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Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 19 (2007) 395–422

Management of Facial Asymmetry

George K.B. Sándor, MD, DDS, PhD, Dr Habil, FRCDC,
FRCSC, FACSa,b,c,d,e,f,g,*,
Taylor P. McGuire, BSc, DDS, MSc, FRCDCh,
Leena P. Ylikontiola, DDS, PhDf,g, Willy S. Serlo, MD, PhDi,j,
Pertti M. Pirttiniemi, DDS, PhDf,k
Graduate Program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Anesthesia, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Hospital for Sick Children and Bloorview Kids Rehab Centre,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Regea Institute of Regenerative Medicine, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of Dentistry, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Institute of Dentistry, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Baptist Memorial-Golden Triangle,
Columbus, MS, USA
Pediatric Surgery, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland
Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland

No human face is perfectly symmetric in its Congenital defects can be further subclassified
structure [1]. In fact, most hard and soft tissue into malformations, deformations, and disrup-
facial asymmetries present in the general popula- tions. Malformations are those types of congenital
tion exist as subconscious, innate inequities that defects that arise because of an aberrant develop-
contribute to the uniqueness of every individual. mental process that takes place early during
Alongside averageness, sexual dimorphism, and embryogenesis [5], whereas disruptions are mor-
youthfulness, symmetry has emerged as one of phologic defects that arise later in the fetal period
the four major determinants of attractiveness secondary to failure of an otherwise normal devel-
[2–4]. opmental process [6].
The causes of asymmetries affecting the face are Malformations, deformations, and disruptions
numerous (Box 1). Likewise, there are even more can be interrelated. They are not mutually exclu-
underlying etiologic sources responsible for each sive and they may produce asymmetries [7]. This
one of them. They are most easily classified by article describes the management of some of the
simplistically separating them into one of three causes of asymmetries of the face.
categories: congenital, developmental, or acquired.

Frontal plagiocephaly

* Corresponding author. The Hospital for Sick Chil-

The term plagiocephaly, from the Greek
dren, S-525, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, plagios (oblique) and kephale (head), means
Canada M5G 1X8. distortion of the head, and refers clinically to
E-mail address: craniofacial asymmetry [8]. It is a descriptive
(G.K.B. Sándor). term that is used by clinicians to describe a specific
1042-3699/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
396 SÁNDOR et al

hypothesis suggests that the overproduction of

Box 1. Some causes of facial asymmetry bone at the suture is the cause of the craniosy-
nostosis, with closure of the affected suture di-
Deformational plagiocephaly rectly affecting subsequent brain and cranial
Synostotic plagiocephaly growth secondarily through altered intracranial
Clefting conditions pressure (primary suture fusion model) [14]. The
Hemifacial hyperplasia secondary craniosynostosis hypothesis attributes
Hemifacial atrophy decreased cranial base growth or abnormal brain
Hemifacial microsomia growth as the underlying cause of the craniosynos-
Costochondral graft overgrowth tosis (cranial base, secondary brain parenchyma
Condylar and hemimandibular models, respectively) [14]. In the more common pri-
hyperplasia mary cases, premature fusion inhibits normal skull
Idiopathic condylar hypoplasia growth in a direction perpendicular to the orienta-
Traumatic condylar hypoplasia tion of the fused suture as described by Virchow’s
Torticollis Law [15]. This process, in turn, leads to skeletal
Hamartomas compensation and abnormal craniofacial growth
Vascular malformations at adjacent sutures.
Neoplasms The importance of symmetric cranial vault
expansion cannot be overstated, as elevated
intracranial pressure (ICP) is the most significant
morphology of upper facial asymmetry found in functional problem associated with untreated cra-
affected patients [9]. All patients who present for niosynostosis [15,16]. One third of patients who
consultation with an abnormally shaped head have craniofacial dysostosis syndromes and about
require careful evaluation because the treatment 15% to 20% of children who have single-suture cra-
of plagiocephaly varies significantly according to niosynostosis have a documented increase in ICP
the underlying cause. There are two main causes [17,18]. Multiple-suture craniosynostosis has
of plagiocephaly: deformational plagiocephaly a worse neurologic prognosis than single-suture
(DP) and craniosynostotic plagiocephaly (CP). craniosynostosis [18]. Isolated craniosynostosis
Infantile plagiocephaly is most commonly still has been shown to be associated with a three-
caused by positional deformation of the skull. to fivefold increase in risk for cognitive deficits or
Although there has been a major decrease in the learning/language disabilities [19]. The causal basis
incidence of sudden infant death syndrome since for this association is unclear. No particular
the American Academy of Pediatrics released its calvarial suture (sagittal, metopic, left or right uni-
recommendation in 1992 that infants be placed lateral coronal) has yet been associated with
down for sleep in a non-prone position [10], the a higher risk for problems [19]. Furthermore, per-
incidence of DP has increased dramatically with sistent postoperative raised ICP has been described
a concurrent increase in the incidence of torticollis in 6% to 15% of patients who have craniofacial
[9,11,12]. In particular, infants who require new- dysostosis [17]. There are multifactorial causes of
born intensive care, particularly premature in- increased ICP in both types of patients, which in-
fants, are more prone to DP and ipsilateral clude altered cerebral perfusion pressures (CPP),
dolichocephaly. Fortunately, the former can be upper airway obstruction, and hydrocephalus
prevented or minimized by proper positioning [15,17]. Hydrocephalus is rarely observed in non-
[12]. Similarly, DP can often be treated success- syndromic craniosynostosis, and in these cases is
fully with cranial molding-helmet therapy alone usually attributable to coincidental disorders. Con-
[13]. Craniosynostotic plagiocephaly is less com- versely, it is a common feature of syndromic cranio-
mon. It should always be considered in the differ- synostosis, affecting at least 40% of patients who
ential diagnosis, as its functional implications and have Crouzon, Pfeiffer, or Apert syndrome [20].
treatment considerations are different. At the present time, the underlying mechanisms
Craniosynostosis, a premature fusion of cra- and overall proportionate effect of each on raised
nial sutures, can arise as an isolated, sporadic, ICP remains uncertain. Decreased CPP as a conse-
nonsyndromic congenital defect or as part of quence of elevated ICP is believed by some to be the
a larger craniofacial syndrome. Each of these, in one most responsible for the neurologic, cognitive,
turn, may be divided by origin into primary or and ophthalmologic sequelae exhibited frequently
secondary. The current primary craniosynostosis by these children, however [21].

