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by Briareos Kerensky (, briareos_CWE),

ver 2.0 20/1/2001

Table of Contents
2-Update History
3-History Briefing
4-Weapons Briefing
5-'Mechs Briefing
6-MechWarriors Briefing
7-Formation Briefing
8-How to costumize a 'Mech
9-General Tactics
10-Multiplayer Tactics
14-Credits and misc


Activision produced three BattleTech-related videogames,

and they aren't so
different from each other. This is the third walthrough of
a series of three,
and most parts will be the same, especially weapons,
costumization, tactics
and 'Mechs sections. The other two documents of this series
are MW2: Ghost
Bear's Legacy (MW2's expansion pack) and MW2: 32st Century
Combat (the
original game).
If someone is going to write me a mail about why wasting
time doing
walkthroughs for such old games, I can point out that they
are the best
reproduction of the standard BattleTech board game, they
are great videogames
and most sites lacks MW2: GBL and MW2: Mercs FAQs. I did
MW2 walkthrough
beacuse the series started from this game.
Note that this walkthrough can be used for the bundled
version of the games,
especially the Voodoo 1 version (which I own). I play to
the old DOS only
version, though I think the Pentium and Win 9x versions
wont' be very
Other walkhroughs speaking of BT-related games are
MechCommander, MechWarrior
3 and MechWarrior 4: Vengeance.


20/1/2001-version 2.0. Last update. All sections online


19/1/2001-version 1.3. The Clans finally arrived. All other

completed. Fortunately enough the next update will be the

3/1/2001-version 2.0. Most sections are online now.

Walkthrough need to be
completed, but I'm at about the 40% of the game.

18/12/2000-version 1.0. Some sections have to be completed,

but walkthrough
has some missions in it.


The Inner Sphere is a place where the five Great Houses

fight for the
supremacy. They have large armies, but the four Succession
Wars reduced them
to a pale memory of their original might. One of the
solutions would be to
cease hostilities, but there is an other solution took
under revision: the use
of skilled Mercenaries honed throughout several battles,
warriors that fight
for the higher price. You are a young mercenary, and you're
performing a recon
mission when you, piloting a Commando, and your commander,
piloting a Zeus,
find themselves trapped by an heavy lance. You'll eventualy
retreat on the
DropShip escaping off-planet, but not your commander...

Before the description of every single weapon and
equipment, here is a brief
description of the categories.
+ Energy weapons: energy weapons uses massive amounts of
electricty produced
by the 'Mech's reactor, and they can be fired without
ammunition problems.
This advantage is balanced by the large amounts of waste
heat that they
produce: the only way to dissipate this heat is to mount
extra heat sinks,
which compensates for their relatively light mass and
compactness. Range are
firepower increases in proportion.
+ Balistic weapons: these weapons must be fed by
ammunition: this limits the
times the weapon can be fired, and ammunitions explode when
struck by weapon
fire. They do not produce large amounts of heat, but are
bulky and weight a
lot. Lighter models have a longer range but less firepower;
heavier models
have more firepower than range, and carries less ammo.
+ Missile weapons: like balistic weapons they use
ammunitions, and each
launcher fire a specified number of missiles in a single
Missiles are explosive, and they produce moderate amounts
of heat. Damage is
spread among the whole target, and not concentrated like
other weapons.
+ Equipment: this category contains the larger variety of
accessories a 'Mech
can mount. They include alternative type of armors, heat
sinks and EW
(Electronic Warfare) suites.
For this first time in the MW2 series, Mercs divides
weapons in two
categories: Inner Sphere and Clan weapons. You'll have free
access to Inner
Sphere weapons, though many of them won't be freely
Purchasable until the Clas
will attack; Clan weapons are lighter and less bulkier,
though you need to
salvage them before using. There is no real differencies
between weapon's
characteristics, as it seems that an ER PCC will do 15 heat
point and 15
damage points even if it is from the Inner Sphere...there's
also no
differencies between Clan and Inner Sphere equipment: you
use remove an Endo-
Steel structure from one Clan 'Mech, mounting it one one IS
'Mech of the same
weight won't work (or at least, the Endo Steel will occupy
14 slots).


STANDARD/ER LASERS: ER means Extended Range, ad all Lasers

(Light Amplificated
through Stimulated Emission of Radiations) belonging to
this category have a
longer range than other types. They fire a single beam of
colored light
(blue=large laser, green=medium laser, red=small laser),
and the should be the
basic weapon of any 'Mechs. There is a bug about Lasers
(both ER and Pulse
versions): if you fire them before the previous Laser beam
finished its
animation (a small smoke cloud on the impact point), the
lasers will miss. You
can fire them once every 4/5 seconds without warning (heat
excepted: for this
you'll need heat sinks). Standard models have a shorter
range, though the heat
generated is less than the ER's

PULSE LASERS: Pulse Lasers fire two Laser beams, each one
capable of dealing
amounts of damage equal to the ER Lasers' ones. However, if
the first beam
hits, the second won't allocate damage (this represents the
to-hit bonus of
the board game). They weight and take more space than the
ER Lasers, have a
faster rite of fire but they can produce great amounts of
heat if overused.

STANDARD/ER PPCS: the best weapon of the game. The PPC

(Particle Projection
Cannon) fires a blue ball of particles subtracted directly
from the 'Mech's
fusion reactor, producing great amounts of waste heat, but
a PPC hit deals
more damage than any other energy weapon in the game. The
range written in the
istruction booklet is wrong; an ER PPC can hit targets up
to 1000 meters away.
Standard PPCs have a shorter range and produce less heat.

FLAMERS: guess what? A flamer spits super-hot gases took

directly from the
reactor. It has a very short range, do not allocate damage
but increases
target's heat. It generates great amounts of heat and
linking even two of them
together equals to immediate shutdown.


STANDARD AUTOCANNONS: ACs fires a stream of hyper velocity

HEAP (High
Explosive Armor Piercing) rounds to the target. Their fast
rate of fire is
balanced by the excessively fast ammo compsummation.

MACHINE GUNS: fast-firing ballistic weapons. They have a

very short range and
large amounts of shells per ton, do moderate damges and
produces no heat.
Basically useless, however.

LB-X AUTOCANNONS: shotgun-like ACs: the LB-X AC fires a

series of projectiles
that separates themselves into smaller pellets to increase
the to-hit
probabilities and to spread damage on the whole 'Mech. All
ACs suffers of the
same bug that affects Laser fire, though this seems to be
worst: some shots
will miss entirely even if shot in your enemies' chests.

ULTRA AUTOCANNONS: Ultra AC fires two rounds at once. They

eat ammo with an
amazing rate, and in most cases the second round will miss
for the bug I
written above.

GAUSS RIFLES: a balistic version of the PPC, though it

doesn't produce
significant amounts of heat and fires further. The AC bug
seems to affects the
Gauss Rifles less than the other ACs, however.
Gauss Rifle's ammo aren't explosive, but the Rifle itself
is: when the Rifle
is truck by weapon fire it explodes in a smilar way to

AMS: the Anti-Missile System is a rapid fire machine gun

that targets, tracks
and engages incoming missiles. It eats ammo like someone
who haven't eat for
one year, and it will engage ANY enemy missile flying near
you, even if they
aren't addressed at you.


LONG RANGE MISSILES (LRM): all missiles in battletech are

fired in salvos, and
LRMs come in 5, 10, 15 and 20 racks. Each ton of LRM ammo
contains 120
missiles, and larger it's the launcher, shorter will be the
lifespan of the
ammo bin: LRM-5 can be fired 24 times, LRM-10 12 times,
LRM-15 8 times and LRM-
20 only six times. LRMs will lock on targets more than 75
meters away: under
this distance you'll have to manually aim them.

SHORT RANGE MISSILES (SRM): these missiles are fired "on

iron sights", and
doesn't require a radar lock to be fires. Use them only if
you are a good
gunner: missiles are slower than ACs and energy beams and
have the same speed
of PPCs. SRMs come in 2, 4 and 6 missiles per salvo and
each ton contains 100

STREAK SRMS: advance SRMs: they have the same tracking

equipment of LRMs, and
comes in the same dimensions of standard SRMs. They haven't
the "75 meters"
problems of LRMs, though their range is max 497 meters
against the LRMs' full

INFERNO SRM-2 and STREAK SRM-2: inferno rounds increases

heat of the target if
they hit; they come in Streak and standard version, only in
the simplest
version, and both don't allocate damage.
NARC MISSILE BEACON: the Narc is a heavily modified missile
used to establish
solid locks for LRMs and Streak SRMs. The Narc fires a
single missile with the
range of an SRM, and when the Narc hits the target the lock
is always valid
and can be broken only if the target is destroyed.


artillery weapon
currently used by Clans, and fires one big missile at a
maximum range of 2
KMs, capable of destroying a 'Mech through direct impact
and a 75 meters blast


JUMP JETS: jump jets give the ability to jump and do quick
turns to 'Mechs
mounting them.One jump jet occupies one critical slot, but
the weight depends
on the 'Mech total tonnage: 0.5 tons for 20-55 tons 'Mechs,
1 for 60-85
tons 'Mechs and 2 tons for other 'Mechs. The number of
installable jump jets
equal to the walking MP (to know the walking and running MP
of a 'Mech, watch
the first numberof the walking/running speed; for example,
a standard Firemoth
has a walking/running MP of 10/15 -the 162 kph is an
approximation-, and a
Nova a 5/8).

HEAT SINKS: one heat sink weights 1 ton and occupies one
critical slot, and
dissipate one heat point.

