Peads CT Brain Pitfalls

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Pearls and pitfalls of pediatric

head trauma imaging

Alok A. Bhatt, MD, Jon Hunsaker, MD, and Peter Kalina, MD

ediatric head trauma, whether it
involves high-velocity impact,
self-inflicted causes, or nonacci-
dental trauma, is a major cause of mor-
bidity and mortality. It is estimated that
the annual incidence of pediatric head
trauma is on the order of 0.2% to 0.3%
in the United States.1,2 The radiologist’s
role on the trauma team is to promptly
and accurately recognize and report the
degree of injury. This not only allows
clinicians to determine an appropriate
strategy for treatment, but avoids delay
in treatment that can result in significant
morbidity and mortality.
Head trauma can be separated into
two categories: primary brain injury, This article approaches pediatric tional axial computed tomography (CT)
which occurs at the time of trauma, and head trauma in two parts; the first will slices, making a good case for always
secondary brain injury, occurring after compare and contrast the differences evaluating the CT scout images. Mod-
the initial insult. Primary brain injury between true lesions and mimics, which ern development of 3-dimensional re-
may be due to direct impact or indirect may often represent normal varia- constructions of CT data, which require
forces.2,3 Examples of primary brain in- tions in the pediatric age group and/or minimal post-processing time and no
jury include skull fractures, subdural and are considered “don’t-touch” lesions. additional radiation, have enhanced the
epidural hematomas, hemorrhagic con- Finally, the authors will discuss lesions ability of the radiologist to confidently
tusion, and diffuse axonal injury. Sec- which should not be missed by any diagnose and describe calvarial fractures,
ondary brain injury is due to anoxia, as radiologist. and accurately identify their mimics.4
may be seen in the setting of birth trauma Normal sutures are symmetric and
or drowning.3 Nonaccidental trauma Calvarial fractures and found in expected locations. Thus, the
may take the form of primary and/or sec- associated mimics radiologist reading pediatric trauma
ondary brain injury. Obvious intracranial Calvarial fractures are a common find- studies should be familiar with normal
abnormalities are often picked up easily ing in both accidental and nonaccidental sutural anatomy, typical times of sutural
on imaging; however, it is important to trauma and can have far-reaching effects closure, and common accessory sutures
be able to distinguish between true pedi- in both clinical and social management.4 to avoid misdiagnosis. Normal sutures
atric trauma and its mimics. However, the presence of sutures, ac- are usually identified on both axial CT
cessory sutures, and wormian bones images and 3-dimensional reconstruc-
Dr. Bhatt, Dr. Hunsaker, and Dr. can confound their timely diagnosis. tions by their typical zigzag course and
Kalina are at the Department of Radiol- Fractures in the imaging plane can be sclerotic borders (Figure 1). One must
ogy at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. extremely difficult to identify on conven- also carefully evaluate normal-appear-

10 June 2014




FIGURE 1. (A) Axial CT scan in bone windows demonstrates the normal symmetric interdigi- FIGURE 2. A 6-month-old child who fell onto
tated pattern of the bilateral coronal sutures (yellow arrows), with an asymmetric linear defect the floor from her grandfather’s lap. Scalp
paralleling the normal left coronal suture posteriorly (red arrow). This fracture was missed on hematoma along the right aspect of the cal-
initial review. Soft-tissue swelling was present inferiorly, not shown. (B) 3-dimensional recon- varium overlies a subtle nondisplaced frac-
structions performed after high clinical suspicion definitively revealed a nondisplaced fracture ture of the right parietal bone (red arrow).
of the left parietal bone paralleling the left coronal suture (red arrow).