The prevalence of all forms of craniosynostosis deviation of the nose to the flattened side (Fig. 1B)
has been estimated to be 1 in 1000 live births [22], [9,15]. Contralateral displacement of the chin and
with most cases arising as sporadic occurrences of anterior fontanelle are also commonly exhibited,
unknown cause [15,23]. Syndromic craniosynosto- which further enhance the degree of facial asym-
sis is usually genetic, presenting with autosomal metry. Various adjunctive methods used to aid
dominant or recessive patterns, depending on the clinicians further in diagnosis and treatment plan-
specific syndrome [15]. Craniofacial dysostosis is ning include digital and standard anthropometry
another term that should not be used incorrectly [26–28], serial standardized digital photographs
in place of craniosynostosis, because the former [27,29], direct head circumference measurements
encompasses abnormalities of not only the cranial [29], and thermoplastic [30] and manual plaster-
sutures but also abnormal development of the casting techniques [31]. Many centers are also
cranial base and facial bones because of other developing and using newer three-dimensional
affected sutures [15,16]. Current treatment algo- (3D) clinical imaging technologies in an attempt
rithms for syndromic/nonsyndromic craniosynos- to further enhance this process [31].
tosis and craniofacial dysostoses all make use of The regular use of conventional skull
surgery, but the specific indications, timing, and radiographs has decreased substantially as high-
exact techniques used for the reconstruction of resolution CT scans, including 3D osseous surface
each can vary widely from patient to patient and reformations with stereolithic skulls, have become
center to center [9,15,16,24,25]. a standard element in the evaluation of craniofa-
cial anomalies in many centers (Fig. 1C). CT stud-
Classification ies have shown that the endocranial base
dysmorphology of patients who have plagioce-
The classification of craniosynostosis is based
phaly is cause-specific for synostotic frontal and
on cranial vault morphology. As such, skull shape
posterior synostosis as compared with DP [32].
is representative of the underlying fused sutures
Consequently, 3D-CT endocranial base images
only and not of the cause. Synostotic frontal
are often used to assist in the differential diagnosis
plagiocephaly arises because of the premature
of plagiocephaly [33]. When initial clinical and
closure of one of the coronal sutures (Fig. 1A).
radiographic examinations performed are sugges-
The fusion of an ipsilateral frontal bone to its ad-
tive of nonsyndromic synostotic frontal plagioce-
jacent parietal bone results in the formation of
phaly, prospective patients are then jointly
one single large segment of calvaria with restricted
reviewed by a team consisting of a pediatric sur-
growth potential. Osseous compensation for rapid
geon, pediatric neurosurgeon, pediatric ophthal-
infantile brain growth in the face of this problem
mologist, radiologist, and craniomaxillofacial
then takes place at all remaining patent sutures,
but is most prevalent along both sides of the con-
tralateral coronal suture [15].
Patient evaluation
The timing of surgery in infants is most often
Craniosynostotic plagiocephaly, which war- dictated by the absence or presence of docu-
rants surgical correction, is documented clinically mented increases in ICP. Without evidence of
and radiographically and must be accurately increased ICP, our group’s preference is to delay
differentiated from DP. Although differentiation definitive reconstruction until the child is between
by physical examination between synostotic fron- 12 and 24 months of age. Earlier intervention,
tal plagiocephaly and DP is possible for an between the ages of 2 and 9 months, is commonly
experienced observer, inexperienced clinicians performed in infants who have increased ICP
may have difficulty making an anatomically attributable to the tripling of intracranial volume
accurate diagnosis [26]. that occurs with normal unobstructed brain
Classic isolated synostotic frontal plagioce- growth over this time frame [15,34,35].
phaly results in a predictable craniofacial mor- The overall goal in the treatment of nonsyn-
phology in affected patients. A focused clinical dromic synostotic frontal plagiocephaly is to
examination usually reveals the ipsilateral supra- restore facial symmetry and balance to the cra-
orbital rim and orbit to be superiorly and poste- niofacial complex by focusing on the distortions
riorly displaced, with concomitant widening of the of the forehead and orbits. Achieving this there-
palpebral fissure, flattening of the forehead, and fore requires the surgical manipulation and
398 SÁNDOR et al

Fig. 1. (A) Preoperative 3D CT scan showing fusion of the right coronal suture in this child who has craniosynostotic
plagiocephaly. (B) Frontal photograph of an 18-month-old girl who has right-sided craniosynostotic plagiocephaly.
Note the displacement of the chin toward the left. (C) Stereolithic skulls of patients who have plagiocephaly. These
models are useful for surgical planning of complex craniomaxillofacial conditions. (D) Elevation of frontal bone flap.
(E) Fronto-orbital bandeau is removed, trimmed, and scored to permit bending. The resorbable fixation is applied to
the inner surface of the bandeau to increase its stability and keep most of the fixation material hidden. (F) The radiating
triangles are cut from the frontal bone flap and adapted to eliminate the preoperative asymmetry. The resorbable fixation
material can be softened in a warming bath to permit more accurate adjustments in contour. (G) The triangles adapted
and fixated to the fronto-orbital bandeau. (H) Specially designed bone collector or suction trap to harvest bone slurry
during cranioplasty procedures (CSMT, Mississauga, Canada). (I) The remaining osseous gaps are grafted over with
bony fragments or slurry collected using a suction trap. The sheet-like resorbable fixation material acts like a membrane
to help promote bony regeneration. (J) Final readaptation of pericranium after use of fibrin glue to keep bone slurry in
calvarial defects. (K) Closure of the scalp with zigzag incision to allow cranial reshaping without soft tissue tension. (L)
Immediate postoperative frontal view of corrected cranial asymmetry.

Fig. 1 (continued)

repositioning of multiple osseous regions, includ- 2. Bilateral fronto-orbital advancement/model-

ing the affected orbit, bilateral supraorbital ridge, ing without nasal osteotomies and
forehead, and temporoparietal regions. Although straightening
the technical aspects of every reconstruction vary 3. Bilateral fronto-orbital advancement/model-
from individual to individual, most craniofacial ing with closing wedge nasal osteotomy
surgeons reshape and reposition the calvaria and [36,37].
orbit using one of three procedures first intro-
Of the three different surgical techniques, the
duced by Tessier in 1967:
results achieved by the bilateral approach are
1. Unilateral fronto-orbital advancement most often considered better than those attained
(‘‘canthal advancement’’) with the unilateral techniques [38,39]. In addition,
400 SÁNDOR et al

