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Student name: Carolina Navas Tangarife

Assessor name: Rajan Sharma

Date of assessment / evidence: 25 June 2017
Unit(s) of competency assessed: BSBPMG515 MANAGE PROJECT HUMAN RESOURCES
Instructions to the student: To complete this unit’s assessment, you are required to answer all
questions in this booklet and demonstrate specific tasks and skills.

Assessment Due Date: 25 JUNE 2017

Task 1 – Skills Questions □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed
Task 2 – Knowledge Questions □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed
Task 3 – Performance Questions □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed
Task 4 – Application Questions □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed
Task 5 – Application Questions □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed
Task 6 – Summative Questions □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed
To complete this unit’s assessment, the student is required to
answer all questions in this booklet and demonstrate specific
tasks and skills.
Instructions to the assessor
Once the booklet is completed, you are to make the assessment
decision. Please refer to the marking guidelines when making this
Assessment tasks will be completed in the College, including the
Context of Assessment
computer lab, using provided software and documentation.
Assessment outcome:
❒ Competent ❒ Not Yet Competent
(please tick to indicate)
Is re-assessment required? ❒ Yes ❒ No

Date of re-assessment
(if applicable)
Date declared competent:
(if different to date of assessment)
▪ The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student
rights and appeals were clearly explained.
▪ I have been provided with feedback on my assessment and agree/disagree (delete what is not
applicable) with the assessment result.

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Student signature:

▪ The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student
rights and appeals were clearly explained.
▪ The assessment was valid, reliable, flexible and fair.
▪ I have provided the student with feedback on their assessment.
▪ I certify this assessment record is accurate.

Assessor signature:

*Please see Moodle for feedback on assessment(s)*

Assessment - Submission Guidelines

● All work must demonstrate a satisfactory standard of literacy (i.e. standard spelling and correct
● All assessment tasks must be submitted via Moodle Submission Link by due date i.e., two weeks after
the receipt of assessment task details.
● Students are advised that extensions beyond the due date must be negotiated with the relevant
facilitator in advance.
● Marked assessments will be returned with written feedback comments in the Moodle website within
one week of receipt of the assessment tasks.
● Resubmitted assessments must include the original corrected submission.
● Students are required to keep a soft copy of all work submitted.

Academic Integrity

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Student’s Responsibility

● undertake studies and research responsibly and with honesty and integrity
● ensure that academic work is in no way falsified
● seek permission to use the work of others, where required
● acknowledge appropriately the work of others
● take reasonable steps to ensure other students can't copy or misuse your work.

Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as
your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a course. When you
have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult your
trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a learner can be accused of

➢ Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally

➢ Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner

➢ Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work

➢ Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including

assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.

If it is identified that you have plagiarized within your assessment, then a meeting will be organized to
discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly.

Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in
whole or in part of unauthorized collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the
cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and, as such,
both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion or copying from other learners is not permitted
and will result in a “0” grade and NYC.

Assessments must be typed using document software such as (or similar to) MS Office. Handwritten
assessments will not be accepted (unless, prior written confirmation is provided by the trainer/assessor
to confirm).

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Complete the following activities individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific activity and
the assessment environment).

Where applicable, a signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to
be included in these activities as proof of completion.

Activity 1A
Estimated Time 60 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to determine resource
requirements for individual tasks in order to determine the required project
personnel levels.
1. Identify one tool you could use to determine resources requirements for
individual tasks. Explain what this tool is and why you would use it.

The work breakdown structure is a tool used to break down the project into
smaller digestible tasks. The purpose of breaking down the tasks is to help to
discover the resource requirements; not only material needs, but time and
financial needs. There will be wide differences in the individual tasks required for
a project due to the varying industries and areas in which a project can be
created. There are four stages involved in the work breakdown structure:
breakdown, organise and structure, determine resources and document.

2. Outline the steps you would take to breakdown a task.

To breakdown a task a will sit with the persons responsible for the task and ask
what exactly is done and start using the work breakdown structure tool.

