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Work Health and Safety Guidelines for SAFS Industry Placement

Who should read this document?

School of Agriculture and Food Sciences students – internal and external, undertaking Industry Placement.

Students must read this document before commencing a placement and complete and sign the attached
induction checklist, with your host organisation Site Supervisor, after your induction.

Introduction and Scope

These Guidelines apply to placement arrangements for School of Agriculture and Food Sciences students
that involve workplace activities away from the Central Campus which could affect students’ health and
safety. The current policy details, procedures and guidelines are available at:

Industry Placements
The University of Queensland maintains that the students’ learning experience should not be confined to a
lecture theatre, laboratory or electronic media. Students undertaking Industry Placement are required to
work in a variety of commercial and government organisations, as well as natural or protected
environments, plant, pasture and animal production and product processing enterprises, financial and
extension enterprises.

It is essential that health and safety principles and concepts are integrated at all levels of Industry

Responsibilities of workers under the Work Health & Safety Act 2011
Students have responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011

S28 Duties of workers

While at work a worker must –
 take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and
 take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety
of other persons; and
 comply, so far as the worker is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the
person conducting the business or undertaking to allow the person to comply with this Act; and
 cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the person conducting the business or
undertaking, relating to health or safety at the workplace that has been notified to workers

Substantial financial or custodial penalties apply to any person who commits an offence against the

Responsibilities for Work Health and Safety

1) Comply with safe working procedures
a) Follow safe work procedures established by the University, School or Section; and
b) Follow the OH&S policies and directions of the host organisation.

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SAFS – Industry Placement OH&S Induction Checklist
2) Use of appropriate personal protective equipment and safety systems
a) Where personal protective equipment (PPE) is required to control exposure to hazards in the
workplace, wear and maintain the PPE as directed, as indicated in a risk assessment, or as required
in OH&S procedures.
b) Use other safety and emergency equipment provided in the workplace as directed or as required in
the host organisation’s OH&S procedures.

3) Assist with the preparation of risk assessments

a) Before commencing work or research, a risk assessment should be conducted to identify, assess
and control the hazards associated with the work or research. This should be conducted in con-
junction with other relevant staff, researchers and the Site Supervisor.

4) Report OH&S problems

a) Immediately notify the Site Supervisor in the case that they have a concern regarding their health
and safety or in the instance of an incident, injury or illness.
b) The Industry Placement Officer and student are responsible for ensuring that a University online
Injury, Illness and Incident Report is lodged as soon as possible and in accordance with PPL
2.10.07b Workplace Injury, Illness and Incident Reporting — Procedures.

General Rules
• Industry Placement students are to be aware that field work activities may be conducted in
factories or production plants and other locations away from the workplace office.
• Appropriate clothing and footwear is to be worn as required by the host location of work.
• Follow the directions of supervisors.
• Specific needs for medication, mobility, allergens or special consideration must be forwarded to the
Industry Placement Officer and your Site Supervisor before commencement of a placement.
• Also notify Site Supervisor in advance, of any allergies or medical conditions that may be adversely
affected by work.
• Students who are pregnant may be at higher risk from exposure to certain chemicals and other
hazards. The Site Supervisor or Health and Safety Advisor should advise both female and male
students if there is any known risk of exposure to teratogenic or reproductive hazards, so that
suitable arrangements or modifications can be made to minimise their exposure, particularly if
they are known to be pregnant or trying to fall pregnant. Pregnant students are encouraged to
discuss their work environment and duties with the personal physicians.

General rules – Operation of machinery and hazardous substances

The operation of machinery and handling hazardous substances:
• Vehicles, machinery, equipment and chemicals may only be driven, handled or operated by
competent licensed persons.
• Current evidence / certificates or training must be presented (e.g. motorcycle, tractor, all-terrain-
vehicle, (Quad bikes) elevation platform, heavy vehicle, forklift, implement, spray equipment,
chainsaw etc.)
• Such equipment can only be operated while under instruction and supervision of qualified staff at
all times.
• Placement students are forbidden from travelling in the trays of utilities, foot plates of tractors
or on implements or trailers.

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SAFS – Industry Placement OH&S Induction Checklist
Industry Placement OH&S Induction Checklist

I am a University of Queensland: (Tick as appropriate)

Undergraduate student ☐ completing FOOD3009/FOOD3030 Professional Experience ☐

Postgraduate student ☐ completing FOOD7021 Professional Experience ☐

The above course is a program requirement that I am undertaking from the University of Queensland.

Title: Given name: Preferred name:

Student number:
Family name:

Internship Provider: Date of completion:

Internship Provider Address:

I am able to access all of UQ’s Occupational Health and Safety (WHS) policies located at: (

Yes ☐ No ☐

I have completed a local site induction for my placement workplace:

Yes ☐ Date completed: / / No ☐ (If NO, on what date will this be completed?) / /

I have read/familiarised myself with the host organisation’s “Safe Management System” (SMS), “Safe Operating Procedures” (SOPs) &/or “Risk Assessments” and been advised
of hazards in my work area, have received training, and been given the opportunity to seek further clarification where necessary with either my Site Supervisor or the host
organisation WH&S Coordinator:

Yes ☐ No ☐

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SAFS Industry Placement OH&S Induction Checklist
My primary evacuation point is:

My secondary evacuation point is:

The procedure or process for notifying my Site Supervisor of any Injury, Illness or Incident is: (If more steps are required insert numbering as appropriate)

State 2 SOPs/SMS or workplace rules/procedures you need to be aware of & adhere to during this placement, and then briefly explain their key points: (Attach a separate page
if necessary)


I am aware of the system for reporting and correcting hazards in my placement workplace:

Yes ☐ No ☐

My nearest first aid kit for my local work area is:

List 2 qualified first aid personnel in your workplace.

1. 2.

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SAFS Industry Placement OH&S Induction Checklist
My Local Area Fire & Emergency Warden is: The Local Area Fire & Emergency Warden is identified by what colour hardhat/tabard?

The Chief Fire & Emergency Warden is: The Chief Fire & Emergency Warden is identified by what colour hardhat/tabard?

For any Injury, Illness or Incident all interns are to advise the University of such Instances. Interns are asked to notify the Site Supervisor immediately, and then call or email the
Industry Placement Officer on 07 3365 1171 or as soon as is practicable. For any absences interns must advise the duration of any absence and
confirm their expected return to work.

I am aware that I am obligated to report any illness, injury or incident to UQ – via the Industry Placement Officer or the School OH&S Officer (Kaye Vockenson whilst on industry placement. I understand this does not negate my responsibility to report any illness, injury or incident to my host organisation:

Yes ☐ No ☐

I have read and understood these Work Health and Safety Guidelines for SAFS Industry Placement Students, and agree to comply with these rules:

Yes ☐ No ☐

I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my Site Supervisor of any medical condition that may affect my work performance:

Yes ☐ No ☐

Student Name & Signature: Date:

(Please print) Position:

Site Supervisor Name & Signature:

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SAFS Industry Placement OH&S Induction Checklist

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