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Oddball Niches

By: Duston McGroarty

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Duston's Disclaimer

Let me just say this... if you don't know by now that

everyone's results vary depending on how much work they
put forth then this may not be the right deal for you. Sorry.

For those of you who know the game, the same rules apply
here... I'm not liable for anything that you take out of this
guide and use. Everything I've provided you with here is
true and worked for me.

All I can do is suggest you do the same but I cannot

guarantee the same results... there's just too many
different variables.

That being said, I can guarantee that if you take action and
do some work... you'll be much better off than if you just
read this and continue to search for the non-existent push-
button system.

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Before we begin...
First off, thanks for grabbing a copy of this report! It means a lot to me to
be able to contribute to the well-being of others... it really does.

I hope you take what I'm giving you here and run with it.

Unfortunately, I know from experience, that only 8-10% of the people

that read this will actually take action and implement what they learned.

Knowing this in advance, I've tried my best to give you as much as I

possibly could to help get you started.

All you have to do is follow my step-by-step plan.

Becoming successful in niche marketing is all about patience and

dedication. You will NOT create a 5-figure per month business overnight.

But I can tell you, you will see much better results in niches where there
are very few marketers fighting over the traffic, the visitor's attention and
their money.

When you're the only fisherman on the lake, you get all the fish to

Lets get started!

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What are Oddball Niches?
Forget about internet marketing, weight loss, forex, dating and every
other health, wealth and relationship niche you've been told to enter.

While there's plenty of money to be made in all of those, it's tough to

enter them and quickly make money.

The competition is just outrageous and standing out in a crowd that big
is tough to do.

Now... that being said...

I will show you how to enter these niches, if you're totally dead-set on it,
and how to start making money quickly.

You see, everybody and their brother are all going after the same highly-
searched, highly-competitive keyword terms and phrases.

But what they don't realize is there's an over-abundance of highly-

searched terms and phrases with little to NO competition.

This is what I like to call “oddball niches”.

While they aren't necessarily their own niche, they are a stand-alone
profit center. A term or keyword phrase so unique that no one has yet
realized there is a demand, making it super easy to connect the buyer
with the product/service.

Most people don't take the time BEFORE entering a niche to find these
profitable, under-used words and phrases. They start their search using
the suggested keyword phrases they learned from their “guru-friend” and
get greedy and stop when they find a two-word phrase with 120,000
searches per month.

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What they fail to realize is the amount of competition those terms have.
It will years of SEO, months and months of heavy backlinking and tons
of unique content to even have a chance at ranking highly.

I'm about to show you a shortcut that will alleviate all of those problems.

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How I Find These Hidden Treasures
It's not rocket science... my approach is really no different than any other
seasoned internet marketer.

I've used Google's Keyword Tool, Wordtracker, Market Samurai, Traffic

Travis and many others.

But what I've found works the best is Wordtracker, for a couple of
reasons. First, Wordtracker gives you 2,000 keywords per search. But
more importantly, they give you 2,000 long tail keywords per search.

If you're not familiar with what long tail means, it's a longer phrase typed
into the search engine... generally three words or more.

For example, “mountain bike” would NOT be considered a long tail

keyword but “soft mountain bike seats” would be considered a long tail

According to Wordtracker, 94.3% of all searches are long tail

searches... pretty interesting.

Secondly, Wordtracker gives you a REAL look at the competition of the

keyword. Very few people realize this but did you know that the
competition shown in Google's Keyword Tool is not the number of sites
that are competing for that keyword phrase?

It's actually the amount of Google AdWords advertisers who are bidding
on ads for that specific keyword.

That's not very helpful... is it?

Let me show you how Wordtracker displays competition. Take a look at

the screenshot below.

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The term I searched for in Wordtracker's Keyword tool was “bag”. I find it
more effective to only use one word when searching. You get more
variety that way.

Now here is where WT's competition analysis just flat out puts everyone
else to shame.