osteotomies of the nasal bones are recommended in side caused by the development of a fibrous
the cases of older children who have severe nasal de- band in the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle
viation associated with dislocation of the nasoeth- [7]. This condition is usually unilateral and re-
moidal complex [39]. Many modifications of these sults in the development of a cervicofacial asym-
basic osteotomy approaches have been imple- metry with the interpupillary plane slanted
mented since they were first described. More re- downward and the chin deviated to the side of
cently, distraction osteogenesis has also been used the affected SCM muscle (Fig. 2A, B). The con-
for the correction of plagiocephaly [40] and other dition has been treated in the past with a stepped
types of craniosynostosis [41], on its own and in myotomy and lengthening of the SCM muscle
conjunction with conventional osteotomies [42]. but this has a tendency to recur. Our group sup-
When surgically correcting nonsyndromic synos- ports the excision of the entire SCM muscle and
totic frontal plagiocephaly, our preference is the its band from its origin to its insertion. Failure
‘‘Daisy Petal’’ [43] or ‘‘Sunrise’’ [44] or what our to correct torticollis may result in the develop-
team refers to as the triangle modification of the bi- ment of a future more significant facial asymme-
lateral fronto-orbital advancement. try. Torticollis may also be associated with
Using a zig-zagged coronal incision, access to other intracranial findings, such as intracerebral
the frontoparietal and orbital regions is obtained. cysts and hydrocephalus (Fig. 2C) [35]. We rec-
This incision allows the possibility of multiple ommend that in cases with torticollis that have
‘‘V’’ to ‘‘Y’’ advancements to accommodate the not been present in the neonatal period MRI
alterations of head contour produced by the evaluation should be done to exclude such
osteotomy. The zig-zagged coronal incision also lesions.
results in a more esthetic result than a straight
incision. A craniotomy is performed to allow for
the removal of the bilateral frontoparietal regions Unilateral clefting conditions
of the calvaria (Fig. 1D). A standard bilateral
Unilateral clefting syndromes, by their very
fronto-orbital bandeau is then removed, adjusted,
nature, can cause profound facial asymmetries.
and advanced for later fixation to the stable pos-
The exact nature of the deformity depends on the
terior calvaria using resorbable osteosynthesis
location and extent of the cleft. With respect to
plates (Fig. 1E). Next, the flattened frontal bone
the production of facial asymmetries it is the
is cut with oblique radial osteotomies starting at
location of the cleft relative to the midline that is
the bregma into numerous triangles (Fig. 1F).
of importance. Nonsyndromic unilateral cleft lip
The triangles are rotated axially in a medial direc-
with or without cleft palate is the most common
tion (Fig. 1G). Internal table corticotomies are
cause of congenital asymmetry of the craniomax-
performed to recurve the flattening and to obtain
illofacial skeleton. It occurs with an incidence of
a proper curve in the coronal plane. The remain-
0.77 per 1000 births, more commonly on the left
ing osseous gaps are then grafted using remaining
side and in males [46]. The unilateral cleft lip de-
calvarial bone slurry harvested with a specially
formity has effects on the facial skeleton and nasal
designed suction trap, shown in Fig. 1H (CSMT,
structure that go far beyond the lips. Even in the
Mississauga, Canada) [45]. All bone fragments
repaired state unilateral cleft patients may exhibit
are fixated to each other using resorbable osteo-
striking asymmetries of their noses (Fig. 3) and
synthesis plates (Fig. 1I). At the completion of
may require secondary cleft lip rhinoplasties [47].
this procedure, fibrin glue is placed over the
grafted sites and the pericranium is treated care-
fully to obtain a better adaptation of the new
Hemifacial hyperplasia
bone shape (Fig. 1J). On final layered closure of
the incision, this technique creates a stable unit Hemifacial hyperplasia is a rare sporadic
that provides immediate improvements in cranio- developmental condition that can lead to pro-
facial symmetry to the frontoparietal regions nounced facial asymmetry that grows with the
(Fig. 1K, L). patient throughout childhood (Fig. 4A). Both soft
tissue and hard tissue structures can be affected, in-
cluding the cartilage, facial bones, and teeth
(Fig. 4B). Hemifacial hyperplasia is a segmental
Torticollis is a condition of unknown cause, form of congenital hemihyperplasia that may be
consisting of a unilateral tilt of the neck to one complex, involving half the body. Although the

Fig. 2. (A) Left-sided torticollis with fibrous band in left sternocleidomastoid muscle, occlusal plane canted down to the
left, and chin point deviation to the left. (B) Posteroanterior (PA) cephalogram in a patient who has left-sided torticollis
showing severe head tilt to the left and a downward cant of the occlusal plane to the left. (C) Intracerebral cyst found in
patient who had torticollis.

condition is generally unilateral, a limited bilateral syndrome. It is a progressive condition that results
crossover can occur in hemihyperplasia [48]. There in severe atrophy of all of the hard and soft tissues
is an association of Wilms tumors of the kidney in of one side of the face to varying degrees
patients who have hemifacial hyperplasia, along (Fig. 5A, B). Some believe that it is the result of
with other possible findings such as nevi, pigmenta- the interruption of the trophic effects of the supe-
tion, and telangiectasia of the skin; unilateral en- rior cervical ganglion, because the condition has
largement of the cerebral hemisphere; seizures; been produced by cervical sympathectomy in the
mental retardation; and conductive hearing loss rat model [50]. It is associated with Jacksonian ep-
[48]. A tumor surveillance protocol with abdominal ilepsy with partial unilateral focal seizures,
ultrasound examinations is recommended for chil- alopecia on the affected side, and cutaneous
dren who have congenital hemihyperplasia to rule pigmentation changes. It has been associated
out rare Wilms tumors [49]. The correction of the with systemic lupus erythematosus, coup de sabre
facial deformities may require the harmonious se- scleroderma, Rasmussen encephalitis, and Lyme
rial reduction of both hard and soft tissue elements disease. Once the progressive nature of the condi-
after growth cessation. tion has stabilized, management has included
both hard tissue and soft tissue augmentations
to mask the effects of the localized atrophy.
Hemifacial atrophy
Such procedures have included silicone and fat
Hemifacial atrophy is a rare condition of injections, hydroxyapatite and coral granule aug-
unknown cause also known as Parry-Romberg mentations [51], alloplastic implants, and free
402 SÁNDOR et al

