Analysis of Statistical Software With Special Reference To Statistical Package For Social Sciences (SPSS)

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Analysis of Statistical Software

with special reference to

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)

Associate Professor (Statistics)
Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences,
Kurumbapet, Puducherry – 605 009.

Email :

National Level Workshop on Essential Research Methods


Sl. Page
No. No.
1 Introduction to SPSS
2 Creating new SPSS data file
3 Opening other type files in SPSS
4 Sorting cases
5 Merging files – add cases & add variables
6 Selecting cases
7 Computing new variables
8 Recoding variables
9 Ungrouped frequency table
10 Grouped frequency table
Diagrammatic Representation of Data
(Histogram, Multiple Bar Diagram, Pie Diagram)
12 Descriptive Statistics
13 Simple Correlation Coefficient
14 Linear Regression
15 T-test for Two Means
16 Paired t-test
17 One way ANOVA
18 Chi-Square test


a. Introduction

The abbreviation SPSS stands for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
and is a comprehensive system for analyzing data. This package of programs is available
for both personal and multi-user computers. SPSS package consists of a set of software
tools for data entry, data management, statistical analysis and presentation. SPSS
integrates complex data and file management, statistical analysis and reporting functions.
SPSS can take data from almost any type of file and use them to generate tabulated
reports, charts, and plots of distributions and trends, descriptive statistics, and complex
statistical analyses. It is easy to learn and use, it includes a full range of data management
system and editing tools, it provides in-depth statistical capabilities, it offers complete
plotting, reporting and presentation features.

To invoke SPSS in the windows environment, select the appropriate SPSS icon or
click Start – Programs – SPSS Inc – Statistics 17.0- SPSS Statistics 17.0

b. Editors (Windows) in SPSS

There are number of different types of editors (windows) in SPSS, the most important
being the Data Editor window and the Viewer window.

i) Data Editor
The data editor offers a simple and efficient spreadsheet-like facility for entering
data and browsing the working data file.

This window displays the contents of the data file. One can create new data files
or modify existing ones. The Data Editor window opens automatically when an
SPSS session is started. This editor provides two views of the data.

 Data view. Displays the actual data values or defined value labels.
 Variable view. Displays variable definition information, including defined
variable and value labels, data type etc.

With the Data Editor, the data values can be modified in the Data view in many
ways like change data values; cut, copy and paste data values; add and delete
cases; add and delete variables, change the order of variables.

ii) Viewer
All statistical results (outputs) like tables, charts and analysis results are displayed
in the Viewer. The output can be edited and saved for later use. A Viewer
window opens automatically the first time you run a procedure that generates

c. Menu Bar in SPSS

Many of the tasks that are to be performed with SPSS start with menu selections.
Each window has its own menu bar with menu selections appropriate for that
window type. The various main menus under SPSS are

 File
 Edit
 View
 Data
 Transform
 Analyze
 Graphs
 Utilities
 Windows
 Help

Analyze and Graphs menus are available on all windows, making it easy to
generate new output without having to switch windows. Most menu selections
open dialog boxes. One can use dialog boxes to select variables and options for
analysis. Since most procedures provide a great deal of flexibility, not all of the
possible choices can be contained in a single dialog box. The main dialog box
usually contains the minimum information required to run a procedure.
Additional specifications are made in sub-dialog boxes. All these above
mentioned options have further sub-options. To see those applications, we simply
move the cursor to a particular option and press, when a drop-down menu will
appear. To cancel a drop-down menu, place the cursor anywhere outside the
option and press the left button.

d. Tool Bar in SPSS

Most frequently used options are provided in the tool bar as small icons. We can
customize the tool bar by adding and removing icons in the tool bar. Tool tip
facilitates the function of the icon.

e. File Types in SPSS

Data file in SPSS is saved with an extension .sav

Output files in SPSS is saved with an extension .spo


This section deals with creating a new SPSS data file, saving the data file and
closing, reopening the created data file. Consider the data given below on 3
variables, namely, Age, Sex & BP.

