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Concrete is made up of three basic components: water, aggregate (rock, sand, or gravel)
and Portland cement. Cement, usually in powder form, acts as a binding agent when
mixed with water and aggregates. This combination, or concrete mix, will be poured and
harden into the durable material. Concrete have different properties when in fresh form
and when it is in hard form. The potential strength and durability of concrete of a given
mix proportion is very dependent on the degree of its compaction. It controls the long term
behavior, Ec (elastic modulus), creep, and durability. Following are the two states of
concrete whose properties control the behavior of concrete.

1. Properties of concrete in fresh state

2. Properties of concrete in hard state


Fresh concrete is that stage of concrete in which concrete can be molded and it is in
plastic state. Fresh Concrete can be easily molded into any designed shape in
construction. It can be prepared on the spot and may give a wide range of properties
from easily available raw materials.

Following are the important properties of fresh concrete that affects the strength and
durability of the concrete. We will discuss in details below the different properties of Fresh

1. Workability
2. Setting time
3. Water Cement Ratio
4. Segregation
5. Bleeding
6. Plastic Shrinkage
7. Thermal Shrinkage
8. Thermal Expansion

Workability, is the ease with which freshly prepared concrete can be transported and
placed for the job and compacted to a dense mass.

The fresh concrete which may be expected to give the best results must possess the
property of workability. This is the most important property of fresh concrete. A workable
concrete should have a right balance between the plasticity and mobility for a particular
job in particular place.

To develop such a balance, you must select the right type of aggregates, proper
proportioning of cement, sand, coarse aggregates, and water, and thorough mixing of the
constituents. Besides plasticity or consistency and mobility, the third most important
aspect considered to define workability is the ease with which the freshly placed concrete
can be compacted without developing any defects. Good workability is required to
produce concrete that is both economical and high in quality. Workability of a fresh
concrete can be assesses by different tests.


Since workability depends on a number of factors, no single test is thought to be sufficient

to express this property of fresh concrete. For quality construction, the following two tests
are required to be carried out.


The slump test is a means of assessing the consistency of fresh concrete. It is used,
indirectly, as a means of checking that the correct amount of water has been added to
the mix. The test is carried out as “Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement
Concrete" and carries the code (ASTM C 143) or (AASHTO T 119). Following are the
different types of slump that gives the idea of workability of the concrete.

 True Slump
 Shear Slump
 Collapse Slump
 Zero Slump
The steel slump cone is placed on a solid, impermeable, level base and filled with the
fresh concrete in three equal layers. Each layer is rodded 25 times to ensure compaction.
The third layer is finished off level with the top of the cone. The cone is carefully lifted up,
leaving a heap of concrete that settles or ‘slumps’ slightly. The upturned slump cone is
placed on the base to act as a reference, and the difference in level between its top and
the top of the concrete is measured and recorded to the nearest 10mm to give the slump
of the concrete.

When the cone is removed, the slump may take one of three forms. In a true slump the
concrete simply subsides, keeping more or less to shape. In a shear slump the top portion
of the concrete shears off and slips sideways. In a collapse slump the concrete collapses
completely. Only a true slump is of any use in the test. If a shear or collapse slump is
achieved, a fresh sample should be taken and the test repeated. A collapse slump will
generally mean that the mix is too wet or that it is a high workability mix, for which the
flow test (see separate entry) is more appropriate.

Types of slump failure (Fig 1)

 Compaction Factor Test

This test is developed in the UK by Glanville. In this test samples of concrete are weighed
first when concrete is partially compacted, and then after the full compaction. The
samples are compacted using specified techniques and apparatus. The ratio between
partially compacted weight to the fully compacted weight gives a measure of compaction
factor. It is always less than 1.

The reliability of this test has been questioned by many peoples. But still, for very stiff and
dry concrete, this test is often considered to be a good indicator of workability.

Compaction Factor Apparatus

1. Setting:

When concrete changes its state from fresh to hardened then this process is called
setting. And the time required to complete this process is known as Setting Time of

Setting time depends on the type of cement, aggregates, etc., used in concrete-mix. For
increasing or decreasing the setting time of Admixtures.

The setting time for Portland cement is about 30 – 45 minutes.

