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Monday 22.10.


Today’s lesson was English and the teacher put the story that she was reading on the white
board to make sure that the students can see clearly. The story was about a girl who talks
about invention and inventors so I think the story is so good it makes the students think
about the thing were invented on the past and how those invention made our life so much
easier. I really loved how my MST connected the English with the science. That week they
were having the science week and the story connected with the activities the school were
doing that week.

Wednesday 24.10.2018

In this day that was my first observation with my MCT. I think it was a good lesson my lesson
was about “inherited behavior” and my students enjoyed the lesson so much. So before I
have started I said to myself I need to do well and I need to be confident about the way I
teach, then when I started to teach I was so confident about it and I did well. First I started
the lesson with a video about inherited behavior. Then I have shown them a PowerPoint
explaining the inherited behavior and after it I gave them 2 different activities and they have
enjoyed the activities and I have cut them for them so that I don’t have the same problem I
had the first time I taught them. then I did my closing so my MCT liked my lesson and also at
that day my MST was sick and she was absent so out MCT said its alright to teach while he
was there only so when he wasn’t there a cover teacher came to the classroom for the

Thursday 25.10.2018

The teacher was absent today, so I didn’t stay in the class I went home and finish my work for the
next week class.

Monday 29.10.2018

Today I learnt so many things. Today’s lesson was English it was about tips of
writing paragraph and this class was a review for them they took this before. So the
students were supposed to work individually and the classroom supposed to be quite
but some of the students were making noise and I went to them and told them that
this is a quiet time you need to work without talking. So they didn’t talk for a short
time then they started to talk again so I had to tell them that I will talk points from
them because they started to talk and I told my MST about it and she took points
from them and then they didn’t talk again and they started to work.

Wednesday 31.10.2018

Today me and my MST started to fix her classroom and design it again and she
asked me to help her with that. So on that day she didn’t teacher the students a new
lesson she just gave them some activities to work on them.
I was helping her by putting the students work on the boards and it was a fun thing to
do and this helped me to know how I’m going to organize my classroom.

Thursday 1.11.2018

Today was supposed to be my second observation with my MCT by I didn’t got the
chance to teach because my MST didn’t inform me that today is the flag day in the
school and they have changed the schedule. But I was really happy by seeing the
students happy today and they were wearing a really nice things.

Monday 5.11.2018

On Monday my MST have a short day so she teach two classes for each section so
I spent my time walking around helping the students understand the activities that
the teacher gave them and it was really fun helping them and spending time with
them I really liked those students.

Wednesday 7.11.2018

My MST gave me some papers to eliminate then to cut them to help her finish them
quickly so I spent my morning helping her with those stuff and on the afternoon
classes I just sat with a group and helped them with the activity she game them.

Thursday 8.11.2018

I did the observation that I didn’t do the other day today and the lesson was science
the topic was “ecosystem” I think I didn’t do well today because I didn’t understand
the lesson very well and my MCT noticed that. But my activities were great my
students loved them and they had fun. There was a problem the board speakers
didn’t work so I had to play the video on my laptop and I fixed that problem for the

Monday 12.11.2018

So my MST gave the students a little work because she only had them for 2 periods
so she gave them a worksheet to help them reviewing for the writing exam so she
gave them those paper to help them practice the exams next week. So I was walking
around to check on them if they need any help on writing some words and to check
that they don’t talk while they are practicing.

Wednesday 14.11.2018

Today was my last observation with my MCT and my lesson was about technology
How do Communication systems connect people? And I think I really did
well when I taught them and they understood the lesson very well and
they enjoyed it and they had fun while they are doing the activities I have
given to them to do also I enjoyed teaching them the lesson it’s a really
good lesson to talk about communication and how did people
communicate before and how they are communicating today without
moving from their place. Also today the school let the students go home
earlier because the roads will be closed because of a wedding.

Thursday 15.11.2018

I taught the lesson I gave yesterday for the class I couldn’t taught
because of the wedding so we had fun while we are doing the lesson but
this class was a bit noisy so I had to tell them that I will take some points
from you put they didn’t listen to me and I had to really take points from
the students.

Monday 19.11.2018

Today was the last time I was teaching them a lesson and it was English I
have read a story for them and it was about “I’ve just had a bright idea”
they story was good and the students enjoyed it after this we did some
invention I brought some stuff to make them do some stuff a opened a
video that explains what they should do and they followed it and they
enjoyed doing this activity.

Wednesday 21.11.2018

Today I just sat with them while the teacher was teaching and I helped
them a little with the thing and my MST told them that tomorrow is my
last day here and that I will do back to college next week so they were a
bit sad and I felt sad too because I really liked those students and I
wished that I can come back to the same class.

Thursday 22.11.2018

Today is our last day as a student teacher at this school I brought a gift
and flowers for my MST and I brought dunkin donuts for the students to
enjoy or last day at school and they wrote a lot of letters for us and I got
emotional and they hugged me and I was about to start crying and they
told me not to leave and come back soon we want you.

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