CAPE Comunicato Studies 2010 P2 Mark Shceme

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()N Sf iIl)IliS

02LI4020/CAPE/MS 20i0


Ouesl*ion l"

ConeerxL Orgranization Expression Total

eonLen{: atrlocation:
(a ) 2 marlcs
(.b) I noarks (2 + 6

(a) The writer,s main point (2 marks)

tr,,*_-5.7. r*
Award 2 rnark,s for an answer containing a+{ of the folJ-owing
under]ined elements:
l'{ost of the inf ormation preserited duringr news broadcas ts is not
actuallv news but i-nformation _pI_ triviaf issues used to Eilpli
attract the viewer
An;ard 1 rna.rle f or an answer that hints aL the above or is an
:i.ncomplete answer containing one underlined element

(b) Author's purpose, strateqj-es/technisues (g marks)

_Purpose (2 nnrlcs)
Award 2 nnarles for an answer containjng. the followinq:
/'*a,_.,_". . l^ry
o To make,/develop the point/,,?_K_pL"---
thac most of the inf ormation
Eenerated in l-ocal televjlsron airt j-me is not devoted to
actual news buL Lo other fess important attracLions, making
news on matters of national importance secondary to
commerciafs and "fluff" .

Alvard L rnark f or an answer that hints at the above or is an

incompleLe answer.
o2LL4020/CAPE/MS 2010


PaPer 02



ExceLlenL introduction , thematic cohesion, appropriate use of
transitional dewices, effective conclusion.
Good use of the above with one to two weaknesses noted 5-5
Adeguate level- of organization with some weaknesses noted. 3-4
Unsati s factorY levef of orgranization Weaknesses in a1i 1-2
areas ident-ified above.

Excellent, ef f ectiwe and error f ree r-tse of lang'uage. I
Very Eood use of lanquaqe thougth there may be a few lapses.
Good use of langruaqre thougrh there may be few lapses. 5-6
Some ability to use language accurately and effectively, but 3-4
w-ith some inconsistency in accurate usaqe'
Frequenc, inaccurate use of language
oR. L-A

insuf f icient information nesented

Inability to use iangiuagre accurately.
Too liLtle inforrnatlon presented to make an assessment
Total 25 marks
a2LL4020ICAPE/MS 2010
coM]W-n{ I cA'l' -l (-)l\l !l'.i'r-.lL) I E-l !
Paper 0:j


Strateqies,zLanouaoe technigues (5 marlcs)

rnarks ior j-dentification
Award 2 rnTrpE'F of , and appropriate conmentary on, EACH
^.$ ru\I
ut ^r\r\/ rrrf\!! of the f O11ow-ingi . Strategres/langtuagte technigues must be
linked to the attempt by author to cevelop the main point -
o Use of factual data from a study cf 102 l'V newscasts; study done by
a neciia watch group, apparently a qroup devoted to that kind of
c, Us€ of statisti-cal data (e. g. commercials comprising '30.4% of

airtinie ...', disa.sters compr-isinqr 'L2.2 percenE of the news').

Use of comparison and contrast. Author compares the quanLity of
airtime devoted to the news with that dewoted to other matCers like
commerci-als and 'f luf f ' .

Cateqorisation of stories covered in the actual news and in fluff

and provision of proportion of cowerage.
Generally negrative orientation to t,he inforrnation bej-ng provided.
Use of" cue words to prepare readers f or parti-cular t\4pes of
informaLion, €.9., 'on the other hand' for contrastingr information,
'on an average' for summary statisLical information, 'why?' and
'whaE?' for explanation and factual information, 'on a positive
note' to contrast an immediate positive orientation with g'eneral
negative orientation.
e,, Us€ of steps-in-a-process app::oach to rnake a point , e .g. , use of
'Next to the crime rate comes 'foll-owed by sports news
'Then comes coverage of health...' to make the point of a decfine in
dgs of
the coverage important
ur rtrtPur La issues - / [-e_a___s*(+--_-J
s__F_r-r:, i* .jo<r__^*l*.-.
.l _
L;4-4r ^ - I J L5
o Use of rhetorical questions, e-9., 'what makes up the rest. of the
news ? '
* !,1;t* r{ s1e-t:--a-tl--/;f --+f-*4 '=1>s1A-€-L
@ Use of the clmical maxim'ff it bleeds, it leads'to help explain
the TV stations' focus on crime stories in their coverage of news.
e of a serious and cri.tica{ tone-in presenting the information.
* ,:tL {uJC:*'-3 odo-'t-*n- * " : u r"-,2-E-r*L*-< fa t--aJoS*ss<-*d,r.y1--r,e(-
Award 1 r,ark fcr mere identification of a st.rateE1f/I_angmage technique.
A-ward 0 for neiLher identification nor cqftmentary"
a2LL4020ICAPE/MS 20L0