FIGURE 4. (A and B) A 14-year-old boy who fell while skateboarding. CT of the head dem-
onstrates a classic lentiform-shaped epidural hematoma (red arrow) with overlying calvarial
Figure 3. A 13-year-old female without a fracture (blue arrow).
helmet fell off a horse. CT demonstrates
fluid within the mastoid air cells (blue arrow) similar zigzag course without diastasis valuable finding, as calvarial fractures
and foci of pneumocephalus (red arrows) and merge with adjacent sutures. They rarely occur in the absence of an overly-
secondary to a complex comminuted right
temporal bone fracture.
are often bilateral, in which case they ing soft-tissue abnormality (Figure 2).7
are relatively symmetric.6 However, one must be careful of dis-
ing sutures for the presence of diastasis, True fractures generally show a lin- missing a suspicious finding based on
as these are the most common of pedi- ear course with lack of well-defined lack of soft tissue abnormality alone, es-
atric skull fractures and also tend to be sclerotic borders. In contrast to normal pecially in the setting of nonaccidental
more subtle than their linear, commi- or accessory sutures, they may cross, trauma, where late presentation is not
nuted, or depressed counterparts.5 The rather than merge with adjacent sutures. uncommon.
use of symmetry is a helpful tool for Fractures are more often unilateral and Other helpful clues to subtle calvar-
identifying sutural diastasis. asymmetric. When bilateral, as some- ial fractures include pneumocephalus,
Accessory sutures most commonly times seen in high-impact trauma, there which sometimes may only be a few
occur in the parietal and occipital is often associated displacement and/ foci of gas, or fluid within the aerated
bones, most likely as a consequence of or comminution, with asymmetry as spaces such as the mastoids (Figure
their multiple ossification centers. Like the rule.6 The presence or lack of local 3). In rare difficult cases where a de-
normal sutures, they demonstrate a soft-tissue swelling is an extremely finitive diagnosis cannot be reached,

June 2014 11



D E FIGURE 5. A 17–year-old male with head

trauma 1 week prior to presentation. (A)
Arachnoid cyst complicated by intracystic
hemorrhage, as demonstrated by a right-
sided lentiform extra-axial fluid collection (red
arrows). Overlying bony remodeling implies a
chronic underlying lesion such as an arach-
noid cyst, rather than an epidural hematoma
(B, blue arrows). An associated subdural
hematoma is also seen along the right fron-
tal convexity (A, green arrow). MRI confirms
these findings (C and D). Low T2 and high
T1 signal fluid within the arachnoid cyst,
compatible with subacute blood products.
Right frontal subdural hematoma again seen.
Follow-up exam demonstrates resolution
of blood, with the normal CSF intensity fluid
within the arachnoid cyst (E).

close-interval follow up can be a helpful and often associated with an overlying discovered. The chronic presence of an
problem-solving tool, which can con- calvarial fracture and soft-tissue swell- arachnoid cyst thins and remodels the
firm presence of fracture healing at 2 to ing (Figure 4).8 Depending on its con- inner table of the calvarium, which is
3 months.6 figuration, intracystic hemorrhage into suggestive of the diagnosis and is seen
an arachnoid cyst may mimic either best on CT with bone windows (Fig-
Extra-axial hemorrhage epidural or subdural hemorrhage with ure 5). However, even when the di-
Extra-axial hemorrhage is a com- associated mass effect. Although gen- agnosis appears clear, care should be
mon primary manifestation of trauma erally rare, a higher risk of this com- taken to exclude superimposed subdu-
in children. Although its appearance is plication occurs in patients with larger ral hematomas that can be present in
classic and generally well known, sev- cysts and those who have experienced these patients.11
eral pitfalls can lead to misdiagnosis trauma.9 Treatment for this entity is Subdural hematoma is characterized
and subsequently to suboptimal clinical unique to each patient, with some cases by its crescentic shape and ability to
management. Extra-axial hemorrhage is adequately managed conservatively, cross sutures.8 Subdural hemorrhage
classified by the space in which it occurs- in which case a premature diagnosis of is bounded by the midline falx and
-epidural, subdural, and subarachnoid. epidural hematoma could lead to unnec- is due to tearing of bridging cortical
Epidural hemorrhage is character- essary craniotomy.10 This pitfall can be veins (Figure 6). Benign enlarged sub-
ized by its lentiform shape and respect avoided by close attention to the overly- arachnoid spaces of infancy (BESSI)
of sutural boundaries; it may cross mid- ing calvarium. can look similar to chronic bifrontal
line. Epidural hemorrhage is due to in- Arachnoid cysts are developmental subdural hematomas, but is a normal
jury of either epidural arteries or veins lesions that are most often incidentally variant that should be considered in

