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UP College of Law 2002B

o all applications for original

Land Registration and related registration of title to lands,
Proceedings including improvements and
interests therein,
By Amado Aquino
o and over all petitions filed after
1997 edition original registration of title,
Chapter 1- Torrens System; Governing o with power to hear and
Law; Proper Court
determine all questions arising
1. Torrens System upon such applications or
- A system of registration of land under
which, upon the landowner’s - Delegated JD to MTCs (BP 129 § 34)-
application, the court may, after may be assigned by SC to hear and
appropriate proceeding, direct the determine cadastral or lad registration
issuance of a certificate of title (CT) cases covering lots
2. Purpose o where there is no controversy or
1. avoid possible conflicts of title in and
to real property o or contested lots the value of
2. Facilitate transactions relative thereto which does not exceed P100K
by giving the public the right to rely Chapter II- Admin’n of Torrens System
upon the face of the Torrens certificate
1. Land Registration Authority (LRA)
of title and to dispense further inquiry
- charged with the efficient execution of
o Except when party has actual
laws relative to the registration of lands
knowledge of
facts/circumstances that should - under exclusive supervision of DOJ
impel reasonable cautious man
A. Functions of the authority §6(2)
to make further inquiry
1.Extend speedy and effective
3. Nature of land reg’n proceedings
assistance to the Department of
- in rem Agrarian Reform, the Land Bank, and
other agencies in the implementation of
- based on generally accepted principles
the land reform program of the
underlying Torrens system (Spanish
Mortgage Law is discontinued)
Extend assistance to courts in
4. Governing law
ordinary and cadastral land registration
-PD 1529 (Property Registration Decree) proceedings;
3.Be the central repository of records
relative to original registration of lands
5. Related Laws
titled under the Torrens system,
- Act No 496 (Land Registration Law) including subdivision and consolidation
plans of titled lands.
- Public Land Act
B. Functions of the Administrator of LRA
6. Jurisdiction
1.Issue decrees of registration pursuant
- PD 1529 §21 “Courts of First Instance to final judgments of the courts in land
shall have exclusive jurisdiction over registration proceedings and cause the
issuance by the Registers of Deeds of
§ numbers pertain to PD 1529 unless otherwise the corresponding certificates of title;
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2.Exercise supervision and control over When there is more than 1 copy of
all Registers of Deeds and other owners duplicate of certificate of title
personnel of the Commission; and not all copies are presented to RD
Resolved cases elevated in consulta
3. 2.Where instrument bears on its face
by, or on appeal from decision of, infirmity
Registers of Deeds;
3.Where validity of instrument sought
4.Exercise executive supervision over all to be registered is in issue in a pending
clerks of court and personnel of the court suit. Reg’n suspended to await
Courts of First Instance throughout the final outcome
Philippines with respect to the
Chapter III-Original Registration Under
discharge of their duties and functions
PD 1529
in relation to the registration of lands;
1. Reqts in Ordinary land Reg’n Proceedings
5.Implement all orders, decisions, and
(also applies to confirmation of
decrees promulgated relative to the
imperfect/incomplete title)
registration of lands and issue, subject
to the approval of the Secretary of 1. Survey of land
Justice, all needful rules and
2. Filing of application
regulations therefor;
3. Setting of date for initial hearing
6.Verify and approve subdivision,
consolidation, and consolidation- Transmittal of application and date of
subdivision survey plans of properties hearing by Clerk of Court to LRA
titled under Act No. 496 except those
Publication of notice of filing and
covered by P.D. No. 957.
date/place of hearing in Official Gazette
2. The Register of Deeds (RD)
Service of notice to contiguous
- appointed by Pres upon recommendation of owners, occupants and those known to
Sec of Justice have interest in the property
A. General Fxn Fling of Answer to the application by
any person WON named in the notice immediately register an instrument
presented for registration dealing with 8. Hearing of case by the Court
real or personal property which
9. Promulgation of judgment by Court
complies with all the requisites for
registration. 10.Issuance of the decree by Court
declaring the decision final and
prepare and keep index system which
instructing LRA to issue a decree of
contains names of all registered owners
confirmation and registration
and lands registered in their names
11. Entry of decree of registration in LRA
B. Ministerial character of duty to register
12.Sending of copy of the decree of
- precluded from exercising judgment and
registration to RD
discretion when confronted of problem
of WON to register – this belongs to 13.Transcription of the decreed of
Courts registration in the registration book an
issuance of owner’s duplication original
- when in doubt, submit question to
certificate of title (OCT) to the applicant
by the RD upon payment of prescribed
C. When RD may deny registration of fees
voluntary instruments [Balbin vs RD]
2. Applicants in ordinary reg’n proceedings §14
A. Those who by themselves or through
their predecessors-in-interest have been in
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open, continuous, exclusive and notorious value thereof, which value shall not
possession and occupation of alienable exceed the value of the area occupied
and disposable lands of the public domain by the new bed. (370a)
under a bona fide claim of ownership since
D. Those who have acquired ownership of
June 12, 1945, or earlier.
land in any other manner provided for by
B.Those who have acquired ownership of law. Ex. Land Grant
private lands by prescription under the
Where the land is owned in common, all
provision of existing laws.
the co-owners shall file the application
1.Civil Code Art. 1137. Ownership and jointly.
other real rights over immovable also
Where the land has been sold under pacto
prescribe through uninterrupted
de retro, the vendor a retro may file an
adverse possession thereof for thirty
application for the original registration of
years, without need of title or of good
the land, provided, however, that should
faith. (1959a)
the period for redemption expire during the
Civil Code Art. 1138. In the
2. pendency of the registration proceedings
computation of time necessary for and ownership to the property consolidated
prescription the following rules shall be in the vendee a retro, the latter shall be
observed: substituted for the applicant and may
continue the proceedings.
(1) The present possessor may
complete the period necessary for A trustee on behalf of his principal may
prescription by tacking his possession apply for original registration of any land
to that of his grantor or predecessor held in trust by him, unless prohibited by
in interest; the instrument creating the trust.
(2) It is presumed that the present 3. Persons who CANNOT apply
possessor who was also the possessor
1. A public land sales applicant
at a previous time, has continued to
be in possession during the 2. A mortgagee (must foreclose)
intervening time, unless there is proof
Antichretic creditor – his possession is
to the contrary;
not in the concept of owner
(3) The first day shall be excluded
4.A person whose claim is denied in a
and the last day included. (1960a)
reivindicatory action (i.e. the right of
C. Those who have acquired ownership of ownership of adverse party is upheld)
private lands or abandoned riverbeds by cannot apply for the same land in reg’n
right of accession or accretion under the proceedings
existing laws.
4. Form and contents of application
1.NCC Art. 457. To the owners
A.In writing, signed ( by the applicant or
of lands adjoining the banks of rivers
representative) and sworn to
belongs the accretion which they
gradually receive from the effects of B. Contents §15, 14,
the current of the waters. (336)
1.description of the land, bldgs,
2.NCC Art. 461. River beds improvements
which are abandoned through the
2.citizenship and civil status of the
natural change in the course of the
applicant. If married, the name of the
waters ipso facto belong to the owners
spouse; if the marriage has been
whose lands are occupied by the new
legally dissolved, when and how the
course in proportion to the area lost.
marriage relation terminated.
However, the owners of the lands
adjoining the old bed shall have the Full names and addresses of all
right to acquire the same by paying the occupants of the land and those of the
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adjoining owners, if known, and, if not

known, it shall state the extent of the
Chapter !V- Judicial Confirmation of
search made to find them
Imperfect Title Under Public Land Act
4. Assessed value of land, bldgs
1. Nature (also applies to Chapter III) – in rem,
5. mortgage or encumbrance of any kind takes the nature of judicial proceedings, the
decree is conclusive and final
6.Manner by w/c applicant acquired the
land 2. Changes in governing law
7.§20 If the application describes the Public Land Act §48(b) as amended 2“The
land as bounded by a public or private following described citizens of the
way or road, it shall state whether or Philippines, occupying lands of the public
not the applicant claims any and what domain or claiming to own any such lands
portion of the land within the limits of or an interest therein but whose titles have
the way or road, and whether the not been perfected or completed, may apply
applicant desires to have the line of the to the CFI (now RTC) of the province where
way or road determined. the land is located for confirmation of their
claims and the issuance of a certificate of
8. §21The court may require facts to be
title therefore, under the Land registration
stated in the application in addition to
Act (now Property Registration Decree)
those prescribed by this Decree not
inconsistent therewith and may require Those who by themselves or through
the filing of any additional paper. It their predecessors-in-interest have been in
may also conduct an ocular inspection, open, continuous, exclusive and notorious
if necessary. possession and occupation of alienable and
disposable lands of the public domain under
C. Annexes – monuments of titles or copies
a bona fide claim of acquisition of
thereof, survey plan approved by Bureau
ownership, since June 12, 1945
of Lands
3. Extension for filing applications – latest
D. Where to file – RTC of the province or
extension is 31 December 2000 (don’t know if
city where the land is situated (furnish
there is new extension)
Director of Lands a copy
4. Limitation of area applied for – must not
E.Amendments to application and needed
exceed 12 ha
publication § 18, 19 –
5. Applicants
must comply with req’d publication
and notice if the amendment of the A. Who
application consists in:
1. Filipino citizens who by themselves or
substantial change in the
(a.) through their predecessors-in-interest
boundaries have been in open, continuous,
exclusive and notorious possession and
(b.) an increase in the area of the
occupation of alienable and disposable
land applied for; or
lands of the public domain under a
(c.) The inclusion of additional bona fide claim of acquisition since
land June 12, 1945, or prior thereto or even
since time immemorial
2.Effect of non-compliance -w/o it,
court cannot acquire JD over the area 2. Filipino citizens who by themselves or
that is added through their predecessors-in-interest
have been, to effectivity of PD 1073, in
3.Reason- 3rd parties who have not had
open, continuous, exclusive and
the opportunity to present their claim
notorious possession and occupation of
might be prejudiced in their rights
because of failure of notice 2
Amendments are underlined
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agricultural lands of the public domain predecessors-in-interest by exclusive,

