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(Rs) (Rs)
Registration Fee 300 1200 1500
Admission Fee
5000 15000 20000
(For New Admission only)
Caution Money (Refundable) 3000 5000 6000
Ceremonial Fee 500 1000 1000
Exam Fee 1000 1500 1500
Magazine Fee ((Almanac, Class Photo, I/Card and Magazine etc) 400 400 400
Development Fee - 2000 3000
Digital Classes 700 700 700
Computer Fee (III to X) 600 600 600
Computer Fee XI & XII (Computer/IP students only) 1200 1200 1200
LKG & Prep 1370 2930 3590
I-V 1720 3770 4400
VI - VIII 1980 4300 5020
IX - XII 2160 4760 5600

1. An Amount of Rs.1200/- will be charged as Computer Fee for Classes XI & XII students who
will opt Computer/IP as a Subject
The Parents are advised to carefully go through the following instructions:
(1) The fees will be paid six times in a session due to bi-monthly block system.
(2) All fees are payable in advance by online (SBI Collect) / POS (Swipe machine) / SBI
cheque on bimonthly basis from 1 st to 15th of the month (i. e. April, June, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Dec and Feb of the session). No letter of reminder will be issued by the school in this
respect unless there is some specific reason or change in the schedule.
(3) If the desirous parents deposit full tuition fees for the complete academic years (12 months)
in the beginning of the session (April & May Block), or at the time of fresh admission, then
1% discount will be given.
(4) For any bimonthly block, if fee of any student is not paid fully, a fine of Rs.10/- will be
charged up to the end of that month. In case the payment is done in the second month of the
bi-monthly period, an extra fine of Rs.10/- per day will be charged in addition to late fine
of Rs.10/-. The grace is only available till the end of the bi-monthly period and failure in it
will require late fee of Rs.1000/- charged in addition of fee.
(5) In case of doubt regarding the payment of dues parents/guardians are advised to make the
payment first and ask for refund later.
(6) SBI Cheques should be paid in favour of Principal, DPS, Vindhyanagar. All entries made
in the cheque should be legible and free from overwriting or deletions and should be duly
signed and carefully filled.
(7) Any payment returned by the bank for non-payment will be treated under the category of
(8) The date of presentation of the cheques will be treated as the date of payment, provided the
cheque is not dishonoured.
(9) Parents may kindly keep the booklet in safe custody and produce these to the school in
proof of their payment or else they may quote the receipt no./ref. no. and date in the
almanac of the student for ready reference.
(10) Duplicate fee booklet can be issued on payment of Rs.100/- only after obtaining a
certificate from the parents about the loss of previous one.
(11) Fee structure is subject to change by the management at any time


Month Date
April & May 2019 01/04/2019 to 15/04/2019
June & July 2019 01/6/2019 to 15/6/2019
August & September 2019 01/8/2019 to 15/8/2019
October & November 2019 01/10/2019 to 15/10/2019
December & January 2020 01/12/2019 to 15/12/2019
February & March 2020 01/2/2020 to 15/2/2020

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