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Car Insurance in the Philippines: A Guide for New Owners |

Owning a car entails many responsibilities. Before you can even drive it, you need to accomplish
basic requirements such as vehicle registration and car insurance coverage. While registering your
car is a more straightforward task, getting a car insurance in the Philippines can get more complex.

It requires you to do some research on car insurance, determine the coverage your vehicle needs,
and choose an insurance company that offers the best deals. But don’t let the process discourage
your from insuring your car. Learn everything about car insurance in the Philippines through this
beginner-friendly guide.

CTPL Insurance vs. Comprehensive Car Insurance

Let’s start with the basics. There are two types of car insurance: Compulsory Third Party Liability
(CTPL) and Comprehensive Car Insurance (Compre). It’s important to establish right off the bat that
both types are equally essential. While it’s true that you only need to buy one, we highly
recommend you to get both insurance policies to better protect you and your car. Let’s break down
the difference between the two.

What is Compulsory Third Party Liability (CTPL)?

Compulsory Third Party Liability insurance is the most basic and least expensive car insurance in
the Philippines. It is a government-mandated insurance policy that covers both private and public
vehicles. Every vehicle owner in the country is required to buy this policy. You need to secure a
CTPL insurance first before registering your vehicle with the Land Transportation Office (LTO).

How Much Does a CTPL Insurance Cost?

CTPL insurance rates differ by length of coverage and type of vehicle. Below are the annual rates
mandated by the Department of Finance’s Insurance Commission.

Private Vehicles: PHP 650.40

Light and Medium Trucks (not exceeding 3,930 kg.): PHP 700.40
Heavy Trucks (more than 3,930 k.g.): PHP 1,290.40
Motorcycles: PHP 340.40

Read More: How Much Does Car Insurance Cost in the Philippines?

What Does a CTPL Insurance Cover?

In a nutshell, a CTPL Insurance protects the interest of the “third party,” hence the name. In the
event of an accident involving your vehicle, this policy covers the financial responsibilities associated
with property damage, bodily injury, permanent disablement, and/or death of the victim/s. It also
provides immediate financial assistance to the victim and his/her family of up to Php 100,000.

How Do I Get a CTPL Insurance?

Getting a CTPL insurance is easy and inexpensive, thanks to the Insurance Commission of the
Department of Finance. They oversee and mandate CTPL insurance rates to ensure customers pay
the same price across all insurance companies. To get you started, prepare the following

Original vehicle receipt

Certificate of Registration of your vehicle
Your driver’s license
Another valid government ID
Photocopies of each document

Step 1: Choose a non-life insurance provider and buy your policy from them.
Step 2: Upon purchase, you will receive a policy with conditions together with a Confirmation of
Cover or COC. Don’t forget to make copies of every document you will receive.
Step 3: Bring these documents to the LTO upon registration to prove that your vehicle has a third
party insurance coverage.

Read More: CTPL Insurance in the Philippines: Understanding the Basics

What is a Comprehensive Car Insurance?

True to its name, a comprehensive car insurance or “compre” is a more comprehensive type of
policy compared to CTPL. It’s not mandatory, but it is highly recommended to buy one, especially if
you use your vehicle everyday.

While a CTPL insurance protects the general public, a comprehensive car insurance protects you,
your car, as well as your passengers from an extended list of road-related risks and hazards.

Why Do I Need a Comprehensive Car Insurance?

You might think that a CTPL insurance is enough because you’re a good driver. Even if you think
you’re the most careful driver in the country, you will most likely encounter someone who’s not.
And when an accident happens, a CTPL insurance can only cover you so far.

Meanwhile, a comprehensive car insurance provides financial protection to you and your car by
covering car repairs and insuring you against damage, liabilities caused by collision, car theft,
floods, and landslides, among many road mishaps.

In essence, buying a comprehensive car insurance in the Philippines gives you a sense of security
that no matter what happens on the road, your investment will not go to waste. Without a
comprehensive car insurance, you’re basically just gambling with fate.

In the event of an accident, you will shoulder all damages associated to your vehicle. You will pay
for repairs, replacements, medical bills, legal services, and other fees that you’ll end up spending
way more than what you would’ve saved from not buying a comprehensive policy.
How Much Does a Comprehensive Car Insurance Cost?
Unlike CTPL insurance, there are no fixed rates when it comes to comprehensive car insurance in
the Philippines. Every comprehensive policy coverage differs by price as they depend on the current
state of your vehicle. Factors that may affect your policy rate are:

Model – the fancier the vehicle, the more expensive the policy
Make – luxury and foreign makes are more expensive to insure
Year – older cars are cheaper to insure
Usage – how worn out is the car?
Accessories – the number of accessories can also increase the rate
Safety Features – the safer the car is, the cheaper it is to insure
Fair Market Value – how expensive is your car?
Depreciation – how new/old is your car?

Fair market value refers to the estimated price of your car according to its model and series. It is a
fairly accurate estimation of how much the insurance company will cover in case of vehicle damage
or loss. Insurers also consider your car’s depreciation when determining the price of your

In theory, you’ll get a cheaper insurance policy if you’re insuring an older car. Most insurers apply a
straight-line 10% annual depreciation to the value of cars. And of course, the overall price may vary
on the types of car insurance coverage included.