under a bona fide claim of acquisition continuous, and adverse possession of the
of ownership for at least 30 years same for ore than 30 years had acquired
(since Jan 24, 1947) ownership thereof ipso jure, enabling the
latter to convey title to the corp.
3.Natural-born citizens of the Phil who
have lost their citizenship, who have 7. Form and contents of application – same as
acquired disposable and alienable lands PD 1529
of the public domain from Filipino
citizens who possessed the same in the
same manner and length of time as 1 Chapter V- Non Registrable Properties
and 2
1. Civil Code provisions
B. What they must prove
A.Properties of public dominion which are
1.the land is alienable and disposable reserved for public purposes; held by the
land of the public domain State by regalian right. NCC Art 402:
2.his possession must be for the length 1.Those intended for public use, such
of time and in the manner as stated in as roads, canals, rivers, torrents, ports
Public Land Act §48(b) and bridges constructed by the State,
banks, shores, roadsteads, and others
Kind of possession
of similar character (ex. Public market,
(a.) Open- patent, visible, public plaza);
2.Those which belong to the State,
(b.)Continuous- unbroken and not without being for public use, and are
occasional intended for some public service or for
the development of the national
(c.) exclusive
wealth. (339a)
(d.) notorious- so conspicuous that
B.With the exception of agricultural lands,
it is generally known and talked of
all other natural resources shall not be
by the public
C. Effect of compliance with reqt
1. Waters NCC Art 502
1.The possessor is deemed to have
(a.) Rivers and their natural beds;
acquired, by operation of law, a right to
a grand ( a govt grant) without (b.) Continuous or intermittent
necessity of a CT being issued. waters of springs and brooks
running in their natural beds and
The land ceases to be of public
the beds themselves;
(c.) Waters rising continuously or
3.Application for confirmation is a mere
intermittently on lands of public
6. Private corporations or assns as applicants
(d.) Lakes and lagoons formed by
A. Consti ChXII §3 “..Private corporations or Nature on public lands, and their
associations may not hold such alienable beds;
lands of the public domain except by
(e.) Rain waters running through
lease, for a period not exceeding twenty-
ravines or sand beds, which are
five years, renewable for not more than
also of public dominion;
twenty-five years, and not to exceed one
thousand hectares in area” (f.) Subterranean waters on public
B. BUT prohibition does not apply where at
the time such corp. acquired the land, its
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(g.) Waters found within the zone 1. Notice of initial hearing

