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Adapting Biofloc Technology for Use in Small Scale Ponds with Vertical

Article  in  World Aquaculture · September 2017


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Yoram Avnimelech
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


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Adapting Biofloc Technology
for Use in Small-scale Ponds
with Vertical Substrate
Boriah Suryakumar and Yoram Avnimelech

FIGURE 1. Scheme of organic particle sedimentation in a pond without (A) and with (B) vertical substrates.

Biofloc technology (BFT) The introduction of vertical substrates The need to produce more
is based on the use of microbial provides an environment with high local fish and shrimp requires a
consortia to metabolize organic concentrations of organic matter that significant increase in aquatic
residues in the pond, recycle enables development of microbial biomass. production by about two-fold
nutrients and provide a healthy, This community can be manipulated in per decade in the near future.
integrated pond ecosystem. The the same way as that used in BFT, The UN Food and Aquaculture
use of BFT enables producers to by manipulating the C/N ratio, and the Organization stated that, within
significantly raise the intensity attached biofilm provides similar services the coming decade, aquaculture
of shrimp and fish production (ammonia control, natural food items) to production has to increase by
in a way that does not demand those of a suspended biofloc community. 40 percent to meet current
very expensive and elaborate demand (FAO 2016). However,
infrastructure. As such, it is commonly adopted and its use is water and land limitations will not enable the achievement of this
increasing worldwide. goal using conventional systems (Avnimelech et al. 2008). The
Following development, successes and failures of BFT farms aquaculture community has to move toward more intensive, high-
for shrimp and fish production, in general, big companies with yielding systems, but such a transition cannot be done abruptly.
sufficient trained personnel, infrastructure and financial support There is a need for continual change through intermediate stages.
are doing well. The introduction of BFT to small family farms, This article describes a BFT-based farming system using
mostly in less developed parts of the world, often fails. Biofloc vertical substrates as an alternative to suspended biofloc, as
technology is not very complicated, yet operators need to have developed and practiced at a shrimp farm in India. Theoretical
some background and training in the biological mechanisms considerations and the mode of operation are briefly presented,
involved and the means to control the system. Regardless of the followed by some results obtained by the farm. The purpose of
apparent simplicity of BFT, farmers, accustomed to managing this article is to introduce this modification of biofloc technology
extensive ponds (often for generations), have to pass through a as an invitation to others to assess vertical substrate systems and to
significant mental transition to master management of intensive encourage further research and development of such systems.
biofloc systems.