COlv!'ftn\lI CA'l' I OI{ STI-ID I ES

Paper 02


Ouestiilt "Z

ConUenb Orgranization Expression TotaL

1. i)

Content allocation:
(a) 2 nrarks
(b) 2 m"arlts
(c I 6 m"ar,ks

(a) Relatlonship between the use of lanquaqe and the context of the
narrative (2 gu4skil
Award l- marte for EACH of the followinq points, up to a maximum of
TWO Q) roa.rJcs overall for CONTENT:

o The context of the narrative is formal. The setting is a

post Office where a cferk interacts with a customer who has
come to transact business - Standard English is expected in
thi s context, f t is the of f ic j-a1 lanqruaqe of public of f ices
sllch as t-he Post Of f rce.
Both the clerk and Mammie use Slandard English, but vary in
the tone that each regards as approp::i-ate f or the conLext "

For exampfe, Mammie's langruage is i-nfluenced by her

assumpt,ions about the social- context of the service
provider-customer relatj-onship. Her lanquage j-s af so
influenced by her personal context, or immediate
situation. She i-s concerned vrith conducti-ngr her business
with dispatch. Her tone is business-iike and urqent, and
betrays her impatience with someone who seems to be
prclonging the cransaction unnecessarily.
fn the case of the cl-erk, he seeks to be polite and
helpful. He adopts a conversational tone to establish
and maintain a less formal, less distant relationship
wich his customer. However, he is also very careful and
bureaucratic. He strives to do the correct thinq even
if it means takrng more tlme [han Mammie expects.
-- t)
a2Lt4020lCAPE/MS 2010


PaPer 02


Iliqhl-iqhtino Manmie's cliscomfort in u .rideo presentar"ion
Awar.cllmar]cEACHforANYTWoofthefotlowinqexamples'uptoa -
rnaxirnum of TWO (2) marks overall- for CONTENT:

o The nonverbal facial, qestural, bodilY,

proxemic / space, vocalic - [ one pitch, volume, rate)
expressions thaL conveY

I o Mammie's sense of urqency and/or

The c}erk's deliberaLe, cautious, bureaucratic style
The emotional mood of the narratiwe as ewidenced in
J'o Mammie's expression of discornfort or anxiety about
completing her business
'to Mammie,s expression of i-ndignation and dissatisfaction
with the formal procedures of the Post office which she
had to endure
-io Mammie's expression of drgnity (notingr the perceived
affronts to it) and her expression of the right to be
served with dignity and respect
&. o
A contrast between whac Mammie signals she expects and
what she actually experiences
'1 O
A contrast between Manunie's verbal behaviour (relatively
short., elliptic responses ) and that of the clerk
(relari-vely lonqer explicit queries/responses)
1? o A contrast between Mammie's non-verbal behaviour
(inf ormality, impatience) and that of Lhe clerk
(formality / i-mpersonal- aLJ:/, explicitness/precision,
brusqueness / irritabj- lity)
(c) Characters' reaction to each oLher's communicative behawiours and
words (6 marks)
Award 2 marks EACH for idencification and discussion of AIIY THREE
c;f the fcllowinq examples, up to a maximum of SIX (6) marks overall
l- or CONTE1VT :

Award 1 rna.rk EACI{ for mere mention of AlVg THREE of the following.
rj-\dlrLp r c5 i up to a maxirnum of THR-EE (3) nnrks overall for CONTENT:

s use of the word 'HOME' to ref er to her country of

orlgin contr.asts wich the clerk' s ignc-ring her term and
substitutlng 'ABROAD'. This is an indi-cation that the clerk
does not identi fy with the word 'HOME , to ref er to Manxni_e , s
c.runtry of orl gin.
021-L4020 /CAPE/MS 2 0l-0

