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11 Electric Power Systems Tea 2 Ee yo w ‘and disibution 11.4 Advantages a aan td commana eon 4 ele Bee et al uated Coes INTRODUCTION ectrcal eneray is genernted in Inrge hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear power stations sans are mony situated nay from the a canes Meee meat ee ne rock in necessary between the generating plants and consumers leada 2° by transmission and distribution of lectrical power is meant iteconveryance from the centrat ation where tis generated t0 the places where it tx demanded hy the consumers Uke panpiog ‘irons, residential and commercial buildings, mills, inetoriea ete; fe Tho maximum voltage in adv KY while that in India is 11 kV. # Theamount of power that has to be tranamitted through transmission lines ia very large and if this power is transmitted at 11 KV (or 38 KV) the line current tind the power love twould be very Large. Therefore this voltage is stepped up to higher value by usthy step-up transformers located in sub-stations, 4 The transmission voltages in India are 400 kV, 220 kV and 192 kV. ‘¢ Alltransmission and distribution systems are 3) phase systems. tt ‘The transmission lines and feeders are 3-phase 3-wire circuits ‘The distributors are 3-phase 4-wire circuits because a neutral wire is necessary to supply the single-phase loads of domestic and commercial consumers. The transmission network is commonly known as Grid. ‘M2, ELECTRIC SUPPLY SYSTEM Ancletri supply system comprises the following three principal components | Power station, 2 Transmission lines Distribution tines Te eetrie supply system is broadly classified as follows \DC.oF AC. system. Overhead or underground system. . coup gtthead system i leas expensive than the underground one In our country this system "Ystoted for transmission and distribution of power 383 “SaE hn eet ”s poe io py a ee TE yet en : aly en Lpbite Bese RN ig. ARLES pain g ——| PIRBt/ WORSEN pep eye tie were a warts |e were | —) seecnnany ransenissn cM te Sig EN agen aAaEs se] ote spun, ie Pr sata eyibette semen Lobap tt ates Shodan | 095 | Secondary cistrication Consimers, Pig 111. A sypical pomer supply network, Fin 2 by, (voltage (1.Y.) distribution system. cTRIC POWER. SYSTINS 3K ‘The various components are discussed below anette ation (CS) In th ganerating station electric ower is produced by 3-ph. ors, Generally the primary transmission in curred sa oa DkVor at vansiorm- Note, Wheres the we of high voltage lds to nce agree 229 EV OF 400 KY. plied to other system by S-phase, 3-wire overhead wystem Nt *leettle power at 132 kV is eup- sae porer transmitted a 39 KV to lage conmmers by phe wee rn eee this forms the secondary transmission, tc at the receiving sta (iv) Primary distribution. The secondary tras line terminate tnsmission line terminates at sub-station (SS) where re ee Oo KV t0 11 RV. The 11 kV (2-phase,3-wiry) lines run along the imran, road sides of the city. ote, The lati consumers chaving demand more than 50 kW) ame normally supplied power at 1 hich they handle it individually with their we substations peared ‘The seconadary distribution system consists of feeders, distributors and service mains (Gee Fig 11.2, * Feeders. These are line conductors which connect the stations to the areas, to be fed by those stations. Normally no tappings are taken from feeders. They are designed mainly from point of view of their current carrying capacities. Distributors. These are the conductors from which several tapings for the supply to the consumers are taken. They are designed from the point of view of the voltage drops in ) them, Service mains. These are the conductors which connect the consumers terminals to the distributor. 