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E-Commerce Payment


• The E-Commerce environment

• Traditional payment systems
• Online payment with credit cards
• Online payment with SET
• Other online payment systems
• B2C and B2B

Internet Fraud Complaints
Reported to the IFCC (2004)

Online Credit Card Purchases are
Risky for the Merchant
• Many security procedures that credit card companies
rely on are not applicable in online environment (CNP).
• Merchant pays when goods are not delivered, order is
disputed or in cases of credit card fraud.
• Percentage of Internet transactions charged back to
online merchants much higher than for traditional
retailers (3-10% compared to ½-1%)
• To protect selves, merchants can:
 Refuse to process overseas purchases
 Insist that credit card and shipping address match
 Require users to input 3-digit security code printed on back of
Customer and Merchant Views

E-Commerce Transaction

Points of Vulnerability

E-Commerce Availability
• Digital Divide: Some groups don’t have same
access to computers and Internet that others do
• Digital “have nots” include:
– Households with incomes below $35,000
– Those without college educations
– People living in rural areas
– African-Americans and Hispanics
– Seniors over 65
– Disabled
• Most recent Department of Commerce study --
most of above groups gaining access to
computers and Internet due to falling computer
prices and free or low cost ISPs 8
Traditional Payment Systems

• Cash
• Checking Transfer
• Credit Card
• Stored Value
• Accumulating Balance

• Legal tender defined by a national authority to
represent value
• Most common form of payment in terms of number of
• Instantly convertible into other forms of value without
intermediation of any kind
• Portable, requires no authentication, and provides
instant purchasing power
• “Free” (no transaction fee), anonymous, low cognitive
• Limitations: easily stolen, limited to smaller transaction,
does not provide any float
Checking Transfer
• Funds transferred directly via a signed draft or check
from a consumer’s checking account to a merchant or
other individual
• Most common form of payment in terms of amount
• Can be used for both small and large transactions
• Some float
• Not anonymous, require third-party intervention (banks)
• Introduce security risks for merchants (forgeries, stopped
payments), so authentication typically required

Credit Card
• Represents an account that extends credit to
consumers, permitting consumers to purchase
items while deferring payment, and allows
consumers to make payments to multiple vendors
at one time
• Credit card associations – Nonprofit associations
(Visa, MasterCard) set standards for issuing banks
• Issuing banks – Issue cards and process
• Processing centers (clearinghouses) – Handle
verification of accounts and balances
Stored Value Accounts

• Accounts created by depositing funds into an

account and from which funds are paid out or
withdrawn as needed
• Examples: Debit cards, gift certificates,
prepaid cards, smart cards
• Debit cards: Immediately debit a checking or
other demand-deposit account
• Online Peer-to-peer payment systems such as
Accumulating Value

• Accounts that accumulate expenditures and to

which consumers make periodic payments
• Examples: utility, phone, American Express

Most Common by Number of

Most Common by Dollar Amount

Payment Systems Characteristics

Online Payment Systems
• Credit cards are dominant form of online
payment, accounting for around 80% of
online payments in 2002
• New forms of electronic payment include:
 Digital cash
 Online stored value systems
 Digital accumulating balance payment
 Digital credit accounts
 Digital checking
Actual and Preferred

Online Credit Card Use

• Processed in much the same way that in-

store purchases are
• Major difference is that online merchants
do not see or take impression of card, and
no signature is available (Cardholder Not
Present transactions)
• Participants include consumer, merchant,
clearinghouse, merchant bank (acquiring
bank) and consumer’s card issuing bank
Online Credit Card Use

Problems with Online CC Use

• Security – Neither merchant nor consumer are

authenticated. Merchant gets consumers credit
card number for possible later misuse.
• Cost – for merchants, around 3.5% of purchase
price plus transaction fee of 20-30 cents per
• Social equity – many people do not have access
to credit cards (young adults, plus almost 100
million other adult Americans who cannot afford
cards or are considered poor risk)
SET (Secure Electronic
Transaction) Protocol
• Developed to address deficiencies in online
credit card use. Open standard developed by
MasterCard and Visa.
• Authenticates cardholder and merchant identity
through use of digital certificates.
• Transaction process similar to standard online
credit card transaction, with identity verification.
• Thus far, has not caught on much, due to costs
involved in integrating SET into existing
systems, and lack of interest among consumers
SET at Work
• SET uses SSL and PKI. Customer must
have a SET enabled browser and
merchant needs SET enabled server.
• Consumer’s credit card issuing bank
issues a digital certificate (electronic
wallet) with consumer’s public key and
bank’s public key (signed with bank’s
private key).
• Merchants get a similar digital certificate
from bank.
SET at Work: Step 1
• Customer places online order: C’s browser
receives M’s certificate and validates it.
• C’s browser sends the order message which is
encrypted with M’s public key and contains:
– order information for Merchant,
– C’s digital certificate and
– payment (credit card) info which is encrypted with the
bank’s public key so M cannot read it. The payment
info contains a transaction ID (originally from M) so
that it can only be used with this particular order (no
replay attack).
SET: Step 2 and 3
• The Merchant verifies C’s digital certificate.
• The Merchant sends to the bank
– Order information
– Payment info from C which M cannot read
– M’s certificate
• Bank verifies message, handles money
transfer and sends signed authorization to
merchant who can then process the order.
SET Transactions

Other Online Payment Systems

Digital Wallets

Digital Wallets
• Concept of digital wallet relevant to many of the
new digital payment systems.
• Seeks to emulate the functionality of traditional
• Most important functions:
 Authenticate consumer through use of digital
certificates or other encryption methods
 Store and transfer value
 Secure payment process from consumer to merchant
• Two major categories:
 Client-based digital wallets –, MasterCard
 Server-based digital wallets – MSN Wallet
Digital Cash
• One of the first forms of alternative payment
• Not really “cash” – rather, form of value
storage and value exchange that have limited
convertibility into other forms of value, and
require intermediaries to convert.
• Many of early examples have disappeared;
concepts survive as part of P2P payment

Early Digital Cash

• One of e-commerce’s major success stories:
– Went public in 2002; acquired by eBay October 2002 for $1.5
• A “peer-to-peer” payment system using email.
• Fills a niche that credit card companies avoided –
individuals and small merchants
• Piggybacks on existing credit card and checking payment
• Weakness: suffers from relatively high levels of fraud
• PayPal has more than 35 million account members and
is available to users in 38 countries around the world

Online Stored Value Accounts

• Debit cards online

• Permit consumers to make instant, online
payments to merchants and other
individuals based on value stored in an
online account
• Rely on value stored in a consumer’s
bank, checking or credit card account


Digital Credit Card
• Credit account for online shopping.
• Focus specifically on making use of credit
cards safer and more convenient for online
merchants and consumers.
• Example: eCharge and CyberCash
(Verisign 2002)
• Customer has credit account but no
physical card.
• May use one-time account number.
Digital Checking
• Takes advantage of large, existing
infrastructure for check processing when used
as online shopping payment tool.
• Examples: eCheck, Achex (MoneyZap)

Digital Checking: ECheck

B2B Payment Systems

• More complex than B2C.

– Authentication and integrity very important as
transaction may be dealing with large sums of
– Should be tied to legally binding contracts.
– Interface with accounting systems
– Should provide standard business credit as in
two 10 net 30

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