You'll notice I circled in red the column KEI. That stands for Keyword
Effectiveness Index. This handy little feature saves you hours and hours
of tedious research.

It quickly sorts through the results and gives each keyword a score
based on the number of searches and number of competing sites.

The higher the score, the better the opportunity for you to rank highly for
that keyword FAST!

Wordtracker displays the searches and the number of searches per day.
The competition is displayed as the number of competing sites with a
anchor-text link back to their site using this keyword.

So the higher the searches and the lower the competition the better
chance you'll have at ranking for this term quickly.

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Every search I do, I sort my results using the KEI column. Showing the
highest KEI scores at the top.

It helps to weed out the high-competition keywords and the keywords

that aren't searched enough.

As a personal preference, I tend to disregard any keyword under 200

searches per day and more than 100 competing sites.

That's just the range I've found to be effective.

Lets move on to processing the results so we can be sure to only

choosing winning keyword phrases.

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How To Choose Only Winners
This is where most people fail... miserably. This is also what causes
many wannabe internet marketers to never come back to niche

The bitter taste of choosing a dud... yuck... it's tough to get that taste out
of your mouth. This is how you prevent duds from happening to you.

It's really just one simple question that weeds the duds out from the rest.

“Are they looking to buy something?”

That's it! Seriously... it's not complicated.

This is why Oddball Niches are so freakin' cool... it's much easier to tell if
someone wants to buy based on a long tail keyword rather than a one or
two word phrase.

Here... see which is easier for you to pick out. Which one of these
keyword phrases looks like a “buyer” to you...



“Buy LCD TV Online”

The second one, right? Now, that's not to say that the first person wasn't
interested in buying one. But they might have just wanted to find a
picture of one to use on their website.

See why these Oddball Niches are so much easier?

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It may just take a little time to get the hang of figuring out which is a
buyer keyword and which isn't.

There are some buyer words you can use to search with to help pull
some of these phrases out quicker. Here's a short list:

low cost
low priced
model numbers
brand names

There are many more words that are common amongst folks looking to
make a purchase but these will get you started.

One piece of advice I would give you is if you're not if “they're looking to
buy”, skip it and move on to one that you are sure of.

Your time is the most valuable asset you have... use it wisely.

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A Few Sneaky Tricks
After hours and hours of keyword research, trying to uncover some truly
weird niches, I've become accustomed to a few shortcuts, tricks and
strategies that make this task much easier.

I really enjoy doing this kind of research... I'm not sure why, I guess it
just amazes me the weird stuff people are into and that they'll actually
spend money on.

Anyway, one roadblock I ran into was coming up with words to search
for. You think this would be the easy part but you get into that internet
marketing mindset and it's tough to think outside of that box.

To fix this problem I started using Random Word Generators. If you

Google random word generator, there's a few of them available to use
for free.

They'll spit out words you would never think about searching for and I've
found some great oddball niches this way.

Again, I suggest using only one word when searching in Wordtracker.

You will get many more long tail phrases this way.

Another tool that I found comes in handy is the online thesaurus. If you
really get stuck and can't think of anything to search for, enter a word
into the thesaurus that you've already searched and look at the

You'll find some hidden gems this way too.

My last sneaky little trick is a beauty! This is how you enter some of
those big niches we talked about earlier.

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The difference is, you're not going to be competing with the whole world,
trying to get ranked for a one or two word phrase.

Here's how you do it...

Pick one of those popular niches. Come up with a list of one word
keywords related to that niche and use Wordtracker to find a long tail
keyword with high searches and low competition.

If you need some help coming up with related keywords, go to Google,

type in one of those one word or two word keyword phrases, hit search
and then on the left side, choose more search tools and select related

Google does the heavy lifting for you. They will provide you with 12-15
related searches based on the keyword you typed in.

Remember, only use one word when searching in Wordtracker though.