1.3. COMPARISON BETWEEN D.C. AND A.C. SYSTEMS OF TRANSMISSION AND. DISTRIBUTION De. System : Advantages. Transmission of electric power by high voltage D.C. systems claim the following “hantages over high voltage A.C. system See 1 There is greater power per conductor and simple line construction. aa 2 These systems are economical for long distance bulk power transmission by overhead tee 8 Ground return is possible. ts WOW NYHA py A ‘Phe wetbagies eegeatat i valved, EX drapes ta all " Woe bs esa tn A 1 ability of yuowor oe ant nad ieee OETA IN DDG Ay wuuclie oy He " nl DO gg AX woetion at 1 lly tig NTE. Ha faa los corona edo 1 tsa foes ea al obrene iivl eveyttiyitih ‘ol 1) Undersea cables Joi 10. No stibiity proton and myotonia iMate 1 VA sca thes potenti tron ay ts ht tema oF. CE avalon be 1 potential atti A ravatonn tor sams working, vottaye, Harti, few tnrvttion br cena 1.0 yyy ltaye 1 cna ho fallowhing lan toan tig vos tnataltation of compl no Whwwetvanntangon. ‘the hil 1 ‘Phe syste ary evtly a sith ya inexpensive 2 Convertors require ennaidorable rouetive pnwer we 1 jonoratoel awbiols requir Felker 4 Convertor de wortoal eapability A ‘Pho DC, val oil yp fo tranarniaaton af power wt high aloud at high DAC. von 6 Hloctele par cannot be HO A.C. Syntom eno ayy wloctricut enoray bn alma exclusively gomonnton,(ranvlttet ul dint ta ; Hoe tes of AC Advantagon: 1 ‘Pho power ean bo gonoratod ab high voltayo. 1 can bs maintained oasiy and a€ 1 lonwor cont {1 In ordor to provide ndequate iniulation and to aveid corona lone in cane of overhead li more wpacing between the conductors ix requir M 6. Since an A.C. Hino his capacitance, thorofore, thors ix a eon powor too QM +) charging current oven when the line ix open, 4 . as hheut mathod x tu employ A.C. xystem for generation and distribution aed 2 tn 9 Now-wdayw it haw become posible to tranamit oloctrie power by D.C aytom bot 00 lo cont. Such dovieos ean fa ) —— \c OWER SYSTEMS scr P01 Fig. 113 shows a single line diagram o - ‘gram of high voltage D.C. GR.D, OFS} Pig. 12.3, ©) transmission, Come} Ea Aingram of pial HV 6, tanantaion — Generating station generates electric os Sopsup transformers ~ This AC. power at high voltage is fe tothe m ee: He mercury are rectifiers which convert. AC. The transmission of electric power is caried at hi searvied at high DC. vot woe is converted o A.C. power age. At the receiving en DC. power is converted to A.C. power using thyratrons, The KC supply wees eee down to low voltage for distribution by step-down teanstirinars, uPDe e868 stepped Power which is hich is A.C., stepped to high voltage by the jon of Transmission L Classifies es: For transmission of electrical power three-phase cireuits are somial easons. Transmission lines may be classified ts follows generally used becuase of eco- 1. Single line 2. Parallel lines 8. Radial lines 4. Ring system 5, Network. 1 Single line : The simplest form is the single line, such as obtained om a power plant suppyin ‘entire output to one load centre over a single-circuit line. power pplving is 4 Such a system has the disadvantage that in case of damage to the line the service is interrupted 4s use is more or Tess confined to small power systems and is therefure becoming more and more uncommon 2, Parallel lines Where continuity of service is necessary, it is best to use at least two circuits in parallel, placed either on the same supports or on separate supports. ‘¢ Separate supports afford greater safety against both lines being damaged at the same time, but the cost is much higher than when two circuits are placed on one support In some cases, where very large quantities of power must bé handled, more than two circuits may be run in parallel 3, Radial line: @ Invariably a power plant or substation suppli means of radial lines. ‘© These radial lines may be either single circuit fo for the more important loads. 