DOUBLE HEAT SINKS: a Double Heat Sink weights one ton and
occupies 3 criticals
(Clan Double Heat Sinks only 2), but dissipates 2 heat
points. One of the
greatest assets in 'Mech construction. Numbers of Double
Heat Sinks and
standard Heat Sinks contained by an engine are the same.

ENDO STEEL INTERNAL: it takes 14 criticals (Clan version

only 7) everywhere in
the 'Mech, but cut in half the internal structure of the

FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR: the ferro-fibrous armor provides 19

armor point per 1 ton
ton of armor instead of the standard 16 points. It weights
less but takes up
14 criticals (Clan Version 7) everywhere in the 'Mech.

XL ENGINE: the standard engine takes only 6 criticals in

the center torso, but
weights a lot. XL engine weights half than a standard
engine of the same
rating but occupies 3 critical slots in each lateral torso.
Most of your
configurations will be cenetered around an XL engine.
Number of heat sinks
contained by the engine doesn't change.

MASC: MASC (Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry) is used to

put short bursts
of extra top speed when needed. The MASC's weight is based
on 'Mechs weight.
It allows to have a top speed twice the standard walking MP
(the normal
runinng MP is 1.5 times the walking MP) for about 15
seconds. After this
period the MASC automatically disengages itself for
malfunction. You can re-
use it, however, and malfunction won't freeze your legs (as
the MASC does in
the board game)

CASE: Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment. It is

automatically loaded where
ammunition or explosive equipment are. Usually an explosion
damages all
internal parts of the 'Mech, and finishes it efects when
the 'mech is
destroyed or the explosion has no force left, and spreads
to other 'Mech
locations. CASE stops the explosion to the location where
it originated.
Inner Sphere CASE must have one critical and half a ton
free to be installed.

ARM ACTUATORS: Useless. They take only critical space in

the arms and do not
give nothing in exchange. In BattleTech they would be used
for physical
attacks, and MW2 has only a strange version of the DFA to
allocate physical


Notes: MW2: Mercs contains a large number of 'Mechs and

vehicles, and writing
down a description for each one would be a monumental task.
I'll write
down 'Mech names and models, divided into Inner Sphere and
Clan categories, as
usual. And Clan 'Mechs with different name in the Iner
Sphere have this name
in brackets. Note that Clan 'Mechs won't normally available
on market, like
some other Inner Sphere 'Mechs included only for Istant
Just for helping in selecting 'Mechs, I usually start with
a Commando
(mhmm...I ALWAYS start with a Commando...), then I buy a
Sentinel, a Crab, a
Bombardier, a Flashman, an Awesome and finally an Atlas.
You should end the
game with three Atlases (one for each MechWarrior you
hired). Have fun.


Battle Suit
Battle Hawk
Wolf Trap
Grim Reaper


Firemoth (Dasher)
Kitfox (Uller)
Jenner IIC
Nova (Black Hawk)
Stormcrow (Ryoken)
Mad Dog (Vulture)
Cauldron Born
Hellbringer (Loki)
Summoner (Thor)
Timber Wolf (Mad Cat)
Gargoyle (Man'o'war)
Warhawk (Masakari)
Executioner (Gladiator)
Dire Wolf (Daishi)


I'm not going to write the phiscologic profile of the

pilot, but only first
name, nick name, last name, gunnery and piloting skill and
lastly, salary.
AeroSpace Pilots have their aircraft between last name and


Christian "Tusk" Fulron, B, C+, 5000 C-Bills

Ash "Crash" Reeves, C, C, 5000 C-Bills
Daniel "Reaper" Wilks, A, A, 10000 C-Bills
Arnold 'Psycho' "Mr. Happy" Jennings, B, B, 5000 C-Bills
Jake 'Killer' "Lobo", A, B+, 500 C-Bills
Alice "Nightmare" Jackson, B, B, 5000 C-Bills
Edmond "Rockjaw" Fern, A, B, 4000 C-Bills
Konshiki "Kobiyashi" Yabu, A+, A+, 11000 C-Bills
Jennifer "Dark-Angel" Brockton, A+, A, 12000 C-Bills
Mark "Head-Shot" Everson, A+, C, 6000 C-Bills
Curtis "Warlord" Dacey, B, B-, 4000 C-Bills
Bill "Chuckles" Xander, B, B, 4000 C-Bills
Sean "Death-Angel" McMiller, B, B+, 6000 C-Bills
Sally "Shredder" Kent, A, C, 3000 C-Bills


Jesse "Snake" Winfiled, Thrush, B, B, 60000 C-Bills

Hans "Sword" O'Malluki, Slayer, A, A, 90000 C-Bills
Arthur "Patch-eye" Dankins, Riever, B, A, 120000 C-Bills
Reggie "Weasel" Faust, Sholagar, B+, B, 60000 C-Bills
Arvin "Devil" Uthacok, Shilone, A, A, 75000 C-Bills
Karl "Crusher", B, B-, Stuka, 50000 C-Bills



This formation puts the leader (you) in the middle of an

horizontal line: this
formation is the best for slow, secure advances and for
maximizing firepower.
It also allows you cover side area without relative effort

This formation puts the leader in the center of a vertical

line. Basically a
good formation if you want to get killed by your starmates
(the AI of your
starmates isn't good enough to tell them to do not fire
when you are in front
of them...)


This formation forms a diagonal line with the leader on the

left and the last
starmate on the right, slighty behind it. I've never used
Eschelon formations,


A copy of the Eschelon Left, though the leader is on the



An other formation ideal to get killed by your starmates,

especially if you
order to engage at will. Your stamates will position
themselves into your
right and left rear targets, leaving you to freely direct
their movements.


The best formation. You are behind your lancemates, and

this will allow you to
direct them with great efficiency and to do not get killed
by their shots.


In this section I won't explain how to use the 'Mech Lab

(the istruction
booklet exists for this), but some guidelines to create a
powerful 'Mech. I
will assume that you're playing with (very) limited access
to Clan technology,
and that you're relying on the market to purchase weapons
and equipment. Note
that any Clan 'Mech in any configuration is superior to any
Sphere 'Mech, so do not try to sell them. You can costumize
them with standard
weapons and keep engine, armor, structure and Double Heat
Sinks, but selling
them is the worst action you can do.

Begin to choose the chassis. This also indicates which

engine you're going to
have under your cockpit; increasing or decreasing an engine
or switching from
standard to XL technology or viceversa costs a lot, so
watch for the top speed
of the 'Mech you're going to buy: I reccomend at least a
top speed of 60 kph
for heavy and assault 'Mechs (Atlas excluded) and 80 kph
for other 'Mechs.
However, the engine DOESN'T contain extra heat sinks, and
every new heat sink
will takes critical space.
Always allocate the maximum amount of armor, Mercs is more
difficult than
other MW2 products (GBL included), but try to allocate some
points at the rear
torso sections (6 for Center Torso and 5 for lateral
Torsos) because in most
cases you'll be outnumbered, and when the Clans will come
with their superior
weapons a paper-thin rear armor won't be an advantage.
Unfortunately enough
Mercs has the annoying extra armor bug: if you don't assign
all armor points
indicated by the armor factor aren't allocated, the
computer will subtract
half a ton (usually) to keep all armor points allocated,
and if points from
this half a ton are allocated, they'll be subtracted from
the actual armor
location, starting from the head.


I think the most important thing is to have an effective

weapon loads you can
use at 100%. Mounting various systems which wouldn't be
used is a waste of
space and tonnage.
Keep you 'Mech moving. In MW2 enemies will usually
outnumbers you, when not,
the enemies are usually elite pilots, able to hit even a
jumping 'Mech
straight in the head (OK, this in exageration...). To
improve you mobility,
install jump jets (at least three); use them to do quick
lateral shifts and to
evade an obstacle when engaging something. You can also use
them to perform
DFA (Death From Above) attacks, but it is very difficult to
hit an other
moving target and won't allocate too much damage; it also
possible to hit
targets with weapons while jumping: Streak SRMs, LRMs and
other "quick" energy
weapons (primary lasers; PPCs are slow and ACs eat ammo too
quickly) are the
best weapons for this maneuver; by performing this attack
the target will be
harder to hit (your and its movement, plus a smaller target
silouhette), but
nearly every you'll score will be on torso sections: legs
will be covered by
the upper body and arms are usually too small to be hit by
fire; it is also
possible to score more head shots if you are a good gunner.
Now let's speak about your torso and eyes: rather than
redirecting the
whole 'Mech toward the enemy, it is better to twist your
upper body; this will
make you harder to hit, and your foes too, but only at the
first times; when
you're engaging moving targets with your torso twisted, and
the terrain has
mountains, mesas, trees, buildings and whatever else may
block your way, spend
one second to watch where you're walking, with the eye
control buttons: just
keep it down until you realize where your legs are
pointing, then release it
and keep firing on you enemy. Recenter Torso to Legs and
Recenter Legs to
Troso are important button, especially if performing
maneuvers in narrow
space, like cities; if you haven't jump jets, the quickest
way to rediret the
whole 'Mech is to use the Recenter Leg to Torso Button;
remember that this
button sometimes doesn't work, as you torso will keep
moving right and left
try to center with the leg: just avoid directional buttons
after pushing it.
When you're fighting in particular environments, light
amplification and image
enhacement will provide a better visual of the
sorroundings. Image Enhacement
is the best, as it excludes vis-light datas and shows
enemies and structures
as blue wireframe objects, while terrain as brown wireframe
polygons. Light
Amplification will turn the area into a green-shaded
visual; it is nearly
useless, especially because it is disabled afte one sensor
critical hit.
Critical hits: engine hits will make you move slower, like
gyro hits. Sensor
hits will disable light amplification and will make your
radar slower in
recognizing targets, and your cockpit instruments may show
wrong values. Leg
and arm hits will usually resul it the limb blown off; it
an arm has blown off
isn't a big problem (provided you have you weapons in the
torso), but a leg
will immobilize you. You won't fall and you'll be able to
turn on yourself,
but you'll be a stationary target for the rest of the
mission; if you have
jump jets this is a minor drawback, however; yuo'll just
have to keep your
jets on for the rest of the game. Other critical hits are
about equipment: if
a weapon is disabled, you won't be able to fire the weapon,
if it is a heat
sink you capacity to recycle heat will be lowered and if it
is a critical
containing ammo, the location where the ammo slot was is
completely destroyed,
armor, internal structure and components. Always include
CASE in lcoations
containign explosive equipment (not only ammo, but Gauss
Rifles too).
Enemies tend to hit the left side of your 'Mech, especially
the arm. MW2 patch
1.2 and GBL partially resolve this flaw, and it is better
to position weapons
and important equipment in the center and right torso, then
switching to right
arm or left torso, and this is your choice as these
locations tend to attract
enemy fire in the same proportion.
It is possible to avoid enemy fire: most of the long-range
unguided weapons
(anithing except LRMs) won't hit in most cases if you move
slightly to the
sides. PPC fire can be easily avoided by a quick side step
(jump jets) or by
turning you 'Mech toward one side. LRMs can be avoided by
simply positioning
you sight (and the whole 'Mech) at the sides of the firing
enemy indicator:
the missiles will bypass you, and when they'll try to turn
to reestablish a
lock, they'll usually end their run over terrain features
or will splash
directly into the terrain.
Be sure to use every hill, building and whatever else to
cover your 'Mech from
enemy fire, and to get near the enemy as closest as
possible: enemy vehicles
tend to fire less and will try to disengage; this tactic
works best
with 'Mech with long arm like the Rifleman IIC and the
Warhawk, as their arm-
mopunted weapons aren't able to hit near targets.