54 S E P T E M B E R 2 017 • W O R L D AQ UACU LT U R E • W W W.WA S .O R G

Theoretical Considerations pond liners is often beyond the financial capacity of small farmers.
Incorporating vertical substrate presents an opportunity for moderate
Accumulation of organic matter on the pond bottom intensity heterotrophic (BFT) systems.
Sedimentation, the downward movement of particles, is a
process common to all water bodies, from oceans to shrimp ponds. Pond mixing, sediment suspension and lining
In all water bodies, from natural systems to man-made intensive To keep the biofloc in suspension and minimize sedimentation, a
ponds, organic matter accumulates on and within the bottom soil. continuous and fairly vigorous mixing of water is required. Vigorous
The greater the biomass and feeding rate, the faster and greater mixing induces bank erosion (Boyd 1995) and sediment suspension.
is that accumulation. An intrinsic property of bottom soils is the These processes lead to the mixing of organic matter with eroded soil
inefficient downward supply of oxygen and, in most cases, the that are deposited in areas of the pond bottom where water current is
prevalence of anaerobic or anoxic conditions in the pond bottom. low. These mixed deposits can be 10-20 cm thick (Avnimelech et al.
This leads to a few severe results: 1) development of anaerobic 1986). Draining or aeration of this layer is very difficult as a practical
conditions in the pond bottom and the resultant production of matter. The need for vigorous aeration to avoid sedimentation is one of
toxic materials, stressing fish or shrimp and limiting production the reasons pond liners are required. (There are other reasons for this,
(Avnimelech and Ritvo 2003), 2) inefficient microbial degradation such as the ease of cleaning, shortening of the period between harvest
of organic residues, compared to equivalent rates under aerobic and stocking to a few days and the practically unlimited possibility to
conditions (Reddy et al. 1986), and c) slow and inefficient recycling construct ponds on practically any soil type.) Including substrate can
of accumulated nutrients from the pond bottom into the pond food reduce the aeration and mixing requirement compared to intensive
web. BFT systems.
Sedimentation of organic particles, with a density just
slightly greater than that of water, is slow. Moreover, lateral Suspended bioflocs and surface-attached biofilms
water movements lead to horizontal components super-imposed are similar biocontrol systems
on vertical settling. The particles have an oscillating horizontal Similar to industrial biotechnology systems, BFT ponds are
movement, even though the vertical vector dominates, and particles operated as a completely mixed, suspended growth system. Such a
settle to the bottom (Fig. 1A). Vertical substrates in the water system maximizes the capacity of microbial biofloc development.
intercept and trap organic particles as they move, especially so if Developed biofloc systems contain 106-109 bacteria/mL and can
the substrates are hydrophobic (Fig. 1 B). A plastic surface placed adapt to a wide range of feed loading. The technology requires ample
in a pond is soon covered by a gelatinous biofilm (made of organic aeration, lined ponds and proper drainage systems. Excessively high
debris and microbiota), usually within hours of contact, leading microbial biomass is not needed for good system function and can be
later to the coverage of the surface with trapped detritus and an deleterious (Ray et al. 2012).
active biofilm. In contrast to organic matter accumulating on the The approach presented in this article is based on a different
pond bottom where the supply of oxygen is limited, organic matter spatial distribution of the biota. The controlling microbial consortium is
attached to vertical substrates in the aerobic water strata has a good not uniformly distributed through the water column but is concentrated
chance to be effectively metabolized by microorganisms, contribute on the surfaces of vertical substrates that may be placed only in certain
to the recycling of feed materials and not induce production of parts of the pond. The microbial community growing on vertical
anaerobic toxic substances. substrates can be controlled in the same way as that in a suspended
Periphyton attached to vertical substrates has been studied and biofloc system, by controlling the C/N ratio. In addition, both systems
used in aquaculture for years (Assaduzzaman et al. 2010, Azim et consist of a mixture of organisms: a variety of bacteria, algae, protozoa,
al. 2005, Bratvold and Browdy 2001, Milstein et al. 2009 Scott and rotifers, crustaceans and others (Asaduzzaman et al. 2010, De Schryver
McNeil 2001). The role of vertical substrates in minimizing organic et al. 2008). Thus, the two systems – uniformly dispersed and locally
sedimentation and being an important tool in managing biofloc attached communities of aquatic biota – are similar.
systems, however, has not been demonstrated. Because of the localization of the substrates, it can function at any
shrimp or fish biomass and there is no need for a high stocking rate.
Option of intermediate stocking density This is in contrast with suspended BFT where the average organic
Intensive BFT systems are based on domination of substrate concentration, not a local one, has to be high for the system
heterotrophic microbial activity. With respect to ammonia control, to function properly. Although the processes in suspended or attached
extensive systems are based on algal uptake. In intensive systems, (fixed-film) BFT systems are similar, controlling the two systems may
the capacity of algae to control ammonia accumulation through require different approaches.
photosynthesis is limited by the availability of light caused by
self-shading at high algal density. No such limitation exists when a Evolution of Shrimp Production Practices
heterotrophic bacteria population dominates. Relatively high feeding at Hitide Seafarms
rates are needed to promote dominance by heterotrophic bacteria. The trial with vertical substrate was conducted at Hitide Seafarms,
In BFT shrimp ponds, sufficient heterotrophic bacteria development located in Kattur, Tamil Nadu, India (11.360 N, 79.809 E), a 25-ha
occurs only when stocking rates are above 100 PL/m2 (McIntosh shrimp farm near the outlet of the Kollidam River to the Indian Ocean.
2000, Taw 2010). High feeding rates require intensive pond aeration, Hitide Seafarms was established in 1990 and followed traditional
which necessitates pond lining. Such biofloc systems require a practice of pumping from an estuary to exchange pond water. Water
very reliable aeration system. Investment in aeration systems and (CONTINUED ON PAGE 56)

W W W.WA S .O R G • W O R L D AQ UACU LT U R E • S E P T E M B E R 2 017 55

quality and quantity in the estuary
was affected by rains, floods and
dry season low flow. Water quality
in ponds varied by season and
was unpredictable. Algal blooms
were sporadic and shrimp diseases
common. During 1996-1997, the
farm was seriously affected by
White Spot Syndrome Virus with
resultant mass mortalities.
To minimize such effects,
water exchange was reduced and
water was contained, increasing
water stability and improving
water quality control. From 2010,
the farm gradually converted to
zero water exchange, using BFT
principles and installing vertical
substrates in the ponds. Aeration
was increased and the pond
dikes lined with HDPE sheets
to minimize erosion. Suspended
biofloc was practiced in a few
ponds that were completely lined. FIGURE 2. Shade netting as vertical substrate, 50 cm x 20 m sheets. Note bottles used as floats in the background.

