Fareed Ijaz

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Miseducation In Pakistan

The amount invested on education by the government, is very low. This is one of the
major and basic cause of poor standard of education in government schools comparatively
private institutions. The lack of administrative staff and teachers has changed the bad condition
to worse. The solution for this presented by some schools is that a student of high standard can
teach the students of lower standard until the teacher is busy, giving lecture to some other
class. This solution is actually not a correct way out. Moreover, government schools serve more
as a center for criminals at night than education institution, who bring drugs and weapons to
store in some of the classes, which nobody is allowed to touch as such an action can lead to
adverse consequences for that particular person. This has also destroyed the condition and
structure of building .On the other hand, private schools have far more better educational
standards and conditions if put in comparison with government schools. High standard
education, safe and healthy environment, and highly qualified staff are the characteristics that
can only be attributed to private schools. Private schools are a luxury that a poor cannot afford.

Education In Pakistan

This documentary also presents the issue of funding. Teachers being underpaid doesn’t
pay enough attention to the school, or are forced to leave the job. Half of the population is
literate, but those figures also include the persons who could sign a document. This shouldn’t
be the criterion to label someone as educated individual. Signing a document doesn’t mean
that the person fully understands the document, or he could read or write. The poverty rate in
Pakistan is much higher which also constitutes to high illiteracy rate. Families are forced to send
their children to the work instead of the school. These families do not earn enough to have the
basic necessities of life. All the members of the families, including children, work to make both
ends meet. Madrasas are also another medium of getting education. For basic education,
families send their children to Madrasas. Where they are taught by the mullahs who couldn’t
balance their worldly and religious life. These places prepare the students to serve the purpose
of the Talibans.
Sach Ka Safar

The video highlights the very fact that reason for the low standard of living of a
particular community is directly related to the low quality education offered by government
school. The interference of influential people or organizations such as land mafia and NGOs is
also a reason for such an irresponsible behavior of teachers. These people have illegally
captured the school places and have made political camps. The building of schools have
consequently became derelict. A strict action must be taken against such people. The standard
of education in government schools is very low as a student of seventh grade was unable to
write a simple basic English sentence. This provokes the student to start walking on the wrong
path to achieve their dreams of better life.

Pakistan The Lost Generation

In order to flourish Pakistan as a peaceful country, the rate of literacy should be high. In
this regard the education of children, who study in government school, is of major concern who
wants to promote this idea of peace. Many schools are open air with no rooms or shelter,
where six classrooms share a single blackboard. Many other buildings of government schools
have been abandoned as teachers only showed up to get their fee. The poor sector are of the
view that the difference between public and private sector has been created so that elite can
continue to hold on to power. Such worse conditions are the reason for the high number of
school dropouts. The interview of the two students in the documentary was to show that how
eager the students are to study. But the financial issues have forced the boy to drop the school,
while Fatima is not studying in good conditons. On the other hand the condition of Madrasas is
far more better which provides religious education to students as well as meal. The content of
text books is also in question. Many political parties are promoting secularism and has stressed
to add such content in curriculum of public sector. The content that is the part of curriculum is
also promoting extremism and hatred among students about the other countries. The educated
individual should be hired for the government sector that is responsible for curriculum design.
The political parties that are responsible for shaping the views of individual, are instilling
negative emotions. Such parties should be condemned.

There are not only bad things going on in educational sector in Pakistan. Some people
like Moshraff Zaidi are working for the betterment of the education. The main objective of this
documentary was to highlight the issues of getting education in Pakistan, and what steps
should be taken to improve the system.

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