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A Quantitative Research
presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department
Guimba, Nueva Ecija, Philippines

in partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Galicia, Adelyn G.
Luis, Reenah Mei P.
Quinan, Jonel Jayson M.
Ronquillo, Divine Joy L.
Villanueva, Eryckjan D.

Grade 12- HUMSS1

John Francis C. Cruz, LPT

Research Adviser

Date of Completion
August 2019
Chapter I

People come in different manners. They come in community which

has different culture, background, sex and languages. They have their own

preferences and wants in life. One cannot ignore that everybody embraces

diversity. School also embraces diversity that’s why teacher is tasked to consider

their student’s individual differences.

Education is the most important need of every human in this world. Through

education, it is inevitable for teachers to help his/her students reach their goals

and become successful individuals as the product of their hard work. Addressing

these voluminous objectives require teachers to encompass the beauty of their

oaths as they start to work on the field of teaching profession.

Teachers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to instruct and

promote learning in an institution be an effective teacher, they should internalize

professional and personal attributes of being a teacher. Professional attributes of

the teacher include: use his/her knowledge to instruct his/her students, execute

the best teaching practice to instruct his/her students, has disposition and skills for

working in a reflective, collegial and problem solving manner, and view teaching

as a lifelong process. On the other hand, teachers’ personal attributes include;

passion for teaching, high sense of humor, internalize values and attitudes in

teaching which include open-mindedness, fairness and impartiality, sincerity and

honesty and professionalism, long rope of patience and enthusiasm (Corpuz et al,
2007). They are also multi-faceted individuals due to numerous work associated

to them. Sometimes they referred to as parent, friend, counselor, manager.

Most of the time, teachers and students are exchanging their insights inside

the classroom. According to Chalam (2003).” Classroom is a distinct unit with its

own set of norms, role relationships, expectations and atmosphere”. This a room

wherein children are being evaluated academically and behaviorally. The most

difficult yet challenging work to teachers is managing students’ behavior within the

classroom (Kratchwill, 2006).

There are two types of behavior namely positive and negative behaviors.

Positive behavior include exceptional work ethic, excellent manners, class leaders,

classroom helper, positive role model, excellent academic student, show great

concern for school, and involved in school activities. On the other hand, Gonzales

(2006) classified the behavior of individual into two parts namely inappropriate

behavior are behavior that interferes with class instruction, impedes social

interaction with teachers and peer and endanger other whereas study skills

problems are behavior that interferes the special student’s academic performance

and/or the teacher’s ability to assess academic progress.

Classroom Management is very important concern for teachers if

misbehavior among students not been addressed, the whole preparation of

teacher which includes the delivery of lesson, objectives and expected outcomes

will be affected and even might result to more trouble. So in response to this

situation, teachers employed techniques in teaching learning process. Classroom

Management includes all of the things a teacher does in pursuit of two important
objectives, to encourage learners in all classroom activities and to set up a

productive working environment (Kounin, 2005). It is therefore important for

teachers to make sure that all of the activities are ready before the instruction takes


Nowadays, teachers are challenged to the numerous behavior problems in

a particular institution. Behavioral problems appeared to be more severe than

those of the previous years. Problems such as bullying, grave misbehavior,

indecent actions, and other related problems within the school. Students’ curiosity,

triggered with numerous factors, may result to an open ended possibility including

violence and/or aggressive actions. The learning styles of individuals are affected

if these problems are not considered. So in response to this situation strengthening

of classroom management is the major concern of every institution (Nemer,2008).

Classroom management helps teachers address the great numbers of

behavior problems among their students they formulate techniques and internalize

it to teaching methods. Through effective management, students build a strong

relationship and establish a highly secured environment against ill-mannered


Since the researcher noticed that the effects of behavior affect the teaching

learning process of both teachers and students the researcher conducted this

study to identify the different classroom management strategies that are

considered effective by Junior High School teachers from different sections here

at Our lady of the Sacred Heart College of Guimba, dealing with students’

classroom behavior. The researcher also believes that the teachers have different
methods in understanding the diversity among students and addressing behavior

, they were able to develop management strategies to deal with different classroom


Statement of the Problem

This study dealt with the different management strategies of Junior High School

Teacher towards classroom behavior among the students in different section here

at Our lady of the Sacred Heart College of Guimba, Inc. S.Y 2019-2020.