first and second branchial arches [5,52]. HFM on

its own commonly presents with an extremely var-
iably asymmetric unilateral or bilateral hypoplasia
of the orbits, maxilla, mandible, ear, cranial
nerves, and related soft tissues (Fig. 6A, B). Mal-
formations during early embryonic life involving
other structures derived from the first and second
branchial arch do, however, potentially result in
a wider spectrum of anomalies that encompass
diverse and heterogeneous phenotypes within the
oculoauriculovertebral spectrum (OAVS) [53].
Other clinically descriptive terms used to describe
HFM may include otomandibular dysostosis,
lateral facial dysplasia, first and second branchial
arch syndrome, unilateral intrauterine facial
necrosis, unilateral craniofacial microsomia, and
oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia [54].
Fig. 3. A 36-year-old patient who has cleft lip and palate HFM is second only to nonsyndromic cleft lip
with profound residual nasal asymmetry that distorts the and palate as the most common congenital
symmetry of the rest of the face. anomaly affecting the craniofacial region [5]. It
is found to occur with an estimated incidence of
tissue transfers of fat using omentum or latissimus 1 in 3500 to 5600 live births with a slight 3:2
dorsi, for example. The results have been variable. male predominance [5]. Most patients are of
normal intelligence. Although bilateral cases do
occur, 70% to 85% of the cases are unilateral,
most commonly involving the right side. Clefting
Hemifacial microsomia
may also occur in patients who have HFM, with
Hemifacial microsomia (HFM) is an umbrella up to 23% [55] of patients demonstrating a macro-
term that encompasses a group of variably ex- stomia compared with a lower 10% to 15% inci-
pressive asymmetric craniofacial malformations. dence of cleft lip and palate [54,55]. Many
These malformations are ultimately derived from patients also have external ear deformities ranging
aberrations of development of derivatives of the from ear tags to microtia and anotia.

Fig. 4. (A) A 24-year-old who has hemifacial hypertrophy of left side of face. Note the maxillary dental midline has
shifted to the right. (B) Stereolithic skull showing the underlying bony deformity in hemifacial hyperplasia that contains
hyperplastic soft and hard tissues.

Fig. 5. (A) Frontal photograph of an 18-year-old woman who has hemifacial atrophy of the right upper third of the face
involving the frontal, right periorbital, and right zygomatic areas. (B) Coup de sabre–like deformity near glabellar region
outlined with marking pen. Note preexisting craniotomy scar for neurosurgical treatment of focal epileptiform seizures.
In its worst presentation patients who have hemifacial atrophy may exhibit Rasmussen encephalopathy with atrophy of
one hemisphere.

The true pathophysiologic basis underlying TMJ. Types IIB and III are more akin to each other
this condition is not yet fully known, but two because the TMJ apparatus, mandible, and related
important concepts are recognized. First, based musculature are either severely malformed, totally
on experimental evidence and clinical observa- absent, or inadequately positioned and often re-
tions, HFM is still believed to be one of several quire alternative reconstructive techniques in an
structural anomalies that are postulated to result attempt to reconstitute normal form and function
from vascular disruption [56], with rupture of the (Tables 2 and 3).
stapedial artery still playing a central role [57].
A second cause may be abnormal migration of Patient evaluation
neural crest cells, because HFM may occur in
conjunction with cardiac anomalies or other cra- The successful management of HFM-induced
niofacial morphologic malformations belonging facial asymmetry requires the attainment of accu-
to the OAVS spectrum [55,58]. rate clinical, photographic, and radiographic
records. Qualitative and quantitative hard and
soft tissue measurements of the facial skeleton,
overlying soft tissue, and dentoalveolar structures
The wide variation of hard and soft tissue must be obtained by analyzing the patient in all
defects reported with HFM has led to the three planes of space. The auditory and facial
development of diverse classification systems. A nerve function must also be evaluated. Standard-
comparative chronologic synopsis of these systems ized facial photographs, including a right and left
can be found in Table 1 [59–61]. three-quarter oblique and a submentovertex view,
Most clinicians agree that a useful HFM classi- are taken. Additionally, frontal views of the
fication system must be centered on a functional patient at rest, in full smile, and while biting on
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the mandible a wooden tongue blade or a Fox plane are
because these components are of prime importance obtained to assess occlusal canting relative to
among all other defects when it comes to reestab- the interpupillary plane (Fig. 7A). Intraoral
lishing form and function. As such, the Kaban- records should include study models mounted on
HFM system seems well suited to be applied to a semiadjustable articulator and intraoral photo-
treatment planning and surgical management. graphs of the occlusion and maxillary and man-
From a reconstructive perspective, types I and dibular arches. Plain film radiographs (frontal
IIA are similar because both have a functional and lateral cephalogram, panoramic, and
404 SÁNDOR et al

Fig. 6. (A) Preoperative photograph of an 18-year-old man who has right-sided hemifacial microsomia classified as type
IIA. (B) Lateral profile photograph showing partially reconstructed right ear affected with microtia. (C) Preoperative
panoramic radiograph of patient in Fig. 5A, B. (D) Preoperative PA cephalogram of patient in Fig. 5A, B. (E) Preop-
erative lateral cephalogram of patient in Fig. 5A, B. (F) Le Fort I osteotomy to correct occlusal cant by impacting the
maxilla on the left side and extruding the maxilla on the right side. (G) The gaps left by extruding the maxilla are grafted
using bone harvested from the iliac crest. Rigid fixation has been applied to the osteotomy site and bone grafts. (H) An
inverted ‘‘L’’ osteotomy was chosen to help reposition the mandible on the right making the vertical length of the ramus
longer and placing the inferior segment laterally with an iliac crest one graft over top to minimize the concave defect in
the right angle region of the mandible. (I) Postoperative panoramic radiograph showing the healed fragments and their
hardware. A differential impaction and extrusion using a Le Fort I osteotomy of the maxilla was used. The right man-
dible was treated with an inverted ‘‘L’’ osteotomy and bone graft on the lateral aspect of the ramus of the mandible with
left-sided sagittal split osteotomy. A genioplasty was performed to place the asymmetric chin into the midline. (J) Post-
operative PA cephalogram showing the laterally and inferiorly repositioned angle of the mandible. (K) Postoperative lat-
eral cephalogram showing the new anteroposterior position of the jaws. (L) Postoperative frontal photograph. Note the
newly filled-out right-angle region of the mandible. (M) Postoperative profile view photograph showing the jaw line.

a submentovertex) are often still obtained, but treatment plans are individually developed based
3D-CT reconstructions and stereolithic skulls on each patient’s age, physical examination, and
(Fig. 8A, B) illustrating the finer elements of the assessment of photographs, radiographs, mounted
patient’s hard and soft tissue defects are quickly models, and classification. There are, however,
becoming the standard of care [62–64]. some important concepts to appreciate:
The extent and rate of progression of facial
General treatment principles
asymmetry that develops in HFM depends
The overall strategy for patients who have HFM directly on the pre-existing skeletal morphol-
varies considerably. All comprehensive phased ogy [65].