2. Water Cement Ratio:

Ratio of the weight of water to the weight of cement used in concrete mix is called water
cement ratio.

A lower ratio leads to higher strength and durability, but may make the mix difficult to work
with and form. Workability can be resolved with the use of plasticizers or super-

The compressive strength decreases, in general, with increasing water cement ratio and
vice versa. Hence, when minimum water is used just to ensure complete hydration of the
cement, the resulting concrete will give maximum compressive strength on proper

3. Segregation:

Segregation the heavy aggregate particles settle down leaving a sand cement mix on
top affecting the quality adversely. Fine aggregate could be used to overcome the

This can be caused due to excessive vibration in concrete mixer machine or falling
concrete from more than 1-meter height.

4. Bleeding:

Bleeding is the tendency of the water to rise to the surface of freshly laid concrete. This
results from inability of the solid material of concrete to hold the all the water mixed for
preparation of concrete and during the process of material downward is due to
excessive water and vibration.

5. Plastic Shrinkage:

This is the shrinkage that the fresh concrete undergoes untill it sets completely. It may
also be called initial shrinkage.

This can be due to excessive loss of water from the concrete due to evaporation, bleeding,
and soaking by formwork.

Excessive shrinkage at initial stages may develop cracks. Therefore, all precautions
should be taken to avoid excessive loss of water.

6. Thermal Shrinkage:

This may be due to falling in temperature of concrete-mix from the time it laid
to the time it sets completely.

Due to change in temperature, some shrinkage may be expected.

Sometimes, It may be negligible on its own account.

7. Thermal Expansion:

In massive concrete works, when the upper layers are laid before the lower layers have
completely set, there may arise a phenomenon of thermal expansions in the lower layers.

This is because the heat of hydration gets accumulated in those layers and may attain
magnitudes beyond acceptable limits.

The properties which determine the quality of the hardened concrete broadly fall into the
following three groups:

1. Strength
2. Durability
3. Dimensional stability

Characteristic strength, drying shrinkage, creep, modulus of elasticity, permeability and

resistance to chemical attack are hardened and time-dependent properties of concrete
that may influence structural performance.

We will discuss different properties of hardened concrete below in details.


The strength of concrete means the maximum amount of load which it can handle.

In common practice, it is the power of the concrete which is considered its most valuable
property. In fact, high-strength concrete is synonymous with good quality concrete.

The Strength of Concrete can be determined by:

 compressive strength:

It may be defined as the maximum compressive load that can be taken by concrete per
unit area.

It has been shown that with special care and control, concrete can be made to bear as
high loads as 800 kg/ or even more. In practice, however, concrete with
compressive Strength between 200-500 kg/ can be easily made on the site for the
common type of construction.

The compressive strength is also called the crushing strength, and it is determined by
loading axially cube-shaped (or cylindrical shaped) specimens made out of the concrete.
The tests are carried out in 7 days, 14 days and 28 days after the casting of the samples.

Some of the most important factors are:

i. Type of Cement:

The composition, quality and age of the material which is used in the manufacture of
cement that have been stored for the considerable time make concrete of lower strength.
finer the particle size of the cement, higher is the ultimate compressive strength.

ii. Nature of Aggregates:

Sand and coarse aggregates form the other two essential components of concrete. A
good bond between cement and the aggregates is possible only when the aggregates
have sharp edges, clean surfaces, and rough texture. Smooth and rounded aggregates
result in comparatively weak bonds. Similarly, the aggregates used in the concrete
making should have in themselves good compressive strength.

iii. Water-Cement Ratio:

The compressive strength decreases, in general, with increasing water cement ratio.
Hence, when minimum water has been used just to ensure complete hydration of the
cement, the resulting concrete will give maximum compressive strength on proper

iv. Curing Conditions:

Great importance is attached to proper curing of concrete after it’s laying for obtaining
maximum compressive strength. Incomplete curing and intermittent drying of concrete
during the curing period may cause a loss in the compressive strength to the extent of 40
percent or even more.

v. Weather Conditions:

The same concrete placed in different climates -extremely cold and dry hot, may develop
different strength values. The cause is related to incomplete hydration of the cement in
the concrete.
vi. Admixtures:

Certain admixtures are added to the concrete at the mixing stage for achieving some
specific purposes. It has been observed that certain admixtures especially calcium
chloride, increase the compressive strength.

