Weekly Warrior

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Title I is a program designed

to offer additional support to
eligible students for the purpose
of assisting them in
strengthening basic reading
and/or math skills. Updates on
helpful hints for learning
From the desk of strategies will be posted to the
Ms. Walsh: Title 1 Page of the website
Thank you to everyone who frequently.
FELL CHARTER contributed to our Feed-a- Children learn in different
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Friend collection – your efforts ways. Children need to see &
will go a long way towards talk about words to understand
www.fellcharter.org helping others! their meanings, write words,
Also thank you for and play with words.
Phone: (570) 282-5199 continuing to support Fell One way you can help your
Charter through the Krispy child with spelling is by
Fax: (570) 282-0930
Kreme fundraiser! encouraging them to keep
I'd like to wish you all a safe journals, write notes or letters,
The week of and happy Thanksgiving play word games, and rehearse
Holiday, full of good cheer, the next day's spelling words. If
November 22nd, 2010 family, and friends. We'll see students write the words in their
you back here on Nov. 29th! own writing, say the word
SMOKE SIGNALS verbally, write it again and spell
it verbally, and then say the
word again final time, it will help
with long term retention of the
The menu for Monday, Other ideas to involve your
November 29th have been child in purposeful writing are to
changed to CHEF'S CHOICE. write a grocery list, a list for the
23 – Board Meeting @ 6pm store, or directions on how to
24 – 11am Dismissal do something. Purposeful
25-28 – CLOSED Thanksgiving writing gives your child a
29 – School Resumes reason to learn correct spelling.
December We invite all our families to take
07 – Student Gov't Meeting 3:30-4:30 a short survey on our breakfast
15 – Paragon Holiday Show @ 6pm program. You can do so at:
23 – 11am Dismissal http://www.surveymonkey.com/ 6-8th Grade
25-31 – CLOSED for Winter Break s/F6FRNB3 ROTATION SCHEDULE

Music/Physical Ed./ Spanish

Monday, 11/22 Day 3
REMINDER Tuesday, 11/23 Day 1
PLEASE REMEMBER The final day for collection Wednesday, 11/24 No Specials
THAT SCHOOL IS “Operation Thank You!” care Thursday, 11/25 CLOSED
packages is Tuesday, Friday, 11/26 CLOSED
IN-SESSION ON Monday, 11/29 Day 2
November 30th. If you'd like to
MONDAY, donate materials, please have Tuesday, 11/30 Day 3
NOVEMBER 29TH! them to school before then. Wednesday, 12/01 Day 1
Thursday, 12/02 Day 2
Friday, 12/03 Day 3

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