3. Provide a definition for project personnel levels.

Project personnel levels represent the human resource requirements for a

project. Projects will differ in their human resource requirements; some projects
will need large numbers of people working across different departments, while
others will only need a small group

4. Identify three factors you would consider when determining what project
personnel levels you require.

● The length of task, dependencies and financial constraints

● Task assigned to which each individual
● Roles and responsibilities to the resources needed

5. Answer the following questions and attach your answers to your workbook.

➢ Provide an example of a task carried out within your organisation

➢ Outline how you would use a work breakdown to identify each
individual task

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➢ Identify the personnel levels required for each task, consider possible
➢ Record this information in a document.

Monthly report the performance of the company.

Report KPI

Generate Collect
Make report
information information

Search for
Put together all
Go to the system comments on the
the data

Meet with
Select parameters Make the charts

Analyse the data

Task Personal
Go to the system 2
Select parameters 2
Download Information 2
Search for comments 2
Meet supervisor 6
Put together all the data 2
Make the charts 2
Analyse the data 2

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Activity 1B
Estimated Time 60 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to establish project
organisation and structure to align individual and group competencies with
project tasks.
1. Define project organisation.

Project organisation structure is the human infrastructure of a project, where

an organisation delegates an independent project team to a project manager
with the responsibility to manage the team and allocated resources. A project
organisation structure enables to see how a project is managed and
controlled and who is responsible for the individual functions.

2. What would you consider when establishing project organisation and


- What is the role of the human resource?

- What is the human resource delivering to the project?

3. Produce an organisational table for two different individual roles within

your organisation.

Job Title Role

Project Manager The project manager is the individual responsible for
delivering the project. The individual leads and manages
the project team, with authority and responsibility from
the project board, to run the project on a day-to-day basis
Responsibilities - designing and applying appropriate project
management standards

- managing the production of the required deliverables

- planning and monitoring the project
- adopting any delegation and use of project assurance
roles within agreed reporting structures
- preparing and maintaining project, stage and exception
plans as required
- managing project risks, including the development of
contingency plans.

Job Title Role

Business analyst Help businesses implement technology solutions in a cost-
effective way by determining the requirements of a
project or program, and communicating them clearly to
stakeholders, facilitators and partners.

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Responsibilities - Assisting with the business case
- Planning and monitoring
- Eliciting requirements
- Requirements organization
- Translating and simplifying requirements
- Requirements management and communication
- Requirements analysis

4. There are three types of influences on organisational management

structures. Provide an example of each and explain how each would affect
your task.

1. Workplace bargaining: Its refers to the process where employees and

employers negotiate to have a balance between all rights and obligations
from their employees. It will affect because the employee will work
happier is they are being heard.

2. Relevant legislation, such as anti-discrimination, equal employment

opportunity, affirmative action and work health and safety, The
Commonwealth Government and the state and territory governments
have introduced laws to help protect people from discrimination and
harassment. Also, it will affect the happiness of the employee and how
well they performance.

3. Accepted work practices: Every industry will have accepted work practices
in the form of codes of practice and standard procedures, also company
should have good work practices in place where the main activity is
developed, for example place when food is sold must ensure to complete
all rules about cleaning place and food preparation.
Learner’s signature

Assessor’s signature

Activity 1C
Estimated Time 90 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to allocate personnel to
projects to meet planned work outputs throughout project timelines.
1. Identify one way you can allocate personnel to projects and why you would
use this.

Staff management plan is the method used to know how companies will meet
their human resource requirements for allocating personnel to handle the
outputs of the project.

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2. Explain what a staff management plan will detail.

- What resources are needed

- When resources need to be required
- How resources will be acquired
- How long resources will be retained.

3. Consider a task within your organisation. Identify one factor you may
consider when allocating staff members.

In the reporting task, when allocating a staff member, you have to ensure
that they have the responsibility to reach the deadline.

4. What is a planned work output? Provide an example of an output your

organisation would create.

An output is something that a project has ‘put out’ or delivered and should be
easily measurable, for example, a content management system, a redesigned
website, a product.

5. You can meet your planned work output by assigning responsibilities.

Produce a document you could use in your organisation to record the
allocation of responsibilities to individuals in a project. Consider the
individual tasks, stage of the project and special skills that may be required
for the task.

I can use this table to record the allocation of responsibilities:

Task Stage of the Special skill Personal level


6. Explain what a project timeline does.

A project timeline details what a project will accomplish, how and when it will be

7. Identify two factors you would consider when assessing whether your
project will require further human resources. Provide an example where
you have previously used these factors to ensure your project meets its
planned outputs.

