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Solld and Structural Mechanics IA !

Exercise 11

1. A circular rod o f steel !Omm d ia me ter •S tested for tension and 11 was observed that
when tension was 11 KN. the total extension o n a 300mm length was 0.20mm. Find the
value o f E.
[Ans 210 KN/mm 11
2 A piston of a steam engine os 300mm on d iameter and the p iston rod Is of 50mm
diameter. The steam pr essure os l N/mm 1 Find the stre ss in the piston rod and
elongation o f a length 800mm. takmr. [ = 205 KN/mm'. wh en the piston Is on the slroke.

{Ans. 35 .01N/ m m '; 0137mml

3. A rod as show n below is sub1ected to a pull o f 800KN on the ends. Taking E = 2.05 x ! OS
N/mm 1, lond the ext ension of the rod tall d im ensions <He in mm)

------·--· .
200 100 250 150 250 150
.. ________
200 200
{Ans 0.796
mm )

4. The follol\1ng observa11ons were r11ade during a tensile test on a mo ld steel specimen
40mm on diamet er and 200m m long.
Elongation w ith 40K N load Jw1th limit ot pro po rtionality)
r>I. ' 0 030~mm
Yreld load = 161 KN
Maximum loa d= 242 KN
lt'ngth of speomen o f fracture• 249mm
Young modules of elastrcrty Ans. )2.09 •
!0 KN/m'J
11 Y1e lc point stress Ans. (1 2.Sx
lit. Ultimate stress Ans. 119.2 •
!O"KN/m 1 )
Iv Percentage elongation Ans.
[24 5%]

5 A steel bar is 900mm long; Its two ends are 40mm and 30mm In diameter and the length
of each rod is ]()()mm. The middle portion o l the bar Is 15mm on d iameter and SOOmm
long ti th~ bar is wbtl'Cted to an a•lal tensile load of 15KN, find the total ext ension.
(Take E = 200 GN/M'
Ans [0.2454mm(

Exercise or strain energy & impact loading

l. Calculate instantaneous stress produced in a bar 10cm 2 in area and 3m long by the sudden
application of a tensile load of unknown magnitude, if the extension of the bar due to suddenly
applied load is 1.Smm. Also determine the suddenly applied load. Take E=2 x 10 5 N/mm 2
[lOON /mm 2 50KN]

2. A steel rod is 2m long and SOmm in diameter. An axial pull of lOOKN is suddenly applied to the
rod. Calculate the instantaneous stress induced and also the instantaneous elongation produced
in the rod. Take E=200GN/m 2
[101.86N /mm 2 .1.0186mm]
3. A uniform metal bar has a cross-sectional area of 700mm 2 and a length of 1.Sm. If the stress at
the elastic limit is 160N/mm 2, what will be its proof resilience? Determine also the max value of
an applied load, which may be suddenly applied without exceeding the elastic limit. Calculate
the value of the gradually applied load which will produce the same extension as that produced
by the suddenly applied load above. Take E=2 x 10 5 N/mm 2
[67.2N - M: 56KN: 112KN]

Thin cylindrical & Spherical Shells Exercise

1. A vertical thin walled stand pipe is 4.8 min diameter and stands 30 m high. If the allowable
working stress in the tension is 120 N/mm 2, what is the required wall thickness of the pipe?
Assume that the pipe is filled with water of specific weight 10 KN/m 3 [6 mm] ANS

2. A cylinder pipe of diameter 1.5 m and thickness 1.5 cm is subjected to an internal fluid pressure of
1.2 N /mm 2• Determine;

(a) Longitudinal stress developed in the pipe. [30 N/mm 2J ANS

(b) Circumferential stress developed in the pipe. [60 N/mm 2] ANS

3. A cylinder of internal diameter 2.5 m and of thickness 5 cm contains a gas. If the tensile stress in
the material is not to exceed 80 N/mm 2, determine the internal pressure of the gas.

[3.2N/mm 2] ANS

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