Age 56 42 72 36 63 47 55 49 38 42 68 60

Sex 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1

BP 147 125 160 118 149 128 150 145 115 140 152 155

 Open SPSS software.
 Click on File-New-Data
 A blank data screen looking like a spreadsheet (Data Editor Window) appears.
 At the bottom are two tabs called “Data View” and “Variable View”.
Click on “Variable View”

First Variable - Age

 Enter Age in the “Name” column. Type, Width and Decimal columns are
filled automatically. The Width can be reset to 2 and the Decimals can be
reset to 0.
 Enter additional description of the variable Age (like “Age of the
Patient”) under “Label” column.
 Value column can be left blank.

Second Variable - Sex

 Enter Sex in the “Name” column. Type, Width and Decimal columns are
filled automatically. The width and decimals can be reset if required.
 Enter “Gender” under “Label” column.

 To enter the value labels in the “Label” column, place the cursor in the cell
under Label column, click (…). Provide the details in the “Value label dialog
Type Value = 1, Label = Male, Click Add. Similarly,
Type Value = 2, Label = Female, Click Add.
Click OK to close the Value Label dialog box.

Third Variable - BP
 Enter BP in the “Name” column. Type, Width and Decimal columns are
filled automatically. The width and decimals can be reset if required.
 Enter additional description of the variable BP (like “Systolic Blood Pressure)
under “Label” column.
 Value column can be left blank.

Now that the variables have been defined, click on the tab called “Data View” at
the bottom and enter the data given above into the appropriate cells.

Congratulations!! –The SPSS data file has been successfully created.

Now to save your data file

 Click on File menu-Save.
 Type a file name and indicate the location of the file in the hard disk
(Desktop or My Documents)
 Now file will be saved with the name provided with the default SPSS data file
extension .sav.

To close the file

 Click on File menu-Choose Exit.

To reopen the file

 Start SPSS
 Click File menu – Open – Data – Browse & locate the file – Click Open.
 The data file gets loaded in the Data Editor Window


We can open other type of data files in SPSS. Here we shall consider opening an
MS-Excel data file in SPSS data editor for statistical analysis.

 Open SPSS.
 Click on File-Open-Data
 In the open data dialog box, click Desktop on the left-hand side (if your
excel file is in the desktop)
 Choose Excel in the Files of type.
 Click on the excel file – Click Open
 Opening Excel Data Source Dialog Box appears.
 Enable (Tick) Read variables from the first row,
 Worksheet : Sheet1.

Now the entire contents of data from excel file will be available in the SPSS data
editor for statistical analysis.

Similarly, text files and database files can also be easily opened in SPSS.

Thus, without entering the data again in SPSS, we can easily bring data from
other type of files to the SPSS data editor.


This is a data management feature available in SPSS. This allows sorting a data
file in an ascending or descending order of values of a particular variable.

 Open SPSS.
 Click on File-Open-Data
 In the open data dialog box, choose the data file - Click Open.

 Now to sort, click Data menu – Sort Cases

Sort cases dialog box opens.
 Choose the variable(s) (eg. Age) on which the file should be sorted and
whether in ascending or descending order.
 Click OK to sort the file.

Now the data file will be in the sorted order of variable Age.


Original Data Sorted Data

Age Bp Age Bp
56 147 36 118
42 125 38 115
72 160 42 125
36 118 42 140
63 149 47 128
47 128 49 145
55 150 55 150
49 145 56 147
38 115 60 155
42 140 63 149
68 152 68 152
60 155 72 160


Many times, data on different variables will be collected at different times and
will be stored in different data files. At the time of statistical analysis, we may
need the entire data stored in different files. Merge files feature available in SPSS
facilitates merging different data files.
Here we shall see how to merge two SPSS files – Add cases, Add variables.

STEPS (Add cases)

 Open SPSS.
 Click on File-Open-Data
 In the open data dialog box, Choose file1.sav – Click Open.
(Let us assume that file1.sav is having 2 variables and 5 cases)
 Now to add the cases of another file, click Data menu – Merge files – add
 Locate file2.sav. Click OK.
(Let us assume that file2.sav is having 2 variables and 5 cases)
 Now the cases in file2.sav will get added to the cases in file1.sav. (2 variables
and 10 cases).
 Click on File-Save – Exit to save the changes and exit.

