Smart Goal

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Carlos Alfaro

Jennifer Schwartz
EDU 1020
03 May 2017

Goals Reflection

This semester I set three S.M.A.R.T. goals, a short term, mid-term and a final goal to be

met at the end of the semester. My final goal was to “pass all of my classes with at least a B-“. I

chose this goal as it seemed to be realistic and something that can actually be accomplished. The

results of setting this final goal along with the two shorter termed goals was that I was able to

track how much progress I was making at any point in throughout the semester by either

realizing these goals or not. I can honestly say that I have met all of the goals set this semester so

far and if I continue my current pace and hard work, I will have achieved my final goal as well. I

am very satisfied with the work I put in this semester to meet these goals and will set more

S.M.A.R.T. goals in the future! A new goal that I am setting for myself is to pass all of my next

semester classes with at least an A- since it seems achievable due to the results of this semester!

Setting goals this way is a great motivator for staying on track and on top of what needs to be

done and ensures that the goal will be reached as long as the short term and mid-term goals done

in time. The goals I have set over the following are semester and their time frames are:

Short Term Goal: Mar 22- Mar 29

Submit every assignment that is due in a timely manner.

Mid-term Goal: Mar 22- Apr 26

Be up to date and slightly ahead in all courses.

Final Goal: Mar 22- May 05

Carlos Alfaro
Jennifer Schwartz
EDU 1020
03 May 2017

Pass all of my classes with at least a B-.

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