Like MW2 and GBL, Mercs has a very limited distribution and
when I bought it
Internet in Italy was only a strange English world for most
people, and ISPs
were very costly, so spending money for playing a game with
so many bugs on
unknown servers weren't a good idea...except few battle on
LANs and modem-to-
modem modes, I haven't any real experience in multiplayer
combat. If you have,
contact me at and I'll be glad to put
your suggestions here.

Notes: unlike all othe games in MW2 series, rising the
difficulty level won't
give you more money, but will only increase the game's
overall difficulty. As
there aren't any bonuses for 'Mechs weighting less than the
maximum tonnage
defined, buy a more powerdul 'Mech whenever you can, and
have at least two
other "spare" 'Mechs to use. A complete walkthorugh is
relatively impossible,
as the game follows a timeline where's missions are months
(one random
mission, not the campaigns). I'll write down all campaign
proposed by the
game, though very few have to be completed to advanced in
the game. Note that
you have to hire two pilots, with the higher
piloting/gunnery skill available.
I reccomend Jennifer Brikton and Konshiki Yabu. Do not
spend time and money
with AeroSpace support, you won't be able to use them for
an irritating bug in
the game.
Remember that as a Merc Commander you will have to
amministrate your funds and
will have more freedom than an hired mercenary. The second
campaign is useful
to know what are the important missions in the game, and to
practice a bit.
MW2: Mercs hasn't training missions, so you should acquire
basic and advanced
skills on the field. Note that few contracts MUST be
completed: they are
marked with an (*) after the contract definition. Some
contracts may have
different missions if you fail the previous one: the
Solaris Campaign is a
clear example of that: the XW means that this mission
follows a successfully-
completed mission, while XL (no, this time isn't not
ExtraLight) means a
mission following a failed one.
Good luck.


Here's a brief paragraph to describe random missions. Each

of these mission
takes a month for the time, and it will be generated by the
computer to fill
month gaps between two campaigns. Note that if you do a
random mission in the
same time a campaign will start, the timeline won't be
moved forward one
month, but you'll return after the campaign's end, only
with a salary of
arandom mission.
Random missions are centered arounbd three objectives:
recon, attack and
defend, and each one will contain light, medium and heavy
resistance; note
that two light enemy 'Mechs attacking/defendng different
target can be medium
resistance, but you'll now the exact number and weight of
your opponents only
before combat. Attack and recon contracts are relatively
simple, while defend
ones are the most complex: later in the game there would be
tow objectives,
attacked by two enemies at the same moment, and you will
need at least one
lancemate for these objectives. To practice with these
missions, go to the
Istant Action menu.


Just a trick before starting: if you do first the garrison

contract with the
Draconis Combine and THEN the trainig contract, you'll be
able to salvage
one 'Mech in the training campaign. Other tricks within
contracts will be
written in the appropriate section.


Planet: Venaria
Type: Training
Begin Date: June 1, 3044
End Date: July 15, 3044
Maximumm Pay: 300,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: bounty
Salvage Rights: poor

Codename: Training Mission
Planet: Venaria
Terrain: Rolling Hills
Time of Day: Day
Temperature: 15 Celsius
Pay: none
Expected Resistance: Pirates
Your Callsign: "Kid" or "Hey, you"
Primary Targets: Go to Nav Point Alpha
Go to Nav Point Beta
Go to Nav Point Gamma
Go to Nav Point Delta
Return to DropShip Wildride

Nothing much to say. Follow the Nav Points sequence and do

not fire to your
instructor, or the mission will fail.

Codename: Turkey Shoot
Planet: Venaria
Terrain: Rolling Hills
Time of Day: Day
Temperature: 8 Celsius
Pay: none
Expected Resistance: Pirates
Your Callsign: "Kid" or "Hey, You"
Primary Targets: Go to Nav Point Alpha (1000 C-Bills)
Go to Nav Point Beta (1000 C-Bills)
Destroy enemy aircrafts (1000 C-Bills)
Destroy enemy airfiled (1000 C-Bills)
Return to DropShip WildRide (1000 C-Bills)

An other easy mission. Follow the Nav sequence and then

destroy the landed
crafts and then go after the two buildings of the airfiled.

Codename: Cat and Mouse
Planet: Venaria
Terrain: Rolling Hills
Time of Day: Day
Temperature: 10 Celsius
Pay: none
Expected Resistance: Pirates
Your Callsign: "Kid" or "Hey, you"
Primary Targets: Go to Nav Point Alpha (1000 C-Bills)
Go to Nav point Beta (1000 C-Bills)
Identify trucks carrying ammunition (1000 C-Bills)
Destroy enemy convoy (1000 C-Bills)
Return to DropShip Wildride (1000 C-Bills)
Follow the Nav sequence, and when you reach Point Beta turn
right to head
toward the convoy, and when a truck is near you (200 meter)
inspect it, then
destroy it. You may want to leave this to Dead Eye, though.

Codename: Final Exam
Planet: Venaria
Terrain: Rolling Hills
Time of Day: Day
Temperature: 28 Celsius
Pay: 300,000 C-Bills
Expected Resistance: Pirates
Your Callsign: "Kid" or "Hey, you"
Primary Targets: Destroy enemy 'Mechs at Nav Point Beta
(1000 C-Bills)
Return to DropShip Wildride (1000 C-Bills)

Finally some real action. Go to Nav Point Alpha, and wait

until Dead Eye
reaches and passes you. Let him fire a volley of LRMs to
the Panther, and
engage the Javelin. Contract ended.


Planet: Galedon IV
Type: Riot Duty - Search & Destroy
Beign Date: August 1, 3044
End Date: December 15, 3044
Maximum Pay: 1,500,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: bounty
Salvage Rights: excellent

Codename: Scalpel
Planet: Galedon IV
Terrain: Urban
Time of Day: Dawn
Temperature: 10 Celsius
Pay: 250,000 C-Bills
Expected Resistance: light tanks, converted civilian
Your Callsign: Dragon-1
Primary Targets: Destroy the 3rd floor of the I.S. Saving
building (100,000 C-
Return to Nav Point Beta
Bonus Targets: Destroy no other floors (50,000 C-Bills)
Eliminate all resistance (50,000 C-Bills)
You have two DC 'Mechs at your back, though they won't
assist you unless
atacked. Go to nav Alpha, and destroy the third floor of
the buiding (the one
with windows). Four enemy contacts will appear on your
radar: two armored
scouts, one copter and one Commando. Go for the vehicles
first, and the engage
the Commando, then return to nav Beta.

Codename: Snake City
Planet: Galedon IV
Terrain: Urban
Time of Day: Night
Temperature: 12 Celsius
Pay: 250,000 C-Bills
Expected Resistance: none
Your Callsign: Dragon-1
Primary Targets: Escort governor car to nav Beta (50,000 C-
Bonus Targets: Assist DC Forces (10,000 C-Bills)
Eliminate all resistance (10,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: 2 Medium Lasers

You'll begin with the city in front of you. Kick your 'Mech
to max speed and
engage the Jenner firing to the governor car, then move to
help the Kurita MBT
attacked by three Armored Scouts. Quickly dispatch them and
run toward Nav
Beta. An helicopter will power up and begin to attack the
governor car, but
two MBTs will be ready to stop it if you're too far.

