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Gynaecology & Obstetrics


Davinci Medical Academy

Gynaecology & Obstetrics

Davinci Medical Academy

Gynaecology & Obstetrics

Davinci Medical Academy


Gynaecology & Obstetrics


Davinci Medical Academy


Gynaecology & Obstetrics


Davinci Medical Academy

Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Davinci Medical Academy
1. All the following are derivatives of the 4. Elastic cartilage is found in:
neural crest, except: A. Auditory tube
A. Melanocyte B. Nasal septum
B. Adrenal medulla C. Articular cartilage
C. Sympathetic ganglia D. Costal cartilage
D. Cauda equina Ans. A
Ans. D
5. The weight of the upper limb is transmitted
2. Which of the following is true regarding to the axial skeleton by:
gastrulation: A. Coracoclavicular ligament
A. Establishes all the three germ layers B. Coracoacromial ligament
B. Occurs at the caudal end of the embryo C. Costoclavicular ligament
prior to its cephalic end D. Coracohumeral ligament
C. Involves the hypoblastic cells of inner Ans. A
cell mass
D. Usually occurs at 4 weeks 6. The superficial external pudendal artery is
Ans. A a branch of:
A. Femoral artery
3. All the following features are seen in neu- B. External iliac artery
rons from dorsal root ganglia, except: C. Internal iliac artery
A. They have centrally located nuclei D. Aorta
B. They are derived from neural crest cells Ans. A
C. They are multipolar
D. They contain lipofuscin granules 7. Diaphragmatic hernia can occur through all
Ans. C the following, except:

Gynaecology & Obstetrics

A. Esophageal opening B. It is a site of mucocutaneous junction
B. Costovertebral triangle C. Its epithelium contains globlets cells in
C. Costal and sternal attachment of dia large numbers
phragm D. Absorbs salt and water
D. Inferior vena cava opening Ans. A
Ans. D
14. In flexion and abduction of shoulder all of
8. Ureteric constriction is seen at all the fol- the following structures are compressed ex-
lowing positions, except: cept:
A. Ureteropelvic junction A. Subacromial bursa
B. Ureterovesicle junction B. Long head of biceps
C. Crossing of iliac artery C. Suprascapular nerve
D. Ischial spine D. Supraspinatus tendon
Ans. D Ans. C

9. All the following are true regarding blood 15. The commonest variation in the arteries
supply to the kidney, except: arising from the arch of aorta is:
A. Stellate veins drain superficial zone A. Absence of brachiocephalic trunk.
B. It is site of portosystemic anastomosis B. Left vertebral artery arising from the
C. The renal artery divides into five arch.
segmental arteries before entering the C. Left common carotid artery arising
hilum from brachiocephalic trunk.
D. Its segmental arteries are end-arteries D. Presence of retroesophageal
Ans. B subclavian artery.
Ans. C
10. A patient with external hemorrhoids de-
velops pain while passing stools. The nerve 16. The blood vessel related to the paraduode-
mediating this pain is: nal fossa is:
A. Hypogastric nerve A. Gonadal vein
B. Pudendal nerve B. Superior mesenteric artery
C. Splachnic visceral nerve C. Portal vein
D. Sympathetic plexus D. Inferior mesenteric vein
Ans. B Ans. D

11. Which of the following muscles is supplied 17. The nerve commonly damaged during Mc-
by mandibular nerve: Burney’s incision is:
A. Masseter A. Subcostal
B. Buccinator B. Iliohypogastric
C. Tensor veli palati C. 11th thoracic
D. Posterior belly of digastric D. 10th thoracic
Ans. C Ans. B

12. The sensoy supply of the palate is through 18. The lumbar region of the vertebral column
all of the following, except: permits all the following movements, ex-
A. Facial nerve cept:
B. Hypoglossal nerve A. Flexion
C. Glossopharyngeal nerve B. Extension
D. Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve C. Lateral flexion
Ans. B D. Rotation
13. All of the following are features of large in- Ans. D
testine, except:
A. Large intestine secretes acidic mucus 19. All of the following are examples of traction
which helps in formation of stools epiphysis, except:
Davinci Medical Academy
A. Mastoid process epithelium are provided with extra reserve
B. Tubercles of humerus of cell membrane:
C. Trochanter of femur A. Transitional
D. Condyles of tibia B. Stratified squamous
Ans. D C. Stratified cuboidal
D. Stratified columnar
20. All of the following statements are true for Ans. A
metaphysis of bone, except:
A. It is the strongest part of the bone. 26. Injury to radial nerve in lower part of spiral
B. It is the most vascular part of bone. groove:
C. Growth activity is maximized here. A. Spares nerve supply to extensor carpi
D. It is the region favouring hematoge- radialis longus
nous B. Results in paralysis of anconeus muscle
spread of infection. C. Leaves extension at elbow joint intact
Ans. A D. Weakens pronation movement
Ans. C
21. All of the following features can be observed
after the injury to axillary nerve, except: 27. A 30 year old man came to the outpatient
A. Loss of rounded contour of shoulder. department because he had suddenly devel-
B. Loss of sensation along lateral side oped double vision. On examination it was
of upper arm. found that his right eye, when at rest, was
C. Loss of overhead abduction. turned medially. The most likely anatomical
D. Atrophy of deltoid muscle. structures involved are:
Ans. C A. Medial rectus and superior division of
oculomotor nerve
22. Q 8. All of the following muscles are grouped B. Inferior oblique and inferior division of
together as ‘muscles of mastication’, except: oculomotor nerve
A. Buccinator C. Lateral rectus and abducent nerve
B. Masseter D. Superior rectus and trochlear nerve
C. Temporalis Ans. C
D. Pterygoids
Ans. A 28. In a patient with a tumour in superior me-
diastinum compressing the superior vena
23. Referred pain from ureteric colic is felt in cava, all the following veins would serve as
the groin due to involvement of the follow- alternate pathways for the blood to return
ing nerve: to the right atrium, except:
A. Subcostal A. Lateral thoracic vein
B. Iliohypogastric B. Internal thoracic vein
C. Ilioinguinal C. Hemiazygos vein
D. Genitofemoral D. Vertebral venous plexus
Ans. D Ans. B