Fig. 6 (continued)

Untreated HFM affects the development of the Regardless of the skeletal type present, the
maxilla because normal vertical growth of end-stage deformity can be reduced by early
the ipsilateral maxilla is restricted by the childhood intervention because HFM is
poorly developed vertical growth of the cor- a progressive condition affected by growth
responding mandible. [66].
406 SÁNDOR et al

Fig. 6 (continued)

Treatments vary along a wide spectrum from by exerting tension on the attached muscles and
the use of functional dentoalveolar orthope- soft tissues [67,68].
dic appliances to total TMJ reconstruction. In postpubescent HFM-type I adolescents and
Additional surgical procedures to correct adults who do not have prior orthodontic or
secondary osseous and soft tissue defor- surgical interventions, conventional double-jaw
mities are commonly required. orthognathic surgery and bone grafting may
be required to correct the deformity. Le Fort I
Management of hemifacial microsomia type I osteotomy is required to address the canted
Treatment begins preferably in the primary or occlusal plane, while at the same time allowing
early mixed dentition stage with the introduction for optimal maxillomandibular horizontal or
of a functional dentoalveolar orthopedic appli- vertical positioning and final incisor tooth show.
ance. The goals at this early stage are to maximize Concomitant mandibular osteotomies may consist
appositional mandibular bone growth on the of either bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomies
affected side in an anterior and inferior direction or bilateral vertical ramus osteotomies or an

Table 1
Overview of available hemifacial microsomia classification systems
Author Date introduced HFM classification system
Kaban et al [59] 1981 Types I, II (A & B), and III:
Designed to relay the underlying types of skeletal deformity based on the
mandible and the TMJ as a center of reference
David et al [60] 1987 SAT system:
Acronym used to highlight the three major anatomic components that are
altered in HFM
‘‘S’’ for skeletal malformations, ‘‘A’’ for auricular involvement, ‘‘T’’ for tissue
Modeled after the TMN classification of tumors
Vento et al [61] 1991 OMENS system:
Expanded on ‘‘SAT’’ with acronym describing the five major manifestations
‘‘O’’ for orbital distortion, ‘‘M’’ for mandibular hypoplasia, ‘‘E’’ for ear
deformity, ‘‘N’’ for nerve defects, ‘‘S’’ for soft tissue deficiencies
Each category is totally independent and the degree of deformity, including
normal, is rated for each group
Abbreviations: TMJ, temporomandibular joint; TMN, Tumor, Node, Metastasis.

ipsilateral vertical ramus osteotomy with a contra-

Rudimentary to absent
Masseter and medial
lateral sagittal split osteotomy (Fig. 6C–H). Re-
gardless of the osteotomy design, mandibular
movements usually make up the asymmetric cor-

rection, including advancement on the affected

Type IIA HFM commonly displays hypoplastic morphology with increasing malformation; TMJ is usually positioned symmetrically for opening
side and setback on the unaffected side. Antero-
posterior position and final vertical adjustments
Present but underdeveloped; may contain fatty infiltration

are subject to the Le Fort I performed for the

As with Type I with increasing severity of hypoplasia occlusal plane leveling and incisor show. The se-

Hypoplastic to absent; not attached

lection of a vertical ramus versus a sagittal split
osteotomy design primarily depends on the degree
of asymmetry correction required to align the
maxillary and mandibular midlines with facial
midline. Finally, a genioplasty may also be per-
formed to level and reposition the chin back to
Lateral pterygoid

No articulation between the condyle and glenoid fossa seen; TMJ is displaced inferiorly, medially, and anteriorly
Masticatory muscle morphology

the facial midline vertically (Fig. 6I–M).

to condyle

Management of hemifacial microsomia type IIA


Similar to HFM-type I, treatment of patients

who have type IIA commences in early childhood
with the use of a functional dentoalveolar ortho-

pedic appliance. In such cases surgical vertical


mandibular lengthening is usually required to

Type I HFM commonly displays hypoplastic morphology with little to no malformation

adequately correct the asymmetry because the

mandibular hypoplasia is more severe. Fortu-
nately, early intervention occasionally precludes
the need for a compensatory Le Fort I osteotomy.
Present; more malformed

Adults who have HFM-type IIA, however, almost

always require a bimaxillary or double-jaw or-
varying degrees

thognathic approach identical to that used for

than Type I

patients who have HFM-type I for 3D surgical

Gonial angle

Preserved to

correction of their underlying facial asymmetry.



Management of hemifacial microsomia type IIB

Childhood treatment of patients who have
Osseous and muscular morphology of hemifacial microsomia

HFM-type IIB begins once again with functional


dentoalveolar orthopedic appliances. Attempts to






maximize affected maxillary and mandibular

growth and to decrease dentoalveolar compensa-
tions are received with the understanding that

they are less effective at alleviating the overall

and cone

asymmetry because of the severity of the un-

Small but



derlying defects. Consequently, an initial surgical

Mandibular morphology

procedure may be performed during the mixed

dentition stage when midface asymmetry begins to
occur. The absence of a functional TMJ with no
Hypoplastic to
Glenoid fossa

articulation and no translation (see Tables 2 and 3)


requires that the rudimentary, malpositioned




one be removed. A new TMJ is then simulta-

neously fabricated in a newer, more ideal location
to allow for symmetric joint function. Autogenous
reconstruction consisting of costochondral and il-
Table 2


iac crest grafts are preferred to alloplasts and are





used to construct a new glenoid fossa and

408 SÁNDOR et al

Table 3
Functional and adjunctive characteristics of hemifacial microsomia
Movement Miscellaneous
Kaban Condylar deviation on Facial nerve Soft palatal
type Hinge rotation translation opening function Hearing movement
I, IIA Normal with Reduced Toward Varies Decreased on Decreased on
unrestricted (type I), ipsilateral ipsilateral side ipsilateral side
movement absent side
(type IIA)
IIB, III Absent but Absent Toward Varies Decreased on Decreased on
movement ipsilateral ipsilateral side ipsilateral side
unrestricted side

