe theory pes comparison we ‘fer othe lean exptinetl observations, which a, of cours th te foundation yp wich the theory ret ‘most be remembered htt rt cou and in oer plas it carly as psi in the students carer we hve egited ininuim depnd- aceon topics in advanced phys abd mathenas. Through eoanes in ‘ementary physi and in calcul are cme, however, ee knowledge tere eqns, complex vas, nd oehopoal fnctons. The we oF numeral methods in soving the wave equson ia Both Carian an spiel coon get 4 mtu of ight with iim of nt fos snlqu. We avald philosophical dicussion ns much at pose ad (ovsnrte onthe scan we of the theory. Foe the sake of simpy, we ‘rosie aly bound ptm and thee price Colon theory and mati rsh ae left or the more advanced tetooks. Mot af the took is conened with partes without inns “pin.” “he subj quail ete only nthe ast chapter, where i shove tofollow from he poster a eamsquence of relay. ‘nun scan i die wih which on dct nt easy Become faa. 1 aot 0 mach Hesse the base eas te clas beste they se srange Ike tie to appesate hem, andthe ste of physi cee ‘ould be intouet to them cary hi carer a pose ina, Hii CONTENTS 1 “The Esperia Ba of Quant Mecance Problems, 2 se Poaies 2.3 Theta pratesof quantum mechani, 29 2k Protey 1 2.4 Thewave equation for 25 Protems 2 The Satin othe Wae Egon 4-1 The partion othe tnedcpendent wave equation, 2 3 The tlaion af he amply suaton fo the roomie ‘olson wing ner melds 30 2.3. Tepurcle na one menor Boe, Site wall, 4 34 Mumia Serio of ke censtn of he 3.6, theconnspandeee pci, Prbiens 44 The Wave Fat Thee Dimes The prise ins ena ‘The dependent eto. The oependent sation, 7 ‘The raped squaton 3 “he coy tea he hyogn atom, conte 4.8. The complete hyiogn atom cigntinetions 4 15, mesa toh of hase 7 LI Sinmary of Chaptrs 3 and 499 blens 1 |. The Supean of Sts and Soe Clean Ung the Wave 108 ete “The seerpostion of tates 108 “Te cleation sft eee 18 ‘Tecan of posto. 2 ecakatn ome 32 ‘Wave packets and the seaterng of particle, 190 6 sate an ‘a Tr Te apne pe, SL RST eo te te x, Ello he mae nr 1 aS Paes hy. ik a vs Ti Prag yee 1. Sat Ste een Tey. Det Ce Anco tool eee 21. SIRREabie Sani sete tet 8 “obec ima rent 3, wal ny ELSA cen 1 15, Sinmun Fineorderpetutaion teary fr a tof Problems, 201 ” the seo 9, Mental Paes 2s 9:1, Two Mental pariclsia 2 onemenionl bo, 2 92 Teg proprietor ae ecto, 9.3, Some consequent ofthe sym props of wave Tinton 1 9.4 Pate th sonoverlpping wave functions 227 91S. Thera eacoson price Problem 55 10, Time Depelet PectattonTheary a 10.1, Timeependet pertain tory, 27 10.2, Comsat perartton, 248 10'S ammenicprrtton, 291 10-4 The tarmons oltre el, 10'S An examples The sation pet of the dtc ‘lcs a3 10.6 Theimporats of inp pertains 60 “The Relais Wave Egat and he Origin Eton Spin 278 oa ae ‘he Dine ma 2 EN Sesame paee ‘bin icin te oedipal ol 37 1 a see x “Te sain ofthe mpi equation forthe harmon eon 3 rtogoalty wa factions coresponding to diient ‘er iets J ‘The rutin of the wane equation or the hye ‘The owator in phere codes, 359 “The fdoge-the wave fnctions, 38 “Theangular momatumopertrsin sper corn, ‘The casa wave cqiaton and the Schrier wave “Te tl nergy pari In special elt 4 ‘Theor: on caret oop it a inhorogecos magnetic "il, “Te Dine peice in one-Snsrinat Box with nie ome sample cleans swing Ditse wave fonctions, m0 Some important physi conta and snvesin tor, ea INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM MECHANICS. THE EXPERIMENTAL BASIS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS Before revolutionary theory is formu, tere is prfion of corr by Prt saa of he spc shape nena feted Tah een) fk pon h The eine thi umber an ie prc si toto fot on oF the gat myst of mate apes sacl opi In ry aan in quntum thoy 1 te sero for dn sangre of he cae ord nih, with sbigatus acon, costa ose loser won nn sense wz fhe mye cont oF the i et te fiat bse (ht, Black Hoy rdiatin new eee aly tote on site mana. Te oir Se owe, pons stig and singer deonstation ofthe Soa paeen he ranonip ven te feacny i SORE Eytan) corey of ceton, £ of rotoelons, Ean hob tt ‘ve Bin phat ton, shows, na very let way the gan een an nso permite a8 independ mest of bs THe Fie yo work ncn oe sae of ( —coloms $e aa ec Wintec ners nnd remove, with 0 esa Faerie of he leas tly Bowed eens, The maxinum Knee nt er aed ol ye acy, += fhe My 0 Sem cans thetamast sae bt poses tons ost a eee a a er Grong Iboratry sores: the only diflrence 1 thatthe Tid of een nse by + prism or grating, prods poor let Te mina ener Bs measur bythe etardng poeta Te Tein bck he fet Thur En = 6, and 4 tof Ex 7 Fi nigh ln who spe Ts te a Fig eee Sh Seren nck buy radon td the phtoleti fit) smpy the quran a pt Bat hr cls of exgrinent shows a ‘reba ag fave carceriic renee Th is os early same erm of push sours sich 2 omic hySoRE JRA har egos opal ies) hat are ober ah expand ecihing i atoms he iret wry Teel an at the ober mE iomincaed bythe stom making aston fom x ihr eve Some ESL The act esac re pen By Bere = hr = 8, sae tia te Bhs fuccy conan. Te penal hand se CERES Uae Spt liner of te Ayopan stom ae sown in Fire tb "ts br proposed on ngsous explanation bs onthe hypothesis that he os momentum of he ston shout te cen mie pace eee Gone nuns oie. Att SM the tory seemed (ee mar Med the mine f te emery Fl wee acount SEER exemion a the theory, to alae ny, roe @ ter some pn af ome oe Bt eta of emery ee NOM fom ee expen BASIS - 9 hls the theory was fond oe negate The oting “pointe ‘Song dae coemegnty and uct apl ino te ace ee {han mp" owowurd fom one dice ecg elton Ea ‘Stegner sal owe ste, Avy hte eon Yoke no ene wo rounny of nce ht fe) 4, 8 = 4 ose 1-950 ow Fie 1, a The phototectic aect. & The energy lvls and the ave anti a the drop se, {on of wy tno sured een cen an ot en he inl the theory made no heady inthe espanaon of moe complet Sct sch alae af ean Lowe ey ally en Since we sl a Su fr bre wee, co The See Na te Si Sp ies” clei example of how a theory ltough ony partly tr, il et prose sy gute core predictions Payne sop ome, a ey cov nS 0 Sse tere a any incident inci SS ; < j ee ~ SION Lo Seg tect ‘o Naku . NA Gia iia a] H 1900 om 32 (tne Sens o Fe 1.2. icon of ectron wave fom a tie ring. The Deron Garner exgennat {ped ony when one drm oso ote oly pris, bt “The mou dict dence Ua a now theory of mater esd found in te experince of Danson sd Germ’ im whch eons, eed ino an Gate Ap 6 107; er 6, (goa) eaves sic of» kel cs shoed the chante ferrecae pate of wan ory Bete then xprinet Se Bogie snd tha hoch parle oncom p= ere wae oe Mane chal 2 ere = ge ee “The apetinensf Dviston and Germer, and O.® Thompronquant- tainly contre ths reo ‘Shafer confit the wale heavy pe of ems (atoms mols, tetony ey hte fet experiments of Davison ad (Gees opened ow erin he htry of experimental pc Their Imponance aot be vet "noes of the experimen of Dason and Gere, eetons of ery ey sf energy 3 a oral Incl a ikl ental hos omic spacing (mens by eras} 8215 10cm Fig 129). A caitor (Fig. 20 am be moved rout th ange nthe plane ofthe agra Neat 60% song det eect secon cent ie eee, Dt 0s her sary pa of ney oseried. This hilton ere gle ihe elton ery i ehagedappceyFom 4 sowing ha the phenonenor depend oon the ety of tector. “eBrogl’s guaton cn be infor owner eon, a Ban [= 22 otem [lt here — the aeating potential, fe voll, of the lens of mass ‘m9. 11 10 pad carge 480 10 en By the de Bro ein ‘hi. tie mveeg of 51 ences t 1.6710" tn he egaion hoe mise) ebined from: me = 6/0 {For ny plane was no on ating sin he onion ot ia 13 Te the experimental salse of d= 2.15% 10 cm and 6— 0" (he enter of ‘Sepa mined Ge n= the waver aes ened Nf 168 10 ‘Thur he mesure wavelength bused on known cya consints and the rine Sates” ky Bhs tS ee cael wag ing the de Br equation are within pert of any sin experinents sow armen. al eo hiks of sleet ing wae th i oe Bogie waver he Osean re ‘Sohne Fig 1.2. oly he eating fr the sri prof msn the coy at conse tn the ow Caton cere ts plane of tons [eominae At shy ihr ener Brase pe eso Ge Probe Tye ss ober fom the Sree Te ange pred by the fe pee wevecgi oving Behe hen to sit inthe nero aon ote Ceton waves ey er ‘Becta late ee Probie 1.5 “At comidrbiy higher entges (5000 ex) the eens completly ode sale and show the pil ny eo afin perms {itto the sate tom many gers Ths experiments mer the te Spaces in erat wih ay as wii permet er pee oa itn have Ben seated (et gaig incense) rom opt eating sfonde show the comet Wate prope ee Problem 1 2) ‘Neal pars, seh as hydrogen, eum, mercury, ced, end sete soma! or motets On een fos era show Be sae wane {Seay par wil only fae peste ung a ‘sci inn cm pee - ‘out Znn cuely maser he yi ote mento an se ty enacts ch arms peal iy Parse bene. ‘Again the ory conte. "To te ke experiments Gerona the quntiton of he eery cf ih anomie nema, nd the wave pope fai) on mat {Seorour muni fei expricns whi coutmn en carte the Sencar Even onthe sacar ae Taco of fo sans comptes {0 te slomi male, the same pe of penomen re ober. “Altough the simple rantonip 2 hp oaniaely exes the scaring periment td the Bok ode of hwo sew or stain tou fors hat ef cbcnaens, Wats melt ene ey ane ‘hich ih Ty smal se of tsps can be Stem ape Yo Imany diet pes of reblns Tn the sort ped roe 125 19 1928, Hebe Sodio, Bibi aft he hy unto tant eae an in mee opto tsrsed cha bet sf a on aot em ued mii mcs wihow Some udesaning o ths Bast ‘me ase the pedision aunt mechani ag: with many iret yp of aaa carly pated experiment st out of ape fo, “hcxcen ins tc i tinea cei fo become 4 gemanc prt of ‘AUN or unesanding saying 2 rg nd very import eC Sate However cnet funda or iovophy ay change Ebert ihe aad, ina toutand way proved lt ad poner: ‘Tiling “chen” sot som apd name Sce we are Ror ‘lai tig and we ty bse an obey th of tsa chan. Fete af mers pst, however ny mena mags which aren con fermy wih te wave stre of mae wil nd tote undecstadig of Problon 1t {@) Inthe Das Gamer experimen (2) te indent ‘ston eneeyiromngd to 64, whee Shou he Pe (esr for te sated stone? (0) tw prey of nents shoul te second onder ‘maim = 2) aca at 50° (6) some even patos neo atc hema avery ‘ce ice Fig. 13) a what ection ener wool {he 5%, stoder matin ost? Tasman ie ‘cho doubng ie atc spacing, ht ren bere ‘perimental Proon-2.Roppznteed ctont neat raig ioe fiom an opal gating ef pacing. d= 770° 10 a8 aed ith ig of own naveengh Gee Fig. 1.30. Bots and # ‘eh smal ange (]) With the id of Fig 1 3, show that for zonder tv = 0) sliver etd (4) With the tof Figure 13% show ta iaction makina Bate4 29m hres he etig coms and nd 6 ze sal. Foe slang cos x21) wheres he ane of insene and reeton, mens Frm the surface the pin tin he ‘iecon perpen othe rfc ané aso sae (© Supe ey mao tao nen eos i ob Shale tavern a4 = 07 nan. ts SF ire wate eten coy wil ods ere) faton maine ee 1 a te onl ete canine ae of of feces arbitrary spacing (,) parallel 10 the surface. Thus both ‘ed oy tine Steric ch pan sain of Se besten on oe ping ce wane flats cma Coa ong d=77%10- om o aS eee 7 rating normal to surkace .. cose Sarr i he Fae 1A. Beg dentin. The fete grating norma othe mr, {e Ditiote oy (©) For sey with dp 1.8 10° om, ad for 9 = 30% Fe 12. The dracon alee rom an epi eating. Galante the vl of neirons which il prdse he stander Brag sfecton hae of on 1 Pro 13. Fora ectanguas cys, Bag recon: oar x10 gm) wth ai tro "gating somone ibd pre he (© To prodice mato a hit ow lst, one permite ft Unie sad the ote Serpent the ie hea ‘moving rato nuns to ce imo thesma cuit eee a cene re eee ‘th some ott mater, nah a carbo Uung the Kine 4 mui diced wave fa ping ese fon stone (bm) der ply of sctrone whore ela she pone ge of tSa gue)? (To mechanical sts, spaced 108 om pat and opening, ‘aSquene fora tery short itr, ae ed (0a totes of parser velo out of th teen of the ld neurons. Wha as Be the Spa Of ther opening ‘ies to sot he veloc in (0) Fg L.5. The segetry felts defected at pent toudry Prion | Show by cla macancs ht whe etme of iil nts energy com» potential boundary of Rik 0 "hatte inci ery besomes Ete anlgae of Sel aw meena ge (See Fig. 15) (Note: Te component ofthe section sls ich otc! wl of erage depth Oe om a rte thar nae Fenn compare tore pace (a) Using de rope’ retionibin, show that when St es Seve ine the eal th mvelegin ort by sont (©) Stow ht the pe fhe maim itn of helene irate om the tecnd ger stoma (aot shown) ie igre 3 the ame tor he sor arae ape (e om o @ wating of igre 1). tanto with ih, the inden ‘fenton. elton aves fo ee pee medio) Not that te siti he ale of enforcement side the pal used 4 te rection of the waves at theses) ‘Show tat fr the Bags econ wh = 2 Vics Sova in hs athe ane rifrcment the mater ‘wives dat depend upon (1 Be feespaze wala ‘hang inthe wavelength of the cleton waves they ‘Shee (ad en) he ena BASIC POSTULATES 2.1, Matter waves Incl, oes asesomedt thee of ld eroding chars pari Tesi fd of curd i al nt somplely ae, bat Spcade erougout ace. We thnk the Bld aod thr charged pati Feige, ta 8 two aspect ofthe sme ey. The experiments ‘show that matter cannot Be completely lsalized on an atomic scale, We art for assed othe dk of completly Isle sharge han Yo om Iai mater, bat bth phenomena are ly mysterio "ihe bse caine ca be expe uaa by assaming that sh ch hi of mc hs etl now fe fel repre My The sm and that the Rel hw eee characte The manent af these mes in espace gen bythe de Boe uation > ~ Nim which ‘Forney ned with he parce fo wh ey Belg 2 She fan We ff Sean, the el tow to clei the expel “ain of bce ua ih the a he ncn, The ary amok Preis she deed nr a indaa seme but os The seme Fehsvor oa age number sytem Taie abit to pact ely he neue eat her fe sb counter dec, wich tet gl do, fori “Faraday cage” (simple catent ste) ne fn hat indian {Nise se bused a many rest angen, and ny the ol al the Sm shows the characterise Ieee pte Se the iusion In| ‘Sion 2.7 tering to Fig. 2.2) In ay ct the theory of mcr wanes ny conten ul with prediction of he scape irs any ems ‘Tae ne ¥o be no move adeqat may 0 nepe exerimetal Oe Tike the and flo etic, te Wfnton i ot ul ety ‘tenable fool or elation, Soe i ges eu fa ae In a int th experiencing fal. ‘shal se the or rater 7) fen the only ona the rscrsope word has wih the micscopie mel" One ma 5 That SPOS the “Window to the modo te str What no reveal bythe te sal oe cleuaion: ing the thery sve involve bath and (Geant mucha wa it fmt in ems of ma ageea by snk, A eaten frm indent cnr by Sebi. Feat and ths fr of the tory tt onedeed ees oe 22, The baste postulates of quantum mechanics the mmentim pte tol acgy Ws. These ae tamper of gun ‘Thy ae covertly te flr into mathe operon wich he peo the mae Tinton Wn etme fat operator fe When Deed inom o's frctiom, say fs th ym as dfoite meaning 4) cae he operand We sal peced tothe we 8 epeion Shing etd quent means "thse of he posts, esl ist nly one coordinate ‘andthe time Tht mate the dt certo ale. Other coos ‘Sn be aed oe wih ite tet sheen Pasaiae 1 To eck tte wih one degre of freedom there Blogs a sve faction eh. Pos ‘The lac! exprenion for the ttl energy W ofthe system ras tte component of the momentan, and V9) Poni nea 8 een ms schscmratinecrae cnt ei tn Shortness ee eee o> fe i where Peo cs ae woe ne i sat by te rife pn Ta tin #889 y woman FRED BORGO nomen FM? a “This the Schrier wove equation ining tine, fr a one lmersional sem whose potential enoray dpe nl on. Pose M0) ont ert must be comin frit, ad ste vale, hrouphout “om. uation pace here al aes of. Pose IV fo eae = 140.8 mama pa We shall fen efor to this equation asthe require of the Segal gare Postare ¥ ‘The average volt 3, of any dinanical arable ay wich correspond othe operate ypona, cated fom the wane incon the oat D4 “Thos fe poster contin the eet of quantum mechani. ad she raainge fhe ok wl be etd To working oat ce fps “Fe it tment the posts carina the oo een the mot rl formation othe pecs ut we ale, hse pees ‘Fre av oer tps of ema (parclrt tow concring the Set. ‘mop wh are sted ere, We have yt etn the posttes {ose mre dimen. Nonetheless the conquers of thx rately Sn tf oats te very importa and ry ven aol pe @ [Bou pct what quanti muchas and how ed ‘Compared tothe pues a qantn mshi, Newton's Lave are nore sme sate and ay and Mal gulons ih autlary gue mens potably more abort ‘Weave dacscd Wty the ot fh wave fontin satin Pott bet some cents abot th ter poste Wl be bl fre We th "oat spit, whch the bw epontion oftheir mesg “The formation ofthe wave eatin, and. partly the cei of the operator sbi sine in Psite Mens sey aban. One ‘omecton with csi mechani sine the oma sae vie Simone eye he cal lan Rearing te open tte ‘esnning to be appecited when Sbdige Sn sate i thoy an ihe wave oqunton [2-2] tr fo some othe fama wave eations in cla psi ‘Thse partie operator stbsiteton ae ofthe type edd o convert th expen forthe ta emery ofa prc it eile {hal eguton which wl Have grade wacheSoluons® Whateve he Wns ight ane Rem however pin ha thre wae 9 eat dl pa Ponte conan uments chal phys waves ect, whether ae ee cage een they ae water aes, sound waver, elestromagntic was Tha i 0 eal Atte have nine sopldes and tse smpltude and ope (aration of pti vith dsaned) ae conten nd any pan anambiguos = SR ng ae sar sha ew of tn of pce evr emonableif ne se ear hema ain ei {enn amount of ee produce ne see of any seid te si {ede Wiha nt ant of ney hoor ony acorn urbe els nb podacdTis pro of wey, fier called mae packet wl nel Indete'y dowa a ope we asume ia then ray ss he wae). ‘The dturtance hs 20 amplitude owt In ron ofthe mae packet wz Aimpliade skind the wane fcc Tho Hy!) The wave on 9 Tope (Fie 2) te Sstartance savas Bound ih poser How my Se tmoving. ln a every ime the aca Ue these foe By Inelipng >t am apron cost the ae cn be ade #0 be ‘elnormalsd Latrin the Book (Sesion 5) we shal quae ame ‘Stun wats orton wats cbs i ow cv fave an spl ih tidy ea fc il aon {ke aren ener the cure ampitde on (we sume oni oe nets), fever ra M. Born fist points out tats YF dis nterpntedasthe prob ‘hues pre tate found apart ial to ty Ee Pon we acs see nove ech HH aly 00 iy with an inflite slps, Working om + — tomar eet {BS ep contin to care toward the ns cos witha SM rep {hee = 0,0 Slope) ~ 0) ad comin osu toward the east {fecal value ~~ erect rete fa shoe stig ston, ethene ocr aay rom the ais apy EAE = The curve in Figure 3.2, ahr the wis of pints GF the ses So {sna cha he rns ae tte wil by ‘ave equation [7 Howevey thie Soe Sayfa omc he uty {Siena wl ure hot coverd te ny ral sytem ba roach cots x" 4s fort to bea wellbhined, sali union, 1M. SOLUTION OF 1 WAKE EQUATION (ems Wea wt te ney ftp aon Mand no a ircistt emt aha ft, nthe ae of 4) UST ISO SEL iro ape er oi Pee S\Pefany emia emp ped, Ho 0 1 2a GAIN Ris 1 1am k= TO tt Te ate tra et! W = ih» 10 oe 7 t Mw wa va}o%? cm oo Fe 3. The tarmsialir The mer cliton oe Chetan fy Seonggia heoncpelesemenen. We {slow y aoe nat apprinn te ob nly Becote of ea (howe muneral ere) Slr cdo iwenty saps in te postne won pated in Figure 3.3, ‘Weis in naan, wg eutions (83), f= 100 nx -0 $= 100-4 010-9 = 10 sty 04m sestin fe—Bt rca fae] Se ay? hem We iment W110" A » 44= 10 + [or 10 fo 322° a go] co 1.08 10 ere x 191009 -9 fee noma enzo fone [m9 1ofien 222-7) gp go] 02 ich sv he lowing reste Fa HLM ated tO 1 is possi oni fo eno wey step it il ca, 8 Figae 515s that these of shaton sede wate fncton tht aby the ‘rane egnon, i ceywhee continues and ite and posses an ings ‘tres ele bythe septate, ‘A nine sme f wry mal teps woul Be nade prove that ‘sac the ais and nye ee Tn practic. on eel ds 2 val o ‘tlc peers mona smal a reasonably pet stance and eh ‘Nowe fit on esd of hve of te wane anton iebaved, Ta Pape 3) if eta deli Lo Mi eng toward he sas nthe dese manners bres for Ww 9 ete wane fon 9 ves toe pada in the obon Ot aceping eto gh 3 Ieandcominuing tocar say fromthe an i 2. The 8 longing [too Iowa ale Even thou now sas eng au fam the a i poets mers wit Bie slope, esis tesa ahd then ead ethan lis of Waighly above ad lhl teow Wy have wave functors which Behave very eel. Both are usaticty. “The sation Tncion, ie alld am eiefanctin ad the cores ponding vale of My Wa sealed an eigema. dy and MW cou have beh {oon by ssematc sachin for explo atomic compe. “rs W = i210" ergs oe pombe value of the separation com stant Tat ste owen posible eery vale for ses singe, ‘Sean acm fom Figure 3,3 al lower W's wil behave smi to Pose V tls show elated oe sytem enerayM many seems wit wane fintion ae exmind be average vale ofthe ener wil be We hee ten cae to inure hat J 0 apy 8 x that theres ft ae der the curve). We se the ale of te oda Tf ae (whic is quent © malihing the orginal Ys) by some const), with ‘Sere ut Pooue TV bese, an thar rm, ‘Ths the expectation vse of heey i st the geal, Wo "Fae capeon va of fora om mh ae funtion a {We HARMONIC OSCILLATOR 37 wef CLI CLyrem ce tits dhe wl Fe 24, The harmonic xl. The tee sae, The lowest enor. Wi of sytem eal the es po eee Ta is nowy for fewncyof sale caratare to be scat with as inthe petal wa he see an ape pected They Syne MR ‘In Figure 3.4 dierent type of symmety i usd. Here, if oe starts wi onde na ae oe al fr cn for 4 SOLATION OF THF WAVE BQUATION oma “To poe ths ure lr hat Behr tt nee Wi med to provide tsar cuts ets Oand= = Oni gs eng ‘endtne vans at vay mil te the posit of utimaty reaching ‘SSCA Shi alway coming aay fom fe Inte Sure, te ess ar ‘owns Be only one tale, = Wy produces a stitory iefbnetion, the bas mar he lee STeesheh w= Tete aa ii of “atloren Fig 344, The harmonic exist. The gente lone 4. IF sash for by systematic clean, one fds thatthe vale of hich aes th oct = In Fipste 3 ae pte dy. and aon, dy and fy the 0 est hier energy cigmatn® The uncon ipa 3.8 al Rave fe ea betin # andthe ay ut cAch wil nel te mule by a er factor ssn he aa and 2) 10 cal ity a eu for & ora futon. ‘Noe tht 4) ays “heading toward the axis at che clad turing pont Only tyes ctasropbe e soded ar nee it Tei foun tat y= SPs ad Wy 7H and tain sea, We One My Bes hte 19 ehh My eons # fe For = ee the sae all symtil Show 0. and for m= oa they are all atgametial about = GEA a =P 8 spams Jl) — Foy Fs aneymmetical) ‘Noi aay found tat We (178) hg whee the esl agency ofthe ciao. This waste, for example in the Thuseand this pea given stem wil tae # whole family of pouble cure gals) and pone nave feos (genic). ‘ten te fies of onions ar expres simple formalin hit Ist eset, oly cone. "The import point! The guna of ee of Bond sem sus at marl once of the nae eguaton on the ndipeale ‘Sy emt om Ae il Be demons, tae uae ey ie ar in ascent nih xperer. The bass pts ae Been ound {rice the dre egy eels in ll tens or which he al ‘cry expression (eding petal ea be Fi Known. Byway ousting th bone sts we ow cnr ight Abortion in nomic moe Tris found tat the weating diatonic ese has» poten fein ih doendnt onthe separation a the two constants ad wih Ina good approtinaton 8 (12) Kr whete Ye regula Experimentally, oe fds 4st of energy less sch atthe gen by uation [OF] whore ty (1029) Nips aed p= mmo hm ‘St heeds au of ey cog of ro male mae my {nd my repel As we sal eller wh We api tte Toe Seay cm (Cap al Ange te edad ma at nr Dental enor ao eu the vibson of wo toms oe he Ine ‘Yan the ether tam pi er) ely anf ie asf Te atom sity et atom xr sot al fhe mais sn Set aa Sia to dems oe tof ser trues orton Wet sytem we tn = igh sng comin eget rece fom he sl 9 she nt 3 dos «Sete pr a rH, od View — Poa 2y—sipadoe) Fig 2.6. The reg et and he atertion spectrum of a lstome mle (ration specu) hat crn fequnis of ligt are naizeaby teats, oF aia, by the pa tis pone for he ga mses nese lenny of ination the tiemtf enry take rom the ph Ciel, sch mses would Seow apes ony a ter exon eauncy n= (2) Vi, Ba ante sca ftm Figure 3. the opie moka ick italy i» vty tow site of waon (Guatam mecha he ent tat), shows ‘Peron nt only ate cla Regen» (stermned byte sap othe sorption cure neath aul separation. 7 =r which the fren ‘ewe th ration ferry of andy Butane at ety {viet urn testes equestrian [thse per fequeces fs not wry pea ut ts cary observable and “mista sows the prone of the dct higher eeay ster peice [pte dant theory. ln Chap 10, Secon 10.5, we sll tuoi ‘problem, ete th testy ote absorption ine ea 2 eae t that [rth song abortion le and show ta te ker enya ‘hon ier ety ponte when the potntiaeeryfation FP rs 09 {rr pron) At rgespraton isto at Fie 36 shows, Wr) tomer fat comeszonding othe dsapyatance a he attractive force. Foe rf ress than” Yer) tes Some mae sey than Js the Jeni harman ono ‘The set suo this deomaton In P= 1) the the higher aes of he comgy be depend sonst bow te wed they woul ane ha if the parabae form ofthe carte nat r= ry oniued tori nos of [rte role 3.4 coord th te quatun ‘Spon of hs fet) The onaoem spacing ote ener Tse he ‘ehon for the notsnaivinerl reaortip of the stron eqs tien in Fig 8.6 These dvntons permit the expernental termination of Theshape ofthe polenta energy core. Tis, in ames ior norms lion tout the nee of he cami bond For exam, sme cond ste obraton ofthe stration pert” wh we be een cag hotest determinan ofthe Binding cnery of the mea (ivihevatmeof We n)asr> 2) Ine sta osetion of ibraton spect, the efits ofthe roan ‘fhe mle at ao ntobl bat in spite fh th nue comsgueces, ‘Emmis sibaton can be carly obereds A Turbericusion ofthe “ton seco Ctoml moles cam be found ina Book writen by GHenben? 33. The particle in 2 one-dimensional box, finite walls ‘second simple nedimensona stem, somcvhat divorced fom realty ‘ian of te pg of the hear ra pace box nih te ‘alls The meaning af th eorenion i bt andes by rtorng te Pete energy care Ms in the uper ft of Figure 3.7.1) 2 fot