4. Ring system : . aren # oreystems covering a large teritory the ring system of transmistich oe = With this system the main high-voltage power line makes a dose! Tks SP offat any advantageous points of the ring, thus supplying @ large power to the neighbouring territory by sr the less important loads or double cireuit -— as 411.4. POWER syste anag tomy seo ofthe ring. that tion maybe iconnegs Meng, Incase of damage 102 {from both ends of the rings, thereby maintar sd for find povwer will be supplied from bo re service " Network lines. Aneeworkoften constitutes several ring systems wth sections osngte, pyr, on ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF HIGH TRANSMISSION Voy, Advantages. The following ae the advantages of using high transmission vag Limitations. The use of high transmission voltage entails the following limitation, 1. The cost of insulating the conductor increases. 2. The cost of transformers, switchgear and other terminal apparatus increases, — The limit to the use of higher transmission voltage (which can be econo1 Dara sin uched when he ang eof conductor mate a as Ege oft ye nse cto nedaton reaper ae a choice of proper transmission voltage is essentially a question of economics, 7 + Thetcementned under avaiag fisher eaneason volgen tay ye, Bislowe Power tans, VLinevaage {sang ott line, p= Redty of ondctr materi 0 Letonal are af conden, con = Power ator othe load and I Coren dens Load current, a ¥3V oso Resistance per condutor, = 2 Total power loss, B,, = SPR : P a ___ Ppt =ax x2. Fe (z ol a VP eos? xa Cross sectiona-area of the condutor, q = ——_P*Pl 389, sacear hat or given valuot of. 1p and Pig the volume of conductor = ‘aaquar ofthe ranamission vobagind poner actor I oer Fo pers BoP er sion voltage the volume of conductor material required decreases. knee F a = P+ total losses reason (1) it incon yportio x08 Inpst Power : Piped (canta =P * Fong Poot ont Pips, BV cose fee) =P + ete” B (1 av cone) LBP Jol. p(y YSdeL ae Vcoso Output power transmission effeieney = STSBGt we P 1 1, Ladel) 7, La Veoe) ** Veose Lot 304) approx. re ‘ | By Bionomial theorem | __Fromexpression (2)isit is clear that for given values of¥J, p and when the transmission line clog is increased, the transmission efficiency sncreases. iene ine drop Line drop a1 Z xplx T= phd ‘ Percentage line drop ae 100 @) ‘Theexpression (8) indicates that, J, p andl being constants,with the increase in transmission the percentage line drop decreases. Note.) A considera “mere siderable economy can be affected in conductor material ifthe transmission line is operated at (©) Wit the increase in the transmission voltage ~ The inet oa required between the conductors and the tower increases due to which the cost aa anced the earthed due to whieh the cost of > More clearance is ~ More distance is “Se ‘quired between the conductors and ground which necessitates the use of high towers; ‘equired between the conductors, therefore longer ereas-arms need to be used, 390 ——_<_ POWER sy 14.5. Srey SYSTEMS OF POWER TRANSMISSION Be Altpah 3ahae 9 wie AC. aes i iver employed oy =~ wire A.C. system for distribution of electric power, yat under speci 88M can ao be oe he snus ston of Power anamsan Pae 1 Devspatem : W D.C. two-wire. a Go DG. brouine with mkpeoterted 2. Single phase AC. yates Gi) Single phase two.wire with mid-point earthed. (iii) Single phase thrve-wire. 3. Two-phase A.C. system (® Two-phase four-wire, GG Two-phase three-wire 4. Three-phase A.C. system ( Three-phase S.wire i Three-phase d-wire tis quite obvious that, out of such a large number of possible a difficult to decide the best system without making comparison. For vari the basis of comparison is usually the cost ofthe conductor ; the conductor which should be minimum. In order to compare cent systems, the following two cases need to be considered ( Transmission