Pond Management with

Vertical Substrates
Vertical substrates were made
of black shade netting commonly
used in horticulture and typified
by 50 percent light transfer. Sheets
were 50 cm wide and 20 m long
(Fig. 2). Buoyancy and vertical
positioning of each sheet were
maintained by connecting empty
plastic soft drink bottles to the
upper edge of the shade cloth as
floats and sand-filled bottles tied to
the bottom edge as anchors. With
this setup, nets were suspended
vertically 10 cm below the water
surface and about 50 cm above
the pond bottom. Sheets of netting
were placed in parallel lines, 30 FIGURE 3. A 30 m x 20 m battery of vertical substrates in front of a paddlewheel aerator. Note molasses tanks and
cm apart, to form a battery (Fig. hoses with outlets between paddlewheel and substrate battery.
3). A battery contained about
30 rows of nets and was about 10 m wide. A typical pond of 6,600 (Fig. 3) to ensure proper mixing and dilution of the carbohydrate
m2 had four such batteries adding a surface area of about 3,000 m2, supply. The daily ration of molasses addition was controlled in
accounting for both sides of the netting. A paddlewheel aerator was accordance with results of monitoring pond ammonia concentration.
placed in front of each battery (Fig. 3) to ensure a significant flow In addition to the basic management procedures of zero water
of pond water along the lines of substrate, provide ample oxygen exchange and installing vertical substrate, other steps were taken.
to attached organisms, and maximize the potential for particle Efforts were made to improve the sludge drainage system, full pond
interception by substrates. lining was gradually installed, PL and feed quality were continuously
Similar to operation of BFT systems, addition of carbohydrate improved, and biosecurity and Best Management Practices (BMPs)
(molasses) was used to control ammonia uptake by heterotrophic were followed. As a result, water quality was better and more stable,
bacteria on vertical substrates. Dilute molasses was introduced carrying capacity and production rates increased and infectious
through a hose from a molasses tank to a point in front of the aerator disease outbreaks were not common.

56 S E P T E M B E R 2 017 • W O R L D AQ UACU LT U R E • W W W.WA S .O R G

Farm Trial Results shrimp. The value of 50-g shrimp harvested from the pond with
The results and technical details provided here have value as substrate was about 50 INR/kg greater than that of the 42-g shrimp
field results, obtained under real farm conditions and not using the from the pond with no substrate, adding a net income of about US$
classic scientific method. Such work is needed and will hopefully 11,000/ha for the pond with vertical substrate.
Two identical 6600-m2 ponds were used for the trial. Stocking Discussion
density in both ponds was 25 PL/m2 (Penaeus monodon), as is The results obtained pertain to the effect of vertical substrates
common in semi-extensive ponds. Both ponds were aerated as where stocking density was much lower than that necessary to
needed to maintain dissolved oxygen concentration above 4.5 mg/L. develop a suspended biofloc system. Relatively high feeding rates
Both ponds were amended with molasses as needed to keep total are needed to develop the dense and active microbial population
ammonia concentration at a low level. Vertical substrates were making up the suspended biofloc system. The introduction of vertical
installed in one pond. The other pond had no vertical substrate. substrates provides an environment with high local concentrations of
Shrimp were harvested from both ponds after 190 days. organic matter that enables development of microbial biomass. This
Survival was high in both ponds, although it was a bit higher in community can be manipulated in the same way as that used in BFT
the pond with substrate (90 vs 82 percent). Average shrimp weight and the biofilm provides similar services (ammonia control, natural
in the pond with substrate was 50 g versus 42 g in the pond with no food items) to those of a suspended biofloc community.
substrate, the larger size resulting in considerable economic benefit. Introduction of vertical substrates promotes development of
Production (normalized to kg/ha) was 11,250 kg/ha in the pond a system based on a fixed biofilm, in contrast to the suspended
with substrate versus 8,610 kg/ha in the pond with no substrate. biofloc community used in conventional BFT systems. In densely
Feed conversion ratio in both ponds was around 1.2. Farm workers stocked ponds with high feeding and aeration rates and low water
reported that the introduction of vertical substrates led to a very exchange rates, suspended biofloc communities develop naturally.
obvious decrease in sludge accumulation on the pond bottom. In the The concentration of feed residues in such ponds is sufficient to
pond without substrate, four sludge drainings/week were necessary support bioflocs. In addition, in densely stocked ponds, the adsorption
to avoid excessive accumulation. In contrast, in the pond with vertical capacity of substrates will not be insufficient to trap the large
substrate, only ten sludge draining events were necessary during the amounts of suspended organic particles and to significantly affect
entire crop. sedimentation of organic residues to the pond bottom. More work is
Gross production costs (INR/kg harvested shrimp) were about needed to define quantitatively under which conditions the fixed-film
the same with or without substrate (Table 1). Comparing expenses biofloc system or the suspended biofloc system has an advantage.
(normalized to INR/ha, about INR 50 ~ US$ 1), purchase and Suspended bioflocs and biofilm on vertical substrates have
installation of substrates added roughly 3 percent to total costs. (The several points in common and some different features.
cost of substrate installation is considered only in the first year, rather • Both consist of an array of bacteria, algae, protozoa,
than taking annual depreciation, because of a lack of good data on planktonic species, insects, nematodes and others.
life expectancy of the substrate.) Feed, carbohydrate and aeration • Both can control ammonia concentration by encouraging
costs were also greater in the pond with substrate. The main factor heterotrophic assimilation of inorganic nitrogen, by supporting
affecting profitability was the higher farm-gate price of the larger (CONTINUED ON PAGE 58)