ramus/condyle unit (Fig. 7B–J). As with HFM the nongrowing patients who have HFM-type
type I/IIA, isolated mandibular osteotomies to IIB.
gain vertical length and correct rotation pur-
posely incorporate the placement of an ipsilat-
Management of hemifacial microsomia types I- III
eral posterior open bite. This occlusion is
with distraction osteogenesis
slowly reduced at regular intervals over a 1- to
Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is now a well-
2-year time frame to allow for occlusal leveling
known method of forming bone in the craniofacial
as unrestricted maxillary growth occurs. Older,
skeleton through osteotomy and sequential stretch-
nongrowing patients who have HFM-type IIB
ing of the healing callus. This technique has been
still require reconstruction of the nonfunctional
used in syndromic and nonsyndromic patients in
TMJ. This reconstruction is again preferentially
whom the magnitude of planned movements re-
addressed with autogenous bone grafting. Simul-
quired for elimination of existing hard tissue
taneous Le Fort I and contralateral mandibular
discrepancies would be unattainable with conven-
osteotomies are mandatory, however, if the sur-
tional orthognathic osteotomies because of soft
geon is to adequately address not just the occlu-
tissue limitations, instability, and relapse (Fig. 9A).
sal plane but all other 3D asymmetric issues.
Moreover, inductive plastic effects on the hard and
soft tissues and the possibility of molding the results
Management of hemifacial microsomia type III have led to DO gaining increasing popularity in the
Patients who have HFM-type III exhibit the treatment of congenital and acquired deformities
greatest severity of osseous, muscular, and soft [69]. Although the use of DO for the reconstruction
tissue hypoplasia or aplasia. The use of functional of severe mandibular deformities in patients who
dentoalveolar orthopedic appliances in these pa- have HFM-type III has been described [70], it has
tients is avoided because the severity of the defects been applied with increasing frequency to patients
usually prevents any meaningful correction with who have less severe forms of HFM (Fig. 9B, C)
growth. Rather, early treatment of patients who [71] and has even been used to simultaneously ad-
have HFM-type III consists of TMJ reconstruc- dress maxillary and mandibular defects [72,73].
tion as with HFM-type IIB. The emphasis in Early problems with a lack of rotational control en-
patients who have type III is on early reconstruc- countered with unidirectional distractors are now
tion in the primary dentition stage (ages 2–5) as being addressed with multiplanar mandibular
soon as the midface deformity begins to develop. (Fig. 10) and maxillary distractors [74]. DO still
The surgical reconstruction of the TMJ, mandib- has the disadvantages of increased treatment
ular lengthening osteotomies, and management of time, increased hardware costs, the possibility of
the surgically created open bite are identical to external fistulae, and an increased incidence of iat-
those described for patients who have HFM-type rogenic apertognathia requiring compensatory or
IIB. Adult patients who have HFM-type III with staged Le Fort I osteotomy [75]. Although aesthetic
no prior surgical intervention require extensive and psychologic advantages of DO are well ac-
osseous and soft tissue reconstruction similar to cepted, it should be applied in the treatment of

Fig. 7. (A) Canted occlusal plane in this 6-year-old girl who has a right-sided type IIB hemifacial microsomia is accen-
tuated by the use of a tongue blade placed between the teeth in occlusion when compared with the plane of the inter-
pupillary line. (B) Asymmetry of the lower third of the face with canting of the occlusal plane upward to the right in
a 6-year-old girl who has right-sided type IIB hemifacial microsomia. (C) Note the canted occlusal plane of the dentition
and shift of the mandibular dental midline to the left. (D) Preoperative panoramic radiograph showing type IIB hemi-
facial microsomia deformity. (E) Costochondral graft harvested to reconstruct right temporomandibular articulation.
(F) Costochondral graft secured with rigid fixation screws. Note the occlusal wafer is wired in to begin treatment of
the canted occlusal plane with selected grinding of the functional appliances. (G) Costochondral graft evident on the
postoperative panoramic radiograph. (H) Tracing of the canted occlusal plane preoperatively. (I) Tracing of the leveled
occlusal plane following treatment with functional appliances. (J) Functional appliance with adjustable occlusal plane.

HFM after careful patient selection with a realiza- treatment of auricular deformities may be re-
tion of the short- and long-term limitations. quired. External ear anomalies range from skin
tags to complete absence of the pinna.
Soft tissue correction in hemifacial microsomia Secondary treatment of other osseous contour
types I–III defects of the mandible, zygoma and temporal
Many other deformities associated with HFM bone may be corrected with autogenous rib,
must also be addressed in addition to the osseous calvarial, or iliac onlay grafts or with custom
defects. For instance, as many as three [65] to six fabricated alloplasts. Rhinoplasty and revision
[54] staged surgical reconstructions for the genioplasty may also be entertained at this stage
410 SÁNDOR et al

Fig. 7 (continued)

[65]. Remaining soft tissue anomalies and volume have followed 26 patients who had 33 costochondral
defects should only be addressed after all hard tis- grafts for an average of 48 months. There were no
sue defects have been reconstructed and facial signs of linear overgrowth of the costochondral grafts
growth has terminated. Although the severity of in 7 growing patients who had 8 reconstructed joints.
a given soft tissue defect most often parallels They reported 2 cases of what they termed lateral con-
that of the underlying skeletal deformity [62], tour overgrowth with an abnormal increase of the
imaging studies serve to remind clinicians that mass of the graft in the region of the costochondral
the extent of skeletal hypoplasia of involved facial junction [80]. Four mandibular asymmetries devel-
bones does not necessarily always predict the full oped in the 19 nongrowing patients who were treated
extent of volume loss or hypoplasia in the with costochondral grafts. Two were the result of con-
attached musculature [76]. Nevertheless, the treat- tralateral resorption of the unoperated condyles and
ment of soft tissue hypoplasia in HFM follows two were the result of remodeling with decrease in
two major paths. Minor volume defects may be the lengths of the reconstructed ramus condylar units
successfully addressed using injectable fillers, [80].
such as autologous fat grafts [77,78]. Larger, We present a case of costochondral graft
more severe defects are often best addressed using overgrowth that involves a patient who was
fasciocutaneous microvascular flaps because they treated for apparent trismus at the age of 8 years
are capable of providing a greater amount of with a left-sided costochondral graft (Fig. 11A–
augmentation [78,79]. C). She was lost to follow-up for 12 years and
returned with massive costochondral graft over-
growth (Fig. 11D–J). Although such cases are
Costochondral graft overgrowth rare, they do alert the clinician to the possibility
Costochondral graft overgrowth is a rare compli- of late costochondral graft overgrowth.
cation of costochondral grafting for the reconstruc-
Condylar and hemimandibular hyperplasia
tion of the ramus/condylar unit. Such overgrowth
threatens to undo the reconstruction or correction of Significant facial asymmetry can occur with
a mandibular asymmetry. Perrot and colleagues [80] unchecked unilateral growth of the mandible.

Fig. 8. (A) Severe medial ward displacement of residual ramus and angle of mandible seen on the frontal view of this 3D
stereolithic skull. (B) Lateral view of stereolithic skull of severe type IIB hemifacial microsomia. Some clinicians believed
this could be classified as a type III but there seemed to be some condylar vestige.