by overhead system systems of train lous systems of transmisins, ‘cost depends upon thes at volumeate the volume of copper required fr ity In the overhead system of transmission the conductors are insulated from the crssarm supporting towers. Since the towers and cross-arms are earthed, therefore, the maximum wa between each conductor and earth forms the basis of comparison of volume of conductor ui) Transmission by underground system In underground system the maximum disruptive stress is between the two conductssit cable}, so the maximum voltage between conductors forms the basis of comparison, 14.6. COMPARISON OF VOLUME OF CONDUCTOR MATERIAL ‘The comparison of volume of conductor material will be made in the following #0" 1 Overhead system, UL Underground system, | For caleulatng the volume of conductor material required, the following asso ‘made for both the above mentioned systems 1. Inall the cases, same power is transmitted (P watts). , 2. The distance over which the power is to be transmitted is same (1 mers! ; 3. Ineeach case, the line oss is same (P,,, watts). 4 4 The maximum voltage between any conductor and earth (V,, volts) 8 * se rower SYSTEMS sn aotel ‘Masia ‘ transmitted =P power to De voltage between conductors = V,, Volts P hey os current mn eR, isthe resistance of each line conductor. / sea f= wher sthe Xs aren ofthe con Pen fa or a, = 2P*ot a Frocs Vin ead System yas overhend Sy system: Loe ae mate ith one conductor earthed 1Piidshowsa DC em, with one conductor x 2P*pl 4P*oi? Voie fear material required =2a «2 By t= AP ok tea loss Vin, loss Vis bead Una this stom is made asa bass for comparison with other sytene 2.DG twowwire system with mid-point earthed : Refer to Fig 11.5 ‘Maximum voltage between the conductors = 2V,, volts b =a Toad current, 1, = 9 f Line loses, Pg = 2y3Ry O 7 | pl (ad) i" DBoceVe O ° Volume of conductor material required (Pet) Pp? x ee AP hol? hb \2haVE)~ AagVE FoaVa aia Xi, on {te volume of conductor material required inthis system isone fourth ofthat required Dg ten with one conductor earthed 2c, ‘, ‘hree-wire system : Refer to Fig. 116 ‘n voltage between the outer and earth = V,, volts Usdeurent 1, 22 __P Yat 32 a) Wa, - ee on, Aron of ross-setot 83" SAVE «area of cross-section of ne 2213 Lie oe Pi oo Vike, os ‘Volume of conductor ‘material required Pipl )! =8( 20 |e FeV) 38 Hence, hovolome ofeonduetor material required inthis system se 5th of that required in tvowire D.C. system with one conductor 16 earthed. TAC. system : a ee Ghate phase two-wire system with one conductor earthed :BefertoFe 1 | y, S, value of vol seen conductor = “ft valts RMS. value of voltage bot ctor = i ¥ 2P Wa Ti c080 Vn 8050 ‘Load current, Line lasses, Pg UPR, = af Pe Fig 7 Vecost xa 4P*p) Fave e086 Volume of conductor material require se 2 * RouWae0s"@ “!~ cos? @ or, Area of cross eeation, a, xK Hence volume of conductor material required in this atom in 5 timer cha = DC. system with one conductor earthed, 5. AC. single i 5.AG-ringlephase tworwire syttom with mid-point earthed: Refer FE . imum Voltage between the bro wires = 2V, MS ah tl serine indcre= 2. «By, wt 393 seroertion, 0,"

(Since load is balanced) RMS. voltage between line and neutral = V volts Power factor of lighting load, cos @ = 1 (assumed) P current, h= 2 Load curren ¥ losses, JR, = ae nese Pag = BR, =A EY AL Ppl crsectional are, 09 = 5 7 Ppl Volume of copper required = 35a, ct akon a (er) _35P%p? 35 | 4P*pl” © BBogV? 3X4” BoggV? 