  • (aa x Ew ab r+ de ‘ending on Be ogo B ‘Sty fore = th lation must be eonen pus ‘The otion, symmeticl In x, made wp of [12 (15, and 1-6) in be aprons fangs of fl sain Poste T (he wave en) td para sss Poste IV (aormslition) since te sation ae ke sex under the want We ae Je, Bowee, to et he requirement ‘hat sod be condnaba. This poem ais a= —y abd ao PELE ite the vanoor soins of the solution Jin other ee et a ee ee nee ‘There a fhe elatoshipy, an fe adenine constant dy Be 1, krand hy (The unknown Wappen oh and) Refer oti Be etn [216 oly eter we note tt an (opto tnd so () and oper, reir tat aw Aso iter sone eg, with (3-17) hat be anther (0 lone res with (317 that sam Be autos [2-10 an [3-19] ea fa Be ee nly) = 40 a tants vi ze a B20 ‘ce epee aeady th amend eusion (2-20 hs the ve St ian tho terns Dh and This equation may be soNed ‘antics means Than, the fe cQuaton Serine the Se Whos {hse wane encton spt apse fer he ven PU). As ithe i Se meal meh ee, Wy ts el For the wave faction of ext hates wavelength inside the well (fof Figute one mst math ah a xy 4 Paes weve fom equation 2c pel ton St i cre ch ons "Tee nn shoe waclngihsgnonton, (caine wave i shown cin in Figure 3.1 is malted fo the appropriate exponentials nar ote above ths laine the reat regal poner tors Fge 37 that on sche awl her egal, iy tobe fo above Vth gt the wll? W = eat “ea for all although mst slaply in 6 eon ryt yf he potest ml sty at Yl eWay To and 2, hen th sender te pric cave PU a the feos X= and lint ag ha le ee ont we Wo tee Fig. 3.84 the he wate fein il have the need exponential form nt large postive and neat values Ogre herby cae \665,offteSe. In igre 3:85 te typical shape f sch an etincton 41 shown for the potential ition it Figure 3, and for he xe whee Wa Because ofthe arg ale of can be sha Ge Prom 3.8) her ar many os spd ny oh Wasting jt hoe “The low amplitude of ify inside the well indicates thatthe partite sett foun there. Tas ares wth he seal pur In Wh he 4: soUTON OF mE WANE pOUATION om price Ds igh elt when ne the wean tha penny sma Fraction of me re "The prince empay io lcatng tes such a a Fig 3.86 are cca me ge we hw tf orf] > 9 xen “7 vi [T F424, Tein te ptt Ye f= eamihyo7— mast at and om 010 seo oxi fein sik RW feed Asm soon maybe found forthe AE iy eats = te and xm ay Vand AV mut be ee eet NeaP i ey lrg (r=) hte ae many coely spaced tas, sarting a7 VT ae cle he sales the “sotinaum” We sal weve, se ent he hoe at yg ly ifite, at nly age compared {5 be dimensions xe ft sal tn ete ou, When this 8 the rey lel of th ste lou Tey oly space, ate wo ty Sonus nd the “contin ot conceptunly iene om bound (a) Potential neon (©) Api wave foetion ig 3.8, Two potenti wll separated afte potentil baer “heave incon (nt sefecton, fat hs the tie “ring proper atid i Chapter For the hamoni site (Fig. 3.5) ad fr the Box with ite walls ties pei wane fosiom sted» oieabedatance ino the ae Sy torden topo fBqond te “itr o ouaion” or the “clea Turing pine te toa ees ele a Ye and bes, Urefrete iaesnergy in neai) I (here sno were Pte foreach curve in Figure 3-5 and 7, the eres te te probity ‘nay fncane Thy pric ht he hans ding te parte isthe ssl forte ein Tho pealy quate mecha els Thetis othe pammenon cbr pncraton "In hse. parc "own ote tapped fend» bert igh for I saroan ely, ca, fer sient time, ae a high probity of Being Fund outside the are ‘Tare is mach exit evden tat his peetaton penomenon "Ss « quattatve example, conser the oneimrioal site of Figure 3.9.“ towed pric hs shart energy Wo hic se han | adass hones ep of pote Kn enersy OW, = la Fg TeeGate he wave focton of neo the many possible eins. eile previous expen Hs) crs ord hes asi ation) ‘then the nee cery i poste, abd ay fom te axis an exponent ncn whe the ei energy eae eat from he ding tt Soe Pastels can bs made cotnaoas a very boundary The casas Forbidden pon, sy 10 to fear of Kine spa extent 9 lmplcy "tenant the wave fame, Thos hava ale ampli 08 aie of tne arc Fr the ptm i he pare state ot Figs 3% (P's moh lar inde the ldo wel ad the peobaty large tat, vpon camino, the pace wil be ous thee Howser, hte abot te pobabty offing ts parle nthe right-hand wel The orl mn be ep sing fhe pie Sine ener st ets Casal, coll oly us in one othe ote. Te spontmcowseoteon ofan lpb arte rom a mca i an cnanple of ple tnnling throveh radi penta are, ited ‘dal exemsom, The string wtopen som in fe ammonia ele and “ld enon tone are caps trie penton, The ea tate tenimen of tho problems cin be Yound i he more avaned fx foots We mish fo observe her nt weaver arr He ig and Frnt in apc exon the wan uncon belonging to snl are ca, ndinded ms pts he are te hss psats ae lobe sed. ‘3A, The box with infinite walls Ifthe bid Vf the poten ave In Figure 3.78 ver age come sarc the ergy of te part nave fection becomes Frey Et Theeaonetal pat ofthe wave funn (> = ey) hae {org semation, Ute Tint eV) ans — oy te exponential ‘Scion becomes nie exe, andthe wat incon Comes to ao a SESE tiny there a dco a slope Tas dscominuty produce in acpi wae futon nthe et ese ofthe postulates and nde ‘ttntely igh penta bart ae at osered for Fal systema Nee {hes tir aplon tien ¢ good approximation snd tin MD sine and cosine wave funtion bated onthe wave eto [1] ce Fi Mo, To he int, with inte wall, Pott seed 1 rerng that {b=Oat he wld. now hehe sme for 8 the reson o anne wave Toda the big ine with both eds Ke val vate Fig 310 The oneinersina stem th infritepotenti Dies sn ma i a ey cin i ohne ener mr eet ee Feit te om ery ste Cong wags A ~ 21) a ia ba Ain 50 SOLUTION OF THE WAVE BOUTON (om) “Tenet eiefton (ee) pat te Aen iin emt oe “Tus the normalized sige fr the pate n oneimensona tox wih inte walle = D460 = Lae to [hae = Se ad B23 we The carats nergy nessa a8 shown a Figure 3.10 for the fine vo lee. 35. Mathematical description of the eigenfunctions of the hharmonte oscillator We have seein Secon 3.2, how the sgnuncton of the ample quo forte snp hamoni nator an be fond by sumer ethos ‘Thee funtanr are eile by mre covetoal mates ethos ‘Neonmon tego dg entnctions and thir characters al regent io grea e Appenda Theres, for he harmon ion, Hod — Nee Pe NUE E= View oy and whee the 6 ae the Hermite polyoma The st of tse we mye = mae ~28 M49 = te 2 4s) ~ 89 — 126 46) 16e— W804 2 “Tas 4.5 ae nari to uy, ta i, f 64 sin de= when =m nd ae ends) Soe Reet hormone cance Tv yaon eo vienna sean oc) engl ar ee arc pnt ray sm be he oor opty (utente Hs 2 We fue the fndamcn ae oe wae Seaton GTS ahs puta see ogo se pes foo 12 SOLUTION OF TE WANE EQUATION own coves by simple rpments aeons. Fir 3.1, fs and ae fe’ ar heey of sau and eatery a sees 0. te contain 9) dae) te ea eat eprint conebalon $x) $x) Bx Tiss efor sey Stee iy ny nh reels moe ee "re append I shown rom the ea orm of te wave eon (roma ad thar rerament pn th wave ection (Pontes {ivand'1¥) tat setvnctins Sloging to fete! ves of he charter Its enengy mst aay Be onogoral Dt i tht [ 95 ae = 8 “Tne onoponlty properties of ection te enemy important ‘ws the oops ta he appa of guate her 136, The correspondence principle “To give «quntatve explanation o the mirscpie wold of the nom ssh at comply and prey shuld be romp eno’ for gunn etka, Newons Rehan fa oy sic tery an gt ai [ro for the mactocoie mor ie ght fale wher spied to some Sed sysems (Por comple cially, thee shold be eal one absorson nein te aergton spr in Figure 3.6) Toi oo much fo expe ht {test resis sud ai ply the macosopc wold? Tn WE) Bohr _popol tat ay realy saison, quantum theory (ion bing sought atin he cleat” prada pprach thers ff casigal mecha ad Gasea sci” When pisses a ia igh dope fection, that when thy ar in ates tat vee USge sean mumbo and therfore pons haart verges that a {age Compare to he enn ofthe lowest ate oe shold expect hat the res of quantum canons ll appoxch clo the rel of casi ‘isuson forte same yt Tn other word, was pops y Babe tat ‘hequasum ators curespondto thecal calesiatonsahe thee [tine cal domains and nde tha heres of unm tery ugh 1b benerinenally ndings rom the vert of Sasa theory Shi aan ory su ein tou there no ng reson ny shoud Beating Quant mechs Te" femlaly enough, steel in inclines! mechanics (an ‘Shs ety. by the gutation ofthe cstomageie fel) within {hen andthe espn rinses prove very nel both in ig "he fovmation ofthe tay andi neg Dourdsi. nth fok eal oi on sl oc he een the Fite pace canon fom the afar qantum ects othe fama Sls os aly win ange our aa swe hat eon Ys the rab dns incton whch menses (by Poste W te probatity tu the pate somgosng te syn il Te ound in any gen rpon. In Figure 1 we plot Y= = for he four hrmonisotorseesfuctans of Fie 5 an alo ihe pokbiiy pHa 0) 2378 (even Fg 212 Sam sha fe rt deat Kons he Seiten iter abso pl oats Sensiy Function for Wye Supcinpoed tee graph bythe ds ie ‘the pty don anton forte Gna barn vison oid in role 318. The Gua nln ha he pet proba fbaing aang ent one of ting pie That i aad a random tome |4-- SOLUTION OF THE WAVE HOUATION oon) vo poy eel yg pi 0 Samet pe cna oe: For ey nem exp for peri ctuatons Bae Sa fen areca ore eet ibe data mara rt Se =n wenn aera ea” canes ananassae eat saree eet egerarene ol Se PROBLEMS Prolom3.1. wave 0 sting Sey the cation ar_iey wea a re the vloiy of poputin, is Tp (T= eon yan lene G) Let y=) and sow ow the eatin sears Fat wo: bot 4 he partion const. (Ase the #ogantin fo have the soon shaw hat A = =e co Was regu tht yO a =O, and aio at = (© le sent stig stow Dat teeny posible soon, to be orga egeton ae font) in “Tis robles to ht of the rsaancs of 4 mater wave in ie intel, aneditona box, eyuaton (29, the simian ad ines. Problon 3.2. In Figure 3.3, i was sown fom numeral ‘allan hat an eats forthe harmon oslo ute eat Wy (12) = 10" eg whee m= L-LL 10 pm aed B= 10 ca. (@) Fortheameosiltor asame tat W~ W — 0/2) 108 fr, and how by nora cleans tha a else fxs in the migborhod of this enry- Let y= 0 and Heth ta slope = 2.010. Take x — 10 em Sto the coasting btie of foe W'—= (021 My and Wz He (Benes Srp womb, ACh (@) det. othe pape esa tints of sition {e) Ona second graph skh te eal par of eat seve (8) On tind graph pot YEW the probably devsty Fonction Esite fom the raph what faction of the tine ons can conse he patil ot ote the esa limi of onion ‘Pobion 3.3. Casa, sn si bal can Bouse on hr ont srs in a form patio Bld ia amc of {eal coetye Imagine « Ten stow (= 4% 1 tte ft Gs i gm) bouncing ann erat, it ert ration. fn an ele perfoly fa, harisontal tre om niall ier 99 mee (a) aw te ote nerey cure fo hs cs, ad beet IeStcch te aproiaeFrm a ma ave fo enh of thew lowe cary levee Tate the asa tuning Prints (isn heh) onthe pram (Remember at ‘e) st hae a epee tthe cla asin pint Innis to avi extasobe an x > 2) (©) Estimate the oder of mop of Wi te lowest ery send Ke coesponding csi uring Pom, sn wimg. hin: Now tht eau of nee it aporsimtely the vane as for the) wich cert [iho gration wth anita, bth at Enda =O, forwnih nse Wy 3 A ume ‘Shean, wine r= (5) il bow ta he ae a 1 fond this may py too sal bt 2 W wih 39 percent lrer ha hin oo lee) (o) Sina wie the casi tums pone for ah cston (re 323 ama) ander te condoms? Acute ‘ee carom the ecto (omputed 0 i mas) 159 6» SOLUTION oF Te WAVE EQUATION fom ect that as oburvton of te tehaor of an toned Eaton nthe gravaions fl gle impacica, Any Stay cet as sul ae fo Be obser by erdiaty SEUSS comely mak ny plata ects on the (a) Linn the de Broglie cation, fd he wavelength asxited Stns your ane for pat (2) ss constent wi FEhinate te lsc wring point forthe lowest erty ‘tn o's post ma of 100 gm, booing on hed at oS ‘Probom 3.4, Draw a Sue, sch af Fig 3.4, and show Wy Wend Ws as oe and sy. Now or VU) the rion tetocen iy and 0 arto make the curve TU) somewhat tebe Pat forts and >) than the oral poten neon, (hoses Then show gual, nit th i of te sch ahd Arne eqs, ha Wand re ser togeter than ae We aoa fs dieses wil increase the magia of te de oma nen ir by the dilence in pci faces {Battech te poset encore For chal bonds en {duemine The Pardo tsome fate the tation ape ‘teen 2s ws hae astm here, Bu ot sme aboot re) ‘Prbion 33. ta Problem 3.3. we ase atthe seri pon wih helio ator bound ely pode a eto Une anes, Rel toes const of toms are never a ‘These Vvatng tome an sie chal, wih even the owes iheoming lm sams and ne them conse wos. The ‘Sera bly of ee ics ong om ase sven By ‘nee tery. (4/2) mel = GI) EF Sipps that the sarc wth which the alm afloms colle csi many bound drop noms which specie cwdense Shows, he 2 came abortion (or emsson) of it of Freurcy — iO! ope (We seume hatte Home af bod 1 Tey od soc, ad ala at hey Wate Indpendn, ‘tpendisole tthe sac) (a) Caleaate th ro point ener of the vibrating HC aoms ‘Compare th to be lowest energy nate of the Bouing (a) Supe te fice mee 29 cold hat ony thet epoint Sitrone cor Ges AT fe whee € is Bolan: enstan) Why mist the ounog etiam atom e com ley nore bythe nly orp H stom? Prob 3.6. parle of ncn mas (1.65 10 gm) Iesrapped'n an nina one-imenconal ptt wel, ow Tost (he pl Same fs sal ules) (@) Cakeubte the fre tat this price mat be exing on fos one (ns Ana ewe CCatclate the average force that casi parce of the ‘Sine mus tod cry il xr on the wall of te box (6) Gael Wy and Tor hs sem Comer Your Felten oe (6) Gases We when — 9.1% 10 gm, the ton tin and dais the posbity of edie cestode fs (a) Show fom semeualatve arpumets a te sony Suc nero rh on one oan ton nt Sresimersoa square poe we, 20 edo and item (0) nd toed inde! wae in (0) Hind ene hse eal 34 Aetme e pti wl of Pol 37 a Fi 6 wpa re Ses ‘amine the nates jt sve (0) hom by ote of 4 ath a & wae in whine {Rom wel comer be ce ome he sonny ie retro both and ei tr (1) 1 om (©) Stow ats wane fncton whose wavelength ry tty ‘ot ne wae mah shor wath ‘aro well iw ery igh ccc) oot no male shat ampide the mavefnton as ine the narrow well) (e) Fi the esr of i ste (8 Find ther of neon maxima amide to exer ‘mal apne of co See tata ha he pry ‘Probl 3.9, In Probe 1.2 he index of fraction of oto, ws mnie Conran energy eve of the sem of Pobi 3.8 itch somenere nthe neghtourbood of W120 es Ki siete sal lhe icton Kinet ere is abou 1D ev and characte malty (a) Approvinately, Bow mash shorter is te wavelength Ay inte tt smal wel? Ln th sonnet mst be met {ty sniacony wave anton ei eis mot esr ft te mthenaal form of ti wave Taeton, at ‘rave incon careponing 1 yt ener boat Tew Pre 3.10, Egnion(3-25] gs th complete wave anton foe the one dmenson parle in bx ih sine walle. Cael foe he wat sate the expen vale of (a) Te otal epcey Wand ao, (8) Thecoordnate a ao» {@) The momentum pandas (Note: eno wus re tha anh) (Which of thee expectation valer repent 2 hap, oF (6) Repent eauaton forthe next state of higher ener (8) Por the probebity deny Tucon foreach case ad ‘Sch vr of a(n he it OF is wa Problem 2.11 ix Chaper 3, ising the proens we hase analy fe oneinesal bound system: (0) The mone ‘alin. Hoe price wa bowie brie (3) The parte in how ee ari (0) Te prc in box wih canal shor {ange fate poco wi) Tae Bouncng mast ithe ex's ‘avon! fel Forsch et, cpte guia it he i ‘Sr pth cal sequen soln forthe fovea form's tops) nergy pesto an (the probe yo acing te pele, anton = am rnonues Compare quasi, where posible the casa egueney steep nih he argo ton the wie a Probie 3.12. Cult the probed dtu fnton of ‘he clan! harmonic onlin Season: Corie he proven. fh the wat oa pt of the tim of «union rating he ‘Theat! camined at random ner and the oi te Poin the rns note. (The cation i babaly Ue se fat is Problem 22. One acl the prota tat wl ef tenangestos ) a) Iisrosope oho the eno ery al er. hat fe {ony of 10 je pred anda mia pide 10° om {a) What ste approximate quantum mamber or the sem 8 (©) What woul beer, im ccton volt fi erin ite Zp ibaion? (Sete At room temperate, Opel so. ale nen re ne aba a) Tomes pouile at? Compare this dane with the nave: Jeng ible ight about 3000 = 1 em). ase eowing a a ie 280 oe 0 ome Teme Saker oH (twit oc ane fumber — nea Eto ott "ave mamber er eo emt) of we amit ee) = 5.0 1) Fe (3) Contr the ery lel gram fo he os wan (©) Gate te force constant, charcteritie of this mole Saenear egal seperation mg 1 ami an Jey 38 a, ie amu 166 10 pa From he tne pacing in the oan spectrum (ie Here ep pip) has en mead Be 1% SOLUTION oF HF WAVE HOEATION cow. m9 nootes cm, Using the vl above and taming k= conse, Proion3.18. A pari of mas sides without tion in he ‘Mlsdntethe enn inenoded oseparatethe toms ya onal el orc to ncn pane in the pinta eld ‘Sonal 10cm, Comper sor rem with he at tat [hte cath (g-—500 em a owe in igre 3 8 = OL ‘opel chemical bods ae fw etn ol. on (From se seta Gly st Ter li tte Balog rb 3:18. The Comparion of the Cla! and Quantum ovat for the Nopaabolie Poet Energy Cre. Fgae 3.6 ‘howe th the pote cry cane of he pal datomiemakle {bath an HES) spac only nar te egubem poty nd fate out tare alas. 1 uni, ow wil he ony of on fhe (0) Sone tat many ch cette he le ‘Soy aes sudo ng lees oven stot noneott pon othe yore ee cme tn Steoh ie supe te ahem er emson) ‘Peston nar (o Rong abot mecha (ce Scton 10.4 an 10:5) ‘Stepan arsine toa ont {ten oat the weston ler dL) Shech the {totum spit ne sion fv an ase ‘Foss who carcerc nery vos age oer Somber of anu sats, and compe Hoth Ca "Thr compson of theca and quantum oilaton near yy le emir a Seton 103. We ot Fen: howe tie cel xiao has ate Tow {roy mowe ina ea pve pate pte {Snooty meas cergy any ue PP Prolom3.16. Show, sing ett arguments based pon he care chars of 6) td te wie etn, ‘here a slways a least one bound state " Probl 3.12. Show. sing erable epuents tat ifthe wane futon ie the teal petal wll Figur 3.7 the sm bt set sone forms Sn [1 ennnot me he ee ‘ten ofthe ieee sare Vi) =molelion Fe: 2.18, A pre of mit m ont between tao inline planes he grata Sets the orm fer cgnuntion eons the 8 {Be nmercal are fe the len ener (Suan ‘ry vac of W whch woud pe a espace wavelet Sch hat 472— 2 where theese ung post Ben by Wma tn 2) Le m= tem merc clcutons he ae 0 wed). For stich 2 Using te conespondeee prin ‘ote cet for gona far the shape of he ‘netope of the cave dy for n> 1 (Note Chases. {he robb of ang x parte in para intra ioe ride proportional f (le where 3 he casa ‘elo inthe ita). 4 THE WAVE EQUATION IN THREE DIMENSIONS “Ths far, we fave conseed only one-dimensional stems. OF ths, ny the hemor iio ch se ng eka) eee ‘chai feta tae re some tatresuch ay the gation of hpaar momentum —shich mod two or move dmensons bore they mabe Uno, dresinenonl sens, any ince, sone somal compet” However such ems for example, the yo omar of peat tosh snd practical imporoce For a ate peti of gutn michaney, eis scat hereof se some 4.1, The basic postulates for three dimensions and two particles Postte 1 “The wave function W for singe parce moving i three mention fenton of Sean Postar ‘The edional station of operators forthe dmamicel variable and pare te Toon et EY a fe ct, Single ved trughout“eofewation space” (ere a vas of, yond 3) Ponta 1 The requremon ofthe inegrble square becomes fffvrvernt ir hore dt — vohane element (for example, dr ~ dd Poutate ¥ The expectation value 3 ofthe dynamical arable [J 9 ay [44 Water waves, sound waves, and elactromagnticwaver—slhouth hing items stoma ea heures of Poses Hand TV In Chap 3 ee Fig 2.1) we dace the Bchaior of 4 paket of mes ‘opapting shoe arope We pointed ot tat thee ae neti inne mpi or noite ops for such waves. Abo, for Bed amount of ‘ery sed forming the ave Cech cement the roe cots ertay ‘ie aves pasig toh i th wave tin mst ve 2 ne leah (4: meus IMENSIONAL WAVE HQUATION como ‘A twedinevonl xmpc of a wave puke wich shows these features Noy rable mane he seating ng of wavelets tate formel by 2 Shon eopne into sol pond Te spreaing ing of wales can Be set {orney Pests Hl and TV, for coo sinenaone, Let Us, 9) be Be Sopa of the wave any pit )on the hoopla, ay ine hats a the sending ing oe the ital yact ofthe sone wl show {Gat APs, and 229 ae ll te ad eninouseverpee Thsseews ‘Shviows opm otal obenaton, bot one cou mes, uke stereoape ‘otgrap ofthe ring wae at yet nd with le stems Inensrs fhe ques Used, Yo dementia, experimental Dc Snes ow om ty tf Pac a aot pansion af th ine (at i any time) The waves hve 20 amp IRGRE ee ng ant of cour eo apie ote te ng im he reson to hich th diurbane ha not se eae Sock a sing of avec Shared to deve scl In ampiode ay sends co gt and le {Rai ican be demons oth teosaly an experimentally tha, foe ean femme ames rae Another ature of the spreading ring of water waves cowed by 9 scion dnc spy Simla omar maes The nc waes tral faster han Te lng. oar of waves. One can obere agen Wve we ser to are ot of nto the si edge of he speing fing and teh it gow ine, move vet cua, ata ebay geet ‘ham tof tng ill On rating the mie of he mai ing, the wane ting flowed by the ee pad davenses fe ample, fay sing {he ey of promgnon of an india wave tne hat ofthe mia Indu waves, each of which sein hough the sae poss of owth nd dey ta ne hve js see. For (ome) ate we he ‘eet othe inten wats fr “pie eos") wer tn he eos the poup th "up wy. "Foe quate matt acai of wae pasts wil be dosed wie Chapter © We mention the watrvave packets eae they provide grant Hnk becom the ui ofthe maton obsernble mes td how ofthe maar ase whose exstence we most ner by more ndet "A to of water waves with fed Boundary, sch a he sttoary pte f pes in » pan of water, alo has everytere a ie slope, a ‘Stns smpiude, and an graben "We now cans the exten of the fk posts twopatle "ater coms of tw pares a act a a = a Ve Ment ted ras he prods ofthe diferent of he sx patel varie, rey dy de eg de Ie is oly resonable to eget ha when wo pars compote «stem ‘te wavefunction most spend pam Both ach pale canbe ghd a pusesing inti and pote and ai as havi poston n pyle Soc. The sstenate aplication of Post the Substation of oprtrs {or dynamical vale automata es wiv eons wie, To pres ve Si pal vara. At ee) Une i eared Maing {ett ae at every poi insides cosguraton spe ‘The roti itrpraion of 4a cn Been eendl the ‘Werke sendy noted hat forthe sng pare Wer DMs ps. ae ste proudly that a cine the parle wl Be found in the pata Selume canent ta Tha lle beter nd os wl ‘rvs yand sand wl le beteen# an "Tor wo pes, Ve the pabaity at a Yie# ecko he he variates fs he range spiel the ale ene med sdb sn caisaton pce This meas ht price il be din de dd of ‘sl pcs parce i fd sh ef vl at “The complete set of Postale for two paces and three simensions is Shown onthe ender sinc atthe unter of cincnsone andthe mmr of parse ise {at tie fate ive of al mecca, ely etn spe Sahin ih deo ty cn he hed acy. To Ind chape 42, The particle in a rectangular box. We conde the pfeil faction Ps). 10 be zero inside a box tounded by sc and xa yo0 and p= band sO and 2 [EUS rte sounds iva forks com, Ve Vip YT ott fncton ca be enpeed appesimtl but wth npc) a follows Wee2)= Hie) HO) V0) is Ve) = Of0r0.< x prota demi <> te expen ‘non Frcion vale ot he Whenever he potential energy ofthe sytem Ms). constant i tine Spent pon tine sows, as (2-0). (We sal se ner Caper 3 thee ven when she ptt egy sontan is psbefora ape 10 ‘ins nnnatinary uae Thi ur ne he sto mae fenton the 12 AHREE-IMENSIONAL WAVIE BOUATION fom cae tn Sey io walla, te ute frm ofthis ype of sem aot ober i Sm i apron wane chanics The alae raise See er he seo hi sem cvrespon, with Na acy, 12 war te ear ets at oie ob sly stated: When Vix, 9,2) i & spherically sym- meal uncon, fos (find the fecins $2 oF rte {Rotem ery othe sytem ha tha ped on on vain intron at Sat ese ena USE FS pnt on spc camer oma Ae Ape TV ‘Sows ihe tamination equation is he snes on whieh we ave “Te mle in Append Vis ned ony for comptes 1 shows Arash allowance forte rustna matin ofthe ten shot of vdertanding tema of testes ofthe iydogen to, Bowes, we So ae he ey ss rea Se a he re ed eit ‘Suton ies fom that whic wou tom ug the approtmation Jet oulined ely by asl Gaconal carton fo he stom mas ‘XSi partie of mas moving in» Sted potest Sa 1) the spltade equation BH PHEND Ae ar Hp) senn2)=0 tes -VEIFTE “ls ca wo (WT pre nara Bo) eet se emf Yh tnsscpcno tas an pre etl er "Guonsy [1 ent esr an 7 cmc shunts yw ce [1 oe pinto needy ae ‘Stn geomet depict cal on om of he varia 9 abd ‘nu Some xy, ants aya inde rad arm pote 7 Ie hoveey ee spel cern ye ig 43) a ees {amen wichs deci telat oh rian sh ode te Second Ws heer ptt ey ‘clon ae aon eng the epeson inte mae equation (ing tam te cic fl nce Sey ee (GrH+ Bl waw 17 sine we sow hve ferent cordate ems ied tte same ‘Suse, om ig 4. the aber theo ym ra ringens yo rain oan 8 1 he wave equation so Be writen compel in spherical coors, ani ef a ell aaa 14 TMREE-ONHENSIONAL WAVE FOUATION lomo espe nner cn i ohne BHO ada (oe) : Late 9 Fig Aa. Thesaral aorta ten sere oe 19): Apeni ct he snp problem af shoving he eaten (into ed ra ana ceson fr he nce eer. eole 10 ‘ie day agence othe fase poeiy dsc a he corde ‘oem pra! ata of Caren. we PARTICLE 1 A CENTRAL ELD 38 ‘The ample gation (16 besos 12 (a9) ot Sono) = pals) (0003) + uno [420 sion ca be eae it etn ty he ston H8.8)= ROH) (ea Making hi tion in (4-20 nding oh by [420 Boe ie 2) oral" “3) sated eo noy-o [422 wee 1 we muti trek by sia the em in i dependent om al one the Independent varie, Thi aa ete oly if th ters seal 10 ‘onstant ich we sal eine by Th, we [eas oe te making hi ona iin trough yt we ve 1d (adh), ino) m2 oy — 9) = (GS) + ara line) ~ eae M028 ‘he wo idl ms ae dependent oly on 8 ad ee tp ‘ul ota, ch we ge “f.Thn he tounton ene )—Mowm-0 (ABS Sic 24] we a th Aged em etl oe constant Ate ‘depen mt al Af (eff) -fee% or— v0, ‘The eons (29), (625) and 2] a th head ach rary ato ton de eon ayo ele ‘hv comepond ote hereon [0 fre irs Woe itcvaar te de oy he oe conte med apn brine ety mea pal con "oes Fm nt nt ion = 0 pi in 56 THES: DDMENSIONAL WANE EQUATION ono ‘Ter at thee untried constants mB and 1 We sal we a theses re obey the Se requlrenent the wave fenton (Beceem, sieves andthe mepable sas, “se paren the bo tere were a tesco Wi, Wy an yg toih we teemined by thee se basic equements Each ota ry Tey deemine. We sal ce, weve, tat in te cs of the TES cosmos oly wis unforced bythe section ofthe ether Tit Sr ale of B wl she mand ie ae of Fil ioe (Gas terre 44, The g-dependent equation ‘We bean therfore, withthe eleston of The equton (4-79 bas sottion 4p) = Aen [ear ‘which ty direc subsition proses an deniy# In Figure 4.3 ee that TESBost tone # and ream, forthe peed the pit 8 mone PLES Shaste eau eturng when = 2 os oni poston 1 Ue bo) io be saglonsuc, atte pas ei he whatever the SMe Sage ar = Semon Be ental ote value oF 40) at J ded dd bret “Thi singles i gama f= ay ate? icing 260, meno BOE AAD [428 ‘has, thecgenfnctions (4 gen By (4-27, whe Bas any ep vate Teach ofthe actors R 0, a ae sept noma, ten he ta sve fc wl be noms "We' euite h f swesoa~ = At were 8 contan. constant “has fst." The “Pin usd dig. 4.2 consol the dierent) oon 1 poneENDENT DoUAMON «7 of fan sic the fall agg o $i om 040 2s, Af agnrea = Valens dant de fe ‘Teer the nomad epee ctor the wae ation # is OO an 30" ve 1) TEREDINNENSONAL WAVE FOUATION fom 45, The Odependent equa ‘ne gdepende esto simple in ort ston ar wl kn04n, and cnet te sry to An A glans at the depres equation wea Shen ato mach sore compe Howe, i eienfenchry ae {oo Ram ater yeaa mnths! work te Leptin veer aegnintons can be found by mato slr 10 tho wed pee ea orth harmon sesso, and ate so derived in any anu atom gahonks We sal ter we the felts of hese eran Fe (elt shows wing omer mens, how te emals Tene Mocie fa Scie for any gen negra ale of Tas Pears the wie range of apbeabiyo te metod of nee Mee nogh segetion se erent fom ay hf rte, them of mame sale ese. "fa Peqation [25 tevmes se expansion ote rs term Stave aaeae eal oth spe ad wig 38 noo [tt (a= 0h )e}se ER ‘Thus shen an inal slope = (opey and some ina vale of 8, Oy at Pine season (052) spc tat fe a ep the ew 6 Of wtf te On Glo AR aod the se’ slope wll be (lope) > SFE, thre 22} gos te nrc or Hing shop. TS = 8. e.0.