12 June 2014




FIGURE 6. Subdural hematoma along the FIGURE 7. (A and B) Axial T2 and coronal T1 images of an infant with minor trauma demon-
right frontal convexity (arrows), crossing strate benign enlargement of the subarachnoid space at the bilateral frontal convexities (red
the coronal suture and bounded by the falx arrows), following CSF signal, which is symmetric in appearance. Traversing vessels confirm
anteriorly. Heterogeneous nature of attenu- the diagnosis (blue arrows). Incidental cavum septum pellucidum et vergae.
ation indicates evolution of blood products.
rhage in the setting of trauma is not an
unexpected finding. However, high
attenuation in the basal cisterns often
associated with subarachnoid hemor-
rhage is not pathognomonic, especially
in the presence of other important im-
aging findings. Diffuse cerebral edema
either primarily or secondarily related
to trauma is one of several causes of
pseudo-subarachnoid hemorrhage,
which can confound the diagnosis of
subarachnoid hemorrhage. This phe-
nomenon is thought to be related to a
combination of displaced CSF, disten-
tion of superficial vasculature, and low
attenuation edema within the adjacent
FIGURE 8. Pseudosubarachnoid hemor- FIGURE 9. Classic appearance of inferior
rhage. There is relative hyperattenuation of frontal lobe hemorrhagic contusions with cortex. Although its appearance is that
the subarachnoid space due to hypoattenu- surrounding vasogenic edema following of subarachnoid hemorrhage, closer
ation of the supratentorial brain from diffuse trauma (red arrow). Also seen is subarach- evaluation of density yields signifi-
anoxic brain injury. White cerebellum sign noid hemorrhage, most pronounced in the cantly lower Hounsfield units than true
also present. left Sylvian fissure.
subarachnoid hemorrhage (Figure 8).13
the appropriate clinical setting. Differ- ventricles, and no evidence of hemor-
entiating between these entities can be rhagic products (Figure 7). In contrast, Intraparenchymal contusions
difficult and may require further evalu- subdural hematomas may be asymmet- versus cavernoma or other
ation with magnetic resonance imag- ric, demonstrate mass effect, have non- underlying lesions
ing (MRI), where the unique features cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) intensity Cortical contusions account for ap-
of each entity are better distinguished. signal within or along the collections, proximately 50% of all intra-axial
BESSI is typically located along the and displace vessels along the inner trauma in the pediatric population.
frontal lobes and between the anterior table of the calvarium.12 Typical contusions tend to be mul-
interhemispheric fissure. Vessels are Subarachnoid hemorrhage appears tiple, bilateral, and occur along the
typically seen traversing the enlarged as increased attenuation in the cere- inferior frontal lobes and anterior
subarachnoid space, with lack of mass bral sulci and CSF cisterns on CT.8 temporal lobes, where the brain has a
effect, normal to slightly enlarged The presence of subarachnoid hemor- greater chance of direct impact against

June 2014 13


a peripheral halo of hypointense signal,

A B giving the characteristic “popcorn” ap-
pearance (Figure 10).18,19 Cavernomas
are often seen together with develop-
mental venous anomalies, and identi-
fication of these enlarged medullary
veins can help confirm the diagnosis.
Other mimics of intraparenchymal
contusions include hemorrhage second-
ary to an underlying lesion, such as an
arteriovenous malformation or tumor.
In such cases, location, morphology,
and degree of surrounding edema can be
helpful clues to an accurate diagnosis.

