Jenny Susanti 3311911051-Troubleshooting and Restoring System

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Nama : Jenny Susanti

NIM : 3311911051
Kelas : IF 1b Karyawan

Chapter 28 : Securing Computer

Step 2
b. Read this article to find out what the complexity requirements are If that article is not available
for some reason, research windows password complexity requirements by doing your
own search.
What do you need to do to make an acceptable password? (I know it’s complicated, but
Answer :
 Password may not contain the user’s same Account Name value or entire
Display name
 The password contains from three of the following categories:
1. Uppercase letters of European languages
2. Lowercase letters of European languages
3. Base 10 digits
4. Nonalphanumeric characters
5. Any Unicode characters that is categorized an alphabetic character but
is not uppercase or lowercase
 Combined with a minimum password length of 8

Step 3
d. Open the user Account section of thr Control Panel (or settings app, if in Windows 8.1) and
try to change password to the same password you already have. What happens?
Answer : Tidak bisa, perubahan password harus berbeda dari yang lama, tentunya perubahan
password dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan yang sudah ditetapkan. Namun, Anda nanti akan
diminta untuk memasukkan password yang sama, ini maksudnya adalah memasukkan
perubahan password baru sebanyak 2x karena yang 1 adalah utuk verifikasi.
Nama : Jenny Susanti
NIM : 3311911051
Kelas : IF 1b Karyawan

Step 4
d. Sign out of Windows and then try to log on to the Janet Account you created earlier.
Intentionally attempt to log on using incorrect password. What happens after the third try?
Answer : Akun akan terkunci selama beberapa saat karena password yang dimasukkan terlalu
sering salah, maka butuh waktu untuk memulihkan akun tersebut.
e. Sign back in with the administrator account, reopen Local Security Policy and under Account
PoliciesAccount lockout Policy, check the reset account lockout counter after value. How long
will Janet have to wait before she can try again to access her account?
Answer : 30 minutes

Step 3
Search through the security log to see what sort of event it records. Write down three task
categories recorded by the security log :
Answer :
 Source
 Event ID
 Level

Step 6
Switch back to event Viewer and look in the security log. (Refresh iy by clicking some other
log and then cicking back to it)
Find the item where you changed the security policy, and record information about it here!
Answer :
GPO_name/Computer’s Configuration/Windows Settings/Security Settings/ Account
Policies/Password Policies

Step 2
c. Did HouseCall find anything? If so, what and how did processed?
Answer : Yes, HouseCall can quickly find new threads on your computer for free without
getting in the way of your existing security software
How HoseCall can help you?
Nama : Jenny Susanti
NIM : 3311911051
Kelas : IF 1b Karyawan

 Fileless Detection
 Custon Scan Option
 Broad Compatability
 Smart Scan
 Review and Restore
 Enhnced Detection and Cleanup

Lab Analysis Test

1. While browsing the Internet, Maxel has been getting a lot more pop-ups lately. He
assumed he has some kind of ardware on his system. What should he do to fix this?
Answer :
a. Hapus aplikasi bermasalah
b. Lindungi perangkat dari aplikasi bermasalah
c. Hentikan notifikasi dari situs tertentu
2. Jason is working on a document when Words crashes. Which log in Event Viewer will
give him more information? Which level would it be most likely identified as?
Answer : Inside Event Viewer and exactly in Application Event you can see on there
3. In the Local Security Policy/Setting applet, what does Account lockout threshold
Answer : Memberikan batasan-batasan atau aturan untuk pengguna yang bergabung
dalam grup yang telah dibuat dan juga mengatur service yang berjalan pada system
4. What is the path used in Windows to access the Security log in Event Viewer?
Answer : Untuk windows 8 bisa dengan cara mengetikkan pada start screen dan
memilih tab setting lalu cari Evenr Viewer .
5. What are two methods of learning more about a particular event in Event Viewer?
Answer : Event Log Categories and Type of Event Log.

Key Term quiz

1. Spam is a type unsolicited email that usually contains hoaxed and get-rich-quick
2. A(n) adware appears as a new windows in front of whatever application you are using.
Nama : Jenny Susanti
NIM : 3311911051
Kelas : IF 1b Karyawan

3. It is necessary to have a(n) anti-malware program to protect your computer from

viruses and other malicious programs.
4. Pop-up keeps track of every event that occurs on your system and assigns it a level,
such as Information or Warning.
5. A piece of malicious software that gets passed from computer is known most
generically s a(n) Trojan.

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