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Direct marketing

the business of selling products or services directly to the public, e.g. by

mail order or telephone selling, rather than through retailers.

Brand parity refers to less concern for quality by consumers as they

believe only minor quality differences exist between various brands. In
cases where brand parity exists, the purchase decisions are based on
other criteria such as price, availability or a specific promotional deal.

Brand Equity
the commercial value that derives from consumer perception of the brand
name of a particular product or service, rather than from the product or
service itself.

Cross-selling is the practice of marketing additional products to existing customers,

often practiced in the financial services industry. Financial advisors can often earn
additional revenue by cross-selling additional products and services to their existing
client base.

Recency theory refers to the belief that advertisements and promotions

are most effective when they air immediately prior to the time of decision,
and that the influence of ad exposure diminishes with time.

Intrusion value –
Intrusion value is a the ability of an ad to
that is viewers will pay attention to an ad even if they don't want to. ... % -
The goal is for viewers to recognize the ad, the product, and the brand
when they are shown the ad.

OTS(Opportunity to see)
This term is used by marketers and analysts to differentiate between total audience
reach and total no. of people who actually see it. It signifies that not all reported
audience actually read or see the ad.

GRP stands for Gross Rating Point. A standard measure in advertising, it

measures advertising impact. You calculate it as a percent of the target
market reached multiplied by the exposure frequency. Thus, if you get
advertise to 30% of the target market and give them 4 exposures, you
would have 120 GRP.

Cost per thousand, also called cost per mille, is a marketing term used to denote the
price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one webpage. If a website publisher
charges $2.00 CPM, that means an advertiser must pay $2.00 for every 1,000
impressions of its ad

Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy in which a company uses surprise

and/or unconventional interactions in order to promote a product or service.

Threshold effect is the cumulative effect of repeated advertising over a period of time when
the effect of the advertisement is found in the form of customer recognition which is seen
through an increase in sales.

Carryover effect

there would be a pool of customers who would respond immediately but there would be
another pool of potential customers who would notice the advertisement but purchase
decision would take some time.

Commercial wearout refers to the stage at which he effect of an

advertisement on the brand's sale is zero or negative because of repeated
printing or airing.

Decay of advertising effects refers to the fading of memory of an ad and

lack of continued response to it.

A flanker brand is a new brand introduced into the market by a company that already has an
established brand in the same product category. The new brand is designed to compete in the
category without damaging the existing item's market share by targeting a different group of
A private brand is a product that is exclusively manufactured for a retailer. The retailer
will market the product under its own brand name. Prices for private brands are
usually set cheaper than competing name brands.

Co-branding is a marketing strategy that involves strategic alliance of multiple brand names
jointly used on single product or service

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