of operation of public works, even
§23 The court shall, within five days from filing
if constructed by a contractor;
of the application, issue an order setting the
(h.) Waters rising continuously or date and hour of the initial hearing which shall
intermittently on lands belonging to not be earlier than forty-five days nor later than
private persons, to the State, to a ninety days from the date of the order.
province, or to a city or a
The public shall be given notice of the initial
municipality from the moment they
hearing of the application for land registration
leave such lands;
by means of (1) publication; (2) mailing; and (3)
(i.) The wastewaters of fountains, posting.
sewers and public establishments.
-- these are done by the Administrator of LRA
A. Publication of initial hearing
2. Specific kinds of non-registrable properties or
lands 1. § 23
A.Forest or timberland, public forest, forest (a.) (Who)Commissioner of Land
reserves Registration shall cause notice of
initial hearing to be published
1. Power to classify/reclassify public
lands into alienable or disposable lands (b.) (Where) once in the Official
is an exclusive prerogative of the Gazette and once in a newspaper
executive dept – need positive act such of general circulation in the
as a Pres’l issuance Philippines: Provided, however,
that the publication in the Official
2.“Forest land” – the classification is
Gazette shall be sufficient to confer
descriptive of its legal nature or status
jurisdiction upon the court.
and does not have to be descriptive of
what the land actually looks like -Means that even publication in
OG only will suffice
B. Mangrove swamps
(c.) (To whom) Said notice shall
C. Mineral lands
be addressed to all persons
D. Foreshore lands and Seashore appearing to have an interest in
the land involved including the
E. Navigable rivers, streams and creaks
adjoining owners so far as known,
F. Lakes and "to all whom it may concern".
Said notice shall also require all
G. Military reservations
persons concerned to appear in
H. Other reservations court at a certain date and time to
show cause why the prayer of said
1.Authority to make reservation –
application shall not be granted.
President may reserve for a specific
public use or service 2. Purpose
I. Watershed (a.) To confer JD over the land
applied for upon the court
J. Grazing lands
(b.) to charge the whole world
K. Previously titled land
with knowledge of the application
L.Alluvial deposit along river when man- of the land involved and invite
made them to take art in the case and
assert and prove their rights over
the property
Chapter VI- Publication, Opposition,
3. Defective publication n= no JD. Ex,:
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(a.) What was published was a hearing has been complied with shall
bigger lot which includes the lands be filed in the case before the date of
subject of registration initial hearing, and shall be conclusive
proof of such fact.
(b.) Actual publication was after
the hearing
B. Mailing and Posting of Initial hearing 2. Opposition to application in ordinary
1. To whom given
A. The oppositors
to every person named in the
notice whose address is known. 1. Need not be named in the application
(b.) to the Secretary of Public 2.Must claim interest in the property
Highways, the Provincial Governor based on a right of dominion or some
and the Mayor. - If the applicant other right (whether legal or equitable
requests to have the line of a in nature)
public way or road determined
B. When file
(c.) to the Secretary of Agrarian
on or before the date of initial
Reform, the Solicitor General, the
Director of Lands, the Director of
Public Works, the Director of Forest 2.or within such further time as may be
Development, the Director of Mines allowed by the court.
and the Director of Fisheries and
C. Contents and form of opposition
Aquatic Resources. - If the land
borders on a river, navigable shall state all the objections to the
stream or shore, or on an arm of application and
the sea where a river or harbor line
2.shall set forth the interest claimed by
has been established, or on a lake,
the party filing the same and apply for
or if it otherwise appears from the
the remedy desired,
application or the proceedings that
a tenant-farmer or the national 3.and shall be signed and sworn to by
government may have a claim him or by some other duly authorized
adverse to that of the applicant person.
2. Notice by posting 3. Default
(a.) Who- to be posted by the -Absent any oppositor, Court will issue order of
sheriff of the province or city (or by default
his deputy), in a conspicuous place
A. Effects of default
(b.)Where -on each parcel of land
1. binds the whole world
included in the application and also
in a conspicuous place on the 2.All the allegations in the complaint
bulletin board of the municipal are deemed confessed on the part of
building of the municipality or city the opponent
in which the land or portion thereof
3.Defaulted interested person may gain
is situated,
standing by filing Motion to set aside
(c.) When-fourteen days at least order of default (Rule 18§3)
before the date of initial hearing.
B. Remedy on improper default order
3. Proof of publication and notice
-petition for certiorari
- The certification of the Administrator
C. MTD application; MTD opposition-
of the LRA and of the sheriff concerned
to the effect that the notice of initial 1. Rule 16 applicable- may MTD for
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(a.) lack of JD over the rtes or (a.) Tracing cloth plan must be
attached to application OR as long
(b.) when land previously
as available to the Court for
registered n the name of another
comparison and consideration
(c.) res judicata
Technical description of the land
applied for, duly signed by Geodetic
Chapter VII Evidence
4. Tax declarations
1. Burden of applicant
5. Boundaries and areas
A.To show that he is the real and absolute
owner (a.) Gen.Rule: in identification of
land, well-defined boundaries will
B.Must present competent, clear and
prevail over are and in case of
persuasive evidence
conflict, boundaries prevail
C.Presumption is that land forms part of
(b.) Exception: If substantial and
public dominion
unexplained discrepancies
2. What applicant must prove
D. Proof of private ownership
A.that land applied for has been reclassified
1.Spanish titles, in pending cases –
and is a public agricultural land, alienable
inadmissible in proceedings filed after
and disposable
B. Identity of the land
Tax declarations and realty tax
C. Possession and occupation for length of payments BUT Lose probative value if:
time and manner reqd
(a.) Taxes were unpaid for a long
3. Specific evidences time but paid only months prior to
filing of the application
A. Proofs that land has been declassified
(b.) Irregular payments
1. Pres’l proclamation
(c.) Discrepancies in the names
2. EO's
3. Presl issuances and legislative acts
3. Admin Orders by Sec. of DENR
4. Others- ex photos, sketches
4.Bureau of Forest Development Land
Classification Map E. Proofs not sufficient to establish private
right or ownership
Certification by Director of Forestry;
Repots by District Forester 1. Compromise agreement
Investigation reports of Bureau of
6. Decision in estate proceeding where
Lands predecessor-in-interest of applicant has
no transmissible right
7. Legislative act/statue
3. Survey plan
B. Proofs NOT sufficient
F.Possession as mode of acquiring
1.Survey plan – merely identifies each
lot preparatory to judicial proceedings
1.Effect of possession – open, exclusive
2. Conversion of land and titling
and undisputed possession of alienable
C. Proofs of identity of land public land for the period prescribed by
aw creates the legal fiction whereby
1. survey plan
the land, upon completion of the
Tracing cloth plan and Blue print
2. requisite period ipso jure and without
copies of tracing cloth plan
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need of judicial order, ceases to be proceeding where the parties and property
public and become private property are the same as in the former case
(a.) Proof: should present specific 3. Judgment
facts that would show such nature
§ 28. Partial judgment. - In a case where only
of possession
a portion of the land subject of registration is
2. Start of requisite period contested, the court may render partial
judgment provided that a subdivision plan
(a.) From the time land was
showing the contested and uncontested portions
released (from another
approved by the Director of Lands is previously
classification to agricultural land)
submitted to said court.
(b.) IF applicants possession for
§29. Judgment confirming title. - All
30 years was completed before the
conflicting claims of ownership and interest in
reclassification, then such prior
the land subject of the application shall be
possession may ripen to private
determined by the court. If the court, after
considering the evidence and the reports of the
Tacking of possession to that of
3. Commissioner of Land Registration and the
predecessor Director of Lands, finds that the applicant or the
oppositor has sufficient title proper for
-only where there is privity between
registration, judgment shall be rendered
the successive possessors
confirming the title of the applicant, or the
oppositor, to the land or portions thereof.
Chapter VIII Hearing, Judgment and
Post-Judgment Incidents in Ordinary
A.Only claimed property or portion thereof
Land Registration
can be adjudged – court has no JD to
1. Speedy hearing, reference to a referee, order adjudge others
of trial §27
B.When portions of land are covered by
A.The trial court shall see to it that all public land patents – these portions should
registration-proceedings are disposed or be excluded by survey and their validity
within 90 days from the date the case is should be subject if separate litigation
submitted for decision, between the claiming party and such
registered patentees
B.May refer the case or any part thereof to
a referee C.Reports of Administrator of LRA and
Directory of Land Mgmt
1. hear the parties and their evidence,
1.may be received even after court
submit his report thereon to the Court
decision becomes final but not beyond
within 15 days after the termination of
1 year from entry of decree
such hearing.
D.In shoes name registration of land may
3.the court may in its discretion accept
be made
the report, or set it aside in whole or in
part, or order the case to be 1. Applicant or oppositor
recommitted for further proceedings:
2.Buyer or to whom land has been
2. Res judicata as applied to registration conveyed ( even if not party; n o need
proceeding to substitute party_
A. Decision in cadastral proceeding – 4. Finality of judgment and order to issue ‘decree
generally not res judicata (conflicting
§30 The judgment rendered in a land
registration proceedings becomes final upon the
B.Final judgment in ordinary civil action – expiration of 15 days to be counted from the
res judicata in a land registration data of receipt of notice of the judgment. An
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appeal may be taken from the judgment of the who had not been a party in the
court as in ordinary civil cases. case
After judgment has become final and executory, (b.) In a petition for reconstitution
it shall devolve upon the court to forthwith issue of allegedly lost or destroyed CT –
an order in accordance with Section 39 of this such writ may be issued only after
Decree to the Commissioner for the issuance of final adjudication of the property
the decree of registration and the corresponding involved in an original registration
certificate of title in favor of the person case
adjudged entitled to registration.
Remedy when there is refusal to
A.Period of appeal reckoned from receipt of (a.) Contempt –only when party
SolGen, not Fiscal was already rejected /dispossessed
and later enters/attempts to enter
1.If appeal taken from judgment of
lower court, 15-day period reckoned B. Writ of demolition
from receipt of notice of judgment by
appellate court
Chapter IX – Cadastral Registration
2. No execution pending appeal
B.Court continues to retain control of the
1. Nature
case until the expiration of 1 year after
Entry of Decree of Registration by the LRA A. in rem
C. Court may issue order/Decree of B.involuntary- initiative in the filing of
registration even beyond 15-day period – petition of registration is by the govt
because the judgment is merely
C. Objective- adjudication of land
declaratory in character and does not need
to be enforced against adverse party 2. Cadastral survey preparatory to fling of
petition §35 Steps:
5. Remedies where records are lost or destroyed
A. In the opinion of the President of the
A. If records in RTC and CA destroyed
Philippines public interest so requires that
without being reconstituted – parties
title to any unregistered lands be settled
deemed to have waived effect of decision,
and adjudicated
file an action anew for the registration in
their names B. Pres. may direct the Director of Lands to
cause to be made a cadastral survey of the
B.Records in CA destroyed – parties should
lands involved and the plans and technical
go back to next preceding stage where
description thereof prepared
records are available, nut not beyond that
C.Director of Lands shall give notice to
6. Post judgment incidents
persons claiming any interest in the lands
A. Writ of possession as well as to the general public, of the day
on which such survey will begin
1. When issued
1. Publish once in the Official Gazette,
TC may issue this even
pending appeal from decision 2.Post in a conspicuous place on the
bulletin board of the municipal building
(b.)No prescription for its
of the municipality in which the lands
or any portion thereof is situated.
2. When NOT be issued:
Send a copy of the notice shall also
(a.)Does not lie against person be sent to the mayor of such
who entered the property after municipality as well as to the barangay
issuance of the final decree and
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captain and likewise to the G. Institute petition…

3. Petition
D.Geodetic Engineers or Bureau of Lands
A. Who initiates
employees in charge of the survey
1.the Director of Lands, represented by
shall give notice (by posting) of the
the Solicitor General
date on which the survey of any
portion of such lands is to begin, 2.filing the necessary petition in the
RTC of the place where the land is
2.mark the boundaries of the lands by
situated against the holders, claimants,
monuments set up in proper places
possessors, or occupants of such lands
or any part thereof,
-It shall be lawful for such Geodetic
B. Contents
Engineers and other employees to
enter upon the lands whenever 1.that public interest requires that the
necessary for the purposes of such title to such lands be settled and
survey or the placing of monuments. adjudicated and praying that such titles
be so settled and adjudicated:
E. every person claiming an interest in the
lands to be surveyed must communicate description of the lands, accompanied
with the Geodetic Engineer by a plan thereof, and other data
1.Any person who shall willfully obstruct C.Notice of initial hearing (Cadastral Act-
the making of any survey undertaken Act No. 2259)
or shall maliciously interfere with the
1. By publication
placing of any monument, or shall
destroy or remove any notice of survey 2. By mailing
shall be punished by a fine or by
3. By posting
imprisonment or both.
4. Answer to petition
F. Cadastral survey
A.Who: Any claimant in cadastral
1.Where the land consists of two or
proceedings, whether named in the notice
more parcels held or occupied by
or not
different persons, the plan shall
indicate the boundaries or limits of the B. How: shall appear before the court and
various parcels as accurately as shall file an answer on or before the date
possible. of initial hearing or within such further
time as may be allowed by the court.
(a.) parcels shall be known as
"lots", given separate numbers C. The answer shall be signed and sworn to
by the claimant or by some other
(b.) The cadastral number of a lot
authorized person in his behalf
shall not be changed after final
decision has been entered D. Contents: civil status, name of spouse,
decreasing the registration thereof, his nationality, residence and postal
except by order of court. Future address, and:
subdivisions of any lot shall be
(a) The age of the claimant;
designated by a letter/s
(b) The cadastral number of the lot
(c.)However in cities or townsites,
or lots claimed, as appearing on the
a designation of the landholdings
plan filed in the case by the Director of
by blocks and lot numbers may be
Lands, or the block and lot numbers, as
employed instead of the
the case may be;
designation by cadastral lot
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(c) The name of the barrio and B. Scope and limitation of JD