1. Historical data: its compare previous project requirements to determine

the human resources company will require in their project.

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2. Research external factors: you should consider any factors that may
influence your project, these may include, equipment, skill set, weather,
events and holidays.

For example, to building a store you need to go to the historical data to see
how many people you need to paint a specific space.

Activity 1D
Estimated Time 60 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to apply human resources
management methods, techniques and tools to support engagement and
performance of personnel.
1. Identify 3 human resource management methods, techniques and tools.
Explain what your chosen examples achieve.

- Monitor performance
- Resolve conflicts
- Produce forecasts

2. Provide two different examples where you have previously used the tools,
methods and techniques you identified in question 1 to support the
engagement and performance of personnel.

1. Monitor performance: Big company regularly are made evaluations about

engagement, responsibilities and work with their customers, after this
they can provide feedback to their employees to provide an outstanding
service and improve their weaknesses.
2. Develop strategies for learning and development: Environment is changed
constantly, so companies must develop and provide training to their
employees to improve your knowledge and have an excellent service to

3. Research and identify three ways you organise and manage information
within your organisation. This may include a software or particular graph
you are required to use.

1. Text: It is a good option either on its own to go into detail e.g. a job
description may have substantial amounts of text, or combined with
other tools. Text is also used often in template documents where a
description of what needs to be entered is used.

2. Histogram: It is a graph that provides a visual reference that enables the

project manager to see how many hours will be required from a team
member, group or entire department that week, month or for the whole

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3. Tables It is an excellent tool for timesheets and for assigning
responsibilities, one of them is called a RACI chart (Responsible,
accountable, consult, inform). This helps to see the different relationships
individuals have with the project tasks.

Activity 2A
Estimated Time 45 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity identify how to negotiate, define and
communicate clear project role descriptions.
1. Provide a definition for negotiate and give three examples you may
negotiate with staff.

Negotiate is the process where two or more parties engage in discussions

about something. As PM you can negotiate with your staff about wages,
timetables and responsibilities.

2. Provide an example where you have previously negotiated with a staff

member. Outline the following:

- What was negotiated?: I negotiated about the deadline from a report.

- What communication style did you use? I was very honest about how
was the project and tried to give an estimate date to send the final report
to my customer.
- What was the result? My customer was satisfied with our results.

3. What would you consider when defining a job description?

- Authority levels
- Individual performance
- Position descriptions
- Project responsibility matrix
- Project team responsibilities
- Role definitions
- Task responsibilities
- Project skills matrix
- Training plans

4. Provide a clear job description for two roles of your choice within your
organisation. Create a document to record the information and attach this
to your workbook.

Job description
Job title Project manager
Job scope The project manager is the individual responsible
for delivering the project. The individual leads and

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manages the project team, with authority and
responsibility from the project board, to run the
project on a day-to-day basis
Reports to Vice president
Key responsibilities - designing and applying appropriate project
management standards

- managing the production of the required deliverables

- planning and monitoring the project
General responsibilities - adopting any delegation and use of project assurance
roles within agreed reporting structures
- preparing and maintaining project, stage and
exception plans as required
- managing project risks, including the development of
contingency plans.
Person Specification
Skills - Fundamental project management skills
- Project management tools & techniques
- Organizational savvy
Knowledge - Leadership
- provide direction
- provide vision
- coach/mentor team members
- sound judgment
- issue & conflict resolution
- effective decision making
- Negotiation
- Communication
- Team building
Personal attributes - Aptitude; flexibility and ability to adapt to change
and cultural realities
- Confidence and commitment
- Pro-active, can-do attitude
- Open mindedness
- Common sense
- Trustworthy
- Creative
Job description
Job title Business Analyst
Job scope Help businesses implement technology solutions in
a cost-effective way by determining the
requirements of a project or program, and
communicating them clearly to stakeholders,
facilitators and partners
Reports to Vice president
Key responsibilities - Assisting with the business case

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- Planning and monitoring
- Eliciting requirements
General responsibilities - Requirements organization
- Translating and simplifying requirements
- Requirements management and communication

