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Interview Prep:

Below is some important information about the interview to help you prepare:

 The interview will take about 40 minutes, with a panel of two interviewers (generally).
 There will be a brief discussion about your proposed programmes of study (if you
listed two options in your application form).
o University of Auckland, Master of Energy (Taught 120/180pts) – gain inputs
from Geothermal Institute’s top researchers
o University of Canterbury, Master of Engineering Studies major in Renewable
energy – involved in sustainable energy projects in south east asia
 There will be six interview questions, with four to six minutes allowed per question.
 We will ask how relevant your study programme is to the development of your
country, and we will ask about your commitment to your country.
o DOE’s PEP +30% RE mix by 2030 – looking for a lot of researchers on this
o Long term plan?
 We will assess your communication skills. Please prepare a three-minute response
to the question: ‘What do you know about life in New Zealand?’
o This should be a prepared answer. Please do some research about life in
New Zealand. We also suggest you practise your answer in advance and
keep your answer under three minutes. This is NOT a presentation – you do
not need to bring any prepared material. You will then be asked some
questions about your answer to test your communication and listening skills.
 We will ask you two ‘situation-based questions’. You cannot really prepare for these
in advance. We will give you with a hypothetical (made up) situation of something
that may happen to you, and ask you how you would respond.
o Safety
o Bully
o Temperature
o Sick
o Home sick
 We will ask you a ‘competency-based question’ about resilience. It is a good idea to
come to the interview with some past examples of when you have shown resilience.
A good way to describe your example is to use the C-A-R method – Context, Action,
Result. If you have not heard about it you may wish to find out some general
information about this on the internet.
o resilience

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