+ [on 04 = 04+ ft, — [8 (= sce i a Ce Be Yr ce tem 1 fo athe nw at Osten The Key squton i the sove clean i (50 ine is wed in rcpt manne in 23} We note tha Ia [537 Asope) could ome infoe wen 8-0 or @ ann tan @--0 and aes 9 =D atte rin How hs fit change slp an Be vee (ot mat be) ep pon ie vale om, We hl bepin by studing he se m 0 "who m= on can stat one ha, prong #0. ain 19 {ei} 8 cra, When ti ra than Ola zero a ll poms, Including #0 and’ 8m and [I] cere ied. Th fo P06” conan an aseptble wave oncom, and me have ow, form 0on ofthe date ales of the separation onstan 8. “Snce the dependent factor inthe orm Semen dr (Fig. 4.0 is sinaitthen for P vO and m-— De normal dependent pfcon =m) VaR [434 f erosneae “Thi the one of he Heientuntons sine i 64 sition the wave “ut, nl beeline Soma of Station, dd normale. "NG pn hve to dis the peso yma nbsh ne wl eget 1 find inte altos of the Beware san As Sston 3.3, where we rset te ron ilar, wll nd tat the hum for the cc Fenton can terest rome y tng rely fom the wave euition| "ha he ston at hae tin symm properties Davin the cue he farmon nite een ost nly atthe stp tp clon ate pnt wre he orton ow Sete — eu. hntne d a weshved slation i gong iy fom = 15" a oa tent on ‘iain nthe range fom =a wo eee : "What ae nial conan t 8 92 which prt smmty about hs pin Ae the exe ote harmonic nl, we mt rele eer "0 and slope 0. or 8G and slope = 0. Asta eres whch met Shree fe hh ned 5 at ote ue cont ea ite wl qihy dover hat he clad vaso © wl sow 6 TREE-DOMESSIONAL WAVE EQUATION lomo sefunsions ich we te sckng. Mf, however, the hae isrstions fe of the to pera na cations sow st Sef anasto) "o) 5-2, i ow oom 0-9) @ ar) Tropes or 05) ‘rr BoERENDEN EQUATION «#1 ox et pen po ein ay ep inegaao om ecther symm! or atiymmnetial tout #2 Retring the exe m=O, we we fom (5) ta no eet thatthe sop doit enero creer, as forthe BS eietintion (© = V2 (039,18 suticet ta the spe be neo only at =O and a 1 the ewo pos wher (Ian Becomes inte A curve si a at in Figure 46 an als al ofthe ther carves ia the Rte hve ts Rees ro slope at the wo egies pons We expt therfore ois ls of ‘ientnton ofthe gel form ashe cues htc! ig 3. "Ara chp wo wll acl te crv whose form similar to ue ‘We tatters at #= 2 with @ —0 and lope = —1, and seek Jue of whch wil ae a waliteined cure (ove he Fl ange vehi ino aay cn ees i 2 Sarthe value 2 the mame! claon a the neon {shows {he behavior thown in Figure 46 ln the fur ic writen ae Ns 1) The ‘ston fr he tat we sal we ler, the eguence of egevae fr he ‘Reguation uns otto be 8 =0,2.6,1220 3, ‘Thisis more simply exes as panty "ced emia uti ae stam weve uo ‘makes i tea st 90 (and ana =) Thos with oly sian pe {od in eleiting @ Beveen = of? and # a th nly ie ae ‘ur, spose fo fete an egerale of © with only a ew pet Inaceuracy. Hobe, digi compute ic wed and any nore ep ae ‘Sse, he eee cab ocd with very all though ver o> “he eosfntion found mune in Fig 4.6 for m= O and It \syery near ef the form coe a indeed, subi il shy ti 1 Stan tothe mate sgeton [3] I were, ain [tat he 12. the mane Be eres (nF Atough we hve ten dicusing 9 parca case ofthe C Fe (2) Stating wi 126) show hat Fr 0, sure = [Jon — YF nods 0s wher sop) = dR, AU) is thera for inthe Arve ncn (posite me) pte sem ery Tare nd ithe duced sin ams, (4) het at ete tale fhe slope air O° {0 What mut be the ale of Rater? (Ona gaph of R'm rand wing © and (, sketch te pwosat form of) forthe two owes eer sales. ‘Ao heh om the same ph noted lin, the gee fom ofthe two wane fens for > he V8 97 fare bt no ii (e) Toe vale a Wh il cane (0 mest he Downy Condition can be fund, by systematic sesh, wing the Stove aifania nsttion. The stp Br. may Be & ings os ros for purposes of approxirate clon, Tit rotten brad y standard athena mets Mis ave te ro hat when =O Mamata hdd ‘ne cam gi stow, by numer lets, tat 0) ‘tees the entry egiement (the forest emery [0 when = wre y= ot ere (Toe mathematica orm of he wave fantons for T= 0 Reyna ar, whee «= Van. Matera, {he tory eee te red rom he eee oe thon odr dy on Why the doe? Sketch he = Fenton, Der it met the Boundary coins ar 02 (o) Grom yi roporianl ain En the oad fom comm oats Problem 4.8. A tydeogen stom bat the wave fnction, Fae (a) Plt VV a) Inerpe. (9) Gana he proton to bet spheres of iat ~ 1-9 em ‘coming that ye the crest wae foeion or the ‘oot tom at hse short danse cate he bance that th slag wl be mide the proton, (6) Galette techn tat the stom wou be fos ote ‘hespher r= ee ‘Prbion 4.7. Find the Bohr ris ay and he energy, of the lowest boon sate fo (a) Sinpy one htm, He (2 = 2) and one ecton (8) Postroniam,» pout and nea ltr each of muse = (© Mesnium, « proton and 2 neptive w meion of mass Dim (Two fewtons, Bound by their gravitons ld. (See ‘Append VI or some of the nese ta) Prolom 4 Espn why the Orient for m0 (ig 45) eno sutabe form Ne (Hits Noe tal he ‘Shevington fg. 43 be oo slop and nor magia Stork #0 and @s, Te tl insucton (32 per ths 1a mur sf man. Lat 20, however and fd The ale of ‘Silos in (233) as 9-8, 908 8) Problem 49 (@) Vang (4-52, sow when #0, that Of) mast ve the formic in Fire (©) alan the reso forthe tape of the =? care in gue #18 © Stecha care for Figure 4.78 ‘ance coon te tla eg ss ot gre seine puns ero (aly ie Sow tat Yn oon o Vine Fay ann Sate virwenogea oh (it: Lok Sa tthe rns fee the # oF be tegration) MRE DIMENSIONAL WAVE BOLATION com Probl 4.18, Show, witha fev ses of mere eaton, ‘aac wbee 2 tee m9 senncion for n= 2. Forth he, 3p) and ede oat ta be eo at pm. Why? (Noe: To ake 0 ae et stp nce, sometines ces 10 ‘mee inal form the ncom Here asume S — (cma ieee near 2c) Probion 4 12, Test the orthogonality ofthe ro ciefintions esoging theme deat ee ofthe partie the cabal Problem 4.18, Calsite the ponble sandingrae pater ‘whic onc in a ten ripple tana ty coming TEE TE wo dmensons be a and Ident a standing wave heath i ave ample sco eveyone denon the sacl nave equation Ge ‘oped VD) FH aM wet op TAM nee m= ampide and where a vnemined const. (a) ning he same metod 8 fr mater waves, separate the auton, and formas forthe ites and OF ihe egal eign rales othe const 4). () Leta 3h On the ey plane kth a few contour ie of tal ampli) sowing the mode of aon haat SRE Ft towel 4 Labs "ll and val” (e Stes a contr gram ofthe mode of vib or he fo igen alee Problem 4.4, Find expesions for the sigeections and nema of mer wanes of pre of sass ia infix SSSI wecimsnona Bow where the dimeson f= aad the Jrimemion (a) tre 2b, shh the wave ftins onan #-¥ contut apm forthe he owe ent states of the 1, ‘SPs ic envy sieves onan eo agram sh fs Figure 4.2 (Repent asation for evo more cat = 1.18 aod IER a dace te teeny "generac cone (omwo Pnonins gene of spl symmetry” Waalddepneray cece if 2 ites rom one partin 10? Pron 4.18, The twodimenionsl symmetric armonic ‘wiht of mas mba the otra fscon| Fin 9) UID At) (@) Find the eignnctions belonging tthe to lowest ents lees ofthe stem. Sra the vals et forint} Siete potent font Ie sme ‘and one soul expect depsneracy 1 cet (@ Sito enours on an soy aga, ech the sige fen and na) On gph bl oes yo (6) Stein contours, on an soy diagram, the probaity ets ech a he eatin oud in | Prom 6.16. The Rd Rt Fed Ai, Ta in Fee eres hey pane = a a oa iadarte =n) homie edna (0), Shw ht amp etn is sos yam wen [in Tape ters om he op ie som th nie sin rand af Tas weno (0) Stow ta the peiunctins ad gems ae ar = V3 8 Wg = ME " Mao ak Noe tie te ie pth tem has no potent Sct fnctn and ny aver brates ery bt ene he fie pre envy states are quate rote 4.17. The Quantum Sues ofthe Pend 6 in gore els 0 gravitational fll gi ected along the bans Suva on te dapat te becomes 8 pons wh 8 GSonon eed of wits, alr oF legth re Hs pte 19) = mardl = 9088) {eis defn oh ero when 40. (a) Show tat for crete coupes Wa mar ms ‘eimai fon othe igninction oie harmonies (0) Mah the pte frtion nd, comespondece with "Shei geal om of ean by osing a e ‘carte ovo out for hic esha me) Noe gcvtins which hve seo slope aid nova ap feos arg man hve sr slope, at’ may Hae ay ptt ate ont f= ev Alb, iets wich Ee nae soe bt ro amptde at D mt hae ‘ro ampitee, bey hae any slop atthe pin = -E= (6) Ree form ofan eigenfunction for a state wih hs ‘Sheers ocay est than? maT fation 19 ‘Mure on of wo ype a yer ccd in (@ Wat he ae of te conrpondence pine hte the Thom o fora stem na nat tose vere Wal Ieuan Smee dhisneesary, of couse tha 91 fr the conspondice prise to ban acute RE) Prob 4.1% The sigfunction of the pendulim died in prs 4 17 are of stance in gn some ight it Oe fue of the qvantun ses of 2 pace in 2 pee potenti AIT) shown in Fp #1 a) Ase that sand Save such vals tat fo a9 ‘emia a oe prod tthe peta a8 ‘SE Sete una wo in Proem 4.17 My and ono Choe caf Figueras umepandens he (@) Sine, plot spel wich belongs to Wi > Vy tty for fo (Aun at fone dean gh pots aries cust whch td the We site) Wy aed Wy ae We vl ™ Se Fe 42, Boundand roe ater napa, ese! brie (In the “condation tang” of erat fh repeat In exact o eid ofthe ae na he ‘ny pose ws-behsed wave fuer. Thte ae oes (hit ty diterem enrien which repeat in. Periods af he te ah he rel hat tee a "as™ {sae (oer a continuous every rage) wich ae Some {mes bed by gags contig no states S Rest for danse oe ats of onedinerina pete Yj rly mn Mesa, eel Ie, New Yo: THE SUPERPOSITION OF STATES, AND SOME CALCULATIONS USING THE WAVE FUNCTION Eee ee Upto this point, we hae nen many cocersd with Postal trou Iv, Tene of he pont har bem esataly 2 mathemati exer, ‘one eat th ifton a ertain fntion of space and ie, rer pcan Yude for calla sgntnctions whith flog 10 eck fuse aye The ove ink the vl of eeimest, boweNer, tite Vath he callin ote expectation rau, o Nas ve {Pam ebro So ano one har devine meiod of pein a are ‘tans peed by ovate This station baal th extra of Keng Promaneiy imped nd forever previa os from ating the Sc sr exper ‘hte caen nih ca thaw predic about experinen hat are Ben Posie ¥ ‘SA. The superposition of states foe pormingcaeltions axing Rostate N, we pat ot the foe owing wathematly ot the sboke statements are te, we const of sanding waves of mary diferent frequency ‘Sonn on tm nig che ae Tn ihe station ad in Son #11 he wave eqution nti tine a ne = an @0F Be Vee et tage 62 "Tae comple conus at's Wis seperation (ee combination of oo the we satute 63 {and ao it doesnot sae 0, 8 ase Wg Weed I WM WY Woon = NT so th (-2)68 olin of (1th produces an ey pon sb Ft Spina lon tothe compen cote of [> Tas Poa 1 om athena ht the sum of webbed ins sean Meher tha low nity bos 1 Fa wat te sum of any of te ted efits Wh, we Ae sands wl flue, Ths Posse sated re a sss Pout 1V. we cao free den ata, [YIMade + eben PEM de a [vated sate, [Wade SA “the is wo Ingram he ht ae aniey ad the second emo a 270 Reese of he ce There, to sty IV, we reauie ™ not BS and he sew Ye spepston of th wo nae fly ao ann oe ln hej sreon 0 0 posse se of el an springos al oe iat vezets 6s Irony we eure hat sr “te groerty of ing abe fo form ae sation fo the wave equation ty mong wna embiin [) ofthe ection Guts Mer the candion (07) han comegurnes of get Importance The Src that uppers bss Any fntion Cs at el hve reise al timc, a in Posts and TV, canbe 7 SEAT hc poner caso of the tastes The omhopnay of ag a nw ie neo om sero ih a ie “Esl onl ori ern emacs SMART G2 fens poses: Apmis SHER eg dogo te a ‘Scunion of th thoy Co ontop futon) fhe ebooks fate ‘tc, bu tt mportt top out hat af ofthe eieuncton eloning she ym tin ein Ay yee "We naw sow how to ind the const ae combination of ropa Sinton ned to sate sh uncon. For mpl we wl eos fotmes nae unsion * Meera pa sich mts al she reiements ofthe poses tht 3 lation fo {heave cquton, well bound nd Dunedin Scythe reamed tthe nope sqare. The problem to these ths wav etn fom Ute ciefoncons a he sen ‘Athen r= rs we se the knows fenton equal 0a sr feign Fancn,vth vad cocina Woe ay aFe bans + allies Baran) Be ‘what at th aes othe whi make his a? "Wen nd cach oth an frm by the following metho: To fd the ale af ay mls both aes of (3) by Wf an inert ot sites of heen over the flange a he orate wich mas din the ee Intion of he eigfunetons: Ths Prva demas [dea [Vea safe [510 oti UE Mata de Bu since all the ete ners om th ht side of 5-0} ae aero de 0 he fthngnaiy othe feet [etl] Meine hat determined a 9 ace time i tay fa ede BR We hne asm tat YU. 10s kon, and cack fhe W's bow, so ht enc thea an be cael tone Thee tls of oy mnke Shan ey marek RE Tt Sige we oily tnd that WU) Bea normed wae anton foewarnt BB wich we abit he expansion [59] fo, wil el the esa [si Ta eo tammy Obey te oven (57) 0 [=I cme by [Ott im he Snes (=F, me Mave sm hese the wave funeton Us) eet apieaion of thi theory we il sate a ance Bane sto eigcfuntons forthe omens, ital SSEPLIon Si Se eerontns ae 1 (V/A sine 0" S18 erste box exes fom = 010 = La te = 123 ean some isan wich weil te 10 Be 70 the svn anton fe som ss the allow "Ys — he Ox < Lian) ~ atx £560) “his wave fenton plot in Figure 51.1 of coun, dcontinuos at ‘enc anno es tre wae fenton. Homer by merely “rousing he a et pt moun cul be mae wel ed il > sei ach an appennce—ceraily on the wale of th dag. SOR Roti 10 be sibs has the same domain of dition Tee ine me comene the same is a5 the complete st of ‘Shogoa ago hte obs we Sees ar pated ie fit fur tems ofthe eves expan (7) he Fe Spenco wee aed, wine (12) and TEREST EEN. Stet tha wan only fur tems, the sees ‘Shain seay pnd fa approximation to th specie fencon yet of he clean ae the uit of Problem 5.7 ‘try som urpeing that ncn sh a = x oud ree SP sinatncton su tb sess ea oo, atic 510) hat ay pater con ot ar =f on 2 ‘ime sre eon ne ot ale he nt "psa al ofthe cignurctons te el and th Spied the Fa Sul An eanpe of these he wave foctin “Paty asenes of erento elution: At any ater (rca tn the spepostion of iene ‘i preocedxh seta an mary pr fr, bth prs lt Teo have arnt Gem the import pt hee ie ‘i an ec inn te «er satin m coma sing (1 rm the Sng sua 1 SUPERFOSTON OF STATES fom 5 ving found the eof which wil sybase ny pater Us. 1 vee E'S gn Wi th same ac, whch we som Sea USSSA rm [ni) att coins to dene a souton some er SEL ne Tse gual to shine 1 Wiad Bala en 5 vo a well eave, sovmaizd sluion fo wave eatin (511 Soba nw (=) we obala Be) HPL) = WDE (UO) ML nich, ing te important fast tat His independent of 60: hat Wn etree to a ey term by em ot es the Haman operator 1 doesnot insole the tine, soto tudes othe component eens can be Fund a any ne fe SASh gwen wae fonction known, end ech wil emai costa, TR SNS was rene to be nomanloed he ama he eee ‘net ticle te see constant time, hs does not men that isin tan Sige We) nm of my ome nh th 9 ie lepeden cor °°, i wl conan Yary in its spatial form a8 the femmponns “bats with eck oer, "Soniders simple cae Woah" Os ae G6 wire the wave fnsion ie saperpsin of only two ciesiates, Cer ‘Yee. and also the probly des, Verna tata a +a [17 pend ponte time ei yc cee whore the a andthe Yael Wea aba tend t Rew amM —[5-18 “The thie em scale the inteeence tem, and itd to the “batng” of Te eeinccompovem whch makeup ee nae foes. When may ongne sate re prn se il be nner em for ch pi ‘A sistem whose wave function i ile iene wl ave roi senityfncion Ye = $f nde ome, Hower, We are et thatthe adn aren oe iene pling ys bt ees ois Na Fie 52, Trew “Be moval toe emereons the probity densi Fantom to ay with time Te oer st calle [ns Ese tate Te ater ste corespond oth ese where 4 tile ca ee eet a tng te price nay gente Beer pcan, nay otume neal) email CN "Asan ample of ster whose proba denty wrt wih Gs, we conser pate an int-wal, one dimensional oxo eg L wove coed ia a erpotion ofthe fro lowest emery ges Ge Sono. i= VES ee andy = Vain ry te Yaa at ‘We coi a pei ca that we en plot ur ress quanta Let MATE and egy, Thun te ach and he ae cea, and 9 TaSadlaed. For sce (518) Bethe artn ofthe probabity dersiy Sorte a distance ‘pre 2e bal shows te sdepedece of ech of he hee tems sn 518) When ras soc a mae that cos (7, — MH then Fare ‘EF pke te tran of potty domi ah pce. When has eh 3 Sale tha co (y= WF) 9+ ye as Figure 5.28 Sows, he pale TAA to be found he foe. Wien the coe terms eel mt ely tobe ound ob the ih of ene The pro Reidy congas whine computed manne and at no time ihc tosnon fe pie sharply defi ats tein, we Rove shown oo ney importa things aout wave fayeins of sons for wbish the Haman operator HY dependent Tr any tineat combination of tem cpefunctins, asa is & ouible wae fectn-—providing ot that 2. the normale wave Sesion of tem, x0 6 own at es parca infin can te eytaed forall ies ‘hea sonintion We 1) = a0 Yas, whee asia = Pet Me de “To syste weltehaed and tnd, but obec airy Tose Tanton te compute seta snencton 6 eel ee As an ition of this a elation we spon ha a = ooedimcsonl te wih ie potent als at =O nd a= E as areal wae anton which he he frm fs) in Few $38, Sie he sec pte ae pended | An» sia fig $3. Two sample of tinesaryng wave fctons hes, at abr ine ven [vata rain ea] En ot slom faroesnra) eoeane Men me [S9 sis TH surERPOSIION OF STATIS ons 1 teh se 519] wil cpa) ome erie jae pew reply ey ie tapes ha in ets Sohn aso i non ay mer and tre {orm sete by =) Gee Problem 310). "he ce of the onedimesona harmon iia, Rappes that the se forston ily of te form shown in igre 3. (@ Gnesi Beqhisned at s-wa at 0} ill baer hae the sme ape. The SRE Bhibe Cavssan cure ones smal Bek and fr about 0 ie cst Feeney v2 Km ee Secon 3.2% reali! rhe ae afer) none tom this pata shape Steve fncion SIMA shows dat the sates whe charac nee ae in the acightorhod af {Def cia ere) ae the ist on ‘eto ate corpondenes prince Seton 3.6) woud Tend ne 10 she istime wee wate nto tha is oat ie pare” “hat suf be sonny en. Withers frm, Te Ziska bower, tan thie titan os when the sate et ‘ierpostion of fetes ith serain sped splits, Each Tabetinmsns haa chaser corte of anton sein nh A ve fein ne peas eg 1 the superposition of many diferem waves spread vee a Ae vnge of vents In Socton Son wave pact ao Scat we shal etn {ot mote gana reutent ois bt ihe et fw scons we al we tome of tse superposed states (ote cated “raed sin) aswel ar the sige ests en ald ‘Syste in nesitons aed on Pott 52. The calculation of system energy In Gap 3 and 4 we aed he egction abe fhe ta cury W ofa ohee rave unton ranges. The operat SSeEpmds he tery a) ae wis freee on Sigel ut pot her Wind fy ae 20 Yonge so ha Poste i very sly, = Wy ond of = FFP =0 B21 OF=Wy ‘Any experiment which meses the eoeay wil thee, ge the een ‘We Cannot ocally pot «probity stitution fn (1) wie srs am expedite sult Hy ice the anton eee Sn Soon 2 is continuous IAM fro hen) ato be ify ge a W = Wy teat eevee, and have uit area" When ding with ‘srt measured vos we al ie the tra potty dion sd ‘trot distro foto Let P,) beth paki of oberg Sa Fe S40 Ge pap a na ot gh te ‘ation. Spon drogen ats whch nt inal helmet eegy Sita at “13 Sex Ge ig I wore bombard for ery sont time By Clete of 2 ite over ID. Some f the lors wold eed Ito a Pitt Ge Fig I) and would saben ede light eauency 5 (a= Mah ees the fit lin the Laan sie I thi ere {he ont egueney of lab rte fom te sons, on ifr ht, a ae ‘omar allo the nce atoms wee erin at with ey Wa ne ener in aroun Ws ele neath ese a he fom pt ‘ann Aiport fee emerges hee which three tthe Scan of Poste V. The menaremeneperation aay change the ‘Sm. For example hs egertment C0 know ta heats ween ‘te, one as eb he ene the Frm fight The sos end {pine ground sate Thus the neato the ned ator cert 2 Change in thee state (that tang inthe ae Fonction which dnrioe tiem. We have ot yet sce the guatin theory fr stems tha ate "Sangng fom one ste o ane abd out intrpretation bre the ess ‘Fates ng Posse VI oo simple See Caper 1. pricey ‘he dousion the nd be chagten) Toul te polmed ot hve it the fequney send ofthe emit ah tough vey smal eno exay rae node oe fo ie iter wih by lin ml te ast 2 ee por sexo. The sin of cletomagnatc waves is this the one of 3 Feet and ont IF fT eyes: Bene ofthe fie vera ce Seeker coming ftom ms ting Or thet waseleg= i ow % We . Z ® i en o “ We e| 6 ot (chard sl of ten se 5.4. The pony ef obaning err sl of he emg 25 Bch Tels ss wave elon ces 6) 2 snp aoe LIES! Gr tapenmton owe veers of oe essing dc wil ers andr coins a at re Sieh ican tthe te se sd he ray hic i enry can be mented re ininately elated—the tng th ie, {be anger the nave train andthe smaller lt the eet fe: he Iesureent of the wanlength (and therfore ofthe ei). Problems of this sore ae ater duced shor one hat t owe uate mead ‘lscbng sors which are inthe prowess of chaning th sate Gee Chapt 10) For be moment, are conc oly ith thet ht he racer Fregueces ated by atoms ae entree Sharp. ‘We nes sles the eae ale of he em cory fra sen mike sate EC be the spepostion of iets, Yo teVewher ata; +atey—1 [522 canara Afattetydmn samira (62 Poawivtate | Shia, OF 52 Westamodam ) Since of i a0 ter mast be ane “tr” of he mse, fn vidual aut of about the mean vale Ta probity dsibuton Is known to Be ound is x elt of sual "theory thy fom knowledge of al of te omen ove an Uiguely demioe the rot darbton inthe ene a0 Ban he moments HF. te are expel sich 2 ay tht easy oer ‘he probably P of oberng prcle ale of We sea nc hat he ‘robaaty P07, led in Fae 3-4, cos of at wo nr one 1, it magi af nde ie ay ith mapa aa We ‘sued tn the orga function, 522 be normalized so ht of eune, las SUPERPOSIION OF STATES (om Ite oral wave sons» apes of te ender) fuse then he roa of sing len aes of hs the Guta aa eaaton ot tom cory il ld oe of te ‘Sho the sere vale is Whee he W's re he hare bri of the ee smpnet ate. “ihe Tonic with pace mat fa ack atic se she py of oi. ats we fn, ny 0 al of he een, ee rat ae ol mtr eure ee ELLE many sume be pach the sone superpsion of egnurctions = tum phenomenon that De of he nd wberaion Fl ld on oe ot freee vals (01 Spfecion st above) The thoy oy eo pedicel oT any. many se eh etn Teno he teen cbcned Furthermore, tefore cation oxi ech area hc reuded sv pou al componer sats costig he mor ippoion. That ie "bang mee wh the Sens armen toon Hen and Poste V peed oily the weg Saree on emt on oar a ey ‘Sader amy more eta han tat provided by fe nave Fron eau why Secon 4.11, iw rua at am geal of the cory opt bes ea const Onl whe hs 0 9 be 8 font Se rey ray ery i Berea wel number map of amber feared ya compen any Tine ss were Sop then mould be ome “rpc fore othe qasurenochanal operators aid with cera sft wr led opt he pots (Ov of ‘Seren whch ded theo wlson of peta os ht ‘Sho fey ne wd Posie ¥ to predict experimental reat Cy mast fit tn in ems ofa, geen erate ns Meee Rina ss rel coma tnpartesir, Hy alge 8 i ume, tl seo the emai fischer, and in Chote 6 {Suthers opener ae ulin Ponte ¥ to make a preicion about some caperimeny shcrble gunn. he resale ofthe clean ae sMaP Sims sence wth he oetion of th ery of em wen tee Tnciom lina sombinston of epeeate Caeaane ‘53. The ealeulation of positon slate Vl ht he expectation ala of is go feta (525 vers shee soy one denon dr = dh Sine te oper Boning {othe cordate rat cl hk no mhontalopsaton ed informing eee of aber han iene atin he nee mons tobe ce wre tener oper ina lest te thief spears os nel no ro onc. “te iereion of Po tthe probably deat flows diay ftom Polat VF PO) dh pity tat a ohed ref ein tener + then te dt tsdapo poy Gnsen ao fonoae cs, fom ost ¥ fr on meson Foe any time the exeesion Wis a pci fonction of and ply the ‘ole ofthe probably dey IF happens to be an Sefctn the fe Probably deny oman in tne Sippse tha i an spetncsion of the stem, Then, for one JittaWcdeans = [rere We eth thre is et dite Bccen this caton ad hat for the sytem egy Now, a val rhe than te oat appease inp. Beto ne hae rl FY Wand on =0 bur now we my snl Yn hat (FF cn wah cei sf meg he te ey vn {heat cos as known fo se pntunton Yr sow pose the nora cea re of th enurneeo Teeote {pmad inthe maura os ould tre ot at wuld) Bat SA [ETM aad (5-26 tat na sUrERrOSTION oF STATES om 9 “Toe is wo integrals ae ja the value of avrg over he indul ‘Te et fp te wate by he aor ofa he seston we ave SE tats may beep a the probity tat hese wl Sa no oer id est Fon ofthe Sena Snes e mh be tempted ear the Sse 3 bing ie 2 Se bay of rin ate with pablo y Ts te a eee care: hone since tere are wo ote rs [=] eatin et poral eri pte of te orthogonality of th eps fen ac neg tm ely Te i ane tein 27, Tharp he smaaneos pres of Dh PELE ahve tncon of ech nn ato tem ‘at totem ae te independent, the st to tems “eat soa” ithe dflrence ofthe wo carcestie Fue, Plo TEFRD mune nein ate ime any stems are ober. wich ia the ame wae anon eh a arcuate ale of ‘Sg fous Tana ge mame of stems abo Hing at =r he Heal seat finn en) re abned a2 ire ie” we wil ener ars Slheren tad os Gueoth imeependen tee in (27D. Ts, SENS nerimposs ihe probably a ding he parle = eh EGR sng ts an ths ly ose nen he sem ‘Seguced ay bong siatancuty allo the Component sae a5) ‘peel sperposton taal a he clan of the expectation vale of x and swe stun thats harmonic vl of aso and ping constant Fs utomestipemste Fy Te nonin amp nave freon (APSO 1 eo (eo 5-28 2am y= 29M so ()) fre = 0, by mney pe » 0 Sin te nd deviation nn ey op wv wehase andl Wwe 531 1 oo bye ¥ uni ino ee her a, fe Ti Ps) 2 Cabin potty dst fenctin™ (hat of he fo) ht ey ost tay. ject sabe theo mambo otoconia Mie ro Sep op i em the tty So sh ft re rt Sich hociinabaa henans nenneme Wal igen ens pon re ae eh ring in x" is wont reared sh asus. ome nt exc oped way the sendin he oben sus of inal obras of the ‘Sonn ote paric Hore we shal pil We. cone [532 ‘isn pre dotcom song te wl geo oe wo ye ‘hse that ony ae detector rept he bea the partie ach ime Sedo thio couse we Interereih he ssn. Afr bang seve Cate wt all 60 Stems, we pa he eqoeny af eee of The itt mer We wil a yy Cant a teat sproinaely 689 of the 100 mesrements ae within the range seliv “Ye seo difstion experiment outlined in Figure 2.24 provides 3 rod uae ofthe ucerainy i the potonmasremen ah kon, EL AZTRE tance, measured along the are whee the elton lls 2 ee We em define a half te wath of he peak In Fae 2.28. Se iticeips celle Weed ony know te wae fancon Yes, Fassia Syckcr™ spprovshing he ara of detectors and we cn eles SE Fe nich ave tharacerine of the obser bution eae ia com to ta inagay experiment dsb above where an ary of pile eters war ppv be sony node int the hy See's by a harno nit i'l experiment such ase ne Rigas 22 'monng we packet stay cles with 2 Bad array of {Excl our ine haranne-ccator wane spe and the moving wave se te soudel in sac ce dsr themes ease the read of BESlst rite secon In oh ns he lative moto othe em ‘uses and he dts ring thm lt spices and owe of he SLs resins an nen Ths deen het erp a ihe aria SF pc t he entance window fe dettor cording the eve In battens he mae paket ety lred by tection with the ary ‘SA, The caleulation of momentum, By Poste, the expctaton valve fe of the ncomponcit of the feo fyeana@eerar 63 nd heen va ofp AA] PCM eaere p34 ‘Since the inserted operators involve diferentation, thir foation im the inane iprant. Onl fer the opwaion onthe sigan come ‘ke cn the etl itpation be permed ‘ven pale sgntancton she pstem, wwe in in tects fh elton fxn the previous tin that Restate, 20 so tah mt eso sain te mela "her's tna conan ecw see iar te tot resi a nets We pas Son wns nn at hts tc ng ‘ania theo expan ale fad ‘we will use, once more, the groued state of the harmonic oscillator. . (9 fom 2) yen Pree ince 6 antisymmetric, boat ann f emm (f Zeera hh pn itn Bowne Fownsoete In [5-3] we abe hat he eof be itgation nang and, ang ‘heintepalo theater term, neha . some (535 The standard deviation of the pear some mors dependent em Pans oan hs We ey Bp “he cry "wl neo Bre (536 ‘ax Tue surtavostmon oF stares com9 How can the moet of he wing pate be menue? We can ea it cy) slo: Leto ogine hat? —0 sels "SCAT ean te pn mee pr Or a rte erin, observe the ral of the prle hdtecton ‘ge dtc ro eon sem, teat a dance en Ae nate SS nll meet of ute ne From eves oeloty we ee yt sn we mas ite with re rein ont to make a mesremant. The subj of essuement Used teat he end of Chater 0) “i pabbity Ssbonon of tech wales fcr in se te ead rom the knowledge o te moms Po P,P eal f which MR sta'tom hese onion Tecan be shown a » Gas Sips poy tenon Mp) han te se moments ht we eae, sere eae fr he pou uo emma inom het Sette tora Grstanstaped potty dstbaton for th Ramer Weigelt ison very diferent tape rom that which would be ‘ASCa by winning te meses tarineer elooy of rl ae! ‘etmone ino examined at andom ie ‘55. Limitations on measurement in uantum mechanics ate foreing soon waka eee, he positon coor) andthe mamta of pics hv io potential well and costing 8 SESE dhl'acor ony atempt opi the resus of any exeimets ‘road agon nat erm: Sometimes ete ee whee wate {teers Tha one ca ake 3 pedition that complet} eran PETE otinor we fund that sven wher the emery ct etna" gh psi et ones # samc llr mse wane fans wi the rod ate ofthe Sse ‘These eee certinly Wa ~ (3) fr The santard deity ot Of ll he messremens om the meee seat ‘The standard deviation tthe earurements of pe ~ The pode of A ad Ap it ep. = a2 637 which ca constas, inependent of Both the mas of the pete {nd the clase eueney of iration ny Ths pot epee hy upon the foal cna We have been anlng enya prc, bound stemthehamoic ‘itor, nthe pound ste bat we se that [537], whch mts Apo Invoies only the uniter constant ume lao. lade {the stem parameters ach mand ‘An anus ofeach quantum tem will inys uso & seo fe frm Fa tts te cay ote ‘omentum. The sumer! constat wil vary bt aways found hat eee 538 Ine prc xe aay shove we ame ht we nw te wave function oat, and ten peed be spread nthe ave vos of and p wien any ot sysems were vie. oe sales let ispes ten cha stein ssn Wong ted by Baling ot sing trek is the rosin (538) kegs appearing" all me ‘icons, Nee th [8 pee hati the apprs digned to Ge acre val of oa prc to (esl) et by 8), ‘forte sue eeton mat erg Comer ite apna Sard to dhe an accnte maureen of ee pcs vey oy ten for he se econ mus be very eg, cote meee fl forte same poise ie stm tne tle an ace mare of ‘an vie ve Th eld he uncritical! fom he Sst matter ani iinaty anata te Gutter) af ‘evaten For mon