- Requirements analysis
Person Specification
Skills - Written and verbal communication, including
technical writing skills
- Understanding of systems engineering concepts
- The ability to conduct cost/benefit analysis
- Business case development
- Modeling techniques and methods
Knowledge - Implement advanced strategies for gathering,
reviewing and analyzing data requirements
- Prioritize requirements and create conceptual
prototypes and mock-ups
- Master strategic business process modeling,
traceability and quality management techniques
Personal attributes - Leadership

Activity 2B
Estimated Time 90 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of how to
identify, plan and implement ongoing development and training of project team
members to support personnel and project performance.
1. You can support personnel and project performance by implementing
development and training. What factors would you take into account when
identifying whether development and training is required?

- Training could fill the skill gaps

- Current skill set of staff
- Skill gaps in the organisation

2. Identify three techniques you could use to identify whether further training
and development is required?

- Questionnaires/surveys
- Work output quality
- Records and reports.

3. Produce a template document you could use within your organisation to

plan training required by your team members. You must include the

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following information:

➢ Training required
➢ Organisational need solved
➢ Type of training
➢ Start and end date
➢ Individuals involved
➢ Resources needed
➢ Estimated cost.

Once you have developed your document, you will need to demonstrate
your ability to complete the training plan. Choose two team members in
your organisation and complete the document.

Training required Microsoft Project Course

Organisational need solved More organise when doing projects
Type of training Practical
Start and end date 2 Jul – 6 Jul
Individuals involved Project team
Resources needed Time and laptops
Estimated cost 2000 AUD

Training required Microsoft Excel Course

Organisational need solved More organise when doing projects
Type of training Practical
Start and end date 2 Jul – 6 Jul
Individuals involved Project team
Resources needed Time and laptops
Estimated cost 2000 AUD

4. Research and outline your organisational policies and procedures for

implementing ongoing development and training for an individual. Identify
who would need to approve the training, whether there are any factors the
individual needs to satisfy and what form/document you may need to

According to the policies of the company it is necessary to choose the method

that suit depending on the time and budget. And give the candidate the
opportunity to decide which method best suit for them is the most secure
way to achieve the development that company is looking for with the

5. In 250 words, identify and explain two differing examples of training

required in your organisation which will support personnel and project

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Coaching and mentoring: Coaching involves creating an optimum

environment for learners to perform to the best of their abilities. It allows the
learner to dissect a situation and discover their own solutions. A coach does
not necessarily have to be in a similar role to that of the learner, though may
well be. Mentoring involves regular contact with a person in a similar or
higher position. The learner will be able to draw on the experience of the
mentor to help them handle issues that arise in the workplace.

Performance feedback: Has a more formal approach. It involves a regular

ongoing assessment of an employee’s performance by a manager or
supervisor. Constructive feedback both positive and negative is given to the
employee to motivate them and improve their work. Some organizations
have a rating system on a scale e.g. 1-10 and a list of responsibilities, traits,
and goals and then score the employee on those.

Activity 2C
Estimated Time 60 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to measure individuals’
performance against agreed criteria to initiate actions to overcome shortfalls in
1. Identify three factors you would consider when measuring an individual’s
performance and provide an explanation of each.

1. The time taken to complete the task: When measuring the team member’s
time taken to complete the task you should also take into account whether
the work was of average or poor quality.
2. Attendance: Arriving late for work or not arriving means an employee is not
completing the task to its full potential. Measuring attendance may indicate
an underlying issue.
3. Quality and Quantity: When measuring the team member’s quality of
work, you should take into account whether the work was completed on
time, was of average or poor quality and whether the employee
understands the deadlines or the quality required.

2. Provide an example of a piece of criteria set out for an individual in your

organisation relating to their job role. Explain the following:

➢ What are the criteria? Finish reports in one week

➢ How does the individual need to perform to match the criteria? He
need to keep the weekly reports up to date.
➢ What factors would take into account when measuring the performance
of the induvial against these criteria? Works to the required standard
expected for the organization and quality of each plan.