24. The right coronary artery supplies all of the 29. The middle cardiac vein is located at the:
following parts of the conducting system in A. Anterior interventricular sulcus.
the heart, except: B. Posterior interventricular sulcus.
A. SA Node C. Posterior AV groove.
B. AV Node D. Anterior AV groove.
C. AV Bundle Ans. B
D. Right bundle branch
Ans. D 30. Which of the following statements is true
about the autonomic nervous system?
25. The cells belonging to the following type of A. The sympathetic outflow from the CNS

Gynaecology & Obstetrics

is through both the cranial nerves and 33. Two students, Vineet and Kamlesh were
the sympathetic chain. asked to demonstrate in dogs the role of si-
B. The parasympathetic outflow from the nus nerve in hypovolemic shock.Vineet sev-
CNS is through cranial nerves only. ered the sinus nerve when the mean blood
C. The superior hypogastric plexus is pressure (MBP) was 85 mm Hg and Kamlesh
located at the anterior aspect of the cut the sinus nerve when the mean blood
aortic bifurcation and fifth lumbar pressure was 60 mm Hg. On cutting the si-
vertebra. nus nerve:
D. The superior hypogastric plexus A. Vineet recorded an increase in MBP but
contains sympathetic fibers only. Kamlesh recorded a decrease in MBP.
Ans. C B. Vineet recorded a decrease in MBP but
Kamlesh recorded an increase in MBP.
31. An increase in which of the following pa- C. Both recorded an increase in MBP.
rameters will shift the O2 dissociation curve D. Both recorded a decrease in MBP.
to the left: Ans. A
A. Temperature 34. As a part of space-research program, a phys-
B. Partial pressure of CO2 iologist was asked to investigate the effect
C. 2,3 DPG concentration of flight-induced stress on blood pressure.
D. Oxygen affinity of haemoglobin Accordingly the blood pressure of the cos-
Ans. D monauts were to be measured twice: once
before the take-off, and once after the space-
32. A lesion of ventrolateral part of spinal cord craft entered the designated orbit around
will lead to loss (below the level of lesion) the earth. For a proper comparison, the pre-
of: flight blood pressure should be recorded in:
A. Pain sensation on the ipsilateral side A. The lying down position.
B. Proprioception on the contralateral B. The sitting position.
side C. The standing position
C. Pain sensation on the contralateral side D. Any position, as long as the post-flight
D. Proprioception on the ipsilateral side recording is made in the same position.
Ans. C Ans. A

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35. The renal plasma flow (RPF) of a patient Ans. D
was to be estimated through the measure-
ment of Para Amino Hippuric acid (PAH) 38. Which of the following statements is true for
clearance. The technician observed the pro- excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP):
cedure correctly but due to an error in the A. Are self propagating.
weighing inadvertently used thrice the rec- B. Show all or none response.
ommended dose of PAH. The RPF estimated C. Are proportional to the amount of
is likely to be: transmitter released by the presynaptic
A. False-high neuron.
B. False-low D. Are inhibitory at presynaptic terminal.
C. False-high or false-low depending Ans. C
on the GFR.
D. Correct and is unaffected by the PAG 39. Synaptic conduction is mostly orthodromic
over dose. because:
Ans. B A. Dendrites cannot be depolarized.
B. Once repolarized, an area cannot be
36. The EEG record shown below is normally depolarized.
recordable during which stage of sleep ? C. The strength of antidromic impulse is
A. Stage I. less.
B. Stage II. D. Chemical mediator is located only in the
C. Stage III. presynaptic terminal.
D. Stage IV. Ans. D
Ans. B
40. The cell junctions allowing exchange of cy-
37. Figure below represents the pH of the di- toplasmic molecules between the two cells
gestive juice aspirated from the alimentary are called:
tract as a function of position along the ali- A. Gap junctions.
mentary tract during digestion of a meal: B. Tight junctions.
A. A typical value for Y2 is 9.0. C. Anchoring junctions
B. A typical value for Y3 is 10.0. D. Focal junctions.
C. The segment C represents the pylorus. Ans. A
D. The digestive enzymes active in
segment A are inactivated in segment

Gynaecology & Obstetrics

Davinci Medical Academy

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