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TDEE = BMR + NEAT + Exercise + TEF

Muller’s Equation
[13.587 X LBM] + [9.613 X FM] + [198 x Gender] – [3.351 x age] + 674 = BMR

1.2 - Sedentary:
You work a desk job and don’t exercise
1.375 - Light Activity:
You work a desk job but do a bit of regular exercise. Or you don’t exercise but you work at a Job that’s pretty active
(a nurse, teacher, etc.) where you’re on your for feet most of the day.
1.55 - Moderate Activity:
Most of you will probably fall into this category. Maybe you work a sedentary job, but you train like a madman. Or
maybe you train moderately, but you also have a job where you stand on your feet all the time. Someone who
doesn’t train but works a hard labour job would also fall into this category.
1.725 - Very Active:
You train hard most days of the week, and you also work a job where you’re on your feet quite a bit. Overall, you’re
active most of the day.
1.9 - Extra Active:
You train hard and work a job that is physically intense in nature. As an example, you’re a roofer who also goes to
the gym five days a week.

1) Determine fat mass and lean body mass

 Fat mass = total body weight × body fat percentage
 Lean Body Mass = total body weight - fat mass (calculated above)
2) Determine approximately how much body fat will need to be lost
 Body fat percentage loss required = Current body fat percentage - target body fat percentage
3) Determine fat mass loss required
 Fat mass loss required = total body weight × body fat percentage loss required
4) Determine approximate total body weight loss required
 Total body weight loss = fat mass loss required ÷ approx. percentage of weight lost from FM
Choose rate of loss (we recommend 0.4-0.8% per week with a 1% maximum)
5) Determine weight loss per week
 Weight loss per week = Total body weight × rate of loss percentage from Step 5
6) Determine required deficit duration
 Deficit duration = Total body weight loss (Step 3) ÷ Weight loss per week (Step 6)

To summarize our calculations for determining average daily starting calories:

1) Determine rate of weekly loss: preferably 0.4-0.8% body weight per week with a maximum of 1% per week
2) Determine weight loss target (in kilograms) per week by multiplying total body weight by the percentage
determined in Step 1.
3) Determine average daily calorie deficit required by multiplying weekly weight loss target by appropriate
multiplication factor from Table 2.
4) Determine approximate maintenance calories by:
a) Using weight and food tracking by hand
b) Using maintenance calorie calculators listed previously
Determine average daily calories
a) Average daily calories equals maintenance calories subtracted by average daily deficit calories

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