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For example, a Secretary may have been set the criteria to manage a high
workload. The Secretary would need to transcribe 50 letters per day in order
to meet the expected performance. You may consider checking the
attendance and quantity of work produced when measuring the Secretary’s

3. What is a shortfall? What method can you use to determine the cause of a

Shortfall is the failure to meet the required criteria set for a team member or

4. Provide an example of a shortfall in performance you have been aware of in

your organisation. Outline the following:

➢ How did you identify the shortfall? i did the process of root cause
analysis that involves data collection, data analysing, cause identification,
and solving the problem.
➢ What information did you collect to determine that there was a
shortfall? enquieries from other team members.
➢ How did you identify the cause of the issue? After discussing with the
team member we identidy the lack of experience from the person in
charge of the task
➢ What did you recommend to solve the problem? Training staff member,
deliverable revision and supervising the team.
➢ Produce a chart of your choice to demonstrate the shortfall in
performance, the effect of the shortfall and the remedial action taken.

Problem The report was sent late and with some mistakes to the manager

How? The board received the report one week later

Why? The reponsible of the activity was inexperience.

Solution Training staff member, deliverable revision and supervising the


Activity 3A
Estimated Time 45 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to implement processes and
take action to improve individual performance and overall project effectiveness.
1. Identify two ways you can improve individual performance and overall
project effectiveness.

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1. Meetings: involve a group of people who come together to discuss their
progress, solve issues and present information
2. One-to-one sessions: involve two people conversing about elements of
work, one in a more senior role than the other giving guidance and advice

2. Provide an example of how you can encourage individuals and one example
of how you can motivate individuals.

1. Staff progression should be highlighted; successful stories could be turned

into case studies for others to aspire to.
2. Train staff appropriately; this will help to encourage new ideas and
motivate employees

3. Research and suggest one possible process or action that could be

implemented within your organisation to improve performance and project
effectiveness. Outline the steps you would need to take to have your
suggestion approved and put in place.

Reward your team with special monthly gifts as a way to let them know their
good progression and great job.

Activity 3B
Estimated Time 60 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to monitor and report, for
remedial action, internal and external influences on individual and project team
performance and moral.
1. Give two examples of how you can identify low morale in a project team.

- Lack of participation
- An uncomfortable or sullen atmosphere

2. You can monitor morale by walking around the work environment. Explain
how this is effective.

You can learn more about your team, learn their names and have a small chat
with them. This acts as positive reinforcement and shows team members that
you care and are easy to talk to.

3. Produce a document you could use within your organisation to report

influences affecting team morale for remedial action.

Issue level Area Finding Remedial Time frame


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4. Research and outline the process you would need to follow in your
organisation to report an influence affecting your team morale.

I have to report to my supervisor and have a meeting with the team to discussed
the problem.

Activity 3C
Estimated Time 60 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to implement procedures
for interpersonal communication, counselling and conflict resolution to
maintain a positive work environment.
1. You can implement interpersonal communication to maintain a positive
work environment by establishing rapport. Identify three examples of how
to establish rapport. Provide an example of when you would use your
chosen examples in your organisation.

- Try and find something you have in common

- Use positive, confident and co-operative language
- Be interested in what people are saying and ask questions to
demonstrate this.

2. What is counselling? Suggest one instance you would recommend

counselling to an employee.

Is a one-to -one discussion with a professional to help a person overcome

personal problems that are impacting their work. I will recommended when the
employee is not performing in the best way.

3. Research and outline the process you would need to follow to implement
counselling for an individual within your organisation.

Notify the supervisors and set the meeting with the professional.

4. Identify three ways conflicts may incur within your organisation. Provide an
example of a conflict you have previously come across. Outline what the
conflict was, how it had developed and what organisation procedures were
implemented to resolve the conflict.

- Clash of personality
- Differing opinions
- Claims to authority.

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The conflict was with an employee that did not want to delivired the information
in the way it was requiered.

5. Research and identify one piece of legislation that may affect how you
resolve a conflict.

Discrimination is a criminal offence in the workplace. it could be sexual

(act.1984) and should be treated seriously by commissioners and Fair Work.

Activity 3D
Estimated Time 60 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of how to
identify and manage inter-project and intra-project resource conflict to
minimise impact on achievement of project objectives.
1. Explain the difference between inter-project and intra-project resource

Inter-project is a dispute between 2 or more groups while Intra-project is a

conflict with another individual.