Symmetric-appearing brain versus

FIGURE 10. A 13-year-old girl who struck her head during a fight at school. (A) CT demon-
strates a focus of hyperattenuation in the left inferior temporal lobe (red arrow), a classic loca-
anoxic brain injury
tion for intraparenchymal hemorrhage, but with no significant surrounding low attenuation to One of the unique aspects of reading
suggest edema. (B) MRI demonstrates a “popcorn appearance” of the lesion, with a peripheral a CT or MRI exam of the head is that
rim of hemosiderin (blue arrow), consistent with a cavernoma. there is an internal standard of symmetric
brain structures. At first glance, it is easy
rigid bone. Within the frontal lobe, Occasionally, a head CT may have to pick up small findings just by compar-
injury is usually just above the cribri- a single focus of hyperattenuation, and ing the left and right hemispheres; how-
form plate and lesser sphenoid wing. the possibility of an incidental cavern- ever, this technique can also be a major
In the temporal lobe, injury occurs ad- ous malformation must be considered. pitfall in pediatric imaging.
jacent to the petrous bone and greater In patients with multiple hereditary cav- A normal pediatric head CT should
sphenoid wing (Figure 9). In younger ernous malformations, multiple foci of have normal gray-white matter differen-
children, cortical contusions are less hyperattenuation can be seen, although tiation, with a distinct appearance of the
common because the inner table of the this is rare. basal ganglia. Any loss of blood flow
skull is smoother, and therefore, the A cavernous malformation, also or profound hypoxia can cause diffuse
above locations may not be typical.1,2,14 known as a cavernoma, cavernous an- cerebral swelling, which will appear
It is important to look at the soft tissues gioma, or cavernous hemangioma, symmetric and can potentially be called
of the scalp, as intraparenchymal con- consists of a compact mass of sinusoi- normal by the untrained eye. CT will
tusions are classically coup (just below dal-type vessels with no intervening demonstrate loss of the gray-white mat-
the point of direct impact) or contra- brain parenchyma.15,16 In those lesions ter differentiation, sulcal and ventricu-
coup (opposite to the site of direct im- that are not complicated by hemorrhage, lar effacement, as well as effacement
pact) in location. areas of hyperattenuation on CT may of the cisterns. 2 One should look for
By definition, cortical contusions represent foci of calcification. They low attenuation of the deep gray nuclei
occur in the gray matter and tend to spare tend to have no surrounding mass effect because these structures are extremely
the adjacent subcortical white matter, un- or vasogenic edema, unless complicated vulnerable to hypoxic ischemic insults,
less the hemorrhage is large.2 These may by superimposed hemorrhage. Caver- even if the event is short in duration, due
be difficult to identify on CT in the early nomas are typically centered in the sub- to their inherent high metabolic activity
stage, as one may only see faint areas of cortical regions and extend outwards and oxygen requirement (Figure 11). It
hypoattenuation reflecting early edema, toward the cortex, which is another key is also important to remember that the
with patchy punctate areas of hyperatten- factor in distinguishing this incidental midbrain and cerebellum are the least
uation representing hemorrhage. Close lesion from acute cortical contusion.17 vulnerable to hypoxic injury, and there-
follow-up imaging will unmask these MRI proves useful in questionable fore, diffuse cerebral injury may result
subtle hemorrhages.14 MRI of the brain cases. Hemosiderin deposits within in the appearance of a relatively lower
is extremely useful, as even more subtle the lesion cause a rim of hypointense attenuation cerebrum, when compared
lesions can be identified; one must look signal on all sequences. Postcontrast to the cerebellum, causing the “white
for foci of high T2 signal edema and for images will demonstrate variable en- cerebellum sign” (Figure 11).20 In cases
punctate areas of low signal on gradient hancement.17 T2-weighted images and of trauma with anoxia, CT is usually
echo or susceptibility-weighted images susceptibility-weighted images demon- the first imaging modality employed.
reflecting hemorrhage. strate a central area of reticulation and Therefore, correctly identifying the di-

14 June 2014





FIGURE 11. Findings of diffuse anoxic brain

injury. (A) Symmetric low attenuation of the
basal ganglia (red arrows). Loss of grey-white
matter differentiation. (B) Relative hypoat-
tenuation of the supratentorial brain compared
to the infratentorial brain, “white cerebellum
sign.” (C and D) Term infant with prolonged
delivery, demonstrates mild hypoxic ischemic
injury involving the putamina and ventrolat-
eral thalamus (blue arrows), with correspond-
ing restricted diffusion on the ADC map. (E)
Severe hypoxic-ischemic injury in a 4-year-old
drowning victim. Diffuse cerebral brain swell-
ing with restricted diffusion of the basal ganglia
and gyri (green arrows).

