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Learning Opportunities in Captive Power Plant

Sr. Functions Learning Opportunities

No. (Departments)
General about the 1. Basic process of power generation – energy conversion (thermal to Mechanical)
power plant 2. Type (source of energy, power generation only or co-generation), number of units, capacity of each, time
taken from
3. Schematic layout and physical layout of the plant and its systems, and functions/role of each (what they do?),
need for each (why?)
i. Steam generation
• Fuel preparation and firing system
• Water treatment and water feeding system
• Boiler and its systems
• Boiler feed pump and aerator systems
ii. Turbine-Generator system
• Turbine steam system
• Stages of turbines
• Turbine control system
• Generator and electrical system
• Turbine miscellaneous systems
iii.Other supporting systems
• Switchyard
• Ash handling
4. Efficiency of various systems in the power plant, reasons for loss of energy, factors affecting energy loss,
means used for improving efficiencies

Specific Systems 1. Overall operation of each specific system to meet their functionality requirements (identified earlier)
2. Breakdown of the overall operation into sub-operations (e.g. fuel preparation may require coal grinders,
coal feeder conveyors, coal-air/oil mixing etc.)
3. Subsystems and their functionality, need and working (how?)
4. Critical functions of the subsystem
5. Control required in the subsystem (e.g. proportion of coal and air, flame/furnace temperature, feed rate of
fuel to igniter, steam temperature and pressure etc.), control values and means of monitoring and control
Specific sub-systems 1. Construction, specifications and working of major sub-systems (supplier list – domestic and international)
• Type of design (e.g. what type of boiler or steam turbine, why this selection {rating based? Cost based?
operational ease?}
• Alternative designs -- comparison of designs
Operations 1. Starting and shut down processes
2. Emergency situations and handling
3. Running of plant
• Normal and abnormal running conditions
• Causes of abnormal running conditions
• Handling of abnormal conditions
• With manual intervention
• Automated intervention
• Control systems in place
• Key control parameters
• Control logic for different situations
• Instrumentation used for monitoring
Maintenance 1. Typical maintenance problems faced
2. Maintenance requirement for various systems, sub-systems, unit level
• Maintenance requirements based on operation (wear and tear in conveyors and turbines, descaling in
boilers, corrosion of components in various equipment because of exposure to water etc.)
3. Maintenance planning
• Division of maintenance into proactive and reactive parts – basis, risk assessment, impact assessment
• Periodic checklist (contents), periodic maintenance carried out (basis for decision on time interval –
legislation/historical data/supplier recommendation/), condition monitoring
Safety 1. Relevant safety legislations and standards for the plant and all the equipments in the plant
2. System to ensure equipment, changes made in the system, installation, maintenance etc. meet the standards
3. Safety systems in place
• Control, monitoring and alarm system
• Preventions systems (relief valves)
• Mitigation devices
• Plant alarm system and evacuation plan
• Training of personnel for safety (evacuation, use of devices, warnings)
4. Potential safety situation and their probability
5. Safety records
Environmental 1. Natural resources being used
• Its impact on ecosystem/community
• Systems/ plans in place for replenishing it (what is being done around the world in similar industries)
• Systems/plans in place for reclaiming affected land
2. Disposal of effluent/pollutants
• Pollutants being produced in the whole process
• How these pollutants are being disposed off
• Environmental impact of this disposal
• Treatment required for disposing off these pollutants
• Systems in place for treatment of pollutants
e working principle and condition of different plant equipment like boiler, turbine, compressor
boiler, etc.
Feedi 3. What are the different type maintenance like preventive maintenance, routine maintenance
ng etc. for the equipment like boilers, turbines and compressors.
raw 4. How they execute all the maintenance work in different time as per the schedule.
1. To materi
5. This department handles all the electrical aspects of the power plant which comprises mostly
un als,
of power generators, switchyards, grid system and power transmission and distribution.
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6. It makes use of many equipments and principles which are presented as under
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an boiler, 7. Understand the different controller and control mechanism and control instrument used in the
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w through chimneys.
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de throug from the turbine to the switchyard.
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Switchyard 1. What are the basic principles behind the maintenance of transformer?
2. How they are dealing with different type of transformer like voltage transformer and current transformer.
3. This department consists of Bus Bar, Insulators, Lightening Arrestor, Earthing System, Control Panel,
Transformer, Circuit Breaker, Arching horns, SCADA Nodes.
4. In this department students will come to know the basic principle and working of all these equipment.
5. Students also will come to know that how step-up and step-down of voltage is done and transmit to customer.

Energy Efficiency 1. How unit efficiency is being controlled by Instrumentation Department to produce required power.
2. Also they will get an opportunity to know how EEMD prepares the daily and monthly records of the performance
of these plants and produces them before management for further analysis.
Ash Management 1. How the Ash coming from the power plant is transported to ash pond of NALCO.
2. What precautionary measure to take to reduce pollution and dispose off this ash safely so as to not harm the

Water Treatment 1. To understand what should be the properties of the water for different use and how to get the water of that quality
from waste/river water.
2. Understanding different type of chemical methods, equipment and chemicals used for demineralization of water.
Coal Handling 1. How the coal Handling Plant manages the transportation of coal to the plant and maintenance including loading,
unloading, stock of the coal in the yard.
Plant, Captive
2. Understanding different coal handling machinery such as, Feeder, loader, Specialized Conveyer, Bifurcating
Railway System Chutes, Rapid Loading System. S
3. Understanding most reliable integrated systems involving a combination of the crushing and screening circuit,
Stacking & Reclaiming Circuits, Classifier circuits, Allied environment Control Systems, All related Power,
Control & Instrumentation/Automation etc.
4. How merry-go-round system is used to transport coal from Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd (MCL) throughout the
year on round the clock basis as per the annual requirement plan.
5. Understanding the Traffic operation and management of Coal transportation and material movement at Captive
Rail System

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