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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Reanna Fitzgerald

Grade Level: 4th
School: North Fork Elementary School
Date: November 6th 2019
Time: 12:25 - 1:05 (PST)

Reflection from prior lesson:

In the previous foundational skills lesson, that was taught on Monday (11/4/2019) I actually
had prepared to teach this lesson. However, when I passed out the Decodables
textbooks, I didn’t realize that they were the wrong volume. I told the students to turn to
page 49 in their books and then realized that it didn’t match with our current foundational
skill. When my cooperating teacher checked the library for the volume we actually
needed, they only had 6 copies of volume 1. So, I had to be flexible and continue a
different lesson from a previously taught day so the students still had some foundational
skill practice. Lesson learned there, was always check the teacher and student copies
before teaching the lesson! After we got settled with my powerpoint and started the skill
more, the students did well and it’s clear to me they understand how the prefixes -in and
-un change the base words.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:








Lesson Objectives:
Students will whisper-read the decodable passage “Digging for Diamonds” improving
their fluency while reading a grade-level passage.
Students will identify words within their reading that have the -un and -in prefixes.
Students will use decoding skills and self-correction strategies to read a grade-level
passage with accuracy and expression.

Materials Needed:
● Slideshow
● Projector
● Decodables
● Sticky Notes

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

This is a large class of 27 students. We have 3 students on IEPs and 2 students on 504s. One of
the students on a 504 plan has poor eyesight and must be seated near the front of the classroom
in order to see the board. There are multiple students who need more support and reminders to
track during instruction time, 3 of the students are on a check-in, check out system. It’s important
to check in frequently, not only for their best interest but also to make sure we are recording
correct behavior data. These students should be in close proximity to the teacher during the
foundational skills lesson and most of them have seats up in the front of the classroom.
The class as a whole is mostly below grade level in reading, as measured from data in Acadience
and iReady. These decodable readers are all leveled at a 4th grade-level and some students may
have a challenging time accessing this text independently. To make sure students can access the
foundational skill, we will read the -in and -un words prior to reading the passage. After the
reading, I will ask students if there are words they had a hard time reading or if there are words
they didn’t know. Also, knowing this passage might be difficult for some kids, I want to preface
them why we are reading this books. I will also encourage students to skip words that are too
difficult for them to decode.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (i5 minutes)

● getting attention
“Today we are actually going to try something new with foundational skills.”
● relating to past experience and/or knowledge
“We are still working on the same skill and prefixes that we have been working on. Can
anyone remind me what two prefixes we are working on?”
Have students all blurt it if they know it (-in and -un)
● creating a need to know/ sharing objective, in general terms
“Today we are going to read the decodables. We are going to work on
becoming FLUENT readers. To be fluent readers we have to be great at
three other areas of reading first. We have to be accurate readers,
which means read words correctly. We also have to read at a good
rate, at the same speed that we talk. AND we have to read with
expression.” ← Model for students what each of these look like.

2. Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies)

“For just a warm up I want to practice reading some words together as
a whole class. Let’s read through the words all together first.” ← Go
in order and read chorally.
“Great job! Now I’m going to pick up the pace a little bit, and I’m going to jump around
the list so you have to watch where I am pointing. Get your hands on your desk, ready…?”
** Point to words and have students read.

** Pass out decodable textbooks.

“Distributors, please come help pass out these books. Each student needs one.”
“Turn to page 49 in your decodable reader. The story we are reading is called “Digging
for Diamonds. Let’s start just by reading the words in the blue box as a whole class,
ready, begin.”
*Students and I chorally read the words in the blue box

1st read: Pass out sticky notes.

“Place this sticky note at the top of your book’s page with the clear side that is sticky on
the paper and the colored part sticking up.
- Give student expectations for first read. Every student is expected to whisper read
the passage, model for them what this looks like. I will be walking around the
room listening to all them read.
- Tell students they will whisper read for 1 minute.
At the end of the first read, ask students if there were words that they didn’t know or had
trouble with.
As we read this time, I want you to work on reading with accuracy. That means we are
reading the words correctly. You have one minute to read this time. Ready go”
● Listen to kids reading
● Stop after one minute
“Okay, now I want you to take the sticky note and place it so the
colored part is over the last word you read.” ← Model this for them
under the document camera.

2nd Read: “This time, same thing, you’ll be given one minute to read the passage. This
time I want you to work on your rate as you read. We want to read at the same rate we
talk. It’s also your own goal to BEAT the last place that you read to last time. You have
one minute, ready, go”.
● Stop the students. Have them move their sticky note to the new place they ended.
Have students close their eyes. Raise your hand if you beat your place from last
time, okay hands down.
● It’s okay if you haven’t beat your last record. Sometimes we focus on something
that is more difficult for us like accuracy or expression that might decrease our

3rd Read: “This time, same thing, you’ll be given one minute to read the passage. This
time I want you to work on your expression as you read. We want to change our voices
as we read especially when we reach question marks and exclamation marks. It’s also
your own goal to BEAT the last place that you read to last time. You have one minute,
ready, go”.

Final Read: “this our last read! ** Give out compliments to the whole class about the
awesome reading I’ve heard** This time you have one minute to read, and we are going
to read with accuracy, good rate, and expression! You have one minute. Try to beat
yourself this time! Ready, set, GO!”

3. Closure (include time allotment)

“Who beat themselves while they were reading today!? **Hopefully most people beat
themselves** If you beat yourself at all during these readings today, or if you gave your
best effort during the readings today, you are already improving your accuracy as a
reader! I want you to take this time to turn to a partner close to you and talk about how
you felt you did in this activity today.”

** Get attention. “You guys all did a great job during the reading today. Show me on your
fingers, 5 being the best and 1 being the worst, about how you felt YOU did on this
“Thank you, this isn’t something we will do everyday, but it’s something we will do a
couple times a week to make sure that we are becoming accurate readers”

B. Assessments Used
Informal - Listening to students as they are reading. Grading on participation. Self-ratings
at the end of the lesson.

C. Differentiated Instruction
There are multiple students I am concerned about accessing this level of text. For these
students, I will ask them to whisper read their leveled partner reading books instead if
they seem frustrated or withdrawn from this activity. I want them to start the lesson
reading the whole class decodable, but after listening to the students I will determine if a
partner reading book is more appropriate for their level.

D. Resources
ReadyGen Reading Curriculum - Volume 1
Grade 4 Practice Readers Volume 1: Units 1 and 2 —> Practice word analysis and reread
for fluency

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