agnosis on CT should appropriately T1 hyperintensity in the perirolandic to its poor clinical outcome and non-
prompt further evaluation with MRI to cortex, insula, or possibly even involv- surgical management. These patients
characterize the extent of injury. ing all the cortices (Figure 11).21.22 In tend to present with loss of conscious-
In general, with neonates, mild cases neonates, there may be no appreciable ness directly after head injury.14,23 The
of hypoxic-ischemic injury tend to in- T2 signal change except for subtle in- mechanism of injury is a shear-strain
volve only parts of the deep gray nu- distinctness of gray-white matter junc- deformation of the brain due to rotational
clei, with progressively severe forms tions; later in life, one will see areas of acceleration and deceleration, and there-
involving a majority of the deep gray T2 hyperintensity. Diffusion-weighted fore, this entity is also known as “shear-
nuclei with peripheral extension to in- images will demonstrate corresponding ing injury”.23,24
volve the cortex. With mild injury, T1- areas of restricted diffusion and may be As the name implies, these lesions
weighted images will demonstrate high the only images that reveal subtle in- occur within the axonal white matter.
signal within the ventrolateral thalami jury.1 The most common location is the lobar
and posterolateral putamina. The T1 hy- white matter, followed by the corpus
perintensity of the posterior limb of the “Don’t-miss” lesions callosum (a majority of which are in
internal capsule seen in full-term infants Diffuse axonal injury the posterior body and splenium), and
may or may not be preserved (Figure When assessing trauma, it is impor- finally the brainstem (Figure 12). Less
11). Moderate injury tends to cause T1 tant to look at the history and mechanism common locations include the cerebel-
hyperintensity of the anterior putamen, of injury. Depending on the location of lar peduncles and basal ganglia.14,23,24
and the posteromedial thalamus, with edema and/or hemorrhage, one should CT may not have any appreciable find-
usual loss of the normal T1 hyperin- be able to make the diagnosis of dif- ings, or only possible faint foci of hem-
tense signal in the posterior limb of the fuse axonal injury — a diagnosis which orrhage or edema. For this reason, or in
internal capsule. Severe injury causes has critical prognostic implications due the setting of high clinical suspicion, it

18 June 2014




FIGURE 13. T1-weighted image demon-

C D strates bilateral subdural hematomas with dif-
fering signal intensity, signifying hemorrhages
of different ages in a child abuse victim.

FIGURE 12. Motor vehicle accident victim. (A) Lobar white matter hemorrhages near the gray-
white matter junction and within the brainstem, the largest of which are labeled (red arrows).
(B) Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image demonstrates shearing injury of
the corpus callosum (blue arrow). (C and D) CT and gradient recalled echo (GRE) images FIGURE 14. Child abuse victim. Right sub-
are shown at the same level. Note that the GRE image demonstrates blooming of additional dural hemorrhage (red arrow) and right reti-
microhemorrhages not readily apparent on CT scan (green arrows). nal hemorrhage (blue arrow).

is important to recommend MRI for fur- more commonly seen in children with in the retina. Therefore, the constel-
ther evaluation. On MRI, it is critical to accidental head trauma than those with lation of subdural hematoma, diffuse
look for foci of low signal on suscepti- nonaccidental head trauma. Mixed at- axonal injury, and retinal hemorrhage
bility-weighted images representing tenuation within a subdural hematoma should alert the radiologist to suspect
hemorrhage (Figure 12).25 Diffusion- or two (or more) subdural hematomas child abuse (Figure 14).28.29 This sus-
weighted images may also show areas of varying ages should raise the suspi- picion must be promptly relayed to the
of restricted diffusion.26 cion for nonaccidental head injury (Fig- referring physician.
ure 13).27 It is also critical to look at both the
Nonaccidental trauma One term frequently used in literature history of the trauma, as well as other
Due to the medical, legal, and social is “shaken-baby syndrome;” it implies organ systems to get a global sense of
implications, another “don’t-miss” le- a rotational acceleration type of injury. injury. Look for fractures in various
sion is nonaccidental head injury. When The bridging veins that connect the stages of healing, posterior rib fractures,
looking at a pediatric head scan, it is im- dural sinuses to the brain are stretched, vertebral body-compression fractures,
portant to look at both the pattern and which causes hemorrhage into the sub- duodenal hematomas, and pancreatic
various stages (acute versus chronic) dural and subarachnoid space. The injury.29 These patients may present
of injury. Homogeneously hyperat- same stretching mechanism occurs with apnea, irritability, and decreased
tenuating subdural hematoma on CT is along the axons in the white matter and consciousness.1,2

June 2014 19


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20 June 2014


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