4P*pl? =02017% F pz (Since neatral is onehalf the erose-seetion ofthe outer) Hence, in case of3-phase, 4-wire A.C. system the volume of copper required will 0.2017 times Srequred in wire D.C. system. (Ans.) S | -njy E8MPle 11.3.A 60 km Long transmission line supplies a load of 6 MVA at 0.8 pf lagging at -manit transmission efficiency of 88 percent. Calculate the volume of aluminium conductor “ihe forthe line in the following cases : 0 Single phase ttwo-wire system. bs Three:phase, three-wire system. {wert of aluminium conductor as 2.84 x 10°C, ‘got Given: Length of the transmission line = 6 km ; Load supplied = 6MVA, 08 pf on Yee, V= 38 kV ; Transmission efficiency = 88 per cent. neta, 2uwire system: ‘ansmitted = MVA x cos 6 = 6 x 0. 24.8 MW=48 x 10°W Lig, "8 (1 - z) x Power transmitted 100 = (1~ 0,88) x 4.8 x 10° = 0.576 x 10° W suwek 8} EE 'YSTEM "Nate I ot . power, 6410" 181.84 ~~ 33x 10° ent, ly = SS cross-sectional area ofthe conductor, then, Let, . 2 (0! PR, = 2 (2) Line losses 1 afjol _ 2x (1818)? «(2.84 x 10) x 60 x 107 cross-sectional area, z~”~«0B76x 10% = 1.955 x 10 m? lume of conduct yr required Vatu oo er ia) = 2x (1.955 x 10-4) x 60 x 10 = 23.46 m8. (Ang) ii B-phase, 3-wire system : Apparent power 6X10" _ ing a7 4 Line current, = ene ee aI at, y= Cross-sectional area ofthe conductor, then 4 2 (0! Line oases, Pg = 319R= 3 x} (2 BiRpl _ 8104.97)? x 2.84 x 10%) x 60 x 10° Poss 0576 x 10' = 9.78 x 10° m? Volume of conductor required = Sag! = 3 x (9.78 x 10-*) x 60 x 10? = 17.60 m?. (ADs) sawing Himay booted that volume of conductor and hence weight required is less in cose swire system, for, cross-sectional area, a Example 11.4. Determine the weight of copper required for a 3-phase transmission ee RV between lines a load of 80 MW at ‘ageing ph of 8. The length ofthe lire a dang ena lene” of transmission is 90 percent. The neutral point is earthed. The resister "hos a ins Lem? X-section is 0.046 0. The density of copper is 0.0981N/em te the might of copper required for D.C. transmission of the sa™® aut ms ree ‘age between the lines double that of the peak voltage tothe ven, pBthation. Given Line voltage i Efficiency of transmission = guee ‘r0ss-Section = 0.046 0; D V=380 kV; Load = 80 MW ; pf =0.8sleneth ft enaty of Resistance ofthe conductor having 1 kM Coe Weight of copper required St Nem eaulred case AG tenn eet Line current, 80% 10° W8x380x107 nog 7 SLBA Powerloss in theline = ( 1-20) op) *80=8 MW = 8 x 10°W 40 systems we toss in the conductors is 8 * 10° W, as PR 088 see, weight of copper for 3 conductors of 120 km length hace = 3 x (120 x 1000) x 4.78 x 0.0981 = 168810 N or 168.81 kN. (Ans.) | 1 : auctor =} x (8x 108 pies per conductor = 3 i ‘ 8x10 emt = 1560 Resistance por cond! 3x 519" use ductor porkm = 2158 «gg pesistance per conductor pe 120 a = 2046 = 50478 em? conductor are O96 juctor per metre run = 0.0478 x 100 = 4.78 cm? jume of copper conductor per metr eee wera 0816 :D.C. transmission : © Let, V,= Maximum A.C. volts to neutral, and ower supplied in watts, ‘Thea, D.C. voltage between lines = 2 V,, (Given) case 2 Lees (DC. — ¥, RMS valueofline voltage = J3 x Ya. 3 v2 Live curren - ine urrnt I = . Bx Byncos9 Ev cone a v2 1 r P bsiAc) 31,48, 3] —P. = V8 "othe sss are same, therefore, PR 2PR | m4 Wn BV costo Ry 3cos*@ sistance « : —t sectional area’ ‘ea ofonductor in D.C. _ 39 id Wat conductorin ac. ~ 4° 8m qatar nC 2 9 2, ay 29 = cos od Weitht ocopperin A.C. = 3% °8°¢ Since in D.C. there are 2 wires and in A.C. there are 3 wires ae a POWER syste, “ “ - oma ost = 08 16881 = 54.024. (Ans) eno, weight ofeondvetorsin D.C. = SF cic threesphae, three-wire line i converted ing Example 15.1 dou Ce masimum voltage t earth os that ofthe ace 18 ey tarot eo PO The apa ofthe line ifthe tranamission loss remaing cee meer ofthe AC. Load to Be unity. " mine hc asting double-ieeut three-phase threo-wire line containing. Sola inleaeuit ewo-poletwo-wire DC, line, itisessumed thar the ie 78 macy | mam the sam Fig. 11.24 shows a 2swire D.C. system, for which J, is the line eur- rent, Bis the resistance of conductor. Power transmitted, Py = VI | ‘Total FR os for both the conductors = 21,¢R = Total ine otes forall