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Chapter 1


My project title is Hotel Management System.I have tried my best to make the
complicated process of Hotel Management System as simple as possible using
Structured & Modular technique & Menu oriented interface. I have tried to design
the Project in such a way that user may not have any difficulty in using this
package & further expansion is possible without much effort. Even though I cannot
claim that this work to be entirely exhaustive, the main purpose of my exercise is
perform each Employee’s activity in computerized way rather than manually which
is time consuming.

The main aim of the entire activity is to automate the process of day to day
activities of Hotel like Room activities, Admission of a New Customer, Assign a
room according to customer’s demand, checkout of a computer and releasing the
room and finally compute the bill etc.

“HOTEL Management System” has been designed to computerized the following

functions that are performed by the system:

 Room Detail Functions

 Opening a New Room
 Check-in and check-out Detail Functions
 Admission of New customer
 Room assigning related to customer’s need.
 Check-in customer
 Check-out customer

 Room Details

During the past several decades personnel function has been transformed
from a relatively obscure record keeping staff to central and top level management
function. There are many factors that have influenced this transformation like
technological advances, professionalism, and general recognition of human beings
as most important resources.

 A computer based management system is designed to handle all the

primary information required to calculate monthly statements.
 Separate database ismaintained to handle all the details required for the
correct statement calculation and generation.
 This project intends to introduce more user friendliness in the various
activities such as record updation, maintenance, and searching.
 Similarly, record maintenance and updation can also be accomplished by
using the identification of the customer with all the details being
automatically generated. These details are also being promptly automatically
updated in the master file thus keeping the record absolutely up-to-date.
 The entire information has maintained in the database or Files and whoever
wants to retrieve can’t retrieve, only authorization user can retrieve the
necessary information which can be easily be accessible from the file.


The following steps that give the detailed information of the need of proposed
system are:

Performance: During past several decades, the records are supposed to be

manually handled for all activities. The manual handling of the record is time
consuming and highly prone to error.
To improve the performance of the Hotel Management System, the computerized
system is to be undertaken. This project is fully computerized and user friendly
even that any of the members can see the report and status of the company.

Efficiency: The basic need of this website is efficiency. The website should be
efficient so that whenever a new user submits his/her details the website is
updated automatically. This record will be useful for other users instantly.

Control: The complete control of the project is under the hands of authorized
person who has the password to access this project and illegal access is not
supposed to deal with. All the control is under the administrator and the other
members have the rights to just see the records not to change any transaction or

Security: Security is the main criteria for the proposed system. Since illegal
access may corrupt the database. So security has to be given in this project.

Chapter 2

System Requirements and Specification

SRS gives the explanation of software to be developed .It is a set of
functional & non functional requirements that the software provide.

2.1 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements are related to the system behavior only for the
certain inputs that should satisfy. They are linked to the expectations from the
intended software they are also called as product features.

 Initially users have to fill the registration form and get registered.
 Registered users can login by entering valid name and password.

 The available services are displayed and user can sNOect required

 Booked details can be viewed by the user.

 Efficient service should be provided to the user without any


2.2 Non Functional Requirements

 Non functional requirements which are not transported by the system
but they are of the quality of the system.
 Authentication : Application must provide security .Only authenticated
users can login and get the services.

 Performance : Should provide better performance by minimizing

communication time.

 Scalibility : Application should work without any interruption by adding

more and more number of files.

 Availability : application should be available any time and when required.


This requirement specifies the expectation of the users in which the software
must be able to do. Simple languages should be used because users may not
be software field.

Application must be well designed so that the user can easy go through with
all the available services.

 Consistent user interface must be provided.

 Without inconvenience and interruption, application should work.

2.4 System Requirements

It is the resultant of the user requirements. It deals with characterizing
software asset prerequisites and essentials that should be established on a
PC to prevent ideal operation of a function.

2.4.1 Hardware Requirements

Minimum hardware requirements for development

Processor : Pentium IV 2.4GHz.

Hard Disk : 40GB.

Monitor : 15 VGA colour.

Mouse : two or three mouse buttons.

Keyboard : standard windows keyboard.

Ram : 512 Mb.

Speed : 1.1 GHz.

2.4.2 Software Requirements

It’s a description about the software system to be developed.

Operating System : Windows XP/7.

Frontend : HTML ,CSS.

Backend : PHP, SQL.

Tool : Sublime and Xampp.

Chapter 3


3.1 Frontend
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for
creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
and JavaScript, it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide

Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage
and render the documents into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the
structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the
appearance of the document.

HTML can embed programs written in a scripting language such as JavaScript,
which affects the behavior and content of web pages. Inclusion of CSS defines the
look and layout of content. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), maintainer of
both the HTML and the CSS standards, has encouraged the use of CSS over explicit
presentational HTML since 1997.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing
the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a
cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript

CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content,

including layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve
content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of
presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to share formatting by
specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and
repetition in the structural content.

The name cascading comes from the specified priority scheme to determine which
style rule applies if more than one rule matches a particular element. This
cascading priority scheme is predictable.

3.2 Backend

A Basic introduction to PHP and MySQL

PHP is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that was originally

designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose,
PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document and interpreted by a web
server with a PHP processor module, which generates the web page document.