compe Chon he ma hele 0 et Title poise ot th he expen on the meen of boston an he loot of aren aig sen se ypc {etn expeinens. Ceien experiments of oop espe ‘tay prota, but they ae say omens wth ages nl, hee anda trate eho he coon fim the number of suns ina Cie oun fete bend «gna se See rep. Bop her water wits ay thnk in the tant frre about oo preset noo he waver Gant crain tat 58 metodo pe SSR Mae chor of abate ioaramens net theory as etmeny ciel wi. '56, Wave packets and the scattering of particles “anton fis ook is primary cncerned with Hound stems hee it one nt Get pact and coven set, the fee partic, which rr gomty with ony mal extension of the fechas pth ses ths far The amass of the fe parle demonstrates he a pile seperostan of eigenfunctions, proves othe ee ee ein fener moment, and poston, nd stats {Gedttuminnes the unex reine Ae ow the ee pret eset in wane mechani, 8 poste deriv Insole, nite tems ow a parle tly fe Per ina casing one’ aver area by lad patent ert ean ered ts moion. The eat, qanatie ana of rca cori mathemati (one i fore alte! fom the 6 ‘i appoaimmte etd nd i il ot eat ee “REI it demon yea of sume eal, hat «part clo pea sperponiono fhe egefucons of one-dimensional Bx of ‘Sern’ wit fom a moving. bound, eal oop of waves cll & 'SQit puke" Insead of sing 6 efor, tut some ptr pote fiom st dee th lac a he bo as and at — LD, teh sow vee tat the Sefenctins obey “pide Boundary com Sion” mame ACL) = WED, a8 dele ye = (Widen — [5-39 Ince words euttat the gfuncions have he same apie an Tee Rw endr ofthe domain of eton of the geictions” st =U here k= Def = 2 ane nah Vi estan 60 ‘he umber fia te bos) snc en nin 3 fo 1 = rae -EE--7 ba ses he prio Dandary onions (5-8 Fairey andy conn ona, Prob Tee ¥59 of [5-40] ae norma ey poss a aerate suae ‘hr domain of nto, ong and well eke. Si ot rt hese nay pen at ce og Ephrata ton sn sn ne es loth anes thy [40 an in he poste ieton ands Fi sepa, the ne rnin he Rete, en besen by ering (0) eeavnento 2 DT aaa Sop ee HTD ° i gS, Thesupergstin of sates whith produce he wave The eget pha”) me when = 0 ad Tinctine Sad pane, eM Z~ Bad 0 a ot ie zl il etn mon ine tn i tuner ewes proper rs h gunum mae "Aa tay ian repent it value wher te ince a by anamount =n te woah oie wae “= ARS ae coor Jo[fiV2S 4 (units of 2/10) Via) Formation of wave packet ot =0. {b) Formation of wave packet ot = Fig 5.6 Wave picket (a pet loging othe speroston hire 5 mong wave pec. Tose how this ocr we conser ial eae ‘ios spe of sates (here ate ly seem ested ten lo) 8 eh eh ee eh er “Toe as re ll ea. an th retains apis ae pate in Fate 5.8, ‘To ovmalie "one ogre sat the sum ofa ‘Senelength can each en, o/h abd av an mpd psi a Figure 35 che amplitude dtbton was chown '0, be approximtely {Gan in fom sie hs feetion ed tern he mater aye) The som o the sven wane fos (which may ray be obtained A he {Hof apo dvdr fora arb of iret aes fy the wate pahetcmed a3 DI ech thas lof te wer a Yop, ‘ce tey ae all np a 0 The sm shows second owe) peak ‘lar maveleagih The dsinguihable group of maver—whose Waselengh Finiy Gauwian amps ditcton. From Ppa SS we estimate te (aianceh an from Fg 5a we etre at about 1222) ~o sidan eis generaly tee (ee below) thats rar spectra of he ws pau long eave tain i the gcc, and Bend specu a he acs prods # ‘We noah wh opposer short time cay? Each ofthe seven hong wave tae sowe athe lgenaves anor wavelets) feve most pally, Figure 6 sows tha ty, alle pe Rss Ive sted tothe ih nc by 2 sigh dient smunt proportion. ‘ch ca Yoh The ofthe ained waves plate a igre 3b ws ‘noted more than nc ot fare aera i of he one ee sam surERPOSMON oF STATES fom sete by heya —10)-Te ets in, etn te pak fhe kt reese 5. tow a hen waner ery, Ett gi ad SACs mT ec Hy ety iy "eri het ign pica = 8s beter “Tata ants note np te) ; "cert the nepal he group vel) which incu ery mary eth verge pe wt he wes ose tpi tense yok weal fhe ene ad he tne eee he ol at fen Figure 3.6 nad ve he nea an fr pune ance pe Sezione ow lly sal har te ithe eo he wiiateeinig a wont nich dens how mic ieee Slt he Dear pe ety snd te poap wot (For he ate crauut weve pc abe ogo hogs ere agin ‘ocr wo errant pata ou cle he sependene ase ‘lyon wach the poche ese Be aes Sty paw mtn one mc of ping eo ‘Sonn oh te pce, kt hing shed fh oe) ‘od be nae ator th owe ee ae fonctions, he pas veut ons args rae han th ey oT Ce ‘hap 1) he ner pup elt fh te ny one ah ‘Shey ist ame Gr 2') fo beh erie an Boe ‘Suv ania ning st om he above mmr example ow x rep of sony sa ttfncons doy grouped im moment form ve pk we fo sow Wty howto obese same ein mae eer aL he Speponion et) = Fated Bs wie the ae nd hae ah apecine mapitude online neighbor oof hy Lt oy beth anand devation nt wb emo beni. "Thon andthe sanard deviation in the omentum For te supepastion ae po tay [2 ‘ecu the form is mathe table, me ante for comic of {Siuaion thatthe acs have # Gaussan ampiode Ssrbuton whove sa p-EERSAER ES sie ne ns BE “at nth Nom te en i ch ing a” Yeon Lepesant cle whee he Bm Sot ‘is Casiandtibion aap tthe amen neo Ra. $5 17 emi Boome rye hat ne my te sper it te dete um df Eh may be how hat er iepton a as om | toms ron {tan Fa = ae sf etomein(o= Bot (4) oc ramrcaoy ‘This wane fmon, ognaly described by the superposition (5-4 ow ees expt in es of raed Tepes wave pocket {2 the en obtained by numa cation inthe ele igre “The st factor in (4) oa mpd ator whove magia decease wontine Te second factor san dependent Gaunsisn split fenton whose stant deviation By at = Oe (IH), but whch scree ith me. Toe ‘epoeof matioum splat s moving nthe pose irclon ih he ‘loky Age rte ps lai, A/a the wae atthe en ‘tthe spect [4-4 phenomenon whch wat sey reveled by The ‘pestig numeral ample “he thd ators [= 2 period term which bs te form othe ‘soincton belonging to theca ale off “he forth ctor also x tmevarying Guay which repens valve ne the einen coms 4 pe of 2 Th even, howe, dot ‘ot dpe nary on thee For sal noua hat ‘Shown tlw a be cially conta ad Uerfore witout ics a ‘hereon of iret tha inte eon whet ule aeed tas SUPERPOSIION OF STATES com | B46 eich shows once aun that he epi of manu probubiyf ming in The seiecton em ee ‘om [5-45] we eculate the potas deely “any 2h mr?) EY = te wre wick mst be the pice slot since the probability of obsning the TEE Bvean and sana anytime ois WVU) i We not Wesker tat Ys eal the expectation yal of the momentum tse by te mes ments) shows tht P ~My and fo the syns SP dtbon, Fy) The ea ao els fom aia mechani ‘Sonne apn hat, coreponds patie elo tester aan he une rn we ete the prot 9 eh psn wef 284 ~ PE eee ee Cnc ponent wee ES Wnt Se tieton whe eel Ho we ey Socheaee sav she emanate Ce monn f= J 0 Ye an be most sinly Sound sing the of the erga sepepotion [4 ‘Aer ing the peor on: mulling he wo sss, at eating erm ecm, = Btewl 4 — Haren ae ‘The obuned vals of the moment wil enter at AE Ay wih the ‘Renard doviaon, oe Mua ish ar fom eam te Gus tin ma weve, a ners cme Ie, tou ii that 42 mee Be"SSnan ate of he prod Th te uncainy peile sore psoralen “ oe Retin oconieration of he wav fenton [5-5 we a how log the eve pace wil ld together” hat i il ot change form ape is om the Fourth tr of 5 mente that me gue ta = tg 38) be the ode faith if ne ert ou atenton to thera of he frre pect! here the wine te oa ineten the mongers ae many 2 ora ea Un 1, ma sn 2 Losrowsany (50 “The sme condiion Asp the masimum anpide and ako spatial spend Win pct coal conan apparent rm the form of =) Dearing 2a be the Mum of waver Ina packet, and ing /Se the numberof waves ina packet tomes nt), and (530) tecamen ‘ EOI) let)» Unde) [551 =e For example if tee ae hee ware nt pate, a he amid State ané pening ot in space In Fue 56 the puke actualy moved Shout tee Own lent, and the oon sang to Be appre Ison the fhe: hang, pucks fred fom sate wih wry nao omentum spread she pst wil onun ary nse and wl asl ny tis own eh whos changing Shape ‘san came of the store ot Fal wave packet, we comer the learn Wasted in the Daison-Gere expen In Figure 8.7 hot Finment “os ef Yownery corsets ton waves} wt an nergy ‘ncrainty of about isn, du othe teal peruano the Ctr ‘ergy ll in he cyl from whch te ces cme The eter ae ‘lead by the coment 10a porta (he casron sans et 8 Isher pti warn wih’ hh nde 9 acon “and Shs ther wavelength. From (50), pew HP 50 ev yD we ae tas rir suremrosmoy oF stares com 9 own to 4 accuracy f about 1 part a 200,50 dat the omentum is own tan asrrcy of abot | putin 4090 (ince Wm then I~ Sippy Tow ec saa shape te wane ack fore he nial moms ree a Page oat becoming dai fe) Keron wove pc fo Dann. Gumar exit TES 22"atcrone (nat to torm Sse) ‘Coney Sore (Sapo iw of ov acetone stilscon begin odio te lesan maven ie 57, Sheth fearon mae paket 10 ep oF 8 en 16 NOSDHCENERATE PERTURBATION TORY (ehe.7) “Thins plated onthe penn eery gram athe top of Flare 7.4, tetas sit ioteg (or Sb) nm eral of ccticd at 0.510 em, a tr wba "We fst alate Hy te torr comets othe energy eel Wie (5: 1059 satn0-9 be ih fom Fg 74h ca een toe very nes equal 6 (1 C= 5.1 era Tas, My= = 102% 08. ‘he tin eo oes il fa 0 3.7 Bettie i mt ty te ca SAS Steen ate aan tev sone” pm he co ae ten FE here th itegation ros from = 60-05) 410% 6.05.0.) 10m, since 1 ery he, Examination of Fig 7.4 hows a one, ower. hatin apa Hl be to ce Oe wo Made eas ae isan ar ea in mage. Th y= 0 PP canon of ay ca te peorned spony with th aid of Figwe 74 une bath fnstlon eee Constant ove he range of Hg VAN $.1 10°99 VEWO-Y E10 em i Sh ow 2 and [B) howe ana tha he Spite of and, Than me wlth knw tetra hioeorde ave Tieton wih thos soe ‘or Sn aeratine Geran f (1! and [212 ee Probe 8.10 “To ind yay we tn 19 the ek to equations of (17 which l= WF at ep eM} elie #0 x= og On of couse (iv soatin 10 te equation, bt ia name ‘iat botmion ext teosary a the Geena ofthe eens vk Hy ° fel |e y= seat (es ‘i qt wy ald te “erento” a ay ne min Tea hins Tdaepe spon eae nw ro it Aes in oss Wh ne nk ad Sees iat te'e mmo ge pried Titoli day Wah vr etal ey ier Wi haw ton sonore ite sty oe Sasa pn te Se he ror woe tnt and a oe Teg es" sen one ye pein Sema iho geome ret chy We 2a Wtowe ketene rome eee “utero eqn oy onion ree tant etn 15 te ln oe Salt" Yann ne sant are enw Sinan wal oc ey To) me ad tee Sian ath compe Ener ae rca bnattaderzet [ete (05. — WI g— 9 Hi be sora azodane wih ha tlt Ta i 9 er Sheth fs oor Tedin vein ape (B18 Cig ie aettaerara ees ou ween ‘TworoLD DoGENERATE LEVEL 19 For tscorder thay, we ep the 3 ems and oe tht since me Bae easy ied by (0) hte y+ ehey= Ivand snc his aby, te Soe of mist em Thm and a poe stag andi bh ad es ting = ls) deavttamte zat (Ble ‘where, as before, ” datdant pa ‘That i the nomalation ofthese wate ition it accomplited by sting 9 ae gi West he i Sond, Equations (2-13 (35) together make ths eqatins ising the tee utnowns ceed Wand, pen comples rubs orate oa nmber a cera numberof erg fr example). Te ‘nl the magus f yan ane Semis, ving eth ey rst, cmplneapacati tr of te form eal the pase te, ‘tics undetermined Since al pecs ak th rel of spent {ie reahed trough the eof Poe ¥. an si 5 conta he ale he pase ator of pica eonsegumnce Te examps cs lw il mae te role ofthe pase tr more ee. ‘a afore. we dat the wo es of found rom [Sls [=] by Walp ach ar edn 1, a Tor he, ‘oly obtain ale of thea ee Tha when WW hen Coded when "= Wi, the (eed = 8 ede 40, and (ee #0 ‘Ths ce how bath and Bare completly tine Wy [5. inet se when WT Wena) Ma Hing i he ‘stitution in (8-12), (ae er (on, MOM DM ogee), BIB he fe comply ermine actor = I By ‘om DEGENERATE: PERTURBATION T4008 (own ‘the asbript a means th hese Ae are Gein forthe case whee Sealy, the magitde of (6), ix found by combining (8-17) with on armen Hite oats = ygheg (20 and, - ° ctenfasteste gi] (Bala here th pitas the contar (eis ven By [0]. ve by {ony a gen by (17) an 3 ‘Sitar for HW the ter eof the detrinast (4], me sd, ° wot [owsws zane] aie ‘nr he maid of (9 zen bythe equation cresgoning 0 [5-2 Tou i by on equaon corresponding to (17 scp tat B apEAT ih pea ‘We Ive now determined the fava ener an ls the ware fon Jor ch ofthe ee “he mom ie und th aove eso ees wae ribo sey deter he 0 sae of 1 touph -) an aso Je we ses of velo forte en anor theo, for sah ira H ‘Med to the ssosorder Marlton, there wll be faite te mae Jonons, fant tno coneponding sharers cele. Each of the ew ts wave fons fa) an O15). has as siaing poi.” oF Trcnferfncon fre ombnton of and dat apart [Smit whch approhes athe maze of he perturbation 1 Spronches ras wh tration prenatal thea nie ‘inter of cepa ina comblatns of and of ee Append TD, ‘its sureng tat shod demand 2 pride ombnton ‘ne seks of Hm remoung the degeany fo fronds” whet 2 Bee a a tng ance cee rh (02 ruses <1 tnd re dicen. hee so ery curtons tan ott be the ae inthe frsorder clin, he oe st okt the tres in Fo dein (3) to semove the depeeacy "the prtartn tends Ro Sere ommety whch we the hal case ofthe eer, ten the ‘tins enn be emer. a © t f } wt va ve ai rn) © “peo \ fire “ +) Fig 81. A recangu box with ol dope lee The ton othe perturntion erry the xy sym andres 8.2, Example: Analysis of a twofold degenerate level fr single article ina rectangular box Degeercy aly re besnoe of sore form of ym For sample tn tee on and in the ysopen wom ere har teem Smmety. we found egy levee that had hee Or more spefanstions 92 DEGENERATE PERTURBATION THEORY com tetngngtothem. Wewishaneethe sip asa tof! degenerate TRS NE lot core or yom wa pny nw dimensions. Cow Uae retnptr box In whch oo oe dnerionk ae te me H4ihtstare bo, wth (or mpl Sa porn wal, hs he pert pte ee Vayi2)=0 for OxxchiOaychOxese stow in Fg 8.1. We il a prion 1, wich a fncion Sagan arable bt we desea te reo epee, ost en Porth oxo Fae 1 te eiefecion ar (ee Seaton 4.2) 22 ig MP ig BE pe ne sof he aii eH Nona de eu For conten, We make the aon sumption thatthe si € ual oS Te geste energie igri 82 ven BE [o fed] eee ve th ngs oy tin fy Th ie td Etat iret Ei aes sue ing aa a SRE ees ve in in 2 in p25 tuum EP in Fe pas 10th es ft pnt. sett wil De "Tei x second told Seperate eel at Wins Wine 5b egy sity mth cen Sng 294 ye sd ee ey ieee ome nich re show in Fis "Asan sample oa potato clon, we wi detemin the it, {J Mins Btn = WW a gt wa 6} ne, Waa Mpa eta depen) FM ata fet SPT Manan Wt iae OH, Fl > i Soccer $4, See i en af Man Hh Fit €.1. The lomiyng zonder energy ll or he nthe Wn Wa evel and onthe to cgincons which ton ot, ez) mea rent (t-2) cre ( ey ot DeceNERATE: PERFURBATION THEORY coun.) Sih pty nnn erin dy hme en td hn sal cee ee Seger ob enor Pei than othe pein secon ne Weed ach anton by a eng soc ib to each) re Bln oe parca a fusca this enneraton Is vary, cc hat eoform to he eer ‘Mts’ we wll eny the stsuncnt of The dere lve bing Thinet oy oan ts B= don 825 arpete Mow p28 tn addin, we make te felling abirary Mentions, = Syn 088 = Ho Sue aod = Wine Sod Y= Wie) the equi ofthese mo vues [8-29 Yoo ben and #2 — Was | lnsnoaet be caeitions Fo Fin and ‘Westl e low tat on of hohe eet intl on Fine 8.2 “cone” ‘i tpt ees Wn Wa 0 mot ney 0 ie em 8 “nce! Ech ste’ may, howe. be ened, meds ip mmr beri is Sena ann of pce neath lm tes of ertix seul fants te sted we mut fe re, boe preg ha Shoe fs ein nt aoponal,Only toe ogg Sart ee ics mde examine oe ca aly see fom syne, that and ar onbogual len. that [fo ote dy dr ~ 0. Silay, and ar oon. th ee ooops Tela fo rn ney tees ae murano be oxogoal by the Es palate, Se pen “Te rtp sete the mai ements ie which appt ane ten a y= fv m0 stacy cereale att SESSSUS ee PEPE Cea pene ae 2 anus 9s sine me ae asuming that Dye width ofthe potenti wl sll com- red to the wh f the cla potent well wath nie walls w=" 0 Stary, sing he approximation sin Ges = — 202 =22 nthe ished of. With he i of raph showing sin (ou) sin ee) ad ao (627 one cana a once that MM. That the seit gun (©) oo (B30 wim tig —2e (PY rec ey Sipe set le at coed yt ran Tae at te ney sy er ee Wed Sti ep nc gers te nash a fo sn ip ee mos aoc em he conan srt sen Toei 5 ey te een oe ot rea a cht deh = ge ey ean 3 snc an st i ee fete wae yt) i demi cn ed sc i ren ot Sioa octane ene ae wee WE (ety 0 ed ffi Hb eave, SICA maa nee eta tae hm cumin ofthe vals of hong wil uly show hat ach Isat, due To ammo bea ie ero the Bn) in sere es ite dn 1 be he non fy, Wl Rona Fo (oa [fftin 09 tear (e204 wy 0S gy = tees Teooda — Wibihe paoron ‘hen igre 81 Fig 8.8. Te fintordercorrcin ta the dgenert nel ec el pre re the known, constant factor. Thus, te te ( stone) wave Tinton ‘ening to i ee. y= 20K (ee ba + (ay HOF He ED Ka bo BRD em Raper BO din + dan + B33 ere he apie ofthe nse ems may al be acl fom (12) Esch wilt as 2 factor, the eostant (ey which, bone, ea, 8 [ef a eat ‘Wie ae. hetfore, completly demi the tae to stone eneray and ave fection for ach the so sts, Upon the removal f ech ere warn eal ry oe = Wo May at "uration thee inte numer f scp nar coon at ‘ating th two prt one “sce by te pertrton” a the "ig win foreach fhe rsd I the tape me hate snag The perturstion hp he sch spt frm a at (eal Image of ee ¢y— I and a= 0, oF = Oand f= I-A silent form of peraraton mip, or empl lec ampliede combinston: Vou yo oryOr) V0, 8.3. Multiple degeneracy Suppose that thee are dee ten onogoal eigenfunction, sana roche to penetra lve ofthe zero-order stem “Tenth woe wave fncon an (2A, mst Be rept, apr, cor ‘aig in to order all re fee epntncons. Tate no reason (0 peter one over entrant af couse lcs ih pra A Poet a ba (e34 trae thc net independent igefnctins belonging to wee not cviially orthogonal new at othe tat ae ohogna wil have foe Teoma lore [3] nud. At before ef eben they “Teve arenow the ees plate of [and 7, and the es thee equson a oI] lend ton 3 dsterminat ined othe 9.2 Secrmiant [+14], The determinant han ener, Tote, whch te the te dierent energy coretons Each one has x parc st ot Epa reyand ey whch ey ech the trend ah inp point” ae fnctione Alo, cach ste tee frctons I ely "Hough no mesa een for enc fhe ee Waar, vetoratid ete be dcrmi Blje4 = anda st GENERATE PERTURBATION THEORY fom ‘The chammcetic wales o signals of st of equations sch as tea ln veld to the character sal of feel equations ‘Name fis tha os at soe the rae wave sation Hy male ‘hSaly rat ethos, sine the Rac postr inthe ae cused Invenrier shapes Alo aime tat one Sas iinet cere Tel, Wate We cae clo topster Thee ae the exe ies of ‘nego coer, We for sume simpy the dus) ta oe anate there fogs only one sipsincton In practi. he only ng ‘aeons thee cat slain the wave equation Is mata ‘itty Trane wore foes to ie prtion theory, wat would Happen Le ts spon that tm, Hs nelcted ince Hatonian, envi iin the bum J for whch atheists ate Kron, tb i We Gin ht {heupprouiteoumion bata ees 17 ight in ern whee We {bandh case fence signals wn povormng the tet compute fon, We ao fd tat there re «dient cpenfuncons bonsag his elas 1 0 thatthe sory level Ps afld depen By pe. furbaton med wet up the «equations coesponding to 13) which Involve I) eg" yond), Wen tht hs gations Nec Staion stron Ws one's tit ales Menifed ythe DSL dacmiman covesponding wo 14) One speaks of Wi, Wo Ie beng te ager Othe st of inca equa” (orespondig {ES the “ena ofthe mae (ih epee’ these ton). fiving= dsc vas for the stem ncey. Thee wiles nee" and {Pnontr theory i abate fo the ene creapond very cs rm by tr tothe har eps ofthe em eee ths epon Ths, ‘helmets a ati a of nn putin) when al fo he 20" ‘rer enotne ld (ry ea he ro gems of the eat ire “The aie form of guts mess, developed by ener, wed tn meth of ratios and datrmiant Iwas ate sb fo Be eet {othe Sobtinger wuthod "Te nent fe tered othe more adbooed ‘Exboks for furs dheon fat caiston i anton means 84, The omique relationship betmeen H' and the zero-order ‘igenfunctions ‘Therein very important ions In he dependence om the mage then Sy Fr at ow ol ae ne mater how clo sac. hey lbs spaced 10 ‘ince 9 sunny - W=0. Thus, the two ig ves of xa site aly withthe ‘athena! orm of he patton Mcp os mage nc ey et eric om a te ah opr Umiosging to cach alu of ey are not meey seid ah he fo Of 1 bat they sein adn poportnal ote mapa ei his wig ‘nein bows fhe matomatal form of Hae the two chateleste ‘lac oe (hat the tro carters roar which "one {2 tha fre the ats he Westen of ena ater in Caper. ‘8S. Summary: First-order perturbation theory for a twofold “degenerate state Comite a partial enrg eel, Wf a sem which in coord enti in the wnperared condition) has tro diferent into long Hh WE, and HE WS where WE = (BEL 1 a0 fae ssumed 1 be orthogonal. The moet general oemaiaed wan fntion belonging to is foattevbaie da tact (83 The ne raat ve ton p= 9 ee = aH (BS). [BD deetibateta Be we maw Bs obinng 658] Gt). ‘Seti the cotiscat of 1? —0 (x aria), we obtain the verde sation Ie gf nb We ot ‘Seige oS OPW rH el — ID BG the std equation ne rae tin neh romp ote rrke (@) forthe anteown 6 we baie $= Bad (©) forthe wo kaon funtion Hand 1 for purely mathe sera =P eb a ft Hee pe Uj ow he BD when the above th seis ae ira ot the Aetonder equation (2-4, BO WI, Wee Sd A where Mig Weta W—Be tate onset kn fa tn tt tint inf Tadeann rf Sat en Forfa. On gm Hn et Hy {B12 Ford. OW atin ee FoeJ BAS 0 HE he ide te ai [00] me fin Seo te gree nomaaton ofthe rorer wave fmcon (ee (162) one Te tee eqns, contin of [11] and ce cea 1 8, satis to decmioe wae values of W, || aod |e] 8 the flowing ‘Dan Wistar io the Seria 1 Hi Hn eH Mis Hig — 09 c sis [1 homogenous a eter wo vies, and elt om {Baro cn aes of WB} and) tech wee oe eT 2 he maps nda brown he mage com be clcl rom [= THs foreach a ee sles of Whe ‘long parca, a cy and ater tf ce Visa est tsa anty nan and or hve ike ea rt ar save on tne or [ane sa eles ota ier A oe termine rom [91] when W" = 8 = constant For W’~ We we have the ote fists ey ve apts entree save fron. (he sapesins ae te tame ts an, eet that Breas Ueber Bey aban from 2-1) forthe eee = ‘Shou hte tote the ermian 84) be ena, then “the pectin des nt reno the Geers.” (6) Bindte stesso renaration Figs. upon theres ‘pprovite to each ofthe new energy levels (0) ea it ay en [6-27 i cote ‘Probom 8.2. hi he perturbation of gue 8.11 the eon stor” Bewbere Deh (a) Find then oor eels arsine om the origina eet (8) Find the corresponding zero-order wave funstions (©) Find he orton, if ayo he tod wave unton th test a2). Probion 8.3. The Esra Level af he ition Aon ‘Avan example ofthe apliaton of perro toy 10 2 ore eae pb, ne comer fhe two Toe neray lee of "The normal kum som as tee seston (= 3, 0 of ich rein ann Tate ne the mci, and ove in an — 2 Ste? Ife to inner cltons were need! feck ote, hey nl euch ine degen ike wave farenm, ge whe = tes Aperic Wh. Ths mena hy te most fund the noestorool of ray kee = (528 10 em The Protabity deny Jy an the potialy of obser the eee Mina el Sn td hn Sr Elson experince a plenl af er outa f= ty. and Poet of Serie that hatte wo le eons sem gray changes fon the fa fm vo he ner orm othe gene oe he aap hang sie it ges inp form 0 the pertain ta i = — 226 forte fine 0-27 and ro ewer (Atay, duet ie musa rapa th to ner ssn ae mes ily owed se ‘tat ftor ow tan str) vis for021 204 HeOferr=o, 10) Arvin poten nan eet alain sao 4 mow ¥ son + 40,000| save (8) The thom oom ener el (espaimatl a fA, The ton th n= 2g te of i en sears weed apse by peta esr (rate 6) “The lowest ergy sate “able 10 the thd ton” i the n=, 1/= 0 ofthe inner electrons (sce section 9.5, The Pauli Esiv- ‘lon cp For the sie m=? thee ae in the ntoordet O°=— eh poten, four deen cietuctions $1 = Som = doe Yow Vem and $y By ee Abpea VD. The Seta alten ie fins Ste faethe 2 TA ‘yotronopi kom ied ave ber Egy 5s = ener in em" he ~ ener co) (1,99 10° eg perce Initia the ate for which » ~ 2 pee by he peace ‘of Mle 8). Te tole Io clei te energy coretion Tt cash ote four states eausd by ths pean. Note that the four zevoorder egnfuncons ae lead erthoona toe ee Prien 4.10) "Toe dtm coesponiag 1 [3+ [wy My My Hig Wig) Hy My Hy Wig WW) My | He My My y= (0) Stow tha al fags mate clemets ate 2 or his pertain (o) Galena yan He Al, show that Hy i= Me {tht hit parce petaton dees no rove the ‘tneray completely. (Tere reste types of pear: ho wich wil cue al our energy level fo be Siti) omer itepation i ssc ee (6) Compare yours on the soretionst he = 0 and Feit wi te esperimestl eta io igure 8 Prion 8.4. I the dscusion flowing exuton [8-215 seas montine tara pen form af te ampere a {rls dene on th a pone erie artigo” ‘ine inst ae indo othe mage 9 2 rn he SoS See G27 we mnt be ae (3) Show why this 3. Hin: By the er oution [8-4 ‘Sow fat 1 must be popatnal tte mages of Tay cer of the equations (S13, efor the tats cet be iadepensot ofthe mage o (oy 1S idepndent the spt Yom of "2 Drom 8.5. The Astor wave fection writen oot vation [-2) bus the propery that only tho 2rd leh ‘ihctone appt he mand quantum somber are 2 dT ‘eotvey thes proc et ‘Proom8.6, Fin the Laat coestion term, teen 20 ont in [3 Prom 8.1. tte system f Fie 8, et m= 9.1 10° ‘gm bei am c= 10% cy Deere and Vy 1010", Ife) wed fale the sural ales of Wy he sad (es ‘Probl, Prove the statements 4 the dicason fatowing 215) mamey Te seta eatin [815] has Fa FO Pri 8.9. role 4.16 ses he eietanctions and cowry lec th ftp aor om Sued and Poses 79 dete ‘Sow the pertaton ofthe les (end mondepnerate) stat of {hsp wna mth patina Side pid. The sto-odet or ere fr nich MA Tis ood dene sine posses Ds = Vinee = — ‘am (@) Show that the petition produced by the pvitatiost (oy Calaate he corde ener ft ee (5) Gate he coder neg for he eel ME — 4 Problem $10. An aerate derivation of 01} and 812). Str withthe Hstorder egution [641 eset (8-7, Paro ‘he operon ng He lp fom tee yr, an inegate ‘ral onfauation spe, obtaining te it equation of (11 ‘Matipl rom he ty uy andstgrat,cuning the sean fuaton 2-1". Muy from he ty tah ee, Og ‘Sethi ego tana 1) IDENTICAL PARTICLES Inthe to pecan chapters we cbse that symm i pyc sac ofthe potent function of» stem produced pneu, tat i 0 2 ifvenchaerte ergy value there long two or more diferet ier function, These pees Farton, ssh autho eames (225) and {256} oh hdropte Funston for the ew n~ 2 eer moog tem ‘hs tae they hve iinet iret epedence upon thee 6 ‘ints (ey) or. 8) rope Te Chai we si hat whe depeneney screen imme: ately arse repuing the covet frm ofthe trove ave futon We ound tat frac oom of pertain ne rates pela tet eroorde of starng pit” wave fenton or eh he new eharseste ery. When =f tho crwth ease compe ‘enti each oder wats incon eda ods is combation ‘oF te ase emanctions Ths of owe, the starting. pot Tor the ‘curt cacti oe partir tre wae funcion, Hower, when In'='0 mere an ite nomber olin comnts the base Cast {tncionn boning he ee el ting sat hich tal pr, ‘cual usc One cana hose aman hom Hid Tn ihr chaper wee cnrerad witha new ope of symmetry da, not te gets seme npc pac ut the inp are ‘the partis cmpouing tam Treen Sse nde nd tee we sal hve 10 the tery of Chr 2 be - ENTICN. PARTICLES im 1941. "Two identical particles in a one-dimensional box Let suppose tit» ooedimensonl bos, ith inte wal at» — 0 and 4 Tones not one us wo pare he sme mass. We thst WSs tam svocordr, ahah thw prls ad the mater Wes ‘lenin to them se reo fom the pte trl hey a mo ay Sieteach iter Th tal eoay af ie em 6 Cam DM AVE + ED= WHI where xi the contin an ps the momenta of pre number, and Tia corte andy the momenta of grt number 2. Thr m0 hcattenetgy term dependent upon the vee positon of yore Und Petite fo presse ase fo be noninertin "Ais Seton 1 ad Append IV, where ne so coded stm that ome parler we nce re extad Poste I eta Py onset tt That he system wae ction is sme {fo dyed up he hi spatial node of the wo ates which compose It jesppendic 1th sumption lends to the profition ta he hyo om, moving we souls show nave popes characteriza bythe ica momen of the Total atom, wll be Yelle motion othe are ‘oul! thw te move poperice whch determin nal setae. Both Sl tne pedtns —whsh woul be ponte stow the sold spat ‘Swit ae fly bore ovt by examen. Hee, forthe eae