I guarantee if you dig deep enough, you'll find an awesome oddball


If searching and researching is not your thing, you're in luck...

Because I've decided to give you 30 of my most recent Oddball Niches!

Each one is broken down giving you the number of searches, number of
competing sites, a plan for monetizing each phrase and an exact match
domain check.

The hard work has been done for you, all you have to do is rake in the
money. These have all been found within the last 30 days. Still fresh!

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Complimentary Oddball Niches


How to get a shopping cart on your web site

590 8

Affiliate for shopping cart

– create Youtube videos demonstrating how to set up a
shopping cart using the one you're affiliated with
- setup a review site reviewing all shopping carts

N/A – too long (4-5 words max is best)

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Make bunk beds for profit

494 18

-Create eBook or Kindle Report

-affiliate for bunk bed biz-op company


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Dog electric cooling mat

577 3

-Promote Amazon product with Youtube video

-Create cooling mat review site/blog


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How to become a storm tracker

3149 28

-Create an eBook and Kindle report
-Create a storm tracker university teaching the basics
of how to be a storm tracker without going to college


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Patriotic dog costumes

550 16

- Promote Amazon products

- Create a review site/blog
- Make Youtube videos reviewing costumes
with affiliate link below


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Pot luck dinner recipes

838 62

-Create an eBook/Kindle report

- Promote Amazon products
- Create a review site/blog
- Make Youtube videos reviewing recipes


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Best pancake recipes

658 64

-Create an eBook/Kindle report

- Promote Amazon products
- Create a review site/blog
- Make Youtube videos reviewing recipes


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Non alcohol drink recipes

767 80

-Create an eBook/Kindle report

- Promote Amazon products
- Create a review site/blog
- Make Youtube videos reviewing recipes


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Profit from home today

851 19


- Create products, eBooks, reports
- Promote affiliate offers (clickbank, WF, etc.)
- Endless opportunities here


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Home profit biz

1059 14


- Create products, eBooks, reports
- Promote affiliate offers (clickbank, WF, etc.)
- Endless opportunities here


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Self employment from home

1438 114


- Create products, eBooks, reports
- Promote affiliate offers (clickbank, WF, etc.)
- Endless opportunities here


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Premium home brewery

2087 94

- Create products, eBooks, reports
- Promote affiliate products


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Wind turbine for home electricity

583 83

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products from Clickbank


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SAT home study

399 14

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon, Clickbank)


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Home remedy for bed bugs

326 45

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon, Clickbank)


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How to start a home garden

328 51

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon, Clickbank)


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Dog treat recipes to make at home

263 17

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products at Amazon


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1956 to 1959 chris craft sport express cruiser wood boat

568 9

- eBay??
- Craigslist as a broker??

N/A too long (4-5 words max)

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Fingerstyle guitar instruction

542 62

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon, Clickbank)


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Memorial tattoo design ideas

349 1

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon, Clickbank)


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Egypt satellite phones

1688 1

- Promote affiliate products on Amazon (or elsewhere)


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Barnstormers airplanes for sale

751 15

- Promote affiliate products on Amazon

- eBay??
- Become broker with your own buy/sell site


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Premium exercise mats

852 27

- Promote affiliate product on Amazon


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How to learn efficient freestyle swimming

216 1

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon, Clickbank, etc.)


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Golf gift bag set

1054 3

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon)


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Do I really want to lose weight

727 7

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon, Clickbank, etc.)


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Purchase small cash locking box

289 0

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon)


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Plans to make a wooden bow

1210 25

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon, Clickbank, etc.)


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Pyrography tips and techniques

579 12

- Create eBook/Kindle report

- Promote affiliate products (Amazon, Clickbank, etc.)


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Just Dance 3 wii song list

6880 4

- Promote affiliate product from Amazon and use a

review site to review the product with song list


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Redneck wine glass

17927 74


- Promote affiliate product on Amazon


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