the 6 conductors, 2 «2(FY cr =6(F Pugh dx2 (BY er =0(4) x lu Three-phase, three-zire star-conneeted system: ‘This system is shown in Fig. 11.25, Maximum value of voltage between the outer and the neutral = V volts RMS value ofvoage per phate» J volt IF yi ther. phase current, R the resistance of each condue- tor and ot the power factor of oad then v Py=BVyqLy008 = 3x i tye lyn 08 9= 84 Ig 1 Br, wv Line losses = 3/1 ‘Total ine losses for 2 such 2+ circuits, Pu)y= 2x3 (@ Ones RY vap,¥ 6 (8) R=6| 22 A _ 2p, ¥, av | Ror, a Wr R_3 ) 7 = 212 wr A ). w '¢ capacity of 3-phase double circuit lines is bY SYSTEMS ia pe rowen S ye 11.6.An existing single-phase A.C. system comprising of two overhead conductors is ams joa thre phase, S-vire system by providing an additional condactor of orev avon entae of additional load that can be transmsted by the three phase conten fie ‘ and percentage line losses remain the same in both the syerne ine voll eg em a Single-phase current, I,= Three-phase current, R= Resistance of each conductor, and ower factor in both the systems solution. Let one ssinglephase sytem Otel, P= Vong Tiss = 212 Lie ss = RR cag line oss = EF 100 Tose i) Three-phase system : \pyrertransmitted, P= V5VI, cos 9 / Line loss = 912R 3RR se line loss = —3— x 100 | Fae ne = Ei cos Since the age line loss remains same in both the systems (given), therefore, 3ER 2 = E100 or 1 Bivis ease s= 2 ! Py= LVI, c00¢= VBV (21) cos 9= 247, 089 “ae altonl load that can be transmitted R-R_ 2VIyc086~Vieose BR Vi,cosé additional load can be transmitted by converting single-phase line to veline (Ans,) sfttmple 1.2. Show that fora given amount of power tobe transmitted over agiven distance, sa PP 8 nversely proportional tothe square ofthe voltage Soar geizlder @ n-phase system of transmission as "Vs Votape to neutral, 2reR Thang” 100 = 100 Hence, 100 per cent. 15 Current lagging V by angle, ¢ on each phase of the R. System, and Tha pa sitance of each line conductor Power tranamitted by each phase, P. Meosy “Tog EW, and Poet 22 sw —— kWiphase 1000 0 Pe phase, Ps TEA ENGIN 408 INE x (in terms of power ty it) “ ctor, lenght offline and the cross-secti sreay | tho eon 1000 P*p! | Pron” Feta Pu? 08"¢ | ame terse = (0 ara natu ever a given Teng with a fixed power stor ea given amount of pose oe rasa i sa there iva spocife Kimit fixed for the voltage to be employe Timit reaches when the cost of conductor, nse, tors and the ercetion cost ts “minimum” power tobe transmitted, generation vole and length of transmission are known) is found as follows ‘a standard voltage of transmission and work out the In ease of any transmission li 5 poyond which nothing is gained economically, The tor, supports, transformer, stcitel “the economical transmission volta Inga lighting aves Lhe a unre the eattage .ABeoved 41.7. CHOICE OF TRANSMISSION VOLTAGE following xs We tentatively choose : G@ Transformers, atthe generating and receiving ends f wa) Si ng of isolators, bus-bars, circuit breakers, relay’ etc.) uit) Lightning arrestor. tchyear (cons (uv) Insutators (w) Supports (ineluding the X-arms and other fittings) (vi) Conductor cost. ‘The total sum of all the costs gives the total capital cost of transmission for the voltage considered. Similar cal- culations are made for various standard voltages. Then a carve is drawn for total cost of transmission against the transmission voltage, as shown in Fig. 11.27. The lowest, point A on the curve represent optimum voltage to be cho- ‘sen (Asa rough guide the working voltage may be taken as (06 KV per km, this figure in practice varies from 0.4 to (0.8). Practically, itis not possible to determine the economie voltage by the use of this method, Hence, to avoid compli cations and labour, the following empirical formalue are

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