whee we pres ae ene we shal od hat the esnton that Se stem Wve fonction depend pon tw ste fst coowats and time ao Ieets tome sey important tsa prfcons Wich se also sab Savtated y cactinens, The Initio of fhe analy to the ease of m= ‘Simson modo ofthe parler orn eat ny eet enue In tte phewomens ascii seneal partes tobe oeoke, and ‘pie he elton, bat mot important fl pets he rst ‘epee in apie fom. ‘in Post ne kc the oper wetions, bein enine enn WDA BD p= pena bing fom 1] the imedeendnt wave eatin = orzm exp — CeAMeIeAD Pay Yay = —onDaTIAE where Hi) =O for O< D 7 a ‘i memati rm 1 io aye ai ta ra ar cps vo mene 2m ee ‘Esa pra n hs mary te Speak Sirerplyeety moma math ety dey, ured Foams oh a win Denne ote ESSA RESEAEe Tati dopo ere ae fsa gS estonia ge 99 mpc Te we See ile Ptah hetoo "ae oo en aes on CONSEQUENCES OF SYMMETRY PROFERTIS 218 1 ziti contour for J fit clear hat hel we tips Shit he ener inh antisymmetric ase card fn he Smee uaniatecletions are simple, sce Dc. They ae obtained by inepting (el anf gi Fn yD wu) Fig. 93 The clon of the energy carson 10 the set nd terete ts el pe pres esha, rom Fare. 3, that he cretion em 9 the sara away poste fs poster both ayers Red atoms orice, Hn negae (be pats tet x te) Therese ne apie the tr conn deny ete fc a Syme force end 29 IDENTICAL, PARTICLS co ta cup oper and te animes ate te to anid each other SEE Sine consaming bow permis Cnepenen of the Iepartsie Eas "Why depres with metic wavefunction ed to ump tpt, aed (hove wih ntaymmetic wave funn tend to avo ech et? ‘ie toe bi of soe or fre her rac ee change vegans dana. For camp in Prien 9.7 we une he forsee by a tappe pric, a Dose mater way OF Geeaibafs oncaimenn! boc te ng of te aneaimensoal box ang the parte of gre 92 edo, he to Rymmetic prices ‘Siisonp more ney an a he te tami prea Be proper of the wave functions, fhe airy iteracon energy 17” Bett ‘ore pis omg ml the era wrk done in compesing te toe cay te sem for he sane qui bers and whether Spmnrtie anbmocls parc we cna i rere, ‘Sem ft ese flr lrpresion, abd te wl hve he sme ‘erg sear Clean aough ne ave forcing change ithe average ‘Tsume betec he pre fn cement of er hat comb ‘dws cng. An nemo ae apn ofcourse wen 1 0, Sins do ot psec ody fore ach ay fo ample com Temp fo wee coon Change nergy lel cae rina tal rp erm, ff cna in rg prt te Jones tie pars wane fon, ae of Bet Pt ‘emer cy anges igen smi {nd wc ny lls and Sr the aa ofthe pte sem othe ‘Ks ad of te lnc onde wich are of Such a importance in "Arte shall se short; the symmety prope of te cen wane fancon (aos neal aisnmetc) dominate the ture of l= fier Siom Wilt he cmesane" chacteraie of aiyrmete perc, toms Yo be wicgnte tT etn ey wee oat mater nthe sr wold then Besa ne cou ent ve ne hue conemping on of thy mest imporan ad prfound ‘onsequcnes of quantum mechanics symmetry, or anim, of mae fencions boning to aries We ee Oat syomety and nore fatow diy fom the bse poss wien we apy tem tte ce of two ital price neat nthe tame pon a pyc pce, The Posts wnt elu tat leone for empl, wil on eet es tha are ansymmettic tothe tecbange of any no ltons the mast be Intel fom exgeinet (ae Saston 9, The Pol Excson Prine) bat {hey tel ar eset how antimaic pate (or sme paris) mot beh f eye a ail Te fa haa he ats a oar fall ‘ly sto on the ter f he wo eps pow y the Feta ‘nd thane a preted ie pest mp etary “Tae exchanges propery af he wave fanciont Belonging to prices one a the mos important and fndamental characters 94, Particles with nonoverlapping wavefunctions From the being of hs chapter we Bae ee sng alo anls son ingens cmneons, hh tre ons he rte, ‘order equation sch fan fot) We gay ste tal pre Tom inthe sate with he gartom manera aie 3 wae sate vei the quot mmberK Only erty lanes deccacy Mad fen “cnn by O12 and 13, sn prrtatn hn) apd Ce ae {rh id we nd at her so hear combo OC VF and cod Be te conet mocrder nave function af them. We wera the bo arcs as sring the wo state abd The pases me ate ek ‘Snsering owning 9 “The enon, in Figure 9, why We CAO hk of prt bing in sta and price 2m bing sate tat ew two ese foeont ‘era in pace snd thee fo way of Eng how uc er fac “elon to any one ein, We ts at lore hat =e are m3 tose beret nr nv vsaing at any ie gees ‘ies we iil pats ospy the sme pe we have no myc Enwng ‘ia tation of th ape of ion fay pars made “ong toon paren ontast o ts, ce th two wane econ Fite 3.4 whch sie hey arent pre egfunton (ach seperation of iy hn) ae tine A he ot se Fe 3.0 ey are compty spr ss aa ra te ‘mah be ovappe even fe Fre 9 de For mngnotpig we en of Fig 9.4 ve fm the ‘mo (a arma Speer ewe fen et seo 9) ana 5p, ts9 8s) and b= saved «ingle porte see asin of ovron Fig 94, Two prices na box with verpig ed nonverping toh Slnging to the same ncay lee, 1 We now sume a exchange Smet nraion tod find the cgay 1" of the termina [BTS Nowe howe y= Ma 8c th ep Mam [f #00 te0 HH a d= ‘aies. For example, he neat y, i) ein he ein whee Wisp eonnror and ser Thus the legion ih eset, 22. ity the Imago wth tee to yes eo. The sn Simpl here over Detwen the wave for andthe wane oT ns contrat hi he nee Hig ff $te0 $60 $09 $n de Hg sj mer, no eo proving that 1. “Yeas” Between the two toc parle s wil ny pte fh fom 1) sof eatone 7 {My 9 eti=9 BS Hi ell) =0 frm wih he tenant ws dre ds ot ermine ero Awe ol ETN Artspan wie fanaa, Ne emt Hd ve Combis tha eer rye or asymm Wa pice ina ‘anon te bee fc bebe 0 pramoxine op of sod tony i awed Oe ah ok he {50"ome uc” a ng acl i gc td the pre ng en, Rowse, he wo wan oon af help it Fe 9.4 tg gsr ot Oe ga oe ee ioccjethadng th mete et tt es oes ny Ste sx snimnet conan othe to Soe sve fonctions and fine enn atrcs scene rn ad tmnt Sons tow dns bothon he dep oop and he maga 2 of ractacnetee cre: Teac faethe to wave oton fF 9h mat vei. ‘ony tna neal arr a nu wean ey ogo {eno Actrg othe tyes hse! map fr Ml fe Session of her symm or smymmeric one fit Fast ‘ls, amiymer cay charg nk n't be apa ‘Stn, wil nny see twh els proms toh el” ma ‘calom® oc, tthe ea ty woe fs il al ‘ah ot and ony sy Ses tee ew eto wil Saye weft ya ac heey Simin op oie ware Anco Teo Goi opanesteo Frick one tr hang oui tnd one op at cp {Eger su mch tym, plan pe prices thy he 2 ena pays wach fine, il awe fir ene ‘har inla epmmere prt wie sae tea psc foe scr Pe 9 og an ‘hcsinpe ply ovrapytee wehve e oein, bt els 2S unchcpeend eat ua te es roca aay of the symmetry opens of 4 seal lated ens, se Prien 8. 95. The Pauli exclusion principle iv only wo yen tener sme for etal partici, Te bebsor Ginnie ovesing cach ype of symmetry ceary rede, ba he fetes ices dono el whch Ope of sme shart of Slip ents st sent oe “vv ht eno ctrons an hav the same or quatum smb wy oeand me nyt: qunar umber can have one to al Titer U3 eww hambors wich rete oni te wo iedependent tor or propre male 1 esto wees ee Chapler 11]) As we ‘ae story. Pls origi ofthe pai lows Gey fom he we tame sen How, acorn 10 the se pstts ‘wo iene price mu fave wave functions wich citer gs Hen oe {not chon sgn when the cowl, and ye interchange Leto Sow ave hat two enti) presi 2 one-dimensional bs {5th Pal xlson Pip ade wt he omer oe Re ‘Sane ofboth space an spin arab (we Sotln 18). We poste Sopra spice paris wich am ext aly han anomeric sie (inert ote necange andr. We ssme ia Fs very sal Sec tne ‘We ist place only one pte he Hoe ad imagine tai its ‘unto mame as Pipe 9S epee gn ce nthe an lo he rm 2 Five anton names sme state the sytem camo ane hit {hove cnn, Hm sau thew he atiymmeie sate whow cry eat Sunt ae Fre 5.86. Acaly he eery shy Ngee ian th by n= if Is post. I hs Sate we ao speak ofthe {vo pis a arn he num suber a since the wae ontons [Tito pecs spy the seme felon of phy space Gee the ding sion Ton the other hand or hypoth partees Rad bee sym, the lowes ste a2 eomty wa would ave en Scape THe two paris ‘wolves he quanto nme 1. "Tso teen ough the intron energy ofthe two pases (e9 PAULL HXCLESION PRINCIPLE 288 | vey sal thle sey arama ne gre irc a the ams net ee! ors sap ym Teal electrons an strat im baal hice may. As mare and more lect ae nd (he nce charge send fob re ero ald {tem all ey 6 nota lamp tpt down ne lw foul spate (Gin the hyrogenite wave ection) but “wack wp ine dee pen, 8 Spe evry Wa of #42/2nl? 8 (0) One hee thes a wo £0 wetfreaty wfSireatn Fe 2.5. The lest gatem energy lee ranma andy Iii partis for etc ype! pres nt onecimersen bon “sacna” quant nhs higher ab Nghe magn. Ths the we ce tthe eae aba fhe cm ecm nee sinesional stm. The oes pe em ee ow ery et {Fn 5, Ave deel rone tech aa pve ea ine tee parse share the quantum abet, 2 and 3 om the Jowest ee ce Ons spn sty of th the parle aking the ate "bth a ely an ace nee, Whe he at cd othe ase, the the paises sare Te esata ster ean er atu comes abou, et he ix wae fins ong fo he cere he autem enor equals wits eR "Gp sinteprl sientntion ‘hy = in eal), 34x) ~ Hin, #4) = SinGwit) [9-36 “Tan all the posible zeroorde ere eiafonetions ae st= Foo eeso san « ()raseoven seen par a= P)macoseen tin a= Gr viensseo ten In tn aire f sme equrments on lini combination of thse ee ae hak eer wae ition. od ef pose {toma won em sey Pra Se eo oes Ts cn fe aoe! Forming = a ‘Sr somiaaon: BeBe R OAT pe ich ough seem, i anymore TO tha TE ASSERT Gan mean with xe en Bowen owt Baste ost Mos and ve “usa se pon tems fn nt the aati ons al the eaters Te 38 MS Bele ony andthe sm, Jr hangs ign. Te eran of ‘Sphere set cumple ond pass xt he ame We9 PACLL EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE 327 a cae omy” my ‘ei $e aed Ae eon er, comply mmc (oe somatnd wns con fy eam oe Pe Hote ‘Boru: oy puta tea apn nk te pee ito te theo no i ea eae so Spr ae te wave inci ised 9-6] a he atm sunbed 2 weld ost Then $= bad eo Tent rn a he ee te Jancis Racin for hese nook eared Ppa 9.5. The Spe mon ho ios fr th et “Atoagh ae tas tne Gacng tr wae elo we ve seni i esr oer hak vos “Spc ray wd oir te atime ave ection paijisieseane dearer Seo 8a) Sate Soa Bd Bea 86d Ma) Sie Iwo of he fs ae the sae vich will oui ofthe quant numbers ‘he ean tr wn en ofthe 907i and toe nat van na mater bo any ee the sme, ‘Bat pre Forage ibe hese Pe 9-3 oer ope od eee se i itm pater for nh he wae Sem hn any er ee aici Pe at he ‘wovoms of mes een toh te pri hae toe nde Inde lst! Bses Sapo thre te het parce no omen onal ou Figure 5.60 shows that ihe stim compo of mete Eo ue anise saci. Asn hig te fost po ae ‘ps tmeNTicaL PARTICLES comm of otal system esa terminal senna abe 2, sine t | dlveme We actin Sromare Lanwpeion yA, Saleh rca “ater onegne FE (at tov po no eon an ' 1 3 3 3 i namie Syme TRS! Ane ten dey rr = 1b) Tot asem eneay (70 Pee Coe ayes parce (tau i) tn Figure 9.60 we main hat the two ams ach have een Brought into ott ih ore ry that ha sede ei el Zine loter oon ech nt th oly One ornalyaceaped The an ity ecu tts how the NE ste fom zr ee wie aove he Mi sate tre wl Be wore ey epilation fceuped, ere i mo excaton of th ater waver the Fee) h ‘hrc of hate he hse cop the ale wae fe vee (are exc 0 sedge ser nes he wes O AN Fics ae sperimpos-which only happens inthe symmeticse) ‘The “isp ven of sates” forthe annette Sse hee ik sera othe Msn led he “Fem star” Beton 's mls are bund o eS thy “uch up am ary of oes of ss ths type? The sats ana of Inge agareeter of aman Parcs, Sh a ltrs, dered hy the try "Term Die state Gicaty some undesinding of te base qantum-mecanel rnin of ‘clang smety i evel eran adequate undestandng of sce {imme price, ‘ate of tyme paises, sich mths onthe left side of Figure 9.6 may ao beta inh agate by stil methods. These metods tre dected y the term "oss bnsinstsin” For example belim Poosn box with pret feng way fave esac Silat to mater wnet They act Ihe symmetric parts hoes, sn any number them can have the sine wavelength ie sme uaa tbe Force, clotronapmtic tessa ony havea sof tnt ‘sso eqns, Tes quite posible To get bln of phatons of mio™ rave fen) To occpy ny eons. Inde th nergy pe pte, ‘Solon de olen equ that only rg amt pans wl rode nous cierto permit deeon “The disonrepeting eran bas soe one important Fete, the ‘heres te i no change in he comers of the secs samy Sysem we hove bem dicta, but il ake fll acount tthe sen “pin” of aera, fhe we independent moder of ivaton of est00 9.6. Summary The sient fntures of exchange symmetry ae diplayed by simple ‘ystems sch a for eam, t0 seni spn pate na aime Sona bose We atu nal Dat the wo pcs aemonncrating ht bas mass mand tha ty ain. an nail, oneimensonl box ‘Tih Te Sehrtinger wave egntn or this em Memwnn 93 sere fh Ys) and) ae eon the ange OL ad init ini Eatin [2-3] ean Be spate nto tre equations inthe wa mae, esis = saea deo de p+ taining thereby the tne-depsdn equation (9-5) and two ones SpceSpensen canons in eah of se two wares % andy =A The omer iefetions a sao fie, a1 ps bes, tae fae ‘Theeoe, the swept, sacedependent equation the sata pst of (Py for wb two oar gente: Srey p40 hese Ban a pa 5, 3 “Thee two fasts hve ferent spatial form, but both slong 1 he sme wa toe a9 pu a te ee ‘SURES ein mg ena iin ee eh ot gavel iets en roceecentrsretes Cee a Sime cee el elu he particle ae sera thn shea ol tepals Cnr neve anion for he ptt om wa oe pe [p24 “This seu follows directly from the oltion to the secular equation (ct in he ema to of Sy om We | 15 His (Hn — 9 | Li shee i= [90 Pass devet ny tie and i a eda came ig wea pe citi fo = io cin Perce fre aa He fl Mg ft te wlan a (amc nar conn S29 eo we “i ea men cate ln Caper 8 enw Titesaa |= cin sacs eae ent re ht fo ‘ise ron ame nnn tao ate Teal eth hn kee my ee 22 HOENTICN, PARTICUS (om Weak; the anim wane fection Jy asses. Tae vo eine) prs wh amo wave Tans camer ae 2 ie eet save one una number more er, sae ny Oe {Sree quantum mambo). Ay numberof sRAMEL pr, bw ‘eran sae one se {Piha wo pre fered in sme manne by com the sas cone nate smn (nse for example the to two particle inncions Ee ade} out me song the same nergy evel ado question (Conte recaring the form ote seeder wae antin fre em — ‘her nul be et om fostin being To ech es, “apm elo ta fr are et! pois, hey ma Be caer smc o anymore exchange. “oelon fat alo veta(1) Iowa pars eit, an @) ‘econ proton ao netrons) hv aimee mae cin (= Pal cain Ponte. Tor cn oh iene patsis oie poet ely pata problem sis In tcng ie combination ofthe mpi, sear eafncons whch seyret to he ntchnge tay pale of > Sinner Ifa dy deo beae the onepoile nore cancion, Then a soe? aon) aniymmeie wave function for the Impure sem ay te obtsined fom te deta, Bod Hd) Hed fica hod wa [ to Ho HOD fin) bled ed “Tis wave fain completly anisymmeio—tat chan sen pont nrsangr of any pra anc Ao, vanes the scons sty to lama eat iy ow mero te, iste apt dpeodenc he se ano name. symmei eSothatney ave fron ea be fooed rom he stave mee Oy WME Whoa lar ee Sasons U8 and 11.9) pole ‘for uo sense hone spi unt amber ne i oes a ‘angst ne fnton Ts the rile fet of spi (9 (ome PRoMLENS «29 {5 pombe for as many a lon share st spl guano ar (tnt pata fenton) PRonLeMs Prob 91. Two ain noitesing, pases whose santa nd (100 epee led ns one oral box of eng Te Bt in he a for wich wot nd ‘Ressond it st fr whith w—2 are ora fe a ‘Sem ee, ad the comple se sone fc roma 1 tcp. Cana you ervaon spy spoke Sovespontng oe oe Se are ro sia pri sr te Sarat and" 3 Por iertetan pe td Proiom 9.2.Skstch the prispa eres of the probability esi Fn, 64 and for emia pares Sing the ntern and f=, So Fig 9 Prion 9.3. Consider the, sso in th stats shed in Figures 9.2 and 9.3 Let=I0"* em D=10™ em Vol. 6210" (oh and m= 9.1 10% gu. Calee th energy al of te ‘ammeter the Sondre Ie of Figures.) and 42 wou the all wel Lt bt 10 on Sede 310" cm Two Hees ile, westy necting Pericles of clestronic mae at ented ime he ox a des ‘what ise wie incon ad he ears egy a he lowest Je fd te 1 sme pr ad) ante ‘role 9.5. Comider 180 onedimenion tows eth of leagt E10 em and each eaaing the en, non tel pk pares of tet mn Let oe enh (©) Wht he lost ot sem oh ye (@) Wat aon neta would he nt sien sem (Wa atin fall the wine anton Icing time eat ergy the et Re saat) ad vwewneas ragncuss fom @ For the symmese stem only, sec in thee dimen, Sonal penpetve the paki Jens a a focin of “Rikpand ry reproentig hae contain ae rarbles ite te pal dimensions, abd 2 ofthe seh, {Use ang to inde he magne ofthe probaly eniy Ato, daw a sou scion ofthe thee dimensional ‘Xach coring the plane y-—(0"7, ahd htc, eprocmate consume ae of costant probally ens. Prem 9.6 Coser rangle ox that coi in fom, and fay nsty em on cack ee age tat 10 png, (out and atthe system allowed teks and ati, lowest Desi ac af tal stm eer. (@) Whats the alae ofthe lomet pose ste energy ifthe (What the alae of the Howes posible stem energy he pasa aot? isan of rol 9.6: Since te system consis of paris nH, the awe sore wate wil cer be the Feet ate flowing manne: The emery any st th w= remain 8) 1 Fae 9.74 we plot x pin for cack ose ste ofthe system, gis x,y and ater plot te sepals othe ant ‘Suber hand pect We net eine mn) ~ Cea may 8? ich shows tat ener of each ate, iene by one ois, it roportiont othe sgune ote rad distance fhe pot rm he ‘i corner in Figure 9. 9 roc one ota of hereof a Ne ie of whe are for pn each opemng one publ ate (Them ean onl be ‘ow so hat ue on one stat ofthe spre) Each Polat (om 9 oats on (or sey nee the pera aries (au) the me eer Mm gh ck it Kx io tof gun ai ‘Som a the energy aac he caret cots the is Volome=}: fate, 6 Fig 9.2. The csultion fhe number fate in yste con ‘sf rpamymmetr rie) pre. ot mambo f pres ota number af nie rae bound Wy No UW) Ma 26 esTicaL pagers (om 9 “The ttl system energy i then acted fom, 1 mon aiae neaw ll ie ste en 5 Pro 9.7. To steal spines, noninteracting patie, within 0.9 > 10 paren modem tal bx esac oferta log the al) and along the 28 eto en and bo IO em (a) Write forma for he slope eit (8) Ifthe two prices are Symmetries onchange wha the one ofthe foes ste and what be nomad, Tosa wave anton, Belonging to hia? (6) iverwo parileae anny to imechangs, what SS the cay ote lowot tat nd wha ite mol 28 oi wav anton, longing his 0? Prion 9.8, Desi sami stractar uate if etme ‘wer ins isis ith changes wate ann Prolom 9.9. Pare ema lated poe wel spines parc of rns 1" gm oeunc tone meson vt Showin Figs 9.8 (a)Show from pene coderton tat he wo sates wae ‘Seeove steed In he eure a the wo ome ‘Sry stead th hey Bh at am mera sgh ess hans bry Show that gy mst be My Maher eerp ten 4 (Wipe Se pte fim a atte which i a equal sue ‘ostion af anh Ys what mt the parte be ding? ‘A second, en, pine price now aed to the potenti a pet ane a het Wate iey|x,-a 8 (com. PROBLEMS «26 (©) I te eo paises ae exchangeanioyemeti,einae the conto Si tthe zerrdc ener teh 2 WE tees sae caused byte intcacon Hs esrb the the= wont ote aot! Get ° 9.8 Tio ent parties saving two rey lated pote pl mth obi oe pis ith re (a) We wo pares are echangesymmetic, make 4 gh ‘Sipe ifthe lowest ate cated yf (6) Biss the foieg hypothe sittin: Thee ae on ‘eclatronsin tse, bt Roth sara poeta el sch hatin Figue 9-8 were he bri 10cm wide nd ID ergy et pose forthe fo have te sv no wih iyi rh? (9) Suppo that he eooriater ofan Seton onthe eat wer intechangd withthxe of ae eon om esi ‘Wout! th sate fncton repesning the prose wate of TIME-DEPENDENT PERTURBATION THEORY 10 Lup to now, all he quantaiecleitins fare Been coord with seb by 2 Umeindeende tm nr Halon) with so 1a TIMEDERENDENT PORTEMRATION comm responding tincnkpendent operator. Clay, the ret af aortoy es ‘fmt anon be etd alee erm sry 8 Soe Mae. eee est etm inan aka superposition ofits pure vibatins sat cscs. We an eat, at Stn 51 tthe probity ‘Son gine with the sytem, hat hs chansng probly des oven tary sberablsomequrmce Wes i Chaperhatfor “ait Selig ve acest amptade o enh pre vibration crane ‘Seton wiring Te sate cnr in Pare da me 1 he conta amp, ih cri e gem, Te cn ee of ‘pe cnrey sonst with tims, tough snow the weed sumo {Mecha urine pre iatio. The epi ators merely ‘Fannie menue the nna of th th proper bain, Uni eit ‘tach sh tm ne wll ever alt Hod out wa the nese ei pn a thera Sevan, but nhen tied wth stationary sn wae neon hd tient pts specs canot be ved. Tt Is 90 sy to obne a complet led stone sem, Th hen he Haron independ ossed wi imespendet Hapinian option, ad aso wth much iar sem such atone cong oN aflom, sn opal Paine and Piety platen some dete roma! amano. A = Othe Moms xed bya pu of etvoms and he potorpe pate sank ‘Arsome ls ta the ate ea hl gros tes and the petoeapic ‘chs dark ies amit inet mural pcs and with eta mes [Ehret rein complet ser cry wot in any tony aay comes someting of ahok to dice, afer nine haps that ven yttp doun athe be ting spe ina ai brio the sonar tes can we ea wth timesaing Ham {onan As wes ss ny wt fhe far oho ein ection can he simedspendent wane son be made cle “Is textonk mck primiy fo teach what quem mechan, nd ‘otto elo the ining (and sry poral) bya of pool Intersiaton: We hive dr rom hsp te ol oii he tent gone tesa eeu con snot simple applications, sce thas wi suc 1 laminate he import 10.1. Time-dependent perturbation theory ily we ar looking for solos, Wis 2 of the me ca Be = —a1@208 [ot wi tal tims, ae wll Dela and poses an integrable aque, a ‘urs by Posts and V. Unfoteaey, for even snl parle wen Iss func oh dependence of upon the for sare, © and "aly mks te drs sluon of he equation vet fica We fal ack Therefore, upon some set of knw siaonary-stte eienctions which, Be ‘ause of thr orthonormaliy, provide tube mens of desing the {eves of 10") i an aril! mane, tlre, we split the ae Mai- Wa W922 Pe POE MIE PoP Po — [OD ere? 6 ine independent and as cgafncins W.whick ae iter rown orca Be fund. Tae rigenfercon around bythe same mehod tat ne ase wed on man onan. The equation to bested cana [03 We at = 3.2}, and seperate (1-3 ito Oo ens. Te ‘pscedependnt equation sm which fas, of coune 2 station fer every vale of he separation constant epesscy net solutions of neat pare ny when as we wets — an arga= wees [loa fan ues of the operon, contepnding tthe eae {alse "The most pera weltbohed sohan fo [10-3] nar som ‘nation af the comple to wezaNt {ue TIMEDERENOENT PHRURBATION om 0 inte" aed Belay 104 row the foresing, which ref review of Uineindepeden her, ‘nc ur he ptm of ine Spence. The part the oe Haun veh mate te mee equnion Inde) far all ee oped no 1 cae deed upon postion momentum, ané tne. For ample an cleto- Iteznie neve mang frog an om, wl ot have th Seinen at I ps sta pen ance I yng Dh time ad puss, {iekrone teow omens) il Be aloe by the mete fl at SIs by te sce So the til the anyone epereer {vee momentary at re. ‘Th can depend spon the somatin ‘penton pepe and par ell 2 poston and ine “Waing wo farts in 102}. nn egin [101] comes a 1 =— naan pos [AC al times, mat mst the egiements ofthe bse pote, et ux pose sin Set Sl hat t= ty has sme gen fro 1) ‘Our sete ond at ome trite, where ial tes oven fy = et roves ental sondone witht whieh peste oes toa pr Serena eqeton re mpotable Forecast ‘sion of ssondorerodary ferential euntion i tenn By Sores tht if prt testa equation of he ype 0-5) hen # ‘ie fin Vo or a on, then a al ater (or eae) Times thesquton determines tia fstn, ts. We have sendy stein Sston $1 mpc etample ofthis pe of elution. There we at's Hamitonan oprtor 1 whieh nas indent of This form af Siliad te compotion bit he ase prses we have fst Ben dung ‘reed: The argument Secon ten be summands llows: We were ‘Soon ita cto [= hick we then sythszd bythe es ‘St onmogoal anton, ase P24) 53). We the found, by ses me = — wane BI = Bas ism solton othe wae sguton a ny tine # and relues, of cous, when 1 No he ina incon. The pabom st has ies fom the ue of ‘Sid's oly ntact ot Fis aw e-Spenen. The ime dependence ST nl cone deco on he sto of aati the probly at he ‘oLe princes employed lb te sume, tn prt we wi ome Men = Douow Wwe pony «28 ain, a ees of orthogealfectint 10 syne bah the inal wane fimcton V1) and abo Ws. For simpy we sonnet 8 oe ‘imenonal stem, aed in igure 10a we Sy, schema, the wave Funaon sh pte ssi (Wi ane he hat eso ea) L\ 7 le ats tase” ytrae » ins SS = te a SST aw 10.1, The wavefunction of sytem t two erent times, = and that can te pled mo imetions) As weve sn in Seton 5.1, a8 dng as Sound ison ne st comp en ‘Raonile bape fom te Hh combination of te cope of oiopoal ciesnfunton, whose domain im apace coves the etre eon whee the ‘tonto be ntsc noms. Th we St ato = Eedta Pl) [os snr hee a en by 07 (08 Insohemai form, Fg 10.1 es he “petra” of Wa 1 in ems cof he amples He components Each ample eet y (127 "A fret ine, th slo [13 wl in sera have a rk fag sch sn igi 10, The to can besten fom the tase SFr Sine her ate spe wn pera hve deren spite, ri ofthe tv Ve meshed io Fig 11a, We eat by merely Spec thes at any ine we can dese the gee alaton "le 1) {Te hey ts concened, thse wth he eisaton of te ee the sence aoursion easVienn Los “Th sem veo tb ery important, Wht we he dni hi: shane en up nye nde Wc) ely i ome of seta Tie Fo hr one shal deci we fannie 3 esr of compen of te obogeal cs expen wich See tte Soe tine pdr toa 20 ‘Sonn tom mone eons andthe deo he soph Sree ses mst be Campgfosn moseta mame Forth ano, we mes rp het neon of tines nate Ss} andi i Fg 11. he mabe of eng anton Srean tht saan penn may tend bd Pras Since complctl, but say ine some fo ang work ‘ea i he uninwn fenton fe and tn pr ia ‘Sint no mone tan notary seen ene ok ‘Spas nd get te erences toe The meta fe ‘Sinton ef ost ich we be ey perl and gence ‘Susiing he ss arin te Sloe wat aon 0-3 Yeo Peune + [feo] 0an : flow “The sum of ems he etme eft als em by km, he sum of terme onthe exee righ ata thes vo prt [o-0}anea. Malas he Fest 1010 by FE tepating mith eps ote spt coordina nd wing the orogeny af he 5 weed feao~-1 & oan fom te m= 12.34, ite ok i of iment pertbtion hy e o t ate ef cane he mh compan the pana, whch dose th tmesaping mate fn othe the i of change of he Sepiade odor op he mops he ter spit ko pon ae of matic ements, FS Hd wich “mat” yea stb purest 2 wi cach f te te rte 8 ‘West sale a nein tom tt bs many mods Pre ib toned ines es indepen jeter io te Simple of eck a he pre rans thang some dae mane Some wisn with fine an es tt dees nH fe Zeta, 1s and ay ampli cn ee only athe epee of tone, oF “henna ation 0] aks septs stands fr 4 win eof ean in sn ne eck ch as pe ‘amt rein gee, ini name). We wc ot howe Gory to pve St ppenon oi me fa fetarvtaren rite: softies tao, [UE Waa og [UPR so [UNV Be, vitae serene pon ‘seznam Mac tee sp te nape part ey ‘cele See Batre acne a Sin he mamterfbs sitios nur in th to Sins SATs at bon interme of enw, saree centr a alone diferent geo 22852 une, oo ay ao ech te gs f= Sie a SPSS wn and is gon thet enn infrmaton wo eerie ShiF atau tine Nectar rr) Of eas are conn (oa he on apron ant 0-1) 8 coe tt nie a) ed a ar eat ste none, dco be ton the se PBN ae Se of fcnn fost the te me ft, The wecuticiametr sof sae ae unio ed oh epson Toe eed necro pron UD Us cut 0 me el iy sevens taping cosa sproimone:Weshalleste SMEG ote pcm a conpur oa of we ei at Hava yarn Wea eo efor f= SEU e-epenane nate of eprom acre we ius ae cy of he eat canta ty png iy printer We test ene po te tow 910 vay fom 0101 As his oct, we expect cach ofthe 0 ‘ry. ur au econ in pry iar manner, wih Ths We mS 4 Ra} 8a + tol “Tis she same ype of vari hat of in Fie 7.2, Weare need inthe nw prt ts saan and or 2 bod store approniaton tre requ arin Fgue 7-2. tat een wien = ihe square erm Me Thal uted ote near ‘We mite {6-a for the aan 21 for no (10-1), Te KA quan of te st Bom a Mea eg a =U mm [ot outta [0-122 We ute early each power of, For eo oer ida =0; (aya 05 «5 ty ah = 0; lous ‘hat is if he ine-depeedent prt ofthe Hamioia ro, he ech {stich detemines te amttude of he component 2 of he comple wave funtion Wf determined sone tims rancanged ot any ter tne ‘Tis same fel, forthe Umesndpendent Hamlin, was obtained. Chapter. ting all ems of, we ave thes feats (ferarrtecrstf erie otf erates ef comerar tf nears