The research study aimed to shed light to the different strands in terms of:

1. What is the profile variables of the respondents in terms of:?

1.1 SEX;

1.2 Grade Level; and

1.3 Number of students in a class?

2. How may the respondents evaluate the proficiency of the teachers in

classroom management in terms of:?

2.1 Time

2.2 Instruction

2.3 Classroom environment and

2.4 Discipline

3. Is there a significant difference in terms of classroom management across

profile variables of the respondents?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the profile variable of the

respondents and the level of proficiency of the teachers in classroom


Significance of the Study

For Teachers, may attend seminars which are tailored to improve their

skills and approaches in managing students behavior in classroom. They guide the

students to monitor their orders and to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness

inside the classroom.

For Parents, they help their children to be responsible in doing a task and

be liable to follow the teacher’s command.

For Students, they are the one who follow the teacher’s facility and to take

care their classroom because it represents their personality and attitude.

For School Administrator, the administrator may improve the classroom

management skills and approaches of the teachers by setting up many seminar-

workshop and may seek the help of the guidance counselor to monitor the

behavioral problems of each student.

For Future Researchers, may conduct further study to find out which

management strategies are more effective or they may also do an

experimental study wherein this classroom management.

Scope and Delimitation

This research is conducted to determine the evaluation of teachers in

classroom management. This way, the researchers could determine the status and
profile of the respondents. The aspects looked into were the quantitative

information of number of the students who will be the one to evaluate the teachers

in classroom management and the data behind this.

This research focuses on number of students in classroom management

that evaluates the teachers from Our lady of the Sacred Heart College of Guimba,

Inc. The limitation of this research such as the availability of respondents,

Chapter 2

Related Literature


In the 2006 survey conducted by the American Psychological Association

(APA), it was revealed that the utmost need of the teachers was on the

management of the classroom. Teachers are concerned with the safety of the

students regarding violence and/or aggression and in doubt about the

interferences of the lesson.

Cioco (2003) defined classroom management as the “way of reflecting on

the teacher’s role, on learner’s work, on the teaching - learning dynamics and a

way, too, assessing the effects of the teacher’s practices in the classroom.” For

Rodriguez, it refers to issues of supervision, refereeing, facilitating and even

academic discipline.

Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques

that the teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on

task and academically productive during class. Although they have different

meanings about classroom management, they all agreed for its purposes: a) to

establish an orderly environment for learning and b) to enhance student social and

moral growth (Evertson and Weinstein 2006).


Being a teacher is the noblest profession. It is a profession that calls for

public service. Teacher is a public trust and such a teacher should render service

as expected of him as molder of the youth both in elementary and secondary levels

(Barrun, 2000).

Teachers exhibit different personalities in our community. They can be our

parents, managers, friends, counselors, and others. However, the most

challenging job for them is being a manager inside the classroom.

According to Guzman (2003), management is a trying job that can only be

handled successfully by people with special talents. Teachers are very talented

individuals. They associate their talents in their lessons so that it will become more


As a classroom manager, teachers should consider the four areas of

concern: 1) establishing classroom climate, 2) conducting class efficiently, 3)

reaching all students and 4) establishing discipline. In establishing a good

classroom environment teacher should consider the look and feel of the classroom.

Managing time efficiently and students effectively are two concerns for conducting

a class.

In reaching your students, teacher should evaluate and reflect on the

delivery of the lesson, motivation in learning and teaching strategies. Finally, in

establishing discipline, teacher should create an atmosphere of consistency and

mutual response (Zauber, 2003).

Before the instruction takes place, teacher should embrace four basic

activities namely planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Wright and Noe,

2003 as cited by Moreno, et. al 2014). Teacher should start on planning so that

there will be a guide for the organizing of events. After doing those first two

processes, leading takes place as they execute the planned and organized events.