municipality in which the lots are
If no successful claimant, property is
declared public land
(d) The names and addresses of
2. May also
the owners of the adjoining lots so far
as known to the claimant; (a.) Order correction of technical
description of land
(e) If the claimant is in possession
of the lots claimed and can show no (b.) Resolve priority of over-
express grant of the land by the lapping titles
government to him or to his
C.Finality of judgment; effects – same as
predecessors-in-interest, the answer
ordinary land registration
shall state the length of time he has
held such possession and the manner in 7. Reopening of cadastral cases – no longer
which it has been acquired, and shall allowed
also state the length of time, as far as
known, during which the predecessors,
if any, held possession; Chapter X Decree of Registration of
Certification of Title
(f) If the claimant is not in
possession or occupation of the land, 1. Decree of Registration
the answer shall fully set forth the
A. Contents §31
interest claimed by him and the time
and manner of his acquisition; 1. the date, hour and minute of its entry
(g) if the lots have been assessed 2. signed by the LRA Administrator (and
for taxation, their last assessed value; filed with LRA).
3. Civil status,, name of spouse
(h) The encumbrances, if any,
(a.) if the land adjudicated by the
affecting the lots and the names of
court is conjugal property, the
adverse claimants, as far as known.
decree shall be issued in the name
5. MTD petition of both spouses.
A. Lack of JD Nature of disability (if any, and if a
minor, his age.
Ex. Land covered by CT issued
pursuant to a public patent 5.Description of the land as finally
determined by the court, and shall set
B. Res judicata
forth the estate of the owner
6. Hearing; Judgment; Decree
6.In such manner as to show their
A.Trial procedure –same as ordinary land relative priorities, all particular estates,
registration mortgages, easements, liens,
attachments, and other encumbrances,
1.Actions taken after trial by the
including rights of tenant-farmers, if
cadastral court:
any, to which the land or owner's
(a.) Judgment .decision which estate is subject, as well as any other
adjudicates ownership = Decree matters properly to be determined in
pursuance of this Decree.
(b.) Declaration by the court that
decree is final and its order for B. Effects
issuance of CT by LRA
1.Shall bind the land and quiet title
(c.)Registration of the decree by thereto, subject only to such exceptions
the LRA and issuance of the or liens as may be provided by law.
corresponding CT
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2.It shall be conclusive upon and shall register any subsequent

against all persons, including the voluntary transaction affecting the
National Government and all branches whole land or part thereof or any
thereof, whether mentioned by name in interest therein.
the application or notice
(c.) The Register of Deeds shall
Bars the relitigation of the question of
3. note on each certificate of title a
ownership in the same proceedings statement as to whom a copy
thereof was issued.
4.The decree, after the lapse of 1 year
from date of its issuance, becomes -owner named in CT has more
incontrovertible preferential right to possession of
owner’s duplicate than one whose
C.Duty of Administrator of LRA to issue
name does not appear
3.TCT may be issued by the Register of
1.Ministerial. Must be in conformity
Deeds pursuant to any voluntary or
with court judgment and with date
involuntary instrument relating to the
found in record
same land
2. If in doubt, refer matter to court
(a.) shall be in like form and
2. Certificate of Title likewise issued in duplicate.
-The original certificate of title (OCT) shall (b.) shall show the number of the
be a true copy of the decree of registration. next previous certificate covering
It is the transcription of the decree the same land and
-Takes effect on date of entry (c.) also the fact that it was
originally registered, giving the
A.Rule determining conjugal or paraphernal
record number, the number of the
character of land overt by CT
original certificate of title, and the
1.If property acquired during marriage volume and page of the registration
– issue CT in name of both spouses book in which the latter is found.
If registered in name of one spouse,
2. C. Probative value of CT
such belongs to registered owner
Registration does not vest tile; it is
Note that “X, married to Y”
(a.) merely evidence of such title
belongs to X since “married to Y” is
2.Torrens certificate is the best
only descriptive
evidence of ownership over registered
B.Owner’s duplicate CT; Transfer Certificate land
of Title (TCT)
3.CT not conclusive of ownership when
1.Owner's duplicate CT shall be the issue of fraud and
delivered to the registered owner or to misrepresentation in obtaining it is
his duly authorized representative. seasonably raised or when certificate is
faulty as to its purported origin
If 2or more persons are registered
owners: D.Attributes of, and limitations on, CT and
registered land
(a.) 1 owner's duplicate CT may be
issued for the whole land, or Free from liens and encumbrances
except those noted in said certification
if the co-owners so desire, a
and any of the following which may be
separate duplicate may be issued
to each of them in like form, but all
outstanding certificates of title so (a.) Liens, claims or rights arising
issued shall be surrendered or existing under the laws and
whenever the Register of Deeds Constitution of the Philippines
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which are not by law required to which may be affected or

appear of record in the Registry of prejudiced if such land is returned
Deeds in order to be valid against to the registered owner
subsequent purchasers or
4. CT not subject to collateral act
encumbrances of record.
(a.) It cannot be altered, modified,
(b.)Unpaid real estate taxes levied
or cancelled except in a direct
and assessed within 2 years
proceeding in accordance with law
immediately preceding the
acquisition of any right over the 5.Torrens certificate presumed valid
land by an innocent purchaser for and devoid of flaws
value, without prejudice to the
6.General incidents of registered land-
right of the government to collect
Registered land shall be subject to such
taxes payable before that period
burdens and incidents as may arise by
from the delinquent taxpayer
operation of law.
(a.) From any rights incident to
(c.)Any public highway or private
the relation of husband and wife,
way established or recognized by
landlord and tenant,
law, or any government irrigation
canal or lateral thereof, if the (b.) from liability to attachment or
certificate of title does not state levy on execution,
that the boundaries of such
(c.) from liability to any lien of any
highway or irrigation canal or
description established by law on
lateral thereof have been
the land and the buildings thereon,
or on the interest of the owner in
(d.) Any disposition of the such land or buildings, or
property or limitation on the use
(d.) from any right to change the
thereof by virtue of, or pursuant to,
laws of descent, or
PD No. 27 or any other law or
regulations on agrarian reform. (e.) from the rights of partition
between co-owners,
2. Incontrovertible and indefeasible
(f.) from the right of the govt to
Upon expiration of 1 year
take the same by eminent domain,
from and after date of entry
(g.) from liability to be recovered
(b.) Applies to Decree and OCT
by an assignee in insolvency or
(c.) Not Indefeasible when trustee in bankruptcy under the
laws relative to preferences, or
i. There exists previous valid
title to the same land (h.) from any other rights or
liabilities created by law and
ii. Fraud attended acquisition
applicable to unregistered land,
of CT
except as otherwise provided in
3.Registered land not subject to this Decree.
prescription- cannot acquire registered
7. Where certificate of title was obtained
land by prescription
by trustee – he cannot repudiate the
(a.) Right to recover possession by trust by relying on the registration
registered owner is imprescriptible
E. Splitting or consolidation of titles
(b.)Laches may be invoked to bar
1. May file a written request with RD for
reconveyance of the land to the
separate certificates for one or more
registered owner only if there are
parcel of lands or
intervening rights of 3rd persons
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2.for one certificate for several parcels B. Who may NOT file
of land
1.when the petitioner does not claim
F. Enlargement of area or impairment of the land to be his private property but
title not allowed. The LRA may not order is admittedly formerly part of the
or cause : disposable public land awarded under a
public land patent
1.any change, modification, or
amendment in the contents of any An oppostor who abandons his
certificate of title, or of any decree or opposition
plan, including the technical description
3.Oppositor who had notice of original
therein, covering any real property
registration proceedings but failed to
registered under the Torrens system,
put any claim and to show title in
nor order the cancellation of the said
2. himself
certificate of title and the issuance of a
C. When to file
new one which would result in the
enlargement of the area covered by the 1.within 1 year from and after the date
certificate of title. of the entry of such decree of
registration – Petition for review of the
Chapter XI Remedies
1. New Trial
2.after rendition of judgment but before
A.Within the 15-day period for perfecting entry of the decree – petition for
appeal review of judgment
B.Grounds: FAME, newly discovered D. Essential requisites
1.Petitioner has a real and dominical
C. Rule 37 right
2. Relief from judgment 2. He has been deprived thereof
A. Within 60 days after petitioner learns of 3. Thru fraud-
the judgment and not more than 6 mos
(a.) only extrinsic or collateral
after entry of judgment
fraud- one committed outside the
B. When judgment is entered trial of a case against the defeated
party/his agents/atty or witnesses,
C.Ground: FAME + good/substantial
whereby said defeated party is
presented from presenting fully
3. Appeal and fairly h I side of the case
A. To CA or SC (b.) The specific, intentional acts
to deceive and deprive another of
4. Petition for review
his right must be alleged and
A. Who may file petition proved
1.any person, including the government 4.Petition is filed within 1 year from
and the branches thereof, deprived of issuance of the decree (in petition of a
land or of any estate or interest therein review of judgment – from rendition
by such adjudication or confirmation of thereof
title obtained by actual fraud
5.The property has not yet passed to an
need not be oppositor to registration
2. innocent purchaser for value
proceeding or an original claimant
(a.) One who buys the property
aim of law is to give aggrieved
(a.) without notice that some other
parties opportunity person has right to or interest in
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such property and pays a full and i. Action brought by