STEPS (Add variables)

 Open SPSS.
 Click on File-Open-Data
 In the open data dialog box, Choose file1.sav – Click Open.
file1.sav is loaded in the data editor window. (2 variables and 10 cases)
 Now to add the variables of another file, click Data menu – Merge files –
add variables
 Locate file3.sav, Click OK.
(Let us assume that file3.sav is having 1 variable and 10 cases)
Now the variables in file3.sav will get added to the variables in file1.sav.
(3 variables and 10 cases)
 Click File-save – Exit to save the changes and exit.


If we need to select a few cases from a data file for analysis (For eg., age > 30),
then Select cases option available in SPSS can be very useful. To select a few
cases from the data file for analysis follow the steps given below.


 Open SPSS.
 Click on File-Open-Data
 In the open data dialog box, Choose the data file – Click Open.

 Now to select cases, click Data menu – Select Cases

(The select cases dialog box opens)
 Choose the option “Based on time or case range” and click Range…
 Provide 5 for First case and 10 for Last case (for example)
 Click Continue – OK
Now cases from 5 to 10 will be selected for analysis and the remaining cases
will not be selected. Unelected cases are indicated by a cross line on the cases
numbers. They are not removed from the data file.

(To get back all cases, click Data menu – select cases – All cases – OK)


If there is a need to compute a new variable using the data on the available
variables, then Compute option will be very handy. Let us compute a new
variable ‘tot’ (which is the total of 5 subject marks) using the statistical function


 Open SPSS.
 Click on File-Open-Data
 In the open data dialog box, Choose the data file– Click Open.
(Assume that marks data is available on 5 subjects under the variable names,
‘lang’, ’eng’, ’maths’, ’sci’, ’social’ )

 Now to compute a new variable, click Transform – Compute variable

(The compute variable dialog box opens)
 Name the target variable as tot
 Click on the function group Statistics
 Double click the function Sum
 Supply the variable ‘lang’,’eng’,’maths’,’sci’,’social’ as the parameter for
the sum function
 Click OK
 Now a new variable tot = Sum(lang,eng,maths,sci,social) is computed and
available in the data file.

 In the same manner, we can also compute the average of the 5 marks by
creating a new variable ave = tot / 5

 Click File-save – Exit to save the changes and exit.


The “Recode into Different Variables” option in SPSS allows reassigning the
values of existing variables into new values for a new variable. For example, you
could collapse salaries into a new variable containing salary-range categories.

Here we shall consider, converting the marks in to grade. Recode the variable
MATHSMARK in to a new variable, MATHSGRADE as follows
Up to 49 – F; 50-59 – B; 60-74 – A; 75 and above - O


 Open SPSS.
 Click on File-Open-Data
 In the open data dialog box, Choose the data file – Click Open.
 Now click Transform – Recode in to different variable
The Recode into different variable dialog box opens
 Choose the input variable as MATHSMARK
 Type MATHSGRADE as the output variable name and Click change
button below.
 Now click the “old and new values…” button
The Recode into different variable – old and new values dialog box opens
Tick the Output Variables are Strings
 Choose Range, Lowest through value and type 49
 Type F (to denote F grade) as the new value and click Add
 Choose Range and type 50 and 59 in the two boxes
 Type B (to denote B grade) as the new value and click Add
 Choose Range and type 60 and 74 in the two boxes
 Type A (to denote A grade) as the new value and click Add
 Choose Range, value through Highest and type 75
 Type O (to denote O grade) as the new value and click Add
 Click Continue and OK

We can now see the original variable MATHSMARK and new coded variable
MATHSGRADE in the data file.


The raw data is usually very large and it is very difficult to understand the
data. In order to understand the data better, data compilation procedures (One-
way frequency table, two-way frequency table) can be followed to reduce the
complexity of the voluminous data and also to bring out the information hidden in
the raw data. Consider the raw data given below on the number of eosinophils
encountered in 100 WBC in 67 smears. We shall compile this data to a one-way
frequency table.
eosinophils encountered in 100 WBC in 67 smears
0 1 0 1 2 0 3 2 1 4 1 2
1 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 2 1 2 1
3 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 1 0
1 2 1 5 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 2
1 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 5
2 3 2 3 5 6 5

 Enter the data given above in SPSS.
 Now from the menu, choose:
Analyze  Descriptive Statistics  Frequencies…
 Select the variable eosinophils and move it to “Variable(s)” box
 Now click “Ok” to display the Univariate frequency table as given below.
eosinopils Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
0 11 16.4 16.4
1 20 29.9 46.3
2 20 29.9 76.1
3 7 10.4 86.6
4 3 4.5 91.0
5 4 6.0 97.0
6 2 3.0 100.0
Total 67 100.0