Controlling takes place if the teacher knows the limitation of the planned events.


Classroom Management and Discipline are different. But most of the time,

people misunderstood their differences. People believed that they are

synonymous because it deals with one discipline - the behavior of individual.

Classroom management is all of the things that teacher does inside the

classroom. As classroom managers, teachers manage the resources to facilitate

learning. These resources include management of time, learning materials and the

learners themselves. A poor managed classroom exhibits inappropriate behavior

made by the student. On the other hand, discipline is the controlled behavior. It is

just one aspect to be considered in managing the classroom. If teacher cannot

control the behavior of the students learning will not occur (Corpuz and

Salandanan, 2007).

The purpose of discipline is to help child acquire knowledge, power, habits,

interests and ideals which are designed for the well - being of him and his fellows,

that discipline is a matter of education (Mueller, as cited by Caguoin, 2006).


According to Casino (2010), behavior is what a man does, what he thinks,

feels or believes. It is the mirror of what really are as a person. It is the proof of our

works, words and emotions. There are two types of behavior namely positive and

negative behaviors. Positive behaviors include exceptional work ethic, excellent

manners, class leader, classroom helper, positive role model, excellent academic

student, shows great concern for school, and involved in school activities. On the

other hand, Gonzales (2006) classified the behavior of individual into two parts

namely inappropriate behavior and study skills problem. Inappropriate behavior

are behavior that interferes with classroom instruction, impedes social interaction

with teacher and peer and endangers others whereas study skills problems are

behavior that interferes the special student’s academic performance and/or the

teacher’s ability to assess academic progress.

Moreover, disruptive behaviors are any behavior that, through intent,

interferes with teaching and learning, threatens others, oversteps society’s

standards of moral, ethical or legal behavior. Tabuloc (2001) classified the

behavior of students into four groups such as: 1) Specific acts in aggressive

behavior which include noisiness, teasing, unnecessary talking, quarreling,

disorderliness, argumentativeness, inquisitiveness, anger, outbursts, being

domineering, critical of others, resentful of criticism, interrupting, 2) Delinquent -

related behavior such as untruthfulness, fights, destructiveness, cutting classes,

staying away from home considerable lengths of time, taking articles that belong

to -thers, disobedience, and smoking, 3) Withdrawing behaviors that include

shyness, neglect of school work, lack of confidence, unsocial behavior,

sensitiveness, worry about things, nervousness, fearfulness and 4) Non -

compliant behavior such as untidiness, sloppiness in appearance, poor way of

dressing, careless, forgetfulness and silly behavior.

Due to the interferences, the learning process has been affected. In

addressing the current issues, researchers all over the world conducted studies

and contributed some strategies for classroom management that the teacher can

use to promote learning.


Different studies of management were focused primarily in five areas of

concern. These are the management of time, instruction, classroom environment,

relation and discipline. A study of Sanchez (2007) with the title “Classroom

Management Approaches: A Basis for an Intervention Program” revealed that

teachers use different strategies in handling student’s behavior. He also identified

its strengths and weaknesses and recommended an intervention program

regarding it.


The most important aspect of learning is time. Fred Jones (2007) noted that

teachers in a typical classroom loss about half their teaching time because of

student’s disruptive behavior. If the teacher cannot control disruptive behavior,

then there will be less or no learning occurs.

Conceptual Framework

Profile variables of the Level of proficiency of

respondent the teachers

The researchers want to know the relationship between Teachers and

Students in terms of Classroom Management and the teachers level of proficiency.
Teaching in virtual environments demands mastery of several teaching
competencies. Although the most accepted ones are pedagogical, in order to
successfully teach personally become necessary to acquire and develop some
other competencies, sometime referred to as peripheral roles (Denis et al.,2004).

The researchers want to know the instruments used to measure one’s ability
to demonstrate a competency with the Proficiency Map for a specific occupation,
an individual can compare their current level of Proficiency to top performers in the
same occupation.