PHP is one of the most popular server side scripting languages running today. It is
used for creating dynamic webpages that interact with the user offering
customized information. PHP offers many advantages; it is fast, stable, secure,
easy to use and open source (free).

PHP code is inserted directly into the HTML that makes up a website. When a
visitor comes to the website, the code is executed. Because PHP is a server side
technology, the user does not need any special browser or plug-ins to see the PHP
in action.

The beauty of PHP lies in its simplicity. It is easy to understand and learn,
especially for those with backgrounds in programming such as C, javascript and
HTML. The language is similar to C and Perl so that anyone with a background in
either C or Perl programming will feel comfortable using and understanding PHP.
PHP also runs on just about every platform including most UNIX, Macs and
Windows versions.

Another key advantage of PHP is its connective abilities. PHP uses a modular
system of extensions to interface with a variety of libraries such as graphics, XML,
encryption, etc. In addition, programmers can extend PHP by writing their own
extensions and compiling them into the executable or they can create their own
executable and load it using PHP's dynamic loading mechanism.

A huge advantage that PHP offers is its community. Since PHP is an open source
project, the PHP community is willing to share. If you're looking for a particular
script, chances are another user has already created something similar. Check
within the PHP community for availability. Likewise, if you have created a function
that others might enjoy, be sure to post the code for others.

3.4 Relational Databases

A relational database is one whose components (tables, forms, queries etc) are related
(linked). The linkages between database components are created by making relationship links
between them. The relationship can be between:

 One component and another (one-to-one relationship),

 One component related to several other components (one-to-many)

 Several database components (many-to-many).

Creation of relationships between database components reduces data redundancy and

enhances ease of access of the information.

Module Description
The system is designed in such a way that only authorized people
should be allowed to access some particular modules. The records should be
modified or viewed by only administrators and no one else. The user should always
be in control of the applications and not the vice-versa.

The user interface should be consistent so that the user can handle the
application with ease and speed. The application should be visually, conceptually

Admin login :
This is the module were the administrator can login into the
application. This module contains various functionality which is authorized only for
the admin to have access . Here the admin of the application can view the
registered users of the website, booking details of the customer and the daily
report of customers check-in and check-out and the functionality to add new

Customer Login :

In this module the registered users can login into the website and book
rooms according to the his/her requirements. After login the website will direct the
customer the check availibility module where the user can check the availability of
the room according to their requirements. If the room is available it will go to the
booking module for booking room, after successful booking the allotted room
number of the customer will be displayed in the reservation details.

Customer Signup:
This module represents the portal for customers to signup and
become an user of the website. Whenever a new user wants to register into the
system then the customer need to fill up all the required details.
This module will give the authorization rights provided to the customer by the
application and protect their confidential details.

Availibility :

In this module after the customer logs into the website, it takes
requirements from the customer and check whether rooms are available, if the
room is available it will direct to the booking module where the user can book the
room .
If the room is not not available according to the customer requirements it will
display the message “Sorry currently rooms are not Available”.

Booking :

In this module after verifying that the room is available it will take the customer to
the booking page. This module contains the functionality of reserving the rooms
according to the customer requirements.

Chapter 4
System Design

4.1 Entity – Relationship Diagram

This depicts relationship between data objects. The attribute of each data objects noted in the entity-
relationship diagram can be described using a data object description. Data flow diagram serves two

1. To provide an indication of how data are transformed as they move through the system.
2. To depict the functions that transformation the data flow.

Data Objects: A data object is a representation of almost any composite information that must be
understood by the software. By composite information, we mean something that has a number of
different properties or attributes. A data object encapsulates data only there is no reference within a data
object to operations that act on the data.

Attributes: Attributes define the properties of a data object and take on one of three different
They can be used to:
Name an instance of data object.
Describe the instance.
Make reference to another instance in other table.

Relationships: Data objects are connected to one another in a variety of different ways. We can define a
set of object relationship pairs that define the relevant relationships.



Database Schema

Table Room

Roomno roootype price


Table Userdetails

Username name email mobile password security


Table admindetails

Adminid password

Table reservation

roomno name roomtype checkin checkout


Design Architecture

Provided Interface Provided Interface

Login Administrative Registration

Reservation Client User Client Login

Adding Rooms Required Interface Required Interface Availbility

User Details n n Booking

Daily Report

1 1

Provided Interface


Required Interface

Fig no : Deign Architecture








Update Table


Chapter 5 Implementation of Results


Home page:- This is the Index page of the website which provides
the interfaces for the other modules.

User Signup:- This screen will help user to generate new User
Name according to their wish and user will also create new password

and same will be confirmed again and will click on submit button to
final submit.

Admin login :- This page provides the interface for the administrator to
login into the website.

Admin Home:- This page provides the admin the interfaces to other
modules to where he can modify or view the details.

Check availability:- This page is used to check the availability of the
room according to the customer requirements.

Booking:- This page is used to book the rooms after checking the


This project is designed to meet the requirements of Online Hotel Management. It
has been developed in HTML and PHP , MySQL keeping in mind the specifications
of the system.

For designing the system we have used simple data flow diagrams.
Overall the project teaches us the essential skills like:

 Using system analysis and design techniques like data flow diagram in
designing the system.

 Understanding the database handling and query processing.






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