fair price for the same registered owners or their
E. Other grounds for review of decree
ii. Co-heir who succeeds in
By reason of fatal infirmity in the
obtaining CT deemed to hold
decision for want of due process
land in trust for co-heirs
2. Lack of JD of the court
iii. Plaintiff in action is in
5. Action for reconveyance possession of land (in effect ac
action to quiet title)
A. Nature
3. Express trust
action to reconvey to him whatever
he has been deprived of as long as the (a.) Not barred by prescription
property has not been transferred or
(b.) Action cannot prosper if
conveyed to an innocent purchaser for
property had been conveyed to 3rd
persons for value and who claimed
2.Seeks to reconvey land from the adverse title for themselves
registered owner to the “rightful
4. Void Contract
owner” – does not aim to reopen
registration but only to show that the (a.) Not barred by prescription
person who secured registration is not
(b.) Action cannot prosper if
the real owner
property had been conveyed to 3rd
B. Statutory basis persons for value
1.§96 “nothing in this Decree shall be 6. Action for damages
construed to deprive the plaintiff of any
A. When: after 1 year from date of the
right of action which he may have
decree and if reconveyance is not possible
against any person for such loss or
(because already with innocent purchaser
damage or deprivation without joining
for value)
the National Treasurer as party
defendant” B. Against: Persons responsible for the
fraud or instrumental in depriving him of
C. When to file; Form
the property
1.When: may be filed even before
C.Prescribes in 10 years from issuance of
issuance of decree
Torrens title
Form: Ordinary Civil suit (complaint or
7. Action for Compensation from Assurance Fund
A. Reqts
D. Grounds for reconveyance
Aggrieved party sustained loss or
1.Fraud – file within 4 years from
damage, or is deprived of land or any
discovery (deemed to have taken place
estate or interest therein in
from issuance of OCT)
2. Loss, damage deprivation
2. Implied or constructive tryst
(a.) Was occasioned by the
Prescription and laches are
bringing of the land under the
defenses to an action for
operation of the Torrens system
reconveyance. –Implied Trust
prescribes in 10 years from date (b.) Arose after original
adverse title to the property is registration of land
asserted by the possessor thereof
3. Such loss etc due to
When reconveyance does not
(a.) fraud or
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(b.) error, omission, mistake or 2. Earlier in date must prevail

misdescription in any certificate of
(a.) Except if procured thru fraud
title or in any entry or
or otherwise JD’ly fraud
memorandum in the registration
book, B. Suits involving non-registrable property
4. No negligence on his part 1.Action cannot be barred by prior
judgment of the land registration court
5. He is barred or otherwise precluded
since said court has ho JD over the
under the provision of any law from
subject matter
bringing an action for the recovery of
such land or the estate or interest C. Cancellation for other causes. Ex:
1.CT issued pursuant to judgment not
6. Action has not prescribed final
B. Prescriptive period to file action 2.Issued to person who did not apply
for registration
1. Within 6 years from the time the right
to bring such action first occurred 9. Quieting of title
2.Date of deprivation=date of issue of A. When proper; Nature(NCC Art 476)
1. When:
3. If ground is error, omission etc – start
(a.) Whenever there is a cloud on
from date of such entry or
title to real property or any interest
therein, by reason of any
C. Against whom filed instrument, record, claim,
encumbrance or proceeding which
1.If thru fraud, negligence etc of court
is apparently valid or effective but
personal, RD or employees – File
is in truth and in fact invalid,
against RD and National Treasurer
ineffective, voidable, or
2. if attributable to persons other then unenforceable, and may be
them – RD, National Treasurer, and the prejudicial to said title
other person/s
(b.) to prevent a cloud from being
D. Satisfaction of judgment cast upon title to real property or
any interest therein
1. Amount- cannot be more than fair
market value of the land at the time 2. Nature
the aggrieved party suffered loss,
(a.) Ordinary civil remedy
damage, deprivation
(b.) Quasi in rem
2. Execute first against private
defendant; if unsatisfied, National B. Form of cloud on title
Treasurer must pay out of Assurance
1.Action by party asserting his own title
Fund (Govt subrogated to rights of
to property covered and asking that
plaintiff against private defendant)
other title (issued in name of another
8. Cancellation suits person) be declared void
A. Suits involving double title 2.Claim on property based on
ineffective Spanish title, or tax
1. When one is superior to other, cancel
declarations and realty payments, or
the inferior
documents purporting to indicate that
(a.) Person with inferior title the claim was inherited by him
cannot transmit even to innocent
C. Who may file action
purchaser for value because he has
nothing to transmit 1. Registered owner
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2.Person who as equitable right or Kinds of publics land patents; to whom

interest in the property granted
D. action imprescriptible 1. Homestead patent
10. Criminal action (a.) Who: To any citizen of Phil
over 18 years of age or head of the
A. Perjury- for obtaining registration thru
false assertions
(b.) Does not own more than 12
ha. of land in the Phil; not had
Chapter XII Land Patents benefit of any gratuitous allotment
of more than 24 ha since US
1. Public Land Patents; requisite registration
- Whenever public land is by the
(c.) Resided continuously for at
Government alienated, granted or
least 1 year in municipality where
conveyed to any person, the same shall
land located
be brought forthwith under the
operation of this Decree. (d.) Cultivated at lease 1/5 of the
- It shall be the duty of the official
issuing the instrument of alienation, 2. Free Patent
grant, patent or conveyance in behalf of
(a.) Who: –same-
the Government to cause such
instrument to be filed with the Register (b.) at least 20 years prior to
of Deeds of the province or city where effectivity of ct has continuously
the land lies, and to be there registered occupied, cultivated said land
like other deeds and conveyance,
(c.) Paid real estate taxes thereon
whereupon a certificate of title shall be
entered as in other cases of registered (d.) Free patent shall not exceed
land, and an owner's duplicate issued to 12 ha
the grantee.
3. Sales patent
- The deed, grant, patent or instrument of
(a.) Public agricultural lands
conveyance from the Government to the
grantee shall not take effect as a i. Who–same-
conveyance or bind the land but shall
ii. on public agricultural land,
operate only as a contract between the
not more than 12 ha
Government and the grantee and as
evidence of authority to the Register of iii. Land is sold at public
Deeds to make registration. auction to highest bidder
- It is the act of registration that shall be iv. Required to have at least
the operative act to affect and convey 1/5 of the land broken and
the land, and in all cases under this cultivated within 5 hears from
Decree, registration shall be made in the the award
office of the Register of Deeds of the
v. Patent issued after full
province or city where the land lies.
payment, establish actual
- The fees for registration shall be paid by occupancy and improvement
the grantee.
(b.) agricultural lands for resl,
- After due registration and issuance of coml. Or indl purposes
the certificate of title, such land shall be
i. same (a) to (c)
deemed to be registered land to all
intents and purposes under this Decree. ii. must have completed
construction of permanent
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improvements appropriate for same within 5 yrs fro date of

land’s purpose within 18 mos conveyance
fro date of award
2.Right exists even if not stipulated in
Special Rule for residential lot
(c.) deed
not more than 1000 sqm
3. 5-yr period starts from date of
i. No need for public bidding execution of deed of sale, even if full
payment of purchase price is not made
ii. Must actually reside
on said date (unless stipulated
4. Special patents
E. Other restrictions
(a.) To non-Christian Filipinos
1. §120 Public Land Act – conveyance of
B. Registration of Patent non-Christian tribes may be made only
if person conveying can read and
1.Mandatory. Conveyance effective only
understand the language of the
upon such registration- makes it
instrument or deed
2. §121- private corp, assn, pship
2. Effect: Affect 3rd parties
allowed to lease land covered by patent
2. Restrictions on alienations/encumbrance of solely for comml, indl,educl, religious or
lands titled pursuant to patents; right to charitable purpose
3.§122 disposal restricted to those
A. Free/Homestead qualified to acquire lands of the public
1.Alienation/encumbrance prohibited
(except in favor of the Govt) for 5 years 4. § 2 RA 730 (sale without public
from and after the date of issuance of auction of public lands of the republic
the patent or grant of the Philippines for residential
purposes to qualified applicants under
Owner-vendor, widow, legal heirs
certain conditions).
have right to repurchase the same
within 5 yrs fro date of conveyance (a.) shall not be subject to
encumbrance or alienation before
B. Homestead
the patent is issued and for a term
Prohibited after 5 yrs and before 25
1. of ten years from the date of the
years after issuance of title without the issuance of such patent,
approval of the Sec. of DENR
(b.) nor shall they become liable to
*deemed issued upon promulgation of the satisfaction of any debt
the order for issuance thereof by the contracted prior to the expiration of
Director of Lands said period.
* cannot be circumvented by (c.) No transfer or alienation made
stipulating that actual conveyance is to after the said period of ten years
be made only after the 5-yr. period and within fifteen years from the
issuance of such patent except
C.Reason for prohibition – to preserve and
those made by virtue of the right of
keep in the family of the public land
succession shall be valid unless
grantee that portion gratuitously given to
when duly authorized by the
Secretary of DENR and the
D. Right to repurchase or redeem transferee or vendee is a Filipino
1.Owner-vendor (if dead, his widow,
legal heirs) has right to repurchase the (d.) Every conveyance made shall
be subject to repurchase by the
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original purchaser or his legal heirs 4.Indefeasibility of title, prescription,