2. Provide 3 examples of inter and intra project resource conflict and explain
when these conflicts may occur.

Inter-project dispute could be task conflict, between different areas of the

project like maintenance and finance and human resources don't agree in the
same point. Intra-project dispute could be superiority or personal conflicts.

3. Every organisation will have different organisational policies and

procedures when dealing with conflict in the workplace. Research and
identify three principles outlined in your dispute resolution process that will
help you to manage the conflict. Once you have identified these three
principles, apply these methods of managing conflict to your examples
provided in question 2 and outline the process you would take.

To manage the conflict, the organisation must have a formal procedure for
disputes that will help to find a solution. First, it is important to listen both
parties and treat them equally, then stablished sanctions and agree solutions.

Activity 4A
Estimated Time 45 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to disband a project team
according to organisational policies and procedures.
1. Explain why it is important to disband a project team.

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It is important because the disbanding helps you to:

- Recognise the effort and success of team members

- Learn from what you have achieved
- Become a better team and better at working in teams
- Look towards the future and other projects.

2. Research and identify your organisational policies and procedures for

disbanding a project team. Outline this process in 250 words and attach
your written work to your workbook

1. Decide who to retain

2. Retain workers
3. Tackle the financial ends of a project
4. The structure of the formal conclusion.

Activity 4B
Estimated Time 45 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of how to
identify and document human resource issues and recommended
1. To demonstrate your knowledge of how to identify human resource issues,
provide your answers to following questions:

➢ Identify three methods you can use to identify human resource issues

1. Ask staff regularly for ways to improve

2. Complaints forms
3. Feedback and suggestion forms

➢ Provide an example where you have previously used one of these

methods to identify a human resource issue

Team Performance Evaluations to establish the efficiency of the work group in the
technological application development project

➢ Explain how you used this method.

At the time, the project management team constantly carried out formal or
informal evaluations of the performance of the project team that served to carry
out actions that resolved incidents and controversies, deal with conflicts and
improve team communication and interaction.

2. Research and identify the procedure you use in your organisation to

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document human resource issues and the procedure you use to recommend

They use the resource levelling that is a technique for resolving conflicts over
resources, delaying tasks. The main objective of resource levelling is to create a
smooth distribution of resource use and reduce over-allocation.

Summative Assessments
The summative assessments are the major activities designed to assess your skills, knowledge and
performance, as required to show competency in this unit. These activities should be completed after
finishing the Learner Guide. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by your

Skills, knowledge and performance may be termed as:

➢ Skills – skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills

➢ Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge, knowledge


➢ Performance – evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance evidence.

Task 1: Skills Activity

The Skills Activity is designed to be a series of demonstrative tasks that should be assessed by
observation (by the assessor or third party, depending on the circumstances).

It will demonstrate all of the skills required for this unit of competency – your assessor will provide
further instructions to you, if necessary.

Task 2: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

The Knowledge Activity is designed to be a verbal questionnaire where the assessor asks you a series of
questions to confirm your competency for all of the required knowledge in the unit of competency.

Task 3: Performance Activity

The Performance Activity is designed to be a practical activity performed either in the workplace or a
simulated environment. You should demonstrate the required practical tasks for the unit of competency
and be observed by the assessor and/or third party, as applicable to the situation. If the third party is
required to observe you, you will need to make the required arrangements with them.

If necessary for the activities, you should attach completed written answers, portfolios or any evidence
of competency to this workbook.

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Task 1: Skills Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this unit.

A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in this
activity as proof of completion.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:

➢ Reading
➢ Writing
➢ Oral Communication
➢ Numeracy
➢ Navigate the world of work
➢ Interact with others
➢ Get the work done.

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

Complete the following in accordance with your organisational policies and procedures.

1. Choose a job role within your organisation. Your task will require you to create a job description
for your chosen role to be used to advertise the position.

You must provide evidence that you have completed the following tasks:

➢ Conduct research within your organisation to research your chosen job role.
➢ Participate in a verbal discussion with team members and senior management to determine
the role responsibilities
➢ Use previous job description examples from your organisation
➢ Use the internet to discover the requirements and duties of the job role.

Attach your findings to your workbook.

2. Using the correct industry related terminology; develop a word document advertising the role.
You should use your research from your previous findings.