Perhaps the two best-documented conditions Classification

exemplifying these types of mandibular asymme-
The morphologic configuration of the unilat-
try are those of condylar hyperplasia (CH) and
eral hyperplastic condyle and mandible lies at the
hemimandibular hyperplasia (HH). CH, as the
heart of controversy when it comes to the
name implies, produces excessive unilateral
growth of the condyle resulting in associated classification of these two types of facial asym-
facial asymmetric deformities [81]. HH is similarly metry. In 1985 Toller [91] classified CH into two
characterized by a diffuse enlargement of the con- types based on the manifestation of the facial
dyle, the condylar neck, and the mandibular ra- asymmetry. According to Toller [91], type I CH
mus and body [82]. Although both are is the more common of the two subtypes, with
recognized to be self-limiting, non-neoplastic the classic presentation of excessive vertical
pathologic processes, much debate concerning growth of the condylar neck leading to a contra-
their cause, pathogenesis, and true relationship lateral deviation of the chin and a concomitant
still exists. posterior dental cross-bite. The less common
In considering their underlying causes, both type II deformity described by Toller [91] mani-
conditions have been documented in patients fests a downward vertical enlargement and bow-
following previous trauma [83–86]. Conversely, ing of the mandibular ramus and body on the
they have also been shown capable of idiopathic ipsilateral side with the presence of a more severe
development [87,88]. They can arise in patients posterior occlusal open bite and crossbite. The
of varying age and growth states and hence can condylar head is usually normally shaped in
exist as either developmental or acquired type I CH and may be normal or hyperplastic
processes. The exact cause and pathogenesis for in type II.
each condition is thus unknown. Suggestions In 1986 Obwegeser and Makek [85] attempted
and theories put forth to explain their existence to reclassify type I and type II CH into hemiman-
vary from neurotrophic, circulatory, and hor- dibular elongation (HE) and HH, respectively.
monal disturbances [84] to intrauterine influences They believed that the term ‘‘condylar hyperpla-
[81]. Despite these unknowns, both disorders sia’’ referred to hyperplasia of the condyle alone
have been shown to have at their basis persistent and that it should not be used to describe the
or resumed activity of the cartilaginous two hemimandibular anomalies as suggested by
growth center of the mandibular condyle Toller [91]. Rather, they indicated that these two
[81,82,85,89,90]. types of mandibular hyperplasia existed in pure
412 SÁNDOR et al

Fig. 9. (A) Stereolithic skulls are particularly helpful in planning distraction osteogenesis procedure not only to ensure
the correct vectors of distraction but also to ensure that the required hardware will fit on the unpredictably hypoplastic
ramus of the mandible. (B) External distractor that can be adjusted in three planes of space to permit more accurate
guidance of the distracted mandible. (C) Successful distraction of the mandibular segments bilaterally shown on this
postoperative panoramic radiograph.

and mixed forms based on the clinical, radio- Patient evaluation

graphic, and histologic findings they had noted
The clinical picture varies widely, depending
in several patients.
on the onset of the growth disturbance relative to
In 1996 Chen and colleagues [92] proposed
that all cases of HH and HE actually repre- the age of the patient, the rate of growth, and the
sented variations of condylar overgrowth. They extent of mandibular involvement. The most
believed that unchecked condylar overgrowth typical clinical history and presentation is one
progresses into HH and HE. Despite these in which the patient or the patient’s parents have
differences in nomenclature, clinicians should been aware for some time of a progressive
recognize that two forms of mandibular hyper- deviation of the lower jaw to the contralateral
plasia exist. They should also appreciate that side (Fig. 12A). This deviation may or may not
the overall severity of the facial asymmetry be associated with skeletal and dental progna-
and degree of underlying skeletal and dental thism and is rarely associated with pain or mal-
compensation with each form is highly variable function of either the affected or unaffected
and ultimately depends on the age of the patient TMJ. Compensatory skeletal adjustments, in-
and the rate and length of time hyperplasia has cluding occlusal canting (Fig. 12B), may exist
been active [91,93]. despite the absence of an ipsilateral posterior

most often using technitium-99 (tech-99). They

are thus commonly used to identify the presence
of active growth in several tissues, including oste-
oblasts potentially located within the condylar
and mandibular regions (Fig. 12F). More recent
advances in nuclear imaging for use in CH and
HH include the use of single photon emission
computed tomography (SPECT). Compared
with planar scintigraphy, SPECT increases image
contrast and improves lesion detection and
localization [96]. This technique has already been
shown to demonstrate enhanced diagnostic accu-
racy for CH and HH compared with conventional
planar tech-99 scanning [97–99]. There are,
however, limitations in sensitivity and specificity
with false positive results most often occurring
in patients who have associated TMJ infection,
dysfunction, or neoplasia [95,100–102]. Neverthe-
less, as access to this technique becomes available,
its enhanced ability to visualize hard and soft tis-
sue in 3D combined with its potential for assessing
structures in real time [101] will undoubtedly lead
to the replacement of standard tech-99 scans for
Fig. 10. A multiplanar internal distractor to help guide use in craniofacial imaging.
the mandible downward and forward.

open bite (Fig. 12C). This manifestation is plau- Treatment modalities and philosophies of care
sible, of course, in the actively growing patient in for patients afflicted with these conditions vary
whom the hyperplastic growth rate on the greatly. This difference is because of the variabil-
affected side is slow enough that it still allows ity in age, overall skeletal growth, presence or
for compensatory ipsilateral maxillary vertical absence of active hyperplasia, and degree of facial
growth, thereby maintaining a functional, yet asymmetry with which patients may present.
canted, occlusion. These variables are further compounded in com-
Conventional radiographic examination of CH plexity by other issues affecting the final treatment
or HH performed in a growing child may addi- path, including the aggressivity or extent, timing,
tionally demonstrate the typical enlargement of and potential number of procedures that may be
the affected condyle, elongation/enlargement of required to restore proper form and function.
the ipsilateral ascending ramus and mandibular Many practitioners believe strongly that early
body, and tilted occlusal plane (Fig. 12D, E). diagnosis is paramount with the primary principle
Although previously serial clinical and plain film of treatment being the elimination of the patho-
radiographic views alone were used for diagnosis logic condylar growth site as soon as possible to
and treatment planning, the condylar growth mitigate the extent of the developing facial
activity, which often dictates surgical treatment asymmetry that so often follows [89,93,103,104].
strategies, cannot be assessed by conventional Proponents of this treatment strategy have there-
radiologic procedures [94]. fore successfully used a wide array of surgical
Serial radionuclide skeletal scintigraphy or techniques ranging from isolated high condylar
isotope bone scanning has been successfully used shave to staged and simultaneous TMJ and
for years in the assessment of CH and HH causing orthognathic surgery [103,104]. CH and HH are
mandibular asymmetry [94,95]. Conventional self-limiting pathologic processes by virtue of their
bone scans are planar or two-dimensional nuclear nonneoplastic natures [81,82]. Additionally, the
medicine imaging techniques that make use of function of the TMJ, regardless of the severity
comparative ratios of radioisotope uptake by cells of the facial asymmetry, is usually normal. The
exhibiting increased metabolism and turnover, attempted elimination of the hyperplastic tissue
414 SÁNDOR et al