What Does a Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover?

Own Damage/Theft. This is the most common coverage across car insurance companies in
the Philippines. It covers car damage, car loss, and damage/loss of declared accessories
and spare parts due to cases like car robbery, vandalism, and fire or external explosion.
Property Damage or Voluntary Third Party Liability (VTPL). VTPL mainly covers
damages caused by your vehicle to third party properties. For example, if you get into an
accident and damage someone else’s car, your insurance company will cover all property
damages associated to that incident.
Personal Accident or Auto PA. This usually comes as a free add-on upon purchase of a
comprehensive car insurance. Auto PA provides financial aid to you and your passengers in
the event of injury, disablement, or death caused by a vehicular accident.
Acts of Nature. Also known as Acts of God, this became extremely relevant after typhoon
Ondoy flooded Metro Manila and destroyed thousands of cars. Many insurance companies
offer this coverage due to the extreme weather conditions in the country. Acts of Nature
covers vehicles from natural disasters such as earthquake and flood, and even animal

Read More: 7 Types of Claims You Can File in the Philippines

What Else Can a Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover?

A basic comprehensive car insurance caters to the common needs of vehicle owners. However,
there are instances where you can add a little more coverage for your car. Here are some add-ons
you may want to consider.

Legal Assistance. If you are involved in a legal case caused by a vehicular accident, this
coverage can aid you financially by paying for hearings and legal consultations. Legal
assistance allows you to settle legal issues in a more cost-effective way.
Roadside Assistance. Consider adding this coverage to your policy if you wish to receive
immediate assistance when your car breaks down on the road. Roadside assistance covers
various vehicle services including towing services, roadside repairs, and fuel deliveries.
Loss of Use. If you can’t use your car due to damage, this will reimburse any transportation
expenses incurred during your vehicle’s repair period. Some insurance companies also offer
temporary transport services in events like this.
Riots, Strikes, and Civil Commotion. This coverage covers damages from kicking,
scratches, broken mirrors, shattered windows and windshield, and other forms of vehicle
damage caused by riots.

Read More: 8 Car Insurance Add-ons Every Car Owner Needs to Consider

How Do I Apply for a Comprehensive Car Insurance?

Since you already have a CTPL insurance, you already know the process. Just remember that you
are allowed to purchase a comprehensive car insurance from a company other than your CTPL
provider. Take the time to compare the rates from different providers to find the best deal possible.
Once you’ve picked out your provider, prepare the following documents.

Original vehicle receipt

Certificate of Registration of your vehicle
Your driver’s license
Another valid government ID
Photocopies of each document

It’s basically the same process when applying for a CTPL insurance. Submit the documents to your
chosen insurer, pay the premiums, and wait for your insurance policy. You will receive a digital copy
through email as well as a hard copy which will arrive at the address you provided. Always keep in
touch with your provider for further questions regarding your insurance.

Things to Remember When Buying Comprehensive Car Insurance

Know your policy schedule. Take note of the term and expiry date of your policy to avoid
additional costs from your insurance company.
Don’t skip the fine print. Before signing, read the documents provided to you. It’s
important to know about the inclusions and exclusions as well as the clauses and terms that
will help you during claims and renewal.
Consider your budget. When looking for a comprehensive car insurance, think about your
vehicle, your lifestyle, and your budget. While more coverage means more security, it also
means more expenses. Be smart and only get the policy you need.
Compare providers. Don’t settle with a single insurance company when other companies
can provide you a better and cheaper deal. Read more about the top car insurance
companies in the Philippines and let Moneymax help you compare.

Basic Car Insurance Terms You Need to Know

At Fault – refers to the person/s who were at fault or responsible for the accident
Claim – refers to the request for your insurance company to cover or reimburse you from
any expenses due to damages or loss
Deductible – refers to the amount you need to pay first before the insurance company can
cover the rest of your expenses
Depreciation – refers to the gradual decrease in value of your car due to everyday use
Fair Market Value – refers to the estimated price of your car according to its model and
Policy Schedule – refers to the full details of your insurance policy (price, coverage, validity,
Premium – refers to the payment for your car insurance
Primary Driver – refers to the person/s who are covered to drive the vehicle under the
existing insurance policy
Surcharge – refers to the increase in your premium after a very expensive claim
Third Party – refers to any person outside and inside the car involved in an accident. Note
that anyone related to you won’t be considered a third party.

Find the Best Car Insurance in the Philippines with Moneymax

Simply put, if you love your car and you want to keep it that way, you definitely need to get your own
comprehensive car insurance. It’s the protection you, your passengers, and your vehicle needs. But
if the entire process of getting a car insurance in the Philippines still confuses you, we’re here to

Moneymax can take you through the entire process of getting a car insurance. From choosing the
right insurance to filing your insurance claim, Moneymax will assist you in every step of the way. And
the best part? Our services are free! Get started by getting a free quote below.
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