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Marking Scheme

1. It was a secret society formed by Guiseppe Mazzini for the unification of Italy.
Green Berets by John Wayne's Apocalypse Now by John Ford Coppola's.

2. Bengal Gazette. It was brought by Ganadhar Bhattacharya.


3. Laterite Soil.

4. Belgium.

5. Informal sources like money lenders, relatives, traders etc.

6. Liberalisation, privatisation, globalisation.


a. The basic objective of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 was to undo most of the
changes that had come about in Europe.
b. The Bourbon Dynasty was restored to power and France lost the territories it
had annexed under Napolean.
c. Prussia was given important new territories on its western frontiers.
d. Any other.
a. Only the Vietnamese elites were enrolled in schools.
b. Only a few among those were allowed to pass the school leaving
c. Were new textbooks glorified French culture and justified colonial
d. In textbooks, the Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward.

a. Pocket size books that were sold by travelling pedlars called Chapman.
b. These became popular from the time of the 16th centaury print revolution.
c. It includes many kinds of printed material such as pamphlets, political and
religious tracts, nursery rhymes poetry etc.
a. Charles Dickens has written about the Industrial age.
b. Industrialisation gave birth to modern cities. He wrote about the terrible effects
of industrialisation.
c. Human beings as simple means of production.
a. Rain water harvesting is the need of the hour as demand for water is
increasing day-by-day.
b. It is cheap source of water supply.
c. It helps in recharging ground water.

a. The crops which are grown between Rabi and the Kharif crops are
known as Zaid crops.
b. These crops are of short duration.
c. Water melon, cucumber, vegetables are important examples.
a. Establishing local govts. has helped to deepen the democracy in our
b. It has also increased women's representation in or democracy.
c. Local people have better ideas and knowledge about the local problems.

a. Most of the countries of the world are heterogeous or multi- cultural.
b. India is a vast country with many religions, communities living together.
c. Even those countries which were homogeneous once are undergoing
change with migration of people from other parts of the world.

a. Democracy ensures that decision making will be based on norms and
b. So, a citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through correct
procedures can find this out.
c. In India, citizens have been empowered by Right To Information Act.

a. As per World Bank Report 2016 any country with per-capita income
of US $12476 per annum and above is termed as developed country.
b. Such countries have high literacy rate.
c. Most of the people are engaged in service sector.

a. Credit is a working capital which is required for production. Credit helps the
farmers to meet the expenses of production.
b. The failure of crop may push the borrower into a situation from which
recovery is very painful.
c. Whether the credit will be useful or not depends on the risks in the situation
and whether there is some support in case of loss.

a. Removal of trade barriers has helped the local companies to expand
their market.
b. Removal of Trade barriers has developed the spirit of competition among the
local companies.
c. With the removal of Trade Barriers the local companies are free to import
modern technology.

a. Consumers must know their rights and duties while purchasing goods and
b. They should look at the quality of products and date of manufacturing and
expiry etc.
c. They should ask for cash memo and warranty card for the items purchased.
d. Consumers must be aware.

a. Failure of Simon Commission.
b. Lord Irwin announced in 1929 a vague offer of dominion status.
c. In 1929 (Dec) Congress demanded 'Poorna Swaraj' for India. It was declared to
celebrate 26 Jan, 1930 as 'Independence Day' every year.
d. Lord Irwin rejected Gandhi Ji's 11 demands.
e. The Great Depression of 1929 also had a deep impact on Indian economy.
So, Gandhi Ji decided to launch Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930.

a. Railways Steam Shipping or telegraph were important inventions to
transformation of 19th centuary.
b. Faster railways, lighter wagons, larger ships helped move food more
c. Invention of refrigerated ships made it possible to transport meat from one
region to another leading to reduction of prices.
d. The poor in Europe could consumed a more varied diet.
e. Technology linked the world markets.
a. With British Mills busy with war production to meet the needs of the army,
Manchester imports into India declined.
b. With the decline of imports suddenly, Indian Mills has a vast home market to
c. Indian factories were called upon to supply war needs i.e. jute bags, amrmy
uniforms, tents, leather boots etc.
d. Downfall of British industry and boon for home industry.
e. New factories were set up, industrial production boomed.
a. It was a Base of East India Company.

b. Bombay became the capital of the Bombay Presidency in 1819 and expanded
c. The development of railways in 1853 encouraged a lot of migration into the
d. Many outsiders came to Bombay to work in films. By 1925, Bombay had
become India's film capital.
e. Establishment of industries-textiles also played a big role.

a. The Chotta Nagpur Plateau Region provide raw material-iron ore, coking,
coal, manganese for the industry.
b. Cheap labour.
c. Damodar Valley Corporation provides power.
d. Kolkata port provides export and import facility.
e. Road network is there.

a. Road network is inadequate in India.
b. Condition of roads is very poor.
c. Highy congested in cities.
d. Most of the highways lack facilities like telephone booth, health services,
police stations etc.
e. Most of the rural areas have kutcha roads.

23. Overlapping differences

a. Under this a social difference overlaps another difference.

b. Under this people start feeling that they belong to different communities.
c. Example-Difference between blacks and the whites in USA is overlapping
difference because black tends to be poor, homeless and discriminated.

Cross - Cutting

a. Under this, a social difference cross cuts another difference.

b. Under this, the group can share a common interest on one issue but are likely
to be in different sides on different issues.
c. Example-In Netherlands, Catholics and Protestants are Christians but
Protestants are rich and Catholics are poor.

a. Lack of internal democracy.
b. Dynastic succession.
c. Money and muscle power.
d. Lack of meaningful choice to the voters.
e. Negative politics
25. a). Primary sector
b) 370
c).1. Organised sector recognised by government
2 in organised sector job is secured
d). tertiary sector

26. a) champaran
b) Amritsar

27. 1).tuticorin in tamilnadu

2) marmagao port in Goa

FOR BLIND STUDENTS ONLY ( केवल अंध हीन ववद्याररर्थियो के ललए )

26. 1. Narrow gauge is being changed into Broad gauge

2. fast trains have been started shatabadi express, Rajdhani express
3. project bullet train
4. Wi-Fi facility on railway
5. online reservation for To & fro journey

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