Consider the following data on haemoglobin of 40 children. We shall compile this

data into a grouped frequency table by grouping the given values as
9-9.9, 10-10.9, 11-11.9, 12-12.9, 13-13.9, 14-14.9.
9.0 9.2 10.2 10.5 11.4 12.4 14.9 12.3 13 13.3
14.2 11.6 9.5 13.2 12.3 12.8 11.7 11.2 12.3 11.7
10.7 10.6 12.1 10.8 10.5 10.5 10.8 11.2 13.2 14.5
13.7 14.5 14.2 10.3 12.5 12.4 9.5 9.8 10.2 11.5

 Enter the data given above in SPSS
 From the menu, choose:
Transform  Recode into Different Variables…
 Create new variables for recoding (Eosinogroup) and by clicking
“Old and New values” tab, give the range (9-9.9, 10-10.9, …) for the
recoded (Output) variables and then click “Ok”.
 Now from the menu, choose:
Analyze  Descriptive Statistics  Frequencies…
 Select the recoded variable (Eosinogroup) and move it to
“Variable(s)” box
 Now click “Ok” to display the Grouped frequency table as given

Hb Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

9-9.9 5 12.5 12.5
10-10.9 10 25.0 37.5
11-11.9 7 17.5 55.0
12-12.9 8 20.0 75.0
13-13.9 5 12.5 87.5
14-14.9 5 12.5 100.0
Total 40 100.0



The following table shows the distribution of different types of leprosy cases.

Type of Leprosy Tuberculoid Lepromatous Indeterminate Borderline Total

No. of Patients 151 68 18 12 249

We shall convert this data to a Simple Bar Diagram which is very easy to
understand compared to a table.
 Enter the data given above in SPSS and From the menu, choose:
Graphs  Legacy Dialogs  Bars…
 Select the “Simple” icon and Choose “Values of individual cases”
option in the given “Data in Chart Are” option from the “Bar Charts”
dialogue box that appears and Click “Define”.
 Select the variable “Patients” and move it to “Bars Represent” box.
 Choose ‘Variable’ under Category Labels, select the variable “Type”
and move it to “Variable” box.
 Now, click “Ok” to generate the simple bar diagram as given below.



The following table shows the type of leprosy, sex wise. We shall convert
this data to a multiple bar diagram.

Type of Leprosy Male Female Total

Tuberculoid 77 74 151

Lepromatous 35 33 68

Indeterminate 10 8 18

Borderline 7 5 12

TOTAL 129 120 249

 Enter the data given above in SPSS and from the menu, choose:
Graphs  Legacy Dialogs  Bars…
 Select the “Clustered” icon and the Choose “Values of individual
cases” option in the given “Data in Chart Are” option from the “Bar
Charts” dialogue box that appears and Click “Define”.
 Select the variables Male, Female and move it to “Bars Represent”
 Choose ‘Variable’ under Category Labels, select the variable “Type”
and move it to “Variable” box.
 Now, click “Ok” to generate the Multiple Bar diagram as given below.



The following table shows the percentage of people died due to various

Cause of Death Comm. Diseases CVD Injuries Other Chronic Diseases

% of death 36 29 11 24

 Enter the data given above in SPSS and from the menu, choose:
Graphs  Legacy Dialogs  Pie…
 Choose “Values of individual cases” option in the given “Data in
Chart Are” option from the “Pie Charts” dialogue box that appears and
Click “Define”.
 Select the variable “Percent” and move it to “Slices Represent” box.
 Choose ‘variables’ for ‘Slice Lebels’ and Select the variable,
‘Diseases’ and move it to “Variable” box.
 Now, click “Ok” to generate the Pie Chart as given below.



The following table gives the haemoglobin values (g%) of 24 normal

children. Numerical measures like, arithmetic mean, median, mode, standard
deviation, minimum, maximum etc. can be calculated on these values to
describe the entire set of values.
Haemoglobin values (g%) of 24 normal children

11.8 12.3 12 13 13.2 12.2 12.8 11.7

14.6 13.5 12.3 12.6 13.6 11.4 12 13
10.2 10.4 12.5 13 13 12.9 13 10


 Enter the data give above in SPSS

 From the menu, choose:
Analyze  Descriptive Statistics  Frequencies…
 Select the variable “Hb” and move it to “Variable(s)” box and click
the “Statistics” tab.