TABLE 1. Estimated production costs (1000 INR/ha) of shrimp produced in ponds with or without vertical
substrates. Shrimp were stocked at 25 PL/m2 and cultured for 90 days.

I n p u t p a ra m e t e r Ve r t i c a l s u b s t ra t e s N o s u b s t ra t e

Pond preparation 20 20
Vertical substrates, nets & accessories 120 0
Feed 1418 1193
Carbohydrates (molasses) 79 16
Water pumping 45 65
Aeration 911 542
Fertilizers, lime 10 10
Labor, technicians 175 175
Maintenance 50 50
Harvesting expenses 23 17
Overhead 150 150
Total 3000 2239
Cost/kg shrimp 267 260

W W W.WA S .O R G • W O R L D AQ UACU LT U R E • S E P T E M B E R 2 017 57

The specific system described here offers a clear advantage as an intermediate step
to family farmers seeking to adopt more intensive production practices. The system allows for the use
of a moderate stocking density, gradual introduction of pond lining and aeration,
less vulnerability to failure of the aeration system and gradual adoption of
more sophisticated technologies and practices. After gaining experience with fixed
biofilm systems for a period, farmers may then choose to evaluate the suspended BFT system.

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• Both systems, based on zero water exchange, are Browdy, C.L, J. Hargreaves, H. Tung and Y. Avnimelech. 2014.
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The specific system described here offers a clear advantage as an Workshop. Dec. 9-10, 2013, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The
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of more sophisticated technologies and practices. After gaining The basics of biofloc technology: The added value for aquaculture.
experience with fixed biofilm systems for a period, farmers may then Aquaculture 277:125-137.
choose to evaluate the suspended BFT system. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). 2016.
It must be clearly emphasized that the work presented here is still The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016. Contributing to
in an initial stage of development and is largely based on observations food security and nutrition for all. Rome. Italy.
and farm trials. This work needs to be continued and elaborated. McIntosh, R. 2000. Changing paradigms in shrimp farming: 5.
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Acknowledgments Aquaculture Advocate 3(6):52-54.
We devote this paper to the memory of Professor M.C. Milstein, A., Y. Peretz and S. Harpaz. 2009. Culture of organic tilapia
Nandeesha (1.7.1957-27.11.2012). Prof. Nandeesha, our friend, devoted to market size in periphyton based ponds with reduced feed inputs.
his research, teaching and life to help and promote family farmers in Aquaculture Research 40:55-59
India and elsewhere. His enthusiasm inspired us in doing the present Ray, A.J., G. Seaborn, L. Vinatea, C.L. Browdy and J.W. Leffler. 2012.
research and development work. Effects of biofloc reduction on microbial dynamics in minimal-
exchange super intensive shrimp (Litopenueos vannemei) culture
Notes systems. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 43:790-801.
Boriah Suryakumar, Hitide Seafarms, Tamil Nadu, India and Yoram Reddy, K.R., T.C. Feijtel and W.H. Patrick. 1986. Effect of soil redox
Avnimelech, Technion, Israel Inst. Of Technology, Haifa Israel, conditions on microbial oxidation of organic matter. Pages 117-156 In: Y. Chen and Y. Avnimelech, editors. The Role of Organic Matter
in Modern Agriculture, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., Dordrecht, The
References Netherlands.
Assaduzzaman, M, M.M. Rahman, M.E. Azim, M. Ashraful Islam, Scott, S., and R. McNeil. 2011. Aquamats: how to provide habitat,
M.A. Wahab, M.C.J. Verdegem and J.A.J. Verret. 2010. Effects of feed, and biofiltration for hatchery and nursery tanks. Hatchery
C/N ratio and substrate addition on natural food communities in International 2:19-21.
freshwater prawn monoculture ponds. Aquaculture 306:127-136. Taw, N. 2010. Biofloc technology expanding at white shrimp
Avnimelech Y. and G. Ritvo. 2003. Shrimp and fish pond soils: farms. Global Advocate 10:24-26.

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