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Course Title: Seminar in Project Management (MBA-PM 724)

Institution: Alpha University College, AUC


Fanta Tesgera (PhD)

Course Description and Objectives

This seminar course intends to provide students with blended and integrated knowledge in
project management. It aimed at helping students take a multi-faceted look at the subject of
project management. It integrates project management processes, tools and methodologies, and
other important issues concerning project management.

This seminar course will thus introduce students to virtual projects that have success and failure
history. So, based on the knowledge gained throughout the program, students use their critical
and analytical thinking to evaluate why and how such projects have succeeded and failed. They
will be also required to produce and submit a feasibility study report, which contains the basic
elements of project proposal. In other words, students are expected to identify and develop
project proposal on potentially unique, original and bankable ideas, which they not merely
submit as a partial fulfillment of this course but also which they pursue and realize in life.
Expected Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this course, students should have:

 The ability to take a holistic approach to the application of project management tools and

 The ability to analyze and evaluate virtual projects (with both success and failure history)
and propose solutions, aid strategic decision making in project organizations.

 The ability to conduct feasibility study and produce comprehensive feasibility report on
potentially unique, original and bankable project ideas.

 The ability to synthesis and utilize project management knowledge throughout their
professional career

Course Methodology

The mode of delivery is an interactive form whereby students will handle case analysis, write up
and make presentation in groups. Also, students will evaluate virtual projects and also produce
project feasibility report or project proposals based on research and study.

Requirements and Grading

The mode of assessment includes individual assignment, group assignment, and presentation of
assignments in class. The previous team or group set-up will be maintained for the purpose of
this course. Moreover, the guideline to case analysis provided so far will be used for the purpose
of analyzing cases and presenting the same.

Group Level – Case Analysis and Presentation (50 %)

o Group Assignment and Presentation (40%)
o In-Group Participation (10%)

Individual Level – Feasibility Report and Presentation (50 %)

o In-Class Participation/Assignment (10%)
o Project feasibility report (40 %)
1. Group Assignment on Case Analysis
Students are expected to work on the following case analysis on a group basis. The instructor
will provide the group formation sheet along with the presentation schedule to the students.

Group Group Assignment I Group Assignment II Group Assignment III Group Assignment IV
Number (case analysis and (case analysis and (case analysis and (case analysis and
presentation) presentation) presentation) presentation)
Group 1 Defining Project MIS at First National Denver International Hyten Corporation
and 2 Success: A Multi-Level Bank Airport (DIA)
Group 3 Defining Project Corwin Corporation The Rise and Fall of Blue Spider Project
and 4 Success: A Multi-Level the Iridium

Presentation and Submission due dates:

Group Assignment I Nov. 09 2019
Group Assignment II Nov. 23, 2019
Group Assignment III Nov. 30, 2019
Group Assignment IV Oct. 07, 2019

The written report shall be a maximum of 2000 words (times new roman, A4 format, 1.5
spacing, font size 12) with 30 minutes actual presentation using power point. All groups are
required to submit the copy of their slide presentation to the instructor one week ahead of the
presentation using the following e.mail address:

2. Individual Assignment on Project Feasibility Study


In order to develop project feasibility study report to the full-scale, students are expected to
synthesis and utilize the knowledge gained while attending the full program. This course gives
students a great opportunity to develop a project feasibility report (strictly following the
guideline provided), which they may pursue and realize in life. The presentation of the feasibility
report will be conducted on January 15, 22, and 29, 2020. No one is allowed to present the
report beyond the deadline for which the student will receive Incomplete Grade (IG) in the final.
To foster common understanding on the assignment and guide students to come up with sound
feasibility report, the contents of the feasibility report with brief descriptions are provided as a
guideline to the students. So as to ensure the quality, the submissions and evaluations will be
thus made phase by phase based on the contents of the feasibility report. As indicated above, the
submission and presentation are strictly adhered to.

Once students completed all the sections that are provided in the guideline and convinced that
their project feasibility study report is in good shape, the final submission of the full feasibility
report and its presentation will be made on the date indicated above.

Reference Materials for the Case Analysis:

1. Kerzner Harold (2010 ), Project Management - Best Practices - Achieving Global

Excellence (2nd ed.), John Wiley and Sons, Inc, NJ.
2. Kerzner Harold (2006 ), Project Management – Case Studies (2nd ed.), John Wiley and
Sons, Inc, NJ.

Reference Materials for Feasibility Study Report:

1. Larson, E.W. and Gray, C.F. (2011): Project Management: the Managerial Process (5th
ed.). McGraw-Hill Irwin, NY.
2. PMBOK Guide (2013): A guide to the project management body of knowledge, 5th ed.,
PMI, Pennsylvania.
3. Harrin, E (2007): Project management in the Real World: Shortcut to Success, BCS, UK.
4. Heagney, J. (2012): Fundamentals of Project Management, American Management
Association, NY.
5. Helfert, E. A. (2001): Financial Analysis Tools and techniques: A Guide for Managers.
McGraw Hill, NY.
6. Jetu, F.T. (2011): The Cultural and Behavioural Dimension of Project Management:
Factors Influencing Project Team Success in Ethiopia, Trauner Druck GmbH & Co KG,

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