Codename: Back Door
Planet: Galedon IV
Terrain: Urban
Time of Day: Day
Temperature: 15 Celsius
Pay: 500,000 C-Bills plus 100,000 C-Bills per kill
Expected Resistance: Washkatin Defense Force
Your Callsign: Dragon-1
Primary Targets: Destroy Enemy Leader (100,000 C-Bills)
Destroy all enemy units (100,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: 3 SRM-6, one Jenner

The city where the last rebels are is at your left. Do a 90

degrees turn and
run toward the gray building. A Jenner will power up;
destroy it and then head
toward the leader's Panther. Destroy the longer arm to
disable it PPC, then
one leg and now go after the three SRM Carriers before the
two DC 'Mechs power
up and stole credits. Then finish the Panther. Contract


Planet: Engandin
Type: Search & Destroy
Beign Date: March 1, 3045
End Date: May 1, 3045
Maximum Pay: 400,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: bounty
Salvage Rights: none

Codename: Tiger Hunt
Planet: Engandin
Terrain: Mesa Desert
Time of Day: Morning
Expected Resistance: 1 Pirate Assault 'Mech
Your Callsign: Hunter
Primary Targets: Destroy enemy 'Mech

You'll recieve support from two FRR 'Mechs, a Vindicator

and a Jenner. There
are three nav points, and the damaged Atlas is hidden at
one of them. As soon
you begin to move three AeroFighters will enter the zone:
pick them out
(remember that you get C-Bills for every kill you score),
then head to Nav
Point Delta to find the Atlas. Concentrate fire on one leg
and then finish it.
Contract ended.


Planet: New Ivarseen
Type: Guerrilla Operations
Beign Date: June 1, 3045
End Date: October 15, 3045
Maximum Pay: 1,500,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: bounty
Salvage Rights: poor

Codename: Phoenix-Dawn
Planet: Proserpina
Terrain: Crystal Desert
Time of Day: Late Afternoon
Temperature: 35 Celsius
Pay: bounty only
Expected Resistance: 1st Amphigean Light Assault
Your Callsign: Raider-1
Primary Targets: Go to Nav Point Alpha (100,000 C-Bills)
Follow scout to rebel base (100,000 C-Bills)
Defend rebel base (100,000 C-Bills)
Escort rebel leader (100,000 C-Bills)

As you land into the desert, your DropShip will be attacked

by two 'Mechs, a
Javelin and a Commando. Destroy them quickly, and then head
to Nav Point Alpha.
When you're at 1 Km from it, the rebel scout will alert you
to go to Nav Beta,
as Nav Alpha is guarded by an Awesome. If you want, you can
try to destroy it
by first destroying a leg from afar, and then closing for a
As you reach Nav Point Beta, the rebel scout, piloting an
Assassin will guide
you to the rebel base, which is falled under attack by a
Jenner and a Javelin.
After you have finished with them, the rebel leader will
try to escape at Nav
Point Delta: destroy the Jenner threating him and then
reach the truck at the
Nav Point.

Codename: Blood-for-Blood
Planet: Proserpina
Terrain: Salt Flats
Time of Day: Midnight
Temperature: 10 Celsius
Pay: bounty only
Expected Resistance: 1st Amphigean Light Assault
Your Callsign: Raider-1
Primary Targets: Find and kill Sho-Sa Varus (200,000 C-
Destroy firebases (50,000 C-Bills)
Return to Nav Point Lambda

You need at least to medium 'Mechs for fully complete this

You start in a cave, and two 'Mechs, a Centurion and a
Trebutchet are
patrolling the area. As they will be an irritating
nuissance at the end of the
mission, I reccomend to take them out now. Concentrate fire
on a single 'Mech
before going after the second.
Each firebase occupies a Nav Point: at the first Nav Point
(Alpha) there is
your objective.
Go for the base at Nav Point Beat first. It is protected by
four turrets plus
a Javelin. You can them all out at long range, before they
power up, and then
destroy the base's four buildings. Now head to Nav Alpha,
and take out the
Panther and the three turrets from long range. Destroy the
buildings and head
for the remainig 'Mech, Varus' Vindicator. Concentrate fire
on it and then
head to Nav Lambda.

Codename: Crystal Storm
Planet: Proserpina
Terrain: Sandy Desert
Time of Day: Afternoon
Temperature: 30 Celsius
Pay: bounty only
Expected Resistance: 1st Amphigean Light Assault
Your Callsign: Raider-1
Primary Targets: Defend Artillery Platoon
Find the Draconis Lance (100,000 C-Bills)
Destroy the Draconis Lance (100,000 C-Bills)

You'll begin on a flat near the artillery tanks.

Immediately move to engage
the Commando and the Sentinel coming for you, and then head
north to find the
lance.; the tanks will begin to fire, though a little help
from you won't be a
bad idea, especially on the Dragon and the Centurion:
target the legs, make
them fall and close (not too much) for the kill; leave the
Atlas and the
Awesome to the tanks.

Codename: Final Strike
Planet: Proserpina
Terrain: City
Time of Day: Afternoon
Temperature: 35 Celsius
Pay: 1,500,000 C-Bills
Expected Resistance: 1st Amphigean Light Assault
Your Callsign: Raider-1
Primary Targets: Do not destroy POW barracks (300,000 C-
Escort rescue trucks (300,000 C-Bills)
Secondary Targets: Destroy all enemies (50,000 C-Bills)
Destroy all DC Dropships (50,000 C-Bills)
Return: Rebel Mobile Command Post
Salvage: 2 Medium Lasers, one AC/20, one Panther

The map for this mission is a simple straight line; note

that you won't have
lancemate support, bu the Mutineers will give you a STK-3F
Stalker (for this
mission only ;_;).
The first enemies you'll see are tow tanks, one MBT and one
Manticore; destroy
or disable (destroy the gun) the latter first, and then go
for the MBT.
Continue to move toward the POW champ: a Panther and a
Urbanmech will power up
on your right; go for the Urbanmech first, and then for the
Just before the champ there is a building, the Rising Sun
hotel: inspect it
and the 'Mechs protecting the champ will go after it first.
Deirectly in front
of there is an Orion, giving its back to you. If you're a
marksman place both
large lasers on its torso, or target the legs for caution.
A Javelin will
power up, but ignore it for now. Go for the Urbanmech and
then for the Atlas.
Meanwhile, the Javelin will call for DropShip support:
after having dispatched
the last 'Mech protecting the champ, follow the Javelin ,
destroy it and the
DropShip on the landing pad. Reach the trucks and exit the
city. Contract


Planet: Bryceland
Type: Reconnaissance
Beign Date: May 1, 3045
End Date: June 1, 3045
Maximum Pay: 350,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: bounty

Codename: Doughboy
Planet: Bryceland
Terrain: Desert
Time of Day: Night
Expected Resistance: Draconis Combine
Your Callsign: Scout
Primary Targets: Identify all enemy DropShips (350,000 C-
Return to dustoff site

There are four DropShips, each at one Nav Point, and four
'Mech defending it:
an Assassin, a Quickdraw, a Jenner and a Panther. Destroy
the 'Mechs and close
with the DropShips for inspection. Finnaly head to the
final Nav Point This
mission isn't worth its money, however. Contract ended.


Planet: New Oslo
Type: Scout Mission
Beign Date: June 1, 3045
End Date: November 20, 3045
Maximum Pay: 450,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: 100,000 C-Bills

Codename: Tick Tock
Planet: New Oslo
Terrain: Plains
Time of Day: Dawn
Expected Resistance: Pirates
Your Callsign: Pan
Primary Targets: Indentify and destroy chemical plant
(450,000 C-Bills)
Return to dustoff point Beta

Begin to head toward the Chemical Plant: four 'Mechs, a

Commando, a Panther, a
Clint and Vindicator will welcome you. After these 'Mechs,
you'll have to
fight two Helicopters. Reach the Chemical Plant, identify
all buildings
composing it, destroy them and dustoff. An other mission
not worth its money.
Contract ended.


Planet: multiple worlds
Type: garrison
Beign Date: December 1, 3045
End Date: January 31, 3046
Maximum Pay: 5,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: bounty

Codename: Gravy
Planet: Pitkin
Terrain: Rocky Waste
Time of Day: Dawn
Expected Resistance: unknown
Your Callsign: Ranger
Primary Targets: Investigate city at Nav Point Alpha
Secondary Targets: Destroy all opposition encountered

Too god to be true. As you land two 'Mechs, a Flashman and

an Urbanmech will
attack you, and two Panther will begin to move in. You
won't be paid for this
mission, and this contract is a pirate trap for
mercenaries. Contract ended.


Planet: Unknown
Type: Deep Strike
Begin Date: June 1, 3046
End Date: September 1, 3046
Maximum Pay: 500,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: 150,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus

Codename: Eyeball
Planet: Rasalhague
Terrain: Stony Wastes
Time of Day: morning
Expected Resistance: FRR Guards
Your Callsign: Fenris
Primary Targets: Recon 'Mech Warehouse
Destroy all 'Mechs

Proceed to Nav Alpha, and destroy the two 'Mechs patrolling

tha base
containing the 'Mechs, a Clint and a Cicada. The base has
three hangers
inside, each with two 'Mechs; there are one Javelin, one
Assassin, one
Whitworth, one Commando, one Jenner and one Centurion.
These 'Mechs will power up after you fire at them, so
disable them with leg
shots, then destroy them and inspect the warehouses. Last,
go to Nav Point
Beta to end the mission. Contract ended.