You will need to include the following in your advert:

➢ Job title
➢ Job description
➢ Job role
➢ Skills required
➢ Who they are responsible to
➢ Possible developments in role for the new employee.

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3. You will be assigned a project by your assessor. You will need to complete the following tasks:

Working in a group of (2-5) people, conduct a work break down of your project. You should
provide evidence of the following:

➢ Create a template document which details each task and the resource required.
➢ Identify what role and responsibility each team member should undertake in the project.
➢ You must create a template document which records each team members’ skills, tasks you are
allocating them and role in the project.
➢ Create a template document which will detail the estimated costs and hours each human
resource will be allocated
➢ You will need to demonstrate the ability to ensure the group understand their roles and
responsibilities in the project. Participate in a discussion with the group demonstrating your
ability to use questioning and listening skills. Record any negotiations made by team
members and their responsibilities.
➢ Identify any potential conflicts that may occur. Outline how you will deal with these.
➢ Identify two individuals with differing personality traits. Identify how you have taken these
traits into account when allocating tasks.

4. Conduct a performance review of one individual in the group according to organisational policies
and procedures.

➢ Use a template document to record their performance, possible improvements and available
➢ Produce an analysis of the individual’s performance. Outline whether any action needs to be
taken and if so, what action?
➢ Use mathematical formulae to calculate the efficiency and productivity of human resources.

5. Once the work break down project is completed. You will need to create a report outlining the

➢ Identify any influences that affected team morale during the project.
➢ Identify any conflicts that occurred. Outline the cause and remedial action you took.
➢ Identify any motivation and encouraging methods you used throughout the project.
➢ Did you have the required human resources? If not, identify where you would require more
for future projects of a similar nature.
➢ Identify one individual in the group with special skills. Provide an analysis on whether you
could have, or should not have, allocated more than one task to the individual.
➢ Identify whether you make any alterations to the allocation of human resources to each task
in the future.

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Task 2: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.

The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

➢ Summarise human resource management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools

➢ Explain strategies for managing project human resources and their application to different
➢ Explain processes used to measure individuals' performance against agreed criteria
➢ Explain techniques for managing and improving performance.

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for
each one.

1. Identify four human resource management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools. Provide an
example of each of the methods, techniques and tools you have identified, and briefly summarise
(max. 150 words per item) how and why these have been used.

1. Forecasts: can help to predict what is needed next. They can also help to understand when
certain risk factors are high. All organization use the forecast to plan costs, staff, materials and
with this have an estimate about how is going to run the project.
2. Histogram: is a graph that provides a visual reference that enables the project manager to see
how many hours will be required from a team member, group or entire department that week,
month or for the whole project. It can be used to monitor human resources.
3. Complaints: they come in numerous forms and formats and are specific and relevant to
individual Organizations. They range from extremely simple forms, such as for a minor
complaint about slow service, to intricate and specific documents, such as for a complaint about
a breach of legislation. Complaints are a way to have feedbacks for clients and stakeholders to
identify shortfalls inside the organization.
4. Feedback: You will need to allocate adequate time for reviewing the performance of your team
to ensure that everyone is working together as effectively as possible. You may need to organize
regular opportunities for feedback for everybody involved. The feedback can be given for
external or internal parties of the project and this could be done by meetings, formats, calls etc.

2. Identify, explain and give an example for a strategy that could be used to manage project human
resources in each of the following situations:

➢ Determining resource requirements

Human Resources Planning: It involves identifying and documenting roles (roles), responsibilities and
subordination relationships of the project. The outputs are:
- Project Flowcharts
- Personnel management plan: Staff Acquisition, Resource Calendars, Personnel Release Plan,
Training Needs, Recognition and Reward, Compliance, Security
- Assignment of responsibilities matrices
- Resource Histograms

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➢ Assigning responsibilities

Tuckman Model to Develop Team:

- Training: Preparation or Orientation

- Turbulence (Confrontation): Different ideas compete to be taken into account
- Normalization: Establish rules, behaviors, methods and tools. The team develops an identity
- Performance: The equipment functions as a unit
- Dissolution: The tasks are finished and the team dissolves

This allows the skills of team members to be improved in order to increase their ability to complete
project activities. It also enhances feelings of trust and cohesion among team members in order to
increase productivity through increased teamwork

➢ Addressing a skills gap through learning and development

Motivation and hygiene factors of Herzberg:

- Factors of motivation: achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, progress and

growth; They produce satisfaction at work.