! q}-r \- .L 02


The clerJ( asks Mammie to fill out the conslder form which does not
refer to the west rndies. He does not thaL Mammie
*iS},t not be able to relate to the j-nformation on the form'
]f he considers her plight, he chooses to igrnore it'
Mammj-e is perturbed that the clerk giveg her a form to fill
out designed. for Bangladesh and PakisLar{.-:?*+ -::l?^ .-+ fi*eQ^*.*
\),)*:1,'--l)*),-"F-o- .**-,=-a E- ,."-*- +L.*rl.*:b=-r rYi.''-=.*>-g; {q*-t*J-r
Mammie feels -powerless to react when-the'Clerk" proceeds with-.--{.;$
her transaction ignoring her questions, and concentrates on{_e*=t
what he needs to do
The cferk does not seem to understand or at- least empathize
with Mammj-e's sense of urgency. Mammie repeats that it is
urgent that she send the money home, but the clerk tries to
brush her off and offers her the cheapest way to send the
money home

The terms "boy", "child" and "didn't have anyone biggier"

which appear in Mammie's thoughts show a difference in ages
and her reaction to it. rn Mammie's estimation he is young
and does not seem to know what he is doing.
fhe clerl< uses inf ormaf contract j-ons implying a
conversational style, e.g. "D' you wan.t to send dollars?" On
the one hand, Mammie responds positively to this question
since this is precisely what she wants to do, but on the
oLher hand she is reserved and adopcs a more dj-stant
posture,/tone. She does not say nore than is necessary and is
not inclined to become chummy or too chattlz.
02L1-4020 / CAPE/MS 2 0l- 0


Paper 02


Excellent introduction , themaLic cohesion, appropriaLe use of 7
transitional devices, effective conclusion
Good use of t.he above with one to two weaknesses visible. 5-6
Adeguate level of organization with several weaknesses noted. 3-4
Unsatisfactory 1evel of organlzation. Weaknesses in all a-2
areas idencified above.

Exceffent, effective and error free use of languaqe. I
Very good use of langruagre thougth there may be a few lapses. 7

Good use of lanqruaere thougrh there may be f ew lapses. 5-5

Some ability to use lanEruage accurately and effecLively, but 3-4
with some :Lnconsistency in accurate usaqe.
Frequent, inaccuraLe use of language.
OR L-2
Insuf f icien[ information presented.
Inability to use language accurately.

Too little information presenced co make an assessment

Total 25 marks
027L4020/CAPE/MS 2010


Paper 02


Ouestion 3

Content OrganizaLion E>rpression Total


Content alloeation:
(a) 4 marlcs
(b) 2 m.arlcs

(c) zi rna.rlcs

(a) Persuasive strategies (4 marks) 'U*o-

./ttJg 5t'tl(' -'" Fe' t-'*:(g
Award L mark EACH for gNF-TW+--Be'itrt i"neal
s f-FoI'.F-( .

Medical volunteers
o Appeals t-o logos /Iogic mainlY

Benefits to their careers

A challengre for their professional skilIs
Supporcing the promotion of good health through sport

o APPeals to Patsbos

Appreciation for all they do and asking for more even

thougrh they are busy
Patriotic duty as citizens or loyalty as members of Lhe
community (emotional or psycholoqrical appeal)
o Aptrleals to ethos

ffi".t ro rh.e good in rhem: do srood, feel srood

" ;*;::';:"*1'J".i:n."#?j,?L.3"..oJ,ir.i,:,,sr,3u ".o.Hft.o
" Approach through a well_respectecl doctor
- :1-1

02L1402A/CAPE/MS 2010

Paper 02


o Register (- e.g., Standard English. Formaf and consultative.
Perhaps some use of Creole as deemed appropriate)
o, Tone (--e.g. , Apprec j-ative and serious, ds well as animated
/1ively OR optimistic OR infectj-ous OR enthusiastic
conversal-ional tone )

(c) Medium and channel (,4 marks)

/,&,-)t:J &tttK ,=f- it-- {L t-t-'s;t-.q, F*k-
Award 1 naarh for EACH of TidO-j:tsems7--re-:btre-trwe-*{und.e-rLj-il-edJ--qFoups,.-
MedicaL volurrteers
o Medi-um/Channel - Written
o E><amples - AnY TWO of

o Direc t letter or emai-I

o Notices in hospitals
o Targreted advertisement in a professional journal
o l{essaqes to professi-onal fora and mailing lists on the