Planet: Unknown
Type: Deep-Strike
Begin Date: June 1, 3046
End Date: November 1, 3046
Maximum Pay: 2,00,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty
Salvage Rights: Poor

Codename: Dagger Strike
Planet: New Ivarseen
Terrain: Snowy Waste
Time of Day: pre-dawn
Temperature: -15 Celsius
Pay: bounty only
Expected Resistance: 1st Chasseur
Your Callsign: Strike-Alpha
Primary Targets: Destroy Base Defenders (100,000 C-Bills)
Destroy advanced base (100,000 C-Bills)
Destroy returning patrol (100,000 C-Bills)
Secondary Targets: Destroy wind-power (50,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: Assassin

Begin by engaging one or two 'Mechs in front of you: there

are an Assassin, a
Sentinel, a Mongoose and a Panther: the best thing would be
to take out the
Sentinel and the Panther, and then head for the power
generators at Nav
Omicron; there are three turbines and a power converter:
one turbine
is "covered" by the mountain in the background, so it your
"target under
reticle" button to reveal it.
Now head to Nav Pi, and take out the two turrets from afar,
and then begin the
demolition of the external walls. The patrolling lance will
begin to head
back: engage them ASAP, and be ready to fend off a
desperate attack by four
Savannah Master hovercrafts coming from the base. Now
finish your work at the
base and head to Nav Point Rho.

Codename: Paper Tiger
Planet: New Ivarseen
Terrain: Tundra
Time of Day: afternoon
Temperature: -20 Celsius
Pay: bounty only
Expected Resistance: 1st Chasseur
Your Callsign: Strike-Alpha
Primary Targets: Destroy Landing Field (100,000 C-Bills)
Secondary Targets: Destroy FC Convoy (50,000 C-Bills)

Begin by destroying the two trucks forming the convoy: two

'Mechs from the
heavy Chasseur lance will come toward you: they are a
Centurion and a
Sentinel. After this short engagement, target the Flashman
standing before the
landing field and take it out with long-range leg shots.
Now enter the
airfield and take it out: a Stalker will power up, but if
you destroy all
airfield structures, two DC helicopters will come in your
help. Then head to
Nav Point Epsilon to end the mission.

Codename: Fox Hunt
Planet: New Ivarseen
Terrain: Snowy Highlands
Time of Day: pre-dawn
Temperature: -35 Celsius
Pay: 2,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty
Expected Resistance: 1st Chasseur, 18th Arcturan Guards
Your Callsign: Strike-Alpha
Primary Targets: Escape at Nav Sigma (100,000 C-Bills)

It is now time to leave New Ivarseen. Immediately destroy

the Mongoose coming
from your south, and then the Jenner coming from Nav Rho.
Now head toward the
bridge, and keep your lancemates ina Line Abreast formation
to cross it. On
the other side there are a Crab and an Assassin waiting for
you, and it's
better to destroy them for long range, having them on your
tail when you're
near the DropShip isn't a good idea, especially with the
two assault 'Mechs, a
Zeus and Thug near the flat where the DropShip is. To reach
the top of the
flat, use the natural ramp on the flat's back (from where
you arrive), and do
it fast: this part of the mission have to last no more than
5 minutes, or the
DropShip will take off, leaving you alone against these
four 'Mechs. If you
miss the rendez-vous with the DropShips, take out all
'Mechs and head south
(follow the road) to find an ATV, inspect it and escape
from New Ivaarsen.
Contract ended.


Planet: Meachom
Type: Trainer
Begin Date: December 1, 3046
End Date: January 15, 3046
Maximum Pay: 750,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: 100,000 C-Bills

Codename: Babysit
Planet: Meachom
Terrain: Mesa Desert
Expected Resistance: Pirates
Your Callsign: Hunter
Primary Targets: Survey Planet (100,000 C-Bills)
Return to Dustoff point, Nav Epsilon (100,000 C-Bills)
Secondary Targets: Protect Prince Luther (50,000 C-Bills)

Begin to follow the Nav Point sequence (Beta, Gamma and

finally Epsilon),
guarding the Prince (piloting the Dragon). Near Point Gamma
there are a
Whitworth and a Jagermech. On the return the Prince will go
after a Jenner and
Whitworth, so follow him to fulfill all objectives.
Contract ended.


Planet: Rasalhague
Type: capture
Begin Date: February 1, 3047
End Date: March 1, 3047
Maximum Pay: 600,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty

Codename: Leg-breaker
Planet: Rasalhague
Terrain: Frozen Wastes
Time of Day: evening
Expected Resistance: Commander Cottingham and his unit
Your Callsign: Bounty
Primary Targets: Disable Commander Cottingham's 'Mech
(100,000 C-Bills)
Destroy all other rogue 'Mechs (100,000 C-Bills)
There are three Nav Points, Alpha, Beta and Gamma; begin to
follow this
sequence, and when the first three 'Mechs, a Commando, a
Javelin and a
Panther, attack you, destroy them, and then target
Cottingham's Thug. Destory
one leg and if the mission doesn't end, destroy the whole
'Mech. Contract


Planet: Conventry
Type: Garrison
Begin Date: August 1, 3047
End Date: Septemeber 1, 3047
Maximum Pay: 500,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: 100,000 C-Bills plus bounty

Codename: Dr.Strangelove
Planet: Kelenfold
Terrain: Desert
Time of Day: Morning
Expected Resistance: terrorists
Your Callsign: Dark Knight
Primary Targets: Identify and destroy terrorist's vehicle
Defend supply vehicles
Secondary Targets: Destroy terrorists' 'Mechs

The first and only terrorist vehicle will come from the
east two minutes after
you've begun the mission. The three 'Mechs will come from
the south: an
Assassin, a Clint and a Sentinel. Contract ended.


Planet: Liezen
Type: Escort Duty
Begin Date: March 1, 3047
End Date: August 15, 3047
Maximum Pay: 2,500,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty
Salvage Rights: poor

Codename: Dawn Watch
Planet: 1 AU from Liezen L4
Terrain: Space
Temperature: -120 Celsius
Pay: 500,000 C-Bills plus bounty
Expected Resistance: Mercenaries Aerofighters
Your Callsign: Gold-Eagle
Primary Targets: Defend the Command Center (100,000 C-

As you start the mission, two AeroSpace fighters will be

attacking the
commander center. Other three fighters will join the
welcome party, and a last
AeroSpace Fighter will attack the engines.

Codename: Snow Fort
Planet: 0.7 AU from Liezen L4
Terrain: Space
Temperature: - 120 Celsius
Pay: 500,000 C-Bills plus bounty
Expected Resistance: Unknown Mercenary Unit
Your Callsign: Gold-Eagle
Primary Targets: Defend the Command Center (100,000 C-
Secondary Targets: Destroy all enemy boarders (50,000 C-

A Carrier-class DropShip will deposit a Crab just in front

of you. The Crab
will fall from the iceship, but you get the C-Bills for
this kill. The enemy
JumpShip will then launch two boarding harpoons, and you
must destroy them: if
the JumpShip gets too close they mission will fail. THe
final wave is composed
of two AeroSpace Fighters, and they'll attack the engines.

Codename: Stralight Hunt
Planet: 0.4 AU from Liezen L4
Terrain: Space
Temperature: -120 Celsius
Pay: 750,000 C-Bills plus bounty
Expected Resistance: Unknown Mercenary Unit
Your Callsign: Gold-Eagle
Primary Targets: Destroy all enemy 'Mechs (100,000 C-Bills)

Finally a mission where you can't fallout from the ship.

You have to destroy
the three 'Mechs in the cave in about 5 minutes; the
Commando will attack you
directly, while the Crab and the Flashman have an higher AI
value, and will
pose a greater threat to you. If you don't finish the
'Mechs quickly, the ice
ship will blow in a nuclear fireball, with you on it.


Planet: Gravenhague
Type: Planetary Assault - Search and Destroy
Begin Date: April 1, 3048
End Date: October 1, 3048
Maximum Pay: 3,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty
Salvage Rights: Good

Codename: Glittering Gold
Planet: Gravenhague
Terrain: Desert Ocean
Time of Day: Day
Temperature: 25 Celsius
Pay: 500,000 plus bounty and bonus
Expected Resistance: Dread Legion
Your Callsign: Rattler
Primary Targets: Capture 50% of the water tanks intact
(100,000 C-Bills)
Secondary Targets: Capture all water tanks (300,000 C-
Destroy all 'Mechs (25,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: Hunchback

Begin to order you lancemates to engage the Sentinel and

the Assassin coming
from your right, and go for the Crab on your left. Now move
toward the city:
you should be able to see an Hunchback standing still:
disable it while it is
shutdown with a direct leg strike, and continue firing if
doesn't work. Enter
the city: there is an other Catapult in the city, but if
you lancemates
haven't destroyed the first two 'Mechs yet, it will be shut
down. If your
lancemates destroy their targets, the Hunchback and the
Catapult will power
up: without an external help you won't be able to save the
water tanks, so
destroy an house to activate three MBTs protecting it:
they'll move to engage
the 'Mechs, allowing them to enter the city in time for
claiming your preys.

Codename: Dust River
Planet: Gravenhague
Terrain: Dusty Estuary
Time of Day: Day
Temperature: 30 Celsius
Pay: 500,000 C-Bills
Expected Resistance: Dread Legion
Your Callsign: Rattler
Primary Targets: Hold the pass against the Dread Legion
(100,000 C-Bills)
Destroy the Legion DropShip (100,000 C-Bills)

I reccomed to abort this mission and to play the 3L

mission. If you want to
fullfill your contract, however, head south and destroy the
DropShip, you
won't get the C-Bills for killing the 'mechs coming from
the north, but you'll
save money in repairs.