Definition of Terms

Classroom is a room where classes are taught in a school, college, or university.

Classroom Management refers to wide variety of skills and techniques that

teacher use to keep students organized, orderly ,focused attentive, on task, and

academically productive during a class.

Evaluation is to judge the value or condition of (someone or something) in a

careful and thoughtful ways.

Management is to act or skill of controlling and making decisions about a

business, department or sports team. To act or process of deciding how to use


Teachers is a persons or things that teaches something; especially: a person

whose job is to teach students about certain subjects.

Chapter 3

Research Design

This study used the Descriptive and Correlational research methods.

Robson (2002) states that the object of descriptive research is ‘to portray

an accurate profile of persons, events or situations’. This maybe an extension of,

or a forerunner to, a piece of exploratory research, or more often, a piece of

explanatory research (Saunders, Lewis &Thornhill, 2009). Based on the definition

of descriptive research aims to gather data without any manipulation of research

context scale. In other words, descriptive research is also low on “control of

manipulation of research context” scale. It is non-intrusive and deals with naturally

occurring phenomena. Descriptive research can also investigate large groups of

subjects. Often these are pre-existing classes. In this cases, the analytical

procedures tend to produce results that shows “average” behavior of the group.

A Correlational study is a type of research design where a researcher seeks

to understand what kind of relationships naturally occurring variables have with

one another. In simple terms, correlational research seeks to figure out if two or

more variables are related and, if so, in what way.

The Sample
The researchers decided to conduct the study in Our Lady of the Sacred

Heart College of Guimba Inc. for reasons of proximity to the respondents, and in

pursuit of valuable findings from a researched based contribution to their academe.

This study will be conducted among the selected sections of Junior High School at

Guimba Nueva Ecija. The schools will be conveniently choosing because of its

accessibility to the researcher in gathering data and the researcher is concern in

the awareness of the teachers in Evaluation of classroom management. 280

students will be the total respondents of this study.

The Instrument(s)

The researchers used a questionnaire or gathering tool to be

constructed and legalized. The questionnaire is all about the information about the

Evaluation of Teachers in Classroom Management. It is structured as to guide the

respondent in reflecting and understanding the evaluation.

The questionnaire was divided into two sections, classified as; managing

classroom behavior and teachers managing the students that consists of

statements that elicited responses from the respondents with response options of

Always (4), Often (3), Sometimes (2) and Rarely/Never (1).

The various data gathered were to present the profile and the extent of

influence of the identified factors, problems encountered and possible solutions.

Data Collection Procedure

The method that will use in choosing the respondents will be Convenience

Sampling. Survey questionnaire will be used in gathering data. The number of

respondents is recommended to be 100 in each (Fraenkel & Wallen 2012). It will

help the researcher to know the evaluation of teachers in classroom management.

Chapter 4

In reporting the results, the researcher stays close to the statistical findings

without drawing broader implications or meaning from them. Further, this section

includes summaries of the data rather than the raw data (e.g., the actual scores

for individuals). A results section include tables, figures, and detailed explanations

about the statistical results

(Based on First Question in the SOP)

Includes results and discussion relevant to the first question of the research

or the first variable of the study.

(Based on Second Question in the SOP)

Includes results and discussion relevant to the second question of the

research or the second variable of the study.

Re-conceptualized Framework

If some or all findings are different from expected, have a section on re-

conceptualized framework at end of Chapter 4 and make diagram of re-

conceptualized framework. Starting with text, cite figure (diagram) of re-

conceptualized framework. Explain changes vis-à-vis Conceptual Framework of

the Study.

<end of page>

Chapter 5

This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations of the study.


The portion that gives meaning to your research and your results. The

objective of the Conclusion section is to examine the results, determine whether

they solve the research question, compare them within themselves and to other

results (from literature), explain and interpret them, and then draw conclusions or

derive generalizations, and make recommendations for applying the results or for

further research.


Write recommendations for beneficiaries of results of study cited in

Significance of Study.

<end of page>


Follow the APA, 6th Edition style for referencing.

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