sot feria safupuennecy [0-16 This apron set ie om he a! [01] ye pes, on he ih oe conan are ces dy ee Pesce, the ie the oto, yt te more eno ‘Reagan coin Ty mover enc of on of io te mad tte enprred yom tat re red fom {Sta ave con at = pe eon oe) pe gm Sethe eng ef iat eho i tr motes ef een Sie sed Yo te eae coe eine oe ‘to ol fm sought sions eat ce pw oro te pre cg fom ata tes wit ey ibe reat 2 pea mode aon swept” oun ach ‘sud oend ) Vet hone “tome a I hf eae Mote The a epi 110 sow ine pee ae PE “fel apt” it he nt Wat se gen by of HM to atte re rt Boma mee yoy [HE PT Thisis a comply continous proces. The portation Mt coon rete hee of xan of he mode It seals ote the ‘cm remains ore, ith cacy onctant ample for sch rope vitaton. tthe fetonder equations (0-16 however, we permit hee nr prs to poco! only. a velatvely small moun om th nial egPMhatinds (Sethe soe towing 10-17 blow) 102. Constant perturbation Tht of tener renal gen 1-6 bona ess simp ferme cae here = Tan al the te a we neat Ae ial sna he gum te pre nae Only oe clin SESE Me ft enn sures ether, ne will me fr he st seine is inepedent of ime! Mowe rt pd won a, SHEEN ite he ogo! mats cme woul be ae. Fe SEE We wk gat the smltates Wl be some Ie ine, IN bres we bie fa" HJ. by Hy the "ma semen” of he reir I ith pet othe wo cgfuncions # and $f. The iterand moe a See ca fom ne ses ad sins = Het he et of equations bosoms (windy Mae! — ean = po.7 where nn EWI Hag [SETH a= | AICO Rl Trot be mo sins sade ou bse asurtin i hat 25 ey ur wniy at 120, Bu ao dee ot deve appreiatlyfrom ait cof the above eqns ha he sosin, when cach 0 =O at maid, esa nek tou8 ‘Taser tine hs clap he apis of al oF the aes (rhc we gn A ie nonin fncant a. We sme th oy ll Svc ae Te a alow tecesaiy small compared {oon are mow trata mpi fhe states, (Normalan of he ew ‘Sse fncon speed order, yt sumption: |) |= 1) asta ~ 9 ‘CONSTANT PERTURBATION: 348 a thecaleton ofthe egcttion isthe en (a) il apse, He meses the probaly fda the ye these wih ener WS fr aller, meats the pobaiiy of crn of the tle 2 incoming seg ceo he em Son 3.2 Fo 1-1) led Set), ag eran = Mita si om {10-19 ‘This eqn tls How the nests of te pope watons change with tinefor the Speci ease whee ony one lee the Hh a ay ted and where the sai petrsation Hs ssa om = Ott = Tn igre 10.2 seq of grams shows hw the tent ofeach fhe nd iy. Ie Figure 10.2n ne stow schemata, 3 sequence of ually Spaced pst ewry tees inmost items the ney eves ar ot ally ‘faced But overs ange ene egal suing fen happens o be 3 {od apposition In any exe the eal spacing has no baie elton Te Price iva inthe diusion) Att by bypass, only on lee the Bt ewido tat ofa, 1. Ding he subsequent inter we now hat aman actualy eee ply, hut nthe ander eaton 1 ass sal nit that the Foal chang fob ane Figure 10.2 we sc at, afer the pertartaton Bas Ben ete for ‘secon Bead range of chr lee fave developed 2 Bite ibeston Sinpde hogh' the lees with enrgy sear WY re the mt ony ‘Mc ate deine mls thse ee eee or ws FE wD Ih ae (10-20 “Te tet cue como bythe ator si onl20¢ oul [10.28 hich i plod in Fig 10.2. Te pk of hi anton hs he magne ~ 2G") woe Av ne ine 2 5 in Figure 10.2 the cane hing the aetna Inety of exctaton a tation ae of [O20 ice matron, nd 29 HRMEDERENDINT PRRTURBATION (oun) Sen f 108 fur ines Meh A ae tne yt he Under the cuwe-fich mere he otal extant ote tha the [Envi th nrg in properon fo The econ “ps Up” those 1-0 bh ~ (etosily a= Fy 102M tne win he an fhe proper rane (ctgertncion) cused y te constare pertartton steting The enaty of oh Horgan ner eter the degre texcution of esl mat 73h tt ing more pronounced the lnger he pertrttion| "he denied pare of te exaton ree is compiet xe for [A pester stn fom WE the dee fection ofthe levee nce ifcttar tom bg a dup wth ay sol con compared fo ‘howe very nae WE whch grow sed ‘Unis the pertrtaton “connect” the th ae othe Atha is less Hay Ott wil cou, Beno estan ofthe mh ea at) ine ‘his sei of taping epedent upon both 1 toe Oo ‘pnfnctions hat ae noes 1 the perturbation 1s sttong enoush oF ii Is allowed to prose Tone ‘enough the ampli a heaton tele away from Hl some > ag hatte frsordr theory ish longest Eutation Wl ow fegin to "ct" om one nels etal to anther, a aso fom the ey eid levels tk othe ofa el at WP Thee secondary ee ‘ilatvays envy sl as oa fey ese tout. ice the “ow” ‘reaction wl then be pedomiaty fom hs neve “he progrsivenavowing of tron af easton with ime a stow in Bgwe 0.2 proviss another eampse of the umcramty pine, ore Fein the acy etnen the measurement f the wo "anonealy con ot wey td inci 0d eon 5) ‘isnce on te nergy ale of | Wo Me AW from the cnt of he ‘eatin pets Tate fl with tha inten the ek about AW Uitte dain ofthe excaton then By [O20 awarmh fo-ate “This eumtion may be interpsted a ollows: Many ideo systems a all inn the uate. At =O the pertaration ff ay sped and then removed sands Al he sytem ar then examined to eee Uhr enrs: Most ofthe wl oil faethe gna nrg bt tee wl width of about AWW == 2nd OF tow that made the tanson sometime ‘ihn the ita there aspen herein carci ‘Se Tra nee aye pn ae ens ony Perurtaton i doubled hearer i the enry salsa these ating eh tarson Bae te Tosa the ance af the ne of {anton nese (hat the pertain so fo ons eid of ih, ‘he anergy nhs em) fhe sed syste popeshy dane 103. Harmonie perturbati “The set of fst rer egatons (1017) thes x patty simple fxm when the pestrtton fa pre ie wave of ang fen ae and wc is etn in ample fom! = O10 = = Aa si f te pom A) cos with eect 1 tne “The mi equation of et [10-16] Bsomes Irageont (fleas eo ae 1023 mene, mek Ira [ost de she {10-24 tfag0 wha £0, ner (1021 fom 01 1 * ts cnr ~ fata = ters] p03 eis car from this ution tat the magnitode ofa) ing be snually ye into font aap ad A siy =~ ow Ti the Sat til be nots by he pearbation af gwen wl ae race energy ng tr In the eon 172 — 12 fy oi he Teslon Wa Wf hap Th ses between (and jon) He C08 ‘Fenian wl be end at nt very ney “Trdetrmie th magiode of cation of he mth tte atime fy, Me mat ene eae Ee change thei off hee pra i {roa an magy ae seal ft (0-25) we ob for terns. Tete ae feo “reson frm one nit (g4 > i he denominator and one wth (oon ap int enamine Tae fo "cos terms each with ce erepcett A in the smominstor Te Probiem 102. we se that SS se othe ronane reine the eos terms a very sl, i {he oer ronan tm sal. Ts eee EW = he csoartenton (10.26 teoanroaion" $y so os 00 121 aie “oar ait [1027 “Thee two sonace curves a lot i Figae 10.3. In Fae 10.24 10.30 sts nenr hr race en ar ginning ere Amacai ‘A sl tr ten Fpue 1056 nd 1036, the esonnc reson ae pting marron (4) nd moe ines a ti mama (G5, Taste fr econ of each resomanceYepon ares In oarion 10 6 be araon of the prarbarin (In tae Ags We sume, To cme ‘) to oq) ~loseg) = & @ e102, The tne vars ofthe xcaton of he proper vibes et hr And above eal fom ets Tie ane Sree 254 TME.DEPENDENT PHRTURBATION (on.0 oft tenon fer cad, he alt ofeach pak 160 180 200°" 160 1 u is excited by the appli : a. 160 180 20 ro Sa ee =. in Whey road thir energy sonnet 160 180 20¢ 160. 18 160 180 20¢ 160 180 2 160 2 160 1 nt its is cst tat andthe the perturbations stoped tb eitain of ine ed tony wah tine constant of he der of 10" 0 Ite tom ra at ph woes ose wavseath stows of owe eres thee for Harpe) tn lose on smal ation ine te i ny ote alee) equte a Wl of abot 1 lr Oe aston of thr eery (ime const = 10 second, oe ern 2 1" co) Aan etnet of dation and prod of eens will not be stemped here ss, for adequnte er de nse guano hear for Boh paces ed els aio ne rin ne sn the manner in hick an extol eet ning ei fd cn oth exit and dee atoms i ee he being ene cane epee costa, oF net fetta of Seon 10.2 and Fgue 1.2, The equipment esp area haunt nee cn foram, thon a 80 Se eps lr are conse rom heed ed 19 eae int aay Cniconespod tthe aiform-mapiie see ch connec the Ah state to each of the ofertas) a em ect il be ane 10 al the ther rod Aa eee, ot deve in apie of bration of thorn aoe ony afte te anaacars acura 0 he wl Be & SSL ica enon he nerd 0 8 bt ie Fe a eri il ews deeop the rest apis, ine ey stats clin resonance mith he T8the vino hs the moorter energy Fel ows ia Pie 10 Sos for rahe wm Bs tes, the ery ees at gly pede 3.2. Tes spoally uno tc Bw charge sat any ti, the potent FIN) [1029 iar Fs dint be coat x= te: Sine the zr ale for the pote Ther ca baby conn, weal fie the perrting potent ener) {o'te so when #0, tat iy we chose yO. (ln Prot 10.5 we oe {Bato cmt tle fort eguly ssctry) Tha the pearson grea Heaths ws [10-30 “This now 1 hae he sane ine dependence a the petrbaton 1027] whieh ‘re dhcused inthe pou seton. Now, Bower, here pret me icon lh anette pro he partir spate depend, ‘en though it form throghou he pata ext of th oso. {ne same suaton aces noe he waelengh of pt nave age com Sed tote phys mcs of he stom ch tis ptarbing 0 Dat {bela in the wave at ny intr soba constant roost the stom) The oom sre the Gas ioe moment of rg Sled 1 isunce fom an al charg oppose sin For hireson, he Or ‘tanston eed he pertuton [0] areal ele pole ans we we he prturain (6-2), we obtain he same esas sgn in ta 1031 ev thw ema ten bs Mo asain {i031 ‘The timedependeat pat of the caclation is uohanse. If wns ~ 2 thee wil e conn sowth proportional oe (10-31, in the ‘muita ft ampere hie (We asm iy at the ‘stem inal othe pore Hate, ¥6) AB Bf, ny bea ate dt wil a mow, delop sama, Astaing apo It i “of ‘The growth of the inesty ofthe th sine, mene by (a) ed {10-26} and (1027), as Before, depend pon Het Hn the sae at ‘he mat kent the pera His ven By [171] we Bad at ‘rain trnsign are allowed and erin ons te fovea, Asta expe ‘tthe "econ res for cpt ses we will lca ve snp crt forthe haem ior, Lt te cata ental nt erp ate {Bat (the qutniom umber) ~ 0. Theseoorder ave fection f soasng {oh ater plo in Figur 10.6 ad Blow ti pled =~ and 0 [Pde Wevwish cleat th ei oh rk fa enn Fit 10.6 wc eons that hil fH so ee inept westfarstace tine the conttton to th ital om the postive rgon eal cme {he contrition rom the neptieteon. Thy fe quai nambe | ‘tte inital sate of the harmnie slain we fd or hse two spol stat Se alle and So 2 i frien Tt i the sem sf Figure 105 orignal lowe sate m= 0 he omlsing Ste fine can casei to "ump" to he sate n= Io, aerate the ens the vibtions strate of n= wil irene ut wil no ese he System o "mp" tote steer which #2 (Gr helen of he tans ‘ara on = 2 wl mince) “The wo examples have ast ben dizi rica in he poner rule free ioe tasiton fo th armen lista, n= = 1 Ths oval rule canbe dered fom the pers of the Hermite Gncins Spec ican be sow! Uh Has € BY YAR omar tants) cE VIEF Di tepmard wantin) (1032. ‘oma, te boat Costes Noe Var) pp. and” mmm Meche “TIME-DEPENDENT PORTUMBATION fom “a2emjh (For = 0, of cous, thee can be no downmatd asin) foc Bitlet smn, he raked sobary ons sai lent Sta) fg 10.6 Bec ple atin ofthe harmon xo seryne at e nsnarnFin 10 igtlyin an xs ne a eet i ow champ fo he the Pea eee r=. oy 1050) be haere we ACTEM iis be pian hover he rc we "HE HawMONtC OSCAR 361 ion value ofthe ear ofthe eno il incense with ne. (See Problem 10.6 whee thse selene for pects ee) ‘We ae using stder prion thewy ad mut, therfore, aWape oa a eps ial into sey i. Fr the timedepndert nae equation exact and, gen the ampli of he Iso tsa any ita ine, (thou retin the new amped t Ey nt (ors) tine Ts found that Honest soe nal eed, the ote state gradually Ine in mglade wit aly ha al a he ‘eiation the sem Is now eran Be found inthe sod te. the Festi is conte, the sebastien die down and the risa vations build up. The shit fetaton fom oe Stu Co he ‘ies sno (The pendence f the ap of he itty of 2 ra te (a he cig of Se rc, ange (1031s ete othe aed fama eaclton ofthe expectation tale of ex sang Poste ¥, forthe ese whee fhe stom sper Postion of wo pare sates, and, Asa sine example, et [oa tr th nthe ae ot el Using this superposition fr the wave anction We ed by Poste Fee Poser 108) FE comtant Hyg ~ 208 (oy ty) (Comte + Pretest ta then, ab tabs 1 ae [oa so eye mc cle 13 ots ene Stay tinesaryig expostion vale of dipole moment. Canal, ‘hme hat css care Big ase that radiation wil cee 2 eer fou~ ch We may ec ht er te ie ae ‘dated aay. andthe tm sou har s contin nen probity 1 eng fund in the ate af ower ener. We wl ot dest "apontaneoat ‘atin any fre ere ean be adegotly etd oly with more a ‘hanson rom oe sate mater ut TIMP-EPENDEN PERTURBATION cow.) ering too oto ble, ne ot that we have conse only te cet oe dat Held oth nit. From Mawel ations. das ace wher Bis unions spain bat saring time, me hom SER C tot tela esc moot fl B= Ele, pepe 0 nla apg time with he sae eqn. Tet or cms 4p (uch ass hytopen om in an = 1 al) Cat bas supe momen ne the dicen erie 6 4) In contest 0 (he armenian, th tem fat motion in at fa eo dimensions asa gneve meinen. Astvent oop oF maps, ba In asec donation depend eee. Wa — pce 0B — peo eBsinng [10-35 were bist ancl sen he ction fad the deton Bn Probes if Toun that ache clams moving acl ais rms Sith's scot meh las, 2 magone moment of magne we nines tat = (ose 0) (10-36 Ite carte east ile moment of he pot cars dtanse ‘hrs oft seo th rca an ie consider cu # and 20 be Seyoumaty uni we ramet) = (2) ei pte 037 “has, since anton aes are poportional to | | he ete ofthe Image ld on astting oi kage about (ins that ofthe lect Fn In gia oe etrons have nes ofa ow tent of eon 0 nd thelr hae roa flow than Times the velocity of He 90 fmt the "magni dipole tens” wich we une ben Ccsing 8 eve aut fins weer than cate dplevanstons. The eration Feld the mats ment fhe magnet peruratin i fees fom tha forthe rc ipl patron, otha he seston ules are eet ‘Thus ion happens ta Hye) 2. bat. May Cae) 0. ‘Thana triton can poorly 4 magocc ple pertrbaton” ea ‘hough afore by he ce iol mai cement: Forte transition {Dprowed py were neds Gao oa favorable mai ees 2. pow inevayig mgr Be, de tothe inherent sales, of ‘he'mapnce fore nm shige Moving a lols sal compare to hat ote ih Figure 10.5 we conser the eae where the praia sete Sed een lemme eunartmemaied Bee aee oa ‘we HARMONIC OsCHLATOR 3 spruce with he id of sn altnating voltage source f fed maximum Uplift us conder a shy diferct arampemet in Figure 10.7, ether pits a omit ct cmd a el Fndtcance Ls The LC cel it fe oeition. As tfre,the 05 Tings Bo poducd etc the platy te sare rae ofthe N cnc) , a) | dies 0 — nay lvl ot —=— ‘al ector ovegy er of Teen Fig 10.7. The coping of an omic ocitr and x macrscope 1 crest siting syscall Deteen th slss eldof he apt and the magace lf the ndetnce. This hs he bs eats o's oie seo ha nye ce rye thas th echo te to cms eae ely ocd ear 266 E-DEPENDIN PERTLRBATION com see ot ae oar inn piotetecancag dations eee ota al drma uee eine ge ee htapecaenta se Wotceimcntndianaecer mee mars ra Sc mes ra ane etn om whrmierets cite ites At ree tee oh rete cea oman ine aes Eras come pasa oa ce itiemsieige te eee nantes ‘She mn he aon aot ate tons ec, Te Seen he see eaters sie toe ces iomanasnioemmeocns a i are a sae tee So mcer see een oy oma io main cea etre a copra ert cnet oats cere eee eee in ti Par ree ue Bimota coke eS ae er nit cy ore oe ee ace See etrcors armrest pt Sovie vatcce ctr ies aes Sonenaie cnn tee te il nae mcm ae) SERSRITG Front ae oe Ta (we xan as ‘The dsuson hereof the interaction of quatam mecha syste with he cantomapete hd Ca We inoded ine esa Halton ‘eine etn nore gr on "una Sectvomaprete ld te sour bans theater ey. 105. An example: The vbrton spectrum the dtoie oleae In Seton 3.2 and Figure 3.6 cs shown tha the wibaion seta of he dntomie olen te energy lets ae nol eal) een oped ‘heamoon insti pore fan ila, Fuerst tin fl An 1 (102) feat ety obeyed sce melds te ec tse energy ety from the ound sae (=O) ino the w= 2 ‘cai he appiston of oth tend ste and henry, me wll show how bi fee pe of “The pottery v= Mbt fi wm rr [10-38 st the to atoms We wll sue fis) be + est [1038 ‘nd we wil spily cone th ft ofthis ertuaton onthe n= 2 {hat at onthe energy oh state ie, aston, he pat fom fhe wat anon ferent rom that ofthe ser orereiefention ‘Using the comet wate fnctan, time depen eration these tien show that ciple absorption and radiation is permite, althogh at & "edad nuns, Rosen hen Oand then = 2 ee ‘By (il te esordr cnergy for he = 2 sues was [oerose us TREDEPENDENT PERTURBATION (1) WE thr and = (DOR [0-4 ste thon eo ies tear wie fncion fr the = 2 ee. WR tetas Ot ost fon Is given by (=, wostaahiey— wi] (Ota othe Ween wen xing erin Goh ~O the =2 MouSle Tan nee fel ne gen So epee See acer ia rar wie ction Sonn Satie bape ma umn eosin See Jorxiaero and when we we time-dependent thor 1 act the soll fobien ‘Cnn fom te nO state tothe n= 2 tae Gee (1-6) an 103 Pree aa ‘We il bain nose res Even he mat element 10-4366 #0, 1h apt ayo he nt will ot prow edly (~F) ules (Mido the recone egret 1-28). Eom Ein oss where oe = (We WN [10-43 Isao sats. df re he tue wave functions belonging othe Sl Steet ni ae rexpestely Meier ne tact armors silon ‘Sensors. ‘Sc Bethe lowest a Ma ant cases) is mala Yow viatina amine Fr simply, we ate thn [6-4] tent frm othe wave Fncton fer he oud ie, When the dont wave fart 10-2 sae the caleaton ofthe matt Semen ip of 10-8), me we by (1-3) Cat oly one term wil be oe Soothe one imvling Ts, ower it wl be mary he pre tae, vn; a ogi (loa by ebtat vile [1045 tyne fates “Ts the abortion ine rom #016 ~ 2 whos intent proportion {0 |g] [mine az wens ae he male absorption tts wh open ig and ane pi, che spon te — [serv ste, BO ae wt 9 ondepenente ee (715, Woe tng [10-46 Thm he devin am a ue teal mec he ‘tho ta sh Se oe wh ‘it wien tu (ati) te te Sle oon i hen ioanen< Sam ts nga een “he ame in 1-0, mt pe eee it hat sy ial an oy te ros Aprende ae tn for = 1 ad = 2 = lumyamPayeness, 1x5 at — 2) 02 toa Making we of te deste cea, We ha, ig (1-0 Me WE ew ala tows The fe em doesnt cons, sn I with rept 19 = and Filson ms rom [1-4] me obtain fo th ampli ofp inf ay — GhKoP Un [10-50 ‘option ie hon ergy men epcicn Te We We= thoes eae) ost em fiona mest 9 (ince W$=()2)tg and Wa Wha) Has a ower intent ea the "Werot tha the erm nthe perturbation aout the # = 0 to no shone ins, whe the erm cn fr te egy ci in te n=? level Since expetinenally the orton to W, i mean, € must "om te eupeinetal HC spor Figure 9.6 wee, sing [05}, tha no and ig (150), we can Sd te ost. er ghes the experimental tle of the n= 2 energy Hela SE. ire tue tate ar sue converted toe and dived y 1) nc chara gency" thecal Harmonic slo, we can wi Fiction the vlc ote ctnt «Pasig ad Woe dene = fever fal fo th trey evel evens, which pens ony pon the ih ee found that quaiam tery shes consent acount ofthe station sperm, cldig many eter eels nt mene ere ih 3 {ee vouton soe levee te Inn of he mele (ately wen they (Seema topes and sw exchange symm poet ee “Wein hscon by ping ut hat als posi or a sat eu silat so sor cr att gy iia) fe Snide Toe mss an fen xlior wl ae ts ely Proper ‘ea an cat ssl fan sth at or 2g, bat he none pote {loi case he voi aoegh vay pedi with period T ea fo dove fo pe sno form, the ovation Bing epee 3 = = 0,50 oF) goon 2BH TY ageas HITE + (10-52 wher, for sll formations ofthe potent fom 12 a", a and 2, ae ral cued to. I foc log the a, Re) — Feo 200TH [10-83 sich spr, with ie the Bsc funy of te sii i pid {2's Mk ay De dane onthe ass Ove oe complete pid TF work = Frond lose where dt — dy te dance mond i he ine Te (10-5 le he foe and [150] fe the tly, cen the integra in [noses nonar fov on eo oe eee “Thus is psi or the ms sb sere (res en a vce is hse eqn 1/7 proning hate soy nt pers) sn in Seca way that oy 40-7 For the HEI motel Nowee ee eh a at som ip ot one me 1 a cry el oh et Sint lee, tha een f= a or mole soe en i the fone fhe ery ee tonite the ely pdt tpn ine ca nfo mack weaker thane experiment seta ans he Clea ib sho be roened in egy 1 the ck of um ‘on=in cbt oh sharp eprint vale The diatomic mola bain spect provide an eclet exsme te plato oth star an med prt ey {© cv of phn ineroe ad aon swe he Bene ices wc he ine if) urn ay at esa 10.6. The importance of time-dependent perturbations We sce. ten that tine dependent poturbons can ste sem to ‘ange is wae fonction im 3 sina’ and obrenable manner, Tse pe. Turban car ease ser ness oder nthe expan vale th cou st api i ow ey ee ‘Siar, tmedepeden perros can exe the exection value of the mapnitie othe angus momento he magitade othe compe. Sinang angle moment wih tenionmen sin tc anglr maton “nit trou timedepeentperbations Wa a stem “iterate ih ernment Ti of our the ely experienc on oa at npr fe hy a re rato and roanam mas? ogy Rows ofthe som ser Uhenaton” whch we have to anyingy mat fow iia theese Imaing up the envioamest Te ernment area ‘ange box coming sls an opt ating. a's photgapie imo "ha genera as many ll ape rsonbet make, Ac the amps fon af ro oe ds of te aro wave fants i eng pect thatthe wl be sone creping shit mong the tls oF Theany mods of he even caning ney ote a oreponing amount Suppos for example ht tere were many atoms oily in 8 weet cnr WEA perro cases the stn 1 Ba 9 2 Yate mpl he Sie of ery witha coseue ow ‘iyi econ wae hsm e.g es he Rae ores intense he toms ae ling ene he soe ‘Spite balms wil rast th he an. ah aly rel in @ Back Titonttepotopghic placate lc wee the ging cues th o> eseie desu speinpowe in pane Once permanent, acon Sede ck he cn phot Hin) he ven se 25 Stine a wil ritoat eng ise. Thus oberon, sc bet oti sm pa erin sows the many prtens invited in ay comple guanine try of experi, The SSE dened wo ober ue ors uther dcason of hie pont tn pr fe may mreing dcr fhe nt of menses an ‘he pts plans of aaa mechs which the ant ow Into o apt Oe em an eel msn “age hee Quantum Jumps. by Ervin Serine ‘some te ee fee of he tery of qu mcs exin ‘heir tod own he quatre penn nthe flowing fal 9 thematic and book re ve stmis Physica Paul A. Sl fe) in Abr Ene, Pb ptr em (1989, Toe Libary of Lig Phosophers Evanston, Ilo oui de Bris The Revi in Pye (1959, The Noosday ress Now Yor. Max Born Pps my Goran (186, Pergamon Press, Londo. “Tore avo tcl boos of oth Mice and cure inter P'S, Pu Leveson oe Meco (93, Bk nd Som, Londo WW: Heknber Te, by © Ear & F. Hoy) The Phil Prins of ‘Quan Try 00, Univer of Chap Press, Ching, Mh SS Darer Pons In New Yoh “Tee row estefan ant pz he inepeation gana phenomena sth thes ord Has ot ot en ‘Now ta th std far ten toon to wha quantum methane be titan he dy wha men Bh mating sd ering ca, CeCe New Wak 32" Wally ped ne Be 2. ME Se 3 107. Summary The complete ine-depeden nie aun i 0 18 = — nate Los where may depend upon space. moment, ante, nde the time [ndependt prt th ston me One = WINE sme T= ew [10.38 in one to sae the wave ogi [105] when His inept, ‘vis eer ote gente wave fonction gs) ate ine = A ‘easonabie form off) san be ped bythe hog sec Ward = Deeg 3s) Be J [Yo ode gR ‘ne some io 0c a1 next dtsion of te wae funetion at t= ty " ‘tnt fhe ote ad ound) wae fin my Be hit me pi oa ee) Men Bente [109 ‘The objative ofthe euation eh iene fo a fad he no Seto age any arbitay time To find the as ate eb [1 Inco theta wave equation (105), eg yeunmets pauniret=~ y[Zean]ve—! pean {lo-t0 ‘The sums nth eee ft an he nes ih al em by tem by ‘ie aed enon (10-4). Mating he ener (0) om the at by 2 and performing he operon hon ech term (De ‘come ha of etn fos —L30un ernie 23 “Teri on auton [1-1] for ea ale of mand fo each easton, Fangs ovr a te lus neta 1 ey sch meme et {2 IMPDIEPENDINT PERTURBATION om fom — Do f,ftaining hereby, each ofthe ,' at practice this oper naw po ws Olt) = ay + Mi [10-14 Joi {0-2 we oti gating he coe a the sl ha ee tan nn ung he ties owe on he = cwindair = Bek [ae NE, Laxe pow lh wit ut re aly in Soin 101 Th of apo i LO ae one who rd En A cpa Simeon hee Se asa SENS logic grace pa = eon fA Le a (a 21) tea al] ier 1 may depend wpn x3 ie, omentum) ot, Tere the ws ‘eer fend fy wo eet forms fo 1 tate Sten comune peartaon, ating t=O, ten Hoy e%at 0) Sa poe = forrsen gids a maha mh ae = I Hi (6) = At sin ot, sting t= 0, ten (ees rs] oo = ae 10-25 2k om = I sraxm ft A ae om 0 PRonLENS Problem 10.1. parce of mass 9 10 am is tp in an nite, oneimensinal box of with #1» 10" ts ‘The lowest sate oft sytem =I) hae h arate co) Wha ev: Ala, Wa Isbese Wt Se2cur and 6k ce (0) AC 120, & rectangle potenti wll, Y4~— 106s, ‘Stra 2 and af wih 1 me any inode Into th wll and ep therefor 8 10 sso at which lime tis mone Aer removal he pemurbation wist [she cance hat the sytem wl te fad in sah of fhe fates wo 2 a= hand nna? Che gtd with of {he pteial wl is cararate of eto interacting (b) Ter the above perwrtaon coninue or 2 motes of een cme intra arang up f0 30 o 4 > HO x oct [imp | be 3 tee hs nt enti the pre of hen 3st ft were peed ‘how 21> 0" ae ar Ge omet ofthe orebton? (0) Using the identiy, 2 coe = e+ how tat he xe terms: sed ot (1-26) an [1027 ine dependent Per oath are ea to 3) 82g (=e Fd sd Tara aon Fd (0) Show that when ey yh the cos terms become, srprosmatcy, (6) Under what condones, ar 1026} and (10-27) tod aprociatns? soft 10.2 Comite one apn the vt of Pobem “here ia comm eqalio ex (1 ep pend fan ond Thi hei bom the wel 6 aed and towered snd with he eqn my ou Be. Assume tat ihe gue ys -8% 10™ ops (that ho — 1140 eer de eshte etext state at 2). Show ha noe om wil osreb form? ofr ay ote lee. ‘Proion 104 Change the pertain of Probe 10.3 nto he low. Wao) snes a Aa) ~ Les. ams 010 =e Ao) + Lesftom e=220x= a fod ws yi sil 3810p teen in chamcesisic ‘inten the nt nd he n= Bain ‘Sac tae pron cons for 3.36 « 10% sco sta or 10 comps len nd then be ved. Fad ample |! ation of) te m=? ste 0 he sn Bie! ote se ra 0am 27 ep yf fa Scnion TO west yt supose i hs had ot ten Goo so that Io 23) nate than 130, Show inthe to eae acd in igre 10 thatthe presen fy I ees not change the pods eprig the il In excitatlon ihe tate foe ono wot MS date er foes Behm ce area atria a sroesachny imteccataeege nea FE a, ama, eta on scinaed etal poe ieee tins Sean ee Sat a a i nd ee hapemncay err (on oom) (6) Show tain his problem Ha) hh the ma ‘mum tale othe etalon ery ial emg the energy erence wees lle [Sugestion exinate the sma ale of» fom the Ramone ola wave Facton (we Figut 3.10. Doe ive of ima} apes ‘hb sown io oll nae (20°38 1c) IMs! Niy has ode of ation at about 3 = 1 peter toa teen f Soon 3 ncn th Trier enecation. The N atom vibes fom oe be of Brana rf a gh ra Spot moment aed can therefore, eet wath the dle fed of the cain. I esd in Townes Maer” Footnote n Soc 1-40) Problem 10.7. We copier parle of mass 20% 10°” ke An charg ¢~ 62+ 10" coulomb to bein an nine on ‘Simceonl to o eat a) What mat he the ve of Ln onder tat he ist exited sate anamourt rove te pou at whee r= ID (©) Ths sem, ily inte excited ae, inode 0. a mcowaneexiy whith Ie renaing a Ho eps. Inthe epionocepied by the stall system, the ssi fld (ase Yo be pal o he san he Sell system) he the spliide "100 volte How Tong wc tae forthe groundstate eon Yo aan an ines 1 percent thet state vate? Sop {tion icone altho not ene fo et 8 {be cater of the onedmsonalbow and rie the ‘Spnuncton scordigy) (©) Atthetimc calcd (by, what ithe itn of viation of the sco eed sal? (Amume tat (0-25) hl toaph it canna be tly comet owing tothe dance from resonance) What must fe happen he expan ae the stem ery for the mal xin Prem 10.8 (2) Show hat atm whose nave fnton eth uperosian ef eaten ay, hr in (9, se ne fete ‘ple’ moment eh ie (©) Show hat if charged parle a onedineso inne {ne TIMEDERENDENT PERTUMEATION (oi atl ox isn a superoion of and Wp on souls Upton to (o) Whar wou ne eget the sytem were na superposition Wr, and Pagan Pace the ogi fe cer of theot) ‘Problem 10.9. In Chap 9 was mentioned that ay sem eich tel as upon ethane symet st ee away ihe pertain Hf be ectangd bythe meron abd Pie cova of to desea partes, Lt he ntl te ofthe ester ah ane El wate be Wy Assume ta re en te syne nertange oy aed Wile {he eben anya Show tha i this, Hog = [J Pater WIM nd de rot equa, that sons been sates of diferent ex ‘ans mcr dono over (Hsu nercange of vara int tae ee canat cng vue When 9 mamber eqs ‘en meeine te B78) ‘Prose 10-10, Using te theory in Soon 10, caste the ural als of band forthe HC mae (Let be hen BY Ie esgts 10% cpa the redo mass Be 6 10 on ‘Probom 10.11, Using the person f19) = bx +e for ste heen ltr "Goalie an expression gvng the caren 10 the emeey stinen~ 0 sate (0) Catatate an epson forthe amplitude of ofthe n= 1 Stat whch esse ao yb te perarttion above (ey Cakeume he contsbation tothe abwxpton Tne lated Sea hy ofthe ter af fe present fo Note Te (ol ie Satin 105 sald more proper be writen a Sime rere to de apie ree i te Saar ‘shefuntion defor whch 2), ‘Prope 10,12. A ple of mass m= 10% gm a car frequency Hy ~ 1-0 x TO" cps, At ( — 0, the oxeilsor is known 1 fein ssn 0 and an ci Bo Busi Df f= 113 10% oe (om momen el oh of tion fhe ob, i pl he (a) ALs= 5 10 se, wha the probity ht he tm (oy Ate 10 1a wn the probit he sytem ‘til oundin he saten = 1? (©) On the average, how much energy dos his “ofieonanes”™ ‘om abnor rom he ae ion el Il THE RELATIVISTIC WAVE EQUATION AND THE ORIGIN OF ELECTRON SPIN LLL. ‘The relationship between energy, momentum, and! mass in the special theory of relativity Sine he lint of Ess seis feat IS seerte ony for ortry ve small compared to tat of Hy ‘mtn allowing for ea, he fund ht the concept of’ mae Wah ‘Stas belonging to nels pies eure signers odaion x Bn a Pak vs “The comeqens of cain retiy were alow of prope those ‘spate on he sis fhe ow vey ot cton awe ed he inti sacar ofthe ron. The ens ae fed oath “eon Spin” fs posted by Une nd ads 1925 tet eas fers of soi spa Sov in oe en ov men ue af an le che sping not stax hoa te cha butt as foe bia vebcinrthe Bnet shows a th me pecan sl The Dia try hs ect sony ses contig fare beet of bot ow and hihenersy eto. ive aly adit scum of eton sp nd ths cape tere Srnhing of an eprint One can way ae that he ie promis mote than icatly dere Far uth te of in nina mse sh ho wt do atten een te Seton 1.7 however we do oto the spomet hh eds oh aoe {inp tau Sr op spent sy tec aay Srl momentum he “nn tga momen sce tha fst be ere ar ony om fhe stl supers demons yh mr Shite Bs hn cha eso na re od iment ne sa re be et wi dsp of ly ‘SoS a sn whch painting ae ‘of phenomene acted wth "etn sin ea ‘tomate reat of the sane pov when ag the tae estes ‘tonhip ete otal ems th momo pa th ts ver sin «RELATIVISTIC WAVE HQUKTION (mm 19 (1) At Germs of pai moving in he borat. ith ay 6) — 1 vine t and) Newtons Second La init vga and mt as om, = sno) 13 he ah of 1-2 flows afer considerable cain of rensoing. rom nies ie asumpion tat nay ioe” (ic, waceleate) ane EetStcns athe ne yal phenomena re ental in fom, inane hace ay eft elo th The reaon 1-2 a Sate Scos nce comes more and moe iil fo make TRESS ucts fei or sn hat i fines, ot Rha cpl ay ncresing a (12). Saigo my he Bee i cocies incomes a ft sly and then ey ap 3 © seen ite ete foc ar ie tne a of ung of momen See acum experimental oeaon, we re edt thereon (ee sy ete) — VATE R EM (IA wich permits both psn a negative sales ofthe tal every Egan {Viaf a ie] 10 mich i uate, the ator So am By typing ovate to (11-2) jt sn wea in tbe porlatitie eB RCAC Ct sta te Bac esto ne sie Ur Sehdngr eqn. The an ote Dre equton mas be we Senda pocampal Fete Some cea aough te Dae teary sats of ary — (UDB — WUKa(aO = eV ORES RAPT MRT ERAN [NS RS SB in of rin are ones brought 0 halt bythe fare ofthe mathemati symbol, ‘at i anything the monn fine at of scondonde deans inside te adel Ae the bse postulates nor, acing oa nomena ‘elo ate not ing ape ear)? Dirac found the way out te (emia, Heine (1-5) and went tack to he bis Hatin (1-4) econo th (1-4) must fot be feed fom te rahe ore cold be converted into the wavemcancl operon. The tla of ths eae is concerned with he mato Die eo asoompish fe soning impor Stl st nd wih some te simpler a he many somone ta ee en th a dome 411.2. ‘The relativistic Hamiltonian in linea form ‘Undectd y the aparently imposible problem of exresing Rename ts pret que, Dirac Bolly wat down the flonhip HEAP ema teape taped ope ho [II-7 tnd ake what conditions st be pls! Upon ua. and in oder For inciting ot he een oh ht of - an rseing ne fine = + soars + eenbipe + aban Sache! RS aan frome evens seine a+ apne U8 Bearers + Bosman, + Basen + Bt fant es lear that the an canoe be ondary numbers sine, thy weal the rou-prodit terms pee onthe Fh sie of (1-8) would ‘revo fom bing nual to the es t 11-7107} and 8) re {0 bth boll ten ss eos, ha ie ps natin a he ros terms mast ad up 210. Thc be som ‘she by eguring tht fms seta dapaed abou the agonal eet "he upper at come to the toner right comer) sou 4p pa by par tose. For sample ner svar 0 wold dap ofthe fo ‘xt RELATINSTIC WAVE EQUATION operator forms (HNE2 (ANGE ae “sommting operator Gy ate werle [= majanaian 91 —(— M@aNGI20 = ‘A of te oftngonal terms in (11) ple by pi he a comma” ta wnt nF LT ce cme ape Pe wc itech ar Se te i te aa hese ena ered ef cag if Po sesh a hay ut ei 4 W (he tol emer) = 004 ears F emPe = met [AZ or, egaly well nee ea pain) 1h «yaad fing removed te rai te eave Haman of ee aril [a we ow mate the sl shat operator she its ine ser} oI 3) ie toe tse [1-3 Neen = ~ FeO of) + I) af) “chp (8) + me (hea ‘We separate the eqton ntti and space equations in the ws ay By cere —eeerem emp fimt—— [HI-I3 Y= Hes 2140, iis Ie te «and ae costa if hey 60 nat depend pom 3 pepe boot teibe wave enti [13 Beams to spate egtions Ga Sion 9. "Te ne dependent equation has he ston, pis here His the separation constant. Ain sonra theo when 2) “Te ample equation comes men wes ta E lod teed bag) amet [IN6 Ge vem oneRarons «283 whee Hs the operator om the ight side (11-38 and he separation Const, The ution #9 ~ Hooks ami, ba here 4 vero ‘ew Tere H eontaine no only th fails rates so se (ow in fist oder on). but aso the myperions ws and which me ey the commutation rae 1-4 well tte conan 1) “Te e's and fans be simp order, ite oper, since these doo anticommute bat rater ommote—a, for oxampe te spray Bcané yn 0), ‘Thee is, Howser, 9p of operator, cle a mat operator, which caste own t athena fn aon hey “iis Toemltion of goat mess, tenet tion we wil dese some he elementary primp of Operas tion with mains and'ow ta operon ean be food which ts te ements [1-5 ne 113. Mate operators ‘A mathemati operator i symbol, which, when plas 0 the Kf of some mathemati futon ot aber exreion, comet by eas Spas ry int dee fancono expen, ‘The familar optior de comers my fncon ft) into sme otber Sanction gy sees of eran ete rl. Suppose, arth fo con. ‘er one funn into snther tht the prob oem a ones of umers—soch atthe components of 4 vetorintoanaer ordeed st ot Sums. Ths can be done in many iferent may batt pat sine "tho of converting wo numbers nd yn soe ote pio umber ‘rand yy by eae ofthe nat eon ee ver er ths are constants. Given any ode pir (x on am ross ‘sing =17) second oreed pl We se the at nar euntions [Ut7 co “operate on one set of mombers (x) to produce asst set ‘of mumbers Once ei orate os li gue ach 8 (i173 he onl dint hing about the equations bem of By wing the in an arypurlicing the pontans the at of caution and by tinge ad na alta sen of one sat RILATIVISTE WAVE HQUATION (amt ( =a) : ne arrays of the seed Ze frowned te ope othe sol bat 6 as roe sething te operation ote mati pon teeta sol prong tery the column “ ; ror in {1-18 wold inter tthe potion of Fae a iy acne wit ean oi Perth basis top pono ine corn ybol an sete bythe dotted Tee ict cag 9 ape fom 1-7 Toe it in he ‘cM dented bythe oxo row) is mshi ot te ist =i Tm tian rout ade the poor of te mod @ i te Seu don inet They ae of arena ‘Maat an then the net ram rei aly SR nie gee eo sym ers he ede (ume pets Deen ad Imagine the aro to be removed fom the tp 0 oft ca ee ghge boom sow Tbe two Tites now woud ites at te fen dam torch te ection of th sod Hen gee tna pd no et et) ad he nd 1 mold ie sod = Thay peer oe this manner the main of the operates on one onde pit sand pedene new reed ait the 3) Ts ai operation eel Se mais operon can smb ft om e9 arms OPERATORS = 2 eth ns ae den os ia the clan oy, which is ete by Isteresion of the two aro a marked withthe dtd ile, Ths ‘Thus, am ond triplet af x's has bee comet ino another edered ‘cit they Tor example, te thee ae te the componets af eso, tes the mats tthe 2 uhh we sal symbiae Oy ope ‘On he vector x producing thereby 4 new vio 95 C4 = 9) Reternng io [ni we ask What wil happen If th sts ae operated on (ssl om tee by 4 soo 2-9 mai “( ) Qo )C)-G2 2) ea) emerer verte -( Vales +05) + Bou Soe) halos + 648 bale + ened] em) ID “Th at ee column yb CIC) wee ie hve dnt ies a in he clation ofthe product {i fo me le fe aloo the da Siemens one hae aeady bt for se RELATSTIC WAVE BQUATION om ‘te two rows ets te etn in the prdst “Te inerscton nt dt ren fa ee Ems = ‘which appears in the dotted circle in the upper le-band ie fant Coan tye cei rt ida aa a og verily hoot he ond clu, we ob. ‘earn dor un he pr sph oe oC. Ths, siting the born arow through 19 the boom om, we can obtain te frome ttm Ov, th usu tbasd usin “)(") mea + taaed Guan tbaead | a pects upon the sauna symbol 7 (2) a (3) . (fensmeomvarernn) (2) a “Tee now ati, Cn 0 () kof he ht tinted Sin of es oe men con eae pet caluntethe etal oe ih rest, cam batt base + Bases “To multiply a mats by a constant, one mery mils sah a the slemens by the sna. Thus cova canbe ween the mak (en) (§ 2 a) (3 au on fn han bok (3 2)-(E Psd ) The cleneis of matt may comit of complex names The st of nea eon herby romain, ane open colt ae in gee the cole symtts have comple “conponens ia shone hat te ws and he eed fica the Hatin ould be repeated ty by mata. By 2 proper ance of cea re \Smove tine oem of hone sande lob the sonmaton fue [It] and ao wil wet the poration retest of (12) at ne whiny of me enn emp Platon tat they have te gered ancien aA 1A, The Dirac matrices ‘Te for is aie are Gil) -(GR)e ee ee ce ( Wh he mate abel or ) ity. The aso fr hs an Be cen by ming sams nrxarivic WAVE EQUATION fom ot hn he it mati person columa io ery tasfors et pate mats 9 ) ‘an cme eae otoo Rene oo-1 0) (oo ° So 0-t/ \oo 04 4 “iii by wig, vice cc fhe ia mts 1-29, tay se Shi pds wi alwaee h t a Trseefemen ate sea of cck mai is iy the fo ms at “cameo ad GHD GE-GE -ee te asimilar manner his one can quly show that any pi of the mats [123 atom, ‘Soa showed tht thar does not exist any st of four 2.2 of fost uo. anes mec the some on he and 8. Now th puree Bike Ulcer ito nda mlb slaton, a tga 86 1 (heampltude nae exiton 11-8) cleat ate sees semrma4 sec tesenacn es mat sonenmenem rau to mars Fa ae atm ect fori te wae union agi wich in none thoy i & ise atc amen sien) woe (Her 2% Yien3 wes) RAC BOUATION FOR 4 FREE Panic <2 ‘A ontinry vet can only be deed wih an ond set of thee umes ch a ifs Croan coordinate, and Toes st the Interependenee of space an time an ode wt of for quan sch 57, z an dss the lc of tet space Is tt ‘ing, o Stat he "vss belonging he eatin: Han. ton amped ia hc he! ty tsocited ih tron “pin” For eta, the castomagyete Rl mast dort by at lest four quien he saa tnd tor pte 4 Ansty ad fhe 0 try td BG anos bat th ‘pd which reduces the indepen gue to for The men, ‘dtermined bythe Dac Hamtonan are mich more compat tha hse ‘ofthe soorehtvsic Hamitosn. Forum, at we ll ee i Seton 0 reli al vamp the wy a te es a ‘ite scutly decibel wo ofthe four component ‘Once we aint the neceviy of foursomes uncon ep of arnt sine [1-24 feces oregon The say os nf 2 "nie the Kenity of two fourzomponent slum smile. an asin the ‘ti af the equation betech two ter AB ve hve ie eure ‘tat te ots corespnding components ar el For vor is mes 11. ‘The Dirae wave equation fr a fre particle [Asin te eae ofa asia vest, the deratie of «eam symbol poo a * 5 o * ek a{* zee * te oa oogo w Tle & 3 de “ coog a a "Ya ofthe components is opeated om bythe erential operator Wilt now ready fo comer et] mio a wave sqution ng fe Dac at operator and be column Symbol [1-23] te made te smn RELATWESIC WAVE EQUATION comm seve fusion, Wing ot [11-24] il we hae coo t\ dw coro \f gw = fi roo}\ gs 1000) \en ~ca cone eo eos Using cach ofthe mats operators othe clan symbol 0 11-25) ‘come guanine coun symbol ‘7 ? af ae | de Be [1-26 Stas the vector equation AL B= € meses that 4y + 8, Ay By = Cette san exunian etn son abel Mean Sane toni hl fr ah ofthe Tour components Tho te top Som Det echo he clam rye ds te ution, Bay hy ee ORES et hate tw The send component ofthe column symbols yells ate equation, ee ‘Weies in or, the four equations obtained By eGuatingcrepanting com Omer +0 condos + (A(R 8+ crm Bez Bou aN Zdee mon 0 =o Btl- $26 + 0 + Umm m0 ua hs eof war, pra diferent east ithe Di wave ean Heret ts tow the four compan jie mater mony of ie ple It vary ie suc the new pn 0 Re wall rhe, rash I componens| a - mexaVsT WANE EQUATION cow ust ewe teed and iit stove an intl se, each of com: ust one nrc ahnepabe sa For tobe sno skin Of CA ep, we ee soc apd ton Ce ice (OTE Tee) + D9 + CRED + to =O stv inne in te 0 mantener recat a i emt we uratrnks scee rc sae pratt cm rac eon Ere casero wise mpeg meee nts a SPteangd Pt res eeaegenet al tne rac ul one Seon yet ve wed (iss “This orm foe ies hat the mates ar tan instant ¢ he sae forall ‘ins (ou too and =) an ht they are sia i Tom ong haan om set. Whenenr hans by te Sistas ath of hs fur components of? rete fo tial abe Each come fone of (Ie) i pric wave fom of wacker, pronezaing The postive vaizcton’ Using peri boundary consis a in Secon se sPepos ot the wanes [8] can form wave paket repre ion frees For the pre wan [123 boneve, he eet ae ‘pean pasha” Gee Appendix XID, ice ha, a7 = 01 [11-28 sorta yh wna psi be peti ep comely ee oes a mat Pout 1 Ce eae Sauna nt an acepaewane ncn. Nove hee, tb Tene ate ttl maton snout De mater woe ‘ta dae var cntane Thea ft Perel pe 9 RAC EQUATION FoR A rREE PaRCLE 28 de 1-20 a te we gio rth tf tins (1-7 Wem 0 + 0 4 (hat 0 sr mae tasPH) + 0 0+ a pO melde 0 Hat 8 0 Fmd = 0 (as “Toe teams iobing 3 nd 2s dapat, we ae conieing ven th ni gnc Eaton [2] a hoger ory equation in he fur suzy he oy ft tral sien in We mn es fe Wet on [130 Wo VRP wor Ve Tepe =KM) [ISH ich at te tsi etionship etcen eters, momentum, ah ret ins vee y th ty oft, and wah ed he sain po enews equation, essere pe ih tr eo te mee so fr th a ee a he pean gh ane ine wih corey pe ae tied o ears peei the hear o the pouton te antarick™ ‘ong te cen wih oo te Balt fh ty Fie! ft ton a ad ls ml cy + Vic me aeons cata caS s 1t- RELAHIVISTC WAVE HOUATION (ch by eV entton [1-27 become: a triwtae tH owes te te ok oy mae 8 ot rr) (us, gastos {and 4 Counting from the tp) in [11-2 mae oly As and A Sing eo one Ob, TaD mo \ and ier of equations 203 gs, piss ony A a We eee ‘expose atan ay more fomation soa the Two of Some fy nd hc Aya A, te dered ones cdr teach ie atic ta ae ree a Tecra cae fi arse ee and Ay = ee Mh Ay=0, Ay As ha : wht ls he actu momento fhe price “to which he waves Done” we RAC HOUTION FOR 4 FREE PARTIC «25 mis te ret ma of he ei an the ely fat. The pies Moving t consumo) seed slog te a, th ote Tae (0-2 and he (pane wae ae propa inthe son For W =F VGHIF-= Fc te ave fino forte two mds of opin by [1-28 = ain ° Wem cn uaa 9 ei Alm | ery . 1 1 ° ie) “The const Ay and 4, may be determine by the nomalation roe mete Appenic- “The reson hse to pric mode, and, reso importa i at ‘hey ne ontogeny the do tint with eck ter Tose Bom {hs comes toute lero Fig I-Ie thet mater wave Lad Te sown a ane insta af tine. (We look at ony ther component, (0s Ges) of the compen mae dee! Meare fina) OF ‘sian (1-281) ‘When py ma the cate for he ows ton inom the enomintr in and 4 of [1-3] bane aporximaely ea oe ‘tat dyaod A, ae ech appoxinalely (2) tes he te components ‘Aad dy espe. Tn Pipe 1-1, wae I ese aug iat eatin of he hint ‘Smidering the waves of lowmomeatum eeczons For wave I we ett IWe apd the Youth component ae compl sented ‘For wave Fp ivy oie ter aod, we tat the fourth component has ge xin, the fst component has seal exon, nd the eer two component ste completly uscd. Sno hi an Sealy sation solution othe wae equation ach wave san be toned In spce ty requing that each component hasan Inrale sate we Soe Sloe hater f tee to Since perf wane may bg 0 el Slsron (A, ne clon can hve sy apepston of hese ivean have al ur components exc) Ai, we onlie (ee Seon nd 1.9) tha ne sess ech repented by on fhe pre oser—ah teak proazate slong he ans wih exactly the sine egy and ance ‘it ing och heim ov tent pon 6 - RELATIVISTIC WAVE BQUNTION (om 0 woofer posible components Another wave can es st aswell 0 Sy the oor ee components exit eae Fa vector We RN vy lo) Mote wae (a parr (b)Excronounetie Jecvomagnsi wor plied in he fon « x= plane) The formality Dirac ter wanes ad ‘learompete wave fo give this athe aba cusion the ie terse ih he me fm tomate a ai tetera cc opeeine Doe te ‘Shas Al teat me they Wout appear In peo some, Wane I hats Ener sien the pane, Thi te ene daw pln Itbas «magne | |edit no ee tht Ba Ge Pong Seco, ging he rection of propagation eta tthe ihn Prot ist we show tat he mater wanes [1-25 which we se ae dig, as ai popagaing tthe eh) 'Wete that he deomagntc nae I ry sila ote mater wave vente ele pase of te large compontn yor) wih oe to he sl somponent (yo, te same ‘Siu, ekeomagnee wave Il eoeiponds clay to Die mate seve Ih ‘Both ip of waves ae ue “elaine” phenome. Ts each is {uty in accord with te pone that, dil in tem of ay er oo inate syatem in uniform moton with sep tte one we hve ban tne wil obey an eguton of ena! frm “oes ar of cose, lnces between thie wer Mot importants the fat that hes no edence tat mater vies aly somo ransee iran Alo, ah ofthe wo componsr an svt he planes oaraed" mater wave is dscrbable only by ae dered pu, = complex ‘umber din ox) cos 2) The mater maven ae tied le aril feat mass, wht he deetomagnac wavs re ht sca whan ety desert as a pte with et masa Furthermore sre ae inProtcn I. hepbase we eater ne gets ean nous the average pari elt away lee tan ©)" Ehuomagac wares Iie space, anaye tral mth he ee ‘Theva advantage f comparing the is wives nd the eesromagnetic ‘ave es inte vid pte ta anf ae, We oes ue wi {scetromgnt ave loos i: The deming in Fb teak example ‘fone method of vialznton. Dugan of ater waves (Die parle) ‘an te drawn so at to appear much Ie thi romagice coupes Foc cample in Figur 1:28 We dee th el pars ofthe Die mae fr ‘ont pre , me eligi the ton Hsin igre 1, plted th makina part eck Dirac comport, ‘we would apin have wae fom hat lok it those ed shown. "We not tat in Figure 112th ctor pod of Sand and 3s iy estos, iain in soem pana) pos nthe dion ef the vane vou anda te pri lot This anlar o EB poling Inthe ation ot propagation othe energy and momen gtd ing Xranumites by at cletrommpaic wane Tn athe words cen the sy ‘hin the ln compener a the sal eomponet the same (om wav or 9 parce avrone (a) ae at pil ict a soile = a sepals re BERS Be 2 Gooner Gat tan catapnds 8 Peitncnery aaa J rine pas of and B. Astin we mat empaie ht he tasty ‘Whos Dis wine anddomeece wave on fr “asf we tee pape ot tnd oe i i ctceaetic eae to ate bite two mode of opaON of soma aya ar aod gue cn det TEESE Ga geno owe rt memati! om? slide of emt ae (1 nr tof ow cute a pA obser a sid ns Stet nn fn cls had Bg ne iS ten gua oe nn ese en iting of toconponen cnn «ad 5 fwsompneat ests or tt A fe soa ls concn te se he ef a te a ‘orthogonality, as, ™ 1-342 as an odinary olin abo, we writ athe “row symbot™ eaver( F ) {38 and ate init writen. To mip coun symbol by 3 row smb, fone mls the tes in each, tesco a see and te is the foe guaten Ths for staple Mobb tate tat 0h, ene ery (aphain number, rsa) ithe gure ofthe apie of ths four-component ‘lint Symbols and isso oly ial ow ems othe sm ae ee It Fea ean tote normale ‘Wecanseentoncetta theo mater mie mods of 11-4) ae Hasely Independent, or onhogonal. For somes we wie te aged ofthe “Sl emponat oech wave a that [SFT ee me ‘Then the complex conju of mae I. row sabes mode Holm symboh 40,5 -0 [N13 40 thatthe wo mode ar independent. Supe, howe, ht one wave had ‘eatin in four componente Ths the clr osu 104 wend mot sia RERATIVISHIC WAVE HQUKTION (own te seo woul contin smo tre which wl ml a genera, cml ech [dee sor wove nt tna dependent of he te S “ete depends ef popgtion mayb sown 0 Be the be ef ae nena steed wih ceceon i er te en of Son 118 Seat apn es apes in pane was mpl tht one soa ot Tae tpcap eran inapende im propery te con, st ber ‘Sih ct sopet oft atonal maton 11.6, Particles with negative total energy fin the determinant eto (1-3, We ae the sation Wa-Vverene ich has veptive ft ner, we obi by xa the me proces at SEL voi ontop defor pias wave oan ctr now wih ‘Seetve com propagating lon the =a, 04a aA Ay Ay Asin singleton can tae any uperpsiton fore of mp ee pec fen mean iy Geerpaiim. Tis cons fhe neve eeay ats are ding! By ving lng cian one of the np two component inthe clue ‘yb cst terre fe cfr the postive ee elton "Te np nergy ster ae sry meri Tey ex why 0% au ckevoos drop down into shove sts? The comple theory shows tha the est ati eens hme” he oe eae meson ts. not for ack of «eta sable ine ‘pendent petra) Oat pote enrgy lens do no ime Irae tanaon tthe Seah etergy snes wish ae a8 uch Wer ‘Be proposed held hypothesis that lhe mean esa tes ae slay oc! Fach of the pte ener Le ae) 0 8 {7 a rt te two onal mode 13) hy he al tad 8) The concep of an nie wn of nope enry estonia of sce is ita vn to contempt Toe peat ase of estrone “Tie era ronan te — etn (2 = an DIAC PARTICUE IY ONE-DIMENSIONAL WHEL 8 sumed to hve no gavistiona or ctromagnetiit. Teton tnt owe, Which woul rose ebrable phenomena Hone te ep ergy elton regen sce! erg ¥0 tae 0 an saa pte ‘er Sat, then nol ease sind an unop sate f eae ery. Dine showed that sch s "hol wold act aft ware 2 poly ced re nth poste every an ah et ms eo at fh Secon ‘lave Haitian of Bins, 11.7. The Dirae particle in the one-dimensional wel Inside at onmesonl pel wall ith aie wall he pce is fe~atat ig be tae wave sation forthe fe prt [1127 hoa Sra Ath al emai potent esr om inside the wll ut mast have zr apne ote the wl asad foe lecton wae, we wil ow Be onsdering sanding we oes proposing from brn recon retasing fom the wai Sony ster wl oct ian onto ssem chs oom wth ound wane ors fern cay ‘caring eleonptie ates) when the mung tthe mes eae ‘ome nel eatonp othe eth ote bo The metho of mrdacng pola ergy term no the al Ham toni [ie] Beyond the spe tha bok The pb to nd ts ines a ange atthe tite onan ace tt ee sie i ems of Seo cori sjtm in uniform elie ton {othe int eqn, line he poe mr term mis betas ln form i ou tha i [=I intend of the erm Won pace ae term (VP fohee Hy 2) te lca pte ene he ‘i imarange snot cng When thi eSnips ane ‘ston [1-27 change ely by lag Weer by w= M93) vel tina it nde stn on wih he 7 and Ioving along he asta the eter the oe Waves ust an be pape {tng nthe y ands detonate stall anume hm ohne Ne ea ‘rset We en asime, for eample tnt for sh wits te sanding {eve ate fs one half went sang cath the long dinero [Nee center fb, thf tbe naves propaga tn fort in he "lecton ar ery nal pla wave, and nemo speciale fa oe pendence, Boos of ths real waver tat the tes te at oa Foc jost died and poping aos the sae ping ote sl Theva a ths four elon oee-denoal ye sex > RELATIVISTIC WAVE HOUNTION (eh what hapens atthe founds? We ance avery Le (emu) ateate Rts so he cared parte” wil cary be rel andl Le ec be tof thet of =O ad to the igh of = L TC lowed the owls tral, we mut ok for solains Ge vel e 4 vile w % * C Fig 11.3, The Dia pte ne one-timeson: ial ox tothe wave euton fo ih cach component is eye contacts at See oman Sd pnts ene a, Howe Sapo id tenn tempi oe smal omponnt. ter word the aif nite bare can esa deviation fom the srt intercon ‘ofthe eatin rguemens of the pots Teta assre os api ht 94s) eit tarot ne ron fom x= Bt he Din we as amit 0 4 0 4 Oy © tH mont My + 0 0+ he corm 0 a ee us condition that fy andthe lage components Go Aasin bid) S1= Aysin erie) tee wee b= 2.4 “ls cam how in Fl 3 crys ine igen era os nee in varie ump hw ate fe omen tee tn cus 15) Seasons? Se aon tet (18 Bo me om the ort gun in he et, we oan yintegain, te orm accor constant [1-390 14> RELATIVISTIC WAVE HQUSTION hep “The two ress can fo be tue only f the constant of inerton eer ae it ae athe TE tk wine = kara moons (bey 40 Fre 11. shows the appearance of forthe eae whet the prise orga al cone "We ic ate sal comport bas 2 concn in its maple sax tath ri and Le Tis nzomtiy is very sal for pts of “ores eey (i fhe orer 0 ye) ba i xno Bs avon if ‘elit hat the age component yor ve ea th two Limi Tm wham line (ing Vee 1 afr wenn: Tmo Wot (mes teal “he con rete ih in 1-1 eia. at he nr wy, soa ne nin nie a io of coin . we ent? pie xe sesh in Arpad XI that te wll fhe ox coreg 04 oth tal ee the hod se wth he wa ere Sr eee Ee ct iets pve in These Stes ex Sr ch es Pe te Se st Ica rte 1" . orinay aoe sens wc ve ning tues of ow cto vols oes bh Toh a igre 1-4, ining amount above me Sine {8 anal sone pays eget ive pions ween te Stiom poste ety Toute cota me Ys to lst, OB ee twas Soares are pose ey ste Wome (wre Wh ime, wet that for atom umber ht at to ite siento Tits Sahn ys} andy (1A waht We Bt aE ia Dy (138, 64 = Asn bes 40 on of the poste eerste wane funtion boogng 0 the lel HW ~ met + ss “met aie te a Fe A, Evegy el of poster Or parle estivcnargy,intewal neers box (nthe oer and ne et Aa = Din (1-38 hen Yew [ee where cm hve ay ofthe natal vals, 123.4 “hese wo distin egefutins, or “wnding hanes ave a rent sppearance om the feoroning waves of Fyre 11-2 Toe amples 2 snd, af eto otogoal egefucons by [=245 a pte in gus T'sand Ti the uper few, we iain te le compan 19 tea ner wbating i the ston (ofthe uo and inte kw Re We ingen he lage comport yt be a ecto siting athe ton (Ge tte Sge) As wit te E reso of tro osrpolaae dectomapetc owt ee re Ao, 0grenb-Pad e we et a = sos RELATHISHIC WAVE BQUATION (om 19 S > lo ya wy fu) 4 18h ool + Dt pr 2 ese: tee to components are soning, Agi, the analogy is only ‘rma ‘Slay, ayer gre mew the stop the complex st of gy tio spre impor coat the scanning wae, wee a both el and imasnery components) Inthe ower are we wee {Daigle Azumi the Bhutan of two crosepaiee eeto™ Imag mic the el cmponet on Se apne idan 8 PPE en DIRAC PARTICLE IN ONEDIMENSIONAL. WELL 307 ln Appendis XI, some typical elelation ae performed ting the wane funcom 112) and foe Tn ing the rows to designate theo states whose amples ae the olunn symbas , and fy eter to “pia ups ty (componente Sed) and "pin Sony ath component eed Clery the we of te ‘tod “spin” mpi that thie to dite slats ae somebor ree {nla momentum. For ht terptation to te nase W's heat) ‘cher seach a ee sma eo ah thsi done oe fds that «new operator Jy pays he he fone by 1M, Inthe paragaps inemediey fling, the mithamatea form o 1, ‘ied and freee sade othe mar sane tony mete io emcee 4s imporan properics, Meet stat he estonia Bl Hse ayt tats oo ° ° aa o fa-tn o ° lee [45a ote ° 0 hRLdy io ian? 1 a ne, ae expen va hapa repeting ‘the component ofthe orbital angular momentum, ™ Bo 0 o 12 6 6 ot as [1-45 m8 ° o 4 ° im 5 tinea. In wonetvic theory (ee Section 6.2) M.