Codename: Blood Cauldron
Planet: Gravenhague
Terrain: Ocean Liner Hull
Time of Day: Day
Temperature: 34 Celsius
Pay: 4,000,000 C-Bills
Expected Resistance: Dread Legion
Your Callsign: Rattler
Primary Targets: Destroy all enemies (100,000 C-Bills)
Return to Dust-off Point Alpha

If you successfully ended the second mission, this mission

will be the last of
this contract; enter the hull and destroy the Centurion,
the Flashman and the
Crab inside, then go to Nav Point Alpha. Contract ended.

Codename: Glittering Gold
Planet: Gravenhague
Terrain: Ocean Liner Hull
Time of Day: Day
Temperature: 35 Celsius
Pay: none
Expected Resistance: Dread Legion
Your Callsign: Rattler
Primary Targets: Identify the Star League Cache (100,000 C-
Secure the Star League Cache (100,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: 5,000,000 of C-Bills, 4 Clan ER Medium Lasers, 1
ER Large Laser, 1 ER
PPC, 1 Large Pulse Laser

Major bug here: even if you successfully complete the

mission, it won't end; I
used a code (read below) to end the mission.
It is the exact copy of the 3W mission, only with a series
of crates at the
left end of the liner; there are a Crab, a Flashman and a
Centurion inside it,
and the Cache is really fragile. Contract ended.


Planet: New Caledonia
Type: Planetary Defense
Begin Date: November 1, 3048
End Date: December 1, 3048
Maximum Pay: 750,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty

Codename: Brother's Keeper
Planet: New Caledonia
Terrain: Rocky Plains
Time of Day: Morning
Expected Resistance: Oberon Confederation Raiders
Your Callsign: Blackheart
Primary Targets: Destroy pirate forces

Nothing much to say; begin to fire at the fleeing 'Mechs,

and try to take at
least two of them down, then proceed to the only Nav Point
on the map and
destroy the remaining 'Mech; there is a Wolf (?) DropShip
in the area, and you
can kill it if you want its bounty, though this kill isn't
needed for ther
mission. Contract ended.


Planet: Rasalhague
Type: Garrison
Begin Date: March 1, 3049
End Date: April 1, 3049
Maximum Pay: 1,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty


Codename: Night Wolf

Planet: Rasalhague
Time of Day: Morning
Expected Resistance: Mercenaries
Your Callsign: Fenris
Primary Targets: Go to Nav Alpha
Defend HPG
Secondary Targets: Destroy all enemy 'Mechs.

Go to Nav Alpha. The HPG station is an hill, and Nav Point

Alpha is inside the
big antenna, realized inside the hill. Near Nav Alpha
you'll find a Clint, and
a Trebutchet will attack you from below (I think it is a won't be
able to fire at him, but he will...), then other two
Trebutchets, an Urbanmech
and a Whitworth will attack the HPG. Contract ended


Planet: Solaris VII
Type: Championship games
Begin Date: January 1, 3049
End Date: April 15, 3049
Maximum Pay: 4,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty
Minimum Pay: 200,000 C-Bills plus bounty
Salvage Rights: excellent

Arena: 4-Cross
Planet: Solaris VII
Odds: 3-1
Opponents: Owen Smith, Ranking #7, Awesome
Scott Philips, Ranking #64, Victor
Sharon Biggs, Unranked, Bombardier
Winner Pursue: 1,000,000 C-Bills
Primary Objective: Destroy everyone
Salvage (if successful): Bombardier

In this battle, the Awesome will attack the Bombarider, but

it will go after
you, like the Victor. Destroy the Victor first, then go for
the Bombardier and
last for Awesome. Try to take advantage of the four pillars
at the center of
the arena when battling the last 'Mechs, and aim to the
torso, with so many
polygons on screen the game messes up something and most
hits won't be
registered as successful, and they'll hit the background.

Arena: Laserclasm
Planet: Solaris VII
Odds: 2-1
Opponents: Micky Foote, Ranking #53, Dragon
Kate Simon, Ranking #78, Zeus
Rocco Macauley, Unranked, Centurion
Winner Pursue: 1,000,000 C-Bills
Primary Objective: Destroy everyone
Salvage(if successful): Dragon

The Dragon is directly in front of you. The Zeus, at your

right, will go after
the Centurion on your left, trying to attack you. Wait as
the two 'Mechs slug
themselves out and then close on the damaged winner for the

Arena: Neon Grid
Planet: Solaris VII
Odds: 5-1
Opponents: Laura Ellis, Ranking #5, Atlas
Holly Jandis, #14, Stalker
George Bennit, #28, Thug
Winner Pursue: 1,000,000 C-Bills
Primary Objective: Destroy everyone
Salvage(if successful): Stalker

The Thug and the Stalker will go after you, but the Atlas
will target the
Stalker. This arena hasn't any particular cover, so maximum
armor protection
is recomended.

Arena: Iron Skull Mountain
Planet: Solaris VII
Odds: 10-1
Opponents: Robert D.Ansell, Ranking #1, Atlas
Julie Brock, Ranking #2, Victor
Daryl Dyer, Ranking #3, Stalker
(W.Clay Mundy, Ranking #5, Zeus)
(Scott Blair, Ranking #6, Cyclops)
Winner Pursue: 2,000,000 C-Bills
Primary Objective: Destroy everyone
Salvage(if successful): Zeus, Thug, Awesome

The latter pilots are in brackets because they do not

appear in this battle.
In front of you you have an Atlas, inside the bug skill
giving the name to the
arena. The Victor, chased by the Staker, will attack you,
though you can wait
that the Stalker does serious damage to it before leaving
the skull. The
Salker, if still alive, has a weak point at its left side.

Arena: Death Dance
Planet: Solaris VII
Odds: 3-1
Opponents: Laura Duenes, Ranking #26, Thug
Heater Sandin, Ranking #31, Flashman
Ed Staab, Ranking #38, Assassin
Winner Pursue: 1,000,000 C-Bills
Primary Objective: Destroy everyone
Salvage(if successful): Thug

The Flashman (right) and the Thug (left) will come after
you, and the Assassin
will try to kill the Thug. Destroy the Flashman first and
then concentrate on
the Thug, that should be moderately damaged by the
Assassin's LRM/SRM fire.
Then turn you attention toward the Assassin and cripple it.

Arena: Black Pit
Planet: Solaris VII
Odds: 1-1
Opponents: Andy Moore, Ranking #40, Panther
Mark Fraser, Ranking #57, Vindicator
Tamara Stauff, Ranking #62, Urbanmech
Winner Pursue: 1,000,000 C-Bills
Primary Objective: Destroy everyone
Salvage(if successful): Panther

Nothing much to say here. The Vindicator and the Panther

may pose a problem
for light an medium 'Mechs with their PPCs, but their light
armor won't have a
chance against heavy and assault 'Mechs. The Vindicator and
the Panther will
attack you, while the Urbanmech will try to kill the

THE ROAD TO VICTORY (a.k.a.: what battle you'll stage if

you win or lose)

| |
| |
| |
(winner) (loser)
2W 2L
| |
| |
------- (winner/loser)
| | 3L
| | |
(winner) (loser)------- |
3W 2L | (winner/loser)
| / | 4
| / (loser) |
(winner/loser) 4 |


Planet: Periphery Worlds
Type: Battle
Begin Date: May 1, 3049
End Date: June 1, 3049
Maximum Pay: 1,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: 200,000 plus Bounty

Codename: Fire Flight
Planet: Woton
Terrain: Plains
Time of Day: morning
Expected Resistance: unknow
Your Callsign: Paladin
Primary Targets: Destroy enemy commander
Secondary Targets: Destroy the remaining enemy forces

Begin to head toward the two friendly 'Mechs in front of

you, and kill the
small 'Mech coming from the right with a direct volley to
its torso. It is
labeled unknown, but if you played MW2 and GBL, or you know
the BT timeline,
you'll know that this 'Mech is a Firmoth, or Dasher, as the
Inner Sphere will
call it.
Now three other 'Mechs will attack you: target the
TimberWolf (Mad Cat, the
biggest; it has two missile launcher on its shoulder and
chiken-walks), and
destroy it; after you did so the remaining 'Mechs (a
Phantom and an Uller)
will start to flee, and you have to destroy them to collect
the maximum pay.
Contract ended.


Planet: Sigurd
Type: Deep Strike
Begin Date: September 1, 3049
End Date: February 1, 3050
Maximum Pay: 3,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty
Salvage Rights: excellent

Codename: Warning Shot
Planet: Sigurd
Terrain: mesa desert
Time of Day: pre-dawn
Temperature: 10 Celsius
Pay: bounty only
Expected Resistance: Oberon Confederation 1st Regiment
Your Callsign: Warhound
Primary Targets: Find and destroy the pirate airfield
Escape to Nav Point Beta

As soon as you start a Shilone will fly over you. Destroy

it now if you can,
but you'll have more chances later. Head to Nav Alpha, and
switch to
Termograph. On the large mountain, the Devil's Teeth,
you'll notice a Panther
shutted down; there's nothig better that killing it now
before it can
reinforce the airfield.
Your target is located behind the Teeth; circle the
mountain from the right,
and use your zoom to kill the two 'Mechs, a Catapult and an
Orion, from afar.
Then destroy the three building composing the airfield and
begin your journey
toward Nav Beta.
If you didn't destroyed the Shilone before, you could do it
now; it is
hovering (what? an airplane is hovering?) one km and a half
from the field;
you'll also notice two unknow DropShips coming from the
left and
dropping 'Mechs on two mesas. The first DropShip will
deploy a Black Hawk, a
Ryoken and a Thor, but they'll be marked as unknown. The
other DropShip will
set on the mesa near Nav Alpha, with a heavier 'Mech
complement: a Mad Cat, a
Man'o'War and a Loki. Destro of of these groups (the
nearest) and prepare to

Codename: Freedom Fight
Planet: Sigurd
Terrain: mesa desert
Time of Day: dusk
Temperature: 10 Celsius
Pay: none
Expected Resistance: 11th Wolf Guards
Your Callsign: Hunter
Primary Targets: Find DropShip
Destroy all 'Mechs guarding the DropShip

For this mission only, you'll drive a Pegasus hovertank,

armed with two SRM-6
and a medium laser. It has jump ets but you can use them
only for quick turns
and for enhacing your already high speed. No torso twist
You'll begin inside the former pirate base; the Pegasus has
a very thin armor,
so your best chance is to escape for now. Leave the Dasher
and the two turrets
and pass the Uller coming from the canyons.
The DropShip is at Nav Point Gamma; head left first and
then head north when
you're near Nav Beta. The Dropship is guarded by an Uller,
and this time you
have to kill it. Aim for the torso, it seems that head shot
are relatively
easy in this mission.