- Hygiene factors: they cause dissatisfaction if they are not present, but it does not motivate the
workers to do more; Examples: better salaries, more supervision, more attractive work

➢ Overcoming shortfalls in performance

Resource Load Refers to the amount of individual resources that a schedule requires for specific time
periods. It helps project managers understand in general the demands that a project will make on the
resources of the organization and the individual schedules of the people

➢ Motivating the team

To free employees from the stresses of finding themselves in a work place under stress and
improving their production capacity, some organizations allow people to work from home as an

➢ Conflict resolution.

Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): is a popular tool for determining personality preferences and to
help team members understand each other.
Four dimensions (four sets of opposing pairs or dichotomies):
- Attitudes: Extrovert / Introvert (E / I)
- Functions: Sensation / intuition (Y / N)
- Functions: Thinking / Feeling (T / F)
- Lifestyle: Judgment / Perception (J / P)

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3. Identify three factors that should be considered when measuring individuals’ performance against
agreed criteria.

1. Matrix of Assignment of Responsibilities (RAM *) A matrix that maps the work of the project,
described in the WBS, to the people responsible for carrying out the work, as described in OBS.
2. Interpersonal skills
3. Project Performance Assessments

4. What is a Root Cause Analysis? In either text or graphic form, undertake a Root Cause Analysis for
one problem you have encountered in either a current or previous work role. Attach this to your

A Root Cause Analysis is a process you can follow in order to identify the root cause of a problem. If the
identified problem is indeed the root cause, removing it from the equation would mean that the
problem never occurred. You can identify the root cause of a problem and take action to tackle this,
which should mean that the problem can be resolved and avoided again in the future.

For example:

Problem The report was sent late and with some mistakes to the manager

How? The board received the report one week later

Why? The reponsible of the activity was inexperience.

Solution Training staff member, deliverable revision and supervising the


5. Identify and explain two techniques for managing and improving individuals’ performance.

1. Work rotation: This involves experiencing other people’s roles to understand better the
structure of the organization to then can work more cohesively. Knowing what the team
members do is an easy path to involve everyone with the responsibilities of the team and to
help each other with difficult tasks.
2. On-the-job training: Involves learning the aspects of a job through doing the tasks related to
that job. The best way to learn what the staff must do is doing it, so the practice with mentoring
facilitates the learning from the team members.

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Task 3: Performance Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for
this unit.

A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in this
activity as proof of completion.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:

➢ Plan and allocate human resources to a project

➢ Identify and organise project personnel training and development
➢ Manage project personnel to achieve project outcomes
➢ Apply human resource management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools to the project.

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

1. You will be assigned a project by your assessor. You will need to complete the following tasks:

➢ Create a document breaking down each task in the project and the human resources you
require for each task
➢ Create a document detailing each human resource, their task, job description and skills
➢ Create an organisation chart for the human resources in your project
➢ Create a timesheet document you can use to monitor how many hours you need each human
resource for
➢ Identify at least one individual in the project who will require additional training and
development; you will need to explain what training and development would be needed and
what organisational policies and procedures you would need to follow to implement the

Approximately halfway through completion of the project, choose three individuals in the project
and conduct a performance review.

You should:

➢ Create a template document you can use during the review

➢ Record complaints from the human resources appropriately
➢ Provide feedback to the human resource
➢ Assess and record any potential conflicts
➢ Identify any further training and development
➢ Produce a written document for the individuals’ reference detailing their performance and
further development required from them.

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Workplace Documentation – for learner
Workplace documents checklist
To demonstrate and support workplace knowledge, workplace documents can be submitted to the
assessor or third party. Indicate in the table below the documents that have been provided. Please refer
to your trainer/assessor if clarification is required or if you have any further questions on what you are
able to provide or use.

Document name/description Document attached

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

For RTO use only

Have originals or digital copies been supplied for the workplace documents? Yes No (Please circle)

If not originals, have the originals been validated or checked? Yes No (Please circle)

Learner’s signature

Assessor’s signature

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