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In the words of famed supernatural fiction author Stephen King, “Books are a uniquely
portable magic.”

So, come and enter the world of imagination. Welcome to our celebration of the 2019
National Reading Month!

1) Philippine National Anthem

2) Prayer

As we commence today’s culmination program, let us all stand with conviction in singing
the Philippine National Anthem.

After which, please remain on your feet and hold on to your faith as we all listen to a song
of praise and worship.

3) DepEd Hymn
4) Himno San Roque

To lead the singing of the DepEd Hymn and Himno San Roque, here are some students of
Balnasan National High School.

5) Opening Message

Formally opening our culmination program is the current president of BNHS Readers’ Club,
Joyce Malessa Gumatay. Let us give her a round of applause.


Thank you Joyce.

6) Song Number

Before we get all excited with the highlights of this morning’s program, let us first keep
calm and just listen to one angelic voice. Here’s one of the multitalented officers of the
Readers Club, Jessabel Caldo.


Thank you, Jessabel.

7) Introduction to the Guest Speaker

For this event, in particular, we have invited a guest speaker who has a deep passion for
And, to help us get to know her better, let us welcome this year’s Readers Club Vice
President, Maridel Tuliao.

8) Message of Guest Speaker


Thank you very much, Ma’am Ronnith. Now, let us pay your kindness in the simplest way
we can.

We request the Adviser of the Readers’ Club, sir Mel; the President of Readers’ Club, Joyce
Malessa Gumatay; our beloved School Head, Mrs Glenda P. Muncada; and (ANY OTHER
GUST) to stand front and center as we present a Certificate of Appreciation to our guest

(Read content of certificate.)

9) Dance Number

Another highlight of this program is coming up next. But, first, here’s another musical
number, this time, an upbeat one, to be brought to us by another multitalented Readers
Club officer, Angelica Fernando.

10) Storytelling by the Mystery Reader

Another special guest we have invited for your ears’ delight is someone we call our
“Mystery Reader”.

Today, he has brought a book with him, and he will tell us one of the best stories we’ll ever

Fellow students, let us welcome our Mystery Reader, Mr. Marlon Siervo.


Thank you so much, Sir Marlon.

Once again, we request Sir Mel, Joyce Malessa Gumatay; Ma’am Glenda, ma’am Ronnith
and (ANY OTHER GUST) to help us present a Certificate of Appreciation to Mystery

(Read content of certificate.)

11) Presentation of Contestants for #ParadaFantasya

Another exciting part of this program is the Parada Fantasya. And, as previously announced,
one student from each grade level will be chosen as winner for being best in costume,
that is, for creativity, uniqueness and for embodying the character in the best way

But who will choose our winners? Well, we have here our guest speaker, Ma’am Ronnith;
our Mystery Reader, Sir Marlon; our beloved School Head, Ma’am Glenda, and our teachers

Everytime each character comes out, our judges will put up their score cards, which will
then be recorded by __________________.

Now, isn’t it a feast to the eyes seeing everyone in various costumes?

Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s meet the characters, starting with the Grade 7 students
featuring Philippine Mythology.


Next we have the Grade 8 students in their Asian Literature-inspired costumes.


We also have the Grade 9 students dressed as characters from some popular Anglo-
American classics.


This time, let’s give the floor to the gods and goddesses of Grade 10 from the
Greek/Roman/Norse mythology.


How about the Grade 11 cartoon and fairy tale characters? Who could they be?


Finally, here are the Grade 12 students straight from the pages of your favourite classic and
modern novels.


There you have it, the contestants for Parada Fantasya. And as you saw our judges, they
have already given their respective scores for each contestant.
12) Awarding of Prizes

Before awarding our winners for Parada Fantasya, though, let us first give awards for the
winners of the other contests.

As part of our celebration of the National Reading Month this year, a Reading camp was
conducted yesterday wherein various contests that involved reading were participated
by the students, both individually and by group.

These contests include storytelling both in English and in Filipino and a spoken word poetry
contest in our vernacular. And the winners are:

 Listen… (Storytelling – English)

 Makinig Kayo… (Storytelling – Filipino)
 Pamatii Ako… (Spoken Word Poetry)

We also have an online contest called #BookFace in which the winners are determined by
the number of reactions and shares in their Facebook profile photo.

 #BookFace

Earlier this morning, our guests and some teachers took the job of choosing the best
bookmark from each Grade level for our Bookmark-making contest. They were made to
randomly pick a number which corresponds to the grade level they’ll be judging.

 For Grade 7, our judge is __________, and his pick for best bookmark is _________.
 Grade 8
 Grade 9
 Grade 10
 Grade 11
 Grade 12

And now, the winners of Parada Fantasya…

 Grade 7
 Grade 8
 Grade 9
 Grade 10
 Grade 11
 Grade 12

Congratulations, winners!

13) Closing Message

Formally closing this morning’s program is none other than our ever active, supportive and
motherly School Head, Mrs. Glenda P. Muncada. Let’s give her a warm welcome!

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