Codename: Exodus
Planet: Sigurd
Terrain: mesa desert
Time of Day: morning
Temperature: 10 Celsius
Pay: none
Expected Resistance: 11th Wolf Guards
Your Callsign: Hunter
Primary Targets: Dust off at Nav Alpha
Defend the DropShip.

Finally you'll regain your 'Mechs. You'll have a pirate

Flashman as ally for
this mission, but if you hit it, the Flashman will attack
Destroy the Uller and the Black Hawk blocking the way, and
then head to Nav
Alpha. Use your zoom to destroy the Ryoken and the Black
Hawk from afar, and
wait for the DropShip; if the DropShip turns toward Nav
Beta, do the same, and
use the zoom one other time to kill the Masakari, the Naga
and the Thor from
afar. It is better to rendez-vous with the DropShip at Nav
Alpha; the
encounter is nearly impossible at Nav Beta. Contract ended.


Planet: Unzmarkt
Type: extraction
Begin Date: January 1, 3051
End Date: March 1, 3051
Maximum Pay: 1,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty

Codename: Nightngale
Planet: Unzmarkt
Terrain: Stony barrens
Time of Day: night
Expected Resistance: 11th Wolf Guards
Your Callsign: Errant
Primary Targets: Identify 2 damaged 'Mechs (100,000 C-
Return to Dust-off Point (100,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: 2 ER PPCs, 6 Medium Lasers

Head toward Nav Point Beta, and enhace your radar's

scanning range to 2 km; a
Vulture is coming from the right and a Naga from the left;
Once you've reached the three 'mechs, target them and
inspect two of them; a
Mad Cat will power up; destroy this 'Mech too and return to
dust-off point at
Nav Gamma. Contract ended.


Planet: unknown
Type: deep strike
Begin Date: September 1, 3051
End Date: December 15, 3051
Maximum Pay: 1,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty

Codename: Bird's Nest
Planet: Harvest
Terrain: mesa desert
Time of Day: morning
Expected Resistance: 11th Wolf Guard
Your Callsign: Iron Hawk
Primary Targets: Defend all FRR fighters (100,000 C-Bills)
Destroy all attacking forces (100,000 C-Bills)

In this mission you'll fight against three or four Clan

fighters; all the
times I've played this mission the fighters where killed by
someone, probably
a bug; you'll have to wait that all 6 FRR fighters have
took off. Contract


Planet: Wolcott
Type: garrison
Begin Date: October 1, 3050
End Date: December 1, 3050
Maximum Pay: 8,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty
Salvage Rights: good

Codename: First Strike
Planet: Wolcott
Terrain: salt marsh
Time of Day: afternoon
Temperature: 20 Celsius
Pay: bounty plus bonus
Expected Resistance: Smoke Jaguar Mistweavers
Your Callsign: Sentinel-1
Primary Targets: Destroy all SJ DropShips (100,000 C-Bills)
Secondary Targets: Defend DC Helicopter (50,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: 4 Clan ER Small Lasers

The helicopter in this mission will deploy mines on the

three landig zones;
when a DropShip lands, the mnes will destroy it; it's
better to destroy the
DropShips whiel they're flying, however; the mines will
explode anyway, and be
sure to keep at least 500 meters away from the LZ. The ECM
pods will make your
sensors unreliable, though the first target detected will
always be an enemy
Nav Alpha is protected by an Uller and a Black Hawk, and an
DropShip will try to land.
Nav Beta is protected by a Thor and a Mad Cat, plus an
other spheroid DropShip.
The third LZ has a Masakari defending it and an aerodyne
Broadsword DropShip,
which will atack you. After all three DropShips have been
destroyed, the
mission will end.

Codename: Homestead
Planet: Wolcott
Terrain: salt marsh
Time of Day: afternoon
Temperature: 20 Celsius
Pay: bounty plus bonus
Expected Resistance: Smoke Jaguar Mistweavers
Your Callsign: Sabre-1
Primary Targets: Destroy all SJ DropShips (100,000 C-Bills)
Secondary Targets: Defend DC Helicopter (50,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: 2 Clan Small Pulse Lasers, 1 Clan Medium Pulse
Laser, 1 Dasher

The first couple of enemies will be composed of two

Fighters. Two SAM sites
will take care of them, but it's better to take them down
quickly. A Dasher
and a Black Hawk will try to attack you, and send your
lancemates after them.
Two Ullers will power up; destroy them ASAP, and a Vulture
and a Mad Cat will
power up; destroy them and be ready for the next mission.

Codename: Dragons Teeth
Planet: Wolcott
Terrain: salt marsh
Time of Day: day
Temperature: 20 Celsius
Pay: 5,000,000 C-Bills
Expected Resistance: Smoke Jaguar Mistweavers
Your Callsign: Sentinel-1
Primary Targets: Destroy all enemy 'Mechs (100,000 C-Bills)
An other mission with those ECM Pods; 5 Elementals will be
your first enemies,
and then 2 Ullers, a Gladiator, a Thor and a Masakari (with
the commander in
it) will attack you. The best way to destroy this assault
Star is to
concentrate fire on a single target at once, and legging
'Mechs when possible.
Contract ended.


Planet: Last Frontier
Type: raid
Begin Date: August 1, 3051
End Date: Decemebr 1, 3051
Maximum Pay: 4,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty
Salvage Rights: unknown

Codename: Sleight of Hand
Planet: Last Frontier
Terrain: cratered vacuum
Time of Day: night
Temperature: 3 Celsius
Pay: bonus plus bounty
Expected Resistance: Ghost Bear garrison
Your Callsign: Wraith-1
Primary Targets: Destroy 2 out of 3 enemy installations
(100,000 C-Bills)
Secondary Targets: Destroy the third installation (50,000
Destroy all 'Mechs (50,000 C-Bills)

You'll start near the DC DropShip, on its left. Nav Alpha

indicates a training
facility protected by 2 Dashers and a Kodiak; you should be
able to kill one
Dasher and the Kodiak while they are shutted down; to
destroy this objective,
target the three sub stations and all structures connecting
them to the
central buildings, which is unvulnerable.
As you reach the Nav Point, a Man'o'War and a Gladiator
will power up; use the
trainig base as cover and engage them at close range, but
pay attention to the
Man'oWar's SRMs.
Now head to Nav Beta: a Vulture and a Linebacker are
protecting several
buildings; destroy the Linebacker from afar before it can
use its PPCs, and
then close to finish the Vulture.
If you have enough armor, head to Nav Gamma to destroy a
listening post; it is
guarded by a Kodiak and a Grizzly. After you destroyed all
structures, head to
Nav Delta to return to the DropShip.

Codename: Ali Baba
Planet: Last Frontier
Terrain: cratered vacuum
Time of Day: afternoon
Temperature: 4 Celsius
Pay: bounty only
Expected Resistance: Ghost Bear garrison
Your Callsign: Wraith-1
Primary Targets: Go to Nav Point Delta (100,000 C-Bills)
Destroy all enemies near Nav Delta (100,000 C-Bills)

As soon as you powerup two SJ fighters will attack you.

Destroy them before
doing anything else; you should have also noticed two
inactive Dashers; kill
them and head toward Nav Delta; all other Nav Points have
no enemies, except
Nav Point Beta, with a Linebacker and a Grizzly; both
'Mechs can be crippled
with long-range fire while they are shutted down.
At Nav Delta you'll find a warehouse with a permanently
inactive Kodiak and a
Gladiator guarding it; destroy the guard and approach the
warehouse to end
this mission.

Codename: Judas Kiss
Planet: Last Frontier
Terrain: cratered vacuum
Time of Day: dusk
Temperature: 6 Celsius
Pay: 4,000,000 C-Bills
Expected Resistance: Ghost Bear garrison
Your Callsign: Wraith-1
Primary Targets: Defend Draconis DropShip (100,00 C-Bills)

Go to Draconis DropShip (100,000 C-Bills)

Destroy Draconis DropShip (100,000 C-Bills)
Go to you unit's DropShip (100,000 C-Bills)
In this mission you'll be able to chose between fulfilling
your contract with
the Combine by returning to them the Kodiak you've captured
and collecting the
4 millions of C-Bills or destroy all Clan and DC 'Mechs and
escape with the
The first thign to do is to exit from the warehouse: a
Vulture and a
Linebacker are attacking the DropShip, which is protected
by a Hunchback and
an Atlas; if you are going to return the 'Mech (BTW, the
Kodiak IS NOT an
OmniMech...) to your employers, destroy the two 'Mechs and
approach the
DropShip; if not, let the Clan 'Mechs do the maximum damage
they can, destroy
the DC 'Mechs and then the DropShip itself; now head toward
Nav Alpha where
your DropShip is awaiting: you'll find a Kodiak and a
Grizzly blocking your
way about 1,5 km away from the DropShip, plus an other
Kodiak and two Dashers
behind a small mountain near the DropShip; once you have
destroyed all
enemies, reach the Nav Point and escape off-planet; note
that the Draconis
Combine will pay for the sucessful mission objectives but
won't pay the 4
millions. Contract ended.