Fig. 11. (A) Preoperative lateral cephalogram of this 6-year-old child who has apparent trismus. (B) Left costochondral
graft placed at the age of 6 years shown on the panoramic radiograph. (C) Postoperative lateral cephalogram showing
fixated costochondral graft. (D) Frontal photograph of same patient as in Fig. 10A now 17 years old with severe over-
growth of left costochondral graft. (E) Left lateral oblique view photograph of patient who has left costochondral graft
overgrowth. (F) Right lateral profile photograph of patient who has left costochondral graft overgrowth. (G) Submental
view showing extreme deviation of chin point to the right. (H) Severely displaced dentition in anterior and right direc-
tions. (I) Panoramic radiograph demonstrating severe overgrowth of left-sided costochondral graft to ramus of mandi-
ble. (J) Chin point deviation to the right demonstrated on PA cephalogram in patient who has overgrown left
costochondral graft.

Fig. 11 (continued)

does not necessarily mean that further surgery will Traumatic injuries of the mandibular condyle
be avoided at the completion of growth [105]. can cause a hemarthrosis, particularly with intra-
Consequently our centers, along with others, be- capsular fractures of the mandibular condyle.
lieve that strong consideration should be given Such an injury may predispose the patient to
to: (1) refraining from any surgery until growth frank bony ankylosis of the TMJ, particularly if
activity has ceased [82], and (2) the avoidance of the mandible is immobilized for a prolonged
open joint surgery in most patients unless abso- period of time. At the very least, trauma to the
lutely indicated [106]. mandible can lead to scarring and restricted
translation of the mandibular condyle. Proffit
and colleagues [107] have termed this functional
Condylar hypoplasia
ankylosis or soft tissue extracapsular ankylosis.
CH may be developmental, seemingly without Waite and Urban [108] believe the greater the
an apparent underlying cause, in which case it is degree of translational restriction, the greater the
called idiopathic CH. The most common cause of facial deformity.
CH is acquired, secondary to trauma of the Fig. 13A displays a coronal CT image of the
mandible. It is also possible that at least some right condyle of an 8-year-old girl who sustained
cases of idiopathic CH are caused by occult comminution and concomitant intracranial dis-
trauma that neither the parents nor the practi- placement of her right condylar head into the
tioner may be aware of. Unilateral CH may also middle cranial fossa following a fall from a bicy-
rarely occur as a result of avascular necrosis of the cle. The results attained with closed reduction
mandibular condyle or unilateral involvement of attained and gradual traction can be seen in
the temporomandibular joint by rheumatoid Fig. 13B. The patient was also placed on a pro-
arthritis. gram consisting of early vigorous mobilization.
416 SÁNDOR et al

Fig. 13. (A) Right mandibular condyle displaced into the middle cranial fossa of this 8-year-old girl who fractured her
mandible and temporal bone falling from a bicycle. (B) Dislocated fracture of right mandibular condyle retrieved from
right middle cranial fossa by slow sustained traction. (C) Disorganized healing of comminuted intracapsular fracture of
right mandibular condyle treated with aggressive mobilization from 2 weeks after the injury. (D) Panoramic radiograph
2 years after injury showing healed condylar mass with shortening of the right ramus of the mandible. (E) Deviation of
the mandibular dental midline toward the affected right side 2 years after the injury. (F) Frontal photograph showing
deviation of chin point toward the hypoplastic right mandibular condyle 4 years following the injury. (G) Submental
view showing deviation of the chin to the right side. (H) Progressive right-sided deviation of the mandibular dental mid-
line in keeping with the now apparent deviation of the skeletal midlines 4 years following the injury. (I) Skeletal deviation
with posttraumatic condylar hypoplasia despite aggressive mobilization and maintenance of a satisfactory range of

At the end of treatment a deformed but func- leading to a clinically obvious mandibular asym-
tional right TMJ existed (Fig. 13C, D). Two metry (Fig. 13F, H, I). The authors believe that
years following the injury the patient developed in addition to translational restriction, damage
a shift of her mandibular dental and skeletal of this nature sustained by the mandibular
midline to the right (Fig. 13E). Despite ongoing condyle and the surrounding tissues leads to re-
active TMJ mobilization therapy and simulta- stricted growth, which in this particular case
neous orthodontic intervention, her midlines was beyond the compensatory capacity of the
progressively worsened over the ensuing 2 years, functional matrix.

Fig. 12. (A) Frontal photograph of 11-year-old girl who has left-sided hemimandibular hyperplasia. Note the deviation
of the chin to the right and the occlusal plane cant upward to the right. Note also the position of the left inferior border
of the mandible compared with the right. (B) Further demonstration of the occlusal cant using a tongue blade. (C) Left
profile photograph of patient who has left hemimandibular hyperplasia. (D) Left-sided hemimandibular hyperplasia
shown in this PA cephalogram. (E) Note the left hemimandibular overgrowth in this 11-year-old girl who has enlarge-
ment of the condylar head and neck, ramus, angle, and body of the mandible on the left side. (F) Note the increased
scintillographic activity on these scans in the left condylar area consistently through all views of the scans.
418 SÁNDOR et al

Fig. 13 (continued)

The management of facial asymmetry resulting the surgical treatment to the lower jaw only. In
from CH depends on the degree of hypoplasia. In such instances a derotational osteotomy of the
the traumatic case described above, interceptive mandible after growth cessation could be acc-
orthodontics should prevent canting of the max- omplished either by using either bilateral sagittal
illary occlusal plane, thereby potentially limiting split osteotomies or a right sagittal split osteot-
omy and left intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy.
If the condyle becomes grossly hypoplastic and
severe trismus develops, then a costochondral
graft to reconstruct the ramus/condyle unit may
be necessary.

The preceding cases and corresponding
descriptions are designed to highlight some of
the more common causes of facial asymmetry.
Successful surgical outcomes are predicated on
a sound knowledge base that allows for accurate
Fig. 14. Skeletal relapse in a 28-year-old woman 2 years diagnostic evaluation, growth monitoring, and
after bimaxillary correction of an asymmetric progna- well-planned adaptable single or serial treatments
thism despite negative condylar technetium scans aimed at the correction of such deformities.
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