~ cone ‘When the expration vale of an oper oman, the pan ‘arate repeseicd bythe oper feito Be “tenant of Mo of {he sem" Since M, repress he mpc theo! pelt moment, youl on peaks fhe pete Ja eesnting the 0m hen ange mentum, snd the pear 1000 anal [45 vo1e ooo 2 erenmting he s= Ay sin nu). The Wo Ide (nin seomeny 221 pendent oun for he ae gunten number, Hohn, kee moon, - 5 et feito ton Wem We te ° 11-38 ang [Il-39a% howe oF was [CEP ome kana ao emt PED ten chit) (Iba Aan Aye obtained rom the normalization eqiemet ‘Append XL shows that, for the ponte ent petal walls ase sve Hound stats can ett only for certain dace pose ales a nergy min sates (hati ste for woh the wave rcon onde the rarer ci ay a [sb ere ae "avin pate can be ers simalancoay by bah spin tte” sive above f (1125) tad eI re i the two hates hae iene ‘Gant number, ace the Dia equation ier” Any spepostion Tse elections isso an scepible sttn fo the wae eto "When so (and nessa ae ext (and dy dy "Oy one speaks othe press Bing in the pu sp satan of.” When (nd ese ss RELATIVISTIC WAVE EQUATION (49 ay 9) ate ied (and $y =f — 0 the patie is said ein the ther SNE Sin downs Toe to pore wats are ortho sie VP Pemly Dr, ee 1180 () Teo Tenia Pate a the Ome Discs Well Th the same manera he nonce separate the > erie nnn cl fx Soercing owns prs no Vamenta pes an va ech fouesononent ean symbol (1-50 One column SERS fineon freon the oer fonton af The to Space (Eperdent equation sete Trine wll fae att D abd x ~Lareth posveenerty acs de oles fot then wands may hve tefl Frm rhe one of te te serie igntanctons piven above (113) Ghd {Fors pom nad (thre ae eg Wosehaved sla (Wing be notation of 128) and (11350 ate, peal one a hee rable slatons [use Yoo sed = MEG OF (183 [154 Sic the two pats ar sun to Rave the same mas and ecie arg and rn ey thr rsp Hee he it soins all Boag (ean Test (tomo, noninrcting paris ‘ay ne hh os hat ae poi hen x hs i it ondinne anf Tw a howe our car eomaton af he “tpncrete veri ictal tata antsy fo Ierchaae ter nd'ny and cay thevors: bythe Pal exclnon posite epee lett -The fou averpestions ae writen ost in) through [> Isc rm tne forthe fou fenton that one wast ep the peril rg bh the to al) an umes an the 9 Sts" thee ave thn nt fou tatsmmeric atts salle rte to ero Te ne i sf ae aoe (UT pre At The of ul craton on ran Deca sng Boner A n= by however, thaw ofthe antimmetc waefesions, 1-57) (Sind (1M) seme an ote ny sed he ip Sac, tf cl yt tt en hy tat en net ty hare te ame pb inion [a ch Oe ‘etacty Bom the proay sain forte emaing sate 01-0 ‘Stee Sage For he teste ote ems tad oe {Sadana arti py pcr hyo ps cringe consi ‘aso igh Parte sgt sats bores ay Boe ato se, {Seren wo cmp opr py se, Wen en ‘tcl pn fear do devon he bape wt ite ter ‘og eel than he he lates ors on nad). Toe eee Srrmcnal sere, fete nthe blo spr (i 1- Problon11-1. Show tha he mater wave of Figure 11 ropngitig to the HM with # WO ayy = ee pey S Ing om 1-8) the sompeteegeson fie mae ae show ‘hat the above ato oe Suppo uncon of btch {heel (rhe magia) ptf [28 t= At iby er {ie agaist the wane asa acne stints pon il ges velosy Tus the mater wae lowly partes ropsete mh tte than the ela ight I hse wes ae perondofrma packets 9a the pati he packet fn be made to move a the partie alos eve thovgh he mses fa the superposition continously “ron through” the repon ofthe ache. The mening ig of walt fom 8 tone doped el ‘tier sbow the same bhai The Indu muse followed Tyheee are cary gong mch iter ha the pip turns, orp vas shown tat f= ‘Problem 1.3 (€) Cale he el pout, 8, (-57 an show tbat pee 5) Show ta. dea ses (11-60) ° ier [a @ be [1-42 (@) Cala te sear prodect sd. (@) Cate te ete product 9-7) he Prion 11.5. Assume tat the elctons in Fie 1.6 re in x cmedmensioal ton for shish 10 om, With the of the sore etna the tease nse energy af he le sates ‘en the tal rpuion ofthe cettns I allowed fo. (Hi ‘sme tht the to tons ave an sverae spacing he Sto ‘tweet ewo "ile inte lowe ae) Prob 1.6 For te me condtons a In Polen 11, ceinate the iease hte ery cased by the eltosatie ‘pin of he two cetons in he sgl tte (Ha Pek reason ‘he dance fo te abergeclton pt separation Del our hoi) Note: Bath Problem IIS and robem 16 cate sale ‘hing the as pertration hry din Chap 9 foro spas Parte The ony dil sss rom the comply of eclting {hemi semen when Heal to [y= stm some the ‘ac lation ang ths Ages an elo prediction of the “nor iflerece Benen te ing an he rete nes Prolon 1.7. For the snl sae [11-855 where he wo atone share he same spi quant number fet te Peatly deny and plot in he manner of Figure 0 A sua the ste eeu ( te aks, Pro 11.8. Let an section in «one-dimensional tor hae, for sit Sta he spin up wave fasion Fy [I-4], here PT. Now apply a psd cui id Eh Wich aes eufbition ergy tem He sin oy and ety yp thre nis the pa ua number ihe energy state Lat (@)_ Wilh prrttion case a groth in the amplitude othe ates} wth the apn down sate? (©) Wi is peratation case a gown nthe amliude of the wnt 1-4) gunn mer), ich pin Fineon ampitnes as eng may allo hss ‘sot enna the ei) The operator the mate (323!) am 1) monte and afer performing te ri opeation (Gow sybot ial pet an a nl ‘ov mae Foy free dacsion sce Appa XI rebon 119,_Aply he same targa ldo the sia probe eleven sy, ain nao oc Cre etons reamed oh neh mano owsthe uation sme " > Wm ey) En sine eck tector, indus 2 pte nergy in he externa (Let these wave fnction have, a inl arp, (he fy fenton of [ns}—a ingle sate Lat = = (whch Simply veces 11-2] to (1-55, Le he fal sea Bee Sint ge) wich Sle sare th a atom ue, Tan i cise te higher ener ste onic? sen hate heh 8) ~ ower Sab a (©) Now, Ie be oper sae only be the ile step of [115 Can te pertain ene this sae (6) Finale the upper ste bebe "0 pete (11-57. Will the peruttaioneacte this st, saring a ore fom the sme single rend sae? Ts operator (oy) Sth sm of wo mati eoh oth orn gen ble 11.8 The x operator afets ony the epee ar Inthe sai prac tn they oar acts ol he ‘Nedeyenen for: For capi the sperton iets ft sole rods, (ode) (3)-(4) (4) Compare: ano, (929 aap se eo ~B2 a +5002 tere mais open fhe ej ere sistent a ed ig ening opto [1,9 on o ° 5 ° oo renor.e.0cui( xs ° ° \ sata red x fete 486801 ‘peat tate wo independ vr ey “pb rat the ype clei which for ate tn ret in the telson rue Sige ‘lt wanton ae oben neler poe tno, In ow lon” te the etergyee diagram fr elm, foe example the singlet ad role lvl form independent ‘prem Thc operator sod for he ine aig clsie a corte oly fo lowes m. Ww. ve MI vn. vu 1K xm xm, APPENDIXES for the harmon “The solution ofthe amplitude equ ‘oscillator ae “ ‘Orthogonality of wave functions corresponding to diferent ‘nergy levels ‘Complex numbers ‘The separation ofthe wave equation forthe hydrogen atom “The operator Vin spherical coordinates ‘The hydrogentike wave functions ‘The angular momentum operators in spherical coordinates ‘The classical wave equation and the Schrodinger wave ‘equation “The total energy ofa particle in special relativity “The force on a curtent lop i a inhomogeneous magnetic ‘el i ‘The Dirac pace In a onedimenionat Box with Hite Some sample ealelatons using Dirac wave funetions Some important physical constants and conversion factors APPENDIX I THE SOLUTION OF THE AMPLITUDE EQUATION FOR THE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR The ample equation 07 2828 senso pr Si a—amsno w We find the ston to the eguation fo thea id hat odio ate ne 0 valve ot [=f When etre noep, 9 that 3 ‘weomer 0, we can meet A and (I) Mawes eR ih sea eb “pte frm 0 (1. Thi std (nt fr tre sates of 2) by gn esome B “ican be en by calling the drains of ort wee “Te ond tr i epi feb, Thi eument can ays teme by ting [| 0 ge enough. Ths cite ’ ic Is am “sypttc slain” 0 the “asymptotic equation” Only the ate, ows, wl apron seats" 4 rand thet posible fr or Ime anton o Bove a ge wiser the tape ofthe ave fenton fr ama xt musa ape ough, htome ining rom eh. et of $e fe eome p09 6 nh nd the fr) wish cams (5) sas the basi equton {Mo da tia ws snbtte [It th oa! eguation (Sie cone (— ag +H) Bree Cor) wd - yam, Bh cose (ey [bones re L pao raf sa-osm0 6 “o put his tion ino sda fom, ic neesay to die 4 ne saute fever 0 Let we cange the notation, by eli wth MU). Ths 4b yy-4 mo, Lmo~4 mot dro- timo, Lime det “ 4 y= 4 my: dro Zmove Sere to ——— afanlb fice 6 “This equation ca ested by the poner ares tho. We et MO) 0y 06+ 066 bP + 8 Mos a4 Deak b3aE 4 S08 + [ea FH as Ob tas? Barbs 3-408 + (6 Recon Tete t2e3qe $3 dae FAS + Age 22a -2aqe ¢-) ve2e Cotlane aesae (Maa yO, oo CTW ED ich ela, in thi ci, costes seat by 2. The, i [on ihe coins oa ecn powers at eerie by [7 ay Ii'odd pone we deeiaed Poe two arbitary consanis are the eon Ita ae says pent ny serrata eunton. Egon) {Sak ecuon formula" TE force wae the numero egal 20, ° 0 then al of te o's wih ger nds pe ae wl Be 0, Thi ‘Si tmiatan ay be ample ing sane oat 10) pintne some Sete scenery W- HT [1] a fo weeeeee Gist npc ns) For cei ote Wide mp war one sre, bt wl stop at whe » an Shen mage Fr etme sppne a sch vale hat 15 rae When Sen we ty 8. nd) oes Ho ~ bat he a and asin fn, om ner of "eT has sctS aleta [10) sued o 08, hen we y= 0 ang I) pal fall pen ff We mina es PE ‘fom bones te ee pose i ara hcg poses ne now show that isan niet the the nave fanton Ssh mich Ceomtant) 8" wil approach iniy a ge & Ge at are in spite af he atone, Compare te sis ore dine bye By et “Ge Gy wih heer seo Mo) cmb ab os bee eae ean ‘We wi sow tt for tage», wil eae ee king the poet Eg) tehave ee, which etal Forth Seis he ‘ato of he tient off" t0 the cont G Ob ares he eng or for WD? (whch ar the ely important ems as = 2), (nm the other hand ge » te scuson formula ies the aio a fore setcset ofthe (7 2am to the mer 1 >) ‘We ce ther ta (or arg for tot srs, when » chang fom 4a 2 the cuties re chaged By the sme ctor, 72 The winter ‘asi th hci of eta hoi of HO ao {be comegoning caus ofthe tuo sce fe tly yt conan fasion © Arf nom MU) >(cosan) os the pode -°" MG) Somes (conan), ap iba futon. here, the ses or MH) ma termite Tian be dane only by sang Ant De wu in sqution 7, ay seting itera 0 ul 0 For example fa" there ae nd powers f € (90 old powers ‘fim he nae fenton, and we oan yyy" which ral Mee abet EO UO Wn Ben es wa n=? (ona! a Ie we pick v= 2 then 20202 et hat by wert Oa 0, ot By dee Te re fern fr ec thse es he ei Joree On he ober Mn 60, ARO De hn oe nee heetntae WA=O-34 15 ten 40,0) ~0, ead by 1 ay peereent In ech cn stern by the naman requirement Meinl we subite 9= 2 mI ado? ml fom equation ta (1, we tv (ting n= 9, Wea Qe 1S ich ae decree eeray sales for the harmon oso “Fue polls MQ) obaed hes treKnow athe Hermite po othe) canbe ened inher ays, and various rains beeen {i drat cn be etal Many textbooks have exe dss thr fonctions whch neal. were well Khown to mathemati frie thir appt o quant mean. “Tus metodo dig spss and eiefuctins is widely we, and the cue he tamone sierra peal etampe of Hs apication. A "Resin fomula sca) ca sly Be found. bata 0 simply sere Aico he pene of sna point Onc oad he sis mt beri tine proper secon ote parameter whos signal bing Serine. Teves ene ane mst. cow ta he utemiated ses wl rode aU ned uneven ton. he sormalaedamplisde cgeafuctiony for the farmon omar 49) = Naf HO) were boven e=tenmitnn gd fe wallet) “Te fet fw Hermite polyoma a nyo Wy ~26 mdse 2 mge8e 26 Mo = 168 4s) ~ 2E— 196 + 0 APPENDIX II ORTHOGONALITY OF WAVE FUNCTIONS CORRESPONDING. TO DIFFERENT ENERGY LEVELS Conder the onedimeionl amplitude equation (34) when W = Wa oe fhe ees Then fm Ben Sern, Yr og 62m, —nalsemo i “he comet convte xeon 29 2m oy, neanat 9 my nonst—o a fo io sie, Paseo a te and ba 2m Ww, —Wodtye—o a We ow net overall lero, 2 an wa f thee f eh Using the identity - ~ dnit-« r Fest nae e From Polat hop is ind 0 Bei, When SET eae nanan [p[-c0 ave Pa and 1 fen yg an i he Fee, therfore, that th slope mat Bene => 2m 0r,— wo fétae=0 6 Saceit hs bom ssi that My Wr he intra i a the coe ofthe tel poeta wel Between ¥ =O and = = 'aeach ed point and sin he slope Rite, the orthopnea cond ion agi fll The habe foment for he eatance of othogoelity, [sean ea im ng ay oars ‘ite wave incon nat sly so as weave wed above "Won thn, tat song he afzctons which covrespand ‘ihe wane gunn tela the boundary conions as requled By te Se ism et sit of siteret anton of? inow pone tat [Uy dei omc that Went and fae ot orthogonal. We contri vo Tsar combination of ‘nd Song fo const nb a Saab bbe p 7 Behe te 110 eee area Tree y a “Theor oats at mst he omen fade badd det ofits Hale sede 0 (2 eines ty eid by hos, ich ‘When fad ya cach oral ow 6a mt et scien nation o (2) Tat [0 fds Ua fe dh ‘We hme thet four costs with oly hee conden’ ped spon ‘Bens a he ean afte member of wap the oat “rs con hog chal happen fe We Wy wean il omc ‘wo arth somal ncn ahs fd) bmg oh Car every Angee lee with eo cet eats, $a cae wad Seger le “grat yoru of Bg ale to comet athogna fotos, cute Ea tm espanol ty "Although the analyse hasten performed ony fr oe dinersion, ‘ti lacy sing eo hor more ican Ib ad io 7 a 0 hr nl imegrton a aoe domain of dion othe mane enon "Pere ‘day sna meno a 2) HED) a8 (ion = Un Ao sity for 8d ide Tos topes 7] {Pant en heli of eration re LS an 1 rete ae {Sc a othopinal in hee Tis te boundary enon ‘Tata Baton 5th aap ane pee APPENDIX il COMPLEX NUMBERS _Acomples mums fers rom a oiary eal umber mich a2 estor sin oma a The so hs sands 4 ao anaes {ier sums hich ae as rod by pil fs) ‘EC be repented by the ore fr see whore wand 6 ave real numbers, an otf He epee by the odd Areo ‘The compen conga of then a jdeed to Ber By Sima 2 ioated by pearernten) u fovea boa e shpat Saves th a8 8 andthe gute is a b [oae~ (Jets, foes) 6 nes Wand fem e bid Pp ere # 1th above reat areal. Ths the wf thes [ein [7a eomeniont tag ot sen, meas af emerge ‘ole fore alsa ot ore pire To change ay numer nas complex conante one need only to hangs he in ot The ety operation, ft B ean hat ~ ad — (Thi isi 4 the ae af he ei of 0 Sectors in which the ution A= B symbols tee eu, between “orrespondingcorpancne. Voor, bower, MMe for mishcaton at ‘eile om thse for come ues) Te quate, comps sums ae usally wien terms of ‘he copies etponntia Tuction Fgte 1 shos wee t | pi moe nts a $= (R608 By Rin 6) = Iie wie he ordered pir , (oor sn 8) is, asm ne sen above, rode the cre us forthe ae oper came tts ° women Lo hich he form in wich he netion mal appt “the deny’) mont sly demonsted by ting tat the seis satan bh es re en erm By term. “he somple cout of 8 « ST Roos = sin 9) ‘Asin, obser tat 1 form se comple caja of any exprenion ont ‘ot ony chang the ina th ond tern node pat oF 1 change thet tts engonen Jt change the int “hth wave frtion hs he fom fo) te. theo tom of he rei of amber i Fo ties # = denna ate etn om fh cvs ns Johan in Capes 2, he we of complex nataton in he Schein ave eatin 1 erly omens. Wh the me of complet ‘ihren estos nsbig a mbes The fac hat compse umber are ved i the dre Fein doe arvenotx IV THE SEPARATION OF THE WAVE EQUATION FOR THE HYDROGEN ATOM i Seon 4.3 the wane etn i sled for patie na cnt el shou el ap 0” We hw here So te tana ator rotons of the Brogen atom se spas and how one of the eng Simos dental tats pare lns aed ca fl. “The hyopn stom consis of to pres of carpe and —e, and ‘of mast m ad my espe Atay inn, th tw pris igi be lected arin Piguet Cartan sori 1s the coords yd sy The prt ae VPN GH he inte ent fi ‘hh wae ent Tat A wim Ga ante Meowrtereret “fh 2 [Aen NRT putes. spate by a dtc WP Ga sere we extend Poste 10 ay tat = Wa Ft J Zt WE ‘isume Unt Y= Mek wee sh separation dts the wo pares ‘then by, 0 when o> be two ei barge bate opPste MH oe inden ime the sobsion of Po fs tate te HO B imo 2 ete no ered etn, comma ye coat ine eae Ce Teese te gen Ts meeps sain WAVE EQUETION om HVDROGEN ATOM = 3H (ec 3) te eton y= eure The eden eution 1 (he Mtr, milo aR + aL Ger tie 9 Ino eat is outon it o, raing se ables cach ii mary 6a i nw baths ee ene oa ts rand and thw se aon tt “ence coodaa seed he Can sca a he wo panies bh ono ) Re nnnse=0 oy [TYRE rma 6 satchain | to arte ema (sm fiat Ed scone funtion ofthe rew independent variables (= 8 ding] and he aes fr para iret (2) bom “Be tese| ay ae hoe yrs) eB 88) lS ore —nonde 0 6 to show how (2 odes fo " "apd Vs the olin eon by which the ie em in (6) 6 soem tego ‘Sehr d] ° oe ws rsin 8 08 6 em rsin Bing 8 waren ut, rom Fare sing (and me obtain 5 Pf terms * wee mem ety Lo Using thes coon tapsfoemation equation andthe ules for pata stration ce Appt the xpesion te, Ba B be] mm te Bae, Ae] atm lax Mae a2] + mom Law ae toe LPtbe Ber Bd), 1 [Rae oe Be mlow text ag lt meg Sanh which demons hat the wave equation (6) Is equivalent 1 the wae Snes Thao posible, dow mace ibrious, to we the ebosinate ane formation 3 and dre om [othe wave function i dependent no onthe invita coordinates of te partes bt upon the coordinate fhe Ses ofa nd op oe rlaie curiae and Mm melt mas) uw = GAM he ded mas) 2 {te sume that one eee 088) nd Po WO Yo 8.2) 03 and if ne substitute hs expressions it (6) the wae eganton (5) eats ing wo prs One Is Spent oly ons, and andthe ber ony on 19, ed Each fr st eal a constant Lette 7 equation eq Wor an er 6 equation egal W. Toe to separ puto ar BRL OF OF IM Fs Shs Gn rtenneo ag i (ie) trawoa (03) + us Wot Wo We 6 Fox.42) the wae function ofa part of mast Mm +m moving Ina pote el Fe 2) dependent ty eon the enter fas he ‘som Tu he wal a bow ele at open the nom a2 wae indepeniet ‘of Us Seto, ne fan the parle nthe ox who wane funtion hn ten Scsed in Srton 42.1 the eave fncion ch ‘isc etal oles ot som to show neces feos when tay ae Steed rom ysl fay 2 died im Chaper (0h, whee ‘he cy of he cero ase ofthe ao) “The equation fora, afora parte of mass cot a, potil id.16 frher analy in Seton 4.2. The 5 found in Sston 42, tho oly one ator inf the compete the complet wave fection = Comat) - Fontes. 2 Srl 8.8180 7 Wem Wet us APPENDIX Vv ‘THE OPERATOR * IN SPHERICAL COORDINATES so BRM rine ote int mtr ish reson for he a mie de top tax 0 is dna by ‘erate the method By which onc how ith operator nie) twat ‘sidan othe operate} whe ya ries rela to and by the rarindeos yarn bing B ‘We xpd 2 an operon x, ee Ce ee a a Zane donner eis ih ros #0 Ug he ts or sama be tant Baa woe too He Be BP 6 28 sane, xen reac 2% san sp ees? wom SERGE) 58) hd) & Bede BE MT 4 BF EL ER Pp ene ut yo dc and date each into of and 50 tha or exam, Bhs 8B M4 he Rae tay ae ae ar te ee sin eis 2 ato sa oo SEGRE EEG) “eran SED) Av CREE EIN a FY ana 7 nave the sme form 0s (7. eee # and f rept ve eet age m ‘ one now es 3 to alte the drat of ands with eget tor tand$ whch ae raul in [5) and (7 and then wes [] an} a [ie operator egal nh form (2 ess fo the mp sean ‘xpsion [Tegan tent and any ter salto a ‘onl forthe great simpisnton, isa somewiat more daberatsclsaon, but no diferent ries te sant wih jose © [aye B85 and ng te reese of te Tomation (3) obtain the oper) THE HYDROGEN-LIKE WAVE yogn, ingly Sin tom, dbl ond hum, et, ane the sehr Ze sth ela chare of he macs. “Te envy ll ae dependent upon only one quantum number, edie so torn, 04 10m) f hton ar (410% 109 oh ay and Fae a om ad t= = 10H «tom ease Nat et yh air san ea tc shoes (ae (ae tona=( Joome fom=( "dane (45) saa ( Josnees- (4) APPENDIX 1M Shell (4 3) —— VII )vit6e—spcne ) vie osineet + yarn eoanvet )yreore—n THE ANGULAR MOMENTUM ) versa nooo OPERATORS IN SPHERICAL ) va esinecostent COORDINATES )gpoameee )paaaee 'm Seton 6:1 the operator cortepnding 1 the angi moment components ony ths nd 2s were shawn te [), —thinyaae— 22) 1M, s(uyeaiae— x32 u 2M, hg» — 93180 The sansfomation equations relating Cats and sprit coon, ofr and hte 8) = @ieneNe9 + aHaeraGIAN + CHB —B “There ae simile exreson forthe operation by 2p and 3) in which =e ‘Saryere pine by Jory z eapece "next pir ina. we ln flow ution 2 ayae= e088 ayy sia bing Bae = sin ie By con bsin gir is awe 09 ~ cos sin 8 Roane MH foxten se a» Bein gnirsin “Ths, for example, 2g, Wn ee — 279) ~ fran oaing (F283 022 6 ih, ng (6 spies o Ms (MOL- sin $3180 — cot 0003186) 4, eos 879 — eo sn 62186) 6 D8) i ar the operator wed [68 “Tae opr for He Sere ro he clas exrsion, ME Mee} My Moh MMe v “Theft erm tht somes the operator (moat — sepia 2989) “Tis exresion cons of four erm. When operating won HAA | AeA, Mall = aeEeHe) where 24 sven by] ante ered a Fanton a and ‘hon ting epee upon ty 210 Ths rel n' getyexpondd cape sion bat wtih aida he asformationaqetons []h canbe exec inte of 8 andthe partial Sorat ivclvng ose ve vate Tone cael, inte above mann, rch ofthe for ems elag fiom Ae the Tor ems from Mf ané te Ou ems ng oe (Meu ls rms al the simp, xing ome gone Mn Net mf et a lh the operator longing othe Square the angle mort. socnf ‘THE CLASSICAL WAVE EQUATION AND THE SCHRODINGER WAVE EQUATION Bate ere oF 0 “Tis applic for example othe wave ttn with velocity along 80 ‘Aime aston of the frm wean eB snd subs tito the mae equation (thus Seine ae fn ba = ond of 9 1B] bees Su A ym t We now we the de Bric expen for the wavelength of mater Ae hip where p= amt — 1) & ue ht cy of ean nite ha ‘sg the de Broce want, 4 ome Sat ME m0 ie ‘hie the Stang amine gto Se Cae fr pie of (oe Suge the moc py (iD 3 mee Sesaton ees THE TOTAL ENERGY OF A PARTICLE IN SPECIAL RELATIVITY ‘one af the important consqunces of he tery of elit isthe ele sone Inthe pine rac ad define he force by Newt's Law anon 2 “Then with she understanding ta tnd fr sie (0 refed “Ths dlls, he Kini nergy of pail of ret mae mand vlc ro mel esa ~!) B aaa sh aoe win hen eon mean ene, fe pe Tulmeclahceain eo a Sun a he Lane ey aie T= me a “Tis eumion septs hat we should repel the tal neay ofthe pari a coming of MC w= Me 6 tnd nthe ick satis act re om ee Sc the momentum Sn 0 ‘a time he los hat ips Mand sis fom (9 = Wi ce enna Is Using (5 rooms wee Vim aie v tinting between (25 (7, Mamet B ce we Have picked the for te detonate momentum. Ip were Peete abe wo be ie pie an THE FORCE ON A CURRENT LOOP IN AN INHOMOGENEOUS MAGNETIC FIELD Figur 6.2 outine the arangemt of the Set-Geslach esi wich neo toms, posing 8 ng mort pe Sted Inhomenenes mage fl We sow bere how a oop ene these creumtnte experience net taal fore The ams pas 1 in ton the eon, Rewer wo magnet pole faces sn in'Fge In The same ole sae shown in rss etn in Fig 1 DAwhous the magnet el Be snr inthe ection the Pl fs 3 ‘ape that Bintan ar lace, The dete ein Pipe Tener he regan sped y the ea es he pdeton Fiat le shows ts ep gly mage ‘Aste thats nal eangle oop ctr, souls, Sowing tne mnt acted in he ein the Dh a show in FBS Te The lop ha dimension of mcs pape othe plane of De lagram ana dimenon td rts the won so ht eae ‘Beet and te mga moment dele hae te magia paws w with tion alow the au a inate i the average agitate Sith mgr fl he oe ten ie al fo 8 eg onne e Stomach (61 moana ple foes 10 occa re op X Fa. Te aon fhe tan! ee on ret ‘ros-sctiona ae, (— 2 Ae tan 6). (The shrinkage isn only one dimer on since Bi evecybere pra the 3 plane) Thun a Sane Se anv hp ope pind oi pareierenery 8 eayd—2asm9> afis 2S), scanece kan oma an an ce mse 200 a “Th ose F~ Bl ets in the diction sow in Foe Lom cach of the ‘dsb rode et force Fin he ection, of a2 Ddbain 6 ing 18, f= aaanise) nena) 6 wc is pointing in he rca ‘te fop foaled 90 dep oth posion sown in Fig 16 the foes on th sds rw loge hve any Scompona, andthe 090 trata! force ating he oop. can Be howe Hat Fm ns@nia) v wh the component he magnetic momen in he ietion (Fg Tend id ae te special ses 71 "sin newton olom mo joule sefsoulomt #6 (ox seam maf “Weber pe nd =~ meters (MKS) Th isin dyn if serious and 2 om fe Proton 6.8 we cate Shesealy the magnetic moment of an {Sstoaph ie conc he ele This maple momen eae the Bolt Imagacton and har the neue 0,927» 10° lle scleulomb mh (> 10 glans (0a elon m, oe weber, = 0" sa "Joule = 10" er APPENDIN XI THE DIRAC PARTICLE IN A ONE-DIMENSIONAL BOX WITH FINITE WALLS Conse a tox with walls at ¥~ — 12 and x = + 12 an of tig '%q sschown n Fg a, We eat meth ox on he compete fe out Dine wave equation haste fore Sam Aqcor ar 0 “The stat rau in Figure 1 has the sms va of ay ral tan (it). Foro al these «= nL) ‘Te Dio eatin {1-37 pp this stm, roving hatin the regons wher x]> 2. the qualiy (WV) i sabe for ees potent cnr) aside he wal it ve by (I. he Bt eatin [1-7] ges WE Re nih can th be tee ly ithe contant = 0 ant Was Vicar ements ue he wal fo > 12 we sme at i 8 (al Potent fcon , Tes bog conponen! ow soe) eos a W ° w * le Sal component lowe oe (8 Spa ny a Apps Xl Fig. The Dac pile oie energy) na credinentona peewee! Whe sr ore penal cer tele ope ea ee en) Sel a ae amount then he Pont conttuum gn st mc ch wil nmi a wetted yw antag gua, ig te Trenton ti] gen oe te wal moh Wate Ba td the fourth sguton of (1-37 ges Bm fg Re menses cmt ay ewe regu thatthe large component i continuous in toh mapiade tnd slope a= 112 we fin tht the magne of esl conan Histo, bat these ds coo fy a a Teo expeins [32] and [3] for youth are can both be tre ihe const an EVA UAE mela meet) “Taking the poste sgn in (2) en [4] at i, aming the porte ‘as pote tt ney) ete» 5 ey ea eS ne ara Se hae Mea tes 6 “Tat i hound negate eeray ste an exist ony iY is neve Ths forthe postive caer patent bref Fn! eonesponiog for cample 1 the poet wl omed forte easton by the pon), Bod ae Sh (iy orp cmay partes [As nthe nore ese, 9 connuum of bound sates exis for osive npr nh oie ered ari, he et Shsingated by hr poi wane fon nr 8) st fe {nd for aperiodic nave fanctan bath oe ad ons we have, the ve cory sine te requirement y= (2) ea 0, Th for pone ery it os be ethan beatin the Grate te ae ection i ate ewe sc) ie te pail ei no (Bhan 4), However, we bain the conan tha te soni ot aeate oes ext ony Ite eva isd the potent That the price inthe weave ‘ite Sats if thy re reply te me wl a act rs STi pose ee ste The convo of eve ee ates aly ane i 7, conn parte ‘oman “kaw pi ce Sow mt the wane neon ctewhre period Tas Tong wae Ice and pei orm ie th sore wavelength ad tiade ikl be goed tht an ana ich atthe piven isnot an ‘ston nates ery ste, ular snc bang a ast) eae in an store filed sx of negate energy snes, Surrounding a Frotn, ho an Bud neat energy eleston sins ad herfre here Foros of “ound senses” Near a teptre reson, bower, tte a negate ener eeson sae and Tossed vacances that I ines poszonsare posible APPENDIX XII SOME SAMPLE CALCULATIONS USING DIRAC WAVE FUNCTIONS Tota th metho of eating quantities uch as expectation ales sing the fou component Dis wane fetonsy vel employ the eae Fancton ofthe pre the ne alt iw, ‘Suppow tat the sso state having othe eienencton (18H ohh score for he okt deny [et d= (tenet vey, ata (sats 2.0 in} : ~aaleortzon'] “ frrnens reatadue en ‘he enc ale of Ws renew fo) ° tine YEFR= 1 es ne wom iia Ga] go Srna epee od tm Tae eta S'ajgm ean mn ah al sted hae omy i ei ee comin hee oe ea oinown) enti Saal Rien we suche ‘ans ep yc ca emt ese ‘Sos Tanna ek 2 Nes es ‘Sips beste yh OY ue Ce a 7 o ; AL aoe snhere = (484882. mb) (Noe a ti ion of ers om ha Tedin Gh Pane (10) ° Te the ve Teoma, the proba esti 19 = (JEN e+ a2) 02 the two cross trms disapenting ese of the erthopnst wave fentns * Fehonewer te at soln sl changed (inex in the hid oslon and ro nthe fourth, hl if both ems ae “ip ates he Probab dnt bom, VOW = (Ibi exe + inh ol 1 2sin oud sin @ mx 050 moan (3 ‘We se rom [aan 5) hat if a loro shares sates of oppoite spin the st insta sate een tou one te ee, bat i shelton cares sts fhe same spn ote of whet exalt probaly ent Atte pedal Te ue [1] ocleulite &, we obtain €— £21 on the oer haa ‘ot tems in he aperpston eee te thd component or the farth fomnonon uted that i bth the round ste snd the etd ste have (he tomein—then wa IL fosertsna ane enon —womn4 “The intel in (6 not ser. Te the sea Clement for ple tastions. Thx me eget ipl aa ‘tuk oponte spi "The el thats timesamyng sna eld wl ot “ip ‘Resp the pro of timated emiion tu fo lowly prc ‘he pera forthe cri rot simple aa te th parte as hgh ec, and fortis ese poe vasions ate posible Between Sater of oppo eet de ia we pn ig or sata” 1 Rie te eonh) = 10 we Rh) = 1.92 10% ene 5 = nem UT owe em = , SOME IMPORTANT PHYSICAL CONSTANTS AND. CONVERSION FACTORS INDEX teat earn EERE coe ome ae a Siete Se Skeser? " Ste SE en Sie a, ee ect Soe ree os Seeeeetes eaeimen Sa ale 28 a, ne in hermoso fe nnn no, en enn i tin = oS weep mene axiom mmtngemen timer ein pkey 134 el ed mon, 24,208 ao Sieaate oa Sacer amte Se Ea ian a eo per unkStmion 8 > ae 29 PE 93,1, 29,3585,
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