Planet: Luthien
Type: planetary defense
Begin Date: January 15, 3052
End Date: June 15, 3052
Maximum Pay: 10,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
Minimum Pay: Bounty
Salvage Rights: excellent

Codename: Trojan Horse
Planet: Luthien
Terrain: urban wastes
Time of Day: day
Temperature: 30 Celsius
Expected Resistance: 31st Smoke Jaguar Assault
Your Callsign: Assault-3
Primary Targets: Destroy all Clan 'Mechs (100,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: 2 Clan ER Medium Lasers, 1 Clan ER Large Laser, 1
Clan ER PPC, 1 Clan
Ultra AC/20, 2 Clan Streak SRM-6s

As you powerup, the mines inside the 'Mechs will explode,

destroying the three 'Mechs in the area; if they do not
blown up, move out of
your crater and destroy them: you have to face a Gldiator a
Loki and a
Now head to Nav Point Alpha: you should be able to notice
three Elementals;
destroy them before they power up, and head to Nav Beta: a
fourth Elemental
will power up near Nav Alpha.
After these Elementals, go to Nav Gamma: three Clan 'Mechs,
a Linebacker, a
Thor and a Masakari will try to ambush you: they re inside
three craters, and
if you have jump jets, the best way to make them exit is to
shot at them from
above; the Linebacker will be the first 'Mech to go down
(it's in the
rightmost crater); order your lancemates to destroy the
Thor while you engage
the Masakari (in the leftmost crater).

Codename: Shield-Wall
Planet: Luthien
Terrain: urban wastes
Time of Day: day
Expected Resistance: 31st Smoke Jaguar Assault
Your Callsign: Assault-3
Primary Targets: Hold the Line at Nav Alpha (100,000 C-
Secondary Targets: Defend al retreating friendly units
(100,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: 2 Clan ER Medium Lasers, 1 Clan ER Large Laser, 1
Clan ER PPC, 1 Clan
Ultra AC/20, 2 Clan Streak SRM-6s

The only friendly unit will be a Mauler, and no Clan 'Mech

will be able to
reach it. Note that you can't pass the smoking Clan
fighters or the mission
will fail; do not let any Clan 'Mech pass the first
buildings after the
crater, too.
The Clanners will attack in waves of two: the first will
composed of an Uller
and a Balck Hawk; the second of a Ryoken and a Mad Cat and
the third of a
Linebacker and a Masakari. Order your lancemates to destroy
the heavier
opponents while you deal at close range with the other one.

Codename: Decapitator
Planet: Luthien
Terrain: Kado-Guchi Valley
Time of Day: pre-dawn
Temperature: 30 Celsius
Pay: bounty only
Expected Resistance: 31st Smoke Jaguar Assault
Your Callsign: Assault-3
Primary Targets: Destroy the Smoke Jaguar Commander
(100,000 C-Bills)
Secondary Targets: Destroy any target of opportunity
(100,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: 2 Clan ER Medium Lasers, 1 Clan ER Large Laser, 1
Clan ER PPC, 1 Clan
Ultra AC/20, 2 Clan Streak SRM-6s

You'll have the virtual support of a mobile artillery;

virtual because it
won't fire any kind of round; targets of opportunity are
the several scraps on
the battlefield.
Head to Nav Alpha: advance slowly and switch to termograph;
an Uller and a
Black Hawk will power up just in front of you; destroy them
and stop when you
reach the dried river bed; on your left, on the highest
crest you should
notice a Naga giving you it back. Destroy it while it's
inactive an continue
toward Nav Alpha; a Thor will power up, but the
concentrated fire of you and
your lancemates will destroy it in seconds. Now climb the
other side of the
valley to its top and head to Nav Beta: a Linebacker and a
Cauldon Born, with
the SJ Commander in it, are at this Nav Point. Before
killing the Commander,
be sure to identify its 'Mech, or the mission will fail.

Codename: Killing Fields
Planet: Luthien
Terrain: Kado-Guchi Valley
Time of Day: day
Temperature: 39 Celsius
Pay: 10,000,000 C-Bills
Expected Resistance: 31st Smoke Jaguar Assault
Your Callsign: Assault-3
Primary Targets: Destroy all Clan 'Mechs (100,000 C-Bills)
Salvage: 2 Clan ER Medium Lasers, 1 Clan ER Large Laser, 1
Clan ER PPC, 1 Clan
Ultra AC/20, 2 Clan Streak SRM-6s

Begin to target the three Elementals; concentrate fire on a

single target as
only one or two Battle Armors are active: leave them to
your lancemates while
you target a shutted down Loki on the other side of the
valley: destroy one of
its leg, then turn to help your mates to finish off those
Elementals; a group
of two Loki (one should be alreay legged) and a Mad Cat
will power up: do not
destroy the legged 'Mech, and concentrate on the remaining
'Mechs, especially
on the Mad Cat.
Now head right: you should be able to spot a shutted down
Ryoken or Vulture:
leg on of them too and destroy the second.
Head left: a group of two Cauldron Borns and one Masakari
is waiting you:
engage the Masakari while your lancemates deal with the
other two OmniMechs.
As these 'Mechs are no longer operational, destroy the two
legged 'Mechs to end this mission.
If you didn't legged the Loki, when you destroy the first
group, the second
will power up, and so on. Also, the first group will power
up if you get too
close to them or if you spend too much time with the
Elementals. Contract

Congratulations, your mercenary career is over. By selling

all your 'Mechs and
equipment you won't need to work anymore in your life. Just
commission a good
grave for your former commander.
Oh, the highest amount of C-Bills I've ever collected is


During Combat press CTRL, ALT and SHIFT and type:

+ OOOHHHLLLAAALLLAAA: no heat tracking
+ CRAZYSEXYCOOL: unlimited jump capacity
+ BEHOLDMYGLORY: you can see through objects
+ ONTIMEEVERYTIME: time compression key enabled
+ ANTIJOLT: time expansion enabled
+ BUBBLE BOY: bounching spheres
+ UNDFLASHYFLASHY: groups all weapons in the first group
+ WALKTHISWAY: leading reticle

And here is it a new one, submitted by Patrick

I don't see many Mercs FAQs often, so I appreciated the
trouble you've gone to
put one together.
I've stumbled across a little cheat, completely by
accident, and I don't think
anybody else knows about this because it's never mentioned
with cheat codes.
In my Titanium edition of Mercs, when you go to a mission
briefing screen, you
can click on the upper-left corner of the frame for the
main text windiw, and
a list of missions will appear in place of your briefing.
From here, you can
pick and choose which mission you want to play, from all
the campaigns and
special missions. I don't know if this trick works on
previous versions of
Mercs though.
Feel free to include this tidbit with your FAQ, and to
inform any Mercs sites
that you know of.

Why a section about patches? Because it's important. I've
found the DOS
version more stable then the Win 9X one, but installing
some patches on the
DOS version will mess up the game. Here's a list of all
patches for the
original DOS/Win 95 version; you can download them from
Activision or other
sites showing patches.

Version 1.05: for all versions, major bugs corrected.

Version 1.06: for all versions, other bugs corrected, but

there are still some
annoying bugs (AeroSpace support! They never fixed it!)

Version 1.08: only for Windows 9X. First 3dfx version,

crappy and unstable.

Version 1.081: only for Windows 9X. Second 3dfx patch,

corrects some bugs but
there are still problems.

Version 1.1: Win 9X only. Changes the game play a bit and
there are some bugs
still uncorrected.


First credit? To Fasa for having created the whole

BattleTech universe. Then
to me, Briareos Kerensky (Zone ID: briareos_CWE) and to all
site showing this
FAQ with my permission; visit them at:
1) The Clans Hall
(; it's my
site. Visit it and leave your sign on the guestbook, this
will make me very
2) GameFAQs (
3) Neoseeker (
4) The Cheat Empire (
5) Video Games Strategies (
6) Sjel's Walkthrough Page (
7) Cheat City (
8) Free Games ( or,
translated in Italian
and Spanish
9) Gamespot (
10) Game's Over (
11) IGN FAQs (
an everyone who helped with this document.
Special thanks to:
Patrick (, for its mission cheat.
all italian BT/MW players; all programs I used to do this
FAQ; my turtle and
my dog (he's not died yet); my PC (asking every time to
kill him when I push
any of its buttons); all soundtracks that accompained me
during this long work
(nominally: all Eva OSTs, Cowboy Bebop OST, and everythign
from Beethoven,
Back, Pachelbel, Wagner, Saint Saen, Orff, Blur and
everyone I forgot); my
still trasparent and bodyless girlfriend.
To ask permission to post this document, just send a mail
writing down the
URL. To contact me, write at; ICQ UIN is
40534369; Odigo ID
is 264286. Write only about this FAQ or if you have a cute
friend/sister to introduce.

Copyright (c) Briareos Kerensky 2000/2001. Reproduction

and translation of
this document (as a whole or parts of its) in any mode
without permission is
strictly forbidden.
All names and marks are proprieties of respective owners.

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