The Beginning

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The Beginning

I always wondered how everything started. Because I am sure that it isn’t magic
that brought everything into place at an instant. I believe there was a starting point at
everything that lives on Earth—including us, humans. How did we even begin life?
When do we say we have already begun life? It’s really a tricky question, yet simple
as explained by science.

Scientifically speaking, a person’s life starts when the gametes of his/her

parents unite, therefore the act of fertilization. And within the mother’s womb for 9
months, finally the infant is brought out to the world, inhaling now the same air we are
breathing, and looking at the same light we are seeing every day. Now life has finally
begun, thus, the number of days start to be counted.

When a human being starts life, it starts a whole new adventure, a whole new
history. As I have observed, the best “beginning” in life is when you are born. It’s
because that’s the time in your life when almost everyone appreciates you, and that is
the only time when your cries create music and joy to their ears. But as time goes by,
even the beginning of life of someone, could be the start of the misery of the family.
Thus, entrusting the newly born baby to a different family. Most especially at this
generation, it’s considered not just a blessing anymore to be born, but a curse also.
And that I don’t really agree with. I believe every human who still has life has to live,
that is, to live a life worth living. Nobody should be told that he/she shouldn’t have been
born in this world, nor nobody should think that he/she should end his/her life.

The main point of this essay is to explain the significance of the very first
“beginning,” that is, one’s birth to the world, and how it creates other beginnings of life
in a person. Because when one is conceived to the world, his/her other significant
beginnings of life become available. These significant beginnings include the his/her
life in the life of a student, prolly the life of a mother, or maybe the life of a saleswoman,
or the life in the military, life of a single, life with a dog, etc. Though it can be said that
some beginnings are bigger than other’s beginnings, no one is in the position to
compare. All beginnings are just but equally important and equally significant as we
are all God’s masterpiece.
Simply put, without the beginning of life, nothing literally would happen. When
there is no life, there is no progress nor development. I am remembered that this essay
is only required to talk about the beginning. So how could I end this? As for my
conclusion, when we face something we think we can’t handle, or something really
unbearable and we feel like giving up, we must always go back to the beginning and
remind ourselves why we even started. Our goals are unreachable unless we begin to
take our first steps to achieve it.

Prepared by:

Jannen Theris S. Atal – BS PSY 2B

Submitted to:

Mrs. Melinda Magno-Chua, RGC

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