within a period of five years from laches and estoppel do not bar
the date of conveyance reversion suit – govt not affected by
F. Effect of violation of restrictions
B. Cancellation suits
nsfer is VOID from its execution -If land covered by patent was private
land, Director of Land has no JD over it
2. Grant/title/Patent/Permit is annulled
and title pursuant to patent is therefore
and cancelled and ENTIRE property
with improvements(even if only part is
sold) reverts to the State C. Action for reconveyance
3. Actions against improper, illegal issuance of Proper when patent and
patents corresponding CT were acquired in
breach of constructive or implied trust
A. Reversion suits – cancel CT and revere
land to state 4. Emancipation Patents
1. Grounds A. Conditions for issuance
(a.) Violations of Public Land Act- 1.Apply to tenant farmers of private
Reversion not automatic, Govt agricultural lands primarily devoted to
must take action rice and corn under a system of
sharecrop or lease-tenancy
(b.) When land patents and titled I
s not capable of registration 2.tenant farmer shall be deemed owner
of a portion constituting a family-size
(c.) Failure of grantee to comply
farm of five (5) hectares if not irrigated
with conditions imposed by law to
and three (3) hectares if irrigated;
entitle him to a patent or grant cost of the land, including
(d.) When area is an expanded
interest at the rate of six (6) per
centum per annum, shall be paid by the
i. Results when a tenant in fifteen (15) years of fifteen
subdivision/consolidation (15) equal annual amortizations;
survey embraces an area which
B. Restriction
is not within the area originally
applied for and titled in either 1.Title to land acquired pursuant to this
judicial or administrative Decree or the Land Reform Program of
proceeding the Government shall not be
transferable except by hereditary
(e.) When land is acquired
succession or to the Government in
violation of Consti
accordance with the provisions of this
i. Ex. by alien, private corp Decree, the Code of Agrarian Reforms
(Art XII §7 and 3) and other existing laws and
2. Who institutes action of reversion
C.Subsequent dealings on land covered by
(a.) Sol Gen
emancipation patent- will not be registered
(b.) SC in its equity JD resolved unless accompanied by an affidavit of the
the issue even if action instituted vendor or executor stating:
by private person where facts were
1. that the land involved is not
not disputed and area involved I
tenanted, or if tenanted, the same is
not primarily devoted to the production
3.Investigation by Director of Lands of rice and/or corn.
prior to institution
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2. the area (size) of the portion which is sufficient and proper basis for
tenanted and primarily devoted to rice reconstituting the lost or destroyed
and/or corn, and stating further that certificate of title.
the deed or instrument covers only the
2. For TCT
untenanted portion or that which is not
primarily devoted to the production of (a.) Same as (a) to (c)
rice and/or corn
(b.) The deed of transfer or other
Chapter XIII Reconstitution of Title; Other document, on file in the registry of
petitions/actions after original deeds, containing the description of
registration the property, or an authenticated
copy thereof, showing that its
1. Reconstitution of lost or destroyed original
original had been registered, and
copes of CT
pursuant to which the lost or
A.Meaning – restoration of the instrument destroyed transfer certificate of title
which is supposed to have been lost or was issued;
destroyed in its original for and condition
(c.) Same as (e) and (f)
1. Purpose – to have the same
rule on availment of “any other
document” deemed proper and
2. Nature- in rem sufficient –
3.Who may file – registered owner, (a.) must refer to similar
assignees, interested person; NOT RD documents previously enumerated
B. Sources for judicial reconstitution of title
(b.) must include plan and
1. For OCT
technical description of the
(a.) The owner's duplicate of the property duly approved by
certificate of title; Administrator of LRA
(b.) The co-owner's, mortgagee's, C. Contents of petition (mandatory and JD’l)
or lessee's duplicate of the
that the owner's duplicate of the
certificate of title;
certificate of title had been lost or
(c.) A certified copy of the destroyed;
certificate of title, previously issued
2. that no co-owner's mortgagee's or
by the register of deeds or by a
lessee's duplicate had been issued, or,
legal custodian thereof;
if any had been issued, the same had
(d.) An authenticated copy of the been lost or destroyed;
decree of registration or patent, as
3.the location, area and boundaries of
the case may be, pursuant to which
the property;
the original certificate of title was
issued; 4.the nature and description of the
buildings or improvements, if any,
(e.) A document, on file in the
which do not belong to the owner of
registry of deeds, by which the
the land, and the names and addresses
property, the description of which
of the owners of such buildings or
is given in said document, is
mortgaged, leased or encumbered,
or an authenticated copy of said 5.the names and addresses of the
document showing that its original occupants or persons in possession of
had been registered; and the property, of the owners of the
adjoining properties and all persons
(f.) Any other document which, in
who may have any interest in the
the judgment of the court, is
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6.a detailed description of the majeure as determined by the

encumbrances, if any, affecting the Administrator of the LRA:
property; and
- Provided, That the number of
7. a statement that no deeds or other certificates of titles lost or damaged
instruments affecting the property have should be at least 10%)of the total
been presented for registration, or, if number in the possession of the Office
there be any, the registration thereof of the Register of Deeds
has not been accomplished, as yet.
- : Provided, further, That in no case shall
*attach necessary documents the number of certificates of titles lost
or damaged be less than 500.
D. Publication of Notice, Posting and
sending – by Court, at expense of 1. Sources of admin’v reconstitution
petitioner (mandatory an JD’l)
(a.) Owners duplicate of the CT
1.twice in successive issues of the
(b.) Co-owner’s, mortgagee’s or
Official Gazette,
lessee’s duplicate of CT
2. posted on the main entrance of the
2. Verified Petition
provincial building and of the municipal
building of the municipality or city in (a.) Who: registered owner,
which the land is situated, at least assignees, interested person
thirty days prior to the date of hearing.
(b.) File with RD
3.cause a copy of the notice to be sent,
3.Review of decision of reconstitution
by registered mail or otherwise to every
officer –
person named therein whose address is
known, at least thirty days prior to the (a.) Review by LRA Administrator.
date of hearing. - Any appeal shall be filed with 15
days from receipt of judgment
E. Duty of courts
(b.) Decision of Administrator
1. proceed with extreme caution
appealable by petition for review
2.Issue order of reconstitution only
4. Remedy of aggrieved party-
(a.) petition RTC to set aside
The petitioner is the
decision and to reopen proceedings
registered owner
(b.) ground FAME
(b.)CT was in force at time it was
lost or destroyed (c.) verified; filed within 60 days
after learning of decision but not
(c.) Evidence presented I sufficient
more than 6 mos from
3. Finality of order-. No order or promulgation
judgment ordering the reconstitution of
2. Amendment and alteration of certificate of tile
a certificate of title shall become final
until the lapse of 15 days from receipt A. Who:
by the Register of Deeds and by the
registered owner of other person
Administrator of the LRA without any
having an interest in registered
appeal having been filed by any of such
or, in proper cases, the Register of
F. Administrative reconstitution
Deeds with the approval of the LRA
- may be availed of only in case of Adm’r
substantial loss or destruction of land
B. Grounds
titles due to fire, flood or other force
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1. the registered interests of any involuntary instrument (ex attachment

description, whether vested, or sale on execution) which divests the
contingent, expectant or inchoate title of the registered owner against his
appearing on the certificate, have consent or
terminated and ceased; or
where a voluntary instrument (ex.
2.that new interest not appearing upon Conveyance, mortgage, lease) cannot
the certificate have arisen or been be registered by reason of the refusal
created; or failure of the holder to surrender the
owner's duplicate certificate of title,
or that an omission or error was
made in entering a certificate or any 3.Where owner’s duplicate certificate is
memorandum thereon, or, on any not presented for amendment or
duplicate certificate; alteration pursuant to court order
or that the same or any person on the
4. B. Actions by the court (after hearing)
certificate has been changed;
1.order the registered owner or any
5.or that the registered owner has person withholding the duplicate
married, or, if registered as married, certificate to surrender the same, and
that the marriage has been terminated direct the entry of a new certificate or
and no right or interests of heirs or memorandum upon such surrender
creditors will thereby be affected;
2.the court may order the annulment of
6.or that a corporation which owned the same as well as the issuance of a
registered land and has been dissolved new certificate of title in lieu thereof if
has not convened the same within the person withholding the duplicate
three years after its dissolution; certificate is not amenable to the
process of the court, or if for any
7. or upon any other reasonable ground;
reason the outstanding owner's
C. Extent and limitations of court’s authority duplicate certificate cannot be
non-controversial issues and even
substantial issues 4. Replacement of lost duplicate of CT
2.BUT cannot reopen the judgment or A. due notice under oath shall be sent by
decree of registration; nor impair the the owner to the Register of Deeds of the
title or other interest of a purchaser province or city where the land lies as
holding a CT for value and in good faith soon as the loss or theft is discovered.
3. Court may only: B. the court may, after notice and due
hearing, direct the issuance of a new
(a.) order the entry or cancellation
duplicate certificate, which shall contain a
of a new certificate,
memorandum of the fact that it is issued
(b.) the entry or cancellation of a in place of the lost duplicate certificate,
memorandum upon a certificate, but shall in all respects be entitled to like
faith and credit as the original duplicate,
(c.) or grant any other relief upon
and shall thereafter be regarded as such
such terms and conditions,
for all purposes of this decree.
requiring security or bond if
necessary, as it may consider Chapter XIV Subsequent Registration
1. Scope of subsequent dealings with registered
3. Surrender of withheld duplicate CT land
A. Grounds - Voluntary dealings – deeds, instruments
or documents which are the results of
Where it is necessary to issue a new
the free and voluntary acts of the
certificate of title pursuant to any
parties thereto (ex. sales, conveyances,
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transfers of ownership, mortgages and owner’s duplicate certificate of title