I-,r.<.?-. !+**.&,=<f-+- i- -4r.{ /:=JZlg

o Medium/Channel - Speech and Wri.Ling

'/u/n !,i
--lc ' L]'-El-':-. L-qJ
o Examples - Any TWO of
o Radio advertisernents with music
TexL messagres
\_4*-* _-.;1E^i.CJ<iz, O
" website +
o Blogs
o Soci,al networking, e . 9. , Facebooj<, etc .

o Letters sent to sports clubs and/or youth groups

o Flyers sent to sports clubs and,/or youth g,roups
o Newspaper advertisements

- 10
02LL4020/CAPE/MS 2010
n-.^^-- 11 a
rcl-pa,L uz


6, Appeals to J-ogos

o An opportunity to gain va]uable experience

o Development of social and interpersonal skills
" Supporting the promotion of activiLies useful to youth
" Supporting an activity that promotes good health through
@ Appeals to ethos (cha'racter)

o n, Using a celebrity sporLs person co appeal to them to

come forward

Appealing to the grood in them: do gtood, feel good

Tnvokingr patriotic duty as a citizen or loyalty as a
community member representingr the country in an
orgranized event
o AppeaJ.s to Pathos (ernotion)

Buildincr peace and friendship througrh sport

Meeting new peopl-e at a Caribbean-wide event
Sr-rpportingr younq' people
Joining the party. rt would be fun
Beinqr part of a Caribbean-wide event /8.--J.---{.----} r-;.fi;
/r, Hu: (&-J:L_*>_. tr*Te_p.
Hawing a theme song for the ganes Lo encourAqe
(b) Reqister and tone (2 marks)
Award l mark EACH for AIrIY ONE point re the two (underlined) qroups,
up to a maximum of TWO (2) marlcs overa]l for CONTENT;
l{edlcaf vofunteers
@ Register (- e.9., Standard English, Formal and consultative)
0 Tone (- e. g. , Appreciat and serious )
- l1
02LL4020/CAPE/MS 2 0l_0


Paper 02


o Register (- €.9., Standard English. Formal- and consultative.
Perhaps some use of Creol-e as deemed appropriate)
o Tone (--e.g., Appreciative and serious, ds well as animated
/1ively OR optimistic OR infectj-ous OR enthusiastic
conversational tone)
(c ) Medium and channel (.4 marks )

/w-l,J ft)ts(- + d-.-.iti. tL';t-*\ ft,.*ZS"

.Award 1 marlc for EACH of T!VO-i-ts'emsi..-r'e-+he-two-(-und'e-'..l .iil-edJ-*-€FFo-ups,'
OTt-fo-€-fiax-i{n-ufii -o-f-FOt R{*<l-)-madrs:or-e-ra:1-L..-4.o"rn-,.GoNTENT .
Medical" voLunteers
o Medi-um/Channel- Written
o Examples - Any TWO of

o Di-::ect or emai-1

n Notices in hospitals
o Targeted advertisement in a professional journal
o Messagles to professional fora and mailing lists on the
r-r--,-ri*--.F>r*.&,\s.*.-* L*.4.{ t--4lg
o Medium/Channel- - Speech and Wri-ting- /nU rc-{d
/ - t*J.-.,ai*,1.
o Examples - Any TWO of
'' Radio advertisements with music
o Text messages
.- \L/jru.-+
" website v <\

o Bloqs
o Social_ networking , e .g . , Faceboo]<, etc .

o Letters sent to sports clubs and/or youth groups

" Flyers sent to sports clubs and./or youth g,roups
o Newspaper advertisements
- 'r2,

02LL4020/CAPE/MS 2010


Paper 02


Excelf ent introduction , thematic cohesion, appropriate use of 7
transitional devices ' effective conclusion
Gooduse of the above with one to two weaknesses visibl-e. 5-5
Adequate 1evel of orgianization wi rh several weaknesses noted 3-4
Unsatisfactory lerzel of orqanization. WeaknesSeS in all 0-2
areas identif ied above.

Excellent, ef f eccive and error free use of langtuagte. o

Very glood use of langruag'e thougrh there may be a few lapses.

Good use of lanquaqe though there may be few lapses ' 5-5
Some abilrty to use language accurately and effect,ively, but 3-4
wlth some inconsistency in accurate usage-
Frequent, inaccurate use of langruage'
oR 1-2
fnsufficient information presented.
Inabllity to use language accurately.
flR. 0'

Too fittle information presented to make an assessment

Total 25 marks

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