 Select the options “Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation,
Minimum, Maximum” from the dialogue box that appears and click
“Continue” tab.
 Now click “Ok” to get the output given below.



N 24

Mean 12.38

Median 12.55

Mode 13.00

Std. Deviation 1.09

Minimum 10.00

Maximum 14.60


The Correlation coefficient is used to quantify the strength and direction of

linear relationship between two variables which are measured at interval or
ratio level.
The correlation ranges between -1 to +1. Let us calculate the correlation
coefficient for the data on haemoglobin (Hb) and Packed Cell Volume (PCV)

Hb(gm%) 6.2 12.2 6.4 7.3 13 8.4 9.9 7.2 10.3 9.7

PCV 18 37 21.4 23 36 28 33 24 32 30

 Enter the data given above in SPSS
 From the menu, choose:
Analyze  Correlate  Bivariate…
 Select the variables Hb and PCV and move it to “Variable(s)” box.
 Choose the option “Pearson”.

 Now click “OK” to generate the Pearson’s Correlation coefficient
between the entered variables.
    Hb PCV
Hb Pearson Correlation 1 .967**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 10 10
PCV Pearson Correlation .967** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 10 10
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The correlation between Hb & PCV is 0.967 which is a very high positive
correlation indicating that higher values of Hb will result in higher values of
PCV and vice-versa.


Correlation measures the strength and direction of linear relationship. But in

regression analysis, we express the functional relationship between two
variables in the form (Dependent variable) = a + b * (Independent variable).
We use this equation to predict the value of the dependent variable for any
given value of the independent variable.

Marks 56 59 72 70 80 85 89 98

Number of Hours
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
studied daily
 Enter the data given above in SPSS
 From the menu, choose:
Analyze  Regression  Linear…
 Select the variable Marks and move it to “Dependent” box.
 Select the variable Hours and move it to “Independent(s)” box.

 Now click “Ok” to fit simple linear regression equation.

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 49.714 2.114 23.519 .000
hours 5.869 .419 .985 14.021 .000


The regression equation for the above data is

Marks Obtained = 49.714 + 5.869 (Hours daily studied)

This equation can be used to predict the value of Marks Obtained for a given
value of hours daily studied.


Students’ t-test is used to test the equality of two population means by taking
independent samples from each of the two populations. We shall use this test
to test whether there is any difference between the Mean age at onset of
symptoms in males and females suffering from lung cancer. In order to test
this, data on age at onset of symptom has been collected from 12 male and 12
female cancer patients as given below.

Males 58 52 50 49 56 52 54 48 41 37 67 70

Females 26 41 57 66 36 55 41 61 53 50 52 37


H0 : 1   2 , i.e., There is no difference between the mean age at onset of

symptoms of lung cancer between males and females.
H1 : 1   2 , i.e., There is difference between the mean age at onset of
symptoms of lung cancer between males and females.


 Enter the data given above in SPSS

 From the menu, choose:
Analyze  Compare Means  Independent-Samples T
 Select the variable ‘Age’ and move it to “Test Variable(s)” box.
 Select the other variable ‘group’ and move it to “Grouping Variable”
box and click “Define Groups…” button
 In the Define Groups dialog box, Choose “Use specified values” option

and Enter 1 for Group1 (Male) and 2 for Group2 (Female)

 Click “Continue”

 Now, Click “Ok”.


Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Male 12 52.83 9.40 2.71
Female 12 47.92 11.74 3.39

Levene's Test for

Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Mean Std. Error
F Sig. t df (2-tailed) Difference Difference
1.468 0.238 1.133 22 0.269 4.91667 4.34025


Since the probability value is 0.269 (p > .05), there is no evidence to reject
the null hypothesis and conclude that the mean age at onset of symptoms of
lung cancer does not differ with sex.