leases, powers of attys, trusts) is not present
- Involuntary dealings- writ, order or *Primary Entry Book- where RD enters,
process issued by a court of record in the order of their reception, all
affecting registered land which by law instruments filed with him relating to
should be registered to be effective; not the registered land
willful acts of registered owner and
2. Voluntary Instruments
which may have been executed even
without his knowledge or against his A.Formal and procedural requisites for
consent (ex. attachment, injunction, registration in general
mandamus, sale on execution of
1.The instrument or document shall be
judgment or sale for taxes, adverse
in a form sufficient in law
claims, and notice of lis pendens)
(a.) Also §55- name, nationality
A. Necessity and effects of registration in
residence, civil status, if corp- how
qualified to acquire land
1. Except a will that purports to convey
The instrument or deeds shall be
or affect registered land, the mere
presented to the RD
execution of deeds of sale, mortgages,
leases, or other voluntary documents All copies of owner’s duplicate CT
serves only 2 purposes must also be presented.
As contract between the
(a.) (a.) The production of the owner's
parties thereto duplicate certificate, whenever any
voluntary instrument is presented
(b.) As evidence of authority to
for registration, shall be conclusive
the RD to register such documents
authority from the registered owner
- the documents by themselves do to the Register of Deeds
not effect a conveyance or
i. to enter a new certificate
encumbrance on the land
2. The act of registration in the RD shall
ii. to make a memorandum of
be the operative act to convey or affect
registration in accordance with
the land insofar as third persons are
such instrument,
(b.) and the new certificate or
3. The act of registration creates a
memorandum shall be binding
constructive notice to the whole world
upon the registered owner and
of such voluntary or involuntary
upon all persons claiming under
instrument or court writ or process
him, in favor of every purchaser for
B. Voluntary and involuntary registration value and in good faith.
B. Deeds of sale or conveyance and
1. Innocent purchaser for value of transfers
registered land becomes the registered
Registration when deeds cover entire
owner the moment
property; when only portion conveyed
(a.) Voluntary- he presents and
(a.) If entire- RD makes out in the
files a dulty notarized and valid
registration book a new CT;
deed of sale and the same is
owner’s duplicate furnished; orig
entered in the primary entry book
(and duplicates) shall be stamped
(b.) Involuntary- entry in said cancelled
book is sufficient notice even if the
(b.) If portion- §58
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Present to RD plan showing

i. (a.)Registered to bind 3rd persons.
portions or lots into which it IF not registered, valid between
has been divided (if plan not parties
yet approved, deed may only
(b.) Mortgaged foreclosed
be annotated)
judicially/(extra-judicially)- Court
ii. Upon approval of plan, file order confirming sale/(certificate of
with RD for annotation I the sale by officer who conducted the
corresponding CT or cancel CT sale) must be registered with RD
and new one issued describing
Governing laws and rules on
the remaining portion
mortgage and lease –
2.Effects of registration – it is operative
(a.) NCC Art 2085 to 2092 and
ct that transmits title, Absent
2124 to 2131
registration, conveyance does not
affect of bind the land (b.) Rule 68
Rule: Buyer is not required to go
3. (c.) Act 3135
beyond the CT
(d.) Lease NCC Art 1646
Exceptions: purchaser neglected to
Basic concepts and characteristics of
make inquiries to facts which should
put reasonable man on his guard
(a.) All-embracing - extends to
5.Double sale – land passes to vendee
natural accessions, fruits,
who first recorded in the RD in good
(b.) inseparable -from the thing
6.Forged document, or one procured by
mortgaged, regardless who
fraud  absolute nullity
possessor is
(a.) Registered owner will not lose
(c.) indivisible -cannot ask for
his title even if forged instrument is
proportionate extinguishments
accompanied by owner’s duplicate
4.Guiding principles on judicial
(b.)Exception(i.e., such document
foreclosure of mortgage
may be root of valid title): if the
certificate has already been (a.) After execution of real estate
transferred from the name of the mortgage, the mortgagor has
true owner to the name indicated equity of redemption- this subsists
by the forger or to the name of the after the sale and before it is
forge. In such case, innocent confirmed
purchaser for value had the right to
(b.) If judicial foreclosure in favor
rely on the correctness of the CT
of banking institution – mortgagor
(c.) Remedy of person prejudiced has right of redemption after the
by forged instrument judicial sale
i. Action for damages against (c.) Title vest only when the sale
the person who caused the has been validly confirmed.
(d.) There is Hearing on
ii. If (i) id indolent, action confirmation. Confirmation
against Treasurer for recovery retroacts to date of sale
against Assurance Fund
(e.) Rights of the mortgagor are
C. Mortgages and leases cut off by the sale upon
confirmation and with them the
1. Requisite registration and procedure
equity of redemption
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5.Principles related to extra-judicial vi. (6) In any other

foreclosure case where it may be fairly
inferred that the real intention
(a.) Mortgagor has right to redeem
of the parties is that the
property. This right may be
transaction shall secure the
transferred or assigned
payment of a debt or the
(b.) Right may be exercised within performance of any other
1 yr from the registration of the obligation.
sheriff’s certificate of foreclosure
D. Power of Attorney; Trusts
1. Registration of Power of Atty
During redemption period,
mortgagor may validly execute a (a.) §61 Any person may, by
mortgage contract over the same power of attorney, convey or
property in favor of a 3rd party otherwise deal with registered land
and the same shall be registered
(d.) Purchaser at foreclosure sale
with the Register of Deeds of the
is entitled to writ of possession
province or city where the land lies.
over property foreclosed even
Any instrument revoking such
before expiration of redemption
power of attorney shall be
registered in like manner
6. Equitable mortgage
(b.)Agent’s authority to sell land
(a.)one which although lacks or interest therein shall be in
formality prescribed by statute, writing
shows the intention of the parties
(c.) SPA necessary before agent
to charge a real property as
may enter into any contract by
security for a debt
which ownership of an immovable
(b.) Deemed equitable mortgage n is transmitted or acquired or lease
any of the ff cases NCC Art 1602 for more than 1 yr
i. (1) When the price 2. elements of express trust
of a sale with right to
(a.) Competent trustor and
repurchase is unusually
trustee, ascertainable trust res,
sufficiently certain beneficiaries
ii. (2) When the
(b.) How registered:
vendor remains in possession
as lessee or otherwise; i. Trust in registered land-the
particulars of the trust,
iii. (3) When upon or
condition, limitation or other
after the expiration of the right
equitable interest shall not be
to repurchase another
entered on the certificate; but
instrument extending the
only a memorandum thereof
period of redemption or
shall be entered by the words
granting a new period is
"in trust", or "upon condition",
or other apt words, and by a
iv. (4) When the reference by number to the
purchaser retains for himself a instrument authorizing or
part of the purchase price; creating the same
v. (5) When the ii. Trust with power to sell -
vendor binds himself to pay the such power shall be stated in
taxes on the thing sold; the certificate of title by the
words "with power to sell", or
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"power to mortgage", or by apt memorandum of the attachment or

words of description in case of other lien may be made thereon.
other powers
(c.) If the owner neglects or
3. Implied trusts- refuses to comply-RD shall report
the matter to the court. Court shall
(a.) Comes into being by operation
enter an order to the owner
of law
2. Effects of attachment
may be established by oral
evidence (a.) Levy creates alien which
nothing can destroy except by
(c.) Whoever claims an interest in
dissolution of the attachment
registered land by reason of any
implied or constructive trust shall (b.) Ripens into judgment against
file for registration with the the res when order of sale is made
Register of Deeds a sworn
(c.) Places the property on
statement thereof containing a
custodia legis
description of the land, the name
of the registered owner and a (d.) If attachment excessive-
reference to the number of the remedy is to apply to court of
certificate of title. Such claim shall reduction or partial discharge
not affect the title of a purchaser
B.Registration of sale of land on execution
for value and in good faith before
or for taxes or far nay assessment
its registration
1.any execution or copy of execution,
E.Tax-free exchange of land for shares of
officer's return, or any deed, demand,
certificate, or affidavit, or other
1. RD has JD over property exchanged instrument shall be filed with the RD
and registered in the registration book,
2.RD may cause registration of the
and a memorandum made upon the
document of exchange and issue TCT
proper CT in each case as lien or
to transferee corporation only upon
presentation of a Certificate Authorizing
Registration issued by BIR 2.Upon the expiration of the time, if
any, allowed by law for redemption, the
3.Annotate at back that the transfer is
purchaser at such sale or anyone
tax-free exchange
claiming under him may petition the
3. Involuntary dealings court for the entry of a new CT to him.
A. Attachment C. Adverse claim
1. Registration- May be registered as adverse claim
(a.) File and register with RD a
copy of said writ and the order or (a.) A claimant’s right or interest in
process of the court intended to registered land is adverse to the
create or preserve any lien, status, registered owner
or right
(b.) Such right or interest arose
If the duplicate certificate is
(b.) subsequent to the date of original
not presented at the time of registration
registration, the RD shall, within 36
(c.) No other provision is made in
hours, send notice by mail to the
the Decree for the registration of
registered owner, stating that such
such right or claim
paper has been registered, and
requesting him to send or produce
his duplicate certificate so that a
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2.Formal requisites (non-compliance i. After lapse of 30 days,