 Tensile Strength:

Plain concrete (without steel reinforcement) is quite weak in tensile strength which may
vary from 1/8th to 1/20th of the ultimate compressive strength.

It is primarily for this reason that steel bars (reinforcement) are introduced into the
concrete at the laying stage to get a block of reinforced cement concrete which is very
Strong in compression as well as in tension.

In plain concrete, tensile strength depends largely on the same factors as of the
compressive strength. The Tensile strength of concrete becomes a valuable property
when it is to be used in road making and runways.

i. flexural strength test:

In this test, a beam of concrete is cast in standard dimensions depending upon the
nominal size of the aggregate.

Then, the beam is properly cured and tested after 28 days and note the flexural strength
of beam.

ii. Split-cylinder test:

The cylinder of specified dimensions is made to fail under tension by applying

compressive load across the diameter. This is termed as Splitting Tensile Strength.

The testing machine is adjusted to distribute the load along the entire length of the
cylinder. From the load at failure, tensile strength is calculated.
Compressive and tensile testing apparatus

2. Durability:

Durability is the second most important quality of hardened concrete. It may be defined
as the capacity of hardened concrete to withstand all the forces of deterioration that are
likely to act on it, after setting, in a given environment.

Among these forces, the following are more likely to act.

 Frost Action:

Frost Action is a major cause of deterioration of concrete in Cold Climates. It takes place
due to freezing or water within the concrete pores and cavities during extremely cold
weather. Water on freezing expands and exerts pressure on the walls of the pores. This
cyclic freezing of water in the pores are responsible for the development of cracks of
various nature in the concrete.
 Chemical Attack:

Concrete is liable to attack to various degrees by acids alkalies and salt solutions.

Among the acids, hydrochloric, Sulphuric, nitric and hydrofluoric acid, acetic acid, lactic
acid, and formic acid are very harmful to concrete.

The sources of these acids can be from within or outside the environment in which
concrete has been used. Thus, hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid may be present in
industrial and domestic sewage.

They will destroy gradually the calcium hydroxide components of concrete used for
sewage disposal. Other acids may attack the concrete used in the industrial buildings of

3. Dimensional stability:

CREEP; This defines the behavior of concrete under loads.

It is now well established that concrete is not a truly elastic material. Also, it is not entirely
plastic material. When hardened concrete is loaded, it deforms.

i. partly as a result of elastic strain (which is recovered on the removal of the load);
ii. partly as a result of plastic strain (a permanent deformation).
iii. This latter non-elastic time dependent deformation is a typical property of concrete
and is commonly referred as CREEP.
4. Shrinkage:

Hardened Concrete undergoes in three types of shrinkage that are important with respect
to its dimensional stability.

i. Drying Shrinkage.

As the concrete has completely set and hardens, some further shrinkage may result
because of contraction of gel-structure due to further loss of moisture, or drying (against
the term evaporation used in the first type of shrinkage).
This kind of shrinkage is practically an essential and irreversible property of concrete. It
has to be met with by careful design of reinforcement to avoid its ill effects (cracking of
hardened concrete).

ii. Thermal Shrinkage.

This may be due to fall in temperature of concrete from the time it is laid till it sets
completely. Thus, when concrete laid at 30°C cools down to 15°-18°C, some shrinkage
may be expected. It may be negligible on its own account. But when added to drying
shrinkage, it becomes necessary.


Concrete may expand on hardening due to the following two reasons:

 Thermal Expansion:

In massive concrete works, when the upper layers are laid before the lower layers have
completely set, there can arise a phenomenon of thermal expansion in the lower layers.

This is because the heat of hydration gets accumulated in those layers and may attain
magnitudes beyond acceptable limits.

 Chemical Reactions:

Alkali-aggregate reactions are known to cause a definite expansion in the concrete. The
reaction between amorphous silica of aggregates and oxides of potassium and sodium –
from the cement used in aggregate yield crystalline structures of bigger volumes. This
change becomes harmful because these gel-structures are not as stable and strong as
those formed by reaction between calcium oxide and silica. They become the cause of
cracking and quicker deterioration of hardened concrete.

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