In a study to find out the effectiveness of a training programme on health

awareness, 10 students were selected at random for the training programme.
Their knowledge on health awareness was assessed by conducting a test
before and after the training programme. Test whether the training
programme is effective in significantly increasing the knowledge on health

Student No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mark before
34 45 30 23 56 67 50 33 23 46
Mark after
54 60 33 26 70 80 60 45 35 68


H0: 1   2 , i.e., There is no difference in mean marks before and after the
training ie., the training programme is not effective

H1: μ1≠ μ2 i.e., There is difference in mean marks before and after the


 Enter the data given above using SPSS

 From the menu, choose:
Analyze  Compare Means  Paired-Samples T Test…
 Select the two variables, “MarkBefore” and “MarkAfter” and move
them to “Paired Variables” box.
 Now, Click “Ok”.


Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

MarkBefore 40.70 10 14.54533 4.59964
MarkAfter 53.10 10 17.82289 5.63609

Std. Error t df Sig. value

Mean SD Mean
-12.4 6.16 1.95 -6.35 9 .000


Since the probability value is 0.000 (p < 0.01), we reject the null hypothesis
and conclude that the mean marks obtained after the training programme is
significantly higher than the mean marks obtained before the training

programme. Thus the training programme is effective in significantly
increasing the knowledge on health awareness.


One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is an extension of t-test where

there is only one known source of variation. Here we are interested in
comparing the equality of more than two population means.
In a study conducted to test the effectiveness of 3 diets in increasing the
haemoglobin levels among children, the following data has been collected.

Group1 11.6 10.3 10 11.5 11.8 11.8 12.1 10.8 11.9 10.7 11.5
Group2 11.2 8.9 9.2 8.8 8.4 9.1 6.3 9.3 7.8 8.8 10 9.7
Group3 9.8 9.7 11.5 11.6 10.8 9.1 10.5 10 12.4 10.7


H0 : There is no difference among the mean Hb levels of the 3 groups of


ie., the diets are homogenous. There is no difference between the 3
H1 : Diets are not homogenous.


 Enter the data given above in SPSS

 From the menu, choose:

Analyze  Compare Means  One-Way ANOVA…

 Select the variable “Hb” and move it to “Dependent List” box.

 Select the variable “group” and move it to “Factor” box and then click


Groups Mean Hb
Group 1 11.22
Group 2 8.93
Group 3 10.61
Total 10.21

Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Between Groups 29.9 2 14.95 14.27 .000
Within Groups 29.3 28 1.047
Total 59.2 30


Since the probability value is 0.000 (p < 0.01), we reject the null hypothesis
and conclude that the mean Hb levels are significantly different among the 3


To test the independence of two attributes

This test of significance is used to test whether there is any association

between two attributes (non-measurable characteristic). Here we shall
consider a situation where we are interested in finding out whether a
particular vaccination is effective in controlling the disease. So data on
vaccination given and deaths due to the disease for which vaccination is
given was collected and given below.

Vaccination Dead Survived Total
Vaccinated 30 70 100

Not Vaccinated 55 55 110
Total 85 125 210


H0 : The two attributes Vaccination and Survival are independent. ie.,

The Vaccination is not effective in controlling the disease.
H1 : The two attributes Board and Arithmetic Skill are dependent.


 Enter the above data in SPSS.

 From the menu, choose:
Data  Weight Cases…
 Choose “Weight cases by” option and select ‘frequency’ and move it to
“Frequency Variable” box and then click “Ok”.

 From the menu, choose:

Analyze  Descriptive Statistics  Crosstabs…
 Select the variable ‘Vaccination’ and move it to the “Row(s)” box.
 Select the variable ‘Survival’ and move it to the “Column(s)” box.
 Clicking the “Statistics” tab, a “Crosstabs: Statistics” dialogue box will
appear and choose “Chi-square” option from it and click “Continue”.

 Clicking the “Cells” tab, a “Crosstabs: Cell Display” dialogue box will
appear and choose “Expected” option from it and click “Continue”.

 Now click “Ok” to generate the Chi-square analysis.


Chi-Square Tests

  Asymp. Sig.
Value Df (2-sided)

Pearson Chi- 8.70 1 .003



Since the probability value is 0.003 (p < 0.01), we reject the null hypothesis
and conclude that the two attributes, vaccination & deaths due to the disease
are not independent. Therefore, we further conclude that the vaccination is
effective in controlling the disease.


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