would render adverse claim non- upon filing by the party in
registrable and ineffective) interest of a verified petition for
such purpose
(a.) State the following in writing
ii. Before lapse, upon filing of
i. His alleged right or interest
claimant of sworn petition
ii. How and under whom withdrawing his adverse claim
such alleged right or interest is
iii. Before lapse, when parties
files petition in RTC for
iii. The description of the land cancellation of adverse claim
and such is granted
iv. CT number
D. Notice of lis pendens
Statement must be signed and
sworn to 1. Nature and purpose
(c.) Must state residence, and a (a.) An incident to an action
place at which all notices may be
(b.) Intended to constructively
served upon him.
advise or warn all people who delay
3. Purpose – with the property that such is
subject to he results of the action
(a.)to apprise 3rd persons that
there is controversy over ownership 2. When proper
of the land and thereby preserve
(a.)to recover possession of real
the right of the adverse claimant
estate, or
during pendency of the controversy
(b.) to quiet title thereto, or
Any transaction on the land is
subject to the outcome of the (c.) to remove clouds upon the
dispute title thereof, or
4. Examples (d.) for partition, or
(a.) Not adverse claim (e.) other proceedings of any kind
in court directly affecting the title
i. Expectant hereditary right
to land or the use or occupation
ii. Occurrences prior to thereof or the buildings thereon
original registration
Form and notice- memorandum or
Claim based on
iii. notice stating the institution of such
prescription when land already action or proceeding
in name of another
(a.) and the court wherein the
(b.) Adverse claim same is pending,
i. Voluntary instruments, (b.) date of the institution thereof,
when the owner refuses to
(c.) reference to the number of
surrender duplicate CT for
the CT, and
(d.) an adequate description of the
Interest based on lawyer’s
land affected and the registered
contingent fee
owner thereof
5. Period of effectivity-
-Entry in primary entry book is
30 days from date of
(a.) sufficient to constitute registration
registration of the notice
(b.) May be cancelled:
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o When annotated in OCT, must the matter by consulta within 5 days

be carried over in all from receipt of notice
subsequent CT
2.Make memo of pending consulta in
4. When it may be cancelled the CT. After final resolution, he may
motu prorio cancel the memo
(a.) Before final judgment, upon
order of the court: C.Interested party cannot compel
registration by Mandamus
i. When shown that the
notice is for the purpose of D.Resolution of LRA Administrator in
molesting the adverse party, or consulta shall be conclusive and binding
upon all RD
ii. that it is not necessary to
protect the rights of the party E.May appeal final resolution with CA (15
who caused it to be registered. days from notice)
iii. When evidence so far Chapter XV – Registration of Court
presented does not bear out Judgments and Orders and Related
main allegation of the Processes or Papers
1. Judgment/Order in action s involving
iv. When plaintiff responsible ownership of or affecting real estate
for unnecessarily delaying the
A. §. 78. Judgment for Plaintiff in any
determination of the case
action to recover possession or ownership
(b.) Upon verified petition of the of real estate or any interest therein
party who caused the registration affecting registered land judgment is
entered for the plaintiff, such judgment
(c.) After final judgment in favor
shall be entitled to registration on
of defendant or other disposition of
presentation of a certificate of the entry
action such as to terminate all
thereof from the clerk of court where the
rights of the plaintiff in the
action is pending to the RD who shall
property involved
enter a memorandum upon the certificate
4. Transfer of private land to natural-born citizen of title of the land to which such judgment
who lost Phil citizenship relates.
A. Who: Any natural-born citizen of the 1. If the judgment does not apply to all
Philippines who has lost his Philippine the land described in the certificate of
citizenship and who has the legal capacity title, the certificate of the clerk of the
to enter into a contract under Philippine court and the memorandum shall
laws contain a description of the land
affected by the judgment.
B. What: may be a transferee of a private
land up to a maximum area of 5000 sqm B. § 79. When in any action to recover the
(urban land) or 3 ha (rural) to be used by ownership of real estate or an interest
him as his residence. therein execution has been issued in favor
of the plaintiff, the latter shall be entitled
5. Consultas
to the entry of a new certificate of title and
A.When RD in doubt as to proper action to to the cancellation of the original
be taken on an instrument or deed, may certificate and owner's duplicate of the
submit the questions to the Administrator former registered owner.
of the LRA
1.If the registered owner neglects or
B. When a RD denies registration, he must: refuses within a reasonable time after
request of the plaintiff to produce his
duplicate certificate in order that the
Notify the interested party in writing
same may be cancelled, the court shall,
and advising him that he may elevate
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on application and after notice, enter 1.but the new certificate shall state that
an order to the owner to produce his it is entered to him as assignee in
certificate at the time and place insolvency or trustee in bankruptcy or
designated other proceedings, as the case may be.
C. § 80. Every court rendering judgment 4. Judgment in eminent domain
in favor of the plaintiff affecting registered
A. Must file for registration in RD a copy of
land shall order any parties before it to
the judgment in the eminent domain case
execute for registration any deed or
instrument necessary to give effect to the B. RD shall make memo of the right or
judgment, and shall require the registered interest taken on the R
owner to deliver his duplicate certificate to
5. Extra-judicial settlement of estate
the plaintiff or to the RD to be cancelled or
to have a memorandum annotated upon it. A.Public instrument or affidavit of self-
adjudication should be filed with RD. RD
1.In case the person required to
annotates the 2-yr lien mention in Rule 74
execute any deed or other instrument
necessary to give effect to the B.Upon expiration of the 2-yr period and
judgment is absent from the upon verified petition, RD shall cancel lien
Philippines, or is a minor, or insane, or
for any reason not amenable to the
6. Judgment, order and other papers related to
process of the court rendering the
registered land
judgment, said court may appoint a
suitable person as trustee to execute A. §87 Letter of administration, letters
such instrument which, when executed, testamentary/administration
shall be entitled to registration.
B.§91 Certified Copy of order directing
2. Judgment in partition executor/admr to take over and transfer to
devisees and heir
A.True copy of judgment certified by Clerk
of Court should be registered in the RD C.§92 Certified copy of partition and
B.Each owner of a potion is entitled to have
a certificate entered in his name and Chapter XVI Recording of Instruments
receive an owner’s duplicate Relating to Unregistered Land; Chattel
Mortgage; Condominium
C. Any person holding such CT shall have
right to petition court at any time to cancel 1. Instruments involving unregistered land
the memorandum relating to such
A.Voluntary/involuntary instruments
judgment or order
affecting unregistered land must also be
3. Notice and adjudication in Insolvency or registered
Bankruptcy proceedings
B. It is the registration that makes voluntary
A. it shall be the duty of the officer serving instruments binding even against 3rd
the notice of the institution of such persons
proceedings on the debtor to file a copy
C.Party to such instrument may, when
thereof with the office of the RD
proper, resort to consulta
B. The assignee or trustee appointed by the
2. Chattel mortgage
court in such proceedings shall be entitled
to the entry of a new certificate of the A.Registered in RD where mortgagor
registered land of the debtor or bankrupt, resides and where property is situated or
upon presenting and filing a certified copy ordinarily kept
of the assignment in insolvency or order or
IF motor vehicle, registered with
adjudication in bankruptcy with the
Motor Vehicle Office also
insolvent's or bankrupt's duplicate
certificate of title;
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B. Mortgagee has right to its possession for /mpl/

the purpose of selling at public auction
1. should not be against will of debtor
2. Cannot recover deficiency
3. Condominium
A.Defined- an interest in real property
consisting of separate interest in a unit in
a residential, industrial or commercial
building and an undivided interest in
common, directly or indirectly, in the land
on which it is located and in other
common areas of the building.
1.may include, in addition, a separate
interest in other portions of such real
2.Title to the common areas, including
the land, or the appurtenant interests
in such areas, may be held by a
corporation specially formed for the
purpose (hereinafter known as the
"condominium corporation") in which
the holders of separate interest shall
automatically be members or
shareholders, to the exclusion of
others, in proportion to the
appurtenant interest of their respective
units in the common areas.
The real right in condominium may be
ownership or any other interest in real
property recognized by law, on
property in the Civil Code and other
pertinent laws.
B.Requisite registration- must register with
RD the ff
1. Enabling or master deed
Declarations of restriction relating to
such project- annotated on CT
Instrument conveying a
condominium- “condominium owner’s
4.Notice of assessment upon any
condominium made in accordance with
a duly registered declaration of
5.Court decree directing reorganization
of the project

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