C2 Speaking Pratcice

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02 Photocopiable activity

2a Three in a row

come crack cut die hand step wipe

1 A preservation order in the town means that it is illegal to down any tree over 20 years old.
2 When the supermarket chain announced they intended to build a new shop on protected land, they naturally
up against a lot of local opposition.
3 Environmental organisations are urging governments to down on poachers.
4 The wild population of koalas is in danger of out completely.
5 We’ve been focusing too much on details. We need to back and look at the bigger picture.
6 Before we set out into the jungle, our guide out bottles of water and bags of nuts.
7 The stress was getting to me, and I felt like I was beginning to up.
8 Recently, scientists have been perplexed by a mysterious disease which is out the honey bee population in
North America.
9 When fire fighters went on strike, the army in to provide fire-fighting duties.
10 I’m really struggling with my homework, and seriously doubt I’ll be able to it in on time.
11 This watch was down to me by my father, who was given it by my grandfather.
12 Could you up that mess on the floor before someone slips in it?
13 The fans went wild when their team won, and it took a long time for the excitement to down.
14 A new environmental magazine is out next week.
15 I stayed at home on Saturday night and on with my dissertation.
16 There’s something wrong with my mobile. Whenever I’m talking to someone, we keep getting off.
17 After losing the company over £100,000, he was forced to down from his position as chief buyer.
18 Overnight, almost £7 billion was off share prices worldwide.
19 The best way to lose weight is to _____ out dairy products, and especially cheese, from your diet.
20 Helena into a lot of money when her father died, and used it to start her own business.
21 The plant has back above ground, but I think its roots are still alive.

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02 Photocopiable activity
2b Passive pairs

1 Many believe that global A … then we release them back It is believed that climate patterns are
warming … into the wild. gradually being changed by global

2 They made us walk in single B … so she assumed someone had

file … stolen it.

3 Visitors must deposit their bags C … and we must do everything

at the museum entrance … possible to protect them.

4 People think that bees are one D  … and we allow visitors in until
of the world’s most important 4.30.
pollinators …

5 They now know that last week’s E … is gradually changing climate

earthquake … patterns.

6 My cat is very friendly and loves F … doesn’t cause global warming.

it when we stroke him, …

7 She couldn’t find her mobile G … and told us that we mustn’t

phone anywhere … leave the path.

8 Some scientists claim that H … destroyed over 5,000 homes.
pollution …

9 We open the zoo gates at 9.00 … I … especially when we give him

something to eat at the same

10 We catch and study the birds … J … and we don’t allow them to
touch the exhibits.

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02 Photocopiable activity
2c Peer to peer

Team A instructions
You are going to give Team B the question on your other card, and you are going to decide how well they answer the
question. You will do this as follows:
➤ Decide which student in Team B will answer the question, and which student will give his/her opinion
afterwards. Give your question card to Team B.
➤ Allow the student who is answering the question up to 10 seconds to decide what he/she is going to say.
➤ Let him/her speak for about 2 minutes, then ask him/her to stop.
➤ Ask the other student What do you think is the greatest danger that animals face from human activity?
Award marks for Team B’s answer as follows:
1 The first student answered the question well or satisfactorily, including the three points which followed it: 2 points
2 The first student used a good range of vocabulary and structures: 2 points
3  The first student structured his/her answer well, using a range of linking expressions, expressions giving personal
opinions, etc.: 2 points
4 The first student in Team B didn’t repeat himself/herself unnecessarily: 2 points
5 The first student didn’t move away from the topic: 2 points
6 The second student gave a good answer to the ‘follow-on’ question: 5 points

Team A
Question for Team B (give them this card)
Task 1
What negative effects are humans having on the animal world?
➤ pollution
➤ illegal hunting and fishing
➤ habitat destruction

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Photocopiable activity

Team B instructions
You are going to give Team A the question on your other card, and you are going to decide how well they answer the
question. You will do this as follows:
➤ Decide which student in Team A will answer the question, and which student will give his/her opinion afterwards.
Give your question card to Team A.
➤ Allow the student who is answering the question up to 10 seconds to decide what he/she is going to say.
➤ Let him/her speak for about 2 minutes, then ask him/her to stop.
➤ Ask the other student What benefits does making urban areas more environmentally-friendly have for people and
Award marks for Team A’s answer as follows:
1 The first student answered the question well or satisfactorily, including the three points which followed it: 2 points
2 The first student used a good range of vocabulary and structures: 2 points
3  The first student structured his/her answer well, using a range of linking expressions, expressions giving personal
opinions, etc.: 2 points
4 The first student in Team A didn’t repeat himself/herself unnecessarily: 2 points
5 The first student didn’t move away from the topic: 2 points
6 The second student gave a good answer to the ‘follow-on’ question: 5 points

Team B
Question for Team A (give them this card)
Task 2
How can we make cities and other urban areas more environmentally-friendly?
➤ creation of green, open spaces
➤ effective public